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Wreck-Gar's Bad Wire Day

As the Apple Blooms

Part 53; Wreck-Gar’s Bad Wire Day

As the sun began to shine above the town of Allspark Wells, an already awake Apple Bloom began to go through her wardrobe, trying to find just the right outfit for the day. “Let’s see….” She said to herself as she sifted through her small collection of overalls. After a few minutes, the former farm girl settled on a lighter blue pair, remarking, “There we go. Ah got a feelin’ today’s not the day for anythin’ too dark.”

Within ten minutes, Apple Bloom had changed into her outfit for the day. On top of the pair of light blue overalls, she’d also decided on a blue and white stripped tee shirt as well as her pair of black boots. Taking a moment to inspect herself in the mirror, the red haired girl couldn’t help but quip, “Well don’t you look like the cutest thing from here to Canterlot City?”

Unfortunately, the young girl also noticed that she had a nasty case of bed hair. Groaning, Apple Bloom mumbled to herself, “Guess Ah better get this here fixed before anyone else sees me.” Taking a deep breath, she began to make her way out of her room, hopeful she could make it to the bathroom before anyone else needed to use it.

The Hallway

As Apple Bloom made her way towards the bathroom, she was surprised to see Sideswipe, dressed in her now normal attire of red vest and jeans over a black tank top, waiting at the restroom door. Though momentarily disappointed since it meant she’d have to wait her turn, the former farm girl quickly realized something. ‘Wait, if Sideswipe is waitin’ out here, then who’s in there?’ Making her way up to her sister, Apple Bloom asked, “Mornin’ Sideswipe. Who’s busy in there?”

Turning to face her sister, Sideswipe answered, “It’s Ironhide. I was about to use the restroom when he just ran past me and slammed the door shut.” As Apple Bloom faced the bathroom door, the pale biker continued, “And that’s when he started throwing up.”

Stunned, Apple Bloom asked, “Uncle Ironhide was throwin’ up?” Sideswipe began to reply, only to be interrupted by a sound neither girl expected to hear that day; Ironhide gagging as something plumped into a body of water. Though neither teen could see what was going on, it was undeniably clear what was going on, leading the pale punk to quickly add, “Make that “is” throwing up.”

From the other side of the door, Apple Bloom and Sideswipe heard Ironhide’s voice call out, “Apple Bloom? You there?” The former farm girl hesitated for a moment before replying, “Yeah. You alright Uncle Ironhide?” The older man let out a gentle chuckle before answering, “I think it’s pretty clear I’m not doing too well. I…..” He was interrupted when he began to gag, leading him to apologize, “Forgive me…” With that, both girls heard the sound of him vomiting again.

As the family patriarch continued to purge his stomach, Apple Bloom turned to her sister as she asked, “If you don’t mind me askin’, don’t Uncle Ironhide and Aunt Chromia have a restroom in their room?” Sideswipe shook her head as she replied, “Why do you think Ironhide’s here and not there?” Taking this response in, all Apple Bloom could do was mutter, “Uh, ouch.”

At that moment, the bathroom door opened, revealing an incredibly pale and queasy Ironhide, struggling to stay on his feet. Concerned for her uncle’s well being, Apple Bloom began, “Mornin’ Uncle Iro….” Before she could finish, however, the older man paced himself towards his and Chromia’s room.

Once her uncle was gone, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but shake her head as she remarked, “Ah got a bad feelin’ about this.” Sideswipe nodded as she replied, “Same here. But right now…” Pausing for a moment, the pale biker blurted out, “I gotta go and I’ve been waiting for like ten minutes!” She then darted into the bathroom and slammed the door shut, leaving an amused Apple Bloom to remark, “You waited a few minutes Apple Bloom. You can wait a few more.”

The Kitchen, A Few Minutes Later…

As Apple Bloom and Sideswipe prepared breakfast (or as much as two teenagers could make), they were interrupted by the sound of the door opening, followed by Ratchet’s voice calling out, “Good morning everyone!” Sure enough, the older medic made his way into the kitchen, only to see his friend and boss’s two daughters. Concerned, he asked, “Uh, girls? Where’s Ironhide?”

