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The Two Sisters

As the Apple Blooms

Part 88; The Two Sisters

Staring out the hallway window into the night sky, Apple Bloom took a deep breath as she whispered to herself, “Can’t believe it’s mah last night here.” Indeed, it was her last night (albeit her only night) staying in the Pie family’s home, and more importantly, the last night she’d spend in Canterlot City for the foreseeable future. After tonight, she didn’t know the next time she’d be back.

Letting out a wistful sigh, the now burgundy haired girl continued her conversation with herself, “Never thought things would end up like this. Heh, Ah thought Ah’d be helpin’ on the farm mah whole life.” She then paused for a moment before quickly adding, “Ok, maybe not mah whole life. But still, Ah never thought Ah’d be leavin’.”

Of course, Apple Bloom never thought her sister would even consider hitting her in the face.

From behind her, the former farm girl heard the familiar sound of Double Shuffle’s voice whisper, “Apple Bloom?” Turning around, Apple Bloom found her little sister tiptoeing up to her, the younger blue girl dressed in a pair of red pajamas. Once she was next to her big sister, Double Shuffle asked, “Aren’t you sleepy?”

Apple Bloom nodded as she replied, “Ah am. Guess Ah just needed a minute.” She then scratched the back of her head as she continued, “That and Ah guess Ah’ve had a lot on my mind.” Double Shuffle immediately knew that her big sister was thinking about everything she’d been through and, as such, asked, “Anything you wanna talk about?”

Letting out a gentle chuckle, Apple Bloom answered, “Ah thought it was mah job to make sure you’re feelin’ alright.” Shrugging, Double Shuffle replied, “Well, maybe I’m not any little sister.” She then impulsively wrapped her arms around her big sister in a tight hug, one which Apple Bloom happily returned as she warmly said, “Thanks.”

As they finished their hug, Double Shuffle asked, “So, I had a question. Would it be alright if….” Struggling to find quite the right word, she asked, “Can I sleep with you tonight? I mean, not like anything gross but….” Feeling her eyes sting a bit, she elaborated, “I guess I just want to make sure you’ll be there when I wake up.”

Smiling, Apple Bloom rested a hand on her sister’s shoulder as she reassured her, “Of course. Besides, Ah think uncle Ironhide would be more worried about me and Tender sleepin’ in the same bed.” When the younger girl gave her a confused look, the former farm girl reassured her, “Don’t worry. You’ll learn when you’re older.” Needless to say, Double Shuffle pouted as she whined, “That’s what everyone says.”

Apple Bloom playfully rolled her eyes as she said, “Alright, come on. It’s gettin’ late.” The two girls then made their way to the guest room where they and all their friends were staying.

Opening the door, Apple Bloom and Double Shuffle tiptoed towards one of the beds at the end of the room. Across from their destination slept Tender Taps, the orange boy being in a deep sleep. In the corner, Rattrap had buried himself under a mountain of spare sheets and blankets as he snored away. And nestled against the wall surrounded by books of dinosaurs sat Marble and Sideswipe, both girls resting their heads against each other as they slept, their hands locked together. All in all, it was a sight of perfect bliss that would have melted even the coldest hearts.

Once they’d made their way to the empty bed, Apple Bloom climbed inside, followed closely by Double Shuffle. Once both girls were under the covers, the blue girl let out a yawn as she bade, “Goodnight Apple Bloom. I love you.” Feeling her heart melt, Apple Bloom nestled herself next to her sister as she replied, “Ah love you too. Sweet dreams Double Shuffle.” With that, both girls drifted off to sleep, unaware of what was in store for the burgundy haired girl.

Sweet Apple Acres…

Staring at her reflection in the mirror, Applejack found that, for perhaps the first time in her life, she felt completely alone. Sighing to herself as she rubbed her eyes, the middle Apple sibling began to rant to herself, “What in the hell have you done Applejack? You just couldn’t keep a lid on your temper, and you just had to….” Barely able to keep herself from giving in to her self-loathing, she continued, “Let’s see, you punched Apple Bloom, you let Granny Smith and Big Mac down, you alienated your friends….”

Slamming her fist onto her desk, Applejack furiously finished, “For fuck’s sake, you actually made Pinkie Pie scream at you!”

