• Published 13th Jul 2020
  • 260 Views, 6 Comments

The Friendship Initiative - Jatheus

In the aftermath of a devastating war, former enemies try to coexist while dealing with the demons of the past. A bold plan pairs warriors from opposite sides together in hopes of creating unity before a healing Equestria tears itself apart.

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‘My most Venerable Queen, I must admit that in the beginning, I was filled with hatred for the ponies. I held great doubts and loathing of your orders to maintain the peace. I have learned much in the last three years, and I more and more see the tremendous wisdom in which your decisions were made. I expect I have a long way to go, but I cannot even now imagine how hollow my life would be without the enriching friendships I have gained with ponies. The least of your servants, Ash Eater.’

Ash Eater stood, a cold sweat on his forehead as he faced his friend. They stood at a place that they had last been as enemies. The hill atop the heights near Apple Loosa was now adorned with a large stone monument to the great battle that ended with the command center being knocked out during a changeling strike, one that Ash Eater had planned.

The stag’s stomach knotted up as he faced the orange pegasus while dawn broke the horizon. She had finally asked the question he feared she one day would.

“When we met on the field that time, before the battle while I was leading my force back toward Ponyville, you told me…”

She hesitated as as if searching for the correct words.

“You told me that Sparklefly was the only pony, the only mare you’d… been with… But, she told me that you stopped short of that… violation. What really happened that day in the caves?”

He took a breath as a wave of guilt washed over him. He needed to buy a little time to collect himself.

He took a breath, “You have never asked me about that. After all this time, why now?”

The pegasus shrugged and considered her response. Ash Eater’s heart was pounding. He didn’t want to talk about this. He wished he’d remembered to bring some water.

Scootaloo finally spoke, “I guess, that... now is the first time... we have come to a place where I can believe you, whatever you say. I just… I hope that you trust me enough to give me the truth.”

His heart felt heavy. He’d rather be anywhere but in the moment where he found himself. How could he tell her everything? The days of the pair being civil to each other only because of orders was long past. As much as it had surprised him when it first happened, he had come to really think of Scootaloo as a friend. He didn’t want to deceive her because he knew it would ruin what they’d built. Giving the truth bore a chance of the same outcome.

Ash Eater felt himself take another deep breath as he hardened his resolve to simply be honest. He owed her that much, come what may.

It was as if someone else was speaking when he answered, “She… Sparklefly told you… the truth. I lied to you that day on the battlefield. She gave me the information I was asking for before… I did... before I went through with it.”

The truth had been spoken. Now all he could do was dread what she might say next.


Scootaloo believed what the stag’s words, that Sparklefly’s account of her torture had been accurate. It was a weight off of her to know that her friend hadn’t suffered such a horrific act. She had been through so many hurts, it was a comfort that she was spared at least one.

In order to really understand the situation fully, she knew that there was one more question she would have to ask. As much as she was afraid to press further, she had to know.

Ash Eater was trembling a little, his eyes full of remorse as Scootaloo asked, “If she hadn’t talked, would you have… would you really have done that to her?”

The stag lifted a hoof as if to step backward, the pain in his expression amplifying itself. His face turned toward the ground. She hated having to put him through this.

He stared at down for a time before meeting her gaze again. He let his face fall once more as he nodded confirmation.

“Yeah... I… I’m afraid I would have…”

He looked back up after a brief silence and added, “I know it’s not worth much, but I’m glad I didn’t.”

The changeling turned away to face the sunrise. Contrary to his belief, that last sentiment had great value to the mare, more than she’d be able to put into words. Instead, she decided to try and put Ash Eater at ease.

“Well, here’s the thing,” Scootaloo spoke softly and deliberately, “Sparklefly only told me, and I never told anypony else. I guess, at first, I didn’t want to add that to anypony’s memory of her, you know? And then we were assigned together by Princess Twilight. If I had mentioned it then, some mob would have murdered you by now.”

The changeling shuddered.

She continued, “But now… As crazy at it is, you’re my friend. I can see that this is tearing you up inside. I’m sorry for that, but… I just… I needed to know… Sparklefly chose to forgive you, and so have I.”

Through her tears, Scootaloo could see the stag turn to face her again. She attempted a smile as she continued speaking.

“I didn’t make that decision for her. I did it for me… and for you. Though, for your own safety, I think we should never talk about this again… At some point, you’ll have to let the past go too. I appreciate how you feel about it, but you can’t punish yourself forever.”

He nodded solemnly. Scootaloo was ready to move to something more pleasant and decided to change the subject.

“We’ll need to get going soon if we want to get back to Ponyville in time.”

“Flying early… I still hate mornings,” he grumped.

"Deal with it, curry puff,” the pegasus teased.

“Har, har," he sneered back at her.

Scootaloo was glad to have brought Ash Eater back to himself. He would probably be a little sullen for the rest of the day. That couldn’t be helped now, but at least he had seemed relieved at her reaction. She couldn’t help but muse about the many changes in fortune that had led to their unlikely friendship. It warmed her heart that something so wondrous could arise out of so much suffering, and she knew that her experience was not unique among ponies, nor was his among changelings.


Ash Eater sipped his coffee. Unlike Scootaloo, he did not like it with sugar. Just a little cream was enough to make it right for him. Java’s was a quaint little shop, and contrary to most ponies, the owner had accepted his presence fairly early. The small wooden table had scars from years of use, not unlike the changeling himself. He smiled at the thought.

Across the room, Scootaloo was gathered with at least a dozen other ponies, mostly friends she had made during the war. Princess Twilight Sparkle had also come with her close friends. The stag, by contrast, sat alone. Many at that other mishmash of pushed together tables didn’t care to be friends with changelings, and so it was easier on all of them if he just stayed away. Perhaps in time they would grow to accept him. Maybe they wouldn’t. Either way, that was not something he could control.

The door opened, and a pair of newcomers stood in the entryway. The first was a stallion, a brown paint with deep scars snaking all around his body. Behind him was a teal pegasus mare with a golden mane who wore mirrored sunglasses. When Ash Eater noticed that the stallion also bore short stubs, the remnants of what had been wings, he nearly spit out his coffee.

This was Cloud Blazer. The former soldier was a dear friend of Scootaloo, or had been before they had a falling out during the war. His injuries had been gained during the ambush that Ash Eater had led them into. The stag had not recognized him for a moment.

As their eyes met, the paint stallion scowled at the changeling. Ash Eater lowered his gaze submissively on instinct. The stag turned toward his former friend, who was far too involved with her own group to have noticed the newcomers.

“So there Seven was, one hind leg caught in this tree,” LD spoke, “and Scootaloo and I were trying to cut the trunk away so we could get him down.”

The others were amused and totally focused on the story until Cloud Blazer sneezed. A silence fell over everypony as they noticed the new arrivals. Scootaloo rose from her seat, her face filled with uncertainty and worry.

The two in the door turned to each other for a second, but it was long enough for Scootaloo to meet Ash Eater’s gaze. He hardened his brow, nodding at her to offer confidence. She seemed somewhat encouraged as she turned to leave the table. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom patted her on the back before she left them and met Cloud Blazer in the center of the room.

Though Ash Eater strained to hear, even his keen senses were unable to detect what they were saying over a jet of steam that began billowing from one of the machines at the coffee bar followed by the worker’s attempts to repair it. Their expressions gave away that they were not arguing, which was good. They seemed to be making apologies to each other.

He was so engrossed in reading their interaction, that he hadn’t noticed who opened the door next until a lone figure stood directly across from the stag.

“I haven’t seen you in a while, and I know you missed me,” Seta said with a grin.

Her arrival stunned Ash Eater as much as did her beauty. She seemed to have grown only more lovely since that day in the castle when he had sent her away. Still, he had not forgotten the stinging insults she had levied against him. But then, if he could get past wanting to murder Scootaloo in her sleep, maybe he could overcome his loathing of Seta.

“Well aren’t you going to ask me to sit down? You really are the worst at making a doe feel important,” she smirked.

Ash Eater stood and bowed his head low, “Cherished mother of the hive, I meant you no insult or disrespect; forgive me.”

Seta gagged, “So formal.”

He looked back up at her, “I will not apologize for holding our traditions dear. I would be honored if you would join me.”

She smiled as she sat down. Ash Eater seated himself again. The barista came by and the stag ordered a drink for the doe.

“I see you’re still that one’s pet,” Seta nodded to Scootaloo, who was returning with the newcomers to the group.

“I still have quite a lot to learn from her.”

Seta raised an eyebrow, “Who are you and what have you done with Ash Eater?”

He snorted.

“Seriously, what happened to you?”

“It’s kind of a long story.”

“I have the time. Besides, those are the best kind.”

“Where is your pony overlord?” Ash Eater asked. “I don’t detect his distinctly unwashed smell anywhere.”

Seta giggled at the insult, “We parted ways just a few weeks ago. I thought you would have been the first one released from your obligations, since the princess has been so interested in you from the beginning.”

“As a matter of fact, I was considered a hopeless case.”

“They got that much right,” she winked.

“Apparently it was thought that if they had any chance of keeping peace at large, understanding the very worst of us would be valuable information.”

“And I didn’t think they were nearly that clever. But then, my overlord certainly wasn’t the best or brightest.”

Ash Eater laughed, “Did you know he served on a Taskforce that was hunting our queen during the war?”

“No,” Seta rolled her eyes and her voice dripped with sarcasm, “he never told me how he alone was responsible for tracking her down.”

The two laughed at the jab.

“These ponies are different, but they’re alright,” Ash Eater added.

“Really? You’re okay with how things turned out?”

The stag cast a glance at Scootaloo, remembering all of the trouble he went through and that he made her endure. She was a good friend, and he wouldn’t trade that for anything. Looking back to the doe, he met those lovely eyes that faced him. He stared a moment, taking in her beauty.

He leaned in closer, “I can think of one thing I might like to change.”

Picking up his demeanor, she also drifted in, bringing her muzzle to within inches of his. Ash Eater’s heart began beating more rapidly.

“Do tell,” she spoke with a sultry tone.

Ash Eater wasn’t sure if this would actually go anywhere, but he had decided that he wanted to find out. For his part, he would put the work in. Whether it went well or ill, he knew that he had one solid friend to stand by his side and be with him when he would rejoice or lament the outcome. Friends with Scootaloo, he would have never expected that to happen. He couldn’t help but smile at the thought.

Comments ( 2 )

... well... good thing I jumped straight to the end.

Haha! You lil stinker! :pinkiehappy:

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