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How it All Went Downhill

As the Apple Blooms

Part 56; How it All Went Downhill

Seated across the coffee table from her uncle, Apple Bloom found herself deep in thought as she stared at the chess set in between them. Thinking to herself, she didn’t know which of her pieces to move next as she thought to herself, ‘Ugh, what to do. What to do.’ She began to reach for her only remaining rook, only to decide against it.

It was once again the first of the month, another reminder of both how long Apple Bloom had been in Allspark Wells as well as how much time was left until she returned home. Thankfully, the former farm girl hadn’t had too long to dwell on these unpleasant thoughts, as it had been a busy day at the chop shop. While Sideswipe assisted Chromia in the garage, Apple Bloom provided support to Ironhide as he and Wheeljack tore apart an old jalopy (Save for the engine, which everyone helped take apart piece by piece). Now that work had finished for the day, both uncle and niece were enjoying a nice game of chess.

From behind her, Apple Bloom heard Sideswipe ask, “What’s up?” Turning to face her sister, the former farm girl answered, “Uncle Ironhide and Ah are playin’ chess.” Intrigued, the pale biker trotted up to the two as she replied, “Ooh, sounds like fun!” As she sat down, Ironhide asked, “So, you figured out your next move?”

Taking a deep breath, the former farm girl took one of her pawns and moved it one square forward. Noticing his niece’s choice, Ironhide took his only remaining knight and used it to claim another of her pawns. He then gave his niece a playfully smug look as he remarked, “Your move.” Rolling her eyes, Apple Bloom took a moment to ponder her next move before she noticed her uncle’s queen was exposed to one of her bishops.

Claiming her uncle’s queen, the young girl quipped, “Ah’d like to see you make a comeback from that.” Feigning shock, Ironhide replied, “Oh my, me without my queen. Whatever will I do?” He then adopted a confident aura as he took one of his rooks as he moved it across the board, placing it straight across from her king. Giving his niece a cheeky smirk, Ironhide remarked, “Checkmate.”

Stunned, Apple Bloom turned her attention back to the chess board to find that, to her mild shock, her king was cornered by his rook, bishop, and even one of his pawns. Realizing that she had indeed lost, the former farm girl shrugged as she said, “Well Ah’ll be. Good game Uncle Ironhide.” She then extended her hand in goodwill, a gesture he returned as he replied, “Well, you were a worthy opponent.”

A slightly embarrassed Apple Bloom immediately replied, “Ah suppose. If you say so.” Rising up to his feet, Ironhide continued, “I’m serious. You’re pretty good at chess. Certainly better than your father.” He then began to scratch the back of his neck as he added, “He never had the patience for this game.”

At the mention of her father, Apple Bloom found herself consumed by a sense of sorrow. After all, she never really had the chance to know him before he and her mother…..

“You ok there?” Sideswipe asked, snapping Apple Bloom off of her train of thought. Once she’d regained her sister’s attention, the pale biker asked, “You kinda zoned out for a moment. You alright there?”

Shaking her head, Apple Bloom replied, “Ah’m fine. Just thinkin’ about mah dad.” Turning to Ironhide, she asked, “Uncle Ironhide? What happened between you and dad?” Sighing, the older man answered, “It’s a very long story, but I can tell how it began.”

Though a bit put off that her uncle wasn’t going to reveal everything at once, the former farm girl felt that any information was better than none. Taking a deep breath, Apple Bloom replied, “Alright.” With that, Ironhide began to his story with, “Now then, it started after I was rescued by the others…..”

A Military Hospital, Many Years Earlier…

Sitting on his hospital bed, Sergeant Ironhide twiddled his thumbs with an impatience that had become familiar to the nurses that attended to him. ‘Ugh, I should be out there, bustin’ baddies and not wasting away in this place.’ The young soldier thought to himself, angry at being unable to fight or help his team.

After his rescue from the enemy prison (Which he’d been informed was known as “the pit), Ironhide had been dumped at this military hospital, waiting for the moment he could return back to the front lines. Instead, while the rest of the Wreckers were out there fighting for Primus knows how long, Ironhide was stuck here, just waiting to get out.

