The Friendship Initiative

by Jatheus

First published

In the aftermath of a devastating war, former enemies try to coexist while dealing with the demons of the past. A bold plan pairs warriors from opposite sides together in hopes of creating unity before a healing Equestria tears itself apart.

The Great Timberwolf War ended with an armistice, leaving Equestria a ravaged and scarred land. Rising from the ashes of the conflict, former adversaries strove to rebuild together in a new bond of peace.

In order to secure a lasting future for both ponies and changelings alike, Princess Twilight Sparkle enlisted one of her trusted subjects with a daring task: to take an old enemy under her wing and if possible, befriend him.

This assignment, potentially the first of many similar arrangements, promised to set the stage for all prisoners of war to be released and usher in a time of healing. The directive, widely criticized as being nothing more than an impossible dream, became commonly known as The Friendship Initiative.


The Sex tag is for flirting, innuendo, and discussion of species specific mating practices. The violence is fairly tame, but some characters spar frequently and there is an incident of domestic/family violence. There is also some use of alcohol.


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Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria...

The sun burned brightly overhead, punishing everyone below with its scorching heat. The changeling, Ash Eater, coughed on the cloud of dust that was kicked up as his Shock Force, over half a million timberwolves and tens of thousands of changeling warriors, marched north toward Ponyville. The latest reports from their scouts indicated that the ponies dwindling contingent, their ‘Assault Corps’, was setting up defensive lines to slow the advance. After the defeat they had suffered at Apple Loosa, the ponies were not likely to be baited into holding any position long-term again.

Driving toward the nearest city would force a confrontation where the ponies were hopelessly outnumbered. Estimates put their fighting strength at less than thirty-thousand. Granted, each pony was worth five timberwolves or better, but their strength was waning and their supplies were cut off. Now was the time to press them.

The last scout had brought some interesting news along with an order from command. Ash Eater was directed to offer a chance for the Assault Corps to surrender. He had for a moment thought they might, considering how the war had been going, but then the scouts relayed information on the new commander of the retreating foe.

They identified an orange pegasus with a magenta mane and no cutie mark. Ash Eater couldn’t help but be filled with glee when he’d heard. His first big assignment had been to go undercover in a pony scouting squad that penetrated the Everfree Forest and discovered how the timberwolves had been multiplying. Taking on the form of a cadet by the name of Nitro, he had made it onto the squad and led them into an ambush.

That battle had gone badly for Ash Eater. He felt himself growl at the memory of that large pegasus stomping his face into the ground and sheering his horn in two, crippling him and taking his ability to transform. He’d been tracking down the surviving members of that squad ever since. The chance to get at Scootaloo directly and talk to her was too much to ignore. With a little luck, he might even be able to bait her into making a mistake. One thing of which he was certain, she would never surrender.

The horde of timberwolves came to a halt. As the dust cleared, Ash Eater could make out what appeared to be freshly dug earthen breastworks blocking their path about five-hundred yards ahead. He nodded to his second in command and strode forward alone, prepared to offer the terms that he’d been ordered to give.

Though vastly superior, his own force was not in perfect shape. They were all tired, and the changelings among them had varying degrees of wounds and hunger becoming evident. The loss of much of their medical talent during the pony raids had hurt them even more than losing two different commanders. Ash Eater felt himself grin at the changes in fortune that promoted him to leading the largest force in play in the entire war.

He spotted movement on top of the breastworks as he continued across the open patch of dirt. Even at this distance, he was certain that it was indeed Scootaloo scrambling down into their ditch and crossing the field to meet with him. He would have to choose his words carefully. His best chance was to make her angry. He shifted, feeling the weight of the stolen pony crossbow on his back. It comforted him to know it was within reach.

She approached at a medium pace, the desolate field seeming much larger with just the two of them in the center of it. She seemed tired, but her expression quickly hardened to one of resolve. He stopped and waited for her, putting a slight smirk on his face. Her eyes darted up to his broken, and now sharpened, horn. It may have been useless for magic, but it made for an excellent shiv.

Ash Eater put on a cordial demeanor, "Scootaloo, we finally meet again.”

"Hello, Ash Eater," she replied evenly.

"You remember me," he grinned, "I’m touched."

"How could I forget," she said; it wasn’t a question.

Pleasantries seemed his best bet to throw her off, but he had to start with business, "My superiors commanded me to offer you a chance to surrender.”

"Did they," she said flatly.

"I told them it wouldn’t happen. I know you too well, Scootaloo. You will fight to the very last ounce of your strength."

He hoped to confuse her with compliments and put her off-guard.

"If you knew I wouldn’t accept, why did you come out here?"

She hadn’t taken the bait yet.

"You know how it is, orders...” he tried to be coy. “But also, I also wanted the chance to thank you.”

She snorted, "For what?"

"When we first met, I was nobody special. After our defeat at Ponyville, I was lucky to survive my own people, let alone yours. It was a bit of a low point. After that, things began turning up for me."

"You don’t say."

"As fate would have it, I was reassigned to an attack on Las Pegasus to capture a secret food supply," he continued. "I was in the right place at the right time to discover that there was no grain store. I saved our queen that day from a trap that had been set for her.”

“Fine work, I guess. You know we caught her, right?”

She had engaged, that was a good start. Just a little bit more before he could begin in earnest. Ponies may have been inferior life forms, but they were not stupid.

“A bold plan of hers that went south, but she felt it worth the risk. I have been promoted through the ranks since Las Pegasus. Did you know, we even helped foster that little coup that nearly dethroned Shining Armor?"

"I’m shocked," she replied with no emotion.

"It wasn’t our idea, mind you. But when we found out about it, we did everything we could to move it along. You and your friends seem to have outmaneuvered us on that one."

"If it makes you feel any better, I had no idea that you were involved," she retorted sarcastically.

It was beginning to work.

He put a hoof up, "Only in the smallest way. It was mostly an internal pony matter. Had our information been better, we’d have launched our own attack in the confusion, but it only takes a moment of hesitation to miss an opportunity.”

Scootaloo sighed, gritting her teeth. That meant she was becoming irritated. He had to pull her in just a little bit more to get under her defenses.

"Did you know that I saw you at Dodge Junction?" Ash Eater asked. "You remember that night, I’m sure. You commanded the flanking maneuver, quite successfully I might add. If it had been up to me, I would have killed you then and there, but the retreat was ordered before I got the chance."

"What a shame," she said dryly.

"Yes, well, you can’t win every battle, I suppose," he continued being coy. "I was second in command of this force after one of your little raids took out our leader. Then the fool that followed you into Ghastly Gorge was killed by that avalanche. Thank you for that. I wouldn’t have risen to command without your help.”

Scootaloo rolled her eyes, but didn’t otherwise reply. In truth, the avalanche had been costly. They’d lost nearly a quarter of their changelings in that little faux pas, and several thousand timberwolves as well. The breastworks was just the ponies’ latest countermeasure to slow the advancing horde. Ash Eater would not underestimate them as had his predecessors.

It was time to make a jab. She would be vulnerable where her friends were concerned.

“Did you know, I was the one that planned our counterattack at Apple Loosa that cut your force down," a fiery grin shot across his face. "I spent enough time among you that I know how ponies think. I gave you victories you couldn’t ignore to keep you there while we dug under your lines and prepared. Just another step towards my ultimate goal. I’ve been working hard to find you all again, the ones that escaped. I think only three remain."

Scootaloo’s expression became even more stoic than before and when she spoke, it was with an icy chill in her voice.

"Choose your words carefully, changeling."

A spark of exhilaration bolted though Ash Eater. He had struck a nerve. Just a little bit more and he could get her to do something stupid. Not only that, but he had an outflanking run that was moving far around to the ponies’ right. If he could buy enough time, he could get them cut off from behind. There was a hint of uncertainty in Scootaloo’s eyes. He had to press this advantage.

"So, here we are. Each of us on our own side, coming from nothing. Now we have worked our way to leadership in the forefront of the largest forces in play. We are deciding the future, though, we both have suffered our losses along the way. I can’t shape-shift because of the injuries you ponies gave me. As for you... Nimba, Regal Masquerade, Pibs, Princess Twilight, Nitro," Ash Eater recited the names of the dead glibly. "Lightning Dasher only has to die, what, two more times? I know Cloud Blazer still lives... more or less. And let’s not forget my favorite recent death: our friend, Sparklefly."

Scootaloo quivered, her body tensing as if prepared to strike. Ash Eater was ready. If she struck high, he would come up and impale her on his horn. Almost any other move could be countered with the crossbow. He continued speaking; it was time to play his trump card. He only hoped that Scootaloo’s closest friend had confided in her.

“I doubt if she told you what happened in that cave under Canterlot. She didn’t want to cooperate. She even lied to me at first,” he tsk’d. “Every pony has their breaking point, I suppose. Did you know, she’s the only mare I’ve ever been with? My only regret is that she doesn’t live to cherish the memory as I do.”

In truth, he didn’t exactly enjoy torturing other creatures. It was a means to an end, but in the case of ponies, he wouldn’t lose any sleep over it.

The rage in Scootaloo’s eyes was burning white hot now, but she didn’t act. She stood, fuming, trying to maintain control. Her body was pressed tight like a spring, ready to explode into action. Her eyes darted to the crossbow on his back. Likely she had enough sense to know that she would have to move quickly if she chose to strike. As much as Ash Eater would have loved to kill her for the attempt, he doubted he’d make it back to his own lines if it went that way. The real hope was for a gross tactical error in the coming battle.

Ash Eater chose silence to let his last words really sink in. He stared directly through her, waiting for a response.

"I don’t hate you,” she blurted out rather suddenly.

Now the changeling felt confused, "What?"

"I don’t hate you. I don’t even hate your people, or the timberwolves," she said uncertainly. "I hate what you’ve done to Equestria, and that my friends have died trying to stop you."

He was losing her. He had to hit the exposed nerve harder.

"I’m glad they're dead," he hissed at her. "I enjoyed killing them."

The battle being fought inside Scootaloo was evident in her eyes. She wanted to kill Ash Eater, but something was holding her back.

"I know you did, but I...” she paused, seeming unsure what she actually meant to say.

"You what?" he sneered.

Scootaloo blinked and said, "I forgive you."

The moment the words left her lips, it was as though a rage burned hot inside the changeling. How dare she presume to think that a changeling would ever need or want a pony’s forgiveness. The gall of such a notion was insulting. Ash Eater stepped forward, coming nose to nose with Scootaloo.

"Then you’re a fool, and I will kill you too," he spat.

He realized in that moment that she had managed to get under his carapace the way he’d intended to get under hers. Even though he was close enough for her to strike if she had tried, the vengeful fire had gone.

Scootaloo quietly answered, "It’s a small matter if I live or die, and you alone are responsible for your actions. If we meet on the battlefield, I will do what I must."

He recognized Sparklefly’s words, ‘it’s a small matter’. He let out a noise in frustration that was something between a grunt and a growl before turning his back to the pegasus and walking away. He had to calm down to ensure he didn’t make any mistakes, but he was annoyed that he had failed to accomplish what he’d set out to do.

It didn’t matter. What was important was that the ponies would soon be subjugated like the lower life-forms that they were. Ash Eater was in command of the largest force in the war. If he had to flatten every city from Las Pegasus to Manehattan, that’s exactly what he would do. First he would plough through the ragtag remains of the Assault Corps, and then he would crush Ponyville.

He gave the signal for the timberwolves to charge and the battle to begin.


After the destruction of Cloudsdale by freezing the entire city and dropping it as a hailstorm to annihilate the changelings’ Shock Force, the pony princesses returned and began negotiations with Chrysalis, the changeling Queen.

The Great Timberwolf War ended with an armistice, leaving Equestria a ravaged and scarred land. Rising from the ashes of the conflict, former adversaries strove to rebuild together in a new bond of peace.

In order to secure a lasting future for both ponies and changelings alike, Princess Twilight Sparkle enlisted one of her trusted subjects with a daring task: to take an old enemy under her wing and if possible, befriend him.

This assignment, potentially the first of many similar arrangements, promised to set the stage for all prisoners of war to be released and usher in a time of healing. The directive, widely criticized as being nothing more than an impossible dream, became commonly known as The Friendship Initiative.


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Scootaloo took a deep breath, the hot summer air stifling her within and without. Alongside her stood a tight group of royalty and guards, most notably Princess Twilight Sparkle and Queen Chrysalis. Each had a bit of sweat forming on their brows, but the guards must have had the worst of it, clad as they were in arming pads and plate steel.

Outside the ring of heavily armed guards were members of the media packed together in a bit of a circus. There were hundreds of them with cameras and note pads at the ready, sure to not miss a single detail. Scootaloo mused that they secretly hoped for some outburst of violence or changeling insurrection to erupt in what were planned to be peaceful proceedings.

Not that all papers and reporters put out such gloom and doom, but the pegasus had seen so much of it in the months since the armistice was declared that she had found herself much happier after taking a break from reading the news.

Scootaloo scratched her sweat-soaked neck, wishing that somepony had thought to order cloud cover for the occasion. She resigned herself to exercising patience.

The keen instincts of the reporters and their sudden perking up made Scootaloo’s focus shift to the iron gate that lay ahead. One of many hastily constructed prisons across Equestria to house changeling prisoners of war, the camp at Dodge Junction was unremarkable. The facility was little more than a fenced dormitory, with the exception of hundreds of guards to keep the residents contained. They were EUP soldiers who had been so assigned until they were no longer needed, a day that promised to be just over the horizon.

Scootaloo felt herself stand a little straighter as a lone guard escorted a single changeling toward the royal party. As the pair reached them, they halted. Princess Twilight spoke first.

“Thank you for taking care of of this brave warrior. You are free to return to your other guests.”

The guard nodded, returning the way he’d come. Scootaloo didn’t miss the overly polite language the princess had used. ‘Prisoner’ would be far more accurate than ‘guest’, but if everything went well, they would all be released before long.

Queen Chrysalis stood tall and addressed her kin, “Brave warrior, my blood, Ash Eater, I welcome you.”

The haggard changeling bowed low, not losing his balance despite his missing hind right leg. The red dog tag he wore dangled from his neck; it served to identify at a glance that he was a former soldier and not permitted to be without an escort.

“I live to serve, my Queen. You need only command me.”

“I have made a peace with the ponies,” Chrysalis continued evenly. “It is my will that nothing jeopardize that peace.”

A look of horror widened Ash Eater’s eyes.

“We are not defeated. I have made this decision for the good of the hive.”

Reporters scribbled down her words at a fevered pace. Scootaloo was certain that the bit about being undefeated would no doubt lead the front page.

“You will respect the pony princesses and obey them as you would obey me. The business of the war is to be forgotten, and you are to be set free.” Gesturing at Scootaloo, she continued, “You will go with this pony, follow her, study her, learn their ways.”

“Yes, my Queen,” Ash Eater spoke through gritted teeth.

His expression became harder after he’d locked eyes with Scootaloo, and his general disposition seemed to grow more foul by the moment.

“You, in turn, will teach her ours. You will at all times wear your identification, you will instigate no violence against the ponies, and you will not use your powers to change your form without orders from me.”

“I understand and obey, my Queen.”

“Depart, my faithful servant.”

Ash Eater made a low bow to Chrysalis, and then a second to Twilight Sparkle. He then turned to Scootaloo, a fire of hatred in his eyes. She felt herself swallow a lump that had formed in her throat as she turned and the guards escorted them away from the prison and the reporters.

She was sure she’d seen a pain fill Ash Eater‘s face for a moment when Chrysalis mentioned shape shifting. During his first battle with a squad Scootaloo was part of, his horn had been broken, crippling his magical abilities.

Questions began bombarding them from the news makers, but Princess Twilight had previously coached Scootaloo to ignore them. She and Chrysalis stayed behind and answered while the others made their escape.

The party drew stares from several of the townsponies who were unaccustomed to seeing changelings walking freely, the armed escort notwithstanding. As planned, they made their way to the saloon where a room had been prepared. Most of the guards waited outside, and the final two didn’t enter the room.

Finding herself alone with Ash Eater for the first time, Scootaloo couldn’t help but feel nervous. She supposed that was only natural, as they had on so many occasions tried to kill each other. The two stared for a time, lavender eyes locked with blue. So far as she could tell, he was not nervous at all. He seemed to be seething with anger directed at the pegasus.

“Are you thirsty or hungry?” she broke the silence. “I can have something brought up.”

“No,” he made a low growl.

He continued to stand rigidly, almost in a combat stance. Scootaloo could feel the hair on the nape of her neck standing on end. She wanted to diffuse the tension, though she doubted it would be easy.

A knock at the door distracted them both, and Scootaloo called out, “Come in.”

A guard entered, followed by Princess Twilight Sparkle and Queen Chrysalis. The orange pegasus sighed with relief.

“Sorry to have left you two alone like that.”

Scootaloo let out a nervous laugh.

Ash Eater bowed low, “My Princess, and my Queen.”

“Rise,” Chrysalis answered.

“I’m sorry we didn’t have a chance to better prepare you for today,” the alicorn added. “We’ve just been so busy.”

“I’ll survive,” Ash Eater replied with forced calm.

Twilight Sparkle frowned.

“Indeed you shall,” Chrysalis answered. “For the sake of all our people, it is my will that you thrive, if you are able.”

The changeling queen stared a moment at her subject, “They have assured me that we will continue the process of releasing the others until they are all free, but any trouble from us could slow the process.”

“I understand, my Queen.”

“Hopefully it won’t come to that,” Twilight said cheerfully. “Not that there won’t be some bumps along the way; there always are in cultural exchanges.”

Scootaloo felt herself smile as she remembered a hoof-full of incidents that had popped up between their griffin and zebra allies during the war that had simply been misunderstandings.

Ash Eater seemed steadfast as he replied again, “If there is any trouble, it will not be me that starts it. This I swear.”

Chrysalis nodded, “Very well.”

Scootaloo couldn’t help but admire the devotion Ash Eater showed to his monarch. She wondered whether her loyalty would appear as overt were their places reversed.

“We’d best get going,” Twilight said. “We’ve got to get back to Canterlot. In a few weeks, after the press has died down a little, we can really get to work releasing the rest of the changelings as planned.” She regarded Scootaloo for a moment, “Try and keep a low profile if you can.”

“Absolutely,” the orange pegasus agreed. “The last thing any of us need is a bunch of attention.”

Given the circumstances, Scootaloo had serious misgivings that she actually would be able to keep that promise.


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‘My most venerable Queen, I have made the journey to Ponyville on my new assignment to learn from Scootaloo as per your command. The way the ponies look at me, it seems as if we are most hated and unwelcome among them. I will hold my head high, a proud standard bearer of our hive. I know that we have laid down arms in favor of peace and equality, but I sense that it would take little provocation to start the fighting again. To honor your directive, I shall give them no such satisfaction. The least of your servants, Ash Eater.’

The changeling followed his pegasus overseer through the streets of Ponyville. Signs of fresh construction were as ubiquitous as the harsh and fearful stares that greeted him from the townsponies. Even without his magic to sense their emotions, the fear was palpable.

‘Be afraid,’ Ash Eater thought to himself. ‘When my Queen chooses to give the order, we will be done with this charade of peace, and I will kill you all.’

The insipid cheerfully-colored pegasus glanced back at her captive, “It’s about time we grab something to eat. With the crop shortage there aren’t a lot of options. Do you like hay burgers?”

“No,” he seethed back at her.

“Oh,” she frowned, “well, I can try to find something else that would be more to your liking.”

He returned a harsh glare, but made no other reply. If she was stupid enough to think he wanted to be led around and fed like some kind of pet, then she was dumber than she looked. Truthfully, he had never tried hay burgers.

Scootaloo sighed, “Okay... I guess hay burgers it is.”

The pair continued walking, the changeling following a few paces behind. They arrived at the bustling restaurant, a revolting brightly decorated locale that the ponies seemed to enjoy.

Scootaloo went to place the order. No sooner had she completed paying than a white unicorn came up from behind and grabbed her in a hug. Ash Eater was certain he saw Scootaloo tense for a moment as though she were ready to defend herself.

“Welcome back!” Sweetie Belle sang.

“Hey!” Scootaloo returned the embrace, all sign of combative stance melting away.

“I’ve got a table if you want to join us.”

“Yeah, I’d like that.”

With a slight shiver, Sweetie Belle noticed Ash Eater.

“So, um, is this...” the unicorn hesitated.

“Sweetie Belle, this is Ash Eater. He’s going to be hanging around with me for a while.”

The unicorn swallowed and made a nervous smile, “It’s nice to finally meet you.”

“I doubt that,” he snorted back at her.

Just then, the restaurant manager approached, a yellow stallion with a brown mane and eyes. He directed his low comments at Scootaloo.

“Excuse me, we are working on your order, but I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t mind waiting outside.”

The pegasus looked confused, but Ash Eater had noticed the brief but fearful look he’d received. He bristled against it, standing as tall and imposing as he was able.

The manager continued, “You see, you are upsetting the other guests.”

Scootaloo’s brow furrowed as the stallion gave another glance at Ash Eater. The mare looked back at her captive briefly, the light of understanding finally filling her dull expression. She scanned the restaurant with her eyes, seeming uncomfortable.

“I’ll catch up with you later, Sweetie Belle.” She turned to Ash Eater, “Come on.”

“Okay, bye,” the unicorn replied uncertainly.

The changeling held his head high as the pair exited, though anger boiled within. He let out a snort as he passed the manager, and he was certain the stallion cowered a little.

The stench of the cooking exhaust filled the warm air outside. The few ponies that were ambling by picked up their pace or changed course altogether once they saw Ash Eater. One or two even shielded their little fillies and colts as if they were in danger of being eaten alive.

He ground his teeth at them. It was infuriating and humiliating to be like an animal on a leash for them to gawk at. He’d have rather simply slaughtered them all and may have attempted just that, but for the command from his Queen.

“Well, that was... unexpected,” Scootaloo said.

“Was it,” the changeling seethed.

The manager appeared again before Scootaloo could answer the terse reply, this time bearing brown paper sacks of food.

“Here you are,” he said uncertainly. “I apologize for the inconvenience.”

Scootaloo replied, “It’s... it’s fine.”

Ash Eater took the offered bag of provender and locked eyes with the manager as he dropped it on the ground, crushing the sack and its contents under his hoof. The manager swallowed fearfully and quickly made his way back inside as the meal was ground to ruin.

“What in Equestria are you doing?” Scootaloo asked in a mild panic.

“He insulted us. You may be too stupid to realize it, but I will not dignify it by letting that garbage contaminate me.”

“That ‘garbage’ was food, which right now we can’t afford to be wasting for any reason!” she shouted back. “And beside that, I already paid for it!”

Ash Eater snorted, “You can bill me.”

“There’s more than one way to settle that score!” her words came fast and hot as Scootaloo dropped into a combative posture, her own bag of food falling to the ground unopened.

Ash Eater laughed at the orange pegasus. Her brow furrowed in anger.

“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” he sneered.

“I think we’d both feel better if we cleared the air.”

“Then it’s too bad for you that I am bound by my Queen to make no violence.”

“Sparring then.”

“What’s that?”

“A practice fight.”

He rolled his eyes, “Practice?”

“Yes,” her tone was measured, but still agitated. “Try not to cause permanent damage or break anything, and it ends when one of us says ‘yield’ or taps out. Other than that, anything goes.”

He narrowed his eyes at the mare.

“I am challenging you,” she seethed. “Come at me! Unless you’re afraid.”

The changeling, hungry for the taste of battle, vaulted forward, closing the short distance. He was met by a jab that caught him in the nose. He danced to his right, seeing stars in his vision for a moment.

He lashed out, and the pair traded a few blows. Ash Eater stumbled over his own hooves, a combination of being imprisoned for many months, unable to keep his skills sharp, and his missing right hind leg.

Scootaloo pressed forward, and Ash Eater dropped backward further to find a stable stance. He saw in her eyes that she had overextended herself, and he brought an uppercut that might have knocked her out had he landed it.

Scootaloo awkwardly pulled back, losing her balance and stumbling away. Ash Eater sprang upon her like a predator, his front hooves rained down like hammers on an anvil.

Fiery shouting erupted behind the changeling. He stepped back from his prey and turned just in time to see two city guards bearing down on him. Though they had drawn neither spear nor crossbow, the iron hooves with which they were shod and the ramming prow on their helmets would make for an unpleasant greeting should they be used.

Ash Eater stepped backward, quickly running out of space as he drew near the hay burger building. It was only then he noticed the onlookers that could be seen in every window and around every corner. The metallic taste of his own blood prompted him to spit; apparently the pegasus had landed a harder initial blow than he’d thought.

Scootaloo leapt up, directing her attention to the new arrivals, “I‘m his escort! Stand down!”

That was all she had time to say as they charged in. Ash Eater was easily able to read the look in their eyes. He’d seen it at least a hundred times during the war. They were about to strike, and he couldn’t talk his way out of it. Fighting was out of the question per his queen’s command, and running seemed ill advised. Taking what seemed the only viable option, Ash Eater determined he would not resist, though he would try to minimize the damage he sustained.

They were on him in a flash, pounding against his side and flank with their steel shoes. The changeling was knocked off balance and fell, using his front hooves to guard his head and curling up as much as he was able to protect his belly. Sharp pain rippled though his body with each impact.

“I said, stand down!” Scootaloo roared as she slammed into one of the guards, knocking him off balance.

The second guard, standing on Ash Eater’s front shoulders attempted reason, “Ma’am, please stand back.”

Scootaloo rounded on him, stepping forward quite aggressively, “Let him go! He hasn’t done anything wrong.”

The first guard grabbed her from behind. Scootaloo spun out of his grasp, tripping the armored stallion who was off balance. She then launched herself into the other one, pushing him backward.

She stood over Ash Eater, but didn’t get any more words out as the guards began shouting and struggling with her. The changeling thought she did quite well considering the circumstances, at least until four more guards showed up.

After that it was mere moments before they had her subdued, face in the dirt, “If that's how you want it, fine by us! You can both be arrested!”

“You’re not listening!” Scootaloo protested.

“Save it!” one of them shouted.

Ash Eater hadn’t moved, though his side still stung from where they’d hit him before. Fortunately for him, Scootaloo had caused enough of a ruckus that four of them picked her up, and two of the newcomers were far more measured in dealing with the prone changeling.

They tied restrains to each of his front legs and escorted him, one on either side. They followed the other guards and Scootaloo, their party making their way to the Ponyville jail.

Scootaloo glanced back at Ash Eater, her face covered in dark soil. If he weren't mistaken, she almost seemed concerned. It was a laughable thought, and the changeling dismissed it almost as quickly as the guards made her face forward with a stern warning to keep pace.

The sheriff, an older pony with a formidable mustache pushed his hat back as the door creaked open. His eyes went wide when he saw the newcomers.

“Sweet Celestia!"

“We caught these two making a disturbance," The guard in front announced.

From his desk drawer, the sheriff produced a set of keys and escorted the group up the stairs and through a solid steel door. The upper floor would have been open, but was divided by iron bars into a few cells.

Scootaloo and Ash Eater were interred in separate enclosures. Nearer the entrance was a small, rather spartan lounge area where two of the guards stationed themselves while the rest of them filed back down the stairs.

The sheriff looked to Scootaloo and spoke, "I reckon ya got a good reason fur this?"

The filthy pegasus hung her head low and muttered, "Please get me Princess Twilight."

The sheriff nodded under his hat and walked out, locking the pair in with the two remaining guards.

Ash Eater snorted. It had been not even two days, and he was again a 'guest' in a guarded facility. He should have expected as much. As for Scootaloo, he could only assume that she was calling for the princess to personally grovel for her failure and announce formally that changelings could not be integrated into pony society. He was not surprised; he'd known all along that ponies couldn't be trusted.


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Scootaloo had a few hours to think as she sat locked up in the Ponyville jail. Even so, that only gave her time to regret letting herself become hotheaded. Her ears perked up at the sound of the iron door opening.

“Oh no no no, no no no!" Princess Twilight Sparkle entered the jail.

Her eyes were wide, and her breaths were shallow as it seemed a panic might take hold. She began pacing the length of the room.

“Twilight,” Scootaloo greeted the new arrival.

As though she hadn’t heard, the alicorn continued, "This is bad. This is really bad. This could be a catastrophe!"

“Best to let her finish.”

A dark figure had entered unnoticed by the pegasus. Queen Chrysalis stood motionless near the door. Her expression was impossible to read. She was adorned with dog tags similar to what Ash Eater wore, but hers were green.

“One day, not even a whole day really,” Twilight frothed, “We have a plan, and we need to stick to the plan. That’s all. Just keep our heads down and hope nopony noticed!”

She stopped, spinning to face Scootaloo, “But those were reporters downstairs, one of them was in town from Manehattan! I’m going to have to tell them something!”

She returned to trotting across the room, “The next headline could completely destroy all the faith everyone had in my plan, in me! ‘The Friendship Implosion’, or maybe ‘The Friendship Inferno’, or maybe they’ll stick with alliteration instead of the initials, ‘The Friendship Failure’.

“I don't know if it’ll play out quite that dismally. We should at least hear their excuses before we write your epitaph," Chrysalis smirked.

“Excuses?" Twilight gasped. "Excuses for fighting in the street? Excuses for starting a brawl that could have escalated into a riot? We could have ended up with a second war on our hooves! What kind of excuses could there possibly be?"

Catching Scootaloo's gaze, Twilight's shallow breaths began to slow. The incarcerated pegasus was about to speak, but the princess held up a hoof to forestall such as her composure was regained. She took a deep breath, "Sorry, I've just been trying to think through what could possibly have happened, and my imagination ran away with me."

“I noticed," Scootaloo said.

Despite the time she'd had to plan what she would say, a tightening in her stomach seemed to steal her words.

“Scootaloo, I am deeply concerned about this situation, but before I say anything else, would you like to tell me what happened?”

Ash Eater seemed to have a confident smirk on his face. For what reason, Scootaloo could only guess. She tried to ignore him.

“Really, it’s just a misunderstanding. He didn’t attack me. I got a little frustrated and thought, if we sparred a bit, it might help clear the air.”

“So, it was your idea?” Twilight went pale.

“Yes, ma’am. It was my idea. I challenged him to the fight, and we set a few rules before we started. I guess I thought that fighting is really the only thing we have in common right now, so if we could start there, maybe it would be helpful.”

The princess frowned, “As glad as I am to hear that you two weren’t trying to kill each other, I’m very disappointed. While competition between friends can be fine, outright fighting, especially at this early stage... I just don’t think it’s a good idea..”

“We are not, friends!” Ash Eater growled.

A low giggle came from the other side of the room. All eyes turned to Queen Chrysalis. Scootaloo was rather surprised as the giggle turned to a pure laugh that was totally devoid of any hint of menacing or vileness. It almost made her more unsettled that the changeling queen seemed genuinely amused.

“What is so funny?” Twilight gasped.

“You are. You can’t force them to be friends, as you’ve admitted yourself. Yet, you somehow think that the way you would do things is the only way for both of them. They were letting off some steam. If she asked him for a fight, and he agreed, then no crime was even committed. Why don’t we just let them go about their business?”

“Well,” Scootaloo added, “I may have assaulted a guard. When they first arrived, they thought Ash Eater was the aggressor and came down on him only. He didn’t fight back, and so I shoved them off... once or twice.”

A wild look of terror made itself plain on Twilight’s face as she took in that information. She turned to Chrysalis, “So, you think I should do nothing?”

“Not at all,” Chrysalis let a smile curl her lips, “Our job is damage control. We spin it in such a way to downplay any of the unpleasantness. We order the guards to do the same. It was a misunderstanding. We can leave it at that.”

“But, what about the next time?”

“Oh, for the hive’s sake! Give them some additional rules if you think it necessary to protect the image of your friendship initiative, but holding these two longer than absolutely necessary will only make things worse.”

Twilight Sparkle’s brow furrowed in thought as she continued pacing back and forth.

“I’m curious,” the changeling queen addressed Scootaloo, “Why did you challenge him to a fight in the first place?”

Scootaloo felt a bit uncomfortable, her stomach sinking a bit. She had been so surprised when the restaurant manager had asked them to wait outside that she hadn’t known what to do.

“The manager at the hay burger asked us to go outside, because Ash Eater... he wasn’t doing anything, but the manager said he was scaring the other ponies.”

Chrysalis’ expression became somewhat guarded, but she raised an eyebrow. Twilight stopped pacing and returned her attention to Scootaloo.

“Then when he brought us our food, Ash Eater crushed it, and I got a bit mad that he wasted it.”

“I see,” the queen said simply.

“For the moment,” Twilight added, “Keep that detail to yourselves. I’ll get the other princesses together and see if we can come up with a solution. We can’t have any of our citizens treating another group that way. But if you just hadn’t still been there, maybe nopony would have noticed the fight, and you wouldn’t have made a scene. I’ll also, quietly, issue orders and come up with some new training so the guards will use more restraint in the execution of their duties.” She took a deep breath, “I still don’t like it, but if you feel the need to fight again, at least go somewhere you won’t be noticed. We can’t afford any more of these misunderstandings.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Chrysalis looked at Ash Eater.

“I understand and obey, my queen.”

The changeling monarch turned to Twilight, seeming completely satisfied. It made Scootaloo feel all the more unnerved that she was the one defending the incarcerated pair. She wanted to take the action at face value, that Chrysalis also wanted Twilight’s plans to succeed, but there was a knot in her stomach that urged caution against such optimistic thinking.

The Princess of Friendship took a deep breath, “Alright, I’ll order your release and deal with the reporters. I can send some guards to escort you out if you’d like.”

Scootaloo didn’t much like the thought of feeling like she needed any help, but she also had no desire to deal with inquisitive journalists trying to spin the day’s events into a full blown disaster.

“Sure. We’ll wait here.”

“Thank you. Try to keep your head down this time,” Twilight made a nervous smile.

Scootaloo returned the gesture. Gears soon turned, and locks were opened. The pair of prisoners waited near the iron door for their escort. Scootaloo felt somewhat sick to her stomach for causing so much trouble. She just wanted to get home and settled. Her stomach growled loudly. That would be another problem. She seriously doubted whether the cupboards were well stocked.

Ash Eater stared at a spot on the floor, unmoving for quite some time. At first, the pegasus hadn’t thought much of it, but she began to grow concerned. She decided to reach out once more, despite the previous setbacks.

“Is something on your mind?”

Ash Eater looked up at her, uncertainty in his blue eyes, “You surprised me.”

“How so?” the mare’s head tilted to one side.

“I expected you’d use this as an opportunity to be rid of me.”

The thought hadn’t so much as occurred to her. Certainly had she said the wrong thing or even made a fairly small lie about how events unfolded, it could have placed Ash Eater back in prison and destroyed Twilight’s plans. What other choice would the princess have had? Scootaloo began to wonder whether she had stumbled upon a second thing she had in common with Ash Eater.

“I wouldn’t do that,” she began. “Princess Twilight asked me to do this as a friend and as a favor to her. I gave her my word that I would get to know you and teach you about us. She thinks a deeper understanding will eliminate the fear and distrust between us, and I’m going to see it through.”

He snorted, “At least you had a choice.”

She was afraid to say more, as Ash Eater seemed agitated again. However, she was certain that he held his duty at least as valuable as she did hers. It sparked a small hope that perhaps they had more in common than she’d imagined. It was equally an exciting and unsettling thought.


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'Dear Princess Twilight, I know you aren't that comfortable with the fighting, but it has sort of become a regular thing. On the upside, both Ash Eater and I are getting plenty of exercise as a result. Princess Luna told me that she has kept you informed about my bad dreams. They do seem to be less frequent now, but she also mentioned that she has had her hooves full dealing with similar problems all across Equestria. For his part, Ash Eater is pretty angry and obstinate, but he hasn't done anything defiant of the order Chrysalis gave him to behave so far as I can tell. I don’t know if we’ve had any real progress yet. XOXO, Scootaloo.'

Scootaloo ducked under Ash Eater's blow. Coming up, she nearly landed one of her own, but he sidestepped behind a tree. The sun sank low on the horizon as the pair battled each other, an event that had become a nearly daily ritual.

Taking a jab to the face, the mare staggered backward as one of her closest friends and mentors erupted into laughter from her perch above them. Scootaloo recovered just in time to see the changeling lunging forward. She dropped, sweeping at his legs.

She was too slow, as it turned out, and he had predicted the move, pouncing over her counterattack and dropping on her. There was very little struggle after that before a dazed Scootaloo gave up the fight with a groan.


“Hah!” Ash Eater gloated.

As he walked away with his head held high, Rainbow Dash dropped to the ground and offered Scootaloo assistance standing. The prone pegasus was exhausted. The only paying work she had been able to find that would also accept her ward was with a construction crew. Between that and engaging in sparring at all odd hours, she felt somewhat out of shape.

Scootaloo accepted the help. As she came to a standing position, her mentor’s eyes met her own.

“You know,” Rainbow Dash began with a yawn, “Using your face to block punches probably isn’t the best strategy.”

Scootaloo grunted and changed the subject, “What’s for dinner? I’m starving.”

“Well, I was dreaming about dessert before you two woke me up with your fighting. Thanks for that.”

The orange pegasus giggled at the teasing.

“But unless you’re planning on finding something to cook, it’s going to be hay rations.”

Scootaloo felt herself frown. It wasn’t that she didn’t like hay, but the batch of which Rainbow Dash spoke had been stale for at least a week before she had acquired it. The texture aside, the flavor was equally unpleasant.

The three flew back up to Rainbow Dash’s cloud apartment and settled down for the evening. Some light conversation started up during their stagnant dinner.

“You’ve got to admit, these ration packs can’t possibly get much worse,” Rainbow Dash griped.

“I don’t know,” Scootaloo answered, “things can always get worse.”

She was thinking about the end of the war, when there was simply no food to be had for days at a time. She shuddered at the memory.

“Maybe, but this is starting to have the flavor of old horse-shoes.”

Scootaloo nodded, “But you have to admit, it still tastes better than the last thing you tried to cook.”

“Heh, keep laughing kid. The last time you messed around in the kitchen is still charred to the bottom of that pan.”

Ash Eater snorted as if amused, but his expression was guarded. Scootaloo had no defense from her friend’s rebuttal. It was annoyingly accurate. Before long, the three had completed their evening rituals and gone to their respective beds.

Scootaloo shared a room with her ward, opting to sleep between him and the door. She wasn’t entirely convinced that he wouldn’t try to sneak out. Certainly the first few nights had been restless for her in spite of the comfortable compressed cloud beds that were softer than downy feathers. Exhaustion always won out eventually, and the mare found herself falling into a fitful sleep, plagued by the usual unsettling dreams.

She didn’t always remember them, but there were often sensations of falling or smothering that accompanied frightening apparitions. Some nights she would battle such, and other times it proved useless to struggle.

Scootaloo awoke with a start at Ash Eater letting out something akin to a battle cry as he landed on top of her. Her heart racing, she managed to push him back and launch a kick against his exposed belly. He let out a grunt, apparently unprepared for such a swift counter strike.

She was up in a flash, letting out her own roar, stumbling over him in the dark and crashing into a desk that was by the window. Suddenly, he was up on his hooves and the battle was joined. Blocking incoming attacks proved even more difficult for each than did finding their opponent in the dark.

Several hits were traded before Ash Eater leapt forward, colliding with Scootaloo. They struck multiple blows before the pegasus darted back and swung wide at her opponent’s face, hitting nothing but air. Such was the force of her attack that she spun around, falling flat on her back.

At that moment, the light came on, stabbing the embattled mare in the eyes. She let out a bit of a shriek. It was drowned out by the force with which Rainbow Dash began shouting a moment later.

“What in Equestria are you two doing! Do you have any idea what time it is!”

Scootaloo’s heart raced as she leapt to her hooves. Ash Eater was crouched a few steps away near her bed, massaging the base of his skull.

“No, I...” Scootaloo caught sight of a clock, the hands unambiguously pointing at three in the morning. “I mean... we were just...” she fumbled for some sort of explanation for why her mentor had been so rudely awakened.

“Just what!” Rainbow Dash roared back. “Well?”

“Sparring,” Ash Eater managed as he stood.

His face was somewhat contorted, apparently in the pain from the hit he took to the back of his head. Whether Scootaloo had landed that herself or if he had fallen against furniture, she was uncertain.

“Yeah,” Scootaloo managed, “sorry. It won’t happen again.”

“Look, it’s bad enough that you have interrupted my afternoon naps more than once, but this is just ridiculous! Scoots, I love you and all, but you two have got to go.”

“Huh?” The mare felt her jaw drop.

“Tomorrow, you can find some pony else to stay with until you get your own place.”

“But, but-“

“No buts,” Rainbow Dash stood a little taller, seeming unmovable. “I can’t deal with interrupted sleep for no good reason at all odd hours; I just can’t.” Her hard gaze softened slightly as she continued, “So, we’ll get you put up somewhere else, just for a few days. If you can’t find a place that quickly, then you can come back here.”

Scootaloo was caught between anger and sorrow. Really, Rainbow Dash had every right to be upset. She was just sad that it was her own fault for not laying down better ground rules for her boisterous interactions with Ash Eater. The changeling seemed to be somewhat pleased with himself.

“Yes, ma’am,” the orange mare finally managed.

Rainbow Dash scratched her unkempt multicolored mane and turned, shuffling out of the room. Ash Eater stood, making for the door.

“Where are you going?”

He stopped, “What are you, my mother?”

