• Published 13th Jul 2020
  • 261 Views, 6 Comments

The Friendship Initiative - Jatheus

In the aftermath of a devastating war, former enemies try to coexist while dealing with the demons of the past. A bold plan pairs warriors from opposite sides together in hopes of creating unity before a healing Equestria tears itself apart.

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‘Dear Princess Twilight, I’ll bet you heard about the trouble everypony made the other day. I wanted to tell you what I know. It is true that for a short time during the night of the last full moon, Ash Eater was away from me and freely wandering Ponyville. I didn’t know he was going out, or I would have gone with him and prevented the misunderstanding that took place. So far as I can tell, neither he nor his friend intended any trouble. Also, the young mare that was with them had not been kidnapped or anything like that. I spoke with everycreature involved, all accounts point to nothing bad of any kind. I’m sorry I didn’t find them before things got out of hoof, but in the end, nopony got hurt. Ash Eater has promised to not sneak out for any midnight strolls again, and Rarity is having bars put on all the windows as well. Let me know if you want to talk about this more, and I’ll answer any questions you have when I see you. XOXO, Scootaloo.’

Ash Eater couldn’t help but eye his friend’s custodian suspiciously. But then, he had never trusted ponies at all, and unicorns even less than the other kinds. Their magic was so foreign to changeling magic that it almost seemed unnatural. He supposed the close proximity would be the price he’d have to pay in order to spend a little more time with his oldest friend.

"Thanks for putting us up for the night. I can't believe I thought the train for Manehattan was heading out today," Azure Shimmer said evenly.

His expression betrayed sheepish feelings at his error.

“Anytime,” Scootaloo replied, “I’m just sorry I don’t have better furniture for you to sleep on.”

Ash Eater suppressed the snort he would have made. Half of the furniture in the small apartment was crudely fashioned from the boxes out of which the rest of the furnishings had come. The portion of the upper floor of Carousel Boutique that they occupied was a single room that had been subdivided into two tiny bedrooms, a closet sized bathroom, an even smaller kitchen, and a decent living room. This is where Azure Shimmer would sleep on the boxes that served as a couch.

Klixis would stay with Ash Eater in his room. Neither of them would mind the close quarters, as in a changeling hive, it was not uncommon for them to sleep in large groups for shared warmth or cooling as needed with the slow fanning of their wings to circulate air.

“Are you kidding?” the unicorn asked. “I enjoyed sleeping on the ground. These boxes are practically a luxury. I’m glad to see you’re keeping sharp. We wouldn’t want anypony to think that the Queen of Spades is losing her edge.”

“Har, har,” Scootaloo sarcastically feigned a laugh. “Well, I’m off to bed. You should be too if you want to catch that train in the morning.”

“Yes ma’am,” he saluted. “You heard her, Klixis. Off to bed with both of us. Do you need anything?”

The changeling shook his head. The unicorn nodded and went about his business. Ash Eater led Klixis into his room and shut the door. The two were finally alone.

“Oh, these ponies are the worst!” Klixis said.

Ash Eater sighed, “You have no idea.”

“I get the feeling I will soon. How do you stand it?” he asked with a frown.

As he shrugged, a twinge of pain from Ash Eater's missing leg made him wince. Klixis bore few scars of his own, the war leaving him quite a bit more whole than his friend.

"How did you lose your leg?"

Ash Eater let his mind return to that day on the battlefield. They'd been pursuing the dwindling force led by Scootaloo for days when he had ventured to the front to find her. He had come upon her by surprise, able to inflict a wound in her hindquarters. She'd been far more nimble in the counter-attack than he had expected.

Breaking from his memory, Ash Eater replied, "That one, actually. Our paths crossed in the last great push, before we got stopped at Ponyville. She managed to put a spear through my leg."

Klixis frowned.

"It had already skewered several timberwolves and who even knows what else before she got me with it. We had almost no medical supplies by then, and it got infected. After I got captured, pony doctors amputated it."

"It chafes my chitin that we can't make them pay for it," Klixis fumed.

"I can't argue with that. It wouldn't be so bad if we were at least still in the fight... anything for victory."

"Anything for victory," his friend echoed.