Hesitating for a moment, Apple Bloom answered, “Apparently he and Aunt Chromia are throwin’ up.” Stunned by what he’d just been told, Ratchet sighed as he replied, “Alright. Let me go check up on them.” As he began to head towards the stairwell, Sideswipe nervously asked, “What are you doing? You’re gonna get sick too!”

Ratchet raised his hand as he reassured the two girls, “Relax. I’m the reason everyone here hasn’t gotten themselves killed.” Apple Bloom then added, “And Mr. Ratchet had a medical license.” Taking everything in, Sideswipe relented with, “Alright. Just, be careful, ok? I don’t want anyone else getting sick.”

Resting an arm on the pale biker’s shoulder, Ratchet reassured her, “Don’t worry kid. It’ll just be a minute.” With that, the former medic disappeared up the stairs, leaving the two girls to finish breakfast.

A few minutes later, Ratchet returned, a concerned look on his face. Worried, Apple Bloom asked, “Well?” The older man sighed as he answered, “They’ve got strep throat.” Both girls nervously gulped as Ratchet continued, “On top of the nausea, both Ironhide and Chromia have complained of sore throats, headaches, and exhaustion. I’ll be taking them to the doctor in a bit.”

At that moment, Sideswipe asked, “What about Wheeljack? We haven’t seen him all morning.” Apple Bloom nodded as she added, “Yeah. Where is he anyway?”

Before Ratchet could answer, Wheeljack barged into the kitchen, making his way straight to the coffee machine. As he passed her, Apple Bloom noticed the bags under his eyes, exhausted gait, and unpleasant stink rising from his jumpsuit that he likely hadn’t slept that night. Concerned, the former farm girl asked, “Everythin’ alright Wheeljack?”

Shaking his head as he began to make some coffee, Wheeljack answered, “Not really. Wreck-Gar has been having technical glitches.” Sideswipe immediately asked, “Glitches?” The maverick mechanic nodded as he replied, “Yeah. He’s sorta switching between himself and some sort of foul mouthed jerk.”

He would have continued, but the coffee machine beeped, signaling that it had finished preparing the piping hot beverage. Turning back to face the machine, Wheeljack took the large brewing glass, gulped down a mouthful of the steaming coffee, and began to walk away as he bade, “Talk to you guys later. Hopefully Wreck-Gar will be behaving now.”

Once Wheeljack was gone, Apple Bloom sighed as she remarked, “Ah got a feelin’ today’s gonna be tough.” Sideswipe folded her arms as she continued, “Yeah. I got a feeling Mr. Ironhide won’t exactly let us work the smelting pools.” As the two girls wondered what they were going to do, Ratchet spoke up, “Well, I do suppose you could see if your friends wouldn’t mind helping out a bit. We won’t be able to do much heavy lifting, but we can at least go through the scrap yard and keep this place tidy.”

Feeling her eyes lighting up, Apple Bloom enthusiastically replied, “That sounds like a great idea!” She then began to run off towards the telephone, only to stop as she embarrassingly asked, “You guys don’t happen to know Tender Taps’s phone number, would you?”

Ratchet let out a bemused sigh as he replied, “I’ll handle the phone calls, and you girls finish breakfast.” With that, the older man made his way to the company phone while Apple Bloom and Sideswipe finished breakfast, hopeful they hadn’t left anything unattended for too long.

An Hour Later….

“Ah’m kinda excited!” Apple Bloom admitted to Sideswipe as they swiped the front porch. “We get to work with Tender again!” The pale biker playfully rolled her eyes as she replied, “I get it lovebird. Just try to stay professional. We don’t want Ironhide or Ratchet thinking you’re just using this to make out.”