Scootaloo felt her lips purse, “I’m supposed to keep an eye on you and you know it.”

“I’m going to relieve myself, if you must know,” he replied while turning back to face her and rolling his eyes. “So, am I free to go, or do you want to watch?”

Scootaloo shuddered and waved him off. He left to take care of his business without another word. It was difficult for her to get back to sleep, even after Ash Eater had returned to his bed and accomplished that very task himself. Mostly she felt bad for upsetting her close friend and mentor, but she was also vigilant for another night-time raid from her ward. It was an attack that didn’t come, but she made up her mind while lying there that she would be certain to lay down crinkly paper or some other measure to make noise should he approach her in the night again. It simply would not do to be taken off guard a second time.

The pegasus passed the rest of the night sleeplessly, stewing on her sorrow and considering her next move. Certainly Apple Bloom would take them in, but given the toll that the war had taken with their newer extended family, it would probably be best to keep Ash Eater as far away from them as possible.


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Ash Eater had finished taking care of his business, but he waited in the restroom still, a cold sweat on his brow. A crack on the head notwithstanding, the brief struggle with Scootaloo had not been nearly enough to cause him lasting discomfort, jarring though it had been.

The nightmare that had awakened him was the true cause of his distress. His unconscious mind had been plagued with terrors since the end of the war. They never bothered him while he was in control of his faculties, but there were times in the fog between sleeping and waking when he doubted many things he had done.

He snorted and banished the thoughts. The ponies were a lesser form of life, and the fact that he had to treat them as equals turned his stomach. He had done what was needed to maximize their chances of victory. It was as simple as that.

His mouth feeling impossibly dry, the changeling wiped the sweat away, ambled to the kitchen and found a glass of water. Given the unintentional brawl he had caused, returning to his bed as soon as possible seemed the wisest course. He didn’t care what the ponies thought, but his queen had commanded him to not cause trouble.

He couldn’t help but smirk as he returned to the room, carefully stepping around Scootaloo’s bed so as to not trip and fall on her a second time. Stumbling over her had been practically inevitable from the moment she had decided to always sleep in front of the door. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw her watch as he climbed back into his own bed.

The softness of the cloud mattress was as disturbing as sleeping above ground. Ash Eater seriously doubted it would be something to which he could ever become accustomed. Though he attempted to occupy his mind, memories of the dreams began returning to him.

Most nights he would see his family being tortured at the hooves of ponies. They would be questioned, beaten, or worse. Sometimes he would be there with them, and if he did not answer questions, they would hurt his mother.

Ash Eater hissed and spit out the thoughts. He refused to let the dreams control him. The war was over, and they were simply false shadows that needed to be forgotten. And yet… they came to him nearly every night.

For a moment, he found himself lost in a memory. Flying across the clouds, he was keeping pace with a pony mare, black and white paint in color. Her purple eyes flashed a smug look at him as she pulled away. He poured on the speed as they were passed by an orange pegasus moving swiftly ahead. He danced in the currents, just able to catch up to the black and white. Sacrificing his own velocity, he was able to push the air just enough to create a minor instability and cause her to spin out. The mare had laughed at him for making them both lose the race…

Ash Eater felt a scowl form on his face as he broke himself from the reverie. He’d never forgotten Nimba. He supposed that was natural after having posed as her brother for nearly two months and learning everything about her. It had been vital for his cover to infiltrate her squad during the war. He had most effectively sabotaged their mission but at great cost.

When they had realized he was a changeling, that giant of a pegasus stallion, Regal Masquerade, had unleashed a furious assault against the him. It happened so fast that Ash Eater could hardly remember the swift barrage of blows before he’d been on the ground and repeatedly struck in the head. He had nearly lost consciousness when a blinding pain unlike any he’d previously felt had snapped him back into that moment.

When Ash Eater’s horn had been broken, it was as if a red hot iron spear had ripped through his body as fast as a thunderbolt. He shuddered at the memory. His own reinforcements had arrived in position to flank the pony squad at that time, which is the only reason Ash Eater had escaped. As the weight of that giant stallion had fallen away, the changeling scrambled across the forest and into the brush.

It had taken weeks for him to really recover and begin to regain any sense of being himself. The lethargy that nearly consumed him was normal for a changeling who was… crippled. Ash Eater felt a low growl form in his throat at the thought. It was a little comfort that the very stallion who had damaged him had been killed in the ensuing battle.

Scootaloo stirred, breaking the changeling from his thoughts. He remained silent, unwilling to give her the satisfaction of knowing he was having trouble sleeping. The last thing he needed was for her to gloat about it.

In spite of the restlessness he felt, Ash Eater was finally able to get to sleep shortly before the first tendrils of morning light began to breach the horizon.


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As dawn broke, Scootaloo decided that it might behoove her to get breakfast ready. Food was the one thing Rainbow Dash liked more than sleep, and it could serve as a good first step in apologizing for the previous night’s shenanigans. Unsurprisingly, there was little by way of ingredients to cook anything. The stale hay was all that remained and hardly at sufficient quantity to serve as a proper meal for the three of them.

She shook the changeling awake. With one eye opened, he grunted at her.

“Get up," she said.

Ash Eater simply rolled away from Scootaloo. Somewhat irritated by this, she went to the kitchen and filled a bowl with water. Returning to her ward, she overturned her package, spilling the contents on him.

The doused changeling scrambled out of the bed, glaring at the pegasus as he hit the floor.

“We need to get breakfast, and I'm not leaving you here."

“You could have just said so," he spat.

Scootaloo wondered whether antagonizing Ash Eater had been a wise decision. In the brief time they had been bound to one another, it felt as if everything she did was the wrong move. Still, it felt good to get him back for the nighttime raid.

“Okay, from now on, I'll just say so."

He snorted angrily as he stood.

“I had thought we could pick up some rations for now, unless you have a request. There aren't many choices these days."

A wicked smirk contorted Ash Eater's face as he replied, "Hay burgers."

Scootaloo rolled her eyes and led him from the room. The odd pair flew down to the ground and walked the short distance through the awakening town, bathed in golden morning light.

The Ponyville Ration Office was something that Mayor Applejack had put together on recommendation from Princess Celestia herself. They would serve a meal to anypony or changeling that came to get it, once per day. With major shortages in most goods still rampant, nearly everypony frequented the establishment to take advantage of the benefit.

Scootaloo and Ash Eater walked into the small building. The public area was a dining hall, which was mostly empty as they entered with only a few citizens of Ponyville sitting at different tables. It seemed that they had chosen wisely. In an hour, it would be bustling.

As the mare approached the serving line, the dark changeling following behind, an older mare stepped up wearily. She wore thick glasses and her cheeks drooped a bit as one who had been overweight for much of their life and had rapidly lost their girth.

Ginger Snap was cream colored and had been a resident of Ponyville all her life. Her magenta eyes seemed to brighten somewhat as she greeted the pair. For Scootaloo, it was recognition, but for Ash Eater, curiosity filled her gaze.

“Good morning,” she welcomed them evenly, weariness in her otherwise bright voice.

“Hey,” Scootaloo returned the sentiment.

The older server began preparing trays quickly. One did not have the advantage of options at the ration office. The meal consisted of several short sprigs of raw hay, cubed up pears, millet, and the smallest biscuit that Scootaloo had ever seen.

“Could we have an extra tray? It’s for Rainbow Dash,” Scootaloo requested.

The elder mare stopped her work and looked up above her glasses, “I’m sorry, but it’s against the rules for me to give away more than one serving per pony... or changeling... per day.”

“It is one serving per pony. One for me, one for him, and one for Rainbow Dash.”

Ginger Snap lackadaisically pointed to a sign that had been plastered to the wall behind her which read, ‘One serving per pony per day. Must be present to collect your serving. No exceptions.’

The orange pegasus couldn’t help but feel annoyed. It only further irritated her to resort to begging.

“Please? It’s not for me. Rainbow Dash has been so busy that she can’t get out to get food sometimes.”

“Miss Scootaloo,” the cream colored mare pushed up her glasses and took a rather haughty tone of voice, “I cannot make exceptions for anypony, or else where does it end?"

“Fine,” the orange pegasus conceded with a sigh.

“I know your kind. I’ve seen you running around town since you were a filly, thinking you owned the place and expecting everpony to cater to your whims."

“I did not!”

“You and your little crusader friends. In my position here, I am a servant of everypony, and the only way to do that equitably is to follow the same rules for everypony. It doesn’t matter who you are. I wouldn’t give an extra tray to my own foals.”

Scootaloo felt her teeth grinding as the old nag continued.

“Some ponies just never change. Here you are, still running around like the world is your playground. You only focus on whatever little game is in front of you with no thought to how it affects anypony else. When ever are you going to grow up?"

Scootaloo grit her teeth and pursed her lips, realizing that if she wanted even the two rations, she would have to simply endure the verbose onslaught to which she found herself subjected.

Ash Eater groaned, "Broken eggs, make her stop."

The pegasus gestured for her ward to remain calm and summoned all of her strength to bear the annoyance without making a response of any kind. Patience was not her strongest suit.

“Don't think I'm not watching you as well, Mister Changeling. I heard about that brawl you two had in the middle of town the other day. That is just the sort of ridiculous behavior that I’m talking about. It does nothing but cause all kinds of problems."

Ash Eater glowered at the elder mare but made no reply aside from a low growl.

“And I'm not the only one that will be keeping an eye on you either. There are many in this town that don't want to put up with that sort of nonsense, so you'd best behave yourself."

A sweet silence followed. Scootaloo felt her stomach knotting up in anticipation of an ongoing campaign to talk her to death. Her tensions began easing as no more words came. She eventually mustered her resolve to speak once more, though she had to force the cordial words out quite deliberately.

“Two trays... please."

The older mare served the exasperated pair their food, which they took outside with them. As soon as they were out of earshot, a horrible sinking feeling took Scootaloo, and she turned to Ash Eater as he held his tray.

“You’re… um…” she wanted to be delicate, but also felt the need to be direct. “You’re not going to throw that down and stomp on it, are you?”

For a fleeting moment, it seemed as though a smile flashed across the changeling’s muzzle, “No.”

Feeling much more at ease, Scootaloo did not offer to take the tray from him. The pair made their way back to Rainbow Dash’s house in time to set the table before the older mare awoke.

Scootaloo gave Rainbow Dash her own tray, and took the stale hay for herself. Consuming it nearly caused a gag reflex, but she was able to get the food down and keep it there. As for Rainbow Dash, she sat dazed for most of the meal before her awakening finally took hold and she became more responsive to the other two. She let out a long yawn.

“Rainbow,” Scootaloo finally began, “I wanted to say that I’m really sorry about last night.”

“Heh, about that. I overreacted a little.”

“No, you were right. I should have been more thoughtful about letting you sleep.”

A brief silence fell between the pair as they both instinctively looked at Ash Eater. The changeling was quietly eating the breakfast, notably with far more of an appetite than Scootaloo had previously seen.

“What?” he asked.

“Anything you’d like to say?” Scootaloo prodded him in the direction of adding to the apologies.

He snorted, “No.”

Scootaloo couldn’t help but smile at Rainbow Dash in spite of how annoyed she was at her ward. At least he had the virtue of being consistent. In time, she would be able to predict his behavior. She could only hope that progress would eventually come on that front. The first few days had been disappointing for everyone.

“Well, I’m okay with you two staying here,” Rainbow Dash added.

“I gave that some thought last night, and really. You’re right. We kind of came in here without a plan, and that wasn’t too smart. I guess I’ve just been so busy with the job hunting and then getting settled in to work…”

“Forget it. You two can stay until you find a place.”

Scootaloo smiled, “Thank you, but we’re going to see if the Apple’s can put us up for a few days instead. You’ve already done so much.”

Rainbow Dash shrugged before tousling Scootaloo’s mane, “Whatever you decide. Just know that you can come back here if you need to.”

Scootaloo was warmed by the sentiment, but she was going to put forth the effort to strike out on her own.


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‘My most venerable Queen, we have moved to a new dwelling, which I find a marginal improvement to the cloud house we occupied previously. Houses on the ground are closer to our subterranean nature and more tolerable. One of the families that lives here was upset at my arrival, having had some of their relatives lost during the war. To keep your orders, I have been ignoring them, and unpleasant confrontation seems unlikely. The least of your servants, Ash Eater.’

Ash Eater's heart raced as he awoke, darkness still surrounding him. He panted desperately for air, scratching at the dog tag chain that was only making things more intolerable. He slowed his breaths, drawing them in more deeply, trying to shake off the ghoulish visions that had ruined his slumber. Sweat covered his body, soaking the sheets and causing him to shiver. He growled against the fears, banishing them away.

Slipping off of the sofa, the changeling walked to the kitchen of the Apple's farmhouse to find a glass of water. His front right leg seemed to shake on its own, even after the rest of his spasms had ceased. The water helped quench his thirst, but the remnant of the horrors he had seen in the night were not so easily quelled.

Returning to sleep didn't seem an option at present, so he quietly made his way outside. The door creaking as he slowly opened it threatened to awaken the entire house, but it seemed that none were roused by the noise.

A sliver of moon did what it could to illuminate Sweet Apple Acres. The low light was comfortable to the changeling, a gift of his species. Picking no direction in particular, Ash Eater began walking. He passed the barn and found himself amongst small saplings before long. Shuddering against the fears that plagued him, the changeling tried to ignore a phantom itch in his missing right hind leg.

“Where are you headed?" a young mare's voice broke the peaceful insect songs that otherwise filled the air.

Turning, the dim moonlight revealed her form. She stood almost as tall as Ash Eater, but he gathered she was a little younger. He frowned and let out a sigh.

“Nowhere, as it happens."

She closed the distance between them. Ash Eater could just make out her widening eyes as she realized who he was.

“You are... th... that changeling."

He rolled his eyes and started walking deeper into the orchard. Stupid young ponies were the last sort he wanted to interact with, preferring solitude in the absence of his own kind. His ears soon reported hastened hoof steps.

As she drew close, Ash Eater wheeled about to face her and snarled, "Go away!"

She skidded to a halt, seeming uncertain whether or not she should run for her life. It was a panicked pause. The changeling had seen it many times during the war, especially among newer recruits. That moment of uncertainty often was the last indecision they made.

As much as Ash Eater would have liked to take advantage of the hesitation, his queen had given orders. He had little choice but to content himself with walking away. The young mare continued to follow, though at a more discreet distance.

“I'm not scared of you," she called after him.

“I don't care."

She kept pace for a time, the two sharing the road in silence. The distraction annoyed the changeling, making him feel guarded instead of peacefully alone with his thoughts. As amused as he had been to get Scootaloo temporarily kicked out of Rainbow Dash's house, at least there had been no one else there to bother him at night.

A cool breeze caused a ripple to sway through the saplings, not unlike waves tossed on the sea. Ash Eater had always felt something comforting about the night. The dark and damp, the calm stillness reminded him of simpler times.

The outing, though disturbed, did render within the changeling its intended purpose. He felt himself grow more calm eventually, and the demons that robbed his sleep began to fade with each passing minute. It was only when his mood had become more placid that he turned and started back toward the farmhouse, his unwelcome company still trailing along behind him.

She didn’t say another word as they completed their little journey. Ash Eater appreciated this more than he’d ever admit to her. It was as he arrived back at the farm house and made to open the door that the young mare finally broke the silence.

“Same time tomorrow night?” she asked.

Ash Eater snorted, “No.”

“My name is Glitterdust.”

He rolled his eyes, “I don’t care.”

She shrugged, turning and walking away in the direction of the barn. Finally rid of the annoyance, he crept into the house and quietly went back to bed.


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'Dear Princess Twilight, I'm excited to tell you that Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle and I have finally found time to hold meetings again as the Cutie Mark Crusaders! We had tried to think of a new name, but we didn't come up with anything good and then Apple Bloom got sentimental, so we just kept it. Since we all have jobs now to pay the bills, this is more of a weekends thing for now, but maybe it can become more than that eventually. Ash Eater is not excited about it, or anything else for that matter. I don't really see any progress with him, but he does seem less on edge than he was at first. I'll take what I can get at this point. XOXO, Scootaloo.'

Scootaloo sat quietly as Apple Bloom read over the new meeting opening procedures. The farm pony stood at the other end of the small apartment above Carousel Boutique, which Scootaloo was officially renting.

Rarity had been traveling back and forth to Manehattan and Canterlot to keep all of her shops running, and now that she was able to get fabric again, things were going better for her. Even still, it was necessary for the savvy fashionista to utilize all of her assets, one of which being dividing the upstairs house into smaller apartments and renting them out.

Rarity had initially been insistent on giving Scootaloo the apartment for free but was eventually persuaded by the orange pegasus that she needed to pay like everypony else.

Scootaloo had seen her new neighbors, but they hadn’t formally spoken yet. Sweetie Belle hummed quietly to her left, and Ash Eater seemed bored to her right. Apple Bloom cleared her throat, capturing the attention of the others.

“Hear ye, hear ye. We will commence with the first meeting of the Cutie Marked Crusaders, which will hereafter and forever be known as the Cutie Mark Crusaders.”

Scootaloo leaned over to Sweetie Belle and whispered, “Nice touch.”

The unicorn giggled. Apple Bloom glared, eliciting silence from the pair. Apparently her need to keep Crusader meetings official had not diminished in the slightest.

“We declare all old business of the Cutie Mark Crusaders completed. Let the record show that of our original number, three remain as re-founding members.”

Scootaloo felt herself frown at the friends that were no longer close to them anymore. Some had moved away, and others had simply drifted apart. Only one parted in anger, and Scootaloo felt that was her own fault. It was a shame to have seen all of them go, but she hoped that she might at least reconcile the damaged friendship some day.

“Our first order of new business, we designate our new headquarters as Apartment Two above Carousel Boutique. Is there any discussion?”

Sweetie Belle spoke up, “I just want to thank Scootaloo for being willing to host us. I know we were all sad that the old club house had rotted away, and the orchard getting cut down didn’t make it any easier. But the central location here will be perfect for us.”

“I just realized something,” Scootaloo added, “this will be our first ever official meeting with all members having our cutie marks.”

Sweetie Belle grinned. Ash Eater rolled his eyes in disgust.

Apple Bloom continued, “We will now close discussion and vote on this item. All in favor of the new headquarters being Apartment Two above Carrousel Boutique, say ‘aye’.”

“Aye!” the other two responded enthusiastically.

“Any opposed, say ‘nay’.”

There was silence.

“The motion passes. That concludes our new business, and we shall now move on to projects. I yield the floor to the Project Coordinator, Sweetie Belle.”

The unicorn didn’t bother standing. Scootaloo was glad, as the formality of the language of the proceedings was quite stiff enough for her taste.

“Since we have only just begun, nopony really knows we are around. So, I thought we might start with some community service projects as a way to show everypony what we are about. Also, we can have some flyers printed up that we can put around town. That way, ponies can start bringing projects to us.”

Sweetie Belle nodded to Apple Bloom.

“We are now open for discussion on projects.”

Scootaloo was the first to speak, “Did you have anything in mind?”

“Where to begin?” Sweetie Belle answered. “There was so much damage to town by the end of the war that it made our typical bi-monthly monster attacks look like somepony forgot to cut the grass.”

“That’s the truth,” Scootaloo added.

“I was thinking that we could start with Fluttershy’s cottage. The bridge out there got burned down, and everypony has been too busy to build a new one.”

Apple Bloom shifted, “Sweetie Belle, I’m pretty handy, but unless you took a construction course when you lived out in the Everfree Forest with Zecora, ain’t none of us know how to build that kind a bridge.”

“Actually, I was thinking we could try to find some help, maybe a volunteer who knows how to plan it out, and then they can help us make sure we do the work correctly. That way it wouldn’t cost them much more than a little time.”

“Speaking of cost,” Apple Bloom added as she looked at Scootaloo, “Treasurer, how many bits are we actually working with?”

Scootaloo felt herself giggle nervously, “Well, from what we had donated to start us off, we only have a little less than a hundred bits altogether. I could collect my EUP severance pay and use that, but I was thinking it would be best to save it for a rainy day.”

“Shucks, you don’t have to do all that. We’ll find us a way.”

“Actually, I was thinking we could ask Twilight," Sweetie Belle ventured. "If we can get the materials, that puts us basically there."

Scootaloo felt the suggestion had merit, "I’ll mention it the next time I see her. And if we can find that builder to show us how, I think it is doable. I've been working on a construction crew, so I'll ask around."

“It sounds like we have a plan for our first shindig,” Apple Bloom whooped.

Scootaloo felt herself smile. It felt good to be working to help others again. It was like coming home and discovering it was where you really belonged.


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‘My most venerable Queen, I am somewhat surprised at the lengths some ponies will go to help others. These, Cutie Mark Crusaders, seem to want nothing in return for making their town a better place. One example, they built a bridge for a pegasus just to make it easier for her and guests to get to the house. It reminds me of our own hive relationships. We work together for the good of the hive, much like these three do for their town. As much as I loathe their company, I find that one thing something about them that I can respect. The least of your servants, Ash Eater.’

Scootaloo sipped from her glass of punch. It seemed that Princess Twilight Sparkle had gone to extra lengths to procure some fine food, still a rare thing in Equestria since the war had ended, just to let everyone know how seriously she took her mission to help the ponies and changelings become friends.

She and Ash Eater had been together for two months, and aside from a few small problems, things had somewhat quieted down. This event was the beginning of planned weekly releases of changeling prisoners to former EUP soldiers who volunteered to take them in as Scootaloo had done. Princess Twilight had her hooves full screening the volunteers to make sure they shared her vision of unity.

While there were only ten more prisoners being released on this day, Twilight hoped to be able to ramp up the releases to fifty or even a hundred at a time. Scootaloo couldn't help but think that such a number was a lofty goal, and she was concerned that Twilight might have been opening herself up for setbacks. Still, the sooner they got the prisoners paroled, the better for them. Guarded though she was, Chrysalis seemed pleased with the arrangement.

The media had made far less of a fuss about this ceremony than they had about Ash Eater, but they were still out in force. The pegasus could only wonder if the Princess of Friendship had timed this event intentionally to coincide with the surviving buffalo herds returning to their ancestral stampeding grounds.

The orange pegasus sipped her punch, musing that the last time, when Ash Eater had been released, the air was stiflingly thick with anticipation, almost dread. This time there was a much more casual feeling about all of it. Ash Eater was standing with his fellow changelings, telling them about his experiences so far, and Scootaloo was as happy as everypony else to stand back and give them the space to feel less scrutinized. She'd been able to meet with the pony mentors previously to share the small amount of wisdom she had gained.

“Something funny?"

Scootaloo looked up, nearly choking on her drink when she realized it was Queen Chrysalis speaking to her.

“Funny?" she managed to get a single word out.

“You were smirking," there was a brightness to the changeling monarch's green eyes, almost as if she were amused or happy.

“Oh, not really. I was just remembering. When we let him out, everypony seemed to think the war would start up again any second. They all seem more relaxed today."

Chrysalis pursed her lips, "Indeed. The contingent of guards around the perimeter has no doubt put them at ease."

Scootaloo had become so accustomed to seeing guards that she hadn't considered it. She was about to comment further when a spark filled the changeling queen's eyes. It was as if she had only just recognized something.

“You were in the throne room that day."

Having been in the throne room many times, Scootaloo needed to ask, "Which day?"

“When we first invaded Canterlot, at the wedding, and again when I came in to attack Shining Armor during the war."

“Yes," the pegasus was still somewhat confused, "I thought you knew."

Chrysalis shrugged, "I knew you from Shining Armor's interrogations and everything that followed, but I only just realized that you were the same pony there at those times."

The Queen's brow furrowed, "When he gained the advantage in the fight, I thought I heard... Did you tell him not to kill me?"

Scootaloo's mind returned to that day... the battle to retake Canterlot that had been waged, followed by the surprise of a hundred changelings getting inside their defenses... Shining Armor had been in a frenzy, near madness as he battled the queen, his power augmented by the Alicorn Amulet. She came back to the moment.

“Yeah, I did."

“Why?" curiosity was in Chrysalis' expression.

“At the time, I was afraid you would be a martyr. I guess I thought if you were alive, there would be a chance to stop the war."

It was now Chrysalis who smirked, "Well thought. I can see why Princess Twilight Sparkle chose you to be her first envoy."

Scootaloo felt herself smile uneasily, unsure how to respond to what sounded like praise from the leader of her former enemies.

“I suppose when it comes down to it, you saved my life. Thank you."

Scootaloo felt her eyes go wide. She had only thought she'd been confused by her interaction with the changeling monarch to that point. At the genuine expression of gratitude she felt totally lost. She was relieved to see Princess Twilight Sparkle approaching and managed to collect herself enough to form a nervous reply.

“It's a small matter."

“How's it going?" the Princess of Friendship cordially greeted the pair.

“Fine," Scootaloo answered. "I thought Ash Eater and the others would feel more comfortable if I wasn’t listening in."

“We've given that some discussion already. If we can agree on a format, we may want you two to come up a day early next time to have a little more time with the next group so they are even better prepared to meet each other."

“Sure thing," Scootaloo feigned excitement at the prospect. "It'll be better than just the few hours we had this time."

“Oh? I expected you'd be too busy with your Crusader work," Chrysalis raised an eyebrow. "Ash Eater tells me that your group keeps quite busy getting your projects accomplished."

“Sure, I guess," the pegasus shrugged, a little surprised that their work had been mentioned to the Queen.

Twilight added, "I'm glad to hear you're still at it. I don't think you'd mentioned any new ventures since you finished that bridge."

“Oh, no. Most of our activities are smaller than that. Sometimes ponies only need a foal sitter for a few hours, or maybe they just need an extra set of hooves, or a shoulder to cry on. Other than the bridge, I think we've only had one other construction project, and that was repairing a staircase."

“So you are experts with construction?" Chrysalis asked.

“Well enough,” she answered modestly. “When it gets to the really difficult stuff, we find somepony who knows more. It helps that I’ve been working on a construction crew since I got back to Ponyville.”

“And you require payment for these projects?” the queen asked nonchalantly.

The question hung in the air for a moment. Scootaloo wondered if the monarch was driving at something specific and was curious as to what the changeling queen could have on her mind.

“Not really. We do these things to help others that need it. We do take donations if somepony wants to fund our work. But that all goes back to materials or if we need to hire an expert."

“I see," the queen replied guardedly. Her attitude shifting to a much more social tone as she changed the subject, "I am pleased to hear that Ash Eater is behaving himself."

Twilight chimed in, “The work you two have done to this point has been invaluable.”

“Thanks,” Scootaloo regarded her ward for a moment.

She still couldn’t shake the instinctively defensive feelings she felt when seeing him, especially in a group of his kind. As much as she knew they were not supposed to be a threat any longer, a knot in her gut wouldn’t allow her to trust them. In truth she’d never been certain whether they could do anything better than tolerate each other. Still, there was no hatred on her part at least.

“We’re working through it all,” she finally added.

Ash Eater approached the group with one of the newly freed changelings and his pony mentor, a butternut unicorn stallion with electric blue eyes and a mane to match. He had a distinctive scar that ran from just below his jaw down into one shoulder. The wound by which he had earned it had been, no doubt, nearly fatal.

“My Queen, princess, Scootaloo, this is Klixis and his mentor..."

"Azure Shimmer," the stallion volunteered.

"It's so nice to see you," Twilight cordially greeted.

If the Princess of Friendship bore any animosity toward the changelings at all, it was totally undetectable. Ash Eater seemed almost happy, a state in which Scootaloo had never seen him prior to this moment.

"We've been friends since..."

"Hatching, I think," Klixis finished the thought.

Ash Eater made what almost passed for a giggle. Scootaloo was amazed to see him with his guard down.

"We certainly found ourselves in plenty of mischief over the years," Klixis smirked.

Scootaloo attempted a joke, "So are you the one that taught him to be such a troublemaker?"

Ash Eater scowled.

"Not me, no," Klixis grinned, "Of the two of us, I was always the good one."

His friend scoffed, "The good one? Who was it that convinced me to dig through a trash pile looking for that... what was it?"

"A doll."

"That's right! My sister's doll, which wasn't even lost!"

Scootaloo felt surprised at the mention of Ash Eater having a sister. She had never even considered if they had a family structure that was anything like that with which she was familiar.

Klixis grinned wide, "But you didn't know that until you had finished searching your side of the pile."

"Yes, and you were just sitting over on the other side, pretending to help without doing a thing!"

The group chuckled at the story. Klixis' good natured demeanor was something of a facade, Scootaloo suspected. She couldn't quite put her hoof on it, but the way his eyes kept scanning the group made her suspect he was nervous. In truth, she would probably have felt at least as skeptical were their roles reversed.

When she found an appropriate moment to do so, she would have to ask Ash Eater about his family. Even if tolerating each other was the best they could achieve, it was a social nicety she would have to explore sooner or later.


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‘Dear Princess Twilight, I’ll bet you heard about the trouble everypony made the other day. I wanted to tell you what I know. It is true that for a short time during the night of the last full moon, Ash Eater was away from me and freely wandering Ponyville. I didn’t know he was going out, or I would have gone with him and prevented the misunderstanding that took place. So far as I can tell, neither he nor his friend intended any trouble. Also, the young mare that was with them had not been kidnapped or anything like that. I spoke with everycreature involved, all accounts point to nothing bad of any kind. I’m sorry I didn’t find them before things got out of hoof, but in the end, nopony got hurt. Ash Eater has promised to not sneak out for any midnight strolls again, and Rarity is having bars put on all the windows as well. Let me know if you want to talk about this more, and I’ll answer any questions you have when I see you. XOXO, Scootaloo.’

Ash Eater couldn’t help but eye his friend’s custodian suspiciously. But then, he had never trusted ponies at all, and unicorns even less than the other kinds. Their magic was so foreign to changeling magic that it almost seemed unnatural. He supposed the close proximity would be the price he’d have to pay in order to spend a little more time with his oldest friend.

"Thanks for putting us up for the night. I can't believe I thought the train for Manehattan was heading out today," Azure Shimmer said evenly.

His expression betrayed sheepish feelings at his error.

“Anytime,” Scootaloo replied, “I’m just sorry I don’t have better furniture for you to sleep on.”

Ash Eater suppressed the snort he would have made. Half of the furniture in the small apartment was crudely fashioned from the boxes out of which the rest of the furnishings had come. The portion of the upper floor of Carousel Boutique that they occupied was a single room that had been subdivided into two tiny bedrooms, a closet sized bathroom, an even smaller kitchen, and a decent living room. This is where Azure Shimmer would sleep on the boxes that served as a couch.

Klixis would stay with Ash Eater in his room. Neither of them would mind the close quarters, as in a changeling hive, it was not uncommon for them to sleep in large groups for shared warmth or cooling as needed with the slow fanning of their wings to circulate air.

“Are you kidding?” the unicorn asked. “I enjoyed sleeping on the ground. These boxes are practically a luxury. I’m glad to see you’re keeping sharp. We wouldn’t want anypony to think that the Queen of Spades is losing her edge.”

“Har, har,” Scootaloo sarcastically feigned a laugh. “Well, I’m off to bed. You should be too if you want to catch that train in the morning.”

“Yes ma’am,” he saluted. “You heard her, Klixis. Off to bed with both of us. Do you need anything?”

The changeling shook his head. The unicorn nodded and went about his business. Ash Eater led Klixis into his room and shut the door. The two were finally alone.

“Oh, these ponies are the worst!” Klixis said.

Ash Eater sighed, “You have no idea.”

“I get the feeling I will soon. How do you stand it?” he asked with a frown.

As he shrugged, a twinge of pain from Ash Eater's missing leg made him wince. Klixis bore few scars of his own, the war leaving him quite a bit more whole than his friend.

"How did you lose your leg?"

Ash Eater let his mind return to that day on the battlefield. They'd been pursuing the dwindling force led by Scootaloo for days when he had ventured to the front to find her. He had come upon her by surprise, able to inflict a wound in her hindquarters. She'd been far more nimble in the counter-attack than he had expected.

Breaking from his memory, Ash Eater replied, "That one, actually. Our paths crossed in the last great push, before we got stopped at Ponyville. She managed to put a spear through my leg."

Klixis frowned.

"It had already skewered several timberwolves and who even knows what else before she got me with it. We had almost no medical supplies by then, and it got infected. After I got captured, pony doctors amputated it."

"It chafes my chitin that we can't make them pay for it," Klixis fumed.

"I can't argue with that. It wouldn't be so bad if we were at least still in the fight... anything for victory."

"Anything for victory," his friend echoed.

Ash Eater felt himself sigh. Though they had been committed to suffer whatever losses would be necessary, to kill everything that stood in their path, they had failed. They were outmaneuvered and lost their overwhelming numbers of timberwolves. Then Chrysalis, herself a prisoner of the ponies, had called for a cease-fire. Though the armistice had come later, the cease-fire had effectively been the end of the war.

"I'm not really that tired," Klixis fidgeted, "and being cramped in this tiny room is as bad as the cell I've been in. Do you ever get out?"

A grin formed on Ash Eater's face, "Anytime I want to. How would you like to go for a walk?"

"Oh, yes and yes," came a hearty reply.

"Get the light," Ash Eater grinned as he made for the window.

Darkness soon concealed the movements of the pair. Unlatching and quietly lifting the window, Ash Eater gently pushed the screen out, lifting frame and all, and bringing it inside.

He whispered, "I loosened this the first night we moved in."

They went out into the cool night air, one at a time, their bug-like wings buzzing softly to keep them aloft. They zipped across Ponyville, somewhat conspicuously lit by a full moon that was working its way toward the zenith. Ash Eater felt a smugness curl his lips as they came to a landing on the edge of Sweet Apple Acres.

With soft earth under their hooves, the pair ventured deeper into the orchard, passing neatly arranged rows of saplings as they walked. They eventually came to the top of a large hill, and Klixis flopped down onto his back, staring up at the silvery disc that illuminated the night. Ash Eater ignored the ache in his damaged limb as he sat beside his oldest friend.

“I always loved the night,” Klixis broke the silence.

“Yeah,” Ash Eater managed as he stared up at the moon, letting it fill his attention for the moment.

Dark thoughts crept back into his mind. Unwanted memories of unsettling dreams nagged at Ash Eater as though he was supposed to understand something. He tried to push it from his mind. Any other thought would do.

"So are these ponies, this friendship garbage, are they serious?" Klixis brought Ash Eater back to the moment.

He shrugged, "Maybe some of them. The guards, even many of the towns ponies don't want me here. They've made that clear more than once."

"And that ridiculous princess, what was her name?"

"Twilight Sparkle."

"That one," Klixis scoffed. "What a windbag. Pushing all that 'new era' and 'harmony' bile. It's enough to make me puke."

Ash Eater snorted a laugh, "Actually, she's one of the few that I think really believes that nonsense she spouts."

"Give me a break. You know they don't really want one happy society with peace and equality for all. We're nothing more than a nuisance that they don't know how to deal with. They're just afraid if the fighting starts up again that they'd lose."

Having personally witnessed the ponies destroy an army that had been nearly a million strong, Ash Eater didn't share his friend's confidence.

"Look at us," Klixis continued. "Are we free? Are we equal? We are being led around by the nose, most of our brothers are under guard right now. Call it an armistice all you want. We were defeated. If our queen had been free, she would never have agreed to the cease fire."

Ash Eater felt himself bristle. Klixis seemed to pick up on the change in mood.

"I'm not speaking against our queen, may she reign forever."

"May she reign forever."

"There is no telling what horrible things they put her through to get their armistice. She was coerced."

"Maybe," Ash Eater felt his brow furrow.

The thought had occurred to him before. He had certainly been able to coerce many ponies to do what he wanted, to give him information... He shuddered at the thought.

"I see you brought a friend tonight," a youthful feminine voice startled the pair from behind.

Both Ash Eater and Klixis jumped to their hooves, spinning to face the intruder that stood hardly three yards away. How had she come so close with such stealth?

"Relax," Glitterdust said with a sarcastic tone, "I'm not here to murder you."

Ash Eater let out a sigh, "Not you again."

"You know her?"


She snorted, "I'm hurt. After all those walks we've taken together, I'd have thought you'd at least be nice enough to introduce me."

"You thought wrong. Go away."

"You met her out here before?"

"No... well, yes," Ash Eater fumbled. "I came out here alone and she followed me like a lost puppy one time."

Klixis snickered.

"A puppy!" rage contorted the young pegasus mare's features.

Klixis began walking around her, "How old are you, anyway? Far too scrawny to be grown."

"I'm old enough," she boldly declared.

He snorted, "I doubt that. You seem tender as a yearling, a tasty morsel and nothing more."

"Not even. There's not much but skin and bone. She'd probably be gamy," Ash Eater quipped.

Klixis winked at Ash Eater before he poked Glitterdust's shoulder with a hoof. She instinctively backed away. He stared at her, his body gathering low in an almost pounce-like posture.

"I'm not scared of you!" Glitterdust exclaimed defiantly.

"I know you're not, my little pony," Klixis said, hunger in his tone as he salivated. His next words came out almost as a snarl, "If you were, you'd have a chance to run!"

A green flash of magical fire enveloped Klixis as he transformed into a grizzly bear. Glitterdust's eyes went wide with fright as Klixis let out a savage roar and charged forward. The mare let out a blood-curdling scream and bolted into the air. Once out of reach, she sped off into the night.

Klixis returned to his natural form and burst into laughter. Ash Eater shook his head, grinning widely at the reaction his friend had elicited from the annoying pony. Maybe she wouldn't bother them anymore.

"Did you see the look on her face?" Klixis got out between heaving breaths.

As he made to answer, Ash Eater's ears swiveled toward a sound behind and above. He hardly had time to turn before he heard shouting.

"Right down there, both of them!" a stallion shouted.

Klixis regained his hooves as a group of pegasi landed.

“What’s going on here?” one of them asked.

None of them wore armor, so the were likely all civilians. The one that spoke carried himself confidently. Either he had been a soldier during the war or perhaps was an arrogant fool.

“Why don’t you mind your own business, feather-brain?” Klixis sneered.

The cream colored pegasus that had asked the question closed his distance with Klixis, “Watch your tone, changeling. Who screamed?”

Sensing a high level of agitation in the ponies, and remembering his previous brush with Ponyville guards, Ash Eater was careful to maintain as nonchalant a posture as he could manage.

“Right here,” Klixis said, feigning like he would leap onto the Pegasus, who dropped into a defensive posture.

“Grab them!” the stallion shouted.

Without delay, the group moved in to restrain the pair.

"Get your filthy hooves off of me!" Klixis spat, shaking himself loose.

"Don't let them get away!" one of them shouted.

"We're not run-" Ash Eater began.

"Did you find the mare that screamed?" another called down from the air.

Thundering hoof-steps signaled the approach of several earth ponies and unicorns. Ash Eater was being held quite firmly in the grip of two pegasi, and he made no attempt to struggle. Klixis was not so level headed.

"I said, get off!" he shook them loose a second time.

"Grab them!" somepony shouted.

The world wrenched sideways as Ash Eater was pulled over, many more ponies grabbing at him. His head struck the ground, rattling his senses even further. A few blows were thrown at the changelings. Ash Eater grunted as his wind was knocked out of him. His heart began racing at the realization of the danger he was in. The ponies pressed thick all around, stomping and smothering.

Klixis cursed and spat at their opponents as the two changelings became engulfed in a shouting throng of angry ponies. The next thing he knew, they had picked the pair up and were carrying them back toward town.

Ash Eater's stomach knotted up and cold sweat poured from his brow as the mob pressed even closer, more ponies joining the hysterical and angry writhing mess. He winced as he was struck by a rock. More shouting joined the ruckus as the two were thrown down in town square.

"Filthy changelings!"

"What did you do to the mare?"

"The only good changeling is a dead changeling!"

The two scrambled back as far as they could against the building, the weight of the crowd pressing against them, suffocating them. Ash Eater opened his mouth to speak, only to be shoved back by an earth pony.

"Just kill them and be done with it!"

More rocks flew. Ash Eater drew himself up to make a smaller target as the weight of the crowd threatened to crush the life out of the two changelings. His heart pounded so furiously in anticipation of the end, his end. The enraged looks on the faces of the crowd were clearly lethal in their intent. Was he about to die?

It was then that a score of guards arrived and began working their way through the crowd. Ash Eater dropped to the ground and covered his head when he saw them. He felt sick in anticipation of the coming thrashing as the guards moved ever closer, but no assault came. There was shuffling and plenty of shouting. When he opened his eyes, he could see that they had formed a perimeter and were trying to quiet the crowd. One guard faced inward toward the two changelings.

"You okay?" Klixis shouted over the noise.

"Yeah!" Ash Eater called back a half truth.

He was rattled. His heart felt as though it were lodged in his throat. He had no doubt that he had just narrowly avoided a brush with his own mortality. It was all he could do just to catch his breath for the tightness in his chest.

"Quiet!" The guards were shouting.

As they got the crowd subdued, the changelings stood again.

"I have a few questions," the guard said to them. "Please, remain where you are for now."

Ash Eater nodded. Klixis spit on the ground. The guard locked eyes with him for a moment, but made no other posturing or comment. He turned to the crowd.

"You, what is the meaning of this disturbance?"

"Those two were sneaking about the orchard!"

"The war is over, and the changelings are not our enemies any longer,” The guard turned to Ash Eater.

The changeling shrugged, "We were going for a stroll."

The guard looked to the dog tags, “Those red tags mean you are supposed to have an escort. Where is your guardian?”

