• Published 13th Jul 2020
  • 259 Views, 6 Comments

The Friendship Initiative - Jatheus

In the aftermath of a devastating war, former enemies try to coexist while dealing with the demons of the past. A bold plan pairs warriors from opposite sides together in hopes of creating unity before a healing Equestria tears itself apart.

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‘My most venerable Queen, I have made the journey to Ponyville on my new assignment to learn from Scootaloo as per your command. The way the ponies look at me, it seems as if we are most hated and unwelcome among them. I will hold my head high, a proud standard bearer of our hive. I know that we have laid down arms in favor of peace and equality, but I sense that it would take little provocation to start the fighting again. To honor your directive, I shall give them no such satisfaction. The least of your servants, Ash Eater.’

The changeling followed his pegasus overseer through the streets of Ponyville. Signs of fresh construction were as ubiquitous as the harsh and fearful stares that greeted him from the townsponies. Even without his magic to sense their emotions, the fear was palpable.

‘Be afraid,’ Ash Eater thought to himself. ‘When my Queen chooses to give the order, we will be done with this charade of peace, and I will kill you all.’

The insipid cheerfully-colored pegasus glanced back at her captive, “It’s about time we grab something to eat. With the crop shortage there aren’t a lot of options. Do you like hay burgers?”

“No,” he seethed back at her.

“Oh,” she frowned, “well, I can try to find something else that would be more to your liking.”

He returned a harsh glare, but made no other reply. If she was stupid enough to think he wanted to be led around and fed like some kind of pet, then she was dumber than she looked. Truthfully, he had never tried hay burgers.

Scootaloo sighed, “Okay... I guess hay burgers it is.”

The pair continued walking, the changeling following a few paces behind. They arrived at the bustling restaurant, a revolting brightly decorated locale that the ponies seemed to enjoy.

Scootaloo went to place the order. No sooner had she completed paying than a white unicorn came up from behind and grabbed her in a hug. Ash Eater was certain he saw Scootaloo tense for a moment as though she were ready to defend herself.

“Welcome back!” Sweetie Belle sang.

“Hey!” Scootaloo returned the embrace, all sign of combative stance melting away.

“I’ve got a table if you want to join us.”

“Yeah, I’d like that.”

With a slight shiver, Sweetie Belle noticed Ash Eater.

“So, um, is this...” the unicorn hesitated.

“Sweetie Belle, this is Ash Eater. He’s going to be hanging around with me for a while.”

The unicorn swallowed and made a nervous smile, “It’s nice to finally meet you.”

“I doubt that,” he snorted back at her.

Just then, the restaurant manager approached, a yellow stallion with a brown mane and eyes. He directed his low comments at Scootaloo.

“Excuse me, we are working on your order, but I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t mind waiting outside.”

The pegasus looked confused, but Ash Eater had noticed the brief but fearful look he’d received. He bristled against it, standing as tall and imposing as he was able.

The manager continued, “You see, you are upsetting the other guests.”

Scootaloo’s brow furrowed as the stallion gave another glance at Ash Eater. The mare looked back at her captive briefly, the light of understanding finally filling her dull expression. She scanned the restaurant with her eyes, seeming uncomfortable.

“I’ll catch up with you later, Sweetie Belle.” She turned to Ash Eater, “Come on.”

“Okay, bye,” the unicorn replied uncertainly.

The changeling held his head high as the pair exited, though anger boiled within. He let out a snort as he passed the manager, and he was certain the stallion cowered a little.

The stench of the cooking exhaust filled the warm air outside. The few ponies that were ambling by picked up their pace or changed course altogether once they saw Ash Eater. One or two even shielded their little fillies and colts as if they were in danger of being eaten alive.

He ground his teeth at them. It was infuriating and humiliating to be like an animal on a leash for them to gawk at. He’d have rather simply slaughtered them all and may have attempted just that, but for the command from his Queen.

“Well, that was... unexpected,” Scootaloo said.

“Was it,” the changeling seethed.

The manager appeared again before Scootaloo could answer the terse reply, this time bearing brown paper sacks of food.

“Here you are,” he said uncertainly. “I apologize for the inconvenience.”

Scootaloo replied, “It’s... it’s fine.”

Ash Eater took the offered bag of provender and locked eyes with the manager as he dropped it on the ground, crushing the sack and its contents under his hoof. The manager swallowed fearfully and quickly made his way back inside as the meal was ground to ruin.

“What in Equestria are you doing?” Scootaloo asked in a mild panic.

“He insulted us. You may be too stupid to realize it, but I will not dignify it by letting that garbage contaminate me.”

“That ‘garbage’ was food, which right now we can’t afford to be wasting for any reason!” she shouted back. “And beside that, I already paid for it!”

Ash Eater snorted, “You can bill me.”

“There’s more than one way to settle that score!” her words came fast and hot as Scootaloo dropped into a combative posture, her own bag of food falling to the ground unopened.

Ash Eater laughed at the orange pegasus. Her brow furrowed in anger.

“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” he sneered.