Sighing to herself, the blonde farm girl trudged over to her bed as she groaned, “And now you can’t even go near Apple Bloom at all. Some sister you turned out to be.” Perhaps that was what stung the most to Applejack; the fact that she couldn’t even apologize to Apple Bloom.

Then again, could any sort of apology ever make up for what she’d done?

Trudging towards her bed, Applejack rubbed her eyes as she groaned to herself, “Might as well get some sleep. After everythin’ that’s happened, it’s about the only thing you can do.” As she laid down and pulled the covers over her, the blonde farm girl continued to herself, “Besides, you might as well come clean to Rarity and Fluttershy tomorrow. The least you can do is not do it while tired.”

As Applejack placed her beloved cowboy’s hat on her bed post, she thought to herself, ‘Maybe they’ll react better than Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie did.” And so, the middle Apple sibling drifted off to sleep, hopeful that she would be in for an uneventful slumber.

Somewhere in Time and Space…

Applejack found herself pushed off of her bed as an unfamiliar voice, this one a low and gruff man’s voice, barked, “Get up you lazy Gaul!” The orange teen shot up from the cold, stone ground as she demanded, “What was that for you great big oaf?!” As she struggled to chase the sleep out of her eyes, Applejack realized that she was no longer in her bedroom.

Instead, Applejack was a poorly lit jail cell. As she took this in, she felt a large hand grab her by the shoulder as the voice from earlier growled, “Get moving! We don’t want to disappoint everyone, don’t we?” Turning around to see who it was, the orange farm girl was horrified to see just who she was trapped with.

There, standing in front of her, was what could only be described as a demonic warrior of centuries past. He wore gray and purple armor, with the only exception being the unholy red glow that emanated from his helmet’s T-shaped visor. And resting on his hip sat a sheaved short sword, one not long enough for slashing but perfect for stabbing. All in all, this mysterious knight reminded Applejack of the villainous goons from old Saturday morning cartoons.

Growling, the armored man made his way to the cell door as he cruelly remarked, “I can’t wait to watch him tear you to pieces. I’ve bet fifty sesterces that you won’t last five minutes.” Confused and a bit scared, Applejack demanded, “What are you talking about? Where am Ah?”

The armored man gave his answer as he replied, “You’re in the Kaon gladiatorial arena, and you’re about to go face to face with the finest warrior this side of the empire!” He then grabbed Applejack’s arm and pulled her towards him as he opened the cell door, all while the blonde farm girl gulped in fear.

After a few minutes, the intimidating knight brought Applejack to a gated door and threw her to the ground as he “advised” her with, “Do yourself a favor and give them a good death!” He then backed up and pulled a leaver on the wall, opening the gate in front of her but lowering a new one in between them. As panic began to overcome her, Applejack began to bang on the now closed gate as she begged, “Wait! Let me back in! Please!”

Realizing that she wasn’t going to get out the way she came in, Applejack took a deep breath and turned around to see just where she was. Just as the armored man said, she was now in a sunken pit deep in a circular amphitheater filled with spiked columns and other sharp obstacles. Above her sat rows and rows of applauding spectators, all of whom cheered wildly. However, what really caught Applejack’s attention were the other inhabitants of this gladiator’s arena.

Or more specifically, one particular gladiator.

Indeed, all of the other gladiators charged at one man, a warrior clad in a black cloak and wielding a spiked mace. As one of the warriors closed the distance, the cloaked man raised his weapon and slammed it into his skull, producing a sickening crack. As Applejack recoiled in disgust, the obscured warrior lifted his weapon and effortlessly swung his mace, felling another of his assailants.

As the crowd let out an unenthusiastic cheer, the cloaked man dropped his mace and dramatically raised his hands as he asked, “What more do you require? Are you not entertained?!” His raspy and scratchy voice sent a shiver down Applejack’s spine, freezing her in fear.

It was at this moment that Applejack thought to himself, ‘Hold on a minute. Is it me or does this guy’s voice sound familiar?’ She wouldn’t have time to ponder this possibility any further, as the cloaked man turned to face her and remarked, “Ah, but it seems we are not here to entertain today, but to break apart.” Applejack froze with fear as she realized just who he was referring to.

Confidently strutting up to her, the cloaked man gloated, “Ah, I would have waited an eternity for this day. To meet a soul so much like my own.” Once he was looming over her, Applejack gulped as she nervously asked, “Uh, would you mind elaboratin’ on what you mean by that?”