Klixis smirked, “Look around. We have about twenty escorts.”

Unamused, the guard took a slow step forward, “I am trying to help you.”

A pegasus spoke up, “We was lookin' fur them thar 'lings an heard a mare scream, we did! Whut did yuh do wuth her?"

The crowd nearly got worked up again, but the guard captain quieted them before turning to the changeling pair.

"What's your side of it?"

"That was nothing, Klixis scoffed.

Ash Eater’s words were labored, but he forced them out,” There's a young mare that lives out on the farm... Glitter-something...”

Why couldn’t he remember her name? He knew he needed to explain things but was having trouble concentrating. He still couldn’t get air, and his breaths became fast and shallow.

“She snuck up on us and wouldn't leave us alone,” Klixis picked up the story. “I startled her a little to get rid of her."

"Where is she now?"

"How should I know? She flew away and we haven't seen her since.”

“Check the farm house,” Ash Eater managed.

"We will, but this does complicate things. Please come with us.”

Ash Eater’s stomach dropped. The fear of imminent death had passed, but no doubt his actions would be called into question by the Queen.

“We haven’t done anything wrong!” Klixis shot back.

“Allow me to rephrase,” the guard spoke with deliberate calm, “You should strongly consider coming with us for your own safety.”

The flapping of wings signaled another arrival. Scootaloo touched down just outside the crowd and worked her way through.

"Stop!" she pleaded. "These are under my custody!"

Sizing up the new arrival, the guard captain said, “They are not under arrest."

Shouting erupted from the crowd. The guards let Scootaloo pass and began attempting to calm the mass again.

"Are you two alright?" she panted.

The knot in Ash Eater's throat lessened, and the heightened tension he carried began to dissipate. His breaths became more under control as well.

"Just great, can't you tell?" Klixis sneered.

He could hardly admit it to himself, let alone to the orange pegasus, but he was actually glad to see her. The crowd finally grew quiet again.

"Thank you all for being alert and searching for these two, but it's time for you to go home. We will search out the matter of the young mare that screamed. We do not need any assistance at this time."

"What mare?" Scootaloo's eyes went wide.

"The one over at the orchard," Ash Eater had regained his ability to speak. "One of the children, the older filly."


"Yeah, she finds me out there sometimes."

"Let me get this straight," Scootaloo took a deep breath to calm herself. "You've been sneaking out, and you have met with Glitterdust, just you and her several times? For the love of Celestia, please tell me nothing happened between you two!"

Klixis broke in, the annoyance in his voice unmasked, "It did. She's carrying his foal. So what?"

"Don't be ridiculous! And you need to get your minds out of the gutter." Ash Eater hissed at Scootaloo before shooting a look at Klixis.

Scootaloo breathed a sigh of relief. She remained silent as the crowd disbursed. The captain of the guard looked to the pegasus before speaking.

“That could have been ugly. Would you like an escort home?”

Hardly glancing at the other two, she replied, “Okay, but these two aren’t going to be any trouble.”

“I never thought they intended to,” he added with a slight grin. “Still, sometimes trouble has a way of happening all on its own.“

Ash Eater’s heart began to slow to a normal rhythm. While he was not surprised that the ponies still hated him, a mutual feeling, he had been caught off guard how quickly and irrationally they had reacted. The months he had spent around Scootaloo may have made him complacent around a single pony, but a crowd of them was truly terrifying. He felt himself shudder.


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‘My most venerable queen, the curiosity of these ponies is annoying. Without breaking your command to abstain from aggression, I was able to repay their invasive questions with equally uncomfortable jabs of my own. Perhaps next time they will be a little less inclined to endlessly pester me.’

Scootaloo could feel the mirth as she walked into the gathering. Food was still scarce, though enough raw ingredients had been scrounged together to bake a tiny carrot cake, which she was eager to taste. The Apple’s farmhouse was hosting ponies that Scootaloo had not seen since the war had ended. Additionally, Princess Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie had come.

Glitterdust’s brother, Duster, was preparing to leave the farm to attend an art school in Manehattan. Scootaloo hadn’t had much time to spend with him since she had taken Ash Eater in. Glitterdust’s inexplicable curiosity notwithstanding, the rest of Duster’s family still harbored hard feelings about changelings in general and Ash Eater specifically. As such, Scootaloo had left her ward at the apartment with Sweetie Belle for this occasion.

LD was chatting with Apple Bloom by the stairs, but the farm pony seemed unimpressed with his attempts at flirting. The the orange pegasus headed that direction.

“Hey, Apple Bloom, are you still listening to this loser?”

The pegasus stallion turned toward her and grinned, “Captain? Or was it Major by the end?”

“That’s ancient history for me. It’s just Scootaloo now.”

“As a matter of fact, I was gonna make my escape any second,” Apple Bloom jabbed.

“You make it sound like no matter what I try, I’m not getting anywhere with you,” LD sounded oddly cheerful.

“Welp,” Apple Bloom considered this, “sounds to me like you’re catchin’ on.”

“Harsh,” Scootaloo grinned, “but I believe I once told you that you were barking up the wrong Apple Tree.”

LD waved her off, “I’m playing the long game. Sometimes early setbacks will happen.”

Scootaloo laughed; Apple Bloom shook her head, resigned to the fact that she would be rejecting the amorous pegasus’ advances for a bit longer yet.

“So, how have you been?”

“You know me, the rock that keeps everypony else together,” LD feigned a smile.

Scootaloo could tell he was bothered by something. She wasn’t sure whether this were the place to press him about it. She surmised that his trip home may not have gone well. From what she had last heard, he was going to make a visit to see his parents and “twin”. LD had feared that they might react badly to their only colt having been magically duplicated. Truthfully, Scootaloo wasn’t sure how anypony would be able to handle such a bizarre situation.

A gray pegasus approached the trio, working his way through the gathering. It was the guest of honor. The spitting image of his older sister who was lost during the war, Duster managed to get through it mostly in one piece, some deep scars notwithstanding.

“Ma’am,” he greeted her.

Duster’s harsh and gravelly sounding voice had been rendered so by a wound inflicted by Ash Eater in the final major battle of the war.

“How are you?”

“We’re fine, I mean I’m fine,” he made a nervous smile. “There’s been plenty to do on the farm.”

“Ain’t there always?” Apple Bloom agreed.

LD chimed in, “I find it refreshing to keep busy. Especially if I can find a worthwhile pursuit.”

He looked at Apple Bloom as he said it. She rolled her eyes at him.

“I’m gonna grab some of that there punch. Anypony want some?”

“Sure,” Duster said.

Scootaloo nodded.

“I’ll help you,” LD grinned as the two walked away.

Apple Bloom was annoyed but had the situation well in hoof. Scootaloo decided to let her take care of it for now.

“Speech!” Pinkie Pie cried out, “Make a speech!”

“Oh,” Duster said softly to Scootaloo as the crowd took up Pinkie’s chant, “I guess that’s me.”

“You’ve got this,” she encouraged.

Duster climbed up the bottom of the stairs and faced everypony. He was looking well, but Scootaloo could sense the sadness in him. He had never been quite the same since she’d given him news of his older sister‘s death.

“Thank you all for coming,” he began, “I’m not really sure what to say.”

He fidgeted uncomfortably before continuing, “I met most of you because of the war. I’m glad that’s over with. I’m glad we can get back to...” he took a breath, staring off for a moment.

“It’s good that some things have survived. I’m glad that there is time to... I’m glad the killing has stopped... glad that we can do what we are here to do... enjoy the days, spend time with friends and family... Sissy was always reading books, and she told me one time that, ‘Art is simply the act of creation for the purpose of the creator.’ So, I guess like many pursuits, it’s a journey of self-discovery. Thank you all for being here to help me begin mine.”

Scootaloo got lost in her own thoughts as he finished. She had been close friends with ‘Sissy’, Duster’s older sister, Sparklefly. Her loss was still weighing heavily on many of them. Scootaloo tried to put it out of her mind so as to not let her sadness about it sour the party.


Ash Eater stared at the wall of Scootaloo’s apartment above Carousel Boutique, his eyes heavy from another fitful night where sleep eluded him. She had gone out and left the bothersome unicorn to watch him as if he needed a nymph sitter. It wouldn’t be so bad if she didn’t always find some inane questions with which to bombard him.

“So, what’s on your mind?” she asked far too cheerfully.

Boredom was the only thing really on his mind, and he had been trying to enjoy it.


“Nothing at all?”

“Nope. Not a thing.”

“Oh,” she seemed disappointed.

There was a chance that she would remain silent, or she would have another meddlesome inquiry. Ash Eater braced himself for the latter.

“So...” she hesitated.

The changeling sighed.

“Never mind.”


“It’s nothing, really.”

He sighed again, “Out with whatever is in your little mind.”

“Well,” she paused again. “Changelings feed off of somepony else’s love, right? How does that work?”

He stared at the overly curious unicorn for a long moment, “Traditionally, we would impersonate someone you love for a time. We could either replace them permanently when the time came, or use a memory spell and bring them back so nobody is the wiser.”

“I know that part. I’m really wondering just how the feeding works. I know you eat food like we do.”

“You can’t live on love only, that would be ridiculous.”

Her brow furrowed in thought, “So, how does it work?”

“While we are imposing, we reap the benefits that the dupe would normally get.”

“That’s all?”

“Essentially. Our magic is also enhanced by the energy of their affections.”

They grew silent for a brief space. Ash Eater could already see that she was not yet satisfied with his answers.

“Okay, is it related to physical intimacy, to mating?” she asked, a slight blush on her face.

“What in tarnation are y’all talkin’ about?” Apple Bloom practically shouted.

Both the changeling and the unicorn were startled, not having heard the door open. Ash Eater could not resist the opportunity to use the sudden arrival.

“I believe I have just been propositioned.”

“What!” Sweetie Belle squeaked as her face flushed a bright crimson.

“I think you’re a little young for me, but I was ordered by my queen to be cooperative. Do you want to do it here, or do you prefer privacy?”

“Now wait just a gol-dern minute!” Apple Bloom roared.

Sweetie Belle tried to speak, but the initial attempt came out as inane sputtering.

She finally managed, “I’m older than you!” before she fled the apartment, galloping past her friend in the doorway.

Ash Eater felt far more amused than he had expected at how well he had gotten under the unicorn’s skin and allowed himself to be taken in uproarious laughter. He was not even upset by the onslaught of berating that Apple Bloom unleashed at him.


Scootaloo walked with Twilight Sparkle back toward her apartment after the festivities had wound down. The two had been getting to know each other far more closely since the war had ended, though it seemed as if it were more of a student and teacher relationship that had developed.

“I noticed that you were feeling a bit down earlier. Are you okay?” the Princess asked.

“Yeah,” Scootaloo replied.

She didn’t want to talk about what was on her mind, not yet. It still made her far too sad, and she had no intention of letting her guard down and becoming an emotional wreck. She couldn’t afford to show that sort of vulnerability in front of Ash Eater.

“We’ve all had a lot of hard times of late,” Princess Twilight Sparkle said. “It’s amazing that any of us have made it through them. But if you think about it, the reason we did is because we have each other to rely on.”

The sentiment rang true to Scootaloo, but it only served to deepen the feeling of sadness for her lost friend.

“I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’m here if you need me.”

Scootaloo was touched by that, but felt the need to deflect, “Thanks, Twilight, that’s... really sappy.”

Seeing a mild shock on the Princess’ face, Scootaloo giggled. Twilight grinned and joined the younger pegasus in a laugh.

As they drew near to the apartment, Scootaloo could hear stomping within just before the door flew open, loudly slamming as it did. Her unicorn friend exited at a furious pace, looking somewhat flustered.

“Sweetie Belle, are you okay?”

“Not a feather!” she squealed with rage.

Twilight and Scootaloo exchanged a nervous glance as the unicorn stormed away. They turned to go after her when angry shouting erupted from their destination. they spun back toward the entrance and galloped up to Scootaloo’s apartment, ready for action.

When they vaulted through the open door, they discovered Ash Eater lying on his back, cackling as Apple Bloom stood over, a tapestry of vitriol being woven with each irate word she spewed at the changeling. Her country dialect combined with her fervor and effectively obliterated much of her intended meaning to Scootaloo, though the gist still got through.

“What in the wide world of Equestria is going on here?” Princess Twilight Sparkle shouted to be heard.

Apple Bloom turned to face the pair, marching toward them as she spoke, “Stallions are pigs! They’re all pigs! Filthy disgustin’ pigs!”

“Slow down, what happened?” Scootaloo asked.

“Technically, a male changeling would be called a stag,” Twilight interjected.

She drew a look of exasperation from both of the younger mares.

“Not the time; sorry!”

Apple Bloom began speaking as Ash Eater recovered from his laughter and struggled to stand.

“That there dolt made downright lewd comments at Sweetie Belle!”

“Wait, what!” Twilight’s face flushed in surprise.

Scootaloo felt herself go pale. She could tell by Ash Eater’s demeanor that he had intended it as a joke and found the entire thing amusing. However, Scootaloo had not forgotten the things that Ash Eater had told her from before. Though Sparklefly had given a slightly different account, the changeling stag had indicated that he had been physically intimate with her, by force.

Scootaloo wasn’t sure what to say. Ash Eater caught her gaze for a moment, and it seemed as though a light of understanding filled his eyes. All trace of his bemusement evaporated. The Princess took a breath.

“Alright, Ash Eater. What do you have to say about this?”

“Sweetie Belle was annoying me with questions about how changelings feed on love and whether it had anything to do with mating. Apple Bloom came in right then, so I offered to demonstrate with Sweetie Belle how we do it... mating, I mean. I didn’t mean any harm. I just wanted to make her stop pestering me.”

He refused to make eye contact with Scootaloo again. She could only guess at the reason. The sinking in her stomach was relieved somewhat when Princess Twilight Sparkle began laughing.

The others all gave her a confused look.

“I’m sorry,” she composed herself. Becoming slightly more serious, she continued, “Ash Eater, that sort of humor is considered quite inappropriate, and we would appreciate it if you would be a little more... careful the way you tease others. I would also appreciate it if you would apologize to Sweetie Belle when you get the chance.”

He sighed, looking down at the floor, “By your command, Princess Twilight…”

“Chance, nothin’!” Apple Bloom stormed forward, “Yur comin’ with me to say yur sorry right now, an’ I don’t want no guff about it neither!”

He glanced at Scootaloo, who shrugged at him. The farm pony grabbed Ash Eater by his dog tag chain and pulled. The changeling followed after the irate Apple Bloom, not unlike a scolded puppy. It was curious how much more compliant he had become, relative to how they had begun. Scootaloo was sure she wanted to keep her thoughts about Sparklefly to herself for now, but she was curious about Twilight’s reaction.

“I don’t understand,” she began. “Getting at Sweetie Belle like that… making her that mad on purpose… why did you laugh?”

Twilight’s smile fell somewhat, but it was still clear, “Scootaloo, most of what I have observed from Ash Eater to this point has been combative, hateful. While I didn’t like the prank he chose to play, or the spirit with which it was done, it shows a certain level of… well, comfort around us. You heard him laughing. He had let his guard down. It’s a small step, but I think it’s a sign of some real progress.”

Scootaloo considered this. Certainly, she didn’t want Sweetie Belle being teased, but it made sense. Maybe they were beginning to get through to Ash Eater a little bit. Maybe the months that they had been together were beginning to pay off. The pegasus made a small smile of her own.


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‘Dear Princess Twilight, I was surprised to get a letter from Queen Chrysalis, but I think Ponyville would be a great place to host the reunion she has in mind. I’ll get things started on this end. I know you plan to get back here full time once everything settles down, but I wanted to say that your friends always look forward to seeing you when you are in town. XOXO, Scootaloo.’

Scootaloo watched the look on Applejack’s face change from the normal pleasantries as concern scrunched her muzzle.

“A gatherin’ that large, huh?”

“That’s right,” the pegasus answered. “It’ll already be five-hundred changelings, and as many former EUP soldiers too.”

Ash Eater stood behind her, lazily trying to ignore the pair. The bright sunny day was ideal for standing outside in an orchard, where the trio found themselves. Applejack was trying to get some work done as her young filly slept in a bassinet nearby.

“Whoo-wee... I’ll do it just to help Twilight out, you know that, but... Are you sure that’ll be, you know... safe?”

Scootaloo didn’t miss the glance that the older mare gave to Ash Eater.

“What, him? He acts tough, but he’s a marshmallow.”

Ash Eater’s ears perked up.

“I’m sure the rest will be at least as well behaved.”

“Just mind the trees. They’re mighty small still and just need some time to grow up a bit.”

“We would never do anything to dishonor our queen!” Ash Eater snapped. “And don’t call me marshmallow!”

Something inside Scootaloo couldn’t resist the urge to antagonize the changeling a second time, and the words were flowing before she had time to reconsider.

“Take it easy, cream puff, I didn’t mean anything by it.”

Ash Eater let out a growl, “Just keep pushing if you want to see this wolf’s fangs!”

Applejack’s mouth was agape at the escalating situation. Scootaloo wanted to let Ash Eater have the fight she was instigating, but she felt that it would be far better to hold off until they were away from the farm to set Applejack at ease.

“Brave Warrior,” Scootaloo bowed low, crossing her right front hoof to her left side, “forgive my trespass. I meant you no disrespect.”

It was now Ash Eater’s turn to be dumbstruck. Scootaloo kept her eyes on him, watching as he recomposed himself. Clearly he had not expected her to know a formal changeling apology. The letters between Scootaloo and Chrysalis, while few, had given her some wonderful insights into changeling customs.

Standing straight again, he mumbled, “It is already forgotten.”

“Huh,” Applejack vocalized her perplexity.

“We have our differences,” Scootaloo said as she stood and turned to the earth pony, “but everypony...” she regarded the changeling. “Everycreature likes to be treated respectfully.”

Ash Eater snorted as though unhappy that Scootaloo had not given him more reason to fight. The filly began wailing, and her mother went to soothe her. Scootaloo turned to her ward.

“If you’d like to go one round, we can when we get back to the apartment.”

“You earned this one,” he smirked.


Ash Eater walked alongside the annoying mare that had been guarding him since his release. As much as he’d tried to wipe the smirk from her face for calling him dessert names again and again, he had to admit that she was no pushover when it came to sparring. For the time being, she continued the insults daily.

He shivered against the chilled night air, glad that it was unlikely to get any colder. The gravel and dirt crunched beneath the weight of the crowd that was shuffling toward Sweet Apple Acres. Changelings paired with their pony overseers all made their way to what promised to be the largest single gathering of freed prisoners, former warriors, since the armistice.

Though not in uniform, Ash Eater recognized the pony guards around the perimeter all the same. Quite the opposite of a show of force, they had been tasked with nothing more than keeping the peace and making sure townsponies didn’t stray into the gathering. The changelings and their assigned ponies were free to come and go at will, so long as they stayed paired. But within the party grounds, they would all be free to mingle without any scrutiny.

Ash Eater was excited at the chance to see Klixis again and find out how he had been faring since they last had been together.

The decorations were probably liked by the ponies, with insipid soft colors and streamers making a skeletal canopy appearance in the center of the party area. The light, however, was delightfully dim and diffuse, giving a somewhat underground feeling that pleased Ash Eater. He also knew that the food would be to everyone’s liking, as he had been used to sample all of it and perfect recipes that would be acceptable for both changeling and pony palates.

Though he was loathe to admit it, he was already looking forward to sampling the punch again. It was one of the few recipes that had required no modification. The effervescent pink pony that had made it did not seem surprised in the slightest and had posed confidently in her triumph when Ash Eater had approved.

Ash Eater and Scootaloo arrived with the first group, but it was nearly a constant stream of new arrivals during the hour after sunset. It took far less time than that for the pair to become separated as they mingled among their respective kinds. It was comforting to be surrounded by the familiar looking faces again.

From a short distance off, Klixis waved and caught Ash Eater’s attention. The pair greeted each other just as trumpeters sounded, signaling that the royalty had arrived. At the head table, the pony princesses, Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and Twilight Sparkle were seated with Queen Chrysalis and at least as many additional honored guests. Celestia and Chrysalis remained standing to address the crowd.

“Welcome, my little ponies and new friends,” Celestia began.

Chrysalis added, “Welcome, my faithful children and honorary members of our hive.”

“It fills my heart with great joy to see you all here together in peaceful gathering,” Celestia continued. “While I credit such a bold and innovative plan to my ever faithful Twilight Sparkle,” she nodded at her former protégé, “in truth, this day belongs to all of you. As much work as we have done to bring you together, it is you who have done the harder work to live together and learn from each other in the bond of harmony toward the common goal of building a future for all. It will not be a pony future, or a changeling future, but one that we can share. Together we will be far greater than either could have ever been on our own. You each have my thanks for sharing that vision and living the first days of it.”

She turned to Chrysalis, who spoke next, “We stand together: for unity, for equality, for our future.”

Ash Eater had mixed feelings about the opening pageantry. He couldn’t help but roll his eyes at the fluffiness of the white princess pony’s remarks, but Queen Chrysalis seemed to be in agreement. Through all the smiles and stomach-churning talk of harmony and unity, the changeling couldn’t shake the feeling that they were a defeated people, that the smiles of the ponies were nothing more than a facade to sugarcoat changeling subjugation.

“Now, it is time for us to let you get on with a much more important part of this evening. Let’s eat!”

A curtain that had been obscuring the buffet table was drawn away, revealing the largest feast Ash Eater had seen since the war. Surely it would have paled in comparison to what had been before, but the shortages that were commonplace made the somewhat mundane offerings seem fit for royalty. Considering the circumstances, it was quite lavish.

“I thought she’d never stop yapping,” Klixis whined.

“I know!”

“How are you, friend?”

“My leg bothers me, and being unable to take another form-“

“Don’t get me started on that,” Klixis scoffed. “I know it’s worse for you, but to still be able to change and forbidden... it’s like an itch I can’t scratch.”

Ash Eater snorted, “But you will eventually.”

“Maybe sooner than you think,” Klixis grinned cryptically.

Ash Eater felt himself pause, unsure what his friend had meant by that last comment.

“Forget it,” Klixis added.

In spite of the dismissal, the curious changeling would have inquired further, had not a lovely female of his species been walking by just then. It was as perfect a feminine form as he had ever seen, gracefully gliding past him. As his attention was quite taken with her for a moment, he nearly forgot Klixis was there until the friend slapped Ash Eater on the side.

“Say something before she gets away!”

“What? Huh?” The he sputtered as his face flushed. “No, its... I’m okay.”

Klixis turned in the direction of the retreating beauty and spoke loudly, “Now that is a fine specimen of a doe.”

Ash Eater felt himself go pale as she turned around, looking unimpressed initially. Sizing up the pair, she approached.

“Tough talk. We are all warriors here, and you look to hardly have a scratch on you. Where were you in the fighting, bringing up the rear?”

Klixis relaxed his stance and spoke coolly, “There are many honorable positions far from the danger.”

The changeling doe snorted at him. Then she turned to Ash Eater, “You were clearly closer to the front once or twice. Don’t you have any compliments for me, or did they take your tongue as well?”

Ash Eater made to reply, and his throat caught, a cough escaping instead of words.

“I speak,” he replied, trying to think of something to say.

He let his eyes wander across her body... the gentle curve of her back, the pristine symmetry of her legs, the softness of her face... There was only one imperfection. A scar began just above her right eye, and it ran diagonally across her cheek to the top of her jaw. Clearly she had been in at least one scrape to have earned such a wound. Her sparkling sky-blue eyes had escaped any damage.

“Well?” she said impatiently.

“I like your face,” Ash Eater blurted out.

Klixis roared with laughter at the weak statement, but the female seemed amused in a much less condescending manner.

“Feel free to look. I’m going to get some food.”

She turned to walk away, and Ash Eater felt the need to continue the conversation.

“I didn’t get your name!” he called after her.

“I know,” she replied without turning around.

The amorous changeling felt his mouth fall agape. Klixis closed it for him.

“She is walking like that on purpose,” his friend observed as they watched her perfectly shaped posterior slink away in a rather sultry fashion. “That one is trouble.”

Ash Eater’s heart was pounding far too heavily for him to make a reply. He made to continue forward to the buffet table, but found himself sitting instead as his knees went weak.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah... I just...”

“Wow,” Klixis seemed truly impressed, “I have never seen you have it this bad. Do you remember those sisters we went after from the-“

“Not one more word!” Ash Eater was suddenly back to himself, standing up and posturing menacingly at his friend, “The last thing I need is for anyone to bring that up again.”

He swiveled about, making sure Scootaloo hadn’t heard the comment. She was nowhere nearby; he relaxed after spotting her by the buffet table. As prone as she was to teasing him, she would love nothing more than to hear about a doomed mission of courtship that had gone so horrifically awry.

“Welcome back.” Klixis grinned, “Works every time.”

At the realization of what his friend had done, Ash Eater couldn’t help but snort a laugh at Klixis, “Thanks for that.”

“Let’s get something to eat, I’m starving.”

Ash Eater’s eyes narrowed, “I saw her first.”

“Be my guest with that trouble. If you can land that one, you deserve what you get.”

“Har, har.”

The pair walked over to join the others that were seeking food. The group was rather mixed up with ponies and changelings all standing around each other and lining up. Ash Eater couldn’t help but feel slightly tense about it, but everyone seemed to be ignoring each other well enough for the moment. Scootaloo had suggested using two lines, one for ponies and one for changelings, but the purple princess had decided against it, saying that they should all stand together.

In addition to fresh hay greens and spicy corn, carrot strudels were a surprise hit among the changelings. Ash Eater was not surprised that the punch was wildly popular with everyone. The pony princesses seemed to be enjoying themselves. Rather than standing in line, they had a quartet of pony and changeling waiters that were serving them. Queen Chrysalis seemed far more guarded than the others.

“Makes me sick,” Klixis spat.

Ash Eater looked at him inquisitively.

“Our queen playing nice just to placate the pony princesses.”

“What choice do any of us have?”

Klixis snorted dismissively. Their attention was soon taken as the line advanced, and they arrived at the buffet table. They filled their small plates and found a spot to sit down out of the main trafficked areas. Ash Eater was delighted to notice that they were within sight of the flirtatious changeling doe with whom they had spoken briefly. It seemed she had a friend with her.

“So, how are you tolerating your pony overlord?” Klixis broke Ash Eater’s attention away from the ladies.

He shrugged, “Well enough. These ponies are ridiculous.”

“Their disgustingly cheerful colors make me want to vomit.”

“Oh, I know!”

“That and how they act so smug, so superior.”

One or two bad experiences notwithstanding, Ash Eater hadn’t had many problems being slighted by the ponies. Most seemed too afraid of him to cause any trouble. Still, it was unbecoming of a form of life that should be herded like cattle to be so presumptuous to act as equals.

“I wish we could have corralled the lot of them and fed at our leisure.”

Klixis reacted to this. He seemed as though he might have been forming a reply when his attention was redirected to an approaching pair.

“My friend was lonely,” the beautiful changeling doe addressed the stags.

Ash Eater felt his mouth drop again, but he remembered to close it himself this time.

“Well, are you going to ask us to sit down?”

“Won’t you join us,” Klixis offered.

There was a twinkle in those sky-blue eyes, “This is Carina. I am Seta.”

Carina was not quite as dark as most changelings, having a slate gray color to her hide. Her eyes were lime green, and while her petite frame was not at all unpleasant, Ash Eater hardly gave her a second glance as he rolled Seta’s name across his tongue.

“Hi,” Carina said softly.

She seemed somewhat timid in the large crowd. Her disposition, the way she carried herself, it reminded Ash Eater of someone.

“I’m Klixis, and he likes you.”

Ash Eater’s face flushed.

“Well, you have a garbage way of showing it,” Seta said with confident nonchalance. “Your compliments are weak, and you didn’t offer to get me anything to drink.”

Klixis stood and put a hoof on Ash Eater’s shoulder, “I’ll get punch for everyone. This one needs to practice talking before we let him try to carry anything.”

“You do that,” she said with a hint of disdain. As soon as Klixis was out of earshot, she continued, “I can’t trust a stag without any good scars, not this soon after a war.”

Ash Eater couldn’t let his friend be insulted, “Klixis fought bravely. He was in the attack on Las Pegasus, and he commanded the assault on Baltimare, when the city fell.”

Seta’s ears perked up at that, but Carina’s lime green eyes went wide.

“I was in Las Pegasus.”

For the first time, Seta’s stalwart facade cracked as she seemed genuinely concerned for her friend. Even the soft way the gray changeling spoke seemed familiar to Ash Eater. It took him a moment to realize it was one of Scootaloo’s friends, Flutter... something, for whom they had built a bridge. They had a similar way they carried themselves.

“I was with my...” Carina trailed off, lost in thought for a moment.

“It was her mate. He was killed by a pony.”

“It was a demon,” fear filled those green eyes. “I saw him, black as a moonless night, with red fiery eyes. There was so much rage and hate...”

“I know,” Seta embraced her friend for a moment.

Carina seemed lost in thought as Klixis returned with drinks.

“I’ll explain,” Seta offered. “They were with a group of snipers that had covered a square near a grain mill. She and her mate had just finished their sweep to make sure the building was empty on the lower levels, and he had found a pony baby book. He was going to show it to his brother, who was there also, and as he came to the room where they had been, a spear pinned him to the wall. Carina was a bit behind him but saw the whole thing. The pony that was there cut his throat. She ran back to a second room where more of their teammates were, but they were all dead. She jumped out the window and flew away.”

“I ran...” Carina said, “I...” she was clearly ashamed.

In spite of the training that he’d been drilled with, that death was preferable to dishonor, Ash Eater couldn’t help but feel sorry for her. Perhaps the ponies sympathetic nature was starting to rub off on him.

“You made a good accounting of yourself after that,” Seta added. “Look at this.”

She pushed her friend to turn her, showing Carina’s left side, where a healed wound was visible against her rib cage.

“Another inch and that spear thrust would have been fatal. She killed the pony that gave it to her, with his own spear,” Seta beamed proudly.

“And what about yours?” Klixis asked.

“This?” Seta gestured at the scar on her face. “VanHoover. I had already let out a magic blast at the pony, sheered her spear in two, but her armor held. I had thought she was wounded and went in for the kill when she came up with her knife and tried to take my head off.” She smirked, “I was quick enough to duck and get under her guard. I’m pretty sure I took her foreleg off with my second blast, but she got lost in the fray after that and I never saw her again.”

“You are amazing,” Ash Eater said.

Seta pursed her lips at him, “You’re getting better, but I want to hear your stories. Is your horn completely broken?”

Ash Eater nodded sorrowfully, “I was under cover and leading a group of ponies into an ambush. They discovered me and a rather large one managed to get me on the ground and slammed my head several times with his hooves. He broke my horn and it doesn’t work anymore.”

“What happened to him?”

“My teammates in the ambush took care of him. I couldn’t see straight at that point and it was all I could do to scramble away. I did help coordinate the rest of the attack to cut off their retreat.”

He didn’t feel like adding the part where several of the ponies actually did escape that ambush. He suspected such details would not make the evening go his way.

“And your leg?” Seta leaned forward, as if hanging on his every word.

“The wilderness near Ghastly Gorge. I took a spear straight through it before getting trampled by timberwolves. We had already run out of surgeons and supplies, and the wound got infected. It was actually pony doctors that took it off.”

Seta and Carina spit on the ground in unison. Klixis grinned and followed their example.

“Did you see what happened to the pony that stabbed you?”

Ash Eater snorted, “She lives. I’m afraid I’ve been remanded to her custody.”

The ladies both gasped. How Seta was able to remain so cute while making such an expression, Ash Eater could only guess.

“I wouldn’t, I couldn’t do that!” Seta seemed determined. “If I had been so maimed, I would take my revenge as soon as the opportunity arose.”

“But for the orders of our glorious queen, so would I.”

“I’m not sure I’d use the word ‘maimed’,” Klixis interjected. “He is still quite functional where it counts.”

He winked at Seta. Ash Eater felt himself blush at the innuendo. The beautiful doe raised an eyebrow.

“I’ll take your word for it... for now.”

A lump instantly formed in Ash Eater’s throat. He struggled to swallow around it.

“In any case, your questionable talent in locution aside, you have a great deal of strength to resist killing her in her sleep.”

“I remain ready and committed to our queen,” he boasted. “As soon as she gives the order, I’ll kill every pony I can get at.”

“May it be her command,” the ladies said in unison.

Klixis remained silent. It seemed that something was on his mind again.

“Suppose, that such a day may come sooner than you think?” the stag said enigmatically.

Silence took the other three for a long moment. The ladies exchanged a glance, but Ash Eater was focused on Klixis. Whatever he was hinting at, it was no joke.

“I’m in,” Seta broke the quiet.

Carina shuddered. Klixis took a breath.

“Plans are already in the works. As soon as enough of us are out of prison, we will free the Queen.”

Seta grinned, “Just let me know what you want me to do.”

“For now, wait. Keep your strength up and be ready. None of us have had access to the queen. Those pony princesses are always around, and we don’t want to make them suspicious.”

Ash Eater felt sick. He wasn’t exactly sure why, perhaps he’d consumed too much sugar from the punch. He surmised that was wishful thinking. Something about plotting insurrection without the queen’s knowledge or orders didn’t sit well with him.

“At the rate they’ve been letting changelings go, we should have sufficient numbers to act in a few months.”

Seta cocked an eyebrow, “In the meantime, aren’t you going to ask me to dance? I’m getting bored just sitting around and talking.”

Ash Eater felt confused. There was neither a space prepared for dancing or anything resembling dancing music.

“Yeah, of course.”

“By the hive, you’re easy,” the nubile doe chortled.

Her laugh had a delightful cadence to it. Ash Eater composed himself.

“Well?” she asked. “What are you waiting for?”

“There’s no music,” he finally managed.

“I suppose you’re right about that. I guess we can skip the dancing.”

Ash Eater mustered the nerve to flirt, “If you’re bored with talking, I’m sure we can find something more interesting to do.”

“What did you have in mind?” she leaned toward him, blinking her eyes coquettishly.

“I would never be presumptuous, but I’m sure we could come up with something.”

Out of the corner of his eye, Ash Eater noticed Klixis and Carina exchange amused glances at the banter.

“Why don’t you shut up and kiss me then?”

Everything stopped, and Ash Eater was stunned to silence for a moment. He had never met anyone who was so forward, so bold in matters of romance. He made the attempt to speak before collecting his thoughts.

“What, right now?”

The other three laughed at Ash Eater’s expense. He felt himself turn a bit red from embarrassment.

“You’re fun,” Seta said as she leaned back. “I like you.”

Realizing she had gotten the better of him yet again, Ash Eater tried to play it off by nonchalantly adding, “I just didn’t want everyone else to feel... left out.”

“Mm hmm...” she didn’t sound convinced.

The wiser course seemed to steer back to a more normal mode of conversation and away from the amorous talk in which Ash Eater was clearly far beyond his depth.

“How long have you been out?”

She shrugged, “Three weeks?”

Seta glanced at Carina, who nodded.

“It’s easy to lose track,” Seta continued, “three days feels like a week in this tiny town.”

“You’re staying in Ponyville?” Ash Eater’s heart pounded; it was almost too good to be true.

“That’s right.”

“Me too!”

“You don’t say,” she winked slyly.

“I’m staying in Manehattan,” Klixis interjected. “Not that anyone is interested...”

Seta leaned forward again, those beautiful sky-blue pools drinking him in. He could get lost in their gaze for a lifetime and it wouldn’t have been enough. The corners of her mouth turned up ever so slightly. He returned the smile.

“What’s your name?”

“Ash Eater.”

Her smile fell slightly, “Family dishonor?”

“Fiend! Incompetent fool!” Carina shrieked as her eyes went wide.

The other three were somewhat rattled by the outburst from the doe who had to that point been so demure. All of their attention was now on her.

“Seta, he’s the one! He’s the reason we lost the war!”

“What are you talking about?” Ash Eater asked.

For the first time, Seta seemed too surprised to say anything.

“Weren’t you in command of the Shock Force when it was crushed at Ponyville?”

Ash Eater made to reply, but no words came as his understanding awakened. Seta flushed in a combination of embarrassment and rage.

“I can’t believe you!” she spat at Klixis. “You knew and let me act the fool!”

He shrugged, feigning ignorance. It was a pretense, Ash Eater was certain. The ladies stood.

“Wait,” Ash Eater wasn’t certain if he could say anything to salvage the situation.

“Words are cheap, and your family dishonor suits you,” Seta cut him off. “There is nothing you have to say that I want to hear!”

The words wounded Ash Eater like a punch to the gut. A lump formed in his throat as the females stormed away without another word. The lump burst into a blind rage as he rounded on Klixis.

“Just what in flaming hells was that about! Is there something you forgot to tell me!”

The wide-eyed expression normally would have been enough to convince Ash Eater that his friend had no knowledge of what had transpired, but he was far too angry to let it go.

“Well?” he demanded.

Klixis stammered, “I, er, um, I had heard that some label you as responsible for losing the war because of the defeat at Ponyville, but I didn’t know they were of that mind, and I had no idea it had become so widespread.”

“Is that why you didn’t tell them my name at first?”

“I... it is. Forgive me, brother.”

Ash Eater was preparing to launch a round of obscenities at his friend when the annoying orange pegasus arrived.

“What’s going on? Are you okay?” she asked.

“I’m. Fine!” Ash Eater roared.

Scootaloo’s ears folded back, and she drew up, as if to make herself a smaller target.

“I think I’ve had as much party as I can stand,” Ash Eater said a little more evenly. “I want to go home.”

Scootaloo made as if to respond, but then shut her mouth, simply nodding and turning toward the exit. Ash Eater followed her. He kept his head high and forward but let his eyes watch the others. Carina and Seta spit in the dirt as he passed, as did a few of the other changelings. It was infuriating to be so insulted. He had no choice but to bear it for now.


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Scootaloo walked at a brisk pace, heeding Ash Eater’s request to get back to the apartment. It had really been more of a demand. While that in and of itself had been somewhat upsetting, there was at least one upside to it. Whatever trouble had caused him to call it an early night, he had called the apartment ‘home’. Maybe he finally felt secure enough that retreating to that space would be somewhat of a comfort for him. She wanted to believe that it might be an indication of some small amount of progress.

They made it to the top of the stairs and into the door, neither of them having so much as spoken a single word since they had left the party. She hoped that the walk back had given him a chance to calm down. She really didn’t want to try to find out what had prompted the shouting, but she expected Princess Twilight Sparkle to ask about it later.

“Is everything okay?” she ventured.

“Why don’t you mind your own business!” he called over his shoulder as he hobbled into his room and slammed the door.

Scootaloo stood there a moment, uncertain how to proceed. She ultimately decided on shouting through the door.

“I’m not going to bother you any more, but if you need anything, just let me know.”

“Go away!”

Scootaloo couldn’t help but feel heavy at the continued rejection. Maybe she’d been too quick to get her hopes up. She silently walked away from the closed door.


Ash Eater paced back and forth in his room, anger billowing off of him in hot waves as he stirred the air with his movement. His mind raced to many things: the conversation with Seta that had ended so badly, the battle he had lost at Ponyville, training with Scootaloo and the others in Cloudsdale...

That last thought seemed most out of place, but there it was. Never far from his mind, that squad he had led into ambush nagged at him, especially Nimba. He was typically successful in keeping it from intruding. His present anger served to weaken his defenses, and the thoughts got through.

Ash Eater had been posing as her brother, Nitro, back then. At the time, he couldn’t have known that it was the last form he would ever take. He hated them all for that, though it was the large one, Regal Masquerade, that had struck the blows that crippled him.


Nitro sidled up to his sister, Nimba. He deftly clipped a clothes pin to her harness while one of the others had her attention. He couldn’t help but smile to himself. She was as unaware of the prank as they all were that he was a changeling, that his real name was Ash Eater, and that he had infiltrated their pathetic excuse for an army.

They were on a short break from training for their big mission. He had been chosen for the perfect assignment, as evidenced by one of the pony princesses being involved. He was ready to play his part, and the ponies would never know his real purpose until it was too late. They were fools, the lot of them.

Scootaloo was chatting with Rainbow Dash and Princess Twilight, while Sparklefly was giving Regal Masquerade tips on banking at high speed. As usual, Pibs had gone to the infirmary. It didn’t take a genius to figure out the reason for her visits. Every free moment she had, she would go straight to see that wounded unicorn.

The hairs on the back of Nitro’s neck stood on end. He felt Nimba nearby, no doubt discreetly returning the clothes pin. He would not let her know he was aware of it.

“I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m about tired of these extra weights we work with,” said Lightning Dasher.

“Don’t be such a baby,” Nimba teased.

“Yeah,” Nitro agreed with his sister. “You act like you don’t need the extra strength.”

“I’m already about the fastest one here!”

“As if!” Nimba countered. “I could give you a run for your money any day!”

Lighting Dasher forced a laugh, “You just try and keep up with me on our next drill.”

As the pair boasted about their speed, Nitro stealthily moved the clothes pin back to a different spot on Nimba’s harness. Lightning Dasher excused himself to speak with Scootaloo. Cloud Blazer walked up about that time. Nitro had noticed that the brown and white paint stallion seemed to not like Lightning Dasher very much. His feelings were driven by a pinch of jealousy over the attention of Scootaloo. She was obviously close to Cloud Blazer, but she didn’t seem to have affection for either of the stallions.

“Hey,” he greeted the pair, “You’ve got a clothes pin on your harness.”