“I think we’d both feel better if we cleared the air.”

“Then it’s too bad for you that I am bound by my Queen to make no violence.”

“Sparring then.”

“What’s that?”

“A practice fight.”

He rolled his eyes, “Practice?”

“Yes,” her tone was measured, but still agitated. “Try not to cause permanent damage or break anything, and it ends when one of us says ‘yield’ or taps out. Other than that, anything goes.”

He narrowed his eyes at the mare.

“I am challenging you,” she seethed. “Come at me! Unless you’re afraid.”

The changeling, hungry for the taste of battle, vaulted forward, closing the short distance. He was met by a jab that caught him in the nose. He danced to his right, seeing stars in his vision for a moment.

He lashed out, and the pair traded a few blows. Ash Eater stumbled over his own hooves, a combination of being imprisoned for many months, unable to keep his skills sharp, and his missing right hind leg.

Scootaloo pressed forward, and Ash Eater dropped backward further to find a stable stance. He saw in her eyes that she had overextended herself, and he brought an uppercut that might have knocked her out had he landed it.

Scootaloo awkwardly pulled back, losing her balance and stumbling away. Ash Eater sprang upon her like a predator, his front hooves rained down like hammers on an anvil.

Fiery shouting erupted behind the changeling. He stepped back from his prey and turned just in time to see two city guards bearing down on him. Though they had drawn neither spear nor crossbow, the iron hooves with which they were shod and the ramming prow on their helmets would make for an unpleasant greeting should they be used.

Ash Eater stepped backward, quickly running out of space as he drew near the hay burger building. It was only then he noticed the onlookers that could be seen in every window and around every corner. The metallic taste of his own blood prompted him to spit; apparently the pegasus had landed a harder initial blow than he’d thought.

Scootaloo leapt up, directing her attention to the new arrivals, “I‘m his escort! Stand down!”

That was all she had time to say as they charged in. Ash Eater was easily able to read the look in their eyes. He’d seen it at least a hundred times during the war. They were about to strike, and he couldn’t talk his way out of it. Fighting was out of the question per his queen’s command, and running seemed ill advised. Taking what seemed the only viable option, Ash Eater determined he would not resist, though he would try to minimize the damage he sustained.

They were on him in a flash, pounding against his side and flank with their steel shoes. The changeling was knocked off balance and fell, using his front hooves to guard his head and curling up as much as he was able to protect his belly. Sharp pain rippled though his body with each impact.

“I said, stand down!” Scootaloo roared as she slammed into one of the guards, knocking him off balance.

The second guard, standing on Ash Eater’s front shoulders attempted reason, “Ma’am, please stand back.”

Scootaloo rounded on him, stepping forward quite aggressively, “Let him go! He hasn’t done anything wrong.”

The first guard grabbed her from behind. Scootaloo spun out of his grasp, tripping the armored stallion who was off balance. She then launched herself into the other one, pushing him backward.

She stood over Ash Eater, but didn’t get any more words out as the guards began shouting and struggling with her. The changeling thought she did quite well considering the circumstances, at least until four more guards showed up.

After that it was mere moments before they had her subdued, face in the dirt, “If that's how you want it, fine by us! You can both be arrested!”

“You’re not listening!” Scootaloo protested.

“Save it!” one of them shouted.

Ash Eater hadn’t moved, though his side still stung from where they’d hit him before. Fortunately for him, Scootaloo had caused enough of a ruckus that four of them picked her up, and two of the newcomers were far more measured in dealing with the prone changeling.

They tied restrains to each of his front legs and escorted him, one on either side. They followed the other guards and Scootaloo, their party making their way to the Ponyville jail.

Scootaloo glanced back at Ash Eater, her face covered in dark soil. If he weren't mistaken, she almost seemed concerned. It was a laughable thought, and the changeling dismissed it almost as quickly as the guards made her face forward with a stern warning to keep pace.

The sheriff, an older pony with a formidable mustache pushed his hat back as the door creaked open. His eyes went wide when he saw the newcomers.

“Sweet Celestia!"

“We caught these two making a disturbance," The guard in front announced.

From his desk drawer, the sheriff produced a set of keys and escorted the group up the stairs and through a solid steel door. The upper floor would have been open, but was divided by iron bars into a few cells.

Scootaloo and Ash Eater were interred in separate enclosures. Nearer the entrance was a small, rather spartan lounge area where two of the guards stationed themselves while the rest of them filed back down the stairs.

The sheriff looked to Scootaloo and spoke, "I reckon ya got a good reason fur this?"

The filthy pegasus hung her head low and muttered, "Please get me Princess Twilight."

The sheriff nodded under his hat and walked out, locking the pair in with the two remaining guards.

Ash Eater snorted. It had been not even two days, and he was again a 'guest' in a guarded facility. He should have expected as much. As for Scootaloo, he could only assume that she was calling for the princess to personally grovel for her failure and announce formally that changelings could not be integrated into pony society. He was not surprised; he'd known all along that ponies couldn't be trusted.