She received her answer when the cloaked man grabbed Applejack by her throat and slammed her into the ground as he cruelly mocked, “I mean exactly what I said. Someone who reminds me of myself, albeit if I were a thousand years younger.” He then knelt down, resting his foot on the blonde farm girl’s chest as he continued, “A shame I’ll have to kill you.”

Upon hearing this, Applejack gave in to her growing adrenaline and, with a great yell, forced the cloaked man off of her before running towards the center of the amphitheater. As she ran, the middle Apple sibling desperately scanned the ground for any sort of weapon she could use to defend herself. ‘Come on, there’s gotta be something.’ She thought to herself. Eventually, Applejack found a large, curved rectangular shield, leading the farm girl to happily exclaim, “This ought to help.”

She would be sorely proven wrong when the cloaked warrior swung his mace at her, knocking the shield out of her hands.

Now defenseless once again, Applejack grew deathly pale in fear as the obscured gladiator mocked her with, “Please, try to actually put up a fight.” The blonde farm girl staggered back to her feet as the warrior stepped backwards and gloated, “Alright. Maybe now we’ll see how you do against someone who isn’t weaker than you, won’t we farm girl?”

That remark struck Applejack as if it were an arrow aimed right at her heart. ‘Why that good for nothin’….’ She thought to herself as she wound her fist back and slammed it right at the cloaked warrior. Of course, the warrior intercepted it, catching her fist in his hand as he mocked, “Such heroic nonsense.” He then forced her fist straight into Applejack’s face, producing a loud “smack” as the orange farm girl was forced back to the ground, all while the warrior continued, “Or rather, such selfish nonsense.”

Lying on her back, Applejack glared up at the warrior as she angrily demanded, “Who are you?! If you’re gonna beat the hell out of me, you might as well tell me who you are?!” As she struggled back to her feet, she continued, “Seems like you already know who Ah am, so why don’t you tell me your name before beatin’ the piss out of me?”

The cloaked warrior let out a sinister chuckle and gave a small bow as he replied, “As you wish.” He then grabbed his cloak and threw it off, much to the excitement of the audience. But for Applejack, rather than amazement or even satisfaction, she found herself consumed by a terrifying sense of déjà vu.

For standing in front of her, with pale white skin, piercing red eyes, jagged and pointed teeth, and wearing a purple cloak under steel gray plated armor, stood a man Applejack knew all too well. And as his eyes locked on to her, the intimidating warrior demanded, “Say my name!”

Gulping in fear, Applejack nervously replied, “You! You’re that emperor guy! You’re Megatron!”

Letting out a terrifying chuckle, Megatron extended his arms and gave a dramatic bow as he replied, “Guilty as charged. And I am honored to finally meet the one and only Applejack. After all, we have so much in common.”

Feeling herself grow somewhat angry, Applejack tried to defend herself as she replied, “Us? Why would you say Ah have anythin’ in common with you? You murdered your father and tried to kill your brother!” It was only after saying this last part that the blonde farm girl realized that perhaps she did have something in common with the rogue emperor.

Megatron didn’t give his new “friend” any more time to ponder what he’d just said as he interrupted with a mocking, “And you think you’re so innocent? You’re lucky you only destroyed one of your sister’s teeth!” He then grabbed Applejack by the cheeks as he continued, “I think you and I are kindred spirits.”

Applejack tried to free herself from Megatron as she begged, “Ah know Ah messed up, alright?! Ah know Ah let Apple Bloom down and Ah….” However, Megatron tightened his grip as he interrupted, “But I see it in your eyes. You were so consumed by your pride and desire… No, a need to be the victim that you couldn’t accept that it wasn’t her. At least, everything after her little secret thing.”

As Applejack’s eyes shrank in shock and fear, Megatron released her as he extended his hand and placed his thumb against his middle finger before informing her, “Let’s spell it out, shall we?” He then snapped his fingers, signaling for the crowd to silence themselves.

In the place of the audience’s cries, Applejack heard the ethereal echoes of her own voice call out, “Why Apple Bloom? Why do things have to be goin’ your way?” After a few moments, the ghostly echoes continued, “That ain’t fair!” and “This is all your fault Apple Bloom.”