“How did that get there?” Nimba brimmed with sarcasm as she smirked at her brother.

Nitro shot Cloud Blazer a look before tossing the wooden pin aside. He hadn’t even felt it come back. She was getting good. Pibs landed lightly a short distance away and pranced over to the trio. It drew Nimba’s attention and opened her up to attack. Nitro swung a hoof, aiming squarely at the back of her head. His sister ducked under the blow as if she’d had seen it coming. Nitro couldn’t help but grin. Cloud Blazer snorted a laugh, and Scootaloo approached with Lightning Dasher.

Scootaloo said, “Hey, guys; hi, Pibs.”

Pibs sighed blissfully. Her expression was so easy to read that it was doubtless that everypony could detect the amorousness on her mind. Apparently she had quite enjoyed her time with that unicorn.

“Uh-oh; Pibs, what’s that face for?” Nimba asked.

Nitro smirked, “Pibs, Pibs, Pibs… So, you had a nice break, did you?”

The pink mare spoke softly, almost if she weren’t even there, “Oh, yes… It was… lovely…”

Cloud Blazer and Lightning Dasher grinned.

“Oh, Pibs, did you go and get all mushy on your break?” Scootaloo asked. “We don’t have time for that stuff!”

Pibs nodded, still half-off in her own daydreams. Sparklefly and Regal Masquerade walked up.

The gray mare was about to speak, but seemingly changed her message when she saw the situation, “Oh, wow, Pibs… Are you alright?”

Regal Masquerade waved a hoof in front of Pibs’ face; she didn’t react. “Wow, I’ve not seen one this bad in a long time,” his uncommonly deep voice boomed.

Scootaloo seemed to gain some resolve, “Alright, Pibs; there’s plenty of time for that later, and you are going to tell us all about it, but we need you back right now!”

Pibs shook her head and her eyes seemed to focus as her mind returned, “Huh? What?”

The others all laughed at her expense.

Ash Eater couldn’t help but let himself indulge in a bit of nostalgia at the memory. Though he wasn’t supposed to have felt that way, he had quite enjoyed the time he had spent with that squad. There was something truly fun about the camaraderie. He sighed. He knew it was just a false emotion, like they had taught him in training before he replaced Niro and infiltrated the squad.

It was a normal thing to experience the false emotions of bonding and feel like part of the group. That was one of the things that helped them blend in. Ash Eater found that even though his feelings hadn’t been real, they were incredibly difficult to banish. Just like the phantom pain in his missing leg, those false feelings of belonging and brotherhood had persisted even after the ambush in which most of those ponies had been killed.

Ash Eater had felt sad for weeks afterward. At the time, he knew he was doing his duty. The squad had to be stopped. Incapacitating Nimba and capturing the princess had crippled their ability to defend themselves remarkably. But then she died. Ash Eater hadn’t unleashed the magic that had ripped through Nimba, but he might as well have. He’d known what would be the reaction if he got in trouble and needed help.

He shrugged it off. Who even cared about that stuff anymore? Regal Masquerade, Nimba, Pibs, Sparklefly and even the real Nitro were long dead now. He pushed it from his mind.

What did matter to him deeply was being despised by his own. After everything he had suffered, being crippled by the ponies, and all of it, he was considered disgraced because of a lost battle? By the time they had discovered the unorthodox tactics the ponies were using, it had been far too late to redeploy.

How could anyone have foreseen that the ponies would sacrifice their great cloud city, turning it into a devastating hailstorm? They’d had no choice but to press the attack and try to stop them.

Ash Eater ground his teeth as he threw himself down on his bed. It was frustrating that such egregious and nasty things were being said behind his back. He resigned himself to the fact that Seta, beautiful though she was, must have been an idiot to believe rumors and not have asked him about the matter. That conclusion offered little solace.


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‘Dear Princess Twilight, I’m not exactly sure what happened, but Ash Eater has been really withdrawn for the last few days. For several months you and I had seen some little things that made it seem like he was coming out of his shell a little, but now he just stays in his room most of the time. I don’t think I’ve been able to get more than one word answers from him since that reunion last week. I didn’t want to mention it, but we ended up leaving early. I heard some shouting and went to check on him, but Ash Eater never told me what happened. He just asked to go home... he was pretty upset. I’m not sure, but he seemed mad at his friend. Do you have any advice for this situation? XOXO, Scootaloo.’

Ash Eater laid on his bed and stared up at the ceiling as if it might contain some answer or clue to the concerns that weighed heavily upon his mind. He felt as though he had lost his edge, as if being near the ponies had caused him to drop his guard and not view them as the inferior and the enemy that they were. There was no point in playing their games beyond what was necessary to honor his queen’s commands. The time would come when she ordered an attack, and he needed to be prepared. He couldn’t afford to let ridiculous pony sentiments cloud his mind.

He sighed and rolled to stare at the wall. A dull ache irritated him from his missing limb. He rubbed at the remaining stump in a vain effort to alleviate the sensation. The only real hope he had of this was to become distracted. Given his current situation, there was little chance of such an occurrence.

Ash Eater felt his brow furrow as his thoughts turned over the problem once more. Klixis planning a second uprising should have been good news, and indeed it was well received. What bothered Ash Eater was the fact that Chrysalis had not yet been informed. Considering her explicit orders to not make rebellion, it almost felt like they were working against her.

The lone changeling shuddered at the thought. He knew Klixis’ intentions were to rescue the queen... He certainly believed it. But what if that were not the case? He almost laughed at the absurdity of the thought.

Why not just tell Chrysalis what was being planned? Klixis’ reasoning seemed sound inasmuch as it was nigh impossible to get an audience with the changeling matriarch without pony princesses prowling nearby. Certainly the sensitivity of the subject warranted such precautions, and yet...

Ash Eater shifted again. Whatever else may come, he had to let Chrysalis know what was going on. Nobody else was going to do it. But why did it feel as if he were betraying his friend? The changeling turned the thought over in his mind.

His people were certainly on the same side as they had always been. They served their queen without reservation. Klixis was no exception. Ash Eater tried to swallow the feeling and move on to more positive thinking. When they succeeded, any misgivings about his own honor would surely be dispelled.

Ash Eater took a deep breath, steeling himself against his decision. As much as it felt deceitful to tell Chrysalis what Klixis was planning without warning him, it was far more likely that he wouldn’t cross paths with Klixis before he would get to see the matriarch. It would only be a few days before they released a new batch of prisoners. He would just have to be careful to pick his moment.


Scootaloo couldn’t help but smile at how few journalists had attended this latest release of prisoners. With more than six months passed, hundreds of changelings released, and one massive gathering all now behind them, the unknown element had worn the sensationalism off of their situation. A few minor setbacks aside, things had gone rather smoothly.

They had already gone through the usual procedures that the pegasus mare could have practically done in her sleep, she was so familiar with them. Queen Chrysalis had given her customary orders to the newly released prisoners as they were assigned to their pony companions. Princess Twilight Sparkle had spoken about harmony and a lasting bond of friendship. Scootaloo and Ash Eater had been given nearly two days to get to know the ponies and changelings to answer questions they might have.

She found herself at the final ceremony, a reception with light refreshments, before everyone went their own ways. Ash Eater had gone somewhere in the crowd, and Scootaloo tried to not keep too close an eye on him. He had been so sullen lately that she thought maybe a little space would help. She felt her brow furrow with doubt.

“The punch isn’t that bad, is it?” the lavender Alicorn Princess asked.

“What?” Scootaloo broke from her reverie, “No, it’s fine, ma’am.”

Twilight Sparkle permitted herself a slight giggle before asking, “Is Ash Eater still on your mind?”

Scootaloo nodded. In addition to letters, the two had found some time to talk about the situation at length, but no solutions seemed evident.

“You just have to keep giving him time. Becoming fast friends was always a long shot for you two.”

The Princess of Friendship seemed somewhat grave. Scootaloo couldn’t help but feel surprise at her own feelings. She located her ward in the crowd, standing by Queen Chrysalis and a few of the other changelings. When had she shifted from just doing her duty to really trying to make a friendship work between the two? She didn’t exactly like him... but she was really trying to.

“Yeah,” she finally replied, “I guess I got so focused on trying to keep things together that I forgot about that. We started with a lot of bad blood between us.”

Her thoughts turned to what Sparklefly had said before she died. It was Ash Eater that had interrogated her in that cave. He himself had told Scootaloo that he had forced himself upon Sparklefly to get information. Scootaloo didn’t know whether his words or her friend’s version of the events were true, as she had claimed the changeling had stopped short of that violation. Either way, it was still bitterness in Scootaloo’s soul. She tried to remember what Sparklefly had told her about forgiveness...

“I’m truly impressed by the great strides you have taken to put the past behind you,” the Princess said. “There would have been no hope of success if you hadn’t.”

Recalling the spirit of her lost friend’s words, Scootaloo replied, “We can only forgive people that have wronged us. And we do it for ourselves as much as for them. Hating someone is like drinking poison and expecting the person you hate to die from it. We only hurt ourselves.”

The Princess raised an eyebrow.

“It’s something a friend told me one time.”

“It sounds like your friend is a wise one.”

Scootaloo smiled sorrowfully at the memory of Sparklefly, “Yeah, she was the best.”


Ash Eater stood by his queen, speaking with the newly released changelings as the reception wound down. He knew that they would soon run out of time, but he would not dare endanger Klixis by letting anyone overhear what he had to say to their ruler. His patience began to wear thin, but he had no choice but to wait.

As chance would have it, the opportunity was provided only moments later. Chrysalis dismissed the others, not specifically addressing Ash Eater. She began to walk away, glancing back at him. He strode to keep pace, and she looked forward again. The gardens in Canterlot were still rather bare from the destruction that had been levied against them during the war, but some evidence of life returning was apparent.

As they drew away from the others, the queen slowed her pace and spoke, “We’d best not walk too far or they’ll take notice. Did you have something you wanted to tell me?”

The look on her face spoke volumes. It was as if she knew every secret that Ash Eater had ever kept. Whether or not she had an inkling of what he would tell her was anyone’s guess. If he had to make a wager, he would have bet that she was putting on a front to seem in control of the situation.

“My queen,” he began, “I bring news. I have received word that your freed servants are organizing. I don’t have details yet, but it seems that the plan will be to free you from this place while simultaneously striking a crippling blow at the ponies.”

It was unsettling to Ash Eater that she seemed neither surprised nor impressed. Her expression was hard as stone and impossible to read.

“It was deemed too dangerous to tell you before the time,” Ash Eater continued, “but it didn’t sit well with me. The last order you gave me was specifically to make no insurrection or trouble of any kind. I care nothing for the ponies or their princesses, but if I am to participate in this business, I need to know it is what you command.”

Almost imperceptibly, the corners of her mouth upturned ever so slightly, “My faithful warrior, you have done well. Continue the preparations. As soon as the opportunity presents itself, I would meet with the leaders. Can you arrange this?”

“By your command, it shall be done.”

Without another word, she turned slowly and began ambling back toward the group. He kept pace with her, relieved that the queen was not angered at what they were planning. It was as if a weight had been lifted from Ash Eater. This could only mean that the time for pretending would soon be over. He could be rid of the ponies and continue fighting them. Somehow, that didn’t make him feel as excited as he had expected it would.


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‘Dear Princess Twilight. I seem to have figured out what had Ash Eater acting so off recently. It’s doe trouble. Apparently he has a special somepony, and they had a rough patch that started at that reunion. I’m taking him to meet with her today. He was pretty tight-lipped about it, but I did find out that she lives in Ponyville, at least most of the time. I agreed to sit a short distance away so they can have some privacy. I’ll make sure and give you more details about this soon. XOXO, Scootaloo.’

Ash Eater saw her across the aisle at the grocery store. Seta disgusted him. Her personality acted like a blight that corrupted what was otherwise a well put-together package.

A fresh shipment of beets had come through, and Scootaloo decided that they should brave the crowd to see if they could get some. Surviving on hay and oats had been rough, even with the few treats that they’d been able to scrounge together or get from being invited to princess parties.

He’d have gladly stuck with bare survival if it meant not having to see Seta again. Crowds also made him feel rather uneasy since the last time he’d been stuck in the middle of one after the misunderstanding at Sweet Apple Acres. He focused on what Scootaloo was doing instead, though it wasn’t really an improvement. Ash Eater began to wonder which was more horrible, the mare or the doe. At least the conflict between himself and the pegasus was honest.

The spines on the back of Ash Eater’s neck stood on end as if he were being watched. He casually directed his attention to see Seta walking toward him. Scootaloo was busy with the task at hoof, but that wouldn’t last. She was meddlesome in her feigned interest in Ash Eater’s life. Seta wore a somewhat stern expression as she closed the distance. The stag prepared himself for more of her stupidity.

“Hi,” she greeted simply.

He snorted back at her.

“I’d like to talk for a minute,” the doe’s demeanor seemed somewhat business-like.

“I wouldn’t,” he retorted.

As if on cue, Scootaloo’s ears perked up and she turned to face the newcomer.

“Hi, there. I’m Scootaloo.”


“It’s nice to meet you, Seta.”

Her cordial greeting did not mask the suspicion with which Scootaloo viewed the new arrival. She made a smile before continuing.

“I see you already know Ash Eater,” she probed.

“Yes,” Seta’s expression changed to one that seemed to exude wistful sorrow.

Ash Eater could only guess what game she was playing now.

“We are, or were...” Seta paused for dramatic effect. “In your terms, special some-ponies.”

“Oh,” Scootaloo took in the lie as true information and seemed to draw some conclusion from it, “Oh!”

Ash Eater’s scowl likely only reinforced whatever the dumb pegasus was thinking. He decided to not challenge Seta’s dissemblance to see what she wanted.

“I’ll give you two a minute then,” she looked to Ash Eater as if desiring some reassurance.

“I won’t wander off,” he sighed.

Scootaloo turned back to jockeying in position to get some beets before all of the good ones were gone. Seta maintained her facade of a heartbroken lover, at which Ash Eater could only roll his eyes. While still surrounded by a moderate crowd, they were more or less being ignored for the moment.

“What do you want?” Ash Eater finally asked.

A glint of recognition passed through her eyes, “I just wanted to see you again.”

He surmised that she would not speak freely.

“I guess… is there any chance we can get together sometime?” she asked.

“Why in the world would I ever want to see you again?” he snarled.

Seta nearly took a step backward at his posturing.

“You decided I was worthless, as bad as a traitor,” he continued. “Only our queen can pronounce dishonor on someone.”

The doe looked down for a second as though she hadn’t considered this. She looked back up, her facade in full force still.

“I know things have been rough for us, but I just thought maybe we could give it one more chance.”

Ash Eater snorted and shook his head.

“Oh,” Seta dropped her gaze to the floor. “Well, that’s that then.”

She took a step forward, drawing close. Ash Eater didn’t move. She went to kiss him on the cheek, but instead whispered as soon as she was close.

“Klixis is finalizing plans for the rebellion. He wants to know if you’re in.”

She backed away, having actually managed to make tears well up in her eyes. Objectively, Ash Eater was rather impressed with her performance. While many changelings possessed such skills, few could have done so quite as convincingly to him. Even still, he was not fooled, nor was he intended to be. More importantly, he had to find out more about Klixis. If she could get in contact with him, this would be his chance to get a message back that Queen Chrysalis was aware and approved of their plans.

“Wait,” he said as she was turning to go.

She looked back, her eyes filled with hope.

“I guess, we can get together,” he tried to answer in her own narrative. “I’m not promising anything, but we can at least talk things out over dinner. Maybe tomorrow at the sandwich shop?”

A beautiful smile erased her sad face as she wiped the tears away. She practically launched herself forward and embraced Ash Eater in a hug. It was all he could do to not roll his eyes at her again, but instead return the gesture. He really wished she’d picked some other deception for the ponies’ benefit.

“Tomorrow, then,” she said as she let go and walked away.

Ash Eater caught himself watching her go again. She had not made her gait sultry this time, but it was nevertheless difficult to not stare at the pleasant shape of her.

“So,” Scootaloo interrupted the changeling stag’s thoughts, “that just happened.”

Already feeling annoyed at the situation for several reasons, Ash Eater felt his best recourse would be to play up that angle for the moment.

“It did, and it wouldn’t have if you’d let me stay home.”

“But it’s a good thing, right?”

She seemed to have just enough doubt to make the stag feel he had hit the mark perfectly.

“I don’t want to talk about it. Did you get your beets or not?”

Scootaloo returned her focus to her efforts and the pair made it through a successful purchase with no additional incidents. If the changeling knew the pony, she would bring it up again once they were alone.

“The thing is,” she began right on schedule, “if you are going to meet up with her, I need to plan for it. You know I’m not allowed to let you wander by yourself. She wore red tags too, so she’ll have her own escort.”

“What are you, writing a book about changeling sociology? I’m not your test subject and I’d rather keep this out of your meddling.”

“Okay, but meddling in relationships is exactly the kind of thing friends would do.”

“Rotten eggs! Just let it go.”

The pegasus grew silent again, seeming saddened somewhat. Ash Eater felt he had her exactly where he wanted her. As they arrived back at the apartment, he prepared to finish cementing the deception.

“Dinner, tomorrow. Can you at least sit far enough away so we can have a little privacy?”

The stupid mare lit up with excitement, totally unaware of the true nature of the events that were unfolding.

“Absolutely! You won’t even know I’m there.”

Ash Eater could almost taste the sweet relief that he would soon be free of her.

Scootaloo’s mouth felt dry as they approached the sandwich shop. She didn’t know why she should feel nervous. It wasn’t as if she were going on a date. Was she just that excited for Ash Eater? The thought of it gave her mixed feelings considering their complicated history, but she was hopeful that this situation explained his aloof demeanor of late.

Her focus turned to her ward when Ash Eater took a deep breath. He was likely about to say something.

“You sit two tables away.”

Somewhat amused, she made a mock salute, “Yes, sir!”

He rolled his eyes, clearly unimpressed. She cringed a little, wishing she hadn’t been so glib.

Having arrived before Ash Eater’s date, the two were able to get seated fairly quickly. Then, all they could do was wait. Scootaloo looked over her menu, somewhat appalled at the cost of a half-sized daffodil and daisy sandwich.

The waiter brought her a glass of water, which she began sipping while trying to decide from the limited options that were available for her meal. She was so focused on the menu, she didn’t hear somepony approaching.

“Are you the changeling stag’s guardian?”

Scootaloo looked up, and seeing a unicorn stallion she recognized, immediately choked on her water. The silver crystal coat, pompous red mane and tail, but mostly those cocky dark green eyes that met her were unmistakable.

“Pacer,” she rasped, “What are you doing here?”

He helped himself to a chair at the table, “My ward had a date and asked me to meet her friend’s guardian. She said to look for a pegasus, orange coat, magenta mane, vacant expression. Looks like she nailed the description. I couldn’t have missed you if I tried.”

“I wish you had. Of all the ponies I have ever met, you were the only one I didn’t miss or care to see again.”

“Oh, that’s nothing, but if I’m not mistaken. Doesn’t this officially mean your stag has had at least one more date than you ever have?”

Scootaloo grit her teeth and suppressed a growl. As much as she had grown as an individual, Pacer still had a way of getting under her skin.

“You know, we could still get together if you weren’t so touchy.”

The pegasus took a sip of her water, trying to just breathe without launching an all-out assault against her verbal sparring partner. Why? Why did it have to be Pacer?

Ash Eater stood as his date, charade though it was, approached. Seta wore a sheer silk gown that covered her flank and hind legs. The light blue fabric hugged her barrel, while leaving her back and wings bare, and came up between her undraped forelegs with a strap holding it in place about her neck. She also wore a simple golden necklace, not much thicker than a thread, and her dog tags had been chained around her right foreleg as to make them a little less visible.

Normally, Ash Eater would have been quite excited for a doe to dress up for him in such a manner. However, his experience with Seta to this point only made him roll his eyes at her. No doubt, her attire was more for the ponies’ sake than for his. Objectively speaking, she certainly knew how to accentuate the assets with which she was working.

As is the changeling custom, he stood and waited for her to sit before he joined her at the table.

“Where did you get that?”

“What?” the doe queried demurely.

“That ridiculous dress.”

She pursed her lips, “I bought it.”

“How did you get money, beg for it?” he jabbed.

“No,” she eyed him thoughtfully, “I have a job.”

“With ponies?” he sneered. “We were ordered to behave, not roll over on their command.”

“I pull my own weight,” a flash of fire crossed her eyes. “Don’t tell me you’ve just been living off of your ‘friend’ there like a parasite.”

“We’re changelings, that’s what we do.”

“No,” a wry grin upturned the corners of her perfectly shaped mouth, “we work and flawlessly replace someone to fool ponies and extract love from them. What you’re doing doesn’t even require effort. That’s just lazy.”

Realizing that he had just been bested again in turns of phrase, Ash Eater tried to salvage the situation with an insult. He knew it would be a weak counter, but it was all he had left.

“Well… you still look ridiculous.”

She snorted, “I’m not foolish enough to care what you say.” She leaned in closer, “I know when I look good.”

And indeed, look good she did. Fortunately for the stag, the waiter arrived to take their order. After he had walked away, Seta regarded Ash Eater again.

“Let me guess, I’m buying this dinner,” she said flatly.

He grinned, “You’re the one that asked for this meeting.”

It was a small victory, but he would take it. A quiet overtook them until they had received their food. Ash Eater had found that sandwiches were not as unpalatable as most pony food. His had just a touch of mint to accentuate the flavors.

Once the waiter had left and they would be undisturbed, Ash Eater turned his thoughts to what Seta had whispered in his ear. She had been in contact with Klixis, and the things that he had said about the possibility of a new uprising were not idle boasting.

“How were you able to get in touch with Klixis?”

Seta looked up at him, “My taskmaster and I deliver things. That takes us all over Equestria. I found Klixis in Manehattan not long after we first started working. We meet up every time I get out there now.”

Ash Eater resisted the urge to tease her again about her job. He took a drink of water, feeling a lump forming in his throat.

“Once he found out what I do, he doubled down on recruiting me to help spread the word. An easy enough task, but I’ve been holding that message for you for weeks while we’ve been bouncing around everywhere else. So, are you in or not?”

“Of course I’m in. But there’s another development. Can you get a message back to Klixis?”

“Eventually, yes. I don’t know exactly when I’ll be back in Manehattan. I think our next delivery there will be in a week or so. I’ve been making friends all over, and so far that one doesn’t seem suspicious in the least.”

Ash Eater afforded a glance back at Scootaloo and Seta’s guardian. He felt his stomach knot up a little. He turned back to Seta.

“Be careful. That one was part of a taskforce that helped track down our queen, and they also were the ones in command against our Shock Force at the end.”

“Oh, you mean at that battle where we had the largest army ever seen? That battle you failed to win?”

“You can keep on about that if you like,” he hissed, “but I don’t care what a pathetic doe like you thinks. Only our queen can pronounce dishonor, and she has not even expressed displeasure in how I conducted her assets during the war, so slight me all you want.”

She made to reply, but then stopped as if in thought. Ash Eater took advantage of this and continued.

He nodded at Pacer, “That one probably thinks you’re the worst sort, making ‘friends’ all over Equestria. No doubt he’ll be making his own demands soon enough.”

“What he thinks of me matters even less than what I think of you,” her composure had been regained. “I give him what he wants, and in return, I’ve been able to help Klixis coordinate our efforts.”

Ash Eater’s thoughts were derailed by the implication of her last statement, “Wait, what?”

“You really will believe anything I say, won’t you?” she smirked. “By the hive, you’re an idiot. I don’t know why Klixis calls you friend. I’d kill that fool pony before I ever let him touch me.”

Bested in verbal battle once again, Ash Eater attempted to put his pride back together and said nothing.

“But you’re right about one thing. Only our queen can pronounce dishonor. Brave warrior of the hive, I wronged you with disrespect. Forgive me.”

Ash Eater locked eyes with Seta. She stared back unblinking for a long moment. Caught somewhat off-guard by her sincere apology, he couldn’t think of anything appropriate, or sardonic, to answer. He finally nodded acceptance.

“You said you had something to tell me.”

Looking back into Seta’s sparkling eyes, Ash Eater remembered the reason he had wanted to talk with the doe.

“I had an opportunity to speak to our queen regarding Klixis’ activities,” he replied in a low voice. “As soon as it is possible, she wants to meet with him and the other leaders.”

Seta grinned, “I am impressed.”

He made no reply, but accepted the compliment without reaction.

“Given the erratic schedule I keep, coordinating this will be a challenge,” she continued. “For the time being, we should keep up this pretense.”

The stag snorted, “Whatever.”

“Consider how they will see us. If we are playing the part of lovers, there is nothing suspicious about us wanting to see each other more after today.”

He had to admit, her reasoning was sound.

“Now, if you don’t think you can trust yourself to behave, I’ll understand,” she winked at him.

“Hah, hah. You know, you are very funny,” each word came laden with more sarcasm than the last. “You may be fun to look at, but so far as I am concerned, that’s all. You misjudged me on a whim, and I’m not likely to forget that anytime soon.”

She leaned in, “Come now, I’m fun for more than just looking.”

“Not for me,” he leaned away.

“I’m amazed, and that makes twice in as many minutes,” she sat back. “You really aren’t attracted to me anymore.”

“Wow, you noticed. Truly clairvoyant are your powers of deduction.”

“If you think I’m good at deduction, wait until I show you what I’m really gifted with.”

“Dream on, little doe.”

“Now this is a challenge if ever I have found one.” She grinned, “This is going to be fun!”

Ash Eater rolled his eyes at the flirtatious Seta, mostly unaffected by her charms. He was far more interested in what would happen next. Once Klixis set a date for the meeting, he’d have to plan some way to get Chrysalis out of Canterlot undetected.


Scootaloo and Pacer had long finished their meal before Ash Eater and Seta had brought their visit to a close. Watching them closely, Scootaloo was amazed at the genuinely deep affection in Seta’s eyes. Certainly it gave her mixed feelings to see him so well liked. Her own experience had garnered little by way of discovering respectable attributes. Perhaps there was more to him than she had thought.

As the pair stood, it was all Scootaloo could do not to squeal with delight when Seta surprised Ash Eater with a kiss. He hadn’t seemed ready for it, and his face flushed as they walked over to the ponies.

“If you get too worked up, I’m sure I can help you release some of that tension,” Pacer smirked. “Otherwise I’d be happy to find some cold water to hose you down.”

“Shut your mouth!” she shot back.

He was the last pony in Equestria that had the ability to irritate Scootaloo with such stalwart efficacy.

“Weak comeback, as usual,” he sulked. “I was hoping The Queen of Spades would at least have been practicing her wit. You’ve had plenty of time since I last saw you.”

“She does well enough,” Ash Eater interrupted the growing argument. “Besides, I have fought this one, and I can tell just from listening to your pathetic insults that she is twice the stallion that you’ll ever be.”

Feeling defended, Scootaloo spoke before she had time to process what Ash Eater had said.

“Thanks that... hey!”

Seta giggled. Pacer made a clicking noise as if uncertain how to proceed. It was worth bearing the insult to hear the horrible letch silenced for once.

“Are you ready to go?” the stallion asked Seta.

She nodded, and the pair departed. Scootaloo and Ash Eater began walking home, and her attention returned to the affections that her ward had gained. She found herself wearing a bit of a grin.

“Not one word,” Ash Eater warned, “or else we’re sparring so I can wipe that grin off your face.”

“Tough talk, but you’ll be tamed before you know it.”

Ash Eater let out a low growl.

“Just make sure you let me help plan the wedding.”

“That’s it! We’re fighting when we get home.”

Scootaloo’s smile widened. She hadn’t been able to get such a reaction from him in weeks, and it was nice to see that he was back to himself again.


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‘Dear Princess Twilight, I don’t know what to say. I really messed things up, and I’m sorry. I haven’t been able to get out of Ponyville since the town guards locked everything down. The rumors of a changeling uprising are all anypony is talking about, and I still can’t find Ash Eater or Seta. If there is anything I can do to be useful, please let me know. Scootaloo’

Scootaloo had never been bothered by heights. Pegasi were quite natural in high places, such as the tops of houses. Changelings, likewise able to fly, seemed to have a similar innate ability to take precarious perches as just another normal place to find oneself. That comfort didn’t make roofing houses more fun. The mare mused on such things as she wiped sweat from her brow.

Ash Eater worked alongside her, the two of them part of a team that was finishing up the exterior of a bungalow in Ponyville. They tended to do roofs in the morning, which was fine by Scootaloo, as the sun after midday could become rather punishing. It was in relative silence that they continued thatching to protect the rest of the structure from the elements. When they finished, the entire group took a break for a late lunch.

Scootaloo and Ash Eater sat by themselves, away from the other workers who didn’t like him. They prepared to feast upon what they had packed that morning: oats and dried beets, along with some hay that was hardly in better shape than what they had just used to adorn the top of the edifice they were constructing. Still, it would keep the belly from grumbling until dinner. The slight increases in availability of food had been welcomed, no matter what form they took.

Between bites of her provender, Scootaloo glanced up at the other workers. Even though she had been bringing Ash Eater along since she began working with the crew, they still eyeed him suspiciously. She had thought that would stop after he asked to help with the work, but after a full month, they seemed as ill at ease as ever.

The stag picked at his food a little more judiciously, almost as if he were distracted by his thoughts. She decided to not ask. With a mouthful of oats during a short break, it hardly seemed like the time to strike up a conversation.

“I was wondering if maybe Seta and I could have some time together,” Ash Eater broke the quiet. “She will be back in town in two days, and I was hoping we could get some... privacy.”

“Of course,” Scootaloo considered his question with a smile. “Were you thinking dinner? I’m sure I could get Pacer to sit a bit farther away.”

Ash Eater shifted uncomfortably, “No, I mean, privacy.”

Scootaloo stared back as he overemphasized that last word. He held her gaze as if she should take his meaning. She felt her face flush as the intimate implication became clear.

“Oh!” the mare couldn’t think of what else to say for a moment, nearly choking on her lunch.

Ash Eater said nothing, waiting for her to make a proper reply.

“How much, um, privacy do you need? I mean, did you have something, or somewhere in mind?”

“My room would do, so long as we aren’t disturbed.”

“Yeah, I don’t see, I mean, I don’t know why that would be a problem.”

“Okay,” he replied simply, seeming relieved.

Scootaloo felt rather embarrassed at the nature that the conversation had taken. There were so many questions flooding her mind that processing any of them became useless. Given what had happened with Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo didn’t think Ash Eater was the one to answer questions about changeling mating rituals. Did they marry or have some other arrangement? She had no idea.


Ash Eater smiled nervously as Seta and Pacer entered the apartment. She returned the expression as everyone made their greetings. The stag suspected that the nature of the meeting, at least so far as Scootaloo and Pacer understood it, would preclude the likelihood of too much questioning.

The two ponies seemed to plant their hooves by the door through which the new arrivals had entered, talking to each other and quite intentionally avoiding eye contact with the changeling pair as Seta crossed the room. She again wore the light blue sheer silk dress that she had on their first ‘date’. She had taken care to add a traditional red velvet sash that was wrapped around her belly and tied in a long bow at her tail, where the ends hung loosely over her posterior and ended near the floor.

Seta must have made Pacer tie that on her. Even though it had somewhat fallen out of fashion in the last generation, it was still recognized ubiquitously in the changeling culture as a signal of a doe’s virility. She made to surprise Ash Eater with a kiss, a move he anticipated and thwarted by gently catching her face with a fore-hoof.

“Patience,” he spoke gently but loud enough for the ponies to hear.

The stag could see Scootaloo blushing at the interaction, and Pacer had a bawdy grin. Ash Eater guided the doe into his room and shut the door. The two changelings smiled at each other.

“This was far easier than I thought,” Seta whispered.

“I told you it would be.”

With a smirk she added, “You know, we don’t have to rush off to our next task. I’m sure we would have time to make proper use of the ruse.”

Ash Eater felt his pulse quicken at the suggestion, his disinterest in Seta notwithstanding. She presented her flank to him.

“Get out of that and get the bars off the windows,” he said as he untied the sash. “We don’t have a lot of time.”

“Have it your way,” she replied as she disrobed. “But you really don’t know what you’re missing.”

“Absolutely nothing,” he snorted. “You’re messing with me.”

Coming nose to nose, she winked, “You’ll never know.”

He stared back impassively, waiting for her to make the next move. With a flash of green magical fire, Seta became a wingless brown furry creature with a long tail and a hand at the end of each limb. She removed her dog tags and loped over to the window, stopping to dig some tools and a coin purse from hidden pockets in her discarded red sash. She worked quickly at the lock, and within short moments it gave way to her deft skill.

Ash Eater turned out the light. Seta posed triumphantly as she swung the iron shutter open.

“Well? Aren’t you going to compliment me?”

“I think you look better as a chimpanzee.”

“Please, I can smell your interest in me from a mile away.”

“That’s your imagination.”

“Also, chimpanzees don’t have tails.”

The monkey pursed her lips before the familiar green conflagration overtook her again, and in its place stood an exact copy of Scootaloo.

“You know, I could take on a more attractive form, if that’s what you’re into.”

Ash Eater wrinkled his nose in disgust, spitting on the floor at the thought of changelings being genuinely attracted to ponies. He stepped past her and out the window, his wings buzzing softly and bearing him up and away from the house in the warm evening air. Seta in the form of Scootaloo joined him a moment later.

“Did you close the window?”

“Of course. What do you think I am, some kind of idiot?”

He regarded her a moment, “Not bad, but keep your words few and small or you’ll give yourself away.”

“I know my part. You just make sure and do yours.”

The pair of changelings sped through the gathering darkness toward Canterlot.


Scootaloo was not at all happy to play host to Pacer, but she didn’t want to be stuck alone with the other two during their... privacy. The fact that Pacer had wanted to leave certainly played no part in Scootaloo’s insistence that he stay. She poured a glass of water for him as they took up residence in her undersized living room.

Having rarely anypony over certainly made it not seem cramped, but Scootaloo was beginning to miss the ability to have larger gatherings. As it was, she could hardly seat four without searching for chairs and cramming them into the space.

Her guest took a sip of the water, but in rare form said nothing. It was such a deviation from his normal style of interaction that Scootaloo felt concerned. Against her better judgement, she decided to ask.

“You seem quiet.”

“I guess so,” he answered listlessly.

As annoying as his typical sarcastic responses were, something was definitely wrong.

“Are you okay?”

“I’ll survive.”

Scootaloo felt her brow furrow as she spoke softly, “I know we’ve never been close, but if there’s anything I can do to help...”

Pacer slowly looked up at the pegasus, “It’s nothing. I just...”

Scootaloo maintained her concerned expression but opted to wait for the stallion to speak again.

“Did I ever tell you that I had a mate once?”

The mare shook her head.

“I didn’t think so. She died about a year ago.”

“Oh no. I’m so sorry to hear that.”

Considering Pacer’s personality, it was not surprising that he hadn’t brought it up before, especially considering that it would have happened not long before Scootaloo met him. She considered the possibility that the entire reason they had started off on the wrong hoof was because he was hurting.

“Don’t take this the wrong way, but you remind me of her a little.”

Scootaloo held his gaze, watching the pained expression in his dark green eyes before he looked away.

“I mean, you don’t look like her, but she also had a certain spunk and disregard for the rules.”

The pegasus couldn’t help but smile at that, “What was her name?”


“An earth pony?”

“From the crystal empire, like me,” he nodded. “She used to call me Pace.”

A silence fell between them for a time while Scootaloo considered these things. She didn’t seem to know anypony who hadn’t lost someone during the war. It was the stallion that broke the quiet.

“I know this will be a weird request, especially considering we’re not exactly friends, but… could you do something for me?”

“I’d like to help if I can.”

“You don’t have to, but… since you sound like her… could you… again, you can say no, but… when I was upset, she used to hold me and rub my back, and say, ‘There, there, Pace; it’s going to be okay. We’ll get through it together.’ Would you do that for me?”

Scootaloo felt incredibly uncomfortable at the request, but how could she say no to something like that? All of her instincts screamed at her to walk away, but the vulnerability in Pacer’s gaze smashed through her defenses. She stood and crossed to him, sitting beside him on the couch. The stallion shut his eyes and looked away from her. Scootaloo watched him for a moment, his silver coat and red mane seeming far less pompous than usual.

The mare moved in, embracing the hurting stallion and rubbing his back, “There, there, Pace; it’s going to be okay. We’ll get through it together.”

He turned into her embrace and moved to kiss her. Sparring with Ash Eater had helped Scootaloo to keep her reflexes sharp, and while her evasion was not the most graceful move she had ever made, she managed to back away, only stumbling slightly.

Before she had a chance to say anything, Scootaloo caught the look on Pacer’s face. The sorrow he had been feigning was completely gone, replaced by a lecherous smirk.

“Oh, come on!” she shouted at him.

“Don’t be like that,” he pleaded. “Pretend to be my wife for a few minutes. I’ll be gentle, I swear.”

Scootaloo was fairly certain that Pacer had never actually had a mate.

“So, are you naturally a complete ass or did you take classes somewhere?”

He grinned, “I almost had you!”

“Yeah? Well let me make this easy for your tiny brain to understand. If you ever try anything like that on me again… No, if I even hear about you pulling a stunt like that on anypony ever again, I’ll track you down and give you the beating you’ve been asking for since we met. After that, I’ll make sure you get tossed in the darkest dungeon I can find before I throw away the key.”

“Quit denying your instincts,” he answered smugly. “You’ll really feel better if you just cut loose and have some fun.”

She glared at him, wanting something more scathing to say but coming up short. Scootaloo decided to let her threat be the last thing she said until she cooled down. She certainly meant every word, and hopefully he would consider them at least a little before returning to his old tricks.


Ash Eater slipped through the warm night air with Seta, still in the form of Scootaloo. The changelings drew close to Canterlot; the stag’s increasing heartbeat was all he needed to know that danger was nearby. There were many things that could go wrong and turn their venture to ruin.

“Remember, Scootaloo is direct, but not needlessly rude,” Ash Eater reminded.

“I’ve been watching her for months with this in mind,” she replied with a hint of annoyance. “I’ve got this.”

“So we just have to worry about the other two noticing we’re gone and sounding the alarm.”

Looking up at the moon, the faux pegasus considered this for a moment.

“We’ll have plenty of time to get through Canterlot before they suspect anything,” she smirked. “I may have given that idiot stallion some detailed information on how complicated and lengthy changeling mating rituals can be on a first encounter.”

Ash Eater felt his head instinctively tilt sideways at the statement. If there were practices as Seta had just indicated, he had certainly never heard of such.


Scootaloo wished for a way out of the awkward situation in which she found herself. She felt bored and was trying not to wonder how long the changelings would take to complete their... visit. She didn’t really want to think about it at all, but she couldn’t exactly leave.

Pacer being the only option for a distraction, she considered engaging in small talk. It had been nearly an hour since that had proved disastrous, but the silence was becoming more unbearable than his antics. She should have thought ahead and borrowed a book to read, as the stallion sitting across from her had done. She may have tried reading over his shoulder, had the title of his tome not been so salacious as to dissuade her from the attempt.

“I know I’ll regret asking, but is that any good?” Scootaloo broke the silence.

Her plan was to shift the conversation as quickly as possible once she got it started.

His gaze fixed on the page, Pacer answered, “I’ve read better. The author uses a lot of colloquialisms that I don’t know.”

“I’ll take your word for it.”

He continued reading for a moment before looking up, “It’s not what you think.”

“Really,” Scootaloo raised an eyebrow. “With a title like, ‘A Doe in Heat’, how could it not be?”

Pacer grinned. The mare was fairly sure it was the first time she’d seen genuine amusement on his face that was untainted with lasciviousness.

“I thought the same thing when Seta recommended it,” he replied. “Unlike you, I wouldn’t have minded a trashy novel. It is a romantic tale, but the heroine in question is really searching for companionship, a kindred spirit.”


“At least that’s what it is been so far. I’m over halfway through and no smut yet.”

Scootaloo couldn’t help but stifle a giggle. She was sure Pacer would ruin the pleasant interaction any moment, but she would try to enjoy the distraction while it lasted.

“Of course, we could always make our own,” he added.

Scootaloo sighed, “What is taking them so long?”

The question was in the air before she thought better of it. Pacer was bound to make some ridiculous boast or claim of some conquest of his own. To Scootaloo’s surprise, he looked up at the clock that hung on the wall and shrugged before returning his attention to the book.

“It’s going to be a while.”

Curiosity overwhelmed the mare’s caution, “What makes you say that?”

“On their first, let’s say, encounter, changelings have a specific and lengthy ritual they go through before the... well, the fun part.”

“Uh, huh...” Scootaloo nodded slowly as she processed Pacer’s words.

“They call it ‘the binding’, which is kind of like a marriage, or maybe their equivalent of the concept.”

“Okay, how do you know any of this?”

“Aside from the books Seta has given me, I asked her what tonight would be about when it first came up. Didn’t you ask Ash Eater the same thing?”

“No,” she answered a little too quickly.

The conversation was going somewhere she didn’t want to be. Any time amorous things came up with Ash Eater, what he’d told her that day on the battlefield came crashing back into perfect clarity. The changeling stag had claimed to have violated one of Scootaloo’s friends in the worst way. Though Sparklefly had given a slightly different account of it before she died, Scootaloo still didn’t know which version was accurate. Either way, remembering what he had done to her friend was nearly enough to dredge up an old toxic rage. As such, her feelings on the matter were complex.

