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Cleaning With Chromia

As the Apple Blooms

Part 35; Cleaning With Chromia

Entering the kitchen, Apple Bloom cheerfully greeted her family and coworkers with a friendly, “Mornin’ everybody!” Before any of the adults could say anything in response, the pitter patter of small feet rang through the kitchen before a little ball of black fur leapt up to her chest, forcing her to fall backwards.

“Ugh. Good mornin’ to you too Sparkplug!” Apple Bloom managed to say to the small highland terrier as he began to mercilessly lick her face. Luckily for her, Chromia walked up to her niece and, shooing Sparkplug away, extended her hand as she asked, “Need a hand dear?”

Grasping her aunt’s hand, Apple Bloom thanked her aunt with, “Thanks Aunt Chromia. Ah swear that little fella seems to have a soft spot for me.” The older woman playfully shook her head as she replied, “Maybe he’s just thanking you for getting Ironhide to change his mind about him.” The former farm girl allowed a small smile to cross her lips as she remembered when her uncle decided to keep the little dog around.

Once the fond memory finished playing back in her mind, Apple Bloom asked, “So, you need any help with breakfast?”

Ten Minutes Later…

As Apple Bloom poured a glass of orange juice, she heard the warm and familiar voice of Ironhide call out, “Good morning. How are two of my three favorite ladies?” Turning to face her uncle, the former farm girl gave a confused look as she asked, “Two of three?” It took her a few moments for everything to click in her head, but once it did, she replied, “Oh! Ah forgot about Torque Wrench for a moment.”

The older man gently rested a hand on her shoulders as he added, “Don’t worry kid. Besides, who am I to talk?” Apple Bloom let out a relieved giggle as she replied, “Thanks Uncle Ironhide. Aunt Chromia and Ah have almost finished breakfast.”

At that moment, Wheeljack entered the kitchen and called out, “Hey Ironhide! Colonel Rodimus is on the phone asking for you!” His eyes widening, Ironhide worriedly asked, “What? Like right now?” When the maverick mechanic nodded, the family patriarch immediately darted out of the kitchen.

Confused, Apple Bloom asked, “Uh, Wheeljack? What’s goin’ on?” The man in the faded white jumpsuit answered, “Don’t worry kid, it’s nothing serious. Colonel Rodimus is an old acquaintance of ours. He runs a cavalry unit stationed at a base a few hours north of here, and as a sign of respect for our actions in the war, he allows us to scrap any cars or trucks they have that get totaled or destroyed.”

“Whoa.” Apple Bloom exclaimed. “That’s kinda cool. Ah think.” She then paused for a moment before asking, “Does this mean you work with those tank things?”

Shaking his head, Wheeljack explained, “Sadly, no. The army has certain rules regarding tanks and artillery pieces, so we only deal with logistical vehicles like trucks and jeeps.” Chromia then playfully added, “Which I say is a good thing. Just thinking about things gives me the creeps. I can’t imagine how you guys managed to work with those behemoths without going mad.”

When Ironhide reentered the kitchen, he explained, “Okay, our good friend Colonel Rodimus just called, and he says that he requires our help. Apparently there was an accident with a faulty rocket launcher….” He immediately turned to Chromia and reassured her, “He says no one was hurt.” When the older woman let out a sigh of relief, Ironhide finished with, “Long story short one of his supply trucks blew up, and we’ve been given the honor of disposing of the wreckage.”

As Wheeljack pumped his fists with excitement, Apple Bloom asked, “That’s good, right?” Ironhide nodded as he explained, “Good news is we’ll be able to melt it down for a lot of scrap metal. Bad news is that the boys and I will need to go up and collect the hunk of junk, and its five hours just to get there.”

Apple Bloom then asked, “You need me to help?” The family patriarch shook his head as he answered, “Not this time. It’s a long drive and, to be fair, it gets kinda boring. Besides, the Colonel isn’t known for being warm and cuddly with civilians.” As the former farm girl let out a defeated sigh, Ironhide reassured her, “Don’t worry kid. There’ll be other opportunities.”

Chromia then walked up to the young girl and wrapped an arm around her shoulder as she reassured her, “Looks like it’s you and me today. I think it’s time we spruced the place up.”

Apple Bloom couldn’t help but giggle as she replied, “Yes ma’am.”

The Garage, An Hour Later…

Once Ironhide and the other men departed in a “company” tow truck, Chromia had decided to close the shop and attend to some “housekeeping duties. While one would normally think this meant tasks like washing dishes and cleaning the floors, in a place like the Chop Shop, this also meant things like cleaning the garage and making sure everything was in the right place.

