• Published 13th Jul 2020
  • 259 Views, 6 Comments

The Friendship Initiative - Jatheus

In the aftermath of a devastating war, former enemies try to coexist while dealing with the demons of the past. A bold plan pairs warriors from opposite sides together in hopes of creating unity before a healing Equestria tears itself apart.

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‘Dear Princess Twilight, I was surprised to get a letter from Queen Chrysalis, but I think Ponyville would be a great place to host the reunion she has in mind. I’ll get things started on this end. I know you plan to get back here full time once everything settles down, but I wanted to say that your friends always look forward to seeing you when you are in town. XOXO, Scootaloo.’

Scootaloo watched the look on Applejack’s face change from the normal pleasantries as concern scrunched her muzzle.

“A gatherin’ that large, huh?”

“That’s right,” the pegasus answered. “It’ll already be five-hundred changelings, and as many former EUP soldiers too.”

Ash Eater stood behind her, lazily trying to ignore the pair. The bright sunny day was ideal for standing outside in an orchard, where the trio found themselves. Applejack was trying to get some work done as her young filly slept in a bassinet nearby.

“Whoo-wee... I’ll do it just to help Twilight out, you know that, but... Are you sure that’ll be, you know... safe?”

Scootaloo didn’t miss the glance that the older mare gave to Ash Eater.

“What, him? He acts tough, but he’s a marshmallow.”

Ash Eater’s ears perked up.

“I’m sure the rest will be at least as well behaved.”

“Just mind the trees. They’re mighty small still and just need some time to grow up a bit.”

“We would never do anything to dishonor our queen!” Ash Eater snapped. “And don’t call me marshmallow!”

Something inside Scootaloo couldn’t resist the urge to antagonize the changeling a second time, and the words were flowing before she had time to reconsider.

“Take it easy, cream puff, I didn’t mean anything by it.”

Ash Eater let out a growl, “Just keep pushing if you want to see this wolf’s fangs!”

Applejack’s mouth was agape at the escalating situation. Scootaloo wanted to let Ash Eater have the fight she was instigating, but she felt that it would be far better to hold off until they were away from the farm to set Applejack at ease.

“Brave Warrior,” Scootaloo bowed low, crossing her right front hoof to her left side, “forgive my trespass. I meant you no disrespect.”

It was now Ash Eater’s turn to be dumbstruck. Scootaloo kept her eyes on him, watching as he recomposed himself. Clearly he had not expected her to know a formal changeling apology. The letters between Scootaloo and Chrysalis, while few, had given her some wonderful insights into changeling customs.

Standing straight again, he mumbled, “It is already forgotten.”

“Huh,” Applejack vocalized her perplexity.

“We have our differences,” Scootaloo said as she stood and turned to the earth pony, “but everypony...” she regarded the changeling. “Everycreature likes to be treated respectfully.”

Ash Eater snorted as though unhappy that Scootaloo had not given him more reason to fight. The filly began wailing, and her mother went to soothe her. Scootaloo turned to her ward.

“If you’d like to go one round, we can when we get back to the apartment.”

“You earned this one,” he smirked.


Ash Eater walked alongside the annoying mare that had been guarding him since his release. As much as he’d tried to wipe the smirk from her face for calling him dessert names again and again, he had to admit that she was no pushover when it came to sparring. For the time being, she continued the insults daily.

He shivered against the chilled night air, glad that it was unlikely to get any colder. The gravel and dirt crunched beneath the weight of the crowd that was shuffling toward Sweet Apple Acres. Changelings paired with their pony overseers all made their way to what promised to be the largest single gathering of freed prisoners, former warriors, since the armistice.

Though not in uniform, Ash Eater recognized the pony guards around the perimeter all the same. Quite the opposite of a show of force, they had been tasked with nothing more than keeping the peace and making sure townsponies didn’t stray into the gathering. The changelings and their assigned ponies were free to come and go at will, so long as they stayed paired. But within the party grounds, they would all be free to mingle without any scrutiny.