She did not want to discuss any of that with Pacer for fear that more ponies would find out what Ash Eater had done. Sparklefly was widely regarded as a hero, and no doubt the changeling that tortured her would find himself at the ire of an angry mob.

“I guess I hadn’t thought about there being rituals with tonight,” she tried to steer away from her discomfort.

“Well, part of the point of this entire endeavor is culture exchange. Of course, we could always exchange a little culture if you know what I mean.”

Growling at his constant barrage of innuendo, Scootaloo returned fire, ”Pass, I’m sure it would be all too little.”


“So, what kind of rituals are they? What do they do?” she asked before he had a chance to shoot back a bawdy reply at her insult.

“It starts with poetry, where they declare their love for each other. Apparently they do this while lying on the floor, nose to nose. Seta gave me the text of it once. It’s really long... and boring. A perfect recitation would take almost an hour.”

“What? An hour?”

“Yeah, it’s crazy. After that, they begin the chirapsia.”

Scootaloo felt herself frown, still curious, but afraid she would regret asking, “Okay, I don’t want... too many details when it gets to... you know.”

The stallion smirked a moment, but the expression faded as he continued, “Suit yourself. The chirapsia is basically a massage. They start on each other’s faces and begin working their way from there. This can take another one to two hours, and there is no talking during this part.”

“Huh, I guess they are still thinking about the poetry they just said?”

“Yeah, that’s the idea. Once they finish that, they separate and stare into each other’s eyes for a few minutes. Seta was a little vague on this point but said it could be anywhere from just a minute or up to a half hour. I guess it just depends on their mood? Anyway, after that is when the real fun begins, but I’ll spare you the details on that part. Suffice it to say, it works like you’d expect.”

Scootaloo stifled a giggle.

“After that, they have the embrace, which can last anywhere from minutes to all night if they fall asleep. Seta promised to keep that one to a minimum.”

Scootaloo was somewhat surprised that the rituals seemed so caring and affectionate. She wasn’t sure what she might have expected, not having given any thought to such things before. It seemed that the changeling’s social structure was more complex than she had assumed.


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Ash Eater’s body convulsed with laughter from the things Seta had told Pacer about what was considered ‘normal’ for changeling mating rituals. The literature she had used to back up her claims was the last straw that had sent him into uncontrolled exuberance. It was nearly all he could do to maintain altitude.

“You made him read ‘A Doe in Heat’!”

The disguised Seta grinned, “I hope not all ponies are quite as gullible as that one. There would be no challenge at all.”

The stag let another guffaw take him.

“Quiet down,” Seta scolded him. “We’re getting too close to Canterlot for you to keep carrying on like that.”

Ash Eater pulled himself together, “I’ve got to give it to you, that was pure genius.”

The doe wearing Scootaloo’s form beamed for a moment before recovering a more serious mood. Ash Eater also felt a sobering within himself. The task to which they were set would likely see Scootaloo and Pacer killed if everything went to plan. He forced a smile that felt more like a grimace. He wasn’t sure why, but it bothered him a little, the same way it had when he’d magically paralyzed Nimba. Even at the time of that ambush in the clearing he had been well aware that they would try to kill the ponies if they put up any resistance. He had been okay with that; it was war. Still, somehow, Nimba invaded his thoughts.

More than that, there was a rather high chance that Seta would be discovered impersonating Chrysalis at some point. Surely they would kill her, especially if a rebellion was in progress. The doe seemed aware of her place in it all and was satisfied, even proud to play her part, even if she was marching to her own end.

He shook himself from his reverie as the pair drew close to the city gates. They landed a short distance away and continued on hoof. As anticipated, the gates were open, and the guards seemed at ease as the two approached. Ash Eater recognized Clyde but was surprised that he was on duty.

“Well, well, if it isn’t the Queen of Spades,” the unicorn greeted the approaching duo. “I see you brought your ‘friend’.”

Seta pursed her lips at him, “You know I never liked that title.”

“Did I?” he smirked.

Ash Eater felt his hind leg twitch nervously; he wanted desperately to caution Seta about Clyde. Scootaloo and he had fought together in the war. While Ash Eater didn’t know nearly everything about their relationship, he’d seen him enough times as they came and went from Canterlot.

“You did,” the stag volleyed.

Clyde’s eyes narrowed at Ash Eater as he spoke to Seta, “Just don’t assault any public officials while you’re in town. I don’t want to chance having to guard you again.”

Seta grinned wryly at the unicorn, “I’ll be sure and ask for you by name.”

“Heh,” he snorted, waving them on.

The changelings continued through the gate and into the city. Ash Eater breathed a sigh of relief once they were out of earshot. He was just about to compliment the doe on her preparation for impersonating Scootaloo when Seta spoke.

“Just who in the hive was that?”

“You didn’t know?”

“No clue.”

Ash Eater felt his mouth drop open in astonishment.

“Seriously, I can tell that you’ve seen him before.”

“Clyde,” the stag managed, “he fought with Scootaloo during the war. I think he was an officer in her Assault Corps.”

“Good thing I was paying attention, not that his good natured hostility would have been difficult to read.”

Ash Eater buried an uneasy laugh. Their entire operation could have been compromised that easily. No doubt if Seta had been caught impersonating Scootaloo, an alarm would have been sounded from one end of Equestria to the other, and the changelings would not have been ready. Fate was not with the ponies.

As the stag and doe continued through the capital, Ash Eater tried to keep his gaze away from the ponies in general. He did manage to observe that the citizens of Canterlot were paying them little attention. He even saw a few other changelings wearing red dog tags out and about with their keepers.

As they crossed deeper into the city, the number of citizens increased significantly. They were becoming so thickly pressed together that it was nearly impossible to not brush past other passers by. Without warning, the stag found it difficult to breathe. It was all he could do to keep moving, but his speed dropped to a near standstill. He gasped, trying to get air, and his legs didn’t want to move.

With what little strength he had left, he leaned into Seta to regain some stability. She glanced back just as an icy sweat beaded up on Ash Eater’s brow. He felt hot and cold all at once, and his legs began tingling as if being pricked by pins and needles all the way up. Her expression became one of concern.

Looking about, she turned back to the stag, “Just focus on me.”

He felt himself nod, his body feeling increasingly numb to his surroundings. The effigy of Scootaloo hooked under Ash Eater’s foreleg with her own and helped him step forward. Things were a bit of a blur until the crowd began to thin. They found a public bench and sat for him to catch his breath.

He took in a deep draft of sweet air. “I’m not sure what came over me.”

She looked to the thick bustling crowd they had left behind. She seemed to have worked something out, but then she smirked.

“You know, if you wanted to be close to me, you could have just said so.”

He was about to make a terse reply, but her eyes betrayed something that was not in her voice. She was genuinely concerned. She seemed to have put together that the crowd is what had so rattled the stag, and she also seemed unwilling to mention it.

He stared deep into her eyes and finally managed, “Thank you.”

“Now if you’re quite done taking it easy, we should get moving.”

He grinned as he stood. Her teasing helped. They continued navigating the streets of Canterlot, and Ash Eater tried to focus on the mission ahead. They just had to get this part complete without getting caught.

Phantom pain in Ash Eater’s long missing hind leg ached horribly, breaking his concentration for a moment. As they rounded a corner, the castle came into view. Though he was not a fan of architecture in general, Ash Eater couldn’t help but admire the grandiose structure.

They passed unchallenged though a second checkpoint, coming to the last area they’d be able to enter without getting caught. Getting into the castle would have likely been impossible. Before the war, the unicorns didn’t commonly know the magic to force a changeling back to their natural form, but it seemed ubiquitous these days, especially amongst the guards. Still, Ash Eater had little fear of the first two checkpoints, having come to the castle many times with Scootaloo whenever they freed his brothers and sisters from captivity.

“I’m hungry,” Ash Eater broke the silence. “Can we get something to eat?”

“Seriously?” Seta scoffed. “Why didn’t you get something before we left?”

Her impersonation of Scootaloo was uncanny. He expected she was keeping it in full force for the benefit of the few passers by that were out and about. More of them were changelings in this area, but most were accompanied by ponies. Some that walked alone or in groups wore blue dog tags, a symbol that they had not been combatants and were free to roam where they wanted without an escort.

“Look, you make me eat pony food all the time. The last time we were here, I heard about a changeling restaurant just around the corner.”

“I expect I’m paying,” she made an accusation.

Ash Eater grinned in reply.

Feigning curiosity, Seta relented, “Lead the way.”

The pair changed course and after a brief walk, found themselves at a building that had been converted to feel more subterranean. If it gave Seta any comfort to enter such familiar surroundings, she didn’t let it show.

Ash Eater couldn’t help but feel somewhat disappointed. For all the rumors he had heard about this place, some of his favorites turned out to be false. There was not food growing on the walls, though the interior had been decorated to appear as such. It did not even require a close inspection to determine that such trappings were fakes and not actually edible.

As they seated themselves, Ash Eater turned his attention to the other patrons. There were a few pairs of ponies and changelings seated together, but there was also a small group of ponies in one corner apart. They seemed uncomfortable. There were also far more changelings in the room than there were ponies to escort them. Wearing blue dog tags like those he’d seen outside, they would have not been warriors during the recent conflict, but had been either too young, too old, or needed elsewhere to tend the hive. The entire swarm of them had been moved to Canterlot at the end of the war, but unlike Ash Eater and his comrades in arms, these changelings were not technically imprisoned. Still, the common talk was that those who’d stayed in Canterlot rarely left the inner secure area near the castle. Most of them were likely expecting parents, waiting for their eggs to hatch and the queen’s ceremony that went with it.

A young changeling female approached the seated pair and offered menus to them. She had a carefree joy and energy about her.

“Welcome to the Apiary. I’ll take your order when you are ready.”

Seta feigned polite disgust at the menu. Ash Eater couldn’t help but feel excited to see options he hadn’t had in almost a year.

“Nothing for me, thanks,” the semblance of Scootaloo said.

“I want the mushroom and moss platter.”

The waitress jaunted away happily. A second scan of the room revealed to Ash Eater that most of the ponies here had either water or nothing. There were one or two exceptions that were trying the food, but only one of them seemed to be enjoying it.

“So, you just couldn’t wait to take me to dinner again?” Seta teased softly.

“It’s all part of the plan,” the stag replied evenly. “We don’t want to draw too much attention to our presence.”

“Oh? I thought your friend here was close enough with the princess that she could walk right in any time.”

“Of course she could, but you’d be found out. They have enough enchantments and guards scanning everybody that enters the castle that we’d never have made it inside.”

The image of Scootaloo narrowed her eyes at the changeling stag, “You left out these details on purpose.”

He couldn’t help but grin at the accusation. It was nice to have thrown her off for once.

“The only way to get you in there as planned is to make sure they don’t scan you.”

“Okay, and how can you manage that?”

Ash Eater grinned, but said nothing as the waitress returned with his food. The earthy scents made the stag’s mouth water in anticipation of the coming delicious offering. The waitress hovered there for a moment with the bill as Seta produced some bits from her coin purse to pay for the meal.

“Thanks,” Ash Eater grinned before taking a bite.

Unlike ponies that seemed to like burning their food to alter both taste and texture, the changelings typically preferred to consume things raw. They would make new combinations and use seasonings, however. Ash Eater’s favorites included mushrooms and black pepper.

The smoky flavor of the mushrooms really made the dish. The stag basked in the familiar taste for a moment.

“You know,” Seta began, “if you want to try something really tasty-“

“Don’t even go there!” Ash Eater cut her off, assuming she was making an innuendo.

She glared at him, “I may be a flirt, but I’m not cheap.”

The stag felt his face flush at the scolding.

“Besides, when your kisses are as sweet as mine, you don’t have to brag about them,” she added with a wink.

Ash Eater shook his head, trying to unsee the apparition of Scootaloo flirting with him.

“I was going to suggest you try the moss with mint and fennel.”

Ash Eater wrinkled his nose at the suggestion. Both of those spices sounded too... pony... for his tastes. Just then, two changelings entered the establishment. They were dressed in the distinctive armor of Canterlot royal guards. A moment later, Queen Chrysalis came through the door, followed by two more guards. She wore dog tags just as the rest of her kind, though hers were unique in that they were green.

All of the patrons stood and bowed respectfully. Ash Eater and Seta did the same. The ruler stood a moment, regarding her own kind and the ponies alike. A thin smile turned the corners of her mouth.

“You do honor me. Please, don’t let me disturb your supper.”

Every creature returned to their seats, though a few continued watching as the changeling queen strode forward and found an empty table, at which she sat alone. Her guards found positions out of the way. Two stayed near her, but the other pair kept watch at the door.

“Not bad,” Seta gave her companion a compliment. “But you could have just told me the plan.”

The stag grinned, “Where’s the fun in that?”

She snorted her reply. Taking her silence to mean that she was waiting for instructions, Ash Eater took a few more bites of his dinner before directing the doe.

“We should probably use the facilities before we head out. It’s a long flight back to Ponyville.”

She nodded at him, and he could see the light of recognition in her eyes, “Good idea. I’ll be right back.”

The pegasus form stood and nodded at the stag. They locked eyes long enough to realize that this was probably the last time that they would see each other. Even if the rebellion went perfectly, Seta would likely be one of the first casualties. She turned and walked away. A few moments later, the waitress took the queen’s order, and Chrysalis made her way to the restroom, flanked by the two guards. Ash Eater felt his heart begin pounding. It was happening. It was really happening. Soon, he and Chrysalis would be on their way to the meeting, and the rebellion would begin.

The minute and a half that passed felt like an hour to the stag. As much as his food was to his liking, he suddenly found his appetite somewhat lacking. His stomach tightened down on what he had already eaten, making each subsequent bite loathsome to swallow.

“Aren’t you finished yet?” a form of Scootaloo said as she returned and sat across from him.

“Oh, well, you know... you can’t rush these things. It’s bad for the digestion.”

A thin sheen of sweat was forming on Ash Eater’s brow. As much as he felt ready for this, it was a wild and chaotic feeling to be on the precipice of war once again. The faux pegasus stared at him with a certain regality that Ash Eater didn’t miss. He pushed his plate away.

“I’m finished. I wouldn’t want to eat too much before a flight.”

“Shall we?” the disguised Queen Chrysalis said as she stood.

Ash Eater nodded and followed her out of the restaurant. All of the pieces were in place. Seta, now posing as Chrysalis would return to the castle after her own dinner and no pony would be the wiser. The real Chrysalis and Ash Eater would fly to the secret meeting and join Klixis and the rest of their kind that were preparing to strike.

The pair left the restaurant and walked through the quiet streets of Canterlot. The city was winding down for the night, which was a great relief to Ash Eater, but some sporadic centers of activity defied the normal hours kept by most. They were easily avoided. The warm night air was dry enough to not feel stifling as the two approached the gates.

“Clyde is on duty, and he knows Scootaloo from the war.”

The faux pegasus nodded.

“Heading out so soon?” the unicorn guard asked as they passed by.

“This one had me fly all the way out here for changeling food.”

Clyde snorted, “You are far more accommodating than I would be.”

“That’s why I get to do fun projects,” the form of Scootaloo said flatly.

Clyde made no further response as they continued walking away into the night. With the flapping and buzzing of wings, the two took flight and headed toward Ponyville for a short time. Then they turned west. Their course would take them well clear of New Cloudsdale before they would turn north and head to the Foal Mountains.

The fear began to subside as a swell of pride filled Ash Eater’s heart. Queen Chrysalis had been pleased with him for bringing knowledge of the plans in progress to her, and she had specifically asked to have him be her escort. As they rose again to become mighty, there was no doubt to the stag that he would have a position of honor.

The queen maintained her guise of Scootaloo while they traveled, just in case they happened upon any ponies. They refrained from talking to each other to reduce the chances of such an unintended encounter.

The long stretch of time to think was unwelcome to Ash Eater. Though he tried to keep focused on the coming excitement, old thoughts still nagged at him. He couldn’t help but think that spending so much time among ponies had made him soft. The unsettling dreams had begun near the end of the war, but they seemed to increase in frequency after the stag had been remanded into Scootaloo’s custody.

Certainly the times of war when he’d had to forcibly extract information from ponies were unpleasant. Not that he cared for them, being lesser forms of life. Still, he didn’t enjoy causing suffering. It had been necessary, and so he pushed it from his mind. Nimba was another matter entirely.

The time he had spent under cover, posing as her brother, Nitro, had affected him more than he cared to admit. Interacting with her had actually been surprisingly fun. It had very much reminded him of...

“Is that it?” Queen Chrysalis broke the stag from his reverie.

Ash Eater focused in the darkness where the form of Scootaloo was pointing. He easily recognized the landmark and nodded. They had arrived. The pair began descending, aiming for a cave that was hidden by an outcropping near the summit. It would be a difficult place to find on hoof, as there were sheer rock faces near the mouth that prevented easy access.

They dropped down below the outcropping and entered the cave. It was quiet, but for the low murmur of perhaps running water in the distance. The pair continued into the cave down narrow passages until the air began cooling. The mixing temperatures and humidities created a low fog that hugged the cave floor. Ash Eater couldn’t help but smile at the coincidentally appropriate atmosphere it created.

The cavern opened up into a large chamber, and the source of the noise was now revealed. Nearly a hundred changelings were gathered and talking amongst themselves. Ash Eater assumed they had used tricks to escape their guardians similar to those that he and Seta had employed.

A hush came over them when the newcomers were spotted. Not wasting their attention, Queen Chrysalis transformed, becoming engulfed in green magical flame for a moment before returning to her natural state.

The feeling of elation that swept through the gathering was unmistakable. Ash Eater felt himself shiver as the queen walked forward. Klixis stepped away from the crowd and met her.

“My queen,” he bowed low. “Your warriors are ready to obey your commands.”

“My children, brave warriors of the hive, I respect the risks you have taken to meet me here tonight.” Regarding Klixis for a moment, she added, “Do you speak for this group?”

“I do, but I serve at the pleasure of my queen.”

“In the days to come, that will be tested,” she replied solemnly. “Though I know you. Klixis, my brave warrior who took Baltimare while we battled the ponies.”

Hisses and cheers went up throughout the group. Chrysalis seemed energized by the reaction.

“Tell me, Klixis, what is our situation?”

“My queen, these hundred are but the beginning. We have already two-thousand that are ready for us to say the word. They will rise up against their masters and fight their way through to a rendezvous point, creating chaos along the way. We will free those still imprisoned, and others that we have not yet reached will surely stand ready once it begins. In a day, we can have fifty-thousand ready to fight. We have been well fed by the ponies.”

“Have provisions and weapons been laid up?”

Klixis grinned, “A beginning has been made. We have a few hundred knives and a dozen crossbows and spears, in addition to our magic. Our first target would be the armory near Las Pegasus.”

“How soon could we begin?”

“Tonight, if my queen wills it, though we had planned to prepare for a few months more.”

“Well done,” the queen regarded her subjects with pride in her eyes.

She paced through the fog that obscured her hooves. Ash Eater again felt the swell of pride fill him. Even so, his heart pounded furiously, driven by the hope that the queen would want them to begin immediately. He had no desire to return to that stupid orange pegasus that had kept him for nearly a year. The echo of hooves clicking against stone faded as the queen stopped, looking out over the group once more.

“Who among you would take the honor to strike the first blow and ignite the fires of war once again?”

Cheering erupted from the crowd; the reverberations were nearly deafening in the confines of the cavern. Queen Chrysalis grinned, and Ash Eater felt his blood running hot at the prospect she had proposed. It seemed that to the last, all of them wanted the honor.

“So eager; so hungry to spill blood. I would expect no less from my brave warriors.”

Chrysalis turned to the leader again, the stag who had organized all of this. Ash Eater expected that she might give the honor to him. It was fitting, and she was the type to make such poetic gestures.

“Klixis, is it true what I have been told? Are you the one who has performed this great feat, to bring us back to a position where we are ready to attack?”

“One of many, I have done my part,” he spoke humbly.

“Then the honor shall fall to you.”

“I live to serve, my queen.”

Humility or no, the satisfaction on Klixis’ face was plain.

“Then take up a blade, and may your thrust be true.”

Klixis picked up a spear from their small cache of weapons and stood again. Chrysalis strode forward and stopped in front of him, lifting her head and exposing her neck. Ash Eater didn’t know what semblance this might have, but Klixis looked equally confused.

“What are you waiting for?” Chrysalis asked, still looking toward the cavernous roof.

“I do not understand, my queen.”

She looked him in the eye, “I made peace with the ponies. I commanded you to make no insurrection and live under their rule. If you want to battle the ponies again, I will not stop you. Strike me down, and let the war begin anew, christened in my blood.”

She again looked up, offering an easy target. Klixis hesitated, seeming uncertain how to respond. Ash Eater was horrified. He had felt so hot, so ready for battle, but now a cold within made him feel as though his chest would cave in. The entire group seemed equally shocked and unsure.

“I will never attack my queen,” Klixis finally spoke.

She slowly looked back down, her voice eerily soft, “But you have already. All of you have worked behind my back, usurped my rule with your scheming to destroy everything I have worked for the last year to build.”

The sound of metal striking stone surprised Ash Eater as Klixis dropped the blade. Chrysalis looked across the others as the echo died.

“And the rest of you? Is there a changeling here who has what it takes to follow through? Will you kill your queen and lead our people to war once again?”

Silence was the only answer that came. One by one, they hung their heads in shame.

“Very well then. I will ensure that the peace is protected, and let there be no more talk of insurrection, unless it comes from me.”

Almost as one, the group replied with contrition, “Yes, my queen.”

“Klixis and Ash Eater will accompany me back to Canterlot. The rest of you are to return to where you are supposed to be before the ponies discover what almost happened here.”

The pack of changelings stood in silence, aghast at what had just transpired. The queen furrowed her brow in thought.

“I am Chrysalis, queen of all changelings. My will is my own. I will die before I am coerced by ponies or anyone else. I hold you all dear to me and in high honor.” She scanned about the cave one more time before concluding, “Now go.”

With that, the group began to depart in pairs. They silently skulked through the low fog and past their disappointed monarch, seeming to speed up once they had made it by her. Not another word was spoken until the three last of them remained. It was Klixis who broke the silence.

Throwing himself prostrate in front of the other two, he cried out, “My Queen, I have failed you! Forgive your servant for his arrogance!”

“I have already, otherwise I would have killed you where you stood as an example to the others,” there was no hint to betray anything but sincerity in her voice. “But your penance is not yet complete.”

Klixis looked up, lifting himself just above the fog.

“You will return with me to Canterlot. After I tell Princess Celestia and Twilight Sparkle what you tried to do, you will make an apology to both of them. Then, you will accept whatever punishment they lay upon you.”

“Please, my queen, I cannot bear the dishonor of being at the mercy of ponies. Punish me yourself or kill me now, I beg you!”

“You are not dishonored, but you will accept their judgement.”

Klixis sighed as he rose from the rocky ground, “As you command, I will obey.”

Ash Eater felt in no position to say anything. The last thing he had intended was to get his friend in trouble, but that is how it had come out. Chrysalis turned and walked toward the exit, and the stags followed silently behind her.

The flight back to Canterlot went far more quickly than their journey out. They made a direct path instead of the surreptitious route, but more than that, Ash Eater was so focused on the ramifications of what had taken place that he had trouble focusing on anything else. There would be no uprising, no war. The chance of changelings ruling Equestria supremely and subjugating the ponies had evaporated before his eyes... they had failed.

The very thought left a bad taste in Ash Eater‘s mouth. Sharing equally with lesser life forms? It was absurd, and yet... why did something about it feel correct? It was almost as if a dark thought somewhere buried deep in his psyche confirmed that this was okay, even as every other fiber of the stag’s being wanted to scream out against it.

The trio landed and approached the main gate. Clyde was still on duty, and at spotting the approaching group, two of which were not wearing their tags, his eyes went wide. His horn began glowing with defensive magic.

“We come peacefully,” Chrysalis spoke. “Permit us to pass.”

“It is a violation of the law for you to not wear your tags, and if you really are Queen Chrysalis, where are your guards? Why was there no notification you’d be beyond the gates?”

“Events have unfolded of which I need to make Celestia aware. Escort us yourselves if you deem it necessary.”

Four more guards arrived from within, probably from the guard post not far from the gate. Most likely the entire city would be on alert soon. Ash Eater felt his legs begin to quiver.

“As for why I am outside unannounced and untagged, that was a necessity, and a matter I will discuss with Celestia.”

Clyde looked somewhat uncertain how to proceed. He clearly wanted to feel more in control of the situation, but he was confused that the changelings had made no offensive moves whatsoever. Raid sirens sounded throughout the city, and Ash Eater felt his stomach tighten. Chrysalis glanced at another dozen incoming guards before addressing Clyde impassively.

“I’ve made my request, now make your choice.”

Ash Eater was painfully aware that they could very well get arrested and then dragged through the streets to a dungeon. Clyde seemed a bit more emboldened with his reinforcements having arrived.

“You stand guard here. The rest of you, take up escort positions around those three. We’re taking them to the castle.”

Ash Eater’s stomach loosened a little. He was glad he’d been able to eat something earlier, but he hoped to not lose it. As they entered the city, the streets were empty but for the guards that were forming up everywhere. That made the stag feel somewhat short of breath. Each step felt heavy, but he trudged onward to the castle.

They were presented at the final entrance by their escort, where they submitted to being unicorn scanned to ensure that they were in their natural forms.

Chrysalis turned to Clyde, “A changeling doe by the name of Seta is in my chambers. She took my form on my order. I request you ask her to join us in the throne room.”

“I’m not letting you out of my sight,” Clyde said evenly. He turned to a sergeant, “Go to the royal suite, to Queen Chrysalis’ chambers, and address the changeling there by the name, ‘Seta’. Tell her that her queen commands her presence in the throne room.”

“Aye,” she saluted before trotting off with six guards following her.

“Thank you for your discretion.”

He nodded at her, “I serve at the pleasure of my Alicorn princesses, and as their representative, I will play my part to not aggravate a delicate situation. I trust you and yours won’t give me a reason to.”

Chrysalis bowed slightly before the guards motioned for them to continue onward. Ash Eater was amazed at the number of soldiers that had already locked down the castle. Their escort secured each hallway as they moved the changelings to the throne room.

As the great doors opened, unicorns were finishing up application of protection spells to make the area impractical to attack in the short term. Not that any such attack was coming, Ash Eater mused to himself. But considering the fact that in any actual uprising the first move would have been to free Queen Chrysalis and capture the pony princesses, the stag wondered if they might have been damned in the attempt.

The booming of the throne room entrance closing behind them reverberated through the hall. Seta, back in her natural state, stood at the base of the steps that led to the royal dais. Contrary to what he had said minutes before, Clyde left them in the care of a score and ten guards.

“What’s happening?” Seta was wide-eyed, probably fearing they would all be executed for getting caught.

Ash Eater felt the same.

“Keep silence for now, brave child. This situation is mine to answer for.”

And so, quietly they stood, awaiting their fate. Ash Eater felt as if his hindquarters were tightening in preparation for coming swats for his misbehavior. Somehow, he doubted any of them would get off that easily. The moment stretched on, only making the stag’s anticipation of what was coming grow. Seta removed Chrysalis’ dog tags and returned them to the queen. She placed them on the floor at her hooves.

The sound of the great doors opening reverberated through the room. Princess Luna entered, flanked on either side by Twilight Sparkle and Celestia. They passed by the changelings, with solemn looks on the elder sisters’ faces. Twilight Sparkle stopped at the bottom of the dais, her face contorted with worry. She clearly wanted to speak but held quiet.

The Princess of Friendship seemed to be weary from a long day, but it was clear she had already been awake when summoned. Celestia without question had been awakened, but she was quite alert nonetheless. By contrast, Princess Luna seemed quite fresh as it was not yet midnight. None spoke for a long moment. Ash Eater thought his heart might explode for the furious way it pounded.

It was Celestia that eventually spoke first, “Queen Chrysalis, I have received a most disturbing report from the city guards that you and some of your changelings have violated the peace by changing form, removing your identification tags, and deceiving us as to your whereabouts.”

Taking the pause as an invitation to reply, the changeling queen took a breath.

“That is accurate.”

The concern the princesses bore grew only deeper. Princess Twilight Sparkle looked personally hurt by the admission.

“Why?” the lavender Alicorn asked out of turn.

Luna prevented an immediate reply, “As unsettling as we find this, we wish to hear it from your own mouth. Please explain yourself.”

“It was the most dire of circumstances that spurred me into the actions I have taken this night. A short time ago, I was made aware of a plot to form a changeling rebellion.”

Gasps came from around the room. Twilight Sparkle was mortified. Even Luna and Celestia had no facade of control, the concern they felt previously replaced with wide eyes, a telltale sign of fear.

“It began and grew into a movement without my knowledge. Once I was informed, I knew that I needed to meet with the leaders of the rebellion, for which they were also eager, but they had considered it impractical to extract me before they were ready to strike.”

Celestia held up a hoof, beckoning silence for a moment.

She turned to Clyde, “I want an immediate travel ban between cities and a dusk to dawn curfew for all civilians until further notice. All city guards and soldier contingents across Equestria are to go on defensive alert.”

The soldier saluted and marched out of the throne room. Chrysalis frowned. Twilight Sparkle was taking her breaths far too rapidly and looked as if she might pass out.

“Please continue,” Luna said simply.

“Tonight’s mischief was accomplished to put an end to the misguided efforts that were built on the belief that I had agreed to a peace with you under duress. As proof of my commitment to the hard won peace, I have ended the rebellion before blood was shed, and I have brought you the leader of the conspiracy.”

Twilight Sparkle locked eyes with Ash Eater, her lavender irises shrinking to pinpricks. The stag remained motionless in contrast to the turmoil that raged within. In truth, he was having tremendous difficulty believing that Chrysalis was actually giving up his friend. She was completely sold on peace with the ponies. It just didn’t make sense.

“Klixis, step forward.”

The stag did as he was ordered and bowed to the princesses.

“My queen, my...” he hesitated.

Ash Eater could tell that the next words tasted bitter to his friend.

Klixis took a breath, “my... princesses... I am responsible for inciting rebellion against you. I have dishonored myself and brought shame to my queen in acting against her will. Punish me as you see fit; I will not resist nor complain. That is the penance my queen has laid upon me.”

All eyes turned to the dais where the royal sisters sat silently for a long moment.

“Guards,” Celestia spoke, “Escort Klixis unharmed to the dungeon.”

A dozen of them bound the stag and led him out of the throne room. Celestia and Luna whispered to each other, and in spite of the bare walls favoring sound to carry, Ash Eater was unable to make out what they said.

“If I may ask a question,” Princess Twilight stepped forward, “What is the involvement of Ash Eater and...?”

“Seta,” the doe volunteered her name.

Chrysalis took a breath, choosing her words carefully, “It was Ash Eater that informed me of the plot against you, an act that undoubtedly made stopping this insanity possible. I then directed he and Seta to assist me in getting to meet with the leaders of the rebellion undetected.”

“So, they helped you sneak out to put a stop to things?”

“Yes,” the changeling queen answered simply.

Ash Eater didn’t miss the way it sounded. She had essentially told the princesses that he and Seta were helping prevent the rebellion, when nothing could have been further from the truth. It seemed she was quite intent on protecting everyone except Klixis.

“You said there were other conspirators,” Princess Celestia spoke. “We would have all of them brought in for the time being.”


It was as if time became frozen in the wake of Chrysalis’ reply. The princesses seemed quite surprised by the direct defiance of the order.

“Perhaps my sister was unclear,” Luna added, “this is not a request, but a command.”

“She was clear. My answer is no,” Chrysalis answered evenly.

The tension between four of the most powerful beings in Equestria permeated the room. Celestia seemed caught between feeling threatened and simply disobeyed.

“No,” the alabaster princess replied.

“I am willing to be more forthcoming, but I feel it in our best interest to keep certain details to as few as possible, at least until you can decide how you want to distribute information,” Chrysalis said guardedly.

Celestia nodded at Twilight Sparkle. The younger alicorn’s horn began glowing with her purple aura as she cast a spell. A shimmering shell of light encapsulated the dais and the changelings at its base, leaving only the guards without.

“It only stops sound,” Princess Twilight clarified, “Light, magic, and substance can pass through it. The guards cannot hear us.”

Chrysalis nodded and seemed satisfied, “Tonight I saw about a hundred changelings who were ready to take up arms in open rebellion. By their reports, there are thousands more who were informed and waiting for the signal to strike. I went to tell them myself that any act of rebellion would be an act against me, and that they were to return to their places and keep the peace.”

“Hundreds? Thousands!” Twilight Sparkle had another fit of near hyperventilation.

“Indeed,” Chrysalis made a wry grin, “my children were busy, but ultimately misguided. I don’t expect any further incident, especially as word of Klixis’ imprisonment at my command spreads.”

“I fail to see why you seem so pleased,” Luna said.

“I am also at a loss,” Celestia agreed. “We are essentially sitting on an active volcano and hoping it will not erupt. You should have brought this matter to us when you first heard it so we could plan our strategy together.”

Chrysalis frowned for the second time in the conversation, “Together. If I know your strategies as well as I believe I do, you would have never permitted me to go alone to speak with the leaders. If you sent me at all, it would have been with a division of your finest soldiers to take everyone by force. If you had done that, there would have been blood. Further, even if you had massacred the hundred, the other thousands would have known that their only option would be to strike while there was confusion. You’d have had the very thing you were trying to stamp out. And do you think my children would have listened to me then? They would have assumed I was only a mouthpiece, trumpeting Celestia’s words for them to hear.”

Ash Eater felt incredibly self-conscious at the gall with which his queen spoke. While it was somewhat emboldening, he was concerned that they’d all be in the dungeon before the night was over.

“You should have trusted me,” Celestia countered.

“It wouldn’t matter if I did. They don’t. Can’t you see? Klixis came here on my order, but only because I didn’t involve you. It proved to him, to them all that I am not your puppet. It showed all changelings that the peace is as much my will as yours. Once they understood that, they returned to their places.”

“It was a foolish thing you did. Don’t you see that if you had been discovered, it would be you who had caused the very war you claim to be trying desperately to avoid?”

“There’s more,” Ash Eater heard himself speak, but it felt surreal, almost as if he were not in control.

“What was that?” Princess Twilight Sparkle asked.

“Queen Chrysalis, she told the conspirators that if they wanted to fight a war with the ponies, they would have to kill her first.”

An uneasy quiet overtook the group.

“She told them that the peace she had made with the ponies was one she believed in, and that she would sooner die than let her children ruin what she had worked so hard to build.”

“You really said all that?” Twilight asked.

“I did.”

The princesses exchanged a glance. Chrysalis stood tall and proud, resolute in defense of her actions.

Celestia spoke more softly than before, “I appreciate that you risked your life to preserve the peace, and that you felt it was the only way. However, you must see that we cannot help but feel betrayed by your actions.”

“I understand,” Chrysalis paused in thought for a long moment. “I also understand that you will need to take steps to ensure the public perceives you were in control of the entire situation. Keep in mind that I could have returned as stealthily as I left, and you’d have known nothing of this affair whatsoever. Instead, I chose to approach the main gate and come to you as soon as this was dealt with. Lay upon me whatever punishment you think I deserve.”

The royal sisters looked to each other again. Celestia nodded.

Luna spoke, “It may not come to that. If everything you have said is true, and the rebellion truly is crushed without bloodshed, and you risked your life to do it, we would have nothing for which to punish you.”

“However, once word of this situation gets out, there is sure to be panic,” Celestia added. “For that reason, we should issue a statement while the cities are still on lockdown.”

Twilight Sparkle took advantage of the pause to speak, “I believe whatever we say should strongly include that Queen Chrysalis was integral in helping us put an end to the threat of the rebellion. That way, the message she sent to her own people will be sent to ours as well, that the peace is something to which we are all committed. We could even give awards to these two, honoring their part in all of this.”

“Please no,” Ash Eater heard himself blurt out, almost in a panic.

All eyes turned to him, and he suddenly felt rather self-conscious. The last thing he wanted was more attention. He felt confused enough as things stood.

“I’m inclined to agree with my brave warrior,” Chrysalis concurred. “The fewer names we mention, the better. We can name Klixis as the leader of the doomed venture, that his shame will serve as a warning to others. As for his punishment-”

“That is something we will discuss at a later date,” Celestia interrupted, “together.”

Queen Chrysalis nodded.

“It is decided, then,” Luna concluded.

“Agreed,” Celestia nodded. “We should get to work immediately on our statement. I want to end the lockdown and put this business behind us as quickly as possible.”

Ash Eater certainly wanted to be out of the situation, though he felt somewhat disingenuous in his agreement with pony princesses: his princesses, as it turned out. The very thought made his stomach churn. He was glad that he had avoided letting them pin a medal to his chest. That would have felt even more insulting than the rest of it. He felt himself frown as he realized that he would likely be remanded to Scootaloo’s custody again. For the first time, he was beginning to become certain that there would be no parole or reprieve from this sentence. More than that, his own queen seemed to think of them as equals. It was an unnerving thought.


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‘Dear Scootaloo, I received your letter and am still quite alarmed by the events that unfolded. Ash Eater and Seta are our guests for the time being. I would have sent for you immediately, had things here in Canterlot not been thrown into total chaos. It’s been all we can do to keep everypony calm, and to that end, Princess Celestia imposed the travel ban and curfew on every creature until things cool down. You are to accompany the guards that brought this letter and report to me in Canterlot. I’d prefer to discuss your part in all of this in person. Have a safe journey, Princess Twilight Sparkle.’

Ash Eater stood over the gray mare. Chained to the floor, she was at his mercy. He grinned as she lied to him. If it was pain she wanted, all she had to do was keep lying. But why not just tell the truth and it could all be over? He nodded to the others, and they kicked her, beat her.

She lied again.

He signaled the others and they grabbed her. The stag climbed on top, whispered in her ear, threatened a heinous act. As he looked down upon her, he saw no longer the mare, but his own flesh and blood.

Ash Eater awoke with a start, a slight shriek escaping him as he threw off the bedsheets, soaked with sweat. He gasped for air, trying to catch his breath. In all of his thrashing, the stag fell to the floor. The jolt of crashing to the ground made him pause, and he was able to take in air again.

The trappings of the guest suites in Canterlot Castle were certainly accommodating and well furnished. The changeling took a deep breath and strode to the window, looking out over the night.

The days that had passed since Queen Chrysalis ended the rebellion were dull, and Ash Eater had plenty of time alone to think. He had hardly slept and eaten less. Even though he had been offered company, he had refused them all, even Seta. Was this his life now? Equality with ponies? The thought of it made him sick.


Scootaloo arrived at the castle in Canterlot just two hours after sunrise. Her escort of guards were singleminded in their business. As much of a comfort as it was to be among soldiers again, she was dreading the meetings that were coming. Likely she would have a great deal for which to answer.

They led her down the halls of the castle, quite familiar since she had visited almost every other week in recent months. That would probably all be changing soon. They arrived in a regal study, and Princess Twilight Sparkle sat behind a desk with a haphazard pile of books and scrolls. The only thing deeper than the worry lines in her face were the bags under her eyes. She had the look of a mare who hadn’t slept for days.

“Your highness,” the leader of the guards announced, “Scootaloo is here as requested.”

Twilight Sparkle looked up, her expression melting into a more pleasant one, “You can go. Thank you.”

Scootaloo approached the mess.

“Tea?” the Princess offered an empty pot.

“No, thank you,” Scootaloo said uncertainty.

The lavender alicorn’s purple eyes returned to her exhausting study. Scootaloo stood in silence, uncertain whether she should say anything.

“History,” the princess said.

“I’m sorry?”

“I’ve been looking through history. That has to be the key. Of course we’re trying something that has never been done before, but there are always patterns, always similarities.”

“History of what?” Scootaloo asked, unsure she wanted the answer.

It was then that she realized that there was no desk. The mountainous pile of books and scrolls was simply so high that it had appeared that they were resting upon something at first glance. The bottom layer was on the floor.

“Everything!” The princess’ eye twitched. “I started with my friendship journal and letters to Princess Celestia from years ago, but then I realized that’s not going to do at all. We’re not dealing with friendships exactly, so I’m cross referencing with every war that has ever been fought in Equestria, ever.”

Scootaloo felt herself recoil a little at the expression on Twilight’s face. It bordered on maniacal. The princess made to dive back into her paperwork, but was interrupted by the orange unicorn speaking.

“I’m still not sure what exactly happened.”

In a flash, the alicorn vaulted over the stack of research and was nose to nose with the pegasus, grabbing her by the shoulders and shaking, a wild look in her eyes as purple irises shrank pupils to pinpricks.

“Where have you been? How could you not know? Everything I’ve been building is falling apart!”

Scootaloo’s latent combat instincts kicked in and she wrested herself from the frantic embrace.

“Easy,” she said, dropping into a battle stance.

The princess held her gaze, the light of recognition finally coming to her. It seemed that she was returning to a more normal state of mind. The former soldier relaxed into a more peaceful posture.

“Scootaloo, I’m so sorry. I’ve just been so caught up with this that I have...” she collected her thoughts and looked about the pile she had created, “I may have lost perspective a little.”

The pegasus made a disarming smile, which seemed to be effective. Princess Twilight Sparkle took a breath and steadied herself.

“It’s been a long,” she looked at the grandfather clock, ”couple of days.”

“I did hear the official statement that has been passed around, that there was an attempted changeling rebellion led by Ash Eater’s friend, Klixis, and that Queen Chrysalis helped you stop it. After that, rumors have been going crazy all over Ponyville.”