“Sergeant Ironhide?” A nurse’s voice called out. Turning to see who it was, the young soldier found a pink nurse holding a clipboard. Before he could say anything, the woman continued, “I have good news for you. You’ve been discharged and will be returning to the front by the end of the day.”

Letting out a sigh of relief, Ironhide said, “Thank you ma’am.” The nurse gave a respectful bow as she replied, “You’re welcome.” As she began to leave, she stopped herself and added, “Oh! Before I forget, you also have some visitors.”

Before Ironhide could fully process what she had just said, he was distracted by the sound of Wheeljack’s voice calling out, “We’re just trying to find our friend!” Sure enough, Wheeljack barged into the ward, followed by Huffer. Once the nurse managed to hammer it into the young soldier to keep his voice down, both men found their sergeant and made their way up to him.

Overcome with surprise, Ironhide asked, “What are you guys doing here?” Huffer immediately answered, “We’re here to spring you out of this place.” He then added, “Provided you’re still able to fight, that is.” Letting out a gentle chuckle, Ironhide reassured him, “My heart is still beating, I don’t have any migraines, I can walk, and I can use my hands. I’m ready and willing to kick some ass.”

From behind them, the trio of soldiers heard a deep, familiar voice call out, “Hold your horses sergeant. You’re no good dead.” Sure enough, Optimus entered the ward and made his way up to his subordinates as all three snapped to attention. The older man let out a gentle chuckle as he replied, “At ease men.”

Once he was relaxed, however, Ironhide noticed something was different about his commanding officer; the stripes on his arm and the epaulets on his shoulders were not those of a captain’s. Concerned, the sergeant asked, “Sir?” Raising his hand, Optimus replied, “Wait ‘till we’re outside.” He then turned to his other two subordinates and ordered, “Alright you two. Let’s let him get ready.”

Nodding, Wheeljack turned back to Ironhide and warned him, “You’re not gonna like this.” As both men followed their commander away, the young sergeant took a deep breath as he told himself, “No point worrying about that until you’re out of this place.” With that, he began to get himself ready for discharge.

A Jeep, Roads of the Countryside…

After he was let out of the hospital, Ironhide, Optimus, and the others Wreckers mounted a jeep and began the trek up to the base they’d been stationed at. As Wheeljack worked the wheel, the team leader turned to his sergeant and began, “I take it you noticed my demotion?” Hesitating for a moment, Ironhide replied, “I did notice you’re wearing a lieutenant’s stripes rather than a captain’s.”

Sighing, Optimus revealed, “About that….. When we rescued you from that prison….” Before he could continue, Ironhide was bombarded by the not too distant memories of his nearly two months as a prisoner. The beatings, the torture, and perhaps worst of all, the helplessness of watching those bastards murder Mirage, it all started to consume him in a shroud of fury, anger, and rage.

Shaking his head, Ironhide thought to himself, ‘No point focusing on that now! Stay on the here and now!’ Once he’d regained his composure, the sergeant apologized, “Sorry about that. I… I haven’t been sleeping too well.” Huffer immediately offered, “It’s alright Sarge. We were all worried about you.” Wheeljack even stared into the rearview mirror and added, “Yeah. Even Prime couldn’t sleep when we were running all over the peninsula.” As much as he tried to hide it, Ironhide couldn’t help but feel his heart soar upon hearing just how much his teammates cared about him.

Once everyone had finished speaking, Optimus continued, “When we were looking for you and Mirage, we….” Taking a deep breath, he explained, “We didn’t exactly have permission to mount the rescue mission.” Momentarily confused, Ironhide asked, “What do you mean you didn’t have permission to….”

And then it hit him just what Optimus had admitted. Facing his commanding officer, Ironhide asked, “Sir? You went AWOL?” Nodding, the blue haired lieutenant answered, “I knew you were alive, and I was not going to sit back and let them kill you.” He then sighed as he continued, “Unfortunately, to do so, I disregarded direct orders to save you.”

Taking everything in, Ironhide asked, “I take it the brass got angry at you for this?” Shrugging, Optimus replied, “Well obviously I couldn’t disregard orders and get away unpunished.” He then took a deep breath as he continued, “I am no longer commander of the Wreckers. A new officer has been brought in and now leads us.” The sergeant proceeded to ask, “So, who’s our new CO?”