Ash Eater was excited at the chance to see Klixis again and find out how he had been faring since they last had been together.

The decorations were probably liked by the ponies, with insipid soft colors and streamers making a skeletal canopy appearance in the center of the party area. The light, however, was delightfully dim and diffuse, giving a somewhat underground feeling that pleased Ash Eater. He also knew that the food would be to everyone’s liking, as he had been used to sample all of it and perfect recipes that would be acceptable for both changeling and pony palates.

Though he was loathe to admit it, he was already looking forward to sampling the punch again. It was one of the few recipes that had required no modification. The effervescent pink pony that had made it did not seem surprised in the slightest and had posed confidently in her triumph when Ash Eater had approved.

Ash Eater and Scootaloo arrived with the first group, but it was nearly a constant stream of new arrivals during the hour after sunset. It took far less time than that for the pair to become separated as they mingled among their respective kinds. It was comforting to be surrounded by the familiar looking faces again.

From a short distance off, Klixis waved and caught Ash Eater’s attention. The pair greeted each other just as trumpeters sounded, signaling that the royalty had arrived. At the head table, the pony princesses, Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and Twilight Sparkle were seated with Queen Chrysalis and at least as many additional honored guests. Celestia and Chrysalis remained standing to address the crowd.

“Welcome, my little ponies and new friends,” Celestia began.

Chrysalis added, “Welcome, my faithful children and honorary members of our hive.”

“It fills my heart with great joy to see you all here together in peaceful gathering,” Celestia continued. “While I credit such a bold and innovative plan to my ever faithful Twilight Sparkle,” she nodded at her former protégé, “in truth, this day belongs to all of you. As much work as we have done to bring you together, it is you who have done the harder work to live together and learn from each other in the bond of harmony toward the common goal of building a future for all. It will not be a pony future, or a changeling future, but one that we can share. Together we will be far greater than either could have ever been on our own. You each have my thanks for sharing that vision and living the first days of it.”

She turned to Chrysalis, who spoke next, “We stand together: for unity, for equality, for our future.”

Ash Eater had mixed feelings about the opening pageantry. He couldn’t help but roll his eyes at the fluffiness of the white princess pony’s remarks, but Queen Chrysalis seemed to be in agreement. Through all the smiles and stomach-churning talk of harmony and unity, the changeling couldn’t shake the feeling that they were a defeated people, that the smiles of the ponies were nothing more than a facade to sugarcoat changeling subjugation.

“Now, it is time for us to let you get on with a much more important part of this evening. Let’s eat!”

A curtain that had been obscuring the buffet table was drawn away, revealing the largest feast Ash Eater had seen since the war. Surely it would have paled in comparison to what had been before, but the shortages that were commonplace made the somewhat mundane offerings seem fit for royalty. Considering the circumstances, it was quite lavish.

“I thought she’d never stop yapping,” Klixis whined.

“I know!”

“How are you, friend?”

“My leg bothers me, and being unable to take another form-“

“Don’t get me started on that,” Klixis scoffed. “I know it’s worse for you, but to still be able to change and forbidden... it’s like an itch I can’t scratch.”

Ash Eater snorted, “But you will eventually.”

“Maybe sooner than you think,” Klixis grinned cryptically.

Ash Eater felt himself pause, unsure what his friend had meant by that last comment.

“Forget it,” Klixis added.

In spite of the dismissal, the curious changeling would have inquired further, had not a lovely female of his species been walking by just then. It was as perfect a feminine form as he had ever seen, gracefully gliding past him. As his attention was quite taken with her for a moment, he nearly forgot Klixis was there until the friend slapped Ash Eater on the side.

“Say something before she gets away!”

“What? Huh?” The he sputtered as his face flushed. “No, its... I’m okay.”

Klixis turned in the direction of the retreating beauty and spoke loudly, “Now that is a fine specimen of a doe.”

Ash Eater felt himself go pale as she turned around, looking unimpressed initially. Sizing up the pair, she approached.