“Of course he left these lying around.” Chromia grumbled to herself as she and Apple Bloom tidied up the garage. As she picked up an old monkey wrench, the older woman couldn’t help but complain, “Would it be too much to ask him to put these things away?”

Curious, Apple Bloom asked, “Did Ironhide leave that thing out?” Chromia let out a gentle sigh as she answered, “Of course not. The only person here who would be so sloppy is Wheeljack.”

“Ah. That makes sense.” Apple Bloom replied before asking, “He make a mess of things often?” The older woman nodded as she answered, “Yup. Heck, for years we wouldn’t let Torque Wrench near him when he was working because he’d leave a lot of tools and scrap metal lying around.” She then shivered as she added, “To say nothing of his workshop. Even I don’t like to go in there.”

Apple Bloom couldn’t help but giggle as she remarked, “It can’t be that bad, right?” Chromia shook her head as she quickly replied, “Trust me. I went in with thick steel-toed boots and I still got cuts on my feet.” The former farm girl couldn’t help but feel the hairs on the back of her neck stand up straight as she gulped. All she could say in response was a nervous, “Sorry Ah asked.”

“Don’t worry dear.” Chromia gently reassured her niece. “Nothing wrong with asking questions.” As she grabbed a broom and began to sweep the ground, she asked, “So, you mind if I ask a dumb question or two?” Pondering for a moment, Apple Bloom replied, “Mah Granny Smith says there are no such things as dumb questions.”

Having received the green light from her niece, Chromia asked, “How do you like Allspark Wells? I mean, compared to Canterlot City.” Apple Bloom began to speak before she stopped herself, a pained look forming on her face. Worried she crossed a line, Chromia quickly backpedalled and said, “I mean, I hope it’s not too difficult of a question to ask. I was just kind of curious.”

Raising her right hand in defense, Apple Bloom quickly reassured her aunt, “No! It ain’t that!” As Chromia let out a sigh of relief, the former farm girl began to nervously rub her arm as she continued, “It’s just….” Taking a deep breath, she asked, “Can you keep a secret?”

“Of course I can Apple Bloom.” Chromia replied. Letting out a sigh of relief, the young girl answered, “To be completely honest, Ah love it here. You and Uncle Ironhide and the others gave me a second chance when Applejack wouldn’t and Ah don’t know how to make it up to you.” She then began to blush as she continued, “That’s not includin’ mah friends. Back home the one thing bindin’ me and Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo was us tryin’ to find out who we are and what we want to do in life and now…. With mah friends here like Sideswipe, Marble, Rattrap and Tender Taps, everythin’ just feels…. Different. Ah don’t quite know how to explain it, but it just feels like its how things are meant to be.”

However, she felt a tinge of sadness as she added, “And sometimes Ah think that’s what kinda bothers me. Ah wouldn’t be here or know anyone if Ah hadn’t….” She found herself unable to continue as she began to remember what she and her friends did as Anon A Miss.

Seeing her niece struggle, Chromia walked up to Apple Bloom and, with little warning, wrapped the younger girl in a tight hug. Though momentarily confused, the former farm girl quickly returned the gesture with a hug of her own.

After both women finished their hug, Apple Bloom said, “Thanks Aunt Chromia.” The older woman replied, “Don’t mention it kid.”

At that moment, Apple Bloom asked, “Can Ah ask you a “dumb” question?” Chromia let out an amused chuckle as she replied, “I suppose fair’s fair. What do you want to know?” Stretching her arms, the former farm girl asked, “How’d you an’ Uncle Ironhide meet?”

Taking in her niece’s question, Chromia explained, “Well now, that takes me back all the way to when we were kids. Our families were neighbors and we first met at a neighborhood gathering and, well, let’s just say I found myself overwhelmed by being around so many people.” As Apple Bloom took this information in, the older blue woman continued, “My mother wanted to make me interact with all the other kids but I just spent most of the time hanging around the corners.”

Chromia’s face then began to blush as she continued with, “But then, this boy approached me and asked if something was wrong. I told him I was just overwhelmed by everyone and we just….” She took a moment to take a deep breath as she finished with, “We didn’t do much. Just two kids talking. Of course, that led to us becoming friends, then best friends, and then….” Chromia shrugged as she quipped, “There’s a reason we eventually got married.”

Apple Bloom couldn’t help but remark, “Awh. That’s sweet.” Chromia added, “Yeah. From what I hear it’s not too different from how your parents met. Of course, there wasn’t a generation’s long family feud.”