Glaring at her opponent, Applejack angrily replied, “Make it stop right now!” Rather than comply with the farm girl’s request, Megatron cackled, “I can’t. You can’t take back words you’ve said, just as you can’t take back the things you’ve done.” Indeed, the echoes of Applejack’s words grew louder and louder, with one particular sentence drowning all of the others out. A sentence that consisted of three very simple words.


Applejack felt her heart sink as she remembered when she said those words. Turning to face Megatron, she pleaded, “Ah was just angry and needed to vent!” The pale emperor bellowed, “After all those months? You said you hated her because you do.” Starting to feel herself sweat, the blonde farm girl shouted, “Ah don’t hate mah sister!”

This statement seemed to have irked Megatron far more than anything else she’d said. Stomping up to Applejack, the armored man lunged his hand forward and wrapped his fingers around her throat and squeezed tightly as he said something Applejack would never forget.

“Child, you are a terrible liar.”

At that moment, Applejack found herself completely consumed by an anger she didn’t know she was even capable of. Slamming her fist into Megatron’s elbow, the orange farm girl was freed from the emperor’s grasp as she regained her breath, stating, “Ah’m not a liar. Ah don’t hate Apple Bloom.”

Megatron seemed to find this answer hilarious, as he belted out a terrifying cackle as he replied, “Please, don’t insult my intelligence. You’d kill her if you had the chance.” He then allowed a nightmarish grin to form on his face as he continued, “Or rather, if you had another chance. A shame that little plebian Ironhide would stop you.”

It was at this moment that Applejack finally gave in to her anger. Growling in fury, the middle Apple sibling bellowed, “Ah’d kill him first!” She then slammed her fist into Megatron’s face, producing a shattering sound as she sent him crashing to the ground. As the fallen emperor collided with the dirt ground, Applejack bent down and continued to punch the disgraced man.

She was so focused on her fury that she didn’t notice her hands were starting to bleed.

After a few minutes of repeatedly slamming her hands into the fallen emperor, Applejack found herself growing exhausted as she coldly stated, “Looks like Ah’m still standin’. Unlike you.” However, Megatron simply let out an unsettling chuckle he replied, “I doubt that.”

As Applejack pondered the meaning of this, she finally realized that her hands were not only sore, but that something was dripping down them. Looking down on them, she was horrified to find that her hands were covered in gashes and drenched in blood. All the farm girl could do was let out an anguished scream.

Rising back to his feet, Megatron gloated, “Face it little girl. You lost, and when you try to fight it, you lose even more.” He then backed away, holding his arms out as he finished, “And now, I think it’d be more fun to let you live.” Applejack finally snapped out of her trance as she turned to face Megatron as she bellowed, “Why Ah oughta….”

The teenaged girl was interrupted when the ghostly echo of Sunset Shimmer’s voice called out, “Applejack!” as Applejack found herself stunned speechless by this, another voice, this one Rainbow Dash’s, angrily demanded, “Applejack!” soon, countless other voices began to repeat Applejack’s name, leading her to collapse to her knees as she begged, “Stop it! Stop it please!”

But the voices continued, calling out Applejack’s name as a bright light began to consume everything around her. As the light finally consumed her, the orange farm girl noticed that one voice was standing out from the others.

And so, as she was finally consumed by the light, Applejack gently called out, “Big Mac?”

Applejack’s Room…

As Applejack sat up with a speed that would have given Rainbow Dash a run for her money, she was greeted by someone resting their hands on her chest and back as the southing sound of Big Macintosh’s voice reassured her, “Calm down! Everythin’s alright.” Catching her breath, the blonde farm girl realized that her big brother was kneeling down next to her, trying to calm her down from what could only be generously described as a nightmare.

It was only at this moment that Applejack realized that she was no longer on her bed. Instead, she was now seated right on her bedroom floor, and as she glanced over to her bed, the orange farm girl found she’d apparently tossed all her sheets and blankets off.

In her mind, the middle Apple sibling struggled to keep herself calm as she reassured herself, ‘Come on Applejack, you gotta keep it together. Just dust yourself off and….’ She was interrupted, however, by the throbbing pain that was radiating from her hands. Looking down, she figured that her hands were probably just hurting from punching the wall or something.