“Tough talk. We are all warriors here, and you look to hardly have a scratch on you. Where were you in the fighting, bringing up the rear?”

Klixis relaxed his stance and spoke coolly, “There are many honorable positions far from the danger.”

The changeling doe snorted at him. Then she turned to Ash Eater, “You were clearly closer to the front once or twice. Don’t you have any compliments for me, or did they take your tongue as well?”

Ash Eater made to reply, and his throat caught, a cough escaping instead of words.

“I speak,” he replied, trying to think of something to say.

He let his eyes wander across her body... the gentle curve of her back, the pristine symmetry of her legs, the softness of her face... There was only one imperfection. A scar began just above her right eye, and it ran diagonally across her cheek to the top of her jaw. Clearly she had been in at least one scrape to have earned such a wound. Her sparkling sky-blue eyes had escaped any damage.

“Well?” she said impatiently.

“I like your face,” Ash Eater blurted out.

Klixis roared with laughter at the weak statement, but the female seemed amused in a much less condescending manner.

“Feel free to look. I’m going to get some food.”

She turned to walk away, and Ash Eater felt the need to continue the conversation.

“I didn’t get your name!” he called after her.

“I know,” she replied without turning around.

The amorous changeling felt his mouth fall agape. Klixis closed it for him.

“She is walking like that on purpose,” his friend observed as they watched her perfectly shaped posterior slink away in a rather sultry fashion. “That one is trouble.”

Ash Eater’s heart was pounding far too heavily for him to make a reply. He made to continue forward to the buffet table, but found himself sitting instead as his knees went weak.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah... I just...”

“Wow,” Klixis seemed truly impressed, “I have never seen you have it this bad. Do you remember those sisters we went after from the-“

“Not one more word!” Ash Eater was suddenly back to himself, standing up and posturing menacingly at his friend, “The last thing I need is for anyone to bring that up again.”

He swiveled about, making sure Scootaloo hadn’t heard the comment. She was nowhere nearby; he relaxed after spotting her by the buffet table. As prone as she was to teasing him, she would love nothing more than to hear about a doomed mission of courtship that had gone so horrifically awry.

“Welcome back.” Klixis grinned, “Works every time.”

At the realization of what his friend had done, Ash Eater couldn’t help but snort a laugh at Klixis, “Thanks for that.”

“Let’s get something to eat, I’m starving.”

Ash Eater’s eyes narrowed, “I saw her first.”

“Be my guest with that trouble. If you can land that one, you deserve what you get.”

“Har, har.”

The pair walked over to join the others that were seeking food. The group was rather mixed up with ponies and changelings all standing around each other and lining up. Ash Eater couldn’t help but feel slightly tense about it, but everyone seemed to be ignoring each other well enough for the moment. Scootaloo had suggested using two lines, one for ponies and one for changelings, but the purple princess had decided against it, saying that they should all stand together.

In addition to fresh hay greens and spicy corn, carrot strudels were a surprise hit among the changelings. Ash Eater was not surprised that the punch was wildly popular with everyone. The pony princesses seemed to be enjoying themselves. Rather than standing in line, they had a quartet of pony and changeling waiters that were serving them. Queen Chrysalis seemed far more guarded than the others.

“Makes me sick,” Klixis spat.

Ash Eater looked at him inquisitively.

“Our queen playing nice just to placate the pony princesses.”

“What choice do any of us have?”

Klixis snorted dismissively. Their attention was soon taken as the line advanced, and they arrived at the buffet table. They filled their small plates and found a spot to sit down out of the main trafficked areas. Ash Eater was delighted to notice that they were within sight of the flirtatious changeling doe with whom they had spoken briefly. It seemed she had a friend with her.

“So, how are you tolerating your pony overlord?” Klixis broke Ash Eater’s attention away from the ladies.

He shrugged, “Well enough. These ponies are ridiculous.”

“Their disgustingly cheerful colors make me want to vomit.”

“Oh, I know!”