The moment those words escaped Chromia’s lips, Apple Bloom felt her heart sink so low she swore she felt her heartbeat in her foot. Realizing what she’d just said, the older woman began to nervously back peddle as she added, “I mean, it’s what I heard. Sorry if that was….”

“It’s alright.” Apple Bloom interrupted. She then sighed as she explained, “Sorry for interruptin’. It’s just that…. Ah don’t know that much about mah mom and dad.” The former farm girl then allowed herself to lean against the wall and sat down as she continued, “They passed when Ah was little, and almost everythin’ Ah know about them came from Granny Smith and Applejack and….”

While she didn’t find herself tearing up, the former farm girl couldn’t help but find herself partially overwhelmed by her emotional turmoil. As her aunt made her way up to her, Apple Bloom apologized with, “Sorry about that. Guess sometimes Ah just wonder what things would’ve been like if Ah actually got to know mah parents.”

Sitting down next to her niece, Chromia reassured her, “It’s alright. I want you to know that Ironhide and I aren’t trying to replace your parents or your sister, but we’re here for you, no matter what.”

Apple Bloom found her eyes starting to water as she wrapped Chromia in a tight hug. “Thanks Aunt Chromia. Ah love you.” The older woman returned the gesture as she gently whispered, “I love you too.”

Once the two had finished their hug, Chromia playfully remarked, “I know this has been fun, but I think there are a few more things we need to get done today.” Rising back to her feet, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but play along as she replied, “You got it ma’am.”

Later That Day…

Standing on a folding ladder, Apple Bloom dusted the lights of the shop front. Once they’d finished cleaning up the garage, the two women found themselves taking up different tasks. While Chromia took up the more demanding tasks such as fixing lunch and tinkering with the heater, Apple Bloom found herself relegated to more familiar tasks such as cleaning up the shop front as well as the family’s living quarters.

Of course, Apple Bloom didn’t mind. Back home, she often found herself doing whatever Granny Smith or Applejack told her. Here, she had a set of tasks that, for lack of a better term, were hers alone. It was her responsibility to keep things looking tidy, and the idea that it was up to her made Apple Bloom feel valued.

She was distracted when she heard Chromia call out to her. Turning to face her aunt, the former farm girl asked, “Need anythin’ Aunt Chromia?”

The older woman let out a gentle chuckle as she answered, “Oh no dear. I just wanted to catch you up to speed on tonight’s game plan.” As Apple Bloom made her way down from the ladder, Chromia explained, “Since it’s getting late and we haven’t had anyone show up today, I think we can afford to close for the day. Also, I got a call from Ironhide, and they won’t be back until late tonight, so it looks like it’s just gonna be you and me.”

Taking everything in, Apple Bloom asked, “In that case, anythin’ you got in mind for passin’ the time?” Taking a moment to “ponder,” Chromia asked, “Since we have some time, you want to see something?” Shrugging, the former farm girl replied, “Sure.”

Ironhide and Chromia’s Room…

Entering her aunt and uncle’s room, Apple Bloom found Chromia going through their closet, looking for something. The older blue woman muttered to herself, “Oh, I know I left it somewhere.” Curious, the red haired girl asked, “What are you lookin’ for?”

Turning to face her niece, Chromia answered, “You’ll see.” She then resumed her searching through the closet, tossing a few old boxes behind her. As Apple Bloom tiptoed closer, however, her aunt happily exclaimed, “There it is!”

The older woman spun around and made her way to the bed, carrying what appeared to be an oddly shaped guitar box. Approaching her aunt, Apple Bloom asked, “Aunt Chromia? What is that?” Giving her niece an excited smile, Chromia answered, “Proof you aren’t the only musical one around here.” She then opened the box, revealing its surprising contents.

Inside the box was a wooden instrument in the vague shape of a guitar. However, this particular instrument had eight strings in comparison to the six strings of a guitar. All that and lack of a circular opening in the device made it clear that this was no ordinary instrument.

“What kind of guitar is that?” Apple Bloom asked. Taking the instrument out of its casing, Chromia answered, “This isn’t a guitar. It’s a mandolin.” She then began to gently pluck a few strings, producing a simple melody. It wasn’t the same sound as a guitar, and in truth it vaguely resembled that of a banjo. However, as the older woman played a few more notes, it was clear that it wasn’t exactly like either. It made its own unique sound, one that Apple Bloom found both unfamiliar yet nonetheless intoxicating.

