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Me Name's Queue

As the Apple Blooms

Part 58; Me Name’s Queue

As Apple Bloom entered the kitchen, she was pleasantly greeted by the familiar sight of Ironhide, Chromia, and Wheeljack starting to prepare breakfast. The former farm girl trotted up to her uncle and asked, “Mornin’ Uncle Ironhide. Need me to help with anythin’?” Turning to face his niece, Ironhide answered, “Would you mind setting some toast in the toaster?” Apple Bloom gave a playful salute as she answered, “You got it.”

Once the toast was set in the toaster, Apple Bloom began to set the table for everyone. As she worked, the young girl found her mind drifting off to the day before, where she’d accompanied her “new” sister Sideswipe as she bought a new set of tap shoes. However, what really sat in her mind was how her boyfriend Tender Taps came out to her as bisexual. Though he was scared about doing so, Apple Bloom reassured him she loved him no matter what. Needless to say, the two teens found that their bond had grown stronger than ever.

Before she could continue on her train of thought, Apple Bloom was distracted by the sound of Sideswipe’s voice calling out, “Good morning my homies!” Sure enough, she found her sister entering the kitchen as she performed a simple pirouette. The former farm girl let out a gentle chuckle as she quipped, “Good mornin’ to you two Sideswipe.”

As Sideswipe meekly backed down, Chromia remarked, “Well, sounds like someone is in a good mood. Sleep well?” The pale biker nodded as she enthusiastically replied, “You bet. Slept like a baby and now I’m ready to tear up some scrap metal!” This remark was met with Ironhide warning, “Hold your horses young lady. We don’t want you running yourself ragged.”

Apple Bloom then asked, “So Uncle Ironhide? What do you need me to do today?” The older man smiled as he answered, “Actually, I was thinking you and I try again with scrapping an old jeep.” Taking this in, the former farm girl asked, “Really? You mean it?” Nodding, Ironhide replied, “Of course, I expect you to wear your gloves, and Ratchet will be on standby if you cut yourself again.” All Apple Bloom could do was pout as she replied, “It was only one scratch.”

Before anyone could say anything else, the door opened, revealing the exhausted form of Ratchet. Groaning to himself, the older medic complained, “Ugh. I’m getting too old for this.” As he made his way to the others, Ironhide reassured him, “You know you can always take a day off.” Turning to his former sergeant, Ratchet replied, “Don’t worry about me.”

Both men were distracted by Chromia calling out, “If you two are done bickering, breakfast is getting cold.” Nodding, both men began to make their way to the table. Sideswipe leant into Apple Bloom and quipped, “Looks like today’s gonna be lots of fun.” Leaning back against her sister, the former farm girl replied, “Ain’t it always?” With that, both girls joined the rest of the family to a warm breakfast before taking on whatever the day had in store for them.

The Highway…

As their bus drove down the highway, Soarin gazed into the rear view mirror and said, “Alright now Wondercolts. Only another hour and a half until we’re in Allspark Wells.” From one of the seats behind him, Rainbow Dash groaned, “Ugh, but we’ve been on the road for like two hours already.” As the blue man let out a bemused chuckle, he replied, “Seems you just can’t sit still for five seconds, can you?”

From behind them, Spitfire called out, “Can you guys keep it down?” All of the Wondercolts turned to see their former captain and a certain Sunset Shimmer seated in the back row. Indeed, both young women were hunched over several notes and plans for their upcoming game. Making her way back towards them (much to Soarin’s chagrin), Rainbow Dash asked, “What are you two doing?”

Raising her head to face her acquaintance, Sunset explained, “We’re studying the Maximals’ win at the Energon Bowl last year.” Spitfire then added, “Yeah. We don’t wanna go against these guys blind.” Sitting down next to them, Rainbow Dash tried to reassure them, “Come on. After dealing with that helicopter robot thing, I think we can handle these guys on the soccer field.”