Instead, to Applejack’s horror, she found that her hands were covered in blood. ‘What? This can’t be happenin’!’ The blonde farm girl thought to herself. However, not only was it clear that her hands were drenched in precious bodily fluids, but the reason why was due to the many shards of glass that protruded out like mountains rising over the horizon.

It was at this moment that the orange farm girl remembered her nightmare, specifically how her hands were injured when she let out her anger on Megatron. ‘Oh.’ Applejack thought to herself as she remembered how the disgraced emperor had been wearing plated armor. ‘Guess everythin’ was more real than Ah thought.’

Allowing her eyes to follow the trail of blood, Applejack found it led to her bedroom mirror, now lying on the ground and shattered into countless pieces. Shaking her head, the middle Apple sibling closed her eyes as she thought to herself, ‘At least it was all a dream.’

And then, when her eyes opened again, Applejack found not her reflection in the broken mirror, but that of Megatron’s as he gloated, “You’ll never escape what you’ve done. After all, I know what I’m talking about.”

Applejack let out a terrified scream as she forced herself against the wall. As she caught her breath, the faint echo of voices rang out around her, calling her out with, “It’s all your fault. It’s all your fault.” All the blonde farm girl could do was desperately hold her hands against her ears as she begged, “Shut up! SHUT UP!”

Bending down to rest his hands on his sister’s shoulders, Big Mac asked, “What’s wrong?”

Those two words, those two simple words, struck Applejack right in her heart. The moment she heard her brother ask that question, everything that had happened the last few days came right back to her. The fight with her sister, the argument with her friends, the restraining order, the realization that….

“It’s all mah fault.” Applejack quietly muttered. As Big Mac gave his sister a confused and worried look, she continued, “It’s all mah fault. Apple Bloom, Sunset, everythin’! None of this would have happened if Ah didn’t… if Ah just….” Looking down at her hands and then at the shattered mirror, she felt the tears form in her eyes as she shouted, “Don’t you get it! Ah’m the reason that all of this is happenin’! IT’S ALL MAH FAULT!” With that, Applejack devolved into an incoherent mess of crying and even laughter.

All Big Macintosh could do was gently caress his sister in a futile attempt to comfort her as he thought, ‘She needs help, help that we can’t give her.’

Elsewhere in Time and Space…

Apple Bloom couldn’t believe her eyes. The former farm girl found herself in a great library, specifically in an endless sea of bookshelves. As she walked past these shelves, she remarked to herself, “Ah must be dreamin’, because Ah’ve never seen a library like this.”

It was at this moment that Apple Bloom realized two other details. One was the fact that she was wearing her normal outfit, albeit with her new leather jacket over her overalls. The other detail was that she had a khaki messenger bag slung over her shoulder. Realizing she’d never seen this bag before, the burgundy haired girl shrugged to herself as she accepted, “Ah guess Ah really am dreamin’.”

Still, she wasn’t going to figure out why she was in this great library by just standing around. Straightening her jacket, Apple Bloom confidently stated, “Alright. Let’s find out where Ah am.” She then resumed her trek through the endless sea of knowledge.

After a few minutes, Apple Bloom made her way to an opening. There, she found that she was merely on the first floor of this great library, for above her rose five other floors, all of which were filled with bookshelves (at least from what Apple Bloom could tell). And above it all was a glass dome, letting in the sunlight. Feeling her jaw drop, the former farm girl could only let out an astonished, “Whoa.”

From behind her, Apple Bloom heard a man’s voice call out, “Yes, this place is truly something special.” Turning around, the burgundy haired girl found herself staring at a gray skinned man with blue hair dressed in a red cloak. As he walked up to her, the mysterious man gave a gentle bow as he introduced himself.

“Greetings Apple Bloom, and welcome to my great library. My name is Orion Pax.”

Though this man’s greetings seemed genuine, Apple Bloom found herself put off a bit as she asked, “Uh, howdy Mr. Orion. But if you don’t mind me askin’, how do you know mah name?” Of course, she figured that, since this was a dream, anything was possible.

Eventually, Orion reassured her, “I know this because I’ve been watching you.” When the former farm girl gave him a confused look, the blue haired man continued, “If you would follow me, I can explain everything.” Hesitating for a moment, Apple Bloom shrugged, straightened her leather jacket, and replied, “Alright then. Lead the way.”