Before Optimus could answer, Huffer interrupted with a blunt, “A Marine captain named Sentinel Prime.”

Sentinel Prime. It was impossible, inconceivable for it to be true. After all, Sentinel had only been a drill instructor, a rank only held by non-commissioned officers, yet now he’d been promoted to a captain. And he was a marine while the Wreckers were an army unit; why would a soldier who was partially under naval command be in charge of a team from another military branch?

The sergeant was distracted from his train of thought when Optimus warned, “I am aware that you have a history with him, but I need you to put your personal qualms with him aside.” Regaining his composure, Ironhide replied, “Sir, understood sir.”

Deep down, however, Ironhide was lying, or rather, not being entirely honest. The young sergeant didn’t know if he could keep himself under control serving the man who not only tried to murder him, but also inflicted severe brain damage to his friend Wasp and tried to murder him as well. ‘It’s impossible.’ Ironhide thought to himself. ‘This all has to be a bad dream. They wouldn’t allow a sadist like him over here, right?’

The Wrecker’s Barracks….

The moment the four men entered the barracks, a familiar and very furious voice called out, “Where in the hell have you fuckers been?!” Almost out of instinct, Ironhide and the others snapped to attention. Before he could realize what he’d just done, the young sergeant was silently horrified to see a familiar man with a large chin approach him. Seeing him in person removed any doubt in his mind as to who it could be.

“Ironhide?” Sentinel Prime asked in surprise. Letting out an unsettling laugh, the marine officer continued, “Well I’ll be. Good to see you again boy!” He then extended his hand as he gave a menacing grin.

Ironhide simply stood there, staring at the man he thought he’d never have to see again. After a few more tense moments, Sentinel angrily ordered, “Shake my fucking hand!” The young sergeant immediately took his new commander’s hand and limply shook it. The large chinned officer then barked, “Firmly!” Now glaring at him, Ironhide shook the new captain’s hand very firmly, but also making it clear he was not enjoying it.

Once the tense handshake had been finished, Optimus approached his new commander and saluted as he reported, “Sir, all members of the Wreckers are present and accounted for sir!” Sentinel let out a gentle chuckle as he replied, “Very good.” Refocusing his attention to Ironhide, the newly christened Captain informed him, “Now listen here boy, I don’t run this ship the same way as Optimus. When I give an order, you will follow it. Is that clear?”

Giving into his instincts, Ironhide replied, “Sir, yes sir.” A satisfied Sentinel Prime then continued, “And we go into battle, I expect you to win. If you fail, I will kill you. Is that clear?” As Ironhide began to glow red with fury, Optimus stepped in between them and reminded, “Sir, as much as I am now your subordinate, I will not tolerate you threatening any of my…. These men.”

Without any waning, Sentinel Prime Grabbed Optimus by his shirt and bellowed into his face, “I am in charge here! ME! I give the orders and call the shots!” He then pushed the lieutenant to the ground as he menacingly asked, “You have a problem with that?” Staggering back to his feet, Optimus defiantly replied, “No problem whatsoever sir.”

Satisfied, Sentinel departed as he said, “Alright then. Report to the others. And Ironhide?” Turning back to face his new sergeant, the large chinned man warned, “I don’t want you pulling any goody two shoes bullshit. We don’t want anyone joining Wasp in the brig, do we?”

Before he could even realize it, Ironhide found himself being held back by Optimus, Wheeljack, and Huffer. Once Sentinel was gone, the young sergeant turned to the former captain and vented, “For fuck’s sake! How did that monster get put in charge of us?” Resting a hand on the younger man’s shoulder, Optimus reassured him, “I don’t know, but I doubt we’ll have to worry about him for too long.”

Unknown City, A Few Months Later…

“Get to cover!” Ironhide shouted as the Wreckers scattered, each man desperately trying to find some protection from the incoming hailstorm of mortar fire. As he found some protection in the form of a large piece of rubble, the young sergeant muttered to himself, “I hate mortars.”

As Ironhide loaded his shotgun, Sentinel Prime furiously bellowed, “Sergeant Ironhide! Why have you stopped advancing?!” Turning to face his commander, the young man found his leader looking disappointed as he complained, “I ordered you to advance, not take a fucking nap!” Of course, the moment he said this, another mortar shell exploded around them, barely missing Ironhide. Struggling to keep himself under control, Ironhide reported, “Sir, we’re doing everything we can, but they’re putting up a good fight!” The moment he finished, Sentinel spitefully ordered, “Then put up a better one!”