Playfully rolling her eyes, Sunset Shimmer replied, “Careful with the overconfidence. These guys could give you a run for your money.” She then handed the rainbow haired girl her phone, which had the image of several teenagers dressed in gold-yellow uniforms and posing for a photo with their champion’s trophy. As Rainbow Dash took in the sight of their would-be competitors, Sunset added, “And don’t forget, knowing is half the battle.”

Groaning as she handed the phone back, Rainbow Dash remarked, “Yeah well, it’s not like we’re going up against them the moment we arrive in this “Allspark Wells” place.” She then took her backpack, opened it up, and pulled out a novel titled, “Daring Do and the three Aquilas.” Noticing her friend’s book, Spitfire asked, “You’re not gonna read that kid’s book out loud again, are you?” An incensed Rainbow Dash replied, “Kid’s book? Come on! Anyone can enjoy these!”

At that moment, the rainbow haired girl gave her former captain a mischievous smirk as she began, “Besides, I prefer A.K. Yearling’s work to something like….” She then reached over to Spitfire’s bag and, before anyone could react, pulled out another novel; one depicting a yellow teenager with red hair, a black coat and hat, and a peg leg holding a saber in one hand as he stared down several sentient skeleton scoundrels.

Focusing on the book’s cover, Rainbow Dash read aloud, “Old Silver and the Skeleton Crew?” Snatching her book back, Spitfire replied, “There’s nothing wrong with the classics.” She then opened the novel to an earmarked page as she added, “Besides, it’s my favorite of the series.” Sunset Shimmer then asked, “I’ve been meaning to get into the Old Silver series. Which one should I start with?” Reaching into her backpack, Spitfire pulled out a book with the same figure on a beach as she replied, “Probably the first book, Old Silver and the island of treasure.”

Before Spitfire could hand Sunset the book, however, everyone was distracted as a loud bang rang out from in front of the bus. Turning to see what it was, Sunset and Spitfire were surprised to see that smoke was rising from the engine. As they began to process what was happening, Soarin called out, “Hold on everyone! I think there’s a rest stop ahead.” He then began to try and limp the bus to what seemed to be their only source of refuge.

The Rest Stop, Five Minutes Later…

As Soarin popped the truck’s hood, he stuck his head into the engine as Sunset Shimmer asked, “Well? What’s wrong?” Lifting his head out from the engine, the blue man took a deep breath as he answered, “I…. Have no idea.” From behind them, the two young adults heard Spitfire’s voice call out, “Don’t fret about it.” Turning to face the fiery haired woman, Sunset found her approaching as she reassured them, “I’ll call a tow truck and we’ll get this old girl to the nearest available garage. In the meantime, I think it’s a good idea we all stretch our legs.”

Taking a deep breath, Sunset informed them, “In that case, I’m gonna walk around for a bit.” Nodding, Spitfire replied, “Go on. Just don’t go too far.” The pony turned human smiled before departing, making her way towards the central building.

As she walked, Sunset began to reflect on the events that had brought her here. During the nightmare that was the Anon-A-Miss incident, she’d been cast aside by her so called “friends” and left to rot like an old apple core. Thankfully, where they had abandoned her, the Wondercolts were more than willing to accept her as one of their own, and now the former protege to Princess Celestia was the team’s official manager and strategist.

Making her way past a rather reflective window, Sunset couldn’t help but catch her reflection, particularly her “newer” outfit. Indeed, after she was accepted into the Wondercolts, the pony turned human decided to reinvent her look and now sported a turquoise shirt with simple skirt, blue jeans, and both a new leather jacket and a pair of biker boots. Both of the latter had yellow stripes running across them, a detail that, combined with the added blue to her outfit, made her feel like a part of the team. Looking down to the boots on her feet, Sunset couldn’t help but think to herself, “Heels are a bit lower than I’d have liked, but it does help with running after everyone.”