“That and how they act so smug, so superior.”

One or two bad experiences notwithstanding, Ash Eater hadn’t had many problems being slighted by the ponies. Most seemed too afraid of him to cause any trouble. Still, it was unbecoming of a form of life that should be herded like cattle to be so presumptuous to act as equals.

“I wish we could have corralled the lot of them and fed at our leisure.”

Klixis reacted to this. He seemed as though he might have been forming a reply when his attention was redirected to an approaching pair.

“My friend was lonely,” the beautiful changeling doe addressed the stags.

Ash Eater felt his mouth drop again, but he remembered to close it himself this time.

“Well, are you going to ask us to sit down?”

“Won’t you join us,” Klixis offered.

There was a twinkle in those sky-blue eyes, “This is Carina. I am Seta.”

Carina was not quite as dark as most changelings, having a slate gray color to her hide. Her eyes were lime green, and while her petite frame was not at all unpleasant, Ash Eater hardly gave her a second glance as he rolled Seta’s name across his tongue.

“Hi,” Carina said softly.

She seemed somewhat timid in the large crowd. Her disposition, the way she carried herself, it reminded Ash Eater of someone.

“I’m Klixis, and he likes you.”

Ash Eater’s face flushed.

“Well, you have a garbage way of showing it,” Seta said with confident nonchalance. “Your compliments are weak, and you didn’t offer to get me anything to drink.”

Klixis stood and put a hoof on Ash Eater’s shoulder, “I’ll get punch for everyone. This one needs to practice talking before we let him try to carry anything.”

“You do that,” she said with a hint of disdain. As soon as Klixis was out of earshot, she continued, “I can’t trust a stag without any good scars, not this soon after a war.”

Ash Eater couldn’t let his friend be insulted, “Klixis fought bravely. He was in the attack on Las Pegasus, and he commanded the assault on Baltimare, when the city fell.”

Seta’s ears perked up at that, but Carina’s lime green eyes went wide.

“I was in Las Pegasus.”

For the first time, Seta’s stalwart facade cracked as she seemed genuinely concerned for her friend. Even the soft way the gray changeling spoke seemed familiar to Ash Eater. It took him a moment to realize it was one of Scootaloo’s friends, Flutter... something, for whom they had built a bridge. They had a similar way they carried themselves.

“I was with my...” Carina trailed off, lost in thought for a moment.

“It was her mate. He was killed by a pony.”

“It was a demon,” fear filled those green eyes. “I saw him, black as a moonless night, with red fiery eyes. There was so much rage and hate...”

“I know,” Seta embraced her friend for a moment.

Carina seemed lost in thought as Klixis returned with drinks.

“I’ll explain,” Seta offered. “They were with a group of snipers that had covered a square near a grain mill. She and her mate had just finished their sweep to make sure the building was empty on the lower levels, and he had found a pony baby book. He was going to show it to his brother, who was there also, and as he came to the room where they had been, a spear pinned him to the wall. Carina was a bit behind him but saw the whole thing. The pony that was there cut his throat. She ran back to a second room where more of their teammates were, but they were all dead. She jumped out the window and flew away.”

“I ran...” Carina said, “I...” she was clearly ashamed.

In spite of the training that he’d been drilled with, that death was preferable to dishonor, Ash Eater couldn’t help but feel sorry for her. Perhaps the ponies sympathetic nature was starting to rub off on him.

“You made a good accounting of yourself after that,” Seta added. “Look at this.”

She pushed her friend to turn her, showing Carina’s left side, where a healed wound was visible against her rib cage.

“Another inch and that spear thrust would have been fatal. She killed the pony that gave it to her, with his own spear,” Seta beamed proudly.

“And what about yours?” Klixis asked.

“This?” Seta gestured at the scar on her face. “VanHoover. I had already let out a magic blast at the pony, sheered her spear in two, but her armor held. I had thought she was wounded and went in for the kill when she came up with her knife and tried to take my head off.” She smirked, “I was quick enough to duck and get under her guard. I’m pretty sure I took her foreleg off with my second blast, but she got lost in the fray after that and I never saw her again.”

