• Published 13th Jul 2020
  • 261 Views, 6 Comments

The Friendship Initiative - Jatheus

In the aftermath of a devastating war, former enemies try to coexist while dealing with the demons of the past. A bold plan pairs warriors from opposite sides together in hopes of creating unity before a healing Equestria tears itself apart.

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‘Dear Princess Twilight, I’m not exactly sure what happened, but Ash Eater has been really withdrawn for the last few days. For several months you and I had seen some little things that made it seem like he was coming out of his shell a little, but now he just stays in his room most of the time. I don’t think I’ve been able to get more than one word answers from him since that reunion last week. I didn’t want to mention it, but we ended up leaving early. I heard some shouting and went to check on him, but Ash Eater never told me what happened. He just asked to go home... he was pretty upset. I’m not sure, but he seemed mad at his friend. Do you have any advice for this situation? XOXO, Scootaloo.’

Ash Eater laid on his bed and stared up at the ceiling as if it might contain some answer or clue to the concerns that weighed heavily upon his mind. He felt as though he had lost his edge, as if being near the ponies had caused him to drop his guard and not view them as the inferior and the enemy that they were. There was no point in playing their games beyond what was necessary to honor his queen’s commands. The time would come when she ordered an attack, and he needed to be prepared. He couldn’t afford to let ridiculous pony sentiments cloud his mind.

He sighed and rolled to stare at the wall. A dull ache irritated him from his missing limb. He rubbed at the remaining stump in a vain effort to alleviate the sensation. The only real hope he had of this was to become distracted. Given his current situation, there was little chance of such an occurrence.

Ash Eater felt his brow furrow as his thoughts turned over the problem once more. Klixis planning a second uprising should have been good news, and indeed it was well received. What bothered Ash Eater was the fact that Chrysalis had not yet been informed. Considering her explicit orders to not make rebellion, it almost felt like they were working against her.

The lone changeling shuddered at the thought. He knew Klixis’ intentions were to rescue the queen... He certainly believed it. But what if that were not the case? He almost laughed at the absurdity of the thought.

Why not just tell Chrysalis what was being planned? Klixis’ reasoning seemed sound inasmuch as it was nigh impossible to get an audience with the changeling matriarch without pony princesses prowling nearby. Certainly the sensitivity of the subject warranted such precautions, and yet...

Ash Eater shifted again. Whatever else may come, he had to let Chrysalis know what was going on. Nobody else was going to do it. But why did it feel as if he were betraying his friend? The changeling turned the thought over in his mind.

His people were certainly on the same side as they had always been. They served their queen without reservation. Klixis was no exception. Ash Eater tried to swallow the feeling and move on to more positive thinking. When they succeeded, any misgivings about his own honor would surely be dispelled.

Ash Eater took a deep breath, steeling himself against his decision. As much as it felt deceitful to tell Chrysalis what Klixis was planning without warning him, it was far more likely that he wouldn’t cross paths with Klixis before he would get to see the matriarch. It would only be a few days before they released a new batch of prisoners. He would just have to be careful to pick his moment.


Scootaloo couldn’t help but smile at how few journalists had attended this latest release of prisoners. With more than six months passed, hundreds of changelings released, and one massive gathering all now behind them, the unknown element had worn the sensationalism off of their situation. A few minor setbacks aside, things had gone rather smoothly.

They had already gone through the usual procedures that the pegasus mare could have practically done in her sleep, she was so familiar with them. Queen Chrysalis had given her customary orders to the newly released prisoners as they were assigned to their pony companions. Princess Twilight Sparkle had spoken about harmony and a lasting bond of friendship. Scootaloo and Ash Eater had been given nearly two days to get to know the ponies and changelings to answer questions they might have.

She found herself at the final ceremony, a reception with light refreshments, before everyone went their own ways. Ash Eater had gone somewhere in the crowd, and Scootaloo tried to not keep too close an eye on him. He had been so sullen lately that she thought maybe a little space would help. She felt her brow furrow with doubt.