Indeed, Ratchet had made a few phone calls to ask for help, and not only was Tender Taps able to stop by and help them, but so was Rattrap. Of course, not everything was perfect; Marble was preoccupied with clean up of the dinosaur fossil, something Apple Bloom noticed had disappointed Sideswipe.

Resting a hand on her sister’s shoulder, Apple Bloom reassured her, “Don’t worry. Ah’m sure they’ll be other times.” The pale biker let out a gentle sigh as, struggling to keep her growing blush under control, she replied, “Thanks Apple Bloom.”

At that moment, the sound of a bicycle’s bell ringing distracted the two girls from their small banter. Turning to see who it was, they were not entirely surprised to see Tender Taps emerging from the horizon. As he closed the distance, Apple Bloom walked towards her approaching boyfriend. Once he had parked his bike, he removed his helmet and picked up the messenger bag from the back of his bike as he approached his girlfriend.

“Hey Apple Bloom.” The orange teen greeted. “Sorry to hear Ironhide and Chromia are feeling under the weather.” As he and Apple Bloom shared a quick hug, he continued, “So, what do you need me to do?” The former farm girl began to think of what task Tender Taps could perform when they heard yet another sound; that of a car driving down the road.

Turning to face the sound, the now trio found a car approaching the chop shop. Pulling up to the group, everyone was surprised to see someone familiar emerge from the automobile; a brown boy with light gray hair, a simple tee shirt, jeans, black sneakers with white accents, and a set of familiar buck teeth.

Walking up to the familiar boy, Apple Bloom greeted, “Howdy Rattrap! Thanks for commin’ today.” The scrawny teen replied, “No problem Apple Bloom. Feels good to get out of the house every now and then.” As the former farm girl smiled in relief, Rattrap made his way towards Sideswipe as he remarked, “’Sup Sideswipe. Didn’t expect you here.”

The pale girl shrugged as she replied, “It’s a long story. I can explain it a little later.” Rattrap nodded as he continued, “No problem from me.” He then noticed the orange boy and asked him, “So, who are you?” Hesitating for a moment, the purple haired dancer replied, “I’m Tender Taps.”

Taking this in, Rattrap let out a gentle chuckle as he quipped, “So you’re the guy Apple Bloom fell for?” As he hesitated for a moment, Tender Taps awkwardly answered, “Yeah.” Thankfully, to Apple Bloom’s relief, Rattrap let out a gentle chuckle as he playfully quipped, “I gotta admit, I thought your voice would be lower.” He then extended his hand, a gesture Tender Taps was more than happy to return.

Once the two boys had finished their handshake, Rattrap turned to Apple Bloom as he asked, “So, what do you need me to do?” Pondering for a moment, the former farm girl replied, “Ah’ll be honest, Ah’m not too sure. Guess Ah didn’t think this through too much.”

Thankfully, Sideswipe stepped forward as she interrupted, “How about we go inside and move from there.” Since no one had any objections, Apple Bloom replied, “Sounds like a plan.” With that, everyone made their way inside the Chop Shop.

The Chop Shop

“Alright then.” Apple Bloom began as she began to lay out the game plan. It had taken about ten minutes for the quartet of teenagers to divvy up the chores for the day, and now all that was left was to go over everything one more time. Turning to Sideswipe, the former farm girl began, “Sideswipe, you have the garage and are in charge of fixin’ anythin’ that comes in.” Pausing for a moment, the Apple Bloom added, “Provided it’s nothin’ too complicated.”

Giving her sister a playful salute, Sideswipe replied, “You got it ma’am.” Letting out a gentle chuckle, Apple Bloom turned to Tender Taps as she continued, “Tender, You’re in charge of the shop front.” The orange dancer nodded as he replied, “Can do. I’ll have this place looking like the Energon Room.” As she managed to keep her slight blush under control, the former farm girl turned to Rattrap, “And for now, you’re with me. We’re goin’ to the scrap yard.”

Shrugging, Rattrap replied, “Sure thing. Should be fun.” Now that everything was all set and ready to go, Apple Bloom finished, “Alright then. Now that we have everythin’ settled, let’s do…..”