As the two walked through the many aisles of books and scrolls, Orion Pax explained, “You see Apple Bloom, this library houses the sum of all knowledge, and thus exists outside of time and space.” Confused, the former farm girl asked, “Does that mean Ah’m dead?” The older man reassured her, “Of course not. All I am saying is that I have been able to observe you, as well as an old friend of mine.” Apple Bloom inquired, “An old friend? Who are you talkin’ about?” Giving the young girl a mischievous smile, Orion suggested, “Why don’t you take a look in that bag of yours?”

Reaching into her messenger bag, Apple Bloom was surprised to see that, resting inside it, sat a green soldier’s helmet. Confused, the young girl thought to herself, ‘This is odd. This thing looks a little too modern for a place like this.’ Then again, she was in a massive library with a man who gave her an odd sense of déjà vu, so anything was possible at this point.

Reaching for the helmet, Orion commented, “Ah, a reminder of one of my past lives.” As he took the helmet from Apple Bloom’s hands, he continued, “I remember fighting along your uncle’s side. Ironhide was a great man.”

Apple Bloom lit up as she asked, “Wait! You know uncle Ironhide? You were….” She was interrupted by Orion gently answering, “As I said, I’ve lived many lives, one of which was as Optimus Prime.” He then reached into his robes and pulled out an old photograph, handing it to Apple Bloom as he finished, “Of course, I remember everyman who served alongside me. Huffer, Wheeljack, Crosshairs, Hound, Ratchet, Springer, Trailbreaker, Firefly, and even Roadblock.”

Sure enough, the picture in the former farm girl’s hands showed all of the Wreckers, including both a young Ironhide and a man who seemed to look almost identical to Orion Pax. Taking this in, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but remark, “Ah can certainly see the resemblance.”

As she handed the photograph back to Orion, the blue haired man solemnly admitted, “However, this isn’t the reason I wanted to speak with you.” Confused, Apple Bloom asked, “What do you mean?” Sighing, Orion explained, “You see, I believe you and I have walked down the same path.” He then began to walk down one of the aisles of bookshelves as he requested, “Follow me.”

Walking along side the red clad man, Apple Bloom asked, “What do you mean by “walkin’ down the same path?”” After a few moments, both Orion and Apple Bloom came to a wall mosaic depicting the former man, clad in a red tunic under chain mail armor, fighting a pale man in purple and plate armor wielding a clubbed spike. The mere sight of this opponent made the burgundy haired girl feel uncomfortable as she thought to herself, ‘Ah wouldn’t wanna run into that guy in a dark alley.’

Letting out a deep sigh full of regret, Orion stated, “Apple Bloom, this is my brother Megatron.” Turning to face the older man, Apple Bloom asked, “Your brother? Then why are you two fightin’ each other?” The blue haired man solemnly explained, “Long story short, our father divided our great empire to be shared between the two of us, but Megatron wanted to rule it all. In a fit of rage, he murdered our father, and I knew he wouldn’t stop there. For the good of the empire and for all of her citizens….” Lowering his head in shame, he admitted, “Megatron had to be stopped, no matter the cost.”

As she gazed at the mosaic of the two brothers fighting, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but admit, “Ah know the feelin’. At least, the basic feelin’. Mah sister and Ah got in an argument and…” Pausing for a moment as she began to shiver, she continued, “Well, at least Ah only lost a tooth.” Turning to face Orion, she added, “Ah don’t mean to compare what happened between Applejack and Ah to you and your brother but….”

Thankfully, Orion Pax reassured her, “It’s alright Apple Bloom.” He then added, “However, I know there’s one thing that does seem to be eating away at you.” Nodding, Apple Bloom replied, “Well, if you don’t mind me askin’, did you hate your brother? Ah mean, after what he’d done?”

Sighing, Orion admitted, “That’s the funny thing, isn’t it. Despite everything Megatron did, and despite knowing that one day only one of us could win, I never hated him. I was furious with him, I pitied him, and I even had to disown him as my brother, but I could never hate him.” He then inquired, “I take it you feel a similar way?”

Nodding as her eyes began to sting, Apple Bloom lamented, “And that’s what Ah guess has been kinda buggin’ me. Ah mean, Ah’m angry with her, like….” As her anger and frustration began to well up inside her, the young girl admitted, “Ah just can’t hate her! She’s mah sister, or at least she was. Ah don’t know if Ah should or….” Stopping herself Apple Bloom admitted, “Ah don’t know what Ah should do.” Kneeling down next to her and resting a hand on her shoulder, Orion Pax asked, “What do you want to do Apple Bloom?”