Once she finished, Chromia asked, “Be honest, what did you think?” Not wasting a moment, Apple Bloom enthusiastically exclaimed, “That was amazin’! Ah’ve never heard anythin’ like that before!” Setting the mandolin down, Chromia replied, “Thanks.”

As she allowed her eyes to drift back towards the mandolin, Apple Bloom asked, “How long have you been playin’ this thing?” Chromia let out a gentle chuckle as she explained, “Well, I started back in middle school. I wanted to learn an instrument in the hope that it would help me with interacting with people.” She then turned to her niece and, in a deadpan voice, quickly added, “Long story short, it didn’t work out.” As Apple Bloom found herself struggling to contain her laughter, the older woman continued, “Anyway, I knew I didn’t want to learn guitar, and banjos were kinda hard to find. Luckily, my mother found this one shop that had a mandolin for sale and, well, the rest is history. I don’t really bring this old girl out too often, but sometimes I like to dust her off.”

As Chromia picked up her mandolin and began to strum another simple melody, Apple Bloom was so enthralled that she didn’t notice her feet starting to instinctively perform a few simple tap steps. After a few minutes, however, the family matriarch noticed the subtle percussive beat being provided by her niece and, slowing her music down, asked, “Seems someone here is getting a little antsy.”

Realizing what she was doing, Apple Bloom stopped herself and quickly apologized, “Sorry about that. Guess it’s kinda growin’ on me.” Chromia rested a hand on her shoulder and reassured her, “It’s alright. In fact, it kinda gives me an idea.”

The Family Living room…

“You ready?” Apple Bloom asked as she tied up the laces of her tap shoes. As Chromia straightened her niece’s practice board on the floor, she reassured her, “Of course. It’s us having a little fun.” Approaching the wooden board, she took a deep breath as she replied, “Alrighty then. Let’s make some noise.”

Indeed, when Chromia suggested that the two of them have an impromptu music session, Apple Bloom found the proposition exciting, as she’d never danced with a musician before. Heck, she never even did anything with Applejack when she practiced her bass. Stepping onto the board and hearing the quiet clicks of her taps, the former farm girl turned to her aunt and enthusiastically said, “Alright. Your move.”

Chromia, stretching her arms, replied, “Here we go.” She then began to strum her mandolin, playing a quick paced melody. Once her aunt was well into her song, Apple Bloom began to perform a few simple paradiddles, providing a percussive beat to her aunt’s song.

As she continued her tapping, the former farm girl heard her aunt call out to her, “Impressive footwork Apple Bloom.” She couldn’t help but feel happy that she was being complimented on her dancing.

When Chromia began to slow down her song as she changed key, Apple Bloom decided to slow her feet down to compliment her aunt’s music. When her aunt noticed this, she grew a mischievous smile as she began to strum her mandolin faster and faster.

“Goin’ faster huh?” Apple Bloom playfully asked her aunt. “Well, challenge accepted. She then began to tap her feet faster and faster, trying to remember all of the steps Tender Taps had taught her.

Hearing her niece’s challenge, Chromia smirked as she replied, “In that case, two can play at that game.” She then began to play the fastest song she knew, an old folk song from the emerald isle. Soon everything had essentially devolved into a measuring contest to see who could perform faster, Chromia’s mandolin playing or Apple Bloom’s tap dancing.

Eventually, Apple Bloom miscalculated a shuffle, and before she could react, the red haired girl lost her balance and fell backwards onto her rear end. The moment her niece made contact with the ground, Chromia immediately stopped playing her mandolin as she called out, “Apple Bloom! You alright?”

The former farm girl, taking a moment to catch her breath, managed to rise back to her feet as she replied, “Ah’m fine, though Ah think that means Ah should practice a little more.” Sighing in relief, Chromia set her instrument down as she approached her niece and said, “That’s good. Sorry about that.”

Now that she knew Apple Bloom was alright, the older woman complimented her with, “I gotta say, that’s some pretty fancy foot work.” The former farm girl blushed as she replied, “Thanks. Ah’ve been practicin’ whenever Ah get the chance, and Tender Taps has been a great teacher.” As she scuffed the wooden board she stood on, she finished with, “Ah don’t know if Ah’d call it mah destiny or anythin’, but Ah gotta admit Ah love dancin’.”

The former farm girl then let out a deep sigh as she said, “And that’s somethin’ Ah don’t know how to feel about. If Ah hadn’t done, well… everythin’, then Ah’d never find out how much Ah love tap dancin’ or meet Tender Taps and Double Shuffle and, let alone everyone else.”