“You are amazing,” Ash Eater said.

Seta pursed her lips at him, “You’re getting better, but I want to hear your stories. Is your horn completely broken?”

Ash Eater nodded sorrowfully, “I was under cover and leading a group of ponies into an ambush. They discovered me and a rather large one managed to get me on the ground and slammed my head several times with his hooves. He broke my horn and it doesn’t work anymore.”

“What happened to him?”

“My teammates in the ambush took care of him. I couldn’t see straight at that point and it was all I could do to scramble away. I did help coordinate the rest of the attack to cut off their retreat.”

He didn’t feel like adding the part where several of the ponies actually did escape that ambush. He suspected such details would not make the evening go his way.

“And your leg?” Seta leaned forward, as if hanging on his every word.

“The wilderness near Ghastly Gorge. I took a spear straight through it before getting trampled by timberwolves. We had already run out of surgeons and supplies, and the wound got infected. It was actually pony doctors that took it off.”

Seta and Carina spit on the ground in unison. Klixis grinned and followed their example.

“Did you see what happened to the pony that stabbed you?”

Ash Eater snorted, “She lives. I’m afraid I’ve been remanded to her custody.”

The ladies both gasped. How Seta was able to remain so cute while making such an expression, Ash Eater could only guess.

“I wouldn’t, I couldn’t do that!” Seta seemed determined. “If I had been so maimed, I would take my revenge as soon as the opportunity arose.”

“But for the orders of our glorious queen, so would I.”

“I’m not sure I’d use the word ‘maimed’,” Klixis interjected. “He is still quite functional where it counts.”

He winked at Seta. Ash Eater felt himself blush at the innuendo. The beautiful doe raised an eyebrow.

“I’ll take your word for it... for now.”

A lump instantly formed in Ash Eater’s throat. He struggled to swallow around it.

“In any case, your questionable talent in locution aside, you have a great deal of strength to resist killing her in her sleep.”

“I remain ready and committed to our queen,” he boasted. “As soon as she gives the order, I’ll kill every pony I can get at.”

“May it be her command,” the ladies said in unison.

Klixis remained silent. It seemed that something was on his mind again.

“Suppose, that such a day may come sooner than you think?” the stag said enigmatically.

Silence took the other three for a long moment. The ladies exchanged a glance, but Ash Eater was focused on Klixis. Whatever he was hinting at, it was no joke.

“I’m in,” Seta broke the quiet.

Carina shuddered. Klixis took a breath.

“Plans are already in the works. As soon as enough of us are out of prison, we will free the Queen.”

Seta grinned, “Just let me know what you want me to do.”

“For now, wait. Keep your strength up and be ready. None of us have had access to the queen. Those pony princesses are always around, and we don’t want to make them suspicious.”

Ash Eater felt sick. He wasn’t exactly sure why, perhaps he’d consumed too much sugar from the punch. He surmised that was wishful thinking. Something about plotting insurrection without the queen’s knowledge or orders didn’t sit well with him.

“At the rate they’ve been letting changelings go, we should have sufficient numbers to act in a few months.”

Seta cocked an eyebrow, “In the meantime, aren’t you going to ask me to dance? I’m getting bored just sitting around and talking.”

Ash Eater felt confused. There was neither a space prepared for dancing or anything resembling dancing music.

“Yeah, of course.”

“By the hive, you’re easy,” the nubile doe chortled.

Her laugh had a delightful cadence to it. Ash Eater composed himself.

“Well?” she asked. “What are you waiting for?”

“There’s no music,” he finally managed.

“I suppose you’re right about that. I guess we can skip the dancing.”

Ash Eater mustered the nerve to flirt, “If you’re bored with talking, I’m sure we can find something more interesting to do.”

“What did you have in mind?” she leaned toward him, blinking her eyes coquettishly.