Taking a deep breath, Apple Bloom allowed a tear to escape her right eye as she admitted, “Ah don’t hate Applejack, but Ah don’t ever wanna see her again.”

The moment she said those words, the light from the domed window began to seep through the library, consuming everything in its path. Confused and concerned, Apple Bloom asked, “What’s going on?” Walking towards the light, Orion Pax simply replied, “You have made peace with your predicament, and so the time has come for you to leave this place. As the light overtook him, Orion bade farewell with a gentle, “We shall meet again Apple Bloom. ‘Till all are one.”

And so, as the light made its way up to her and consumed her as well, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but find that, for the first time since her argument with her sister, she was truly at peace.

The Next Morning…

As Apple Bloom rose from her slumber, she was pleasantly greeted by the sound of Double Shuffle happily greeting her with a warm, “Good morning Apple Bloom! Hope you slept well!” Hugging her little sister back, the former farm girl playfully replied, “You better believe it! Come here you!” Sure enough, both girls were hugging each other tightly while laughing and giggling.

The playful moment was interrupted by the sound of the bedroom door opening. Turning to see who it was, Apple Bloom and Double Shuffle found Ironhide leaning in the doorway as he playfully quipped, “Good to see someone’s up.” Standing up from the bed, the burgundy haired girl apologized, “Sorry about sleepin’ in. Ah guess Ah needed it after everythin’ that’s happened.”

Thankfully for her, Ironhide let out a gentle chuckle as he reassured her, “No worries kid. Besides, the others only got up about ten minutes ago.” Double Shuffle then added, “Yeah, now come on! Mom and dad are helping Pinkie with breakfast.” Apple Bloom nodded as she replied, “Sure, just let me have a word with uncle Ironhide, alright?” The younger girl gave her sister a final quick hug as she replied, “Ok.”

Once Double Shuffle had departed, Ironhide asked, “Everything alright kid?” Apple Bloom walked up to her uncle as she explained, “Ah had the weirdest dream. Ah met your old captain buddy!” Ironhide’s eyes lit up as he asked, “You met Optimus?” Nodding, the former farm girl replied, “Yeah, except he called himself Orion Pax! Ah think he said that Optimus was one of his reincarnations or somethin’, but he said he spoke highly of you.”

To Ironhide’s surprise, Apple Bloom then wrapped her uncle in a tight hug as she continued, “And on top of that, Ah think Ah figured out how Ah feel about Applejack.” Hugging his daughter back, Ironhide inquired, “Really? How so?” The burgundy haired farm girl loosened her grip on her uncle as she explained, “Ah don’t hate her, but if Ah may confess, Ah don’t ever wanna see her again. Ah know it might sound kinda rude but….”

Ironhide reassured his daughter, “It’s alright kid. And don’t worry, I’m not letting Applejack anywhere near you. If she tries, she’ll be in for a world of pain.” Needless to say, Apple Bloom tightened her hug as she let out a simple, “Ah love you Uncle Ironhide.” Ironhide simply hugged his daughter back as he replied, “I love you too Apple Bloom.”

After a few minutes, Apple Bloom released Ironhide as she nervously asked, “You mind if Ah change?” Ironhide nodded as he replied, “Of course kid.” With that, the family patriarch left to allow his daughter to change into her outfit for the day.

Once he was alone, Ironhide made his way to the guest room he, Chromia, Ratchet, and Wheeljack had been staying. Walking up to the window, Ironhide opened it and, sticking his head out and looking up to the sky, gave a gentle, “Thank you sir.” He then retracted his head and returned to his family.

And if Ironhide were omniscient, he would have noticed that far above him, in the space between spaces, his old captain Optimus Prime, gave a confirming nod as he replied, “You’re a good man Ironhide.”

Author's Note:

Next Time; Apple Bloom, Ironhide, and everyone else return home, and Apple Bloom finds herself becoming a true Wrecker in the penultimate chapter.

Fun Fact; originally Applejack was supposed to be comforted by Rarity once she woke up, but I quickly realized she’d have no reason to be at the farm so late at night.

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