Realizing he wasn’t going to be able to convince Sentinel to change his mind, Ironhide took a deep breath as he bitterly replied, “Sir, yes sir.” He then straightened his helmet as he began to crawl forward, only to find himself on the receiving end of Sentinel bellowing, “Move faster you fucking coward!”

Both men then heard the dreadful whistle of incoming mortar shells approaching them. Panicking, Ironhide shouted, “Look out!” He then leapt onto his commander, pushing Sentinel out of the way just as one of the mortar shells landed on the ground, producing a cloud of smoke and debris. Thankful to just be alive, Ironhide let out a sigh of relief as he said, “Thank Primus.”

Once he managed to get back up, Ironhide warned, “Sir, we can’t advance this way. We need to find a way around these guys.” Sentinel, however, shook his head as he ordered, “No. You will advance right now!” He then pulled out a pistol and aimed it right at the young sergeant as he coolly threatened, “Am I clear?”

Before he could fully process what was happening, Ironhide was distracted by the sound of Optimus’s voice calling out, “Stand back boys! I’ll handle this!” Turning to face his friend, Ironhide found Optimus hiding behind a ruined car, cocking his rifle as he took a deep breath before leaping over the debris and charging right towards the mortars.

“Sir! Come back!” Ironhide screamed as his friend disappeared. Knowing he had to do something, the sergeant pumped his shotgun before following Optimus. As he began to run, it began to dawn on him that the mortar fire had actually stopped. ‘Huh, that’s odd.’ Ironhide thought to himself, only to be surprised by the sound of rifle fire and the screaming of unfamiliar voices.

Once he caught up to Optimus, Ironhide found that his former commander had silenced the mortars, killing all but one of their operators. Grabbing the only survivor by the shoulder, Optimus remarked, “We got a live one here.” As the prisoner trembled in fear, Ironhide let out a sigh as he asked, “So what are we gonna do with him?”

Before Optimus could give an answer, Sentinel strutted up to his subordinates, flanked by Roadblock as he asked, “Well, what do we have here?” Bringing the prisoner up to his commander, the blue haired man replied, “Sir, I eliminated our mortar friends. Looks like our little friend here survived.” The trembling prisoner could only beg, “Xin ding giet toi!”

As he made his way to Optimus, Sentinel allowed a terrifying grin to consume his face as he remarked, “Looks like we have a new playmate.” Before anyone could react, the marine captain aimed his pistol at the man’s knee and shot it, producing a horrifying crack as he screamed an unholy howl of both pain and fear as he bellowed, “Tell us where your friends are or I will gouge out your eyeballs and SKULL FUCK YOU!”

Giving in to his frustration, Ironhide demanded, “What the fuck was that for?!” Sentinel slapped the sergeant with the back of his hand as he spitefully replied, “You DARE question my authority?” As Ironhide struggled back to his feet, Optimus handed the prisoner to Roadblock before stepping in between the two men and shouted, “That’s enough!”

Turning to Ironhide, Optimus warned, “Mind your tone sergeant.” As the young sergeant sighed in resignation, the lieutenant turned his focus on Sentinel as he continued, “Sir, that man is our prisoner, and should be treated accordingly.”

Scoffing, Sentinel replied, “That man is an enemy, and therefore he must die.” He then glared at Ironhide as he warned, “As do all who stand in our way.” As the sergeant struggled to control his growing anger, Optimus warned, “We’re soldiers, not serial killers.” Unfortunately, the large chinned captain stomped off as he finished, “There’s only one way this war ends; when they all die.”

As Sentinel and Roadblock pulled back, Ironhide made his way up to Optimus and said, “Forgive me sir, but I think I gave him too much credit.” Nodding, the blue haired lieutenant agreed, “As have I. I need to make sure he doesn’t just blow our prisoner’s brains’ out.” With that, Optimus walked off after his commander, with Ironhide in tow as he thought, ‘And to think things were going swimmingly.’