“What we were unable to say, is that Chrysalis stopped the uprising on her own, without our help.”

“Oh my...” Scootaloo didn’t finish the statement, she was so surprised by the news.

That meant that Queen Chrysalis had intentionally foiled an uprising against the ponies. The implications were astounding. Scootaloo was so taken aback that she didn’t even know what to ask next as she processed the news.

Twilight continued, “As it turns out, Ash Eater and another changeling, Seta, also worked with her to prevent the uprising before it had a chance to get started.”

Scootaloo felt herself grow light, as if a great weight had been lifted from her heart. She had been mortified to discover that both Ash Eater and Seta were missing. Initially, she felt stupid and had suspected they wanted a little more privacy than they’d been offered, but when the lockdown happened her fears only grew with the announcement of the attempted rebellion. The relief she now experienced was wondrous bliss for a moment, but then a doubt crept back in. Why hadn’t Ash Eater simply told her what was going on? She’d have certainly dropped everything to help with something so important.

“I can’t tell you how much of a relief that is,” she finally said.

“That’s one part of this that I don’t understand,” the alicorn continued, “Queen Chrysalis was vague on some of the details about Ash Eater’s involvement. I was hoping you would know more.”

Scootaloo shrugged, “I honestly didn’t know anything until the lockdown was announced.”

“So he and Seta snuck out?”

Scootaloo couldn’t help but feel like a school-filly being scolded for not turning in her homework, “Yeah, they had claimed they wanted privacy. Pacer and I were in the apartment, but they managed to pick the lock and go out his bedroom window.”

“Privacy?” the princess tilted her head curiously.

“Don’t ask,” the pegasus felt her face flush, “they had indicated that they wanted to be... intimate.”

“Oh... oh! I see, well, we don’t have to talk about that right now. Would you like to see him?”

“Yes, please.”

Princess Twilight Sparkle nodded for Scootaloo to follow and walked to the door. The pair of them, escorted by the half-dozen guards that had been stationed in the hallway, navigated the corridors until they returned to the wing of the castle that was home to the guest suites. It had been quite nicely refurbished since the war had ended, with new carpets and tapestries expertly designed and placed to create the elegance befitting the area. The alicorn knocked when they came to the last door on the left.

There was no reply. Twilight seemed undeterred by this and proceeded to open the door. Ash Eater’s room was obscured in darkness, the curtains still covering the windows. There was just enough light to make out his form, laying on the bed. He did not react to the pair of visitors that had just entered.

“Ash Eater? It’s me and Scootaloo,” the Princess announced their presence.

He didn’t reply as she walked to the window to open the shades and allow daylight to breach the sanctum. Scootaloo stood in the center of the room.

“I heard you were in the middle of all the excitement.”

Ash Eater groaned and turned away from the piercing light. He seemed to be taking advantage of the opportunity to sleep at all odd hours of the day.

“I have to say, you had us pretty worried when Pacer and I noticed you and Seta had gone,” the pegasus continued.

Ash Eater slowly sat up as Twilight Sparkle crossed the room to finish opening the windows. The changeling had a hard expression, as if annoyed or awakened from a deep slumber. Scootaloo felt that silence would be more awkward than her continuing to speak, and so she did just that.

“I can’t tell you how relieved I was to find out why you left the way that you did,” she padded forward on the plush rug, closing the distance between them. “Why didn’t you let me know you were helping Queen Chrysalis with things? I’d have helped out if I could have.”

His eyes seemed to somehow come alive at that last statement, and the changeling looked up as the princess returned to Scootaloo’s side, “Are you stupid?”

The pegasus felt her jaw drop even as Twilight Sparkle let out a gasp.

“Don’t you get it?” Ash Eater asked, still remaining on the bed, unmoving.

Scootaloo would have felt far more at ease had he leapt into her face and shouted, but the stone-like resolve with which he glared back was unnerving.

“Helping ponies prevent a war? Is that what you thought I was doing?”

If his words could have manifested themselves as objects, they’d have been daggers of ice.

“I didn’t know my queen was going to stop our revolt. I took her from the castle so she could lead us again,” his brow furrowed in a violent calm. “I wanted the rebellion; I wanted a second war, if for no other reason than to finally be rid of you.”

Scootaloo felt deeply cut. She was caught somewhere between anger and hurt. As she tried to form words, it was Princess Twilight Sparkle’s hoof on her shoulder that made the pegasus realize that she had again dropped into a combat stance. Her every muscle was tensed, and she was ready to strike. Coming to her senses, she relaxed slightly but maintained the pose.

“You ponies and your insipid need to meddle with everyone you don’t understand. You can’t even comprehend that someone wouldn’t want to be your friend, and why would I? My people are broken, subjugated, and that’s your fault. We had a way of life that is now gone, and that is your fault,” his venomous words issued freely through teeth clenched like iron. “You’re desperate to make friends because deep down you know you’re not good enough to have them. You are an inferior race of children compared to us.”

A single hot tear leaked out before Scootaloo could stop it. She felt far more enraged than sad as blood surged through her veins, her every fiber begging to retaliate against the onslaught she was enduring.

“I am disgusted by the lot of you. Now get out of here before I say something unkind,” Ash Eater shifted, turning his back to the pair.

Scootaloo opened her mouth to reply, but the princess tugged against her gently. Both mares turned and retreated without a word, closing the door behind them as they left. The air in the corridor felt somehow cool against the orange pegasus’ skin. Her breaths became heavy and fast as the pair walked past guards and to an empty room that was nearby.

Scootaloo wanted to destroy something, anything, but all of the furnishings looked rather expensive, and she was just enough in command of her faculties to realize this as her anger was forced remain unsatisfied. With no acceptable alternative, she let out an enraged scream, much like a battle cry that had been the last sound heard by many timberwolves and more than one changeling.

She turned to face the princess, whose face was stained with freely running tears. Scootaloo hadn’t realized that she was in the same condition. Burning wet tracks traced down her cheeks and fell to the floor despite her efforts to hold them in.

Why? Why had all of her efforts failed so horribly? She had done everything she could to be agreeable with Ash Eater, and still he spat in her face. Why? With no answers coming, she released the dam on her emotions so they could flow. Princess Twilight Sparkle reached out, and Scootaloo melted into her embrace for a time.

Once they were able to compose themselves, the two sat upon a sofa that was by the window. The view toward New Cloudsdale was quite spectacular, but it felt empty to the pegasus. It was she who eventually broke the silence between the pair.

“I can’t do this.”

“I know it’s hard,” the princess agreed, “far harder than either of us thought it would be, but it’s like you said back when I first asked you to do this. ‘We can’t ever know what’s going to happen. All we can do is keep moving.’”

The pegasus stared at the floor, letting the words roll around in the air for a a moment before letting out a sigh.

“I was an idiot,” she concluded.

“Whatever else may be true, that just isn’t.”

Scootaloo looked up and met Twilight Sparkle’s gaze. Her face was wet with tears, but there was a spark of hope in her eyes. From what deep reserve it had been drawn, the pegasus could only guess.

“I took it for granted that things would work out. I hadn’t even considered failure a possibility. You knew from the beginning that we had a low chance to succeed, and you’ve been so diligent to make things work out. I’d call that brave.”

Scootaloo snorted, “Only if there was actually some hope. From where I’m sitting now, it looks like there never was. That makes me a fool.”

“No more than I,” came the counter, “As relieved as I am that she stopped the rebellion and brought the ringleader in, Chrysalis didn’t trust me enough to let me help. Like you, I had thought we were closer than that, that we had made more progress by now.”

Scootaloo let silence fill the room for a few minutes while she collected her thoughts. She didn’t like where they were leading, but she couldn’t see any alternative at this point. She had failed. Perhaps the larger plan might succeed, but for her to continue with Ash Eater would be fruitless. As much as she’d not been fond of the idea of taking on the assignment, she found no comfort in it ending so disastrously. She took a breath.

“I think it would be best if you reassign Ash Eater to somepony else.”

Twilight bowed her head solemnly, “If you’re sure that’s what you want...”

“I... yes, it is. I just don’t see any way for this to work out.”

“It will be a few weeks before we release any more prisoners. We’ll need to review things a bit more closely going forward.”

“I don’t want another changeling. I want out.”

“I understand,” the princess nodded somberly. “I’m sorry I put so much pressure on you, and I’m sorry I have to ask a little more from you first.”

She met Scootaloo’s gaze once more.

“If you can make it one more week with Ash Eater to let the news of the conspiracy die down a little, that would help. I can assign you guards if you need them.”

The younger mare didn’t like the sound of that at all. Her own confidence hadn’t even begun to recover in the wake of the outburst from before, but she knew if it was just a matter of babysitting the stag, she could manage that a little longer. There would be no pressure to try and make friends or to teach him anything. The pegasus took a deep breath.

“One week... I can make it one more week.”

Princess Twilight Sparkle made a somber smile, “Thank you.”

Scootaloo nodded, picking up the demolished remnants of her emotional well-being and steeling her resolve. Just one more week, that’s all she had to endure.


Ash Eater seethed in a pool of impotent rage as Scootaloo and Princess Twilight Sparkle fled, the door easing shut behind them. Hot tears burned his cheeks as they streamed freely down. He hated them, hated all of them, and there was nothing he could do about it. The queen had spoken, and her word was law.

The stag didn’t turn when he heard the door open, assuming it was one of the kitchen staff again trying to convince him to eat something.

“Are you okay?” Seta asked.

Ash Eater was annoyed that the stupid doe couldn’t take a hint and leave him alone, “What are you doing here?”

She planted her hooves as if preparing to defend the ground upon which she stood, “Even if I didn’t have a changeling’s heightened sensitivity to emotions, yours are plain for all to see.”

“If you have that much insight, leave me alone!”

“You can hide behind anger and lie to the others, but I know you too well. You’re hurting, but you don’t know why.”

He turned to face her, glaring at the gall of the young doe.

“You’ll never be right again if you don’t figure out what hurt you,” she added.

The stag sprang from the bed, closing the distance as he spoke hotly, “I’m crippled because a lesser life form didn’t have the decency to die when they were supposed to. Now we’re subjugated and I’m supposed to be happy?”

“Of course not,” the doe spoke coolly, unmoving. “Angry? Sure. Confused? Why not? But that’s not what I’m sensing from you mostly. You’re in pain.”

“Broken eggs! Will you leave if I agree with you?” he stomped back to the bed and sat down.

“You can’t get rid of me that easily, but I’ll be gone soon enough. I’m going to see if I can get Pacer to take me to see my parents for a few days. Like most of the non-combatants, they’ve taken up residence in the caves underneath Canterlot. But before I go, I wanted to know one thing.”

“What?” he spat.

Seta took a breath, “You’ve got a strong spirit, true honor, and I like you. Is there any reason for me to come back?”

Ash Eater looked up at the doe. There was a hope in her eyes that was visible just behind her self-confidence. Perhaps she was genuinely interested in him as a potential mate. It was a sentiment he did not share.

“No...” he said slowly.

Seta smiled, “In that case, this is goodbye. I’m sorry I misjudged you when we first met.”

She turned to walk away. If there was any deep disappointment, she didn’t let it show. Ash Eater thought it more likely that she hadn’t become that attached. As he watched her pristine figure leave, Seta stopped, turning her head just enough that Ash Eater could see a grin form.

“You know you love to watch me go,” she said.

He snorted, “Yeah, don’t let it go to your head.”

The doe walked away, swaying her hindquarters provocatively. Ash Eater laughed quietly to himself, but all too quickly that feeling was gone. The despair and confusion returned. He’d been set on revenge ever since that day in the forest when he’d been crippled. Queen Chrysalis had effectively taken that away; it was never going to happen. What was he to do now?


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‘Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle, everypony still seems on edge. I feel like we can’t walk around Ponyville without drawing quite a lot of attention to ourselves. I know Ash Eater hates me, but he hasn’t made any more outbursts, at least not like the one you saw. He asked to go home to see his parents, and since our final week is almost over anyway, we’re going to spend the rest of it with his family in the caves beneath Canterlot. I’ll see you soon. XOXO, Scootaloo.’

Scootaloo approached the gaping maw that was the main entrance to the caverns beneath Canterlot, now commonly called Stone Hive. The name had been used during the war and had continued into the lexicon of the changelings, being picked up by ponies a bit later. She didn’t want to be there. She just wanted out.

‘Three more days,’ she told herself as they left the bright sunny day and became enveloped in darkness.

As much as she was relieved to be nearing the end of her assignment, she hadn’t yet told Ash Eater. He was miserable enough to be around as things stood. The last thing she needed was for him to gloat about her failures for the remainder of their time together. With the anniversary of the armistice approaching, she was ready to move on to something new.

The cool air of the cave washed over the pair as they were greeted by wary eyes watching them. There were no ponies guarding the cave or evident within. Many changelings were milling about near the entrance at what appeared to be something of a common area, almost like an outdoor market. Scootaloo could only guess as to what some of the wares even were, but many others had more familiar uses.

She couldn’t help but feel highly uncomfortable as nearly every creature stopped what they were doing and looked at her suspiciously. She noted that all of them wore the blue dog-tags that non-combatants were issued. They likely also knew she had been a soldier, considering she was with Ash Eater, who wore the red variety and bore scars of battle. That considered, it was no surprise that all of the children were quickly ushered out of sight or behind adults as the pegasus walked by.

Ash Eater, on the other hoof, appeared far more at ease than Scootaloo had ever seen him. In spite of the seemingly permanent scowl that he had worn since Klixis’ rebellion, something in the way he carried himself was almost relaxed.

It wasn’t much farther in, just at the end of the market where the cave narrowed that the pair came to an abrupt halt at Scootaloo’s behest.

“I can’t see anything down here,” she complained. “One second.”

The pegasus rummaged around in her saddle bags for a hat which had an illuminating feature. She switched on the headlamp and donned the cap. At Ash Eater’s request, she had put a fairly thick filter over the lamp so as to not blind the changeling inhabitants of the cave, but it did give just enough light for her to make out what was within a few yards.

“If you’re quite ready,” the stag griped.

She gestured to the well-trodden tunnel ahead, “Lead on.”

Ash Eater pressed forward, guiding Scootaloo through the darkness as if he could see in the black. It gave the mare an uneasy feeling, almost a queasy sickness to think that the changelings had used these caves to imprison many ponies during the war, that Sparklefly had been one of them, that Ash Eater had...

She shook her head to clear her thoughts. It wouldn’t do any good to dredge up those memories now.

They wound their way through passages until the cavern opened up into a massive chamber. The cool air was saturated with moisture, so much so that it seemed to be raining from the vaulted ceiling far above. The changelings had made this their new home. Small to medium dome-like structures were along the path just ahead and as far as Scootaloo could see. She was aided in this by bio-luminescent moss that adorned the structures.

The high roof of the cavern also seemed to twinkle much like a starry night. By what mechanism that existed, Scootaloo could only guess. Ash Eater stopped to ask for directions before the duo continued past house after house. In actuality the dwellings seemed to be made of hardened earth, not unlike a dirt dauber’s nest, though much larger.

The inhabitants here seemed even more wary of the pegasus than had been those in the market. They were also more brazen to stare at her as the two continued on their way. If the locals were trying to make her uncomfortable, they were succeeding. Scootaloo felt a knot in her stomach and a tightness in her hindquarters as though she had found a place that she was not supposed to be.

After navigating the pathways of Stone Hive for about a half-hour and becoming modestly soaked by the fat drops of falling condensation, Ash Eater came to a stop. The dwelling was at least as large as Scootaloo’s apartment and quite common judging by the surroundings. Scootaloo hadn’t noticed previously, but there were little stone markers in front of the houses. They held no significance to her, but she expected they were a changeling equivalent of addresses.

As they stood in front of the domicile, an older changeling doe exited through a heavy curtain or leathery flap that comprised the front door.

“I can’t find it,” she called out.

A combined grunt and sigh was heard as a stag buzzed his wings and glided into view above the roof, “Did you look where I said?”

Her reply was prevented as she caught sight of the newcomers. She planted her hooves, as if uncertain how to greet them.

“Hi, mom,” Ash Eater spoke.

Both of the older changelings had a wary curiosity on their faces that melted into recognition and then surprise at his simple greeting. From the house, a dark figure bolted through the door, zipping across the distance and impacting into Ash Eater, causing him to stagger backward to maintain his balance.

“Ashy! Ashy! Ashy! Ashy! Ashy!” the young doe practically screamed as she tried to charge him down with the efficacy of a stampeding bunny.

Ash Eater warmly embraced the little one, “Hey, Sis.”

So this was his sister. Scootaloo couldn’t help but feel surprised at how young she was. Even more, the warm and affectionate greeting was unexpected for someone she knew to be so heinous. She had been so focused on the little projectile that Scootaloo didn’t notice the parents approaching.

“I heard you made a good accounting of yourself,” his father beamed proudly.

“I hardly recognize you,” his mother sang, “such wonderful scars you have earned!”

Scootaloo didn’t understand the changelings’ fascination with scars as badges of honor, but she had overheard more than one make similar comments.

Pushing the little one back a bit, Ash Eater stepped to the side, making Scootaloo more easily seen by the others. It seemed that they had forgotten about her the moment they recognized their offspring.

“This is Scootaloo, my guardian. This is my mother and sister, Haltere and Arista, and this is my father, Soot Nosher.”

The warmth that had been there only moments before evaporated rather suddenly. Scootaloo felt herself smile nervously. While Soot Nosher scowled, Arista’s eyes grew wide as she looked to her mother with uncertainty. Haltere stepped forward.

“Welcome to our home,” she spoke deliberately. “Our hospitality is yours.”

“No need for all of that,” Ash Eater sneered. “She’s just a pony.”

His mother glared at him with disapproval before continuing, “Please, come in and get dried off.”

Scootaloo followed Ash Eater and the ladies in. Soot Nosher eyed her as she went by and followed behind. The interior of the house was lit dimly with more of the luminous moss that accented the exterior. It was just enough light that Scootaloo turned off her lamp and placed it back into her saddle bags to let her eyes adjust. The soft green glow was somewhat eerie, though the mare didn’t feel in any danger. At least, she felt more secure here than she had on the way into Stone Hive.

Beside the door, there was a small rack of sponges. The family of changelings used them to dry themselves a bit more effectively than Scootaloo was able. Between her fur, feathers, and mane, she needed three sponges to make a dent in the sogginess. She felt embarrassed to ask for more, considering that one had been sufficient for each of the others.

The main chamber of the dwelling was about the same size as Scootaloo’s apartment. A medium-sized earthen pot was catching a drip that leaked from the roof above. The dim light aside, the space seemed far more cozy than Scootaloo would have expected. The furnishings, however, were more earthen than manufactured. There was a table that seemed at first to be stone, but upon closer inspection, Scootaloo realized that it was hardened mud in the same manner that the structure was made. At the behest of Haltere, Scootaloo seated herself on a soft mound of moss.

“Can I get you anything? Food? Water?” the family matriarch asked the guests.

“No,” Ash Eater answered before Scootaloo could voice that she was thirsty.

She let the request die unspoken. The rest encircled the table, filling out the space. Arista clung to her brother’s side, wrapping around one of his forelegs affectionately. Ash Eater’s scowl, which Scootaloo had thought a permanent fixture, began to soften.

“News has been as difficult to get as food,” Soot Nosher addressed his son. “I expect both are being held up by the same blockage?”

Scootaloo didn’t miss the glance that the father shot in her direction, but it took her a moment to realize what was being implied. To her surprise, Ash Eater didn’t take the opportunity to levy an insult against herself or ponies in general.

“It’s the same out there,” he replied simply.

“We knew you were alive, but we hadn’t heard much else,” his mother ventured. “The last real information we got was during the war.”

“When your Shock Force group was battling the ponies near Apple Loosa,” Soot Nosher continued. “We heard your commanders and doctors got killed in an air raid.”

“That’s right,” Ash Eater confirmed. “That put me in the second group. The following battle at Ghastly Gorge saw another command group wiped out in an avalanche. That’s when I took command of our Shock Force.”

Scootaloo felt the hairs on the nape of her neck stand on end. The air raid was one of Sparklefly’s missions, back when the ponies’ Assault Corps was having trouble getting the timberwolves to chase them. They’d had no idea that they’d crippled the changelings command. The rockslide at Ghastly Gorge had been Scootaloo’s doing during her first real engagement while commanding the Assault Corps. Ash Eater had told her these things that day on the battlefield, but she only now did she believe him.

“After that, we chased this one all the way back to Ponyville,” he gestured at the pegasus. “We managed to have an equally devastating attack on their leaders, which put her in charge. We met on the battlefield, and that’s how I lost my leg.”

Scootaloo felt nervous about the reaction Ash Eater’s family would have toward her if he kept talking. A sheen of sweat instantly was on her brow, and her mouth went dry as though it were stuffed with cotton. She wasn’t worried about being disliked, but killed in her sleep by angry changelings was not how she wanted to die.

“I found her on the front line just after our timberwolves overcame their earthworks barricades. I wounded her flank before we crossed blades a few times. Then she made a feint move, making me dodge low, but she pulled her strike down and impaled me, right through the leg with a spear.”

The stag winced at the memory. His family seemed enthralled with the tale.

“I knew if I continued at that point, she’d have the better of me, so I twisted, rolling down the ridge and nearly got trampled by timberwolves. I made my way to the rear, but we didn’t have any more doctors, so there wasn’t anything we could do but pull the spear out and try to stop the bleeding. It got infected by the time we battled at Ponyville, so I tried to settle a few final scores before I died. After Cloudsdale was dropped,” he frowned, “most of us got rounded up and taken prisoner. The pony doctors took my leg but were able to stop the infection from spreading.”

“That calls for a drink,” Soot Nosher announced as he turned toward another chamber.

“At this hour?” Haltere objected.

He returned a moment later with a set of earthenware cups and a taller vessel. It appeared to all be made of fired clay. Haltere scowled as the patriarch poured drinks for them, but Scootaloo had no idea what she’d been given.

“Had your aim been true, my son would not have come home. To poor aim!”

The toast was eerily similar to the way ponies would achieve such. Scootaloo wondered whether they had adopted it from the ponies and what other traditions she might find familiar.

Following the example of the others, Scootaloo upended her cup gulped down a fiery liquid that had a pungent flavor of black licorice that nearly made her choke. Tears burned her eyes as she forced herself to swallow and keep it down. She didn’t want to embarrass herself or offend her hosts. Having already been thirsty and a bit hungry, the alcohol went straight to her head, making the mare a little giddy. She took a deep breath to maintain her even disposition.

The pegasus’ eyes went wide as Soot Nosher poured another round, “To doctors and the wonders they perform!”

“To doctors...” they said together as they took down another shot.

Scootaloo hated licorice, but she was glad that the second one was easier to manage than the first.

“Can I try?” Arista pleaded with her father.

He grinned gleefully, “Of course!”

“Absolutely not!” Haltere was quite adamant in the way she set down her cup.

“You didn’t let me finish. Of course when you’re a bit older.”

The parents exchanged combative glances that even Scootaloo couldn’t misread. It seemed mostly playful. He poured yet another round.

“To new friends!”

Scootaloo was beginning to feel funny. She wobbled slightly as she set her cup back down.

“To life!”

That was the last coherent thing she remembered. Scootaloo’s head began swimming, and the whole room seemed out of focus and even darker than it had been. She set her head down on the table just to regain some stability. It was so cool against her face. She was lost to sleep before she had a chance to fight it.


Ash Eater stared at his ward, now in the stupor of a drunken slumber, resting her head on the table.

“I’m a little impressed she took four of those. Ponies must have a solid constitution,” Soot Nosher smiled.

“How much did you give her?” Haltere asked.

The older stag shrugged, “Twice what I gave us, maybe a little more.”

Ash Eater felt a little giddy himself. If he had taken down as much as the stupid pegasus, he would likely had passed out as well.

“That’s a dirty trick!” the elder doe sniped.

“Relax, I’m not going to harm her. I just wanted to be able to talk freely.”

Ash Eater snorted, “I didn’t hold back for her. I don’t care what she thinks.”

“Are they keeping you captive by force?”

“What? No,” he couldn’t help but laugh at the notion.

“Is it true that the queen has been coerced by ponies this entire time, and that Klixis was stopped by them?”

Ash Eater frowned. He was still baffled by Chrysalis’s actions that night. Though he had personal reservations about how it had gone, her will had been clear.

“No, Queen Chrysalis acted freely and alone to stop the rebellion; I was there.”

Both parents gasped, and Arista’s face lit up with excitement, “You were there?”

“Yes. Our queen was adamant that any move against the ponies is a move against her, that the peace was not forced upon us, but one that she fought for. She invited Klixis to take a spear and make her the first casualty in the new war.”

Both Soot Nosher and Haltere were mortified.

“What did he do?” Arista asked.

“He dropped his spear and begged the queen’s forgiveness. She pronounced no dishonor, but deemed that the ponies would decide his punishment. She gave him to them to keep the rest of us free.”

“And the old nags went along with it?” Soot Nosher asked.

“Our Queen only left them with the choice of that or imprisoning her, and myself and Seta. We were the only four that had been discovered when we turned ourselves in.”

“Who’s Seta?” Arista asked.

Haltere prevented a reply, “And to think that we were making precautions to evacuate when the war started again.”

“You were?” Ash Eater was a bit surprised by that.

“Who’s Seta?”

“Of course,” Soot Nosher answered, “we had heard what Klixis was planning, and all of Stone Hive was preparing to move as soon as things began.”

Ash Eater felt a chill. He’d known they had been on the verge of a second war, but he realized now just how well their preparations had been going. In spite of the pride he felt for the resilience of his people, he couldn’t help but feel sad. There would be no second war. His queen had chosen subjugation to the ponies.

“Who is Seta!” Arista huffed as nobody seemed willing to so much as acknowledge that she had spoken.

Scootaloo stirred slightly but did not awaken. Her head was draped on the table, and she had begun to drool. Haltere cleared her throat.

“The least you boys can do is lay her down so she doesn’t wake up with a stiff neck.”

“I’m not touching that,” Ash Eater sneered. “If she’s stupid enough to drink too much, then she deserves whatever she gets.”

The stag felt himself smirking until he met his mother’s gaze. She stared at him, stone faced with every feature in unmoving condemnation, the look. She didn’t have to say a word, Ash Eater knew he was in trouble if he didn’t comply with her request. Soot Nosher also saw it and quickly moved to lift the inebriated pegasus. Grudgingly, Ash Eater assisted.

Missing a hind leg made this task exceptionally difficult, but between the two of them, they managed to carry the limp form into a sleeping alcove and lay her down without awakening her.

Haltere wore a thin smile, “Thank you for being a good example. Arista, always be careful of any creature who gives you something to drink so you aren’t left to their mercy, and don’t you ever treat anyone the way your father just did.”

The young doe nodded. Soot Nosher mumbled something of an apology as the leaky roof continued dripping into the clay pot near the table.

“Now, didn’t you have something to do?” the family’s supreme matriarch asked.

“Yes, dear. Come along Ash Eater, we’ve got a roof to repair.”

Haltere called after them as they made their exit, “Arista and I are going up to the market to get some extra food for dinner for our guests, if there is anything to be had.”

“But I want to stay with Ashy!” Arista whined.

Her mother hardly glanced at the little one before returning her attention to her son, “I expect you’ll let the poor pony sleep?”

“Yeah, yeah,” Ash Eater said as he waved her away.

Following his father out into the larger cavern, the two became pelted with fat drops of condensation that fell from above. The pair began buzzing their wings and hovered up above the house. Ash Eater’s eyes had quickly adapted to the almost nonexistent light when they had first entered the cavern, and he had no trouble here either.

There were a few items to repair the leak already on top. Soot Nosher had marked the area with a ring of the glowing moss to make it easy to find. Ash Eater noticed that there was no hardener just as his father grumbled to himself.

“Stay here, I forgot something,” he said before buzzing back down.

Ash Eater inspected the hole. It didn’t look too bad, but rain constantly dripping in that spot had worn through. There were other divots already forming. It seemed that whatever sediments the water carried were perhaps acidic to the rosin they used to harden the mud.

“Constantly fixing the roof,” Soot Nosher grumbled as he flew back up with a small vial. “Pass me the mud.”

Ash Eater found the small covered pot of mud and passed it closer. Anticipating the next request, he picked up a stir-stick, and made note of the location of the trowel.

“Hmm,” his father uttered thanks.

Soot Nosher scooped out a generous bit of mud into the roof, and then added a few drops of the hardener, stirring it and thoroughly mixing it up.

Ash Eater watched in silence as the rain pelting the roof and the rest of the cavern played almost melodically in his ears. His thoughts were still consumed by recent events. He simply couldn’t understand why the queen would accept anything short of victory over an inferior form of life.

“I can’t believe our queen has given in,” he sought agreement.

“Well, things get a little more complicated sometimes.”

“I know that, but we are superior; we should be ruling.”

His father looked up inquisitively, “How do you come to that?”

“Don’t be coy with me, I know you hate them as much as I do.”

Returning to his stirring, Soot Nosher replied, “Hating them is not the same as believing oneself or one’s race to be superior.”

Ash Eater felt himself gasp at the heresy, “But we are superior!”

Soot Nosher took the trowel and began spreading the mud patch, making sure to fill the hole and then smoothing it out above. His son held the pot lid over the work to keep the condensation off. It didn’t take long to complete the work, and they soon gathered up all of the tools, only leaving behind one pot lid to shield the patched area until it could harden. The pair made their way back to the ground, Soot Nosher’s brow furrowed in thought.

“Son, your mother and I have been talking about some of your... ideals. I’m not sure where it comes from, but as long as you believe that others are somehow lesser than you, that you or your people are somehow better in any way not related to achievements, you’re always going to be finding trouble over it. It’s just not healthy.”

“Don’t make me laugh!” he sneered. “What do you know of ponies beyond the one battle you fought? I have made many of them turn on each other just to avoid a little pain.”

Soot Nosher’s concern only seemed to deepen, “War is an ugly business, and there are things you have to do, but the way you seem to relish hurting others is... can’t you see how dark that is?”

“I never hurt others, only ponies, and they don’t matter.”

“They don’t matter? They are no different than us!” his father’s words became heated.

“We have, nothing, in common! They are forever trapped, limited in scope of what they can be. We have the ability to be anything we want, to take whatever we need.”

“We have different gifts, but you should only take pride in what you accomplish. Taking pride in what the fates gave you is vanity and foolishness.”

“It’s not vain or arrogant if it is true,” Ash Eater sneered.

“Tell me this then if you’re the smart one! If we’re so superior as you claim, why are we at peace?”

Feeling irritated, Ash Eater searched for a reply.

“Why does our queen bow to pony princesses?” Spot Nosher asked indignantly.

Ash Eater growled in reply. If anybody else had said those things to his face, he’d have given them the fight they were instigating. Instead, the younger stag’s wings began buzzing.

“I don’t have to listen to this!” he seethed as he took flight, zipping off into the rain.

He picked up some speed, snarling and growling as he went. He grew louder and faster for a time, channeling all of his rage into his utterance, eventually landing on a small ledge against one wall of the cavern. He drew his breaths in deep fast heaves to recover from the exertion.

“Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!” he roared, pacing the few steps he could on the narrow stone shelf.

“Ponies don’t matter! They are a source of food and nothing else!” the angered stag snapped, gnashing his teeth until his head began throbbing.

He let out another enraged yell before the fury began to dissipate. Ash Eater didn’t particularly want to calm down, and so continued grinding over the things that were on his mind.

It was confusing that the queen and even his own parents didn’t seem to understand that little truth that changelings should rule Equestria, second to none. Anything for victory was justified and necessary to ensure that they did so. And yet... the queen who had told them to pursue anything for victory had also put a stop to the war. She was the one who stopped a second uprising.

Ash Eater sat down in a huff, no insight seeming forthcoming. At the very least, he had managed to get away from that stupid pegasus for a few minutes. Even that didn’t make him feel any better.


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Pounding, as of a massive drum, was the first thing to greet the mare and welcome her back to consciousness. Scootaloo groaned as she stirred. There was a terrible taste in her mouth, and she had no idea where she was for a moment. She tried to piece it together as she opened her eyes to unfamiliar surroundings.

It was nearly as dark with her eyes open as shut, but there was a faint green glow that revealed the alcove she was within. It was not quite large enough for her to stand up, and the floor was covered with a layer of soft earthy material. The next room was much larger by comparison.

Memories flooded back, and she realized that she had passed out from whatever Ash Eater’s father had given her to drink. She crawled through the opening into the next room, letting out a long yawn. Her head pounded even harder as she moved and tried to stand. She steadied herself against the table.

“You’re awake,” Haltere greeted her.

“Barely,” Scootaloo mumbled, grateful for the low light.

“What’s wrong with her, momma?” Arista peeked at the pegasus from behind an earthen counter in what looked to be some kind of kitchen. It was rudimentary by pony standards.

“You don’t look so good.”

Scootaloo’s stomach churned, “I don’t feel so good.”

While she didn’t think it likely for her to retch, between that feeling and the pounding in her head, she tried to stay still. As her thoughts began to clear, Scootaloo became aware that she had been sedated intentionally with the strong drink. The anger that boiled up was initially directed at herself for being so stupid, and then at Ash Eater. It only served to make the impacts of the headache beat harder.

Haltere poured from a pitcher into a cup and set it on the table near the mare.

“Water,” she said simply.

Scootaloo moved slowly as not to exacerbate her disposition. The water was clean and fresh, but it did have a bit of a different flavor, likely thanks to mineral content of an underground spring. She drank it down in a single tilt, thirstily taking every drop.

“Thanks,” she said, gasping for breath.

The pegasus leaned over the table. Trying to stay still seemed the best thing to do. She was grateful that the biological urge that came next had waited for her to awaken.

“Is there a restroom?”

Haltere pointed to a door covered with a cloth flap, similar to the entrance of the domicile. As Scootaloo approached, she became concerned with what she might find inside. To her surprise, the lavatory was identical to what she would expect to find in Ponyville, at least so far as the facilities were concerned, plumbing and all. It seemed out of place with the rest of what she had observed to that point, and that caused her to wonder how such had come to be in Stone Hive. Her headache pushed the thought away without demanding an answer.

Having completed her necessity, Scootaloo trudged back to the counter, feeling half dead and groaning against the powerful ache that assaulted her head.

“Arista, would you please take our guest to the dispensary?”

The little one shrank closer to her mother. Scootaloo was a little confused by the suggestion. It seemed genuinely polite in contrast to her experience thus far. Haltere looked down to her child.

“You have nothing to fear. Your brother has been living with this one for months, and she hasn’t hurt him. Besides, all you have to do is call for help if she scares you.”

Scootaloo felt her stomach tighten again, but it was more from again realizing how totally outnumbered and surrounded she was by former enemies. It would certainly be in her best interest to not do anything to frighten the child. Arista nodded and walked to the door, pushing through the curtain and beckoning with her lavender eyes for Scootaloo to follow.

In spite of the time she had spent in the darkness of the cave, the dim luminance that adorned the earthen houses was still not nearly enough for her to walk around in the larger cavern, so Scootaloo again donned her cap and switched on the low light; it seemed much brighter. She followed the little changeling in silence for a short time, her head pounding harder with each step.

“Could we slow down a little?” Scootaloo forced out through another wave of nausea.

Arista stopped and spun about, waiting for the pegasus to close the distance between them. Her eyes glittered brightly in the lamp light.

“Are all ponies as slow as you?”

The noise of speech seemed to make the headache redouble it’s efforts to squeeze Scootaloo’s skull. It was nearly all she could do to keep moving and not vomit.

“No,” she replied. “I’m usually a lot faster too.”

“You don’t look so quick to me.”

“I’ll race you when I’m feeling better.”

“You won’t outrun me!” the little doe boasted. “I’m big and fast!”

Scootaloo smiled at Arista’s attitude in spite of how much the volume of the little one’s words made additional waves of pain beat on the pegasus.

“When I’m feeling better, you’re on,” she groaned.

Arista grinned cherubically before spinning on her hooves and again leading the way at a more gentle pace. Scootaloo noticed that the other changelings still watched her, stopping what they were doing to pay particular interest to the strange sight of a pegasus in Stone Hive following a child. They didn’t seem menacing exactly, but they were certainly concerned.

It was a modest walk before they arrived at a natural formation upon which a rudimentary wooden roof offered some protection from the rain. There were changelings seated and lying all about, and others were attending to them. Scootaloo got the distinct impression that it was a clinic, or the changeling equivalent of one. Arista guided the mare to a table that seemed to serve as a receptionist desk as naturally as if she had been there more than once.

Scootaloo was surprised to see an albino doe sitting behind it, buried in a stack of papers. The somewhat frazzled changeling looked up. Her pink eyes and alabaster chitin stood out in remarkable contrast against the rest of her kind.

“Name and...” she stopped short before a look of amazement relieved the stress from her expression. “You’re a pony!”

Scootaloo winced at the noise.

“She had too much to drink and has the drum in her head,” Arista volunteered.

“Oh, right, sorry!” the doe replied softly. “I am Elytra. I just need your name and any other reason for your visit, and somepony will be with you shortly.”

“Scootaloo,” she took note of the doe’s manner and words. “Whatever they gave me tasted like licorice and fire.”

“Ouzo?” Elytra asked.

Arista nodded before huffing, “They wouldn’t give me any.”

The changeling nurse smiled.

“Sure, anyway, I drank too much on an empty stomach. I’ve got the worst headache of my life and nausea,” Scootaloo felt herself heave slightly as if in response to her declaration, but nothing came up.

“How long ago?”

Arista tilted her head in thought, “Dinner is almost ready...”

The very thought of food was totally unappealing to the pegasus.

“So... almost seven hours.”

“Thank you,” Elytra gestured to a vacant area nearby with a mat on the floor. “If you’ll please wait right there. Lie down if you need to.”

Scootaloo shuffled the short distance and sat on the spongy mat, shutting her eyes. She expected it to be made of the same soft earthy moss that she had awakened upon, but it was covered by a clean silky blanket. Elytra’s use of the word ‘somepony’ rang in Scootaloo’s mind. It was uncommon for a changeling to use it. Perhaps she had spent some time undercover among ponies and picked that up as part of her vocabulary? Scootaloo didn’t know, and the pounding within her skull made it impossible to hold the thought for long. Even if she could have, Arista forbade it.

“Is it true that ponies don’t lay eggs?”

“What?” the mare had to think for a moment as she was caught off guard by the question. “No, ponies don’t lay eggs.”

“That’s what my mom said. So how do you have nymphs if you don’t lay eggs?”

Scootaloo opened one eye and turned to the inquisitive little changeling, whose lavender eyes squinted a little against the cap light.


“Ah-huh, a little one, like me that grows up.”

“Oh, we call them foals.” She paused a moment before asking, “How old are you?”

“I’m ten-and-a-half!” Arista proudly proclaimed.

“Yeah... I’ll tell you when you’re older.”

“My mom said that too!”

Scootaloo couldn’t help but smile at the child’s frustration. Not exactly sure how to proceed, she decided that asking a question would move the conversation in a direction she could better control.

“Well, how do your people have foals, I mean nymphs, with eggs?”

“You don’t know?” Arista seemed amazed, taking a step closer.

Scootaloo smiled again, “I never got around to asking anyp- anyone.”

“Momma told me all about it. You need a mommy and a daddy, and they love each other very much. Then the daddy gives the mommy a seed, and she puts it in the egg. When she’s ready she lays the egg, but the nymph doesn’t come yet.”

Arista stood a little straighter, her head held high as though she were imitating a teacher, “The momma has to stay with the egg to make sure it is doesn’t get too hot or cold and that nothing bad happens to it. The daddy brings food and water and anything else the momma needs. Then, when it is ready, the egg hatches, and the nymph comes out and is greeted by the queen.”

“The Queen?”

“Ah-huh! The Queen always welcomes new nymphs. So, how does it work for ponies without an egg?”

Though she wasn’t bothered by biology, this would be Scootaloo’s first time to have explained such to a child. She was somewhat amazed that the description that Arista had given was almost generic enough to be an explanation a filly would have given on the topic.

“Well,” she began, “it’s actually very much the same with ponies. But our eggs are very small, and our princesses don’t usually greet all of the new fillies.”

“So you do have eggs?”

“Sort of. Like I said, they are really small.”

“How small?”

Scootaloo thought for a moment and then decided to try a metaphor, “Have you ever looked at a single grain of sand?”

“Ah-huh! We had a home in the desert before.”

Scootaloo nodded, “Okay, what about dust?”

“Yeah, it’s even smaller than sand.”

“Well, ponies’ eggs are even smaller than dust. That’s why I said we don’t lay eggs.”

Arista’s eyes went wide, “That small?”

“Absolutely, but that’s really the only difference. Just like what you said before, about a mommy and a daddy, and they love each other, all of it. But the mommy carries the foal inside until it is ready to come out.”

“The whole time?”

“The whole time,” Scootaloo stifled a giggle that made her head pound.

The few minutes that Scootaloo was interrogated by the little one were most unpleasant, though it was not the fault of her company. The wonder on the doe nymph’s face had only helped to distract the pegasus, not to mention give her something new to think about. It was truly amazing that she seemed not unlike a little filly: curious about the world, all its complexity, and her place in it.

The distinctive sound of hooves against stone resounded within Scootaloo’s skull, making her wince again as she turned to face a blue pegasus approaching, her orange mane hanging loosely about her face. Scootaloo was so taken off guard that she simply stared for a moment as the newcomer approached.

“Scootaloo?” the mare asked.

She seemed exhausted, but somehow still exuded a professional disposition nonetheless. Scootaloo nodded.

“I am Doctor Skyberry. They tell me you have a headache and nausea.”

“That’s right.”

“Does this hurt?” she asked before clapping her front two hooves together once.

Scootaloo shrank back as the pressure wave resounded inside her head, groaning in reply.

“That’s what I thought. You drank too much while slightly dehydrated. You don’t need a doctor so much as a bit of common sense. I can give you a pain reliever, but have a snack, drink some water and sleep it off. You’ll be fine.”

“I already had some water,” Scootaloo growled. “And I’m going to have dinner soon.”

Arista took a step backward, her eyes widening at the display.

“Save your posturing,” Skyberry said. “I’m a doctor, not a pugilist.” Looking to Arista, she smiled, “Hi, sweetie. Are you with her?”

Arista nodded, “What’s a pew… a pew…?”

“Pugilist, like a hoof-fighter, a brawler,” the doctor explained. “How’s your father doing?”

“He’s fine now,” the nymph grinned back at the doctor.

Returning her attention to Scootaloo, the blue pegasus added, “Meet me back at the desk and I’ll get your medicine.”

Skyberry turned to walk away.

“Gee, thanks.”

Stopping, the doctor spoke over her shoulder, “Okay, one placebo, coming right up.”

Scootaloo didn’t like the way her golden irises twinkled when she mentioned switching out her headache medicine with fake pills. She struggled to stand without making herself feel worse, an effort which proved futile. The cool air in the cavern seemed much colder now that the mare was thoroughly soaked again.

Skyberry and Elytra were at the desk, with a small envelope and a cup by the time the other two arrived.

“Go ahead and take that and then drink all of this,” Elytra said.

Scootaloo opened the envelope and looked at the contents before dumping them into her mouth. The water they gave her was fresh but had the same mineral taste as what Haltere given her before.

“That should make it more bearable,” the albino changeling continued. “Just remember to drink plenty of water and get something to eat as soon as you can.”

“Thanks,” Scootaloo mumbled.

As she turned to walk away, the two behind the desk started talking.

“Sky! I just remembered, Songbird Serenade is going on tour and coming to Canterlot. We should totally get tickets!”

“You really like her don’t you?”

Elytra grinned sheepishly, “She just has a really great voice!”

“I don’t think we’ll make it. You know how busy we are down here.”

Elytra’s shoulders slumped a little bit. Skyberry grinned and placed two tickets on the table.

“Are these?” The changeling nurse’s eyes went wide, “They are!”

“I got the tickets a week ago and was waiting to surprise you,” Skyberry winked.

Elytra sprang from her seat and threw her forelegs around the blue pegasus’ neck, “You’re the best, Sky!”

Scootaloo couldn’t help but stop to observe what was unfolding and felt her mouth hanging open in surprise at the interaction between the two. While she wanted to feel skeptical of this albino changeling named Elytra, she seemed to genuinely like Skyberry. It also appeared to be mutual.

The pegasus gently pushed her friend away, “Easy there, I need to breathe.” Turning to Scootaloo she asked, “Are you trying to catch bugs, or do you want me to feed you more pain meds?”

Scootaloo shook her head only to be rewarded by the headache spiking for a second, “No, sorry, I’m just curious. How did you two meet?”

Elytra seemed to shrink a little, “I was in prison after the war.”

Scootaloo hadn’t noticed Elytra’s red dog tags until then, probably because of her headache.

“We’re part of Princess Twilight Sparkle’s Friendship Initiative,” Skyberry added. “You know we’ve met before, right?”

Scootaloo made a half-smile, “To be honest, I’ve met so many ponies and changelings that it’s all kind of blending together.”

“I don’t doubt that,” Skyberry nodded.

“So, you two seem to be getting along,” Scootaloo probed without being too nosy.

“Oh, Skyberry is the best,” Elytra seemed to light up a little. “I was pretty scared that I’d end up with some psychopath that would murder me in my sleep. I never really saw any fighting in the war; I’m just a nurse, and sometimes I would turn into a crow and fly around and see things, but actually in battles? Oh no, not me.”

“She talks a lot when she’s nervous,” Skyberry winked.

“Oh, yeah, haha, I guess I do.”

“Well, since she was a nurse and I’m a doctor, they thought we’d be a good fit,” Skyberry picked up the story. “Like Elytra here, I didn’t see any fighting either. Well, I mean I didn’t do any fighting. I think we all got closer to the front than we wanted to at least once.”

“I know what you mean,” Scootaloo felt her brow furrow as she remembered digging trenches to have something between her army and the enemy.

“Anyway, not long after we were together, she let me know that there was a need for doctors and nurses down here since most of theirs were killed in the war. So I volunteered to come down and that’s been… how long would you say?”

“Six months,” Elytra added.

“That’s right,” Skyberry nodded. “You kind of lose track of time when you don’t see the sun. But as strange as it may seem, it turned out we have a lot in common. I never would have expected to actually make a friend with a changeling.”

Elytra giggled, “I know what you mean!”

Scootaloo couldn’t help but smile, “Thanks.”

It warmed her within to see that it was possible for friendships to form. Even though she had failed with Ash Eater, maybe all was not lost. Arista was waiting impatiently at the bottom of the stone formation.

“What took you so long!” she whined as her stomach began to grumble.

“Sorry about that,” Scootaloo ventured, “I wanted to ask the doctor something. Did you know that she is friends with that nurse?”

“I guess so,” the little one seemed to be thinking as they walked. “I don’t really know them that well. My dad had sprained an ankle a month ago, so we had to come and see the doctor.”

They walked through the rain in silence for most of the way back. By the time they turned off of the path, the harshness was just easing from Scootaloo’s headache. Arista turned suddenly and motioned for the pegasus to stop and be silent. As Scootaloo listened, she could hear voices within the hardened mud house.

“You need to apologize to that pony,” Haltere said.

Her mate scoffed, “For what? I didn’t make her drink too much.

“Soot Nosher, you know full well that she felt pressured by you. Using her own politeness and etiquette that way was a despicable thing to do.”

“You have to admit, it was kind of funny.”

“I’m not laughing,” the matriarch’s tone seemed colder.

“Look, she’s just a pony. And it’s not like I hurt her.”

There was silence for a moment. Arista grinned mischievously.

Haltere broke the quiet, “Six weeks.”

Soot Nosher gasped, apparently unable to make a reply.

“You apologize,” the doe continued, “or you’re looking at six weeks, minimum.”

“Minimum?” he asked in shock.

“You heard me,” Haltere‘s resolve was evident in her tone.

Soot Nosher began grumbling something inaudible. Scootaloo looked down to her little companion, quite confused as to the exchange that had just happened only for Arista to grab her foreleg and pull her into the house.

“We’re back!” she announced boldly as they pushed through the flap. “What are you talking about?”

The adults didn’t answer as they separated from each other.

“What'd you say?”

Her mother answered, “Nothing... go play.”

“What'd she say?” the little one turned to her father.

“Mind your mother!” he said as he brushed by them, heading briskly outside.

Arista gave Scootaloo sponges and the pair began drying themselves. As Haltere went back to working in the kitchen, Scootaloo looked to Arista, confusion written on her own face.

“Six weeks?” the pegasus asked quietly.

The nymph leaned close and whispered, “She meant social calls.”

Scootaloo’s lack of understanding must have remained clear as the little one went back to drying herself.

“You know...” Arista whispered while making a face, her brow sort of raising just a little as she nodded at her mother.

It was enough for the full meaning of what had been implied to come across to the pegasus. She was caught somewhere between amusement at the marital battle taking place and mortification that the nymph had also understood perfectly what was discussed. And to think, she’d been concerned about talking the little one how foals come into the world.

“Welcome back,” Haltere saluted the newcomers.

Arista gave Scootaloo an extra sponge to help her dry off. It seemed that four did a passable job, but she wished she had thought to bring a towel.

“Dinner is almost ready if you want to have a seat at the table.”


Haltere stopped what she was doing, but didn’t even turn around before Arista corrected herself.

“Yes, ma’am!”

The matriarch continued her efforts as Scootaloo offered her own response, “Thank you.”

As Scootaloo sat, Arista went to the kitchen area and began bringing cups and square flat clay plates. They looked to all have been hoof-made. Similar as they all were to each other, there was some imperfect variations visible under her lamp. Realizing she might unduly blind the others, she switched off the light and stowed it in her bag.

Arista brought a pitcher of water, which Scootaloo drank down unabashedly. She was glad that the medicine was beginning to take effect. She made up her mind that if they offered her any more of that ouzo, she would take just one out of courtesy and no more. Truly, even the thought of one made her queasy again. The nymph seemed to be staring at the pegasus from the kitchen. Scootaloo would have to remember to make good on her promise to race the little one when she had a chance.


Ash Eater sat listening to the fat drops of condensation that rained down from the cavernous ceiling high above. Their pattern was soothing, almost like a calm melody. While it was not nearly enough to placate the stag, his rage had reduced itself to a low simmer. The buzzing of wings grew louder on the air. The stag didn’t look up, he knew it was his father.

Hooves clicking against stone preceded the silence of the wings. Prepared to defend himself, Ash Eater considered some verbal counters to the undesired advice that was likely coming. The rain was the only sound as Soot Nosher sat down beside his son. Ash Eater considered a few more things to say if words became heated in the quiet, but no attack came.

“Well, you found me,” Ash Eater opened the dialogue.

His father took a deep breath, “Dinner is ready, if you’re hungry.”

Indeed he was. Ash Eater had been so angry when he had stormed off before that he had missed lunch. It had taken so long to calm down that he really didn’t think to do anything other than sit there. Fortunately for him, he had used the restroom before he had ventured into the cave. That biological necessity would soon be catching up with him as well.

He stood and stretched, his missing hind leg sending a twinge of phantom pain. He grunted it off and waited for his father to stand and lead the way home. It would be nice to have a meal and get out of the constant precipitation. The younger stag expected the elder to begin a lecture of one kind or another, but he remained silent. Rather than comforting, it was an indication that treading lightly was the best course of action.

They arrived back to the house and dried themselves. Scootaloo, awake and already seated at the table, nodded a silent greeting at the returning pair. She looked to still be feeling the lingering ill effects of her asinine overindulgence. Ash Eater grinned at her, a gesture she did not return.

He sat across from Scootaloo, expecting his parents would sit on either end like they always did.

“Ashy!” Arista squealed before rocketing across the room and embracing him.

“Hey,” he returned the greeting by jabbing into her side to tickle the nymph.

She giggled and backed away, settling down beside him.

“Soot, is it your intention to allow nymphs to run around the house?” Haltere asked as she brought a large but low-sided bowl to the table.

Soot Nosher looked over from the door and fumbled, “Uh... Arista! No running...” he sighed. “You’re on cleanup detail after dinner as penance.”

Arista pouted before grabbing Ash Eater’s foreleg and looking up at him, “Will you help me with cleanup? Please!”

He smiled at her and nodded, much to Arista’s delight. The large dish seemed scarcely enough food for five to dine on, but it would do. Ash Eater was surprised when his mother returned with a smaller offering of hay.

“I didn’t know if you liked mushrooms and moss,” she spoke to Scootaloo, “so I picked up some hay while we were out earlier. I wasn’t sure how to prepare it.”

It didn’t take the pegasus long to realize that the accommodation was for her specifically, “Oh, thank you! That’s great like it is.”

They changelings all stood, catching the mare off guard, but she quickly followed suit.

“Gratitude and honor,” Soot Nosher spoke, “Glory to our queen.”

“Thanks for another day of peace,” Haltere added.

“Honor for the brave warriors that defend the hive,” Ash Eater said.

Arista squeezed her brother’s foreleg again, “Joy for family!”

The others all looked to Scootaloo, who seemed a little unsure of what to do, but she finally managed, “Thank you for your hospitality.”

They all sat and began to eat without further ceremony. Ash Eater’s mouth watered as he took a portion of the main dish and indulged in a savory mouthful. The fresh cracked pepper danced across three kinds of mushrooms to create true bliss.

“I take it you don’t have that tradition before meals,” Haltere directed her observation to Scootaloo.

“Not really, at least, not in my family. I have seen similar customs before...” she stopped short as though she had intended to say more and then thought better of it. She quickly added, “My family wasn’t very close.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

Ash Eater snorted to scoff at the pegasus, but he ended up drawing a glare from his mother. He tried to focus on his food. Arista had built a small pyramid with her mushrooms.

“Arista, please don’t play with your food,” her mother gently scolded.

“That’s pretty good though,” Ash Eater admired the structure.

The nymph grinned at him. It always warmed him within to see her smile. She hastily began eating to comply with her mother’s request.

“I couldn’t help but notice that your names seem unique for changelings,” Scootaloo nodded at the stags. “Were you trying to be different, or is it for a reason?”

Ash Eater felt his father bristle perhaps even more than he did himself.

“The male members of my line, since my grandfather, have born his dishonor,” Soot Nosher answered.

Scootaloo’s eyes went wide, “Oh... I wouldn’t... I didn’t mean to bring up a sore subject.”

“Pay it no mind; I have lived with it for my entire life, as did my father before me, and as will my sons after me to the fifth generation from the dishonor.”

“Fifth? Oh wow, I’m so sorry to hear that.”

“We don’t need your pity!” Ash Eater tried to control the snarl, but it came out combatively.

“I just mean, well,” Scootaloo fumbled, “It’s just... Ponies have no custom for that. The concept of a child bearing an insult like that doesn’t really happen.”

“Not at all?” Arista seemed fascinated by the notion.

“No, we more have to live with our own merits or failures.”

Ash Eater was prepared to fire back, but Haltere spoke first.

“It is not so different for us if you think about it. It is simply more formal.”

Soot Nosher snorted, “That’s easy to say unless you bear the dishonor. It is difficult to get a decent doe to so much as speak to you once she knows your name.”

Haltere pursed her lips at her mate. His eyes grew larger as he realized what he had just implied.

“Of course, I got lucky in the end,” he mumbled to salvage the error.

Ash Eater giggled at the folly, but Arista was glancing back and forth, trying to understand what had just transpired. Scootaloo seemed to be calming down. The younger stag would have to do something about that.

“You never struck me as a lightweight,” he addressed the pegasus loudly. “I thought it would have taken more than that to drink you under the table.”

She winced a little at his volume.

“How’s your head?”

Haltere smirked at Soot Nosher, who cleared his throat, “Stalwart friend of the hive, I apologize for giving you too much to drink earlier. It won’t happen again.”

“I’ll live,” Scootaloo replied, “That pegasus down at the dispensary gave me some medicine.”

“Pegasus?” Ash Eater felt alerted to something he needed to know.

“She is blue, and they call her Sky,” Arista piped up. “She has a changeling friend, just like you two!”

“We are, not, friends!” Ash Eater corrected, highly agitated at the statement.

Scootaloo seemed totally unmoved by the declaration.

“Oh, well, I could be her friend,” Arista cheerfully added, “She’s going to race me when she feels better.”

Ash Eater couldn’t believe what his sister had just said but was so flummoxed by it that he could only manage to reply with, “What?”

“When I took her to the dispensary before, she walked so slow, and I asked if all ponies were that slow, and she said that she’s faster, and so she will race me when she’s feeling better, but I’m going to win.”

“You took her to the dispensary?”

“Ah-huh! All by myself!” the nymph beamed.

Ash Eater felt an instant anger boil up, but he wasn’t quite sure where to direct it initially.

He glared at his mother, “How could you send Arista alone with, with that?”

“Mind your tone, son,” Soot Nosher warned.

“Don’t be mad, Ashy, I’m okay,” Arista pleaded.

“Do you have any idea how many of us she has killed?” the younger stag’s words came hot and fast. “How could you ever trust someone like that?”

“I could ask you the same,” Scootaloo interjected.

“Don’t make me laugh!”

“You hunted down my friends,” the pegasus glowered, “tortured and killed them not because it was war, but because you wanted them dead!”

“You and your friends crippled me!”

“We were fighting for our lives!”

“You broke my horn!”

“To get out of an ambush you led us into!”

Ash Eater slammed his fore-hooves against the table.

“Enough, enough!” Haltere shouted. “The war is over! It doesn’t matter any more who tried to kill whom!”

“So, you also would keep me from revenge that is rightfully mine?” Ash Eater stood, banging the table for emphasis, “She was there when my horn was broken! She took my leg!”

Soot Nosher growled, “Stop arguing with your mother!”

“Then thank the queen you were blessed with four!” Haltere shot back.

“So, that’s that?” Ash Eater continued the attack, “You will sit by and let your son be wounded, crippled and do nothing? You will sit with an enemy at your table?”

“I am not your enemy!” Scootaloo lashed back.

“Yes you are!” Ash Eater let the rage flow and swept up his plate, launching it at Scootaloo’s head.

At that range, she didn’t have time to react, but his aim was off, and the hard clay projectile whizzed past the mare’s head, shattering against the wall.

Scootaloo instinctively ducked too late, her eyes glaring fiercely at the stag. Quiet overtook the house for a moment. Arista was silently shaking.

“Get, out,” Soot Nosher seethed. “Come back when you have gained control of yourself.”

Tension filled the silence for a moment as Ash Eater’s anger waxed hotter still.

“I won’t need to come back. You’ve lost your spine!” the younger stag turned and stomped to the door, adding, “and your friends deserved to die. I’d kill them all again if I could!”

Hooves shuffled. He heard her coming up behind him. Ash Eater had already put up with far more of Scootaloo than he cared to for one lifetime. He spun, throwing a solid right hook. She didn’t have time to dodge, and the satisfying sound of the impact rang in Ash Eater’s ears until he realized that Scootaloo was still near the table.

Looking at the heap on the floor, knocked down by his blow, Ash Eater felt his heart break. Arista began crying loudly. The stag moved to pick her up, to offer comfort, but she skittered backward, recoiling away. Then, the pegasus was there.

“Back off or I will put you down myself!” Scootaloo roared.

“You... this...” was all he managed to say before she slammed a hoof into his face, splitting his lip.

She pressed forward as he staggered backward, the pair exchanging blows. They became tangled in the cloth that covered the door and ripped it down. Scootaloo got the stag onto his back and leaned into his face.

“What is wrong with you! Your family loves you, and you’re treating them like trash!”

Ash Eater’s mind was racing as he gained leverage with his hind leg, flipping the two over. They wrestled against the stone ground, and he gained the advantage. She resisted until his teeth clamped down on her ear, drawing a shriek of pain and causing her to stumble into a more manageable position.

“This is your fault!” he spat the taste of blood in her face.

Were he being honest, he wasn’t sure if he believed his own words. It was clear that Scootaloo hadn’t attacked him for the insults he’d volleyed her way; she had made her stand in defense of Arista. What was she doing, defending a changeling nymph? Why?

Soot Nosher interrupted the thoughts in progress by vaulting through the door and colliding with his son, who was knocked off of Scootaloo and sent sprawling.

“The only one at fault here is you! Everyone one else has been nothing but kind!” Soot Nosher shouted. “Even that anathema, that pony has been better behaved than you!”

Ash Eater scrambled to his hooves, backing away. His rage kept his body tense and ready to attack while prepared a verbal rebuttal. It was then he saw the look on Arista’s face.

That unbridled fear for him, of him... it was more than he could bear. He had caused it, himself. His emotional state was in complete turmoil at what had just happened. He didn’t know which was up or down anymore.

The stag was supposed to protect his family. He should be the one to keep his sister safe and make her happy. How had he become the one that hurt, that terrified his own sister?

As cold rain fell from the cavern ceiling and hot tears burned his cheeks, Ash Eater turned and fled.


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Precipitation pelted Scootaloo as she struggled back to her hooves, her ear throbbing where she’d been bitten. She watched her ward run, disappearing into the darkness, and made no attempt to stop him. Her head was pounding as the last vestiges of her overindulgence combined with the excitement of the last few minutes to punish her a final time. She calmly wiped a little blood from her ear, but in truth she was relieved to not have lost it. Convinced he would not return in the short term, she returned her attention to everyone else.

Arista was wailing into her mother’s embrace. The elder doe was on the stone floor, holding her child close. Soot Nosher stomped back into the house. He opened his mouth as if to speak, but then shut it, opting to make a low growl instead. He didn’t look at the pegasus.

“Is she okay?” Scootaloo asked.

Haltere nodded. Arista began to quiet herself and tried to speak, her voice cracking through great heaving sobs.

“I... I just... wanted... to beg him... not to go!”

“I know, sweetie, I know,” Haltere soothed the nymph.

Scootaloo was trying to work out what had gone wrong. Ash Eater hadn’t given her any indication that he’d felt anything but affection for his sister. Everything had happened so quickly and with such volatility that it was almost a blur. Ash Eater had made that horrible comment about killing her friends on his way out, and she had stood. Her plate had skidded halfway across the table. By the time she had so much as turned, Arista was already almost to her brother, who twisted around and struck her.

He had spun so fast that perhaps he hadn’t seen that it was Arista coming up behind him. What if he had heard the plate and assumed it was not a family member, but an insulted pegasus launching an attack? Scootaloo felt her stomach tighten. The harmless sparring that she had been doing with Ash Eater had likely just caused the pain of this situation. Princess Twilight Sparkle had been wise to urge caution.

“Why... was Ashy... so mad... at me?” Arista let out another cry against her mother.

“Hush now... it wasn’t your fault,” the older doe offered softly.

Scootaloo took a deep breath, “It’s mine.”

“Nonsense,” Soot Nosher spoke from the table before taking a drink of water. “We all saw what happened.”

The pegasus shook her head, “No, I mean that for the entire time we have been together, Ash Eater and I have been sparring, sometimes without notice. I thought it was just a harmless thing we could do, the one thing we had in common. I’m pretty sure he thought it was me coming up behind him.”

“Perhaps,” the stag said thoughtfully, “but that doesn’t excuse his behavior since the two of you arrived. We taught him better than that.”

“What’s... what’s sparring?” Arista was beginning to calm down.

“Fighting with an opponent,” her mother answered, “usually for practice or exercise.”

Scootaloo felt rotten in spite of her body recovering to a more normal state. She indeed felt some blame in the way things had unfolded. However, it also meant that Ash Eater probably was equally upset with himself. She hadn’t missed the confusion in his eyes when she’d jumped in the way. Still, he had hurt her more than enough, and she was glad that their time together was almost over.

That thought worked it’s way through her mind a little more slowly, and it dawned on Scootaloo that she really had no choice but to go find her ward. She felt herself sigh under the weight of loyalty to Twilight Sparkle. She went back to the table and shoveled up a few mouthfuls of hay and washed it down with her water. She was stopped as she headed to the door.

“And where are you going?” Soot Nosher asked.

“I have to find Ash Eater,” she sighed. “I’m not supposed to let him wander alone.”

“You’ll bring him back?” Arista asked through the tears that filled her eyes.


The nymph jumped up and ran to the pegasus, throwing her forelegs around her in an embrace. Scootaloo wasn’t sure what to do with that and decided to let it happen.

“Come on little one,” Haltere said, “let’s get you cleaned up.”

Soot Nosher sighed, “Have it your way. Let’s go.”

“You’re coming with me?” Scootaloo was a little surprised.

“It will be safer for all of us if you don’t go out by yourself.”

Scootaloo felt something like a nervous smile flit across her face for a moment. For a second she had forgotten that it might be dangerous for her to move about Stone Hive on her own.

“Besides,” Soot Nosher added, “I have a few ideas where he might end up.”

The stag exited, and Scootaloo followed him out into the precipitous cavern. They stopped long enough to hang the curtain over the doorway again before heading off on their search. The pegasus had no enthusiasm whatsoever. She just wanted to be finished with her ward’s difficulties.

‘Just two more days, and then you can be done,’ she thought to herself. ‘Just hang on for two more days.’


Ash Eater wandered aimlessly for a time as the rain pelted him from above. He was hurting and didn’t know what to do. He didn’t mean to hit Arista; he would never have done that... but he had. The look on her face, the horror, the betrayal, the fear of him was a deeper wound to the stag than any he could remember.

He shook his head. It was Scootaloo’s fault; it had to be. And yet... the pegasus had jumped in the way to defend the changeling nymph. It seemed she didn’t want any harm to befall Arista, but why? No answers were coming, and Ash Eater was beginning to get a headache from the strain. The cracked lip wasn’t helping. He hadn’t known the pegasus could hit that hard.

He just wanted to forget about everything. Glad that the rain would mask his now spent tears, the stag set off in search of a tavern, which by chance was easy to find.

The sign, painted out of luminous moss read, ‘Between’. Ash Eater might have smirked at that had he been in better spirits. The entrance was near one of the cavern walls where a great boulder sat. It was literally between the rock and a hard place. A small stream of condensation collected near there and fell like a tiny waterfall on one side of the opening.

Ash Eater passed beside it to not get any more wet than he already was. A rudimentary roof kept most of the water out. It was far from perfect, but the few leaks that did get through were easy enough to avoid. There were at least two dozen changelings scattered about the space. A few sat alone, but most were in groups of twos or threes. The tavern was large enough that it could easily hold twice again as many if not more.

Glad that he had remembered to carry a coin bag this time, Ash Eater sat down at the bar. A rather stout changeling with bright brown eyes nodded to him.

“What’ll it be?”

“Ouzo, and keep it coming,” Ash Eater laid some money down.

The bartender nodded, “You do the same and you can have as much as you want.”

Arista was still heavily on his mind in spite of the stag’s attempts to bury it for a while. The bartender delivered a small glass of spirits. The first drink stung sharply Ash Eater’s split lip. He growled reflexively.

“Are you okay?” a doe’s voice asked.

“Perfect,” he snorted.

“That looks pretty bad.”

He glanced over at the source of the words. It was an albino changeling with pink eyes. She wore genuine concern in her expression. He rolled his eyes at her.

“I’ll live,” he answered.

“I could take a look at it for you,” her voice became timid.

“I’m just here for the liquor,” he sighed. “Besides, I’m not desperate enough to take help from the likes of you.

“No need to be rude,” a second voice said.

Ash Eater turned, but the speaker was walking around him to get onto his left side. He turned back the other way and found himself nose to nose with a blue pegasus. He instinctively hissed at her, but it sent a twinge of pain from his lip.

“That has to hurt. Are you sure you don’t want us to patch you up?” she set her drink on the bar.

“No, no, no! I don’t want help from that aberration, and by the hive I don’t want help from some anathema either!”

“She’s a nurse,” the mare raised an eyebrow. “And I’m a doctor.”

“Well, good for you, now buzz off,” he turned away from the newcomer.

“Come now, that’s no way to make friends,” the pegasus continued in an almost playful tone.

“Are you alright, Sky?” the albino nodded to her friend’s drink.

“I’m okay,” she turned her attention back to the stag, “You don’t know me, but I love a challenge.”

“I don’t care,” Ash Eater answered.

He caught a glance of Sky, and there was an infuriatingly optimistic glint in her golden eyes. The stag sighed and took down the rest of his drink. The distraction did seem to take the edge off of his rage, but it didn’t do anything for the sadness he felt for hurting Arista.

“Another drink for my friend here,” Sky said to the bartender.

Ash Eater glared at her as the drink was delivered.

“I don’t want anything from you!” he hissed, pouring the drink out on the floor.

“How clumsy,” Sky smirked. “One more, please!”

Ash Eater turned to face her, nearly coming off of his stool, “Stop... buying me drinks!”

Contrary to his expectations, the pegasus didn’t push back or posture at him. Instead her smirk widened into a fiendish grin.

“So, who hit you?”

Ash Eater turned his back to the pegasus, “Go away.”

“Come on, Sky, lets go dance,” the albino pleaded.

She sounded as if she wanted to get out of the conversation.

“Elytra, you are never going to get anywhere with a stag if you give up so easily,” the pegasus answered.

Ash Eater was unamused at his apparent ability to attract such a strange group to himself. Seta had been bad enough, but at least she had been fun to look at.

“But I’m not trying to get anywhere...”

“You’re wasting your time, pony,” the stag interjected.

“Oh, this?” Sky regarded herself. “No I’m a changeling. I just like being in this form for the feathers.”

“Maybe I should slap you back into your natural shape then.”

“Tough talk from a stag that is too afraid to say his own name.”

As much as he didn’t want to be baited into a deeper conversation, “Ash Eater,” was off his tongue before he thought better of it.

“Ash Eater,” the pegasus mused a second, “okay. So why are you ragging on my friend? She’s young, she’s cute.”

“Sky, not again,” Elytra pleaded.

Ash Eater wrinkled his nose in disgust, “Cute? She’s a genetic aberration.”

“That’s one of her best features. Where are you going to find another one like her?”

“I’m not a wagon for sale,” Elytra pouted. “Please, stop describing me.”

“Elytra, I’m trying to help you out. Didn’t you say that scars were the most attractive feature a stag could have?”

“Why don’t you just mercifully kill me before I die of embarrassment?” the pale changeling dropped her head onto the bar despondently.

“You’re grazing in the wrong pasture, you stupid blue cow,” Ash Eater calmly volleyed.

“What’s your problem?”

“I already told you that I don’t want to be bothered! And if you think pushing a defective at me is going to put me in better spirits, then you’re even more stupid than you look!”

Elytra’s face sprang back toward the others, “Don’t insult my friend!”

Ash Eater didn’t think the doe would launch more than a verbal attack, but he was a bit surprised that she was so quick to defend a pony. He turned back to the insulted pegasus.

There was fire in those golden eyes, but it seemed to rapidly work itself to a manageable level as she formed her glib reply, directed at Elytra, “I look stupid?”

The albino waved a hoof dismissively.

“As for you,” Sky redirected her attention, “I’m no expert, but I’ve been here long enough to pick up a few things. With a name like yours, that’s personal, no... family dishonor?”

Ash Eater made a low growl, preparing to pounce on the pony.

“I’d think you’d take what you can get.”

Elytra shot back, “Wow, Sky. Way to make me feel even worse.”

“No, I just meant that... Okay that came out wrong. My point is that considering you didn’t do anything to earn your dishonor any more than Elytra did to be an albino, I’d expect you to be more enlightened and less discriminating.”

“Broken eggs, go away!”

“Okay, I’ll go, but only because my friend wants to dance and I’m tired of talking to you. If that lip starts to bother you, come by the dispensary.”

It was a relief to be left alone as the stag took down another drink. A low fire boiled within, but his head began to feel lighter. The unfortunate side effect of the odd pair leaving was that Ash Eater was left with his thoughts. The brief distraction had not been nearly enough to alter his spirits in any way.

Everything he’d been through since he had been assigned to work undercover with the ponies was rushing back through his mind, even as the last few moments at dinner were burned into recent memory so well he could still see the look on Arista’s face. Fighting back his own tears, Ash Eater asked for another drink.


Scootaloo had spent the late afternoon exploring some of the more remote places in Stone Hive. The initial thought had been that somewhere secluded would be the place to look for Ash Eater. Eventually, Soot Nosher altered his tactics and went to searching taverns.

Having scarcely spoken more than a sentence or two between them, Scootaloo got the general impression that Soot Nosher didn’t like her. This wasn’t a surprise so much as a tactical concern. The pegasus took extra care to not become disoriented in the labyrinth-like cavern and keep in mind which direction led back to the surface. As certain as she felt that she was just being paranoid, it seemed prudent considering the situation.

As they approached the next tavern, having searched two already, Scootaloo’s ear throbbed. It was more of a bother than actually painful. They followed the music, some synth-techno style that had a strong beat that was perfect for dancing, into ‘Between’.

Scootaloo found the name odd until she realized that they were against the cavern wall and passing a giant boulder. Then she felt herself groan at the pun. The establishment was filled with changelings, as had been the previous two. What struck her as different was their lack of response to her arrival.

At the first two taverns, everything had nearly stopped when the pegasus entered, and she had been eyed suspiciously until she left. Here, there were glances that came her way, but the changelings didn’t really seem bothered by her presence. As the song ended, she realized why. There were groups of ponies scattered about the establishment. Most of them wore hard hats or other garb that suggested they were builders of one kind or another. That may have been the answer to the indoor plumbing mystery that Scootaloo had pondered previously.

As the music changed, several changeling couples left the dance floor. One pair was composed of an albino changeling and a blue pegasus. Scootaloo was a little amazed to see them out having fun. It only confirmed her previous observation that they were good friends. Considering the possibility of saving time, she made her way to their table to ask them if they had seen Ash Eater.

“Hey again,” Scootaloo addressed the pair as Soot Nosher found space to stand beside her, “we are looking for my ward.”

Elytra looked up and her eyes went wide, “Queen’s Crown! What happened to your ear?”

The albino leapt from her seat to get a closer look. Skyberry approached more calmly to do the same.

“It’s nothing.”

“Yeah, it looks worse than it is,” Skyberry agreed.

“I really need to find my ward. He has a broken horn, missing hind leg. I think his lip is split too. Have you seen him?”

Skyberry’s expression changed to one of amusement just before she laughed, “You mean that stag over at the bar?”

“Thank you so much!” Scootaloo said as she pushed past the two and through the crowd, followed closely by Soot Nosher.

“You need to get that ear looked at!” Elytra called after her.

Scootaloo wasn’t certain what she would say as she made her way though the crowd, but she would try to avoid any further unpleasantness. As she closed the distance, she could just make out his mumbling.

“...ouht of mhoney. Rhotten heggsh, I cahn’t belhieve I rhan ouht of mohney...” Ash Eater was slumped over the bar, laying his head by an empty shot glass.

Scootaloo was about to address him when she felt a hoof on her shoulder. Soot Nosher shook his head before stepping forward. He quietly sat down beside his son where he could be seen. Ash Eater repeated his lament once more before he recognized his father.

Scootaloo kept her distance and watched. Ash Eater stared up blankly for a long moment.

“I rhan out of monhey... thaht bhlue pegashush dihdn’t bhuy enhough drhinksh fhor mhe...”

Scootaloo glanced back at Skyberry and Elytra, but the pair was no longer paying her any mind. The blue pegasus was laughing at something that brought a much more dainty giggle from her albino friend. The mare turned her attention back to the bar and her inebriated ward.

“Ahnd I cahn’t ghet ahway frhom shtuphid pohniesh, no mhatter where I gho...”

“I know, son.”

Ash Eater drunkenly picked up his head, “Whhy?”

Soot Nosher took a deep breath, “Our queen wills it so.”

“Mhay shhe rheign forhevher...”

“May she reign forever.”

Ash Eater had obviously been crying, apparently wallowing in despair. After everything they’d been through, it wasn’t enough to make Scootaloo feel sorry for him.

“I... dhidn’t mhean to hurt Ahrishtah...”

“I know it; we all do. That’s why we came to bring you home.”

“Hohme... I dhon’t have a hohme... I lihve whith a shtuphid pehgashush...”

Scootaloo instinctively wanted to defend herself, to push back, but Soot Nosher shot her a disarming look, almost a pleading that she not. The mare took a breath and remembered that she only had two more days to put up with the stag.

“Arista and your mother are worried about you.”

Ash Eater stared blankly ahead for a long moment. Scootaloo was beginning to wonder whether he had heard that last statement when the stag suddenly stood up and immediately fell to the ground. With a nod from Soot Nosher, the pair helped lift the fallen stag back to his hooves. It was a rather wobbly endeavor to get him to walk, but with the other two keeping against either side, the trio managed to amble to the exit and make their way home.


The path back to the house was a difficult one to walk for Ash Eater. The road simply wouldn’t stand still beneath his hooves, and that made for a stumbling and arduous walk. He was glad his father had found him, but far more glad to get tucked into a soft mossy alcove to sleep off the alcohol.

Dreams took him soon enough.

Through them, the stag’s mind journeyed through flights of fancy and nonsensical impossibilities for an unknowable time. Eventually, the fates chose a setting.

Nitro walked through the brambles with his squad, searching for the mirror pool. He knew that he was leading them into a trap, and he was all set. With one member already missing and himself a spy, they would be instantly down by one-third of their strength once he incapacitated Nimba.

With any luck, they would surrender, and his people would capture a princess. He would go home a hero and end his family dishonor, and they would be in a better position to overthrow the ponies once and for all.

As they came into a clearing, the air became electrified with tension. He turned back to Nimba as the others advanced. She smiled at him; deep bags were under her eyes from the leeching spell he’d had her under for several weeks. He cast the final phase of it, bringing the mare, whose brother he had been impersonating, into a trance.

Timberwolves crashed through the foliage and shouting went up as crossbows were loosed. He turned to work a teleportation spell on the princess. As he charged it up, she alerted the rest that he was a changeling. His cover was blown. No sooner had he finished casting than the big one had thrown him down and was stomping on him. Nitro couldn’t see anything as he transformed back into his true form. Ash Eater stood as hot bolts of changeling magic impacted into his assailant.

As he turned to run, Ash Eater’s eyes fell where Nimba stood entranced. Lethal bolts of energy began pouring through her body. But then she transformed, engulfed for a moment in green magical fire, and then Ash Eater saw Arista. Everything fell away except the terror in her eyes as the life left them and she collapsed to the forest floor.

He charged to the limp form and tried to wake her up. Blood flowed from a dozen wounds. Ash Eater screamed in horror.


Scootaloo had trouble sleeping, in large part for having been passed out for much of the day. Equally, she felt uncomfortable in her surroundings. Everything seemed foreign to her in this place, with the exception of the lavatory. She was glad that the residents of Stone Hive had adopted that convenience.

A rustling caught her attention, making Scootaloo suspect Ash Eater had awakened. Feeling that preparation would be prudent ahead of their next encounter, the mare eased her way out of the little sleeping alcove and stretched a little. No one else was up. She followed the sound to Ash Eater’s alcove.

He seemed to still be sleeping, his back to her.

She was just about to return to bed when he convulsed, thrashing about and letting out gasps as though he couldn’t get air. Scootaloo tensed, uncertain whether he had detected her presence and would launch an attack. He rolled over, and his eyes betrayed disorientation initially. They quickly went wide with fear.

“Arista,” he croaked. “Arista!”

The stag burst into tears, shocking the pegasus into taking a step backward. She didn’t know what to do. This horrible individual, the one that had been ruthless and hunted her friends... the same vile creature that had intended to kill everypony that got in his way to take over Equestria... the very embodiment of evil that had taken pleasure in torturing and killing ponies... he was weeping like a filly.

Time froze.

What could she do?

Ash Eater seemed truly vulnerable for the first time. All the armor he had made of venom and hate was stripped away, perhaps for the first time in his life. His eyes were asking, pleading for help.

What should she do?

Thoughts raced through Scootaloo’s mind of all the wretched things this stag had done. He didn’t deserve compassion or forgiveness for any of it, certainly not comfort from one who had so often been on the receiving end.

What would she do?

Scootaloo remembered Sparklefly, her friend who refused to hold animosity against even this terrible changeling. She had said that you can only forgive those who have wronged you, and in that sense, nobody really deserves it. If for no other reason than to honor the memory of her friend, Scootaloo made a decision to act before she could talk herself out of it.

The pegasus dove head-first into the alcove and embraced the changeling. She half-expected to be attacked or pushed away, but much to her surprise, he reached out, grabbed around her and held on, crying into her shoulder. Realizing that she didn’t have a plan beyond this point, Scootaloo just stayed still and held him for a time.

He wept. He cried. He left out muffled screams into her shoulder. She didn’t know what else to do, but she was certainly committed at this point. She only held on tighter, a gesture he returned.

Eventually, his grip loosened; his tears abated. Ash Eater regained control of his breath and backed away, looking Scootaloo in the eyes.

“Why?” the stag asked. “After everything I’ve done to you... why have you been so nice to me?”

“I...” Scootaloo hesitated, trying time work it out for herself. “I don’t know.”

He stared at her expectantly, as if waiting for a better answer. In the near total darkness, Scootaloo could just make out the tears on his face.

She tried again, “I guess... Because I know where you are. I've been there. You feel like a monster, and you're not even sure how you became that way.”

The light of recognition filled his eyes; he seemed to hang on every word she spoke.

“And I didn't get out by myself. I had help,” she continued. “If nobody had been there for me, I don't know how I would have ended up.”

She mused to herself a moment before adding, “Crazy as it may seem, right now... I'm the one that's here for you.”

Silence returned to the alcove for a while as Ash Eater stared into her eyes. There was no trace of the hostility or hatred that had always been there. He seemed hurt, broken. The stag took a deep breath.

“I've spent so much time telling myself that none of it mattered, that ponies were inferior, no more to be mourned than cutting a blade of grass. But the truth is, I did feel it. I felt sad for all of them... every single one that I hurt.”

Scootaloo was surprised by the confession. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she couldn’t believe that this was happening. Surely it was a ruse, some trick to put her off guard.

“I still do,” he added as fresh tears escaped. “I have come to realize that every pony has the same hopes and fears that we all do... They have families that love them... just like me... When we have that much in common...” He took a breath, “I... I liked Nimba... I’m sorry I got her killed.”

More tears came, and Scootaloo chose to believe him, pulling the stag close again, patting his back this time.

“I’m sorry I hurt your friends,” he croaked. “I’m sorry I killed them. I... I’m...”

Ash Eater grew silent and his breath caught. Scootaloo wasn’t sure if she should say something, do something... She chose to wait for him to finish.

“Scootaloo... I’m...” he took another deep breath, “I’m sorry I hurt you.”