Ash Eater felt himself sigh. Though they had been committed to suffer whatever losses would be necessary, to kill everything that stood in their path, they had failed. They were outmaneuvered and lost their overwhelming numbers of timberwolves. Then Chrysalis, herself a prisoner of the ponies, had called for a cease-fire. Though the armistice had come later, the cease-fire had effectively been the end of the war.

"I'm not really that tired," Klixis fidgeted, "and being cramped in this tiny room is as bad as the cell I've been in. Do you ever get out?"

A grin formed on Ash Eater's face, "Anytime I want to. How would you like to go for a walk?"

"Oh, yes and yes," came a hearty reply.

"Get the light," Ash Eater grinned as he made for the window.

Darkness soon concealed the movements of the pair. Unlatching and quietly lifting the window, Ash Eater gently pushed the screen out, lifting frame and all, and bringing it inside.

He whispered, "I loosened this the first night we moved in."

They went out into the cool night air, one at a time, their bug-like wings buzzing softly to keep them aloft. They zipped across Ponyville, somewhat conspicuously lit by a full moon that was working its way toward the zenith. Ash Eater felt a smugness curl his lips as they came to a landing on the edge of Sweet Apple Acres.

With soft earth under their hooves, the pair ventured deeper into the orchard, passing neatly arranged rows of saplings as they walked. They eventually came to the top of a large hill, and Klixis flopped down onto his back, staring up at the silvery disc that illuminated the night. Ash Eater ignored the ache in his damaged limb as he sat beside his oldest friend.

“I always loved the night,” Klixis broke the silence.

“Yeah,” Ash Eater managed as he stared up at the moon, letting it fill his attention for the moment.

Dark thoughts crept back into his mind. Unwanted memories of unsettling dreams nagged at Ash Eater as though he was supposed to understand something. He tried to push it from his mind. Any other thought would do.

"So are these ponies, this friendship garbage, are they serious?" Klixis brought Ash Eater back to the moment.

He shrugged, "Maybe some of them. The guards, even many of the towns ponies don't want me here. They've made that clear more than once."

"And that ridiculous princess, what was her name?"

"Twilight Sparkle."

"That one," Klixis scoffed. "What a windbag. Pushing all that 'new era' and 'harmony' bile. It's enough to make me puke."

Ash Eater snorted a laugh, "Actually, she's one of the few that I think really believes that nonsense she spouts."

"Give me a break. You know they don't really want one happy society with peace and equality for all. We're nothing more than a nuisance that they don't know how to deal with. They're just afraid if the fighting starts up again that they'd lose."

Having personally witnessed the ponies destroy an army that had been nearly a million strong, Ash Eater didn't share his friend's confidence.

"Look at us," Klixis continued. "Are we free? Are we equal? We are being led around by the nose, most of our brothers are under guard right now. Call it an armistice all you want. We were defeated. If our queen had been free, she would never have agreed to the cease fire."

Ash Eater felt himself bristle. Klixis seemed to pick up on the change in mood.

"I'm not speaking against our queen, may she reign forever."

"May she reign forever."

"There is no telling what horrible things they put her through to get their armistice. She was coerced."

"Maybe," Ash Eater felt his brow furrow.

The thought had occurred to him before. He had certainly been able to coerce many ponies to do what he wanted, to give him information... He shuddered at the thought.

"I see you brought a friend tonight," a youthful feminine voice startled the pair from behind.

Both Ash Eater and Klixis jumped to their hooves, spinning to face the intruder that stood hardly three yards away. How had she come so close with such stealth?

"Relax," Glitterdust said with a sarcastic tone, "I'm not here to murder you."

Ash Eater let out a sigh, "Not you again."

"You know her?"


She snorted, "I'm hurt. After all those walks we've taken together, I'd have thought you'd at least be nice enough to introduce me."

"You thought wrong. Go away."

"You met her out here before?"

"No... well, yes," Ash Eater fumbled. "I came out here alone and she followed me like a lost puppy one time."

Klixis snickered.

"A puppy!" rage contorted the young pegasus mare's features.

Klixis began walking around her, "How old are you, anyway? Far too scrawny to be grown."

"I'm old enough," she boldly declared.

He snorted, "I doubt that. You seem tender as a yearling, a tasty morsel and nothing more."