The Base, A Few Hours Later…

Resting on his bunk, Ironhide found himself reading a letter from his girlfriend Chromia. Letting out a sigh, he spoke to the letter, “You’re the only thing I have to look forward to.” Indeed, just seeing the three simple words “I love you” gave the young sergeant the only form of true happiness he had in this far away country.

“Hey sarge!” rang out the sound of Wheeljack’s voice. Snapping out of his lovesick trance, Ironhide turned to see the corporal, as well as Huffer and team medic Ratchet approaching him. The maverick man proceeded to ask, “You know where Captain Kill monger is?”

Shaking his head, Ironhide answered, “Not too sure. I think he’s off at the officer’s mess though.” Ratchet sighed as he inquired, “And Optimus?” Again, Ironhide shook his head as he replied, “No idea.” He would have inquired on his teammate’s curiosity, but was distracted when he noticed something.

Huffer’s hand was trembling.

“You alright there buddy?” Ironhide asked the younger orange man. For a moment, it seemed that his words went straight through one of Huffer’s ears and out the other as he gave a blank stare. Once the sergeant snapped in his face, however, the young man finally responded with a slightly scared sigh as he replied, “Sorry about that sarge.”

Realizing something was up with Huffer, Ironhide asked, “What’s bugging you buddy?” As the younger man looked away, Ratchet stepped forward and explained, “I’m worried he might be dealing with some post traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD.” When the sergeant gave him a confused look, he bluntly elaborated, “Huffer may have shell shock.”

Shell shock. Those two words sent chills down Ironhide’s spine. He knew that, no matter how resilient, a soldier could only take so much of the constant stress their life demanded. Eventually, they would begin to crack under the pressure and become a danger to both themselves as well as their team.

Taking a deep breath, Ironhide asked, “Let me guess, we need to ask Sentinel to get Huffer here some RnR?” Wheeljack nodded as he replied, “Yeah. We’ve already lost Mirage, Firefly, Trailbreaker, and Crosshairs. We can’t afford to lose anyone else.”

Rising up from his bunk, Ironhide took a deep breath as he said, “I don’t know if our dear Commandant will approve giving Huffer some leave, but there’s no harm in asking.” He then made his way to the door as he called out, “Form up boys.”

Elsewhere in the Base…

“Well, he’s not in the commissary.” Ironhide sighed as he and the other Wreckers departed from the officer’s lounge, dejected. To their surprise, Sentinel was not in the commissary, leading the group to wonder just where their new captain had gone. As they hadn’t really known him long enough, none of the Wreckers really knew what kind of person their commander was.

At least, other than the fact that he was a murderous psychopath. The more they served under him, the more and more apparent it was that Sentinel was deeply unhinged. While all of the Wreckers were highly trained soldiers who got their hands dirty every time they went into battle, the marine captain seemed to enjoy the death and destruction he caused. It also never helped that unlike the others, he never even tried to take prisoners.

As they made their way past the base’s many tents and other prefab structures, the group of soldiers were distracted by the sound of Roadblock’s voice calling out, “What are you losers doing?” Turning around, Ironhide was greeted by the sight of his puce teammate approaching them. Letting out a gentle sigh of relief, Ironhide asked, “Just looking for the Captain. You seen him?”

Allowing an unsettling grin to form on his face, Roadblock replied, “Actually, I just saw him. I think he was interrogating our new friend.” As Ironhide pondered on what he’d just been told, Ratchet asked, “Hold up. Can Sentinel speak their language?” When Roadblock gave a confused look, the medic continued, “I doubt any of us could understand what the prisoner is saying without a translator.”

Shrugging, Roadblock replied, “I dunno. Didn’t see anyone other than the captain and our new friend.” Confused, Ironhide asked, “Why would Sentinel try to interrogate the prisoner without a translator?”

It was only then that Ironhide realized what the captain was really doing.

“Oh no.” The sergeant whispered before running off towards the interrogation chamber. Sure enough, as he approached the chamber, he could hear the sound of someone punching something fleshy. Opening the door, he was greeted by the sight of….

What Ironhide found himself staring at was a sight so disturbing, so disgusting, that the only conscious thing he could do was collapse to his knees and begin to vomit.