“The punch isn’t that bad, is it?” the lavender Alicorn Princess asked.

“What?” Scootaloo broke from her reverie, “No, it’s fine, ma’am.”

Twilight Sparkle permitted herself a slight giggle before asking, “Is Ash Eater still on your mind?”

Scootaloo nodded. In addition to letters, the two had found some time to talk about the situation at length, but no solutions seemed evident.

“You just have to keep giving him time. Becoming fast friends was always a long shot for you two.”

The Princess of Friendship seemed somewhat grave. Scootaloo couldn’t help but feel surprise at her own feelings. She located her ward in the crowd, standing by Queen Chrysalis and a few of the other changelings. When had she shifted from just doing her duty to really trying to make a friendship work between the two? She didn’t exactly like him... but she was really trying to.

“Yeah,” she finally replied, “I guess I got so focused on trying to keep things together that I forgot about that. We started with a lot of bad blood between us.”

Her thoughts turned to what Sparklefly had said before she died. It was Ash Eater that had interrogated her in that cave. He himself had told Scootaloo that he had forced himself upon Sparklefly to get information. Scootaloo didn’t know whether his words or her friend’s version of the events were true, as she had claimed the changeling had stopped short of that violation. Either way, it was still bitterness in Scootaloo’s soul. She tried to remember what Sparklefly had told her about forgiveness...

“I’m truly impressed by the great strides you have taken to put the past behind you,” the Princess said. “There would have been no hope of success if you hadn’t.”

Recalling the spirit of her lost friend’s words, Scootaloo replied, “We can only forgive people that have wronged us. And we do it for ourselves as much as for them. Hating someone is like drinking poison and expecting the person you hate to die from it. We only hurt ourselves.”

The Princess raised an eyebrow.

“It’s something a friend told me one time.”

“It sounds like your friend is a wise one.”

Scootaloo smiled sorrowfully at the memory of Sparklefly, “Yeah, she was the best.”


Ash Eater stood by his queen, speaking with the newly released changelings as the reception wound down. He knew that they would soon run out of time, but he would not dare endanger Klixis by letting anyone overhear what he had to say to their ruler. His patience began to wear thin, but he had no choice but to wait.

As chance would have it, the opportunity was provided only moments later. Chrysalis dismissed the others, not specifically addressing Ash Eater. She began to walk away, glancing back at him. He strode to keep pace, and she looked forward again. The gardens in Canterlot were still rather bare from the destruction that had been levied against them during the war, but some evidence of life returning was apparent.

As they drew away from the others, the queen slowed her pace and spoke, “We’d best not walk too far or they’ll take notice. Did you have something you wanted to tell me?”

The look on her face spoke volumes. It was as if she knew every secret that Ash Eater had ever kept. Whether or not she had an inkling of what he would tell her was anyone’s guess. If he had to make a wager, he would have bet that she was putting on a front to seem in control of the situation.

“My queen,” he began, “I bring news. I have received word that your freed servants are organizing. I don’t have details yet, but it seems that the plan will be to free you from this place while simultaneously striking a crippling blow at the ponies.”

It was unsettling to Ash Eater that she seemed neither surprised nor impressed. Her expression was hard as stone and impossible to read.

“It was deemed too dangerous to tell you before the time,” Ash Eater continued, “but it didn’t sit well with me. The last order you gave me was specifically to make no insurrection or trouble of any kind. I care nothing for the ponies or their princesses, but if I am to participate in this business, I need to know it is what you command.”

Almost imperceptibly, the corners of her mouth upturned ever so slightly, “My faithful warrior, you have done well. Continue the preparations. As soon as the opportunity presents itself, I would meet with the leaders. Can you arrange this?”

“By your command, it shall be done.”

Without another word, she turned slowly and began ambling back toward the group. He kept pace with her, relieved that the queen was not angered at what they were planning. It was as if a weight had been lifted from Ash Eater. This could only mean that the time for pretending would soon be over. He could be rid of the ponies and continue fighting them. Somehow, that didn’t make him feel as excited as he had expected it would.