“Night guard?!” A familiar mechanical voice filled with uncharacteristically intense anger called out. As Tender Taps and Rattrap shared confused looks, Sideswipe sighed in annoyance as Apple Bloom thought to herself, ‘Oh no, not now!’ This was when the voice furiously continued, “I’m gonna kick your fuckin’ arse!”

At that moment, the door slammed open, revealing the robotic body that could only belong to Wreck-Gar. However, Apple Bloom and Sideswipe noticed something was wrong with him; the robot’s single eye was a sickly yellow rather than his normal red. They wouldn’t get too much time to ponder this, however, as Rattrap nervously asked, “Wh-wh-what the hell is that?”

Walking up to the quartet, Wreck-Gar stuck his head right into Rattrap’s face as he menacingly asked, “Alright boyo, where’s my bandicoot?” When the scrawny teen meekly pointed to himself, Wreck-Gar bellowed, “Yeah! I’m talkin’ to you ya little…..”

Before the robot could continue, his head began to shake violently as sparks flew out of his exposed wires, forcing the teenagers to step back. Once the sparks and violent jerking stopped, Apple Bloom noticed that Wreck-Gar’s eye had returned to its normal red color.

Regaining his breath, Wreck-Gar apologized, “I’m so sorry you all had to hear that.” He then realized that two of the teens were entirely unfamiliar to him, leading him to continue, “Ah, new friends. Greeting and salutations my beautiful….”

Unfortunately, Wreck-Gar’s head began to twitch as he screamed while sparks once again flew out of his head. Worried for her friend, Apple Bloom approached the bipedal robot as she nervously asked, “Wreck-Gar? You alright?” She was so concerned that she almost didn’t notice that his eye had changed back to its sickly yellow.

Turning his cycloptic face to Apple Bloom, Wreck-Gar blurted out, “Fuck off!” As Apple Bloom recoiled in shock, the robot continued, “Either bring me back me missing cogs, or fuck off!” Furious that his girlfriend had been insulted, Tender Taps stepped forward as he defiantly challenged the machine, “Hey, you can’t talk to her like that!”

Wreck-Gar rolled his eye as he rudely asked, “Oi, you deaf you little poofter? Speak up or fuck off!” As Tender Taps began to tremble with rage, the robot once again began to short circuit, returning back to his normal self. Backing away from the quartet of teenagers, Wreck-Gar once apologized, “Again, I’m so sorry about that. I have no idea what’s going on.”

As the group of kids began to process just what exactly was going on, Wheeljack ran into the room as he desperately begged, “Oh thank Primus you kids are safe. Please tell me none of you are hurt.” Apple Bloom immediately stepped forward as she replied, “No one’s hurt Wheeljack.” She then asked, “But why is Wreck-Gar actin’ so weird? Ah’ve never heard him swear before.”

Sighing, Wheeljack turned to Tender Taps and Rattrap as he inquired, “I take it you’re curious as to our mechanical friend here?” When the two boys nervously nodded, he explained, “Well, this here is Wreck-Gar, and…. Well…. I made him.” All eyes turned back onto Wreck-Gar, who was now awkwardly waiving at the group.

Taking another deep breath, Wheeljack further explained, “Well, last night he was complaining of headaches, and when I tried to inspect him, he started having these fits! I swear I never taught him any of the vulgarity he’s been spewing!” Nodding, Wreck-Gar continued, “I am very sorry for my behavior. I don’t know what’s wrong with me and I just want it to stop.” He then extended his hand, hopeful he could set a good second impression on the new guests.

And then the robot began to violently jerk his head again as sparks flew from his face. Once again, Wreck-Gar’s eye changed from red to yellow as he rudely blurted out, “Piss off you ugly fuckin’ gobshites!” He then darted past Wheeljack and off into the scrap-yard.

Once Wreck-Gar was gone, Rattrap asked, “So let me get this straight. You built a giant robot that is… like…. Alive?” Hesitating for a moment, Wheeljack replied, “Uh…. Yeah pretty much.” As the two boys turned to face Apple Bloom and Sideswipe, the maverick mechanic reassured them, “Relax. When everyone found out, Ironhide told the girls to keep their lips sealed about him.”

Apple Bloom then began, “Ah know this might kinda seem hypocritical of me keepin’ a secret but…..” She was interrupted by Tender Taps raising his hand as he replied, “It’s alright. I doubt I’d have believed Wheeljack would have built a robot.” As the former farm girl processed what she’d just heard, the orange boy continued, “Besides, I think we have more important things to worry about.”

Taking a deep breath, Wheeljack asked, “I know this might be asking for a lot, but can you kids help me catch Wreck-Gar?” Rattrap was the first to reply, answering, “You want us to go after a giant robot with a dirtier mouth than a sailor?” Raising his hands, the scrawny teen continued, “I don’t know about you, but I’d like to keep all my body parts attached.”

Tender Taps, however, replied, “I’m in. If Apple Bloom was forbidden to tell anyone about that guy, then I’m fairly certain Ironhide doesn’t want him being advertised.” The former farm girl breathed a sigh of relief as she gave a simple, “Thanks Tender.” Rattrap tried to interject again, but was stopped by Wheeljack begged, “Please kid? I’ll make it up to you, I promise!”

Grumbling to himself, Rattrap resigned himself to his current situation as he dejectedly replied, “Fine. I mean, we’re all gonna die, right?” Now that everyone was finally on board, Wheeljack ordered, “Alright everyone. Let’s get to the scrap yard.”

The Scrap Yard, A Short While Later…

As Apple Bloom walked through the endless piles of rusting metal, she found that, for the first time since she arrived in Allspark Wells, the scrap yard was actually unsettling her. True, it was all just that, scrap metal, but deep down, the former farm girl was nervous. After all, she’d never had to split up from her friends and search for a malfunctioning sentient robot.

“Keep it together.” Apple Bloom tried to reassure herself. “Just you an’ your friends runnin’ up and down the scrap yard to desperately find a malfunctionin’ robot. Nothin’ out of the ordinary.” Just as she finished speaking to herself, however, the young girl was distracted by the sound of someone’s footsteps growing louder and louder.

Gulping in fear, Apple Bloom hid herself behind the rusting wreck of an old car as she struggled to keep herself calm. As the footsteps grew louder and louder, the former farm girl pepped herself up with, “Alright. This is it. Time to stop Wreck-Gar.” Taking a deep breath, Apple Bloom rose up and charged at the source of the footsteps.

Sadly, once she had started, Apple Bloom was unable to stop herself, and before she realized it, the former farm girl had tackled Rattrap to the ground. As he found himself held down by the weight of his friend, the scrawny teenager angrily blurted out, “Apple Bloom?! What in the name of gouda almighty are you doin’?!”

Quickly getting back off of her friend, Apple Bloom apologized, “Ah’m so sorry Rattrap! Ah thought you were Wreck-Gar!” The scrawny teenager rose up to his feet as he asked, “Well, do I look or sound like whatever that thing is?” Sighing, the former farm girl replied, “Sorry. Guess today has just been incredibly stressful. Uncle Ironhide and Aunt Chromia are sick, and now Wreck-Gar is actin’ weird. The worst part is it’s not even noon.”

Realizing his friend was internally struggling, Rattrap rested a hand on her shoulder as he reassured her, “Don’t worry about it. We’ll find that metal menace and kick him right up the titanium tuches.” Apple Bloom giggled as she playfully asked, “You ever considered bein’ a writer?” Letting out an amused chuckle, Rattrap replied, “Not really. I prefer gettin’ my hands dirty rather than typin’ at some keyboard.”

“You should try it. It’s very enlightening.” Wreck-Gar’s voice interrupted from right behind them. As both teens found themselves frozen in fear, the mechanical man continued, “Is everything alright? I hope I have not intimidated you.” Turning to face him, Apple Bloom and Rattrap found that Wreck-Gar had indeed snuck up behind them.

However, he wasn’t doing anything. Instead, Wreck-Gar was just standing in the middle of the makeshift aisle. Concerned, Apple Bloom asked, “Uh, Wreck-Gar? Shouldn’t you be, like, shoutin’ and everythin’?” The metal man shook his head as he replied, “Thankfully not at moment. I do hope you can forgive me for…..”

Of course, this moment just had to be ruined by Wreck-Gar’s head short circuiting again, causing the robot to start blabbering, “Oi, shut your mouth and look at my wad!”

Not wasting any time, Apple Bloom and Rattrap charged the sentient robot and grabbed hold of his arms. Wreck-Gar gave her a death glare, the former farm girl defiantly stated, “Sorry Wreck-Gar, but we gotta get you back to Wheeljack!”

As the two teens began to drag Wreck-Gar away, however, something unexpected happened; the robot powered down. Indeed, without any warning, the metal man’s eye simply shut off as he slumped down, as if he were now a giant rag doll. Worried, Apple Bloom asked, “Wreck-Gar? You alright?” She tried to shake the machine, but he didn’t reply.

Setting Wreck-Gar down, Rattrap asked, “So, eh, he alright?” Shaking her head, Apple Bloom dejectedly replied, “Ah dunno. Ah’ve never him do this before.” As they began to inspect the metal man, the scrawny teenager noticed something. Turning to face his friend, he said, “Hey! You gotta see this.” Curious, Apple Bloom turned her attention to where he was pointing, only to see something interesting, but no less amusing.

There, on Wreck-Gar’s back, was a small light up symbol of a battery, or rather, the outline of a battery flashing in red, the clear sign that it was out of power. Chuckling to herself, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but quip, “Well, what do you know? Looks like all we had to do was wait for Wreck-Gar to run out of juice.” As both teens let out relieved chuckles, Rattrap asked, “So, what do we do now?”

Taking a moment to stretch her arms, Apple Bloom replied, “Ah guess we just gotta take him back to Wheeljack.” With that, both teens began to lift Wreck-Gar as they carried him off to Wheeljack’s workshop.

Outside Wheeljack’s Workshop

As Apple Bloom and Rattrap approached the familiar sight of the barn that housed Wheeljack’s workshop, they were pleasantly surprised to see that Tender Taps, Sideswipe, and Wheeljack waiting for them. The older mechanic ran up to the two teens as he asked, “There you guys are. How’d you get him to calm down?”

Rattrap bluntly replied, “Well, he came up to us, and then he started spazzin’ out. We tried to hold him down and he just turned off.” As Wheeljack took this answer in, Apple Bloom added, “Apparently he just ran out of power.” Curious, Wheeljack made his way towards his robotic assistant and overlooked the power display as he rested a hand on Wreck-Gar’s shoulder as he reassured him, “It’ll be alright boy. I’ll get you fixed up.”

Now knowing what he had to do, Wheeljack turned to the quartet of teens and asked, “You kids mind giving me a hand?”

Wheeljack’s Workshop, One Hour Later….

“There we go!” Wheeljack happily exclaimed as he finished reconnecting the countless wires in Wreck-Gar’s head. The robot rested on a long work table, surrounded by his creator and the four teenagers who had assisted in his repair. As he rubbed his eyes, the maverick mechanic asked, “Ok, before I power him up again, has there been anything I forgot to do?”

Pondering for a moment, Apple Bloom replied, “Well, you replaced and repaired all wires in his head.” Tender Taps then added, “And you replaced some sort of internal battery with a stronger one.” Sideswipe was next, remarking, “And you added a software update to his brain.” The last to speak was Rattrap, who added, “And you reversed the polarity of the neutron flow while fixing his cold fusion reactor.” When everyone gave him confused looks, the scrawny boy simply defended himself with, “Well it’s not like I could understand half of what you were sayin’ anyway.”

Taking a deep breath, Wheeljack prepped himself up as he said, “Alright, here goes nothing.” With that he began to work on Wreck-Gar’s chest, hopeful he could turn his robotic ward on. While the older man performed his magic, Tender Taps found himself moving closer to Apple Bloom and unconsciously holding her hand as he asked, “So, what happens now?”

Grasping her boyfriend’s hand back, Apple Bloom answered, “Ah don’t know. Ah’ve never seen him turn him on before.” This innocent answer was met by Rattrap snickering to himself as he quipped, “Heh. You said “turn him on.”” As Apple Bloom and Tender Taps shared a confused look with each other, Sideswipe rolled her eyes as she spoke up, “Ugh, you’re so immature.”

Before anyone else could continue, they were interrupted by the sound of Wreck-Gar’s voice suddenly shouting, “Bloody hell! That’s the last time I go out for a pint with a total stranger!” As everyone turned to face the robot, they found the bipedal robot had shot up and was now sitting on the table, a look of confusion and worry evident on his single eye.

“Wreck-Gar?” Wheeljack nervously asked. “How are you feeling? You alright?” The maverick mechanic then began to inspect his ward, checking everything from the singular eye to the metal soles that made up his feet as he continued, “Are you having any more headaches?”

Raising his metallic hands, Wreck-Gar reassured his creator, “Sir, I’m alright! Not exactly right as rain, but I’m perfectly serviceable.” As Wheeljack sighed in relief, the metal man turned to face Tender Taps and Rattrap as he apologized, “I am dreadfully sorry for intimidating you. How about we start over?” Extending his hand, he introduced himself, “I am the Cogman version one point one three eight, but you may call me Wreck-Gar.”

Tender Taps shook the robot’s hand as he introduced himself, “Uh, hello there. I’m Tender Taps.” As he shook the purple haired boy’s hand, Wreck-Gar complimented, “Ah, I’ve heard quite a fair bit about you. Apparently you are rather special to Apple Bloom.” Upon hearing this, both Tender Taps and Apple Bloom began to awkwardly blush.

Turning his attention to Rattrap, Wreck-Gar extended his hand and began to introduce himself, “Greetings and salutations my…..” The scrawny teenager interrupted with a simple, “I already got the gist of everything. The name’s Rattrap.” He then shook Wreck-Gar’s hand as he remarked, “I gotta say, seein’ somethin’ like you has gotta be the fifth weirdest thing in my entire life.”

Before Wreck-Gar could inquire what the other four were, Sideswipe quickly spoke up with, “I hate to interrupt, but we’ve spent enough time today on this whole wild goose chase. We need to get back to work before Ironhide and Ratchet find us and chew us a new one.” Apple Bloom nodded as she added, “She has a point. Ah don’t wanna disappoint them.”

Shrugging, Tender Taps happily replied, “Well then, lead the way.” Rattrap also joined in with, “So, same arrangement as before this whole robot thing?” To add icing on the cake, Wreck-Gar asked, “And do you young ones require assistance? I would be honored to offer assistance.”

Pondering the metal man’s offer, Apple Bloom replied, “Sure thing. Follow me.” Wreck-Gar stepped off from the table and began to follow the kids, only to hesitate and turn to face his creator. Thankfully, Wheeljack gave a confirming nod, signaling that he had given his permission.

With that, Wreck-Gar, Apple Bloom, and the others departed the workshop, hopeful they could get enough of their tasks done before Ratchet, Ironhide, and Chromia returned from the doctor.

Once everyone was gone, Wheeljack began to clean his workshop, all while quipping to himself, “They grow up so fast.”

Author's Note:

Next Time; We take a break from Apple Bloom as Big Macintosh continues his research on his uncle, finding a lead from an obvious place.

Author's Note; The next two chapters will be check ups on the other Apple siblings, but after that we'll be returning to Allspark Wells.

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