"Not even. There's not much but skin and bone. She'd probably be gamy," Ash Eater quipped.

Klixis winked at Ash Eater before he poked Glitterdust's shoulder with a hoof. She instinctively backed away. He stared at her, his body gathering low in an almost pounce-like posture.

"I'm not scared of you!" Glitterdust exclaimed defiantly.

"I know you're not, my little pony," Klixis said, hunger in his tone as he salivated. His next words came out almost as a snarl, "If you were, you'd have a chance to run!"

A green flash of magical fire enveloped Klixis as he transformed into a grizzly bear. Glitterdust's eyes went wide with fright as Klixis let out a savage roar and charged forward. The mare let out a blood-curdling scream and bolted into the air. Once out of reach, she sped off into the night.

Klixis returned to his natural form and burst into laughter. Ash Eater shook his head, grinning widely at the reaction his friend had elicited from the annoying pony. Maybe she wouldn't bother them anymore.

"Did you see the look on her face?" Klixis got out between heaving breaths.

As he made to answer, Ash Eater's ears swiveled toward a sound behind and above. He hardly had time to turn before he heard shouting.

"Right down there, both of them!" a stallion shouted.

Klixis regained his hooves as a group of pegasi landed.

“What’s going on here?” one of them asked.

None of them wore armor, so the were likely all civilians. The one that spoke carried himself confidently. Either he had been a soldier during the war or perhaps was an arrogant fool.

“Why don’t you mind your own business, feather-brain?” Klixis sneered.

The cream colored pegasus that had asked the question closed his distance with Klixis, “Watch your tone, changeling. Who screamed?”

Sensing a high level of agitation in the ponies, and remembering his previous brush with Ponyville guards, Ash Eater was careful to maintain as nonchalant a posture as he could manage.

“Right here,” Klixis said, feigning like he would leap onto the Pegasus, who dropped into a defensive posture.

“Grab them!” the stallion shouted.

Without delay, the group moved in to restrain the pair.

"Get your filthy hooves off of me!" Klixis spat, shaking himself loose.

"Don't let them get away!" one of them shouted.

"We're not run-" Ash Eater began.

"Did you find the mare that screamed?" another called down from the air.

Thundering hoof-steps signaled the approach of several earth ponies and unicorns. Ash Eater was being held quite firmly in the grip of two pegasi, and he made no attempt to struggle. Klixis was not so level headed.

"I said, get off!" he shook them loose a second time.

"Grab them!" somepony shouted.

The world wrenched sideways as Ash Eater was pulled over, many more ponies grabbing at him. His head struck the ground, rattling his senses even further. A few blows were thrown at the changelings. Ash Eater grunted as his wind was knocked out of him. His heart began racing at the realization of the danger he was in. The ponies pressed thick all around, stomping and smothering.

Klixis cursed and spat at their opponents as the two changelings became engulfed in a shouting throng of angry ponies. The next thing he knew, they had picked the pair up and were carrying them back toward town.

Ash Eater's stomach knotted up and cold sweat poured from his brow as the mob pressed even closer, more ponies joining the hysterical and angry writhing mess. He winced as he was struck by a rock. More shouting joined the ruckus as the two were thrown down in town square.

"Filthy changelings!"

"What did you do to the mare?"

"The only good changeling is a dead changeling!"

The two scrambled back as far as they could against the building, the weight of the crowd pressing against them, suffocating them. Ash Eater opened his mouth to speak, only to be shoved back by an earth pony.

"Just kill them and be done with it!"

More rocks flew. Ash Eater drew himself up to make a smaller target as the weight of the crowd threatened to crush the life out of the two changelings. His heart pounded so furiously in anticipation of the end, his end. The enraged looks on the faces of the crowd were clearly lethal in their intent. Was he about to die?

It was then that a score of guards arrived and began working their way through the crowd. Ash Eater dropped to the ground and covered his head when he saw them. He felt sick in anticipation of the coming thrashing as the guards moved ever closer, but no assault came. There was shuffling and plenty of shouting. When he opened his eyes, he could see that they had formed a perimeter and were trying to quiet the crowd. One guard faced inward toward the two changelings.

"You okay?" Klixis shouted over the noise.

"Yeah!" Ash Eater called back a half truth.