Sunset was so distracted by her train of thought that she bumped into someone. Realizing what had just happened, the red and yellow haired girl apologized, “Oh my goodness! I’m so sorry about that!” It was at this moment that she realized the man she bumped into was an old gray man with light blue hair, wore a dark blue suit, had a cane in his hand and had a pair of circular glasses on his face.

Rising back to his feet, the old man reassured Sunset, “Don’t worry about it. I was lost in thought.” He then fixed his glasses as he continued, “Oh, where are me manners? Me name’s Queue.” Extending his hand, Queue finished, “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Shaking his hand, Sunset introduced herself, “Nice to meet you. I’m Sunset Shimmer.” As they finished their handshake, Queue asked, “So if you don’t mind me askin’, where are you headed off to?” Though part of her was hesitant to reveal too much about herself to someone who was merely a stranger, Sunset couldn’t help but feel there was no danger in continuing her conversation with this harmless old man. Taking a deep breath, she explained, “Well, my friends and I were heading up to Allspark Wells for a game against the Maximals.”

Before she could continue, Queue lit up as he interrupted, “Really? Well that makes two of us! I’m headin’ up to visit me son!” He then realized that he had interrupted Sunset, the older man apologized, “Sorry for that. Got a wee bit carried away.”

Raising her hands, Sunset reassured him, “It’s alright. I’ve known people who do that as well.” As the memory of Pinkie Pie’s random outbursts flashed in front of her mind, she turned to face the rest of her team gathered around their bus as she continued, “Unfortunately, we might be a little late.”

A concerned Queue asked, “Why do you say that?” Sunset explained, “Our bus broke down, so we’re gonna need to wait for a tow truck.” Straightening himself up, the older man began, “Well now, that will simply not do. No, not at all.” He then began to walk up to her friends, much to Sunset’s surprise.

As the Wondercolts realized that they had a visitor, Queue began, “I hope I’m not disturbin’ you kids, but I just heard from your friend that your bus broke down?” A bemused Soarin replied, “Yeah?” Letting out a gentle chuckle, the older man readjusted his glasses as he began, “Well you kids are luck. I’m headin’ over meself and I think I might have enough room in me RV to get us all there.”

Fleet Foot stood up as she inquired, “How do we know that this isn’t something like inviting kids into an ice cream truck?” Letting out an amused chuckle, Queue answered, “There’s at least ten you kiddos. You’d easily overpower a little old man like me.” He then playfully inquired, “Besides, it doesn’t look like you’ve got any other form of transportation.”

As the Wondercolts began to consider the offer, Soarin asked, “You mind giving us a moment buddy?” Queue gave a respectful nod as he answered, “No problem boyo.” He then began to back up, allowing the team to discuss their situation without him hovering over them like a vulture.

Misty Fly was the first to speak up with, “This guy is kinda right. The bus isn’t going anywhere until roadside assistance comes along, and I doubt they’ll let us borrow another one.” The next to speak up was High Winds, who added, “But are we really gonna trust a total stranger? We don’t even know his name.” Soarin turned to Spitfire as he asked, “Well? What do you think?”

Taking everything in and weighing the facts, Spitfire sighed as she answered, “Since none of us really know how to fix the bus, I suppose it may not be the worst idea in the world.” Sunset then added, “And I’ve got a good feeling about this guy.”

After several more minutes of debating, Sunset and Spitfire approached Queue as the former informed him, “So Mr. Queue, we’ve decided to take you up on your offer.” Spitfire then added, “Once someone comes to get the bus of course.”

Walking up to them, Queue cheerfully revealed, “And even better, me son works with some people who might be able to help you kids. I’ll make certain to tell the tow truck people where to take it.” Relieved, Spitfire extended her hand as she said, “Thank you so much Mr… Uh…”

Taking her hand, the older man properly introduced himself, “Me name’s Queue.”