She felt his tears trickling onto her neck, flowing freely. Surely this was a dream; it had to be. Scootaloo knew she needed to say something. She had been so stunned to this point that she had failed to consider this outcome as a real possibility. She didn’t know whether she would ever feel no anger over the things that Ash Eater had done to her before, but she knew she could continue on and not bring it up again. She’d been doing that for almost a year, living with the very stag that inflicted so much heartache upon her and many others.

“Forget it,” she finally replied. “When I told you I forgave you, that day on the battlefield, I meant it. I can’t forget the things that were done, but I’m not holding you accountable whether you deserve it or not.”

He gently pushed her away, his blue eyes finding hers. It seemed that he needed to see her expression to make sure that the pegasus was being genuine with him.

“I mean it,” she reiterated. “We’ve spent more than enough time at each other’s throats. I’m ready to move on if you are.”

“Yeah...” he sighed with relief, as if a great weight had been lifted from his shoulders.

Scootaloo made a wry grin, “But don’t you think for one second that this means no more sparring.”

Ash Eater looked confused.

“No way am I giving up the chance to take you down a notch when you need it.”

The stag suppressed a laugh. Scootaloo could scarcely believe it. Surprising though it was, the levity seemed well timed. Ash Eater nodded, but otherwise made no reply. He also didn’t let go of the mare. Awkward as that was, she decided to at least stay until he got back to sleep.

As silence dominated the house again, Scootaloo realized that she had a decision to make. If this penance from Ash Eater was real, then it could change everything about their situation. As exciting as that was, Scootaloo still had her doubts. It was hardly even two full days before she was supposed to leave him with Princess Twilight Sparkle and be done with this.

How could she abandon him with real hope just ahead? The promise of change was too much to ignore. It wouldn’t be an instant fix for anyone, and Scootaloo had no doubt that this was only the first of many steps that Ash Eater would have to take. She also knew that for the foreseeable future; he wouldn’t be taking them alone.


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Scootaloo was wide awake. The events of the evening had certainly been bizarre, but she felt cautiously good about how things had come out. Ash Eater’s breathing pattern had changed just a few minutes before, signaling that he had finally fallen asleep. The pegasus eased herself back, untangling her forelegs from the stag. He shifted, pulling his own limbs away and turning. The mare took advantage of the movement and withdrew from the alcove. Her side was a little stiff due to the awkward position she’d been laying in for the past hour.

She stretched and yawned, deciding that she might get a glass of water before she left the kitchen area for her own alcove.

“What are you doing up?” Arista whispered.

Scootaloo gasped in fright and uttered an unintelligible sound that never quite knew what it had intended to be.

“Sorry!” Arista moved closer.

“It’s fine,” Scootaloo recovered her breath. “I just wanted a glass of water.”

She felt it wiser to not mention her visit to Ash Eater’s alcove. He probably wouldn’t have appreciated his own part in that to be shared, and she certainly didn’t want to offer a half explanation and cause confusion.

Arista rummaged for a moment on various shelves in the kitchen and presented a clay cup of water to the pegasus.

“Thanks,” Scootaloo said.

She drank down the water and set the earthen vessel down. Arista was still standing there.

“Did you need something?”

The little one grinned sheepishly but didn’t say anything.

“Okay... well, I’m going back to bed.”

As she made her way back to her alcove, Scootaloo could hear the little one padding along behind her. The mare worked her way into the small sleeping chamber and settled on the earthy bedding. She was pretty sure that Arista was behind her. Though the pegasus was uncertain whether she wanted a distraction, she was becoming certain that she would have one.

“You’re not as mean as I thought ponies would be,” the little doe seemed amazed by the notion.

“What makes you say that?”

“All the stories Daddy and Ashy ever told me about ponies are scary, but you’re not scary at all.”

Without warning, dozens of memories from the war came back to Scootaloo. There certainly had been a time when the pegasus could have been the subject of a nightmarish tale to keep changeling nymphs from getting too close to ponies. They would not have even needed embellishments. Scootaloo felt the weight of sorrow at the things she’d had to do, the things she had chosen to do. She stared upward to the top of her alcove and said nothing.

“Are you okay?” Arista asked.

“Yeah... I guess... I’m just glad you don’t think I’m scary.”

The little changeling stood there for a moment, still staring at the pegasus. Then she moved closer.

“Is your ear okay?”

“Yeah,” Scootaloo snorted a laugh. “It hurt, but it wasn’t that bad.”

“I’m glad.”

Turning to face the little one, Scootaloo asked, “Are you alright? I didn’t get a chance to check on you before we left earlier.”

“I just got a little bruise. I’m okay,” Arista nodded. Then she added, “Thanks for bringing Ashy home.”

Scootaloo still wasn’t sure what to believe about what had happened with him. She was certain that she made the best decision with what she had seen, but she needed time to think about it some more. She realized she should answer the nymph.

“You’re welcome.”

Arista moved closer, settling on the floor near the pegasus, “Can I touch your mane?”


“It’s so bright and pretty, and I bet it’s soft too.”

Unsure how to respond, Scootaloo decided to just go with it, “Sure, I guess.”

The pegasus turned her back to the nymph, who gently began playing with a hoof full of mane.

“It is soft!” Arista excitedly whispered.

“Thanks,” Scootaloo replied uncertainly.

They were quiet for a little while, Arista seeming completely focused on her exploration of a new texture. For Scootaloo’s part, the gentle touch was beginning to help her relax. The nymph began separating the mane into three groups and then pulling them around each other.

“Are you braiding my mane?” Scootaloo felt confused, as the changelings didn’t have manes as such.

“Ah huh.”

“Where did you learn how to do that?”

“We make vine ropes sometimes. This is how we make them stronger. I think it’s pretty.”

Scootaloo was both amused and intrigued, “You know what?”


“You’re nothing like I would have thought either,” the pegasus admitted.


“I don’t know what I expected, but... you’re really smart and funny, and...”

“And what?”


“Had no changelings ever been kind to you before?”

“I... no, I don’t guess so. There have always been tricks or some hidden angle that they were working to get something from me.”

Scootaloo felt a little bad describing her interactions in that manner, but she believed that being honest was more important in this case.

“Oh... is now a bad time to mention that I’ve been being nice so I could cut your mane and keep it for myself?”

Scootaloo felt her eyes go wide as she half turned, glaring at Arista in the darkness. She could just make out a coquettish smirk.

The nymph giggled, “I have jokes.”

The pegasus stifled her laughter as to not awaken everyone else. Arista continued her efforts to create a rather tight braid. Scootaloo’s mind wandered to the events of the day, specifically when the two of them had returned from the dispensary and listened in on a conversation that the adults had been having.

“You know, you really shouldn’t eavesdrop on others.”

The nymph stopped braiding long enough to ask, “What is an eve? Why would I drop it on someone?”

“No, eavesdropping is listening to a conversation you aren’t part of and they don’t know you’re listening.”

“Why not?”

“It’s not nice.”

“Momma told me to always listen if I can hear, cause I might learn something useful. She said don’t get caught.”

Scootaloo stopped herself from countering that logic. It occurred to her that it made perfect sense for a changeling to have that view. She watered down her response.

“Oh, well, ponies consider it a very rude thing to do. Sometimes you want to tell somepony something in private, because it’s about somepony else and you don’t want to hurt their feelings.”

“But why say it if it’s hurtful?”

“Umm... okay, you’ve got me on that one. So do you always sneak around to listen in on things?”

“Oh, yes. They say lots of things but they don’t always remember I listen. That’s how I found out what is a doe’s best weapon.”

Considering the nymph’s awareness of her parents banter and understanding the implications thereof, Scootaloo felt herself cringe instinctively at what was coming next.

“Her brain. Momma said so.”

“That’s... really smart,” Scootaloo sighed with relief. “After what you told me before about social calls, I thought you were going to say something else.”

“Well...” Arista smirked, “Momma does know how to get her way!”

Scootaloo giggled with the nymph.


Ash Eater stared at the wall. He had awakened some time before, but he had no impetus to move. He felt as if his entire life, he had been living a lie. Every terrible thing he had done in pursuit of victory, those choices that had seemed necessary at the time that had been haunting him for so long, now they punished him with waves of overwhelming regret.

He felt as though he didn’t deserve to have survived the war after everything he’d done, after all the ponies he’d hurt.

‘But you did survive,’ he thought to himself. ‘So what are you going to do?’

He didn’t have an answer for himself. He sighed, lacking the energy to do anything but let his mind continue running in a self-deprecating circle.

Fortunately, others in the house eventually began to stir. The stag still remained unmoving, but at least the sounds of breakfast being prepared gave him some distraction. Some low chatter began as well, and it seemed that everyone else was up. As they gathered around the table, Ash Eater overcame his inertia and drug himself out of the sleeping alcove.

A dull pounding headache greeted him as he stood. The stag grunted against the sensation. As he stepped into the central area of the house, all eyes were on him. He could feel them. His own eyes wanted to bring up tears for how he had behaved the previous day, but he held them in check.

He halted his approach when he neared the table. Meeting their gazes in turn told him their dispositions without a word being spoken. Haltere looked as one who wouldn’t have any nonsense. Soot Nosher was equally stern, but he also had a sense of prepared wariness. Arista was frightened.

That alone was enough to bring the tears back. Ash Eater again struggled to not let a single one escape. There was something else in his sister’s eyes. She had a hopeful longing.

Scootaloo’s mane was uncharacteristically in a tight braid. She looked exhausted, but more noteworthy than that, she lacked any trace of condescension or judgement. She pressed her lips together and nodded an encouragement at the stag.

Ash Eater felt his determination rise as he took a deep breath and padded over to his sister, kneeling in front of her, “Cherished mother of the hive, I meant you no insult or disrespect. I didn’t intend to hurt you; forgive me.”

Her fear melted away as the stag bowed his head. She leapt forward and threw her forelegs around her brother. He was caught a little off balance, but managed to stay upright as she embraced him. Ash Eater next looked up to his parents.

“I’m sorry for the trouble I’ve been,” he swallowed around a lump that formed in his throat. “I’m sorry for the ways I’ve disappointed you both.”

The tears finally got the better of him, overwhelming the stag’s defenses. He cursed himself for not maintaining control. His mom joined the embrace, and his father approached and placed a hoof on his son’s head.

“It is already forgotten,” Soot Nosher offered.

A weight lifted from Ash Eater‘s heart, but he still felt raw from the emotional release. There would be more apologies to give in the coming days, he expected, and he had no idea how he would manage to get through them.

From where the stag was surrounded by his family, he could just see Scootaloo watching them. She had a curious expression on her face, almost as if she were surprised by the affectionate display. She said nothing, but her eyes locked with Ash Eater’s, and they held each other for a moment. She nodded and gave a little smile.

For the first time he could remember, Ash Eater felt no disdain or hostility toward his former enemy.


Scootaloo was amazed at the difference in Ash Eater’s personality that followed their talk in the night. It was almost as if he were a completely different person. It was concerning that he almost seemed depressed, but unlike the other times she’d seen him in such a state, there was no anger, only contrition. She became more convinced every hour that whatever change had begun within him, it was genuine and not just some display.

The pair stayed at his family’s house for two additional nights before getting up for an early start. While she didn’t use her lamp much any more, her eyes having adjusted to the dim soft glow of bioluminescent moss, she was looking forward to being above ground again. Scootaloo had her saddle bags all packed up, and the two made their goodbyes.

While Ash Eater was talking with Arista and Haltere, Soot Nosher approached Scootaloo at the doorway.

“I would speak with you,” he said, gesturing to the door.

Scootaloo nodded, exiting into the larger cavern where the fat drops of precipitation pelted her from above. Soot Nosher followed, and the pair walked about half-way down the path to the main road before stopping. She met his gaze, noting a solemnity to the expression on his face.

“I have hated ponies for a very long time. Your ways are different, but mostly I held bitterness over battles we fought with each other. I was part of the first invasion of Canterlot all those years ago. I had hoped to manage some great deed and clear my family dishonor. As it happened, we lost the day.”

Soot Nosher seemed deep in thought for a moment, carefully building the story he was delivering, “Worse than that, I found no glory of any kind. My group failed to even take our objective before the entire swarm of us were thrown out by that magical barrier.” He took a breath, “But none of that matters anymore. I didn’t like you when you arrived here with Ash Eater. It made me sick that he had to put up with continued imprisonment. But I have to admit, you... you’re not what I expected.”

Scootaloo couldn’t miss the sincerity in Soot Nosher’s eyes.

“Ash Eater has been in a very dark place within. My wife warned me of it just before the war, but after he was wounded, when he lost the use of his horn, that’s when I realized just how twisted he had become... what I had done to him with my example. Of late I was becoming afraid that there was no road back for him.”

The older stag took another deep breath, “Thank you, Scootaloo the pegasus, for defending my daughter, and for bringing my son home. We are indebted to you more than I can say… My house, my service is yours whenever you have need of it...”

Scootaloo felt rather like an actor on stage, as if a spotlight had been put on her and she’d forgotten her next line. She almost tried to think of something deflective or sarcastic to say, but Soot Nosher’s words had formed one of the most heartfelt expressions of thanks she had ever received. It was even more meaningful because of all the trouble she had been through with his son.

“Well, I’m...” she fumbled for words, “It was worth it. Ash Eater and I have butted heads many times, and I bet we will again. I guess... I just saw a lot of myself in him. You know? For me, finding a way back from that place, that savage warrior that I had become... it wasn’t easy.”

As sincere as Soot Nosher had been, Scootaloo suspected that he was as uncomfortable with such heartfelt talk as she was. His eyes conveyed understanding.

Fortunately, they were spared any additional discomfort by Arista bursting through the door, followed moments later by Ash Eater and Haltere. The nymph charged directly at the pegasus and slammed into her, grabbing around her neck in a mighty hug. Scootaloo had managed to brace herself and didn’t fall over.

“Hey, there,” the pegasus greeted the newcomer.

“I wish you could stay!”

Scootaloo and the parents chortled at the child’s excitement.

“Maybe I can come visit you next time!”

Scootaloo smiled, “Anytime you want.”

“So, does that mean we are friends, like really?” the nymph looked up hopefully.

A smile worked its way across the mare’s muzzle. When she had come down to this place, she had given up on making even one changeling friend.

“Yeah, I guess it does.”

Haltere smiled warmly, “You are welcome to our hive, whenever you are nearby.”

Ash Eater was solemn, almost sullen as he quietly made his goodbyes to his parents. Scootaloo tried to listen, but her attention was taken by Arista.

“Hey! You never gave me that race!”

“Oh, yeah?”

“Yeah! I was going to show you how much faster I am than you!”

Scootaloo’s competitiveness sparked a small blaze within as she looked to the parents. Haltere nodded approvingly. The mare then turned to Ash Eater.

“Would you mind carrying my bags and meeting me at the entrance to Stone Hive.”

“Yeah,” he said simply.

She passed her load over and stretched a little before returning her attention to the nymph.

Arista grinned, “Are you ready?”

“Bring it!”


The pair bolted gleefully down the dark and rocky paths of the great cavern that is Stone Hive.


Ash Eater flew alongside his guardian, the light of day blinding them after having been underground for so long. They were in a slow climb, working their way up to Canterlot so Scootaloo could check in with Princess Twilight Sparkle. The pegasus was grumpily muttering something to herself. Ash Eater wasn’t sure if he should say anything.

“Let’s have a race,” Scootaloo said to herself. “We can run through the dark with jagged rocks everywhere. It’ll be great...”

While he had initially thought Scootaloo might have let Arista win, Ash Eater was now convinced that a combination of being unfamiliar with the area and the near total darkness for which her eyes were not designed had put the pegasus at a significant disadvantage. It would have made him smile but for the heaviness in his heart.

As good as it felt to have reconnected with his family, the past was haunting Ash Eater more and more. Accepting that he had been misguided for so long brought a great deal of shame with it. Certainly some of that must have been natural to anybody who had fought in a war, but the things he had done in battle were the least on his mind. It was the other things, the interrogations he had conducted, the betrayal of Nimba...

He accepted these thoughts and let them fill him up. He couldn’t bring back the dead or undo the hurts he had inflicted on so many others. Suffering the memories would be his penance. Whatever else happened, he would never forget, nor make the same mistakes again.


Scootaloo escorted Ash Eater to one of he guest suites in Canterlot Castle.

“Are you sure you’ll be okay here for a bit?”

“Yeah,” he replied.

The mare could tell that he was still upset. As unsettling as it was, she felt more confident in his apparent change by the day. He had become quiet and reflective. Where she had always seen obstinate behavior previously, the stag was now calm and compliant. More than that, it made sense to her that a great amount of regret would manifest itself in this way.

“Okay, well, I’ll be right back. If you need anything, just ask the guards,” she said with a smile.

One corner of the stag’s mouth upturned for the shortest moment in acknowledgement of her pledge to return. It was almost a smile. The pegasus was escorted to a waiting room, where she had only just become settled on a plush velvet sofa when Princess Twilight Sparkle entered the room.

“Sorry to keep you waiting,” Twilight greeted.

“Oh, no, I only just got here,” Scootaloo dismissed the apology.

“I have things lined up. For now, Ash Eater will stay here as a palace guard. Queen Chrysalis agreed to keep a close watch on him. That way he won’t have to be locked up, and he won’t have to interact with ponies too much.”

Scootaloo took a breath, “Twilight, thank you for that. I really appreciate it, but our situation has changed in the last few days.”

The princess raised an eyebrow curiously as she seated herself on an identical sofa opposite the pegasus.

“I took Ash Eater to see his family down in Stone Hive, and they weren’t at all what I expected. It turns out that they were as bothered by his behavior as we were.”

Scootaloo took a moment to sift out which details were both necessary and important to relay.

“He had an argument with them that ended in a bit of a scuffle. Nobody was seriously hurt, but it really made him think about things.”

Twilight Sparkle glanced up at Scootaloo‘s recovering ear before restoring eye contact.

“Later that night, he had a bad dream, and I didn’t know what to do, so I tried to help him calm down. Then... he opened up to me for the first time. I was skeptical at first, but we talked for hours... he cried into my shoulder about things he had done during the war, ways he’d hurt ponies. I’ve never seen anything like that from him. As far as I can tell, it’s real remorse.”

The princess sat back in thought for a long moment, “So, what do you want to do?”

The question hung in the air for a time. Scootaloo knew what she wanted, but in that moment it was as if she had lost her voice. Somehow, after all that had happened, committing to keep Ash Eater at this point almost felt like a lifetime sentence. She took a deep breath, hoping that it might not be quite that permanent.

“I would like to continue as Ash Eater’s guardian. If what I have seen in the past few days is real... it’s so much more than we even hoped for. I can’t walk away from that.”

“Oh, good!” Twilight Sparkle grinned, seeming almost giddy, “I was hoping you’d change your mind!”

The two shared a giggle as Scootaloo stood to leave.

“So, do you think you have a chance at actually becoming friends with Ash Eater?”

The pegasus couldn’t help but smile as she formed her response, “I went down to Stone Hive with no changeling friends. I’m pretty sure I left there with four.”


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‘Hear ye, hear ye, by order of Princess Celestia, all Equestrians are cordially invited to a most wondrous celebration! The one-year anniversary of the ending of The Great Timberwolf War is to be henceforth commemorated with parties in every corner of the land. Every town has been so directed to make preparations for revelry and mirth to occur annually on the date of the armistice. Contact your local mayor’s office for more information.’


Scootaloo was concerned for Ash Eater‘s feelings, but the matter at hoof was a little more complicated than just that.

“Why don’t you want to go out?” she asked.

He sullenly looked down, “I just don’t feel like it.”

“I’d let you stay if I could, but you know I’m not allowed to leave you unattended, and with everyone having their own plans with the armistice celebration, there is nopony to be your escort.”

He looked back up and shrugged. There was fear in his eyes more than anything else. She sat down on the couch beside her ward.

“What’s really bothering you?”

He took a deep breath, “Nobody at your reunion will want to see me, and I don’t even blame them. I’ll just make things awkward for everyone. And...”

“And what?”

“And... crowds of ponies... scare me.”

Scootaloo was a little surprised at the admission, but as she reflected a moment, she shouldn’t have been. Since the war had ended, Ash Eater had been at the mercy an an angry mob more than once. Fortunately for him, guards had arrived and prevented things from spiraling out of control.

She placed a hoof on his back, “Hey, I’ll be there the entire time. We’ll be in Java’s, so most ponies will be at the square early, and if you want, we don’t have to go down there at all.”

“Sorry,” he made an uneasy smile, “I’m not trying to mess up the commemoration.”

“You’re not, not for me,” she tried to be reassuring, “I have all the commemoration I need every time you don’t try to murder me in my sleep.”

Ash Eater snorted a laugh. It wasn’t much, but it was genuine. He did seem somewhat more at ease.

“Okay, but can I find a quiet spot in the corner maybe and just stay there by myself?”

“Absolutely, and I’ll be there if you need anything.”

He nodded, seeming satisfied with the arrangements.


Ash Eater was glad to have arrived to Java’s early. More than just Scootaloo’s friends had chosen that location to begin their evening festivities. While most were only there briefly, the constant influx kept it uncomfortably crowded the entire time.

Ash Eater tried the coffee, which was not altogether unpleasant. Mostly he just tried to not be noticed and keep his eyes down in his own area. In spite of his fears, he was only picking up joyful revelry from the ponies and few changelings that passed through.

It was at sundown that the real party began. In keeping with the time of day that the armistice has gone into effect, champagne was opened and began flowing quite liberally as the sun slipped beneath the horizon.

Ash Eater took the effervescent drink slowly at first. He was glad it took the edge off of his nerves, but it also made him just a little bit giddy. Even though he still wasn’t overly fond of pony food, they had laid aside in preparation for this event, and a little banquet was available. A lemon scone was the least objectionable option he had discovered amongst the little cakes and other offerings.

The stag was more than a little relieved that nobody seemed to be paying any attention to him. Sure, Scootaloo glanced over fairly frequently, but he could tell it was only to make sure he wasn’t being bothered. It was comforting to know she was looking out for him, which had been a monumental surprise the first time he had felt that way. As resistant as he had been to that ridiculous orange pegasus, he had to admit that she was a stalwart ally.

The others seemed to be trying not to look his way too much, and they were otherwise far too deeply involved in their own celebrations. Stories and songs punctuated with uproarious laughter filled the night.


Scootaloo’s heart was lifted by the camaraderie that filled the evening as she spent time reconnecting with so many friends she had made during the war. It was good to see them, even as the sting of those who were lost in the conflict came fresh.

Though she was concerned for Ash Eater, he seemed content to sit quietly in the corner where she had left him. She kept as watchful an eye on him as she was able while still enjoying the revelry with her friends.

Champagne was served, and while the mare did indulge, she was smarter about it than she had been with the ouzo and sipped for the toasts. Still, the cheerfully bubbly drink did seem to make smiles and laughter flow more easily all around.

Even after the main event began downtown, the friends continued together with joy and mirth until Java Chip was ready to close up her shop. Scootaloo made her goodbyes, everypony promising to return the following year. The rest of the group headed downtown to continue the party. The pegasus would have gladly joined them, but she had to get Ash Eater back to their apartment while the crowds were still all contained.

“You ready to go home?” she asked.

“Yep,” he seemed surprisingly cheerful.

Scootaloo surmised it was the champagne, which though she only had taken but two glasses over several hours, also seemed to have put her into good spirits. The pair walked side by side back toward Carousel Boutique. Stars were burning brightly overhead on the clear night.

Scootaloo stumbled as she gazed upward, catching herself just about the time she gently impacted into the stag that walked alongside. They both recovered and shared a giggle. Moments later, he leaned over, bumping her in return. This back and forth continued to grow in force as they made it back home, giggling at their own silliness all the while.

After they made it inside, Scootaloo made one last push hard enough to send Ash Eater into the couch. He laughed before springing back up and leaping at her. She reared back, meeting him and grappling on their hind legs. This proved to be highly unstable, and the pair toppled over a chair, laughing as they crashed to the floor.

By this point, each was wrestling with much more intent to pin the other. Scootaloo had nearly managed to get Ash Eater into a good hold when he twisted, knocking her on her back and coming up on top. It took her a moment to realize that he had used the coffee table for leverage. She reached for it, but he pushed it away, working to get her pinned properly.

He had one of her forelegs trapped. She tried to turn the other way, but he anticipated and shifted his weight, chortling as her move failed. Both of them continued writhing, exerting their bodies against each other. For Scootaloo’s part, it was a useless endeavor. He had her beat this time. There was nothing left to do.

“Yield!” she squeaked.

“Hah!” he beamed, releasing her forelegs.

The combination of his glib expression and the jocularity of the evening worked to send both of them into another fit of laughter. As it subsided, Scootaloo looked up at the changeling stag that was still on top of her, though he was no longer pinning her to the floor. He stared back at her, his eyes filled with a mixture of emotions. He was happy, probably more so than the mare had ever seen him. There was also some uncertainty as the moment stretched on.

They held each other there, each locked in the gaze of the other and panting from the effort of their struggle. His expression changed somewhat, becoming difficult to read. The stag moved closer. It took the mare a precious moment to realize what he was doing. His lips drew close to hers, hungry, ready, prepared to change everything.

In that next half-moment, time seemed to stretch into eternity as thoughts raced through Scootaloo’s mind and her heart pounded violently in her chest. He was going to kiss her. Ash Eater was going to kiss her. Her instinct was to offer no resistance. Perhaps it was a combination of the levity of the evening and the way their relationship had grown over the past few months. Perhaps it was the champagne, albeit such a small amount. What would happen? Could their friendship become something else? Would they be lovers? Did she want that?

As he closed the distance, just before he made contact, Scootaloo turned her head to one side, throwing both forelegs into Ash Eater’s chest and pushing him away.

“No!” she shouted, scrambling backward out from under him.

He landed against a chair, banging his head and looking somewhere between confused and hurt. Scootaloo was afraid, and she knew it was evident in her own expression. It was a sentiment that he quickly adopted as his eyes went wide. She thought she should say something to put him at ease, but no words came.

Ash Eater scrambled to his hooves and bolted to his bedroom, slamming the door behind him. Scootaloo’s emotional state was a tangled mess. She did not regret pushing him away, but she hoped to not have damaged things between them with the manner in which she reacted. How did things get so complicated when they had been going so well?


Ash Eater didn’t sleep. He had spent the night pondering his actions and chiding himself over them. Everything had just become so confusing. He certainly hadn’t given any thought to so much as the possibility of romance where ponies were concerned, let alone Scootaloo specifically.

But in that moment, things were just so strange. They’d been laughing and playful, and that look in her eyes, had he misread it? His ability to sense emotions had never been right since his horn had been broken, but that was hardly an excuse for such a gross error of judgment.

Of course, now that it had come to the forefront of his mind, he had little choice but to let the thoughts run their course. Would a pony and changeling even be biologically compatible? Rumors aside, he had never heard of any such mated pairs, not to say that they didn’t exist.

A deep searching focused his thoughts to answer one question at a time. Did he want a romantic relationship with Scootaloo? No. Why had he tried to kiss her? Perhaps it was a combination of the levity and some level of gratitude for the things she had done for him.

Without her, Ash Eater was well aware that he would still be stewing in his hatred. While he had felt great sorrow since letting that go, it was a better place to be. Through that sadness, he somehow felt more complete than he had before.

So was it just a poor choice created by the special set of circumstances? Yes. How would he explain any of that to her? This question made a lump form in the stag’s throat. He was uncertain whether he had already destroyed any chance of things continuing. It was likely that she would find other accommodations for him, and he really couldn’t blame her.

He could always lie, make up some excuse or another. As convenient as it seemed, it didn’t sit well with Ash Eater. No, he would try to explain as best he could what he was feeling and let her send him away if that’s what she wanted. Even if he had just ruined things, he rather let them die honestly than have a fake relationship. Besides, she had earned that level of honesty from him.

Ash Eater rose from his bed and stretched. His heart pounding faster than it should, he opened the door to the living room. There she was, sitting on the couch, waiting for him. He slowly padded into the room.

“Hey,” she said simply.

Her tone was either somber or serious, or maybe a mix of the two. He nodded a greeting at her.

“We need to talk about last night.”

Ash Eater felt his legs tremble. He nodded, sitting down beside her. He took a deep breath.

“I’m sorry.”

Relief filled Scootaloo’s magenta eyes as those two simple words hung in the air. She had seemed ready to speak, but closed her mouth and nodded at him to continue.

“I shouldn’t have... I messed up...” he tried to find the right words. “I guess I was just confused after all of the celebration last night... and you’ve done so much for me...”

His ramblings seemed to lack any cohesion as he fumbled to put his thoughts in order. He tried to begin again.

“Scootaloo, you have helped me more than I can say. You have been a far better friend to me than I deserved. I realize I crossed a boundary that I shouldn’t have, and I am sorry I did it. I meant you no disrespect. It will not happen again. I hope that we can put it behind us and...” he hesitated, trying to swallow around the lump in his throat. “Please, don’t send me away.”

Silence fell over the tiny apartment. Scootaloo considered his words while Ash Eater waited. A bead of sweat formed on his forehead. Scootaloo took a deep breath.


Ash Eater was caught between surprise and relief, “Okay... Okay? You don’t have anything to add? Just, okay? No scolding or condemnation for my actions?”

She shook her head, “No, you pretty well covered it. If you’d like a scolding, I have one prepared.”

“No... well... I mean, if you think it necessary.”

“You already covered everything I was going to talk about, so I guess we’re good. But I will probably leave this kissing business out of my official reports to Princess Twilight Sparkle. Knowing her, she would take such a development as a sign of success beyond her wildest dreams and encourage us to give it a try.”

Ash Eater felt himself laugh nervously at the thought.

“Still,” Scootaloo continued, “Since you went there, now we will forever have the ‘what if we had’ thought bothering us.”

His sweat went cold. As agreeable and gracious as Scootaloo seemed, there was something else about to happen, he could feel it.

“Worst case, we’ll end up with a weird case of regret about it, of not having given it a chance. We’ll wonder about what could have been until we go crazy,” she took a deep breath, casting her eyes down solemnly. “There’s only one thing we can do.”

The pause in her speech felt far too long and Ash Eater filled it with his own question, “What?”

She was going to send him away, he just knew it.

“You’ll have to kiss me.”

“Wha... what?” he must have heard her wrong.

She must have been joking. Scootaloo’s expression was completely sincere.

“We can’t have a regret like that hanging over us and destroying our friendship.”

“What!” he couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

“We have to do it.”

“But I don’t want to kiss you!” he blurted out.

“Don’t make it harder than it has to be, just go with it,” she puckered her lips at him.

Ash Eater put a hoof against her mouth, bewildered at the alarming turn of events. Then it occurred to him that this seemed totally out of character for Scootaloo. She had never been flirty, at least not that he had seen. As if on queue, she burst into laughter, gently slapping his hoof away.

“By Celestia, you made that way too easy!”

Ash Eater’s mouth fell agape as his response got caught and never fully formed. Scootaloo recovered from her jocularity.

“Look, I’m with you that we just forget about it. I have lost a friend over this stuff before, and it’s just not worth getting too worked up about, so long as you behave yourself.”

“Yes, absolutely, I will not try anything like that again, wholeheartedly I agree. At least, not unless you ask me to,” he added slyly.

“Hah! In your nightmares, cupcake.”

Ash Eater playfully slapped Scootaloo’s shoulder. He was so relieved that he hadn’t lost her in that exchange that he found himself holding back tears that were welling up. It was so strange to the stag. They had been in each other’s company for nearly a year, and at the beginning, really most of that time, he would never have believed that this brightly colored pegasus could mean so much to him.


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‘My most Venerable Queen, I must admit that in the beginning, I was filled with hatred for the ponies. I held great doubts and loathing of your orders to maintain the peace. I have learned much in the last three years, and I more and more see the tremendous wisdom in which your decisions were made. I expect I have a long way to go, but I cannot even now imagine how hollow my life would be without the enriching friendships I have gained with ponies. The least of your servants, Ash Eater.’

Ash Eater stood, a cold sweat on his forehead as he faced his friend. They stood at a place that they had last been as enemies. The hill atop the heights near Apple Loosa was now adorned with a large stone monument to the great battle that ended with the command center being knocked out during a changeling strike, one that Ash Eater had planned.

The stag’s stomach knotted up as he faced the orange pegasus while dawn broke the horizon. She had finally asked the question he feared she one day would.

“When we met on the field that time, before the battle while I was leading my force back toward Ponyville, you told me…”

She hesitated as as if searching for the correct words.

“You told me that Sparklefly was the only pony, the only mare you’d… been with… But, she told me that you stopped short of that… violation. What really happened that day in the caves?”

He took a breath as a wave of guilt washed over him. He needed to buy a little time to collect himself.

He took a breath, “You have never asked me about that. After all this time, why now?”

The pegasus shrugged and considered her response. Ash Eater’s heart was pounding. He didn’t want to talk about this. He wished he’d remembered to bring some water.

Scootaloo finally spoke, “I guess, that... now is the first time... we have come to a place where I can believe you, whatever you say. I just… I hope that you trust me enough to give me the truth.”

His heart felt heavy. He’d rather be anywhere but in the moment where he found himself. How could he tell her everything? The days of the pair being civil to each other only because of orders was long past. As much as it had surprised him when it first happened, he had come to really think of Scootaloo as a friend. He didn’t want to deceive her because he knew it would ruin what they’d built. Giving the truth bore a chance of the same outcome.

Ash Eater felt himself take another deep breath as he hardened his resolve to simply be honest. He owed her that much, come what may.

It was as if someone else was speaking when he answered, “She… Sparklefly told you… the truth. I lied to you that day on the battlefield. She gave me the information I was asking for before… I did... before I went through with it.”

The truth had been spoken. Now all he could do was dread what she might say next.


Scootaloo believed what the stag’s words, that Sparklefly’s account of her torture had been accurate. It was a weight off of her to know that her friend hadn’t suffered such a horrific act. She had been through so many hurts, it was a comfort that she was spared at least one.

In order to really understand the situation fully, she knew that there was one more question she would have to ask. As much as she was afraid to press further, she had to know.

Ash Eater was trembling a little, his eyes full of remorse as Scootaloo asked, “If she hadn’t talked, would you have… would you really have done that to her?”

The stag lifted a hoof as if to step backward, the pain in his expression amplifying itself. His face turned toward the ground. She hated having to put him through this.

He stared at down for a time before meeting her gaze again. He let his face fall once more as he nodded confirmation.

“Yeah... I… I’m afraid I would have…”

He looked back up after a brief silence and added, “I know it’s not worth much, but I’m glad I didn’t.”

The changeling turned away to face the sunrise. Contrary to his belief, that last sentiment had great value to the mare, more than she’d be able to put into words. Instead, she decided to try and put Ash Eater at ease.

“Well, here’s the thing,” Scootaloo spoke softly and deliberately, “Sparklefly only told me, and I never told anypony else. I guess, at first, I didn’t want to add that to anypony’s memory of her, you know? And then we were assigned together by Princess Twilight. If I had mentioned it then, some mob would have murdered you by now.”

The changeling shuddered.

She continued, “But now… As crazy at it is, you’re my friend. I can see that this is tearing you up inside. I’m sorry for that, but… I just… I needed to know… Sparklefly chose to forgive you, and so have I.”

Through her tears, Scootaloo could see the stag turn to face her again. She attempted a smile as she continued speaking.

“I didn’t make that decision for her. I did it for me… and for you. Though, for your own safety, I think we should never talk about this again… At some point, you’ll have to let the past go too. I appreciate how you feel about it, but you can’t punish yourself forever.”

He nodded solemnly. Scootaloo was ready to move to something more pleasant and decided to change the subject.

“We’ll need to get going soon if we want to get back to Ponyville in time.”

“Flying early… I still hate mornings,” he grumped.

"Deal with it, curry puff,” the pegasus teased.

“Har, har," he sneered back at her.

Scootaloo was glad to have brought Ash Eater back to himself. He would probably be a little sullen for the rest of the day. That couldn’t be helped now, but at least he had seemed relieved at her reaction. She couldn’t help but muse about the many changes in fortune that had led to their unlikely friendship. It warmed her heart that something so wondrous could arise out of so much suffering, and she knew that her experience was not unique among ponies, nor was his among changelings.


Ash Eater sipped his coffee. Unlike Scootaloo, he did not like it with sugar. Just a little cream was enough to make it right for him. Java’s was a quaint little shop, and contrary to most ponies, the owner had accepted his presence fairly early. The small wooden table had scars from years of use, not unlike the changeling himself. He smiled at the thought.

Across the room, Scootaloo was gathered with at least a dozen other ponies, mostly friends she had made during the war. Princess Twilight Sparkle had also come with her close friends. The stag, by contrast, sat alone. Many at that other mishmash of pushed together tables didn’t care to be friends with changelings, and so it was easier on all of them if he just stayed away. Perhaps in time they would grow to accept him. Maybe they wouldn’t. Either way, that was not something he could control.

The door opened, and a pair of newcomers stood in the entryway. The first was a stallion, a brown paint with deep scars snaking all around his body. Behind him was a teal pegasus mare with a golden mane who wore mirrored sunglasses. When Ash Eater noticed that the stallion also bore short stubs, the remnants of what had been wings, he nearly spit out his coffee.

This was Cloud Blazer. The former soldier was a dear friend of Scootaloo, or had been before they had a falling out during the war. His injuries had been gained during the ambush that Ash Eater had led them into. The stag had not recognized him for a moment.

As their eyes met, the paint stallion scowled at the changeling. Ash Eater lowered his gaze submissively on instinct. The stag turned toward his former friend, who was far too involved with her own group to have noticed the newcomers.

“So there Seven was, one hind leg caught in this tree,” LD spoke, “and Scootaloo and I were trying to cut the trunk away so we could get him down.”

The others were amused and totally focused on the story until Cloud Blazer sneezed. A silence fell over everypony as they noticed the new arrivals. Scootaloo rose from her seat, her face filled with uncertainty and worry.

The two in the door turned to each other for a second, but it was long enough for Scootaloo to meet Ash Eater’s gaze. He hardened his brow, nodding at her to offer confidence. She seemed somewhat encouraged as she turned to leave the table. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom patted her on the back before she left them and met Cloud Blazer in the center of the room.

Though Ash Eater strained to hear, even his keen senses were unable to detect what they were saying over a jet of steam that began billowing from one of the machines at the coffee bar followed by the worker’s attempts to repair it. Their expressions gave away that they were not arguing, which was good. They seemed to be making apologies to each other.

He was so engrossed in reading their interaction, that he hadn’t noticed who opened the door next until a lone figure stood directly across from the stag.

“I haven’t seen you in a while, and I know you missed me,” Seta said with a grin.

Her arrival stunned Ash Eater as much as did her beauty. She seemed to have grown only more lovely since that day in the castle when he had sent her away. Still, he had not forgotten the stinging insults she had levied against him. But then, if he could get past wanting to murder Scootaloo in her sleep, maybe he could overcome his loathing of Seta.

“Well aren’t you going to ask me to sit down? You really are the worst at making a doe feel important,” she smirked.

Ash Eater stood and bowed his head low, “Cherished mother of the hive, I meant you no insult or disrespect; forgive me.”

Seta gagged, “So formal.”

He looked back up at her, “I will not apologize for holding our traditions dear. I would be honored if you would join me.”

She smiled as she sat down. Ash Eater seated himself again. The barista came by and the stag ordered a drink for the doe.

“I see you’re still that one’s pet,” Seta nodded to Scootaloo, who was returning with the newcomers to the group.

“I still have quite a lot to learn from her.”

Seta raised an eyebrow, “Who are you and what have you done with Ash Eater?”

He snorted.

“Seriously, what happened to you?”

“It’s kind of a long story.”

“I have the time. Besides, those are the best kind.”

“Where is your pony overlord?” Ash Eater asked. “I don’t detect his distinctly unwashed smell anywhere.”

Seta giggled at the insult, “We parted ways just a few weeks ago. I thought you would have been the first one released from your obligations, since the princess has been so interested in you from the beginning.”

“As a matter of fact, I was considered a hopeless case.”

“They got that much right,” she winked.

“Apparently it was thought that if they had any chance of keeping peace at large, understanding the very worst of us would be valuable information.”

“And I didn’t think they were nearly that clever. But then, my overlord certainly wasn’t the best or brightest.”

Ash Eater laughed, “Did you know he served on a Taskforce that was hunting our queen during the war?”

“No,” Seta rolled her eyes and her voice dripped with sarcasm, “he never told me how he alone was responsible for tracking her down.”

The two laughed at the jab.

“These ponies are different, but they’re alright,” Ash Eater added.

“Really? You’re okay with how things turned out?”

The stag cast a glance at Scootaloo, remembering all of the trouble he went through and that he made her endure. She was a good friend, and he wouldn’t trade that for anything. Looking back to the doe, he met those lovely eyes that faced him. He stared a moment, taking in her beauty.

He leaned in closer, “I can think of one thing I might like to change.”

Picking up his demeanor, she also drifted in, bringing her muzzle to within inches of his. Ash Eater’s heart began beating more rapidly.

“Do tell,” she spoke with a sultry tone.

Ash Eater wasn’t sure if this would actually go anywhere, but he had decided that he wanted to find out. For his part, he would put the work in. Whether it went well or ill, he knew that he had one solid friend to stand by his side and be with him when he would rejoice or lament the outcome. Friends with Scootaloo, he would have never expected that to happen. He couldn’t help but smile at the thought.