As she made her way to the family couch, Apple Bloom sat down and asked, “Why couldn’t Ah just keep mah jealousy under control?” Sitting down next to her niece, Chromia wrapped an arm around the younger girl and reassured her, “It’s just part of life. We all make mistakes, and all we can do is try not to repeat them.”

Apple Bloom let out a tiny giggle as she replied, “Well Ah do know Ah’m not gonna go postin’ people’s secrets online again.” Chromia couldn’t help but chuckle along as she added, “I know you wouldn’t.”

Rising back up, the older woman asked, “So Apple Bloom, ready to make some more music?” Apple Bloom followed suit and, allowing a determined smirk to form on her lips as she playfully tapped her toes together, replied, “Ah was born ready.”

Later That Night…

Groaning to himself, Ironhide stretched his arms as he and a worn out Wheeljack entered the shop front. They had parked the ruined truck (which was now little more than twisted and charred metal in the shape of a truck) in the scrap yard and Ratchet had departed for the day. All in all, both men wanted nothing more than to shower, grab a quick snack, and go to bed.

As both men entered the living room, however, they were greeted by a surprisingly heartwarming sight. There, fast asleep on their couch, was Apple Bloom and Chromia. Both women looked like they had warn themselves out, and the sight of Chromia’s Mandolin case and Apple Bloom’s tap shoes and board tucked in the corner made it clear the two had likely been making music.

“So Chromia brought out her mandolin, eh?” Wheeljack lightheartedly asked his friend and boss. Ironhide let out a gentle chuckle as he replied, “I had a feeling she’d show it to her.”

Making his way up to his wife, Ironhide gently whispered, “Hey honey.” Chromia stirred back to the land of the living, she noticed that her husband and co-worker/tenant had returned. Letting out a sigh of relief, she said, “Took you boys long enough.”

As Chromia tried to gently rise to her feet, Apple Bloom began to stir. Once she woke up, the former farm girl asked, “Ugh, what time is it?” Playfully shaking his head, Ironhide answered, “Way past your bedtime young lady.”

Seeing that her uncle had returned, Apple Bloom exclaimed, “Uncle Ironhide! You’re home!” she then ran up to her uncle and wrapped him in a tight hug. Once she finished, she said, “Ah didn’t know Aunt Chromia could play the Manchurian… Ah mean the mandolin.”

Letting out a warm chuckle, Ironhide explained, “I know. She’s the best mandolin player I’ve ever met.” He would have continued, but Apple Bloom let out a loud yawn as she shook her head, trying to stay awake. Seeing his niece so exhausted, the family patriarch changed topic as he gently ordered, “I think we can talk about this tomorrow. You go take a shower and get some sleep young lady.”

Though she wanted to protest, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but agree with her uncle. And so, she began to make her way to the upper floor, but not before turning back to her aunt, uncle, and whatever Wheeljack was and said, “See y’all in the mornin’. Love you Uncle Ironhide. Love you Aunt Chromia. Love you Wheeljack.”

Once Apple Bloom was gone, Ironhide turned to his wife and asked, “You two have fun today?” Chromia nodded as she answered, “Oh yes. We got the place tidied up and, well, I thought I’d show her my mandolin and we had a little music session.” She then added, “It was almost like back when Torque Wrench was still a little girl.”

As Chromia let out a gentle sigh, she said, “Ironhide, if I’m being honest, I’ve missed having someone here.” Ironhide wrapped her in a gentle hug as he replied, “So have I. I swear that girl has a way of just making this place feel…. I dunno, alive?”

Chromia then shook her head as she said, “I don’t want to see her go. I know she has to return home in the fall but…” All Ironhide could do was solemnly reply, “I know.”

Wheeljack, realizing that this situation was one where his usual chaotic energy would kill the mood, simply tiptoed his way towards the backdoor and towards his workshop. Once he was gone, Ironhide said, “Guess it’s been a busy day for all of us. We better get some sleep, eh?”

Allowing a small smile to form on her face, Chromia replied, “Ok. But remember, I expect you to shower in the morning.” Letting out a gentle chuckle, Ironhide simply replied, “I love you too.”

With that, the two shared a quick kiss and made their way up to their room, hopeful they would all get a good night’s sleep.

Author's Note:

Next Time; Apple Bloom finally attends a proper dance class with Tender Taps and Double Shuffle.

Author's Note; I wanted to give Chromia a little bit of attention. Also, I considered having her play guitar, but I wanted something a little more unique, so I gave her the mandolin instead.

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