“I would never be presumptuous, but I’m sure we could come up with something.”

Out of the corner of his eye, Ash Eater noticed Klixis and Carina exchange amused glances at the banter.

“Why don’t you shut up and kiss me then?”

Everything stopped, and Ash Eater was stunned to silence for a moment. He had never met anyone who was so forward, so bold in matters of romance. He made the attempt to speak before collecting his thoughts.

“What, right now?”

The other three laughed at Ash Eater’s expense. He felt himself turn a bit red from embarrassment.

“You’re fun,” Seta said as she leaned back. “I like you.”

Realizing she had gotten the better of him yet again, Ash Eater tried to play it off by nonchalantly adding, “I just didn’t want everyone else to feel... left out.”

“Mm hmm...” she didn’t sound convinced.

The wiser course seemed to steer back to a more normal mode of conversation and away from the amorous talk in which Ash Eater was clearly far beyond his depth.

“How long have you been out?”

She shrugged, “Three weeks?”

Seta glanced at Carina, who nodded.

“It’s easy to lose track,” Seta continued, “three days feels like a week in this tiny town.”

“You’re staying in Ponyville?” Ash Eater’s heart pounded; it was almost too good to be true.

“That’s right.”

“Me too!”

“You don’t say,” she winked slyly.

“I’m staying in Manehattan,” Klixis interjected. “Not that anyone is interested...”

Seta leaned forward again, those beautiful sky-blue pools drinking him in. He could get lost in their gaze for a lifetime and it wouldn’t have been enough. The corners of her mouth turned up ever so slightly. He returned the smile.

“What’s your name?”

“Ash Eater.”

Her smile fell slightly, “Family dishonor?”

“Fiend! Incompetent fool!” Carina shrieked as her eyes went wide.

The other three were somewhat rattled by the outburst from the doe who had to that point been so demure. All of their attention was now on her.

“Seta, he’s the one! He’s the reason we lost the war!”

“What are you talking about?” Ash Eater asked.

For the first time, Seta seemed too surprised to say anything.

“Weren’t you in command of the Shock Force when it was crushed at Ponyville?”

Ash Eater made to reply, but no words came as his understanding awakened. Seta flushed in a combination of embarrassment and rage.

“I can’t believe you!” she spat at Klixis. “You knew and let me act the fool!”

He shrugged, feigning ignorance. It was a pretense, Ash Eater was certain. The ladies stood.

“Wait,” Ash Eater wasn’t certain if he could say anything to salvage the situation.

“Words are cheap, and your family dishonor suits you,” Seta cut him off. “There is nothing you have to say that I want to hear!”

The words wounded Ash Eater like a punch to the gut. A lump formed in his throat as the females stormed away without another word. The lump burst into a blind rage as he rounded on Klixis.

“Just what in flaming hells was that about! Is there something you forgot to tell me!”

The wide-eyed expression normally would have been enough to convince Ash Eater that his friend had no knowledge of what had transpired, but he was far too angry to let it go.

“Well?” he demanded.

Klixis stammered, “I, er, um, I had heard that some label you as responsible for losing the war because of the defeat at Ponyville, but I didn’t know they were of that mind, and I had no idea it had become so widespread.”

“Is that why you didn’t tell them my name at first?”

“I... it is. Forgive me, brother.”

Ash Eater was preparing to launch a round of obscenities at his friend when the annoying orange pegasus arrived.

“What’s going on? Are you okay?” she asked.

“I’m. Fine!” Ash Eater roared.

Scootaloo’s ears folded back, and she drew up, as if to make herself a smaller target.

“I think I’ve had as much party as I can stand,” Ash Eater said a little more evenly. “I want to go home.”

Scootaloo made as if to respond, but then shut her mouth, simply nodding and turning toward the exit. Ash Eater followed her. He kept his head high and forward but let his eyes watch the others. Carina and Seta spit in the dirt as he passed, as did a few of the other changelings. It was infuriating to be so insulted. He had no choice but to bear it for now.