He was rattled. His heart felt as though it were lodged in his throat. He had no doubt that he had just narrowly avoided a brush with his own mortality. It was all he could do just to catch his breath for the tightness in his chest.

"Quiet!" The guards were shouting.

As they got the crowd subdued, the changelings stood again.

"I have a few questions," the guard said to them. "Please, remain where you are for now."

Ash Eater nodded. Klixis spit on the ground. The guard locked eyes with him for a moment, but made no other posturing or comment. He turned to the crowd.

"You, what is the meaning of this disturbance?"

"Those two were sneaking about the orchard!"

"The war is over, and the changelings are not our enemies any longer,” The guard turned to Ash Eater.

The changeling shrugged, "We were going for a stroll."

The guard looked to the dog tags, “Those red tags mean you are supposed to have an escort. Where is your guardian?”

Klixis smirked, “Look around. We have about twenty escorts.”

Unamused, the guard took a slow step forward, “I am trying to help you.”

A pegasus spoke up, “We was lookin' fur them thar 'lings an heard a mare scream, we did! Whut did yuh do wuth her?"

The crowd nearly got worked up again, but the guard captain quieted them before turning to the changeling pair.

"What's your side of it?"

"That was nothing, Klixis scoffed.

Ash Eater’s words were labored, but he forced them out,” There's a young mare that lives out on the farm... Glitter-something...”

Why couldn’t he remember her name? He knew he needed to explain things but was having trouble concentrating. He still couldn’t get air, and his breaths became fast and shallow.

“She snuck up on us and wouldn't leave us alone,” Klixis picked up the story. “I startled her a little to get rid of her."

"Where is she now?"

"How should I know? She flew away and we haven't seen her since.”

“Check the farm house,” Ash Eater managed.

"We will, but this does complicate things. Please come with us.”

Ash Eater’s stomach dropped. The fear of imminent death had passed, but no doubt his actions would be called into question by the Queen.

“We haven’t done anything wrong!” Klixis shot back.

“Allow me to rephrase,” the guard spoke with deliberate calm, “You should strongly consider coming with us for your own safety.”

The flapping of wings signaled another arrival. Scootaloo touched down just outside the crowd and worked her way through.

"Stop!" she pleaded. "These are under my custody!"

Sizing up the new arrival, the guard captain said, “They are not under arrest."

Shouting erupted from the crowd. The guards let Scootaloo pass and began attempting to calm the mass again.

"Are you two alright?" she panted.

The knot in Ash Eater's throat lessened, and the heightened tension he carried began to dissipate. His breaths became more under control as well.

"Just great, can't you tell?" Klixis sneered.

He could hardly admit it to himself, let alone to the orange pegasus, but he was actually glad to see her. The crowd finally grew quiet again.

"Thank you all for being alert and searching for these two, but it's time for you to go home. We will search out the matter of the young mare that screamed. We do not need any assistance at this time."

"What mare?" Scootaloo's eyes went wide.

"The one over at the orchard," Ash Eater had regained his ability to speak. "One of the children, the older filly."


"Yeah, she finds me out there sometimes."

"Let me get this straight," Scootaloo took a deep breath to calm herself. "You've been sneaking out, and you have met with Glitterdust, just you and her several times? For the love of Celestia, please tell me nothing happened between you two!"

Klixis broke in, the annoyance in his voice unmasked, "It did. She's carrying his foal. So what?"

"Don't be ridiculous! And you need to get your minds out of the gutter." Ash Eater hissed at Scootaloo before shooting a look at Klixis.

Scootaloo breathed a sigh of relief. She remained silent as the crowd disbursed. The captain of the guard looked to the pegasus before speaking.

“That could have been ugly. Would you like an escort home?”

Hardly glancing at the other two, she replied, “Okay, but these two aren’t going to be any trouble.”

“I never thought they intended to,” he added with a slight grin. “Still, sometimes trouble has a way of happening all on its own.“

Ash Eater’s heart began to slow to a normal rhythm. While he was not surprised that the ponies still hated him, a mutual feeling, he had been caught off guard how quickly and irrationally they had reacted. The months he had spent around Scootaloo may have made him complacent around a single pony, but a crowd of them was truly terrifying. He felt himself shudder.