The Chop Shop Garage, a Short While Later…

“Alright now.” Ironhide began as he rested his hands on Apple Bloom’s, which were now gently holding a power saw. In front of them was a rusting fish plate that the family patriarch had decided would make a perfect test for his daughter. As the young teen began to slightly tremble, Ironhide reassured her, “Don’t worry, I’m right here.” Managing to calm herself down, Apple Bloom replied, “Thanks Uncle Ironhide.”

Taking a deep breath, the former farm girl gave a determined, “Ah’m ready.” Releasing his niece’s hands, Ironhide pulled out two protective face masks and placed one on Apple Bloom’s head to protect her face from any flying sparks. Once the mask was on her properly, the family patriarch powered on the saw as he set his hands back on hers and began to guide her down towards the rusting fish plate.

At that moment, the power saw began to power down. Confused, Apple Bloom sat the saw on the table as she asked, “What’s goin’ on?” A bewildered Ironhide took the saw and began to press the power button over and over again, only to find the device was simply not working. Sighing, Ironhide replied, “I have no idea.”

From behind them, uncle and niece heard Wheeljack’s voice ring out, “I hate to interrupt your father-daughter bonding time, but something’s just come up.” As Apple Bloom began to blush in embarrassment at her co-worker’s word choice, Ironhide turned around to see his co worker had unplugged the power saw and asked, “What is it Wheeljack?”

Walking up to his boss and friend, Wheeljack informed him, “I just got a call from my dad and….” He was immediately interrupted by Apple Bloom asking, “Wait, your dad?” The maverick mechanic continued, “Yeah. Apparently he’s stopping by to visit. But that’s only part of it.”

Crossing his arms, Ironhide asked, “What’s the bad news?” Wheeljack scratched the back of his neck as he explained, “Apparently he ran into some kids who are heading this way to compete against the Iacon Maximals. Their bus broke down and he’s offering them a ride.” The family patriarch let out an amused chuckle as he remarked, “Well your old man certainly is quite the Samaritan.” He then bluntly asked, “And he suggested that we might be able to fix their bus?” All Wheeljack could do was awkwardly nod yes.

Letting out a bemused sigh, Ironhide concluded, “Alright. We’ll take a look. I just hope these kids know we can’t do this for free.” Nodding, Wheeljack replied, “Alrighty then. I’ll call dad back and inform him.” He then began to leave, but not before adding, “Oh, and they apparently have a hotel room so we won’t need to worry about room and board.”

Once Wheeljack was gone, Apple Bloom asked, “So does this mean we’re puttin’ off scrappin’ that jeep?” The older man shrugged as he admitted, “I’m afraid so. We don’t have enough room to do two things at once here.” As the former farm girl pouted in disappointment, Ironhide reassured her, “But we should be able to get you used to scrapping.”

Smiling, Apple Bloom replied, “At least that’s somethin’.” Ironhide shrugged as he added, “Besides, there’s always tomorrow.” He then made his way up to the unplugged cord and called out, “I’m gonna plug this girl in. Keep your fingers away from the blade.” The former farm girl nodded as she picked up the power saw, making sure her fingers were not in the way of the metal blade.

Thankfully, the power button was turned to off, so the saw didn’t power on immediately, meaning the young girl’s fingers were safe. Ironhide let out a gentle chuckle as he made his way back to his niece and playfully asked, “So, where were we?”

Queue’s RV….

Seated behind the wheel of his RV, Queue drove down the road, whistling an old tune none of his guests would have recognized to himself. Seated next to him was Soarin, who said, “Thanks for giving us the ride sir.” Though he didn’t take his eyes off the road, the older man replied, “No problem boy. I couldn’t just let you all walk all the way to town, especially with it gettin’ this close to sundown.”

Indeed, while the sun was still out, it was well past its highest point and was already on its way down by the time the tow truck arrived to pick up the Wondercolts’ bus. It was being taken to the garage that Queue’s son worked at, where they would stop to see what the damage was before continuing on to the hotel they were staying at. All in all, it was about as pleasant as dealing with broken vehicles and roadside assistance could be.