As Ironhide staggered back to his feet, he was distracted by the sound of Wheeljack calling out, “What’s going on?” Managing to straighten himself, the sergeant turned to see the maverick soldier, Huffer, and Roadblock running up to him. Once they’d closed the distance, Wheeljack asked, “What’s going on?”

Barely able to keep himself from throwing up again, Ironhide replied, “Sentinel….. He….. The prisoner…..” Feeling his stomach churn as something spicy formed in his throat, the sergeant finished, “There was blood everywhere.”

Confused, Wheeljack asked, “What the hell are you blabbing about?” Before Ironhide could answer, Roadblock stepped forward as he sarcastically replied, “Sounds you’re growing soft man.” As everyone took in what he just said, the puce soldier continued, “Whatever the boss is doin’, it’s not like any of us are wearing white gloves.”

“But there’s a line!” Ironhide angrily replied. As Roadblock froze in fear of his sergeant, he continued, “There’s a difference between being a soldier and a serial killer.” He was so focused on Roadblock that he failed to notice Wheeljack sneaking a peak into the interrogation chamber and, upon witnessing what Sentinel had done, uttering, “Oh my god!”

Sure enough, Sentinel stomped out of the chamber, no one other than noticing that he was not wearing his belt. Staring at his subordinates, the large chinned captain asked, “What in the name of Primus himself are you ladies doing?” As the other Wreckers either hesitated or kept silent, Ironhide walked up to his commander and defiantly replied, “You actually went through with another one of your threats, didn’t you?”

A confused Huffer asked, “What do you mean “another one?”” Before Sentinel could reply, Ironhide answered, “Back at Parry Island, the good captain here said any man who couldn’t graduate would leave in a body bag. When a friend of mine suffered a mental breakdown after he kicked him in the head, he tried to murder him.”

As everyone took in this revelation, the marine officer strutted up to Ironhide as he threatened, “You forget your place sergeant. I am in charge here. Do you have a problem with how I run this show?” Steeling himself, Ironhide replied, “I do. The man you just….” Hesitating for a moment, he continued, “He was a prisoner, let alone a human being.”

“He was an ENEMY!” Sentinel Prime shouted back, his anger seething out of his mouth along with his saliva. “There are only two kinds of people out here. You’re either with us, or you die. End of story!” Despite his volume and conviction, Ironhide wasn’t relenting or backing down. If anything, the sergeant looked down and quipped, “Sir, your fly is down.”

Before either man could say anything else, everyone was distracted by the sound of a deep voice calling out, “What’s going on here?” Ironhide turned to see that it was Optimus, a confused look on his face. Running up to his friend and immediate superior, the sergeant snapped to attention as he reported, “Sir! I must report that captain Sentinel Prime has….” Taking a deep breath, he whispered into the blue haired man’s ear…..

Sighing, Optimus walked up to the door to the interrogation chamber, opened the door to peek inside, turned around, closed the door, walked up to Sentinel, and said, “I think you and I had better have a word with Colonel Convoy.” Sentinel rolled his eyes before replying, “You’re not gonna get rid of me that easily.”

As Optimus and Sentinel departed, Roadblock strutted up to Ironhide and, giving him a punch to the arm, warned, “You’re walking on thin ice sarge. You know what they say about those who betray their masters.” Turning to face his subordinate, Ironhide replied, “Yeah, well, I don’t believe in that mumbo jumbo.” He then began to leave, but quickly stopped himself as he added, “Oh, and since the Cap and Sentinel are busy, this means I’m technically in charge for the moment.” He then stepped up to Roadblock’s face and finished, “So thanks for volunteering for guard duty tonight.”

With that, Ironhide, Huffer, and Wheeljack departed, leaving Roadblock to grumble, “Enjoy everything while you can Ironhide. Sentinel sees things my way, and I’ll wear your stripes soon enough.”

The Chop Shop, the Present Day…

“And what happened next?” Apple Bloom asked, consumed by anticipation and intrigue. “Was Sentinel punished for what he did?” Ironhide tried to speak, but found a lump forming in his throat as the memories of his past danced around in his head. Realizing her uncle was dealing with internal turmoil, the former farm girl quickly changed her position with, “Sorry if Ah’m askin’ too much.”

Resting his hand on her shoulder, Ironhide reassured his niece, “It’s alright kid. It’s just that…” Taking a deep breath, the older man continