• Published 13th Jul 2020
  • 261 Views, 6 Comments

The Friendship Initiative - Jatheus

In the aftermath of a devastating war, former enemies try to coexist while dealing with the demons of the past. A bold plan pairs warriors from opposite sides together in hopes of creating unity before a healing Equestria tears itself apart.

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'Dear Princess Twilight, I know you aren't that comfortable with the fighting, but it has sort of become a regular thing. On the upside, both Ash Eater and I are getting plenty of exercise as a result. Princess Luna told me that she has kept you informed about my bad dreams. They do seem to be less frequent now, but she also mentioned that she has had her hooves full dealing with similar problems all across Equestria. For his part, Ash Eater is pretty angry and obstinate, but he hasn't done anything defiant of the order Chrysalis gave him to behave so far as I can tell. I don’t know if we’ve had any real progress yet. XOXO, Scootaloo.'

Scootaloo ducked under Ash Eater's blow. Coming up, she nearly landed one of her own, but he sidestepped behind a tree. The sun sank low on the horizon as the pair battled each other, an event that had become a nearly daily ritual.

Taking a jab to the face, the mare staggered backward as one of her closest friends and mentors erupted into laughter from her perch above them. Scootaloo recovered just in time to see the changeling lunging forward. She dropped, sweeping at his legs.

She was too slow, as it turned out, and he had predicted the move, pouncing over her counterattack and dropping on her. There was very little struggle after that before a dazed Scootaloo gave up the fight with a groan.


“Hah!” Ash Eater gloated.

As he walked away with his head held high, Rainbow Dash dropped to the ground and offered Scootaloo assistance standing. The prone pegasus was exhausted. The only paying work she had been able to find that would also accept her ward was with a construction crew. Between that and engaging in sparring at all odd hours, she felt somewhat out of shape.

Scootaloo accepted the help. As she came to a standing position, her mentor’s eyes met her own.

“You know,” Rainbow Dash began with a yawn, “Using your face to block punches probably isn’t the best strategy.”

Scootaloo grunted and changed the subject, “What’s for dinner? I’m starving.”

“Well, I was dreaming about dessert before you two woke me up with your fighting. Thanks for that.”

The orange pegasus giggled at the teasing.

“But unless you’re planning on finding something to cook, it’s going to be hay rations.”

Scootaloo felt herself frown. It wasn’t that she didn’t like hay, but the batch of which Rainbow Dash spoke had been stale for at least a week before she had acquired it. The texture aside, the flavor was equally unpleasant.

The three flew back up to Rainbow Dash’s cloud apartment and settled down for the evening. Some light conversation started up during their stagnant dinner.

“You’ve got to admit, these ration packs can’t possibly get much worse,” Rainbow Dash griped.

“I don’t know,” Scootaloo answered, “things can always get worse.”

She was thinking about the end of the war, when there was simply no food to be had for days at a time. She shuddered at the memory.

“Maybe, but this is starting to have the flavor of old horse-shoes.”

Scootaloo nodded, “But you have to admit, it still tastes better than the last thing you tried to cook.”

“Heh, keep laughing kid. The last time you messed around in the kitchen is still charred to the bottom of that pan.”

Ash Eater snorted as if amused, but his expression was guarded. Scootaloo had no defense from her friend’s rebuttal. It was annoyingly accurate. Before long, the three had completed their evening rituals and gone to their respective beds.

Scootaloo shared a room with her ward, opting to sleep between him and the door. She wasn’t entirely convinced that he wouldn’t try to sneak out. Certainly the first few nights had been restless for her in spite of the comfortable compressed cloud beds that were softer than downy feathers. Exhaustion always won out eventually, and the mare found herself falling into a fitful sleep, plagued by the usual unsettling dreams.

She didn’t always remember them, but there were often sensations of falling or smothering that accompanied frightening apparitions. Some nights she would battle such, and other times it proved useless to struggle.

Scootaloo awoke with a start at Ash Eater letting out something akin to a battle cry as he landed on top of her. Her heart racing, she managed to push him back and launch a kick against his exposed belly. He let out a grunt, apparently unprepared for such a swift counter strike.

She was up in a flash, letting out her own roar, stumbling over him in the dark and crashing into a desk that was by the window. Suddenly, he was up on his hooves and the battle was joined. Blocking incoming attacks proved even more difficult for each than did finding their opponent in the dark.

Several hits were traded before Ash Eater leapt forward, colliding with Scootaloo. They struck multiple blows before the pegasus darted back and swung wide at her opponent’s face, hitting nothing but air. Such was the force of her attack that she spun around, falling flat on her back.

At that moment, the light came on, stabbing the embattled mare in the eyes. She let out a bit of a shriek. It was drowned out by the force with which Rainbow Dash began shouting a moment later.

“What in Equestria are you two doing! Do you have any idea what time it is!”

Scootaloo’s heart raced as she leapt to her hooves. Ash Eater was crouched a few steps away near her bed, massaging the base of his skull.

“No, I...” Scootaloo caught sight of a clock, the hands unambiguously pointing at three in the morning. “I mean... we were just...” she fumbled for some sort of explanation for why her mentor had been so rudely awakened.

“Just what!” Rainbow Dash roared back. “Well?”

“Sparring,” Ash Eater managed as he stood.

His face was somewhat contorted, apparently in the pain from the hit he took to the back of his head. Whether Scootaloo had landed that herself or if he had fallen against furniture, she was uncertain.

“Yeah,” Scootaloo managed, “sorry. It won’t happen again.”

“Look, it’s bad enough that you have interrupted my afternoon naps more than once, but this is just ridiculous! Scoots, I love you and all, but you two have got to go.”

“Huh?” The mare felt her jaw drop.

“Tomorrow, you can find some pony else to stay with until you get your own place.”

“But, but-“

“No buts,” Rainbow Dash stood a little taller, seeming unmovable. “I can’t deal with interrupted sleep for no good reason at all odd hours; I just can’t.” Her hard gaze softened slightly as she continued, “So, we’ll get you put up somewhere else, just for a few days. If you can’t find a place that quickly, then you can come back here.”

Scootaloo was caught between anger and sorrow. Really, Rainbow Dash had every right to be upset. She was just sad that it was her own fault for not laying down better ground rules for her boisterous interactions with Ash Eater. The changeling seemed to be somewhat pleased with himself.

“Yes, ma’am,” the orange mare finally managed.

Rainbow Dash scratched her unkempt multicolored mane and turned, shuffling out of the room. Ash Eater stood, making for the door.

“Where are you going?”

He stopped, “What are you, my mother?”

Scootaloo felt her lips purse, “I’m supposed to keep an eye on you and you know it.”

“I’m going to relieve myself, if you must know,” he replied while turning back to face her and rolling his eyes. “So, am I free to go, or do you want to watch?”

Scootaloo shuddered and waved him off. He left to take care of his business without another word. It was difficult for her to get back to sleep, even after Ash Eater had returned to his bed and accomplished that very task himself. Mostly she felt bad for upsetting her close friend and mentor, but she was also vigilant for another night-time raid from her ward. It was an attack that didn’t come, but she made up her mind while lying there that she would be certain to lay down crinkly paper or some other measure to make noise should he approach her in the night again. It simply would not do to be taken off guard a second time.

The pegasus passed the rest of the night sleeplessly, stewing on her sorrow and considering her next move. Certainly Apple Bloom would take them in, but given the toll that the war had taken with their newer extended family, it would probably be best to keep Ash Eater as far away from them as possible.