Turning to the older man, Soarin asked, “So, eh…. You have any travel tunes?” Queue lit up with excitement as he replied, “Oh boy, do I ever.” He then reached over to the dashboard and pressed a button. Soon the sound of a banjo strumming began to play out, leading to an intrigued Soarin asking, “Country?”

Rather than a country western tune, however, the voice on the radio began to sing, “I was born in a Dublin street, where the loyal drums did beat. And those loving English feet they tramped all over us. And every single night, when me da would come home tight, he’d invite the neighbors out with this chorus.” Queue joined in with an enthusiastic, “Oh come out ye black and tans, come out and fight me like a man, show your wife how you won medals down in Flanders. Tell her how the IRA made you run like hell away, from the green and lovely lanes of Killashandra.”

As Soarin slinked into his chair, Sunset, who was seated next to Misty Fly, whispered, “Looks like someone’s having fun.” The blue haired girl let out a gentle giggle as she replied, “Yeah. I think it’s too acoustic for Soarin’s tastes.” Sunset then added, “Either that or I think he can’t understand his accent.”

From her other side, Sunset heard High Winds ask, “So is this guy, like Scottish?” Shaking her head, the pony turned human answered, “Actually I think he’s Irish.” High Winds simply shrugged as she replied, “Either way, I’m just glad we ran into him and not some sort of creep.”

However, before anyone could say anything else, the muffled sound of a phone began to ring out. As Sunset began to look around, Queue let out a gentle sigh as he turned off the music (much to Soarin’s relief), and began to pull the RV over. As they slowed down, Fleet Foot called out, “Oh come on. Can’t you just answer it while you drive?”

Picking up his cell phone, Queue turned to the white haired girl and, in a surprisingly stern tone, informed, “At my age that kind of recklessness will get you hurt, or worse.” As Fleet Foot sank into her seat, the older man apologized, “Sorry about that.” He then took his still ringing phone and began to speak into it, “Oi. Who’s this?”

Sunset couldn’t hear whoever was on the other end, but Queue replied to whoever it was with a gentle, “Oh really? That’s great!” After a few more moments, he finished, “Alright, we should be there in about an hour, give or take twenty minutes. Love you too.”

Hanging up, Queue turned to the Wondercolts and explained, “That was me son Wheeljack. They’ll be expectin’ the tow truck in about a half hour, so they should’ve begun by the time we get there.”

A relieved Rainbow Dash shot up with an excited, “Oh yeah!” When everyone else gave her bemused looks, the rainbow haired teen sheepishly added, “Eh heh heh, sorry.” Once she sat back down, Spitfire began, “That’s good. Hopefully we should be able to get to the hotel before too long.”

Queue then added, “No use worryin’ about that until we get moving again.” With that, he began to start the RV again, entirely unaware of just what he was bringing the Wondercolts into.

The Chop Shop, Later that Afternoon…

As the tow truck began to pull out, Ironhide called out, “Thanks mates.” Once the vehicle departed, Apple Bloom asked, “So Uncle Ironhide, What do you think is wrong with the bus?” The older man turned to his niece as he replied, “No idea until we pop the hood open and take a look.” He then began to lead his niece towards the garage.

Entering the garage door, both uncle and niece were pleasantly surprised to see Wheeljack, Chromia, and Ratchet had already opened the hood. Of course, given that there was a rush of thick smoke emerging from underneath, it was already clear that there was something wrong with the vehicle.

Brushing the smoke away from his face, Ironhide asked, “So, any idea what’s going on?” Chromia turned to face her husband and replied, “Could be anything. Something wrong with a cylinder, leaking valve….” Ratchet then added, “Could even be a problem with the transmission.”

Scratching his chin, Ironhide remarked, “Well at least it’s not a fuel problem.” He then turned to his family and continued, “Alright people, roll up your sleeves, this isn’t something we haven’t dealt with before.” As the adults nodded, Apple Bloom enthusiastically asked, “What do you need me to do?”

Smiling, Ironhide began, “Well, you mind coming over here and giving me a hand?”

A Short While Later….

“There we are.” Wheeljack said as he wiped the sweat from his brow, accidentally staining it with the dirt and gunk that had accumulated from his time leaning into the engine. Thankfully, the group had figured out what was the problem; two of the engine’s pistons were broken and would have to be replaced.

Turning to face the family patriarch, Wheeljack asked, “So boss, do we have any pistons?” Pondering to himself, Ironhide answered, “Not off the top of my head. Maybe one of the wrecks in the scrap yard has something.” He then turned to the others as he warned, “Though even then, it’s not a guarantee.”

Before anyone could say anything else, Sideswipe burst into the garage and warned, “Hey guys! There’s this old guy with a bunch of teens!” She then turned to Wheeljack and added, “He says he’s your dad.”

Letting out a gentle chuckle, the maverick mechanic replied, “Well, better not keep the old man waiting.” He then darted towards the door, only slowing down to move around a perplexed Sideswipe. Making her way up to her sister, Apple Bloom playfully quipped, “Come on, we better make sure he doesn’t embarrass himself.” The pale biker nodded and led her adoptive sister towards their coworker.

Sure enough, they found Wheeljack hugging an older man with gray skin, balding light blue hair, and had glasses on his face. Releasing his son, the older man said, “Good to see you boyo. It’s been ages!” A surprisingly reserved Wheeljack replied, “I’ve missed you dad.” It was at this moment that the older man noticed the two teenaged girls who were now watching him.

Making his way up to them, the older man introduced himself, “How do you do? Me name’s Queue.” As he extended his hand, Apple Bloom extended her own hand and shook it as she replied, “Nice to meet you. Ah’m Apple Bloom.” The pale biker then added, “And I’m Sideswipe. What brings you all the way out here?”

Turning to face his son, Queue answered, “I’ve been working on a little somethin’ for me young lad here.” As Wheeljack began to blush in embarrassment, Apple Bloom and Sideswipe started to giggle at his current predicament. Queue then added, “I apologize for the delay however. I was stoppin’ to stretch me legs and I found a group of kids who were commin’ here for a game of football against a local team. Their bus was havin’ some trouble, so I offered to give ‘em a ride.”

At that moment, the door opened, revealing several of Queue’s passengers. One of them, a dark yellow girl with yellow and red hair and wearing a turquoise shirt, jeans, and a leather jacket, made her way up to Queue and Wheeljack as she asked, “So, you’re the enigmatic Wheeljack we’ve heard so much about?”

Letting out a gentle chuckle, Wheeljack answered, “Guilty as charged.” He then began, “We’ve already gotten a look at your engine, and it turns out two of the engine’s pistons are busted.” He then began to usher this new girl towards the garage as he continued, “If you’d like, we can show you our progress so far.”

However, this new teen found herself staring aghast at a certain young girl with red hair. Apple Bloom began to grow pale as she realized just who was standing in front of her. ‘It’s impossible.’ She thought to herself. ‘What is she doin’ here?’

Making her way up to the young girl, Sideswipe nervously asked, “Apple Bloom? What’s goin’ on?” The moment those words escaped the young biker’s lips, the older teen crossed her arms and frowned as she disappointingly remarked, “Well, if it isn’t Anon-A-Miss herself.”

All Apple Bloom could do was gulp as she asked, “Sunset?”

To Be Continued….

Author's Note:

Next Time; As circumstances force the Wondercolts to depend on Ironhide and Co., Sunset Shimmer and Apple Bloom find themselves forced to confront their rocky relationship.

Author's Note; Queue is based on the movie version of Wheeljack, and his name is a reference to how he is called "Q" in Dark of the Moon and the predominately British way of saying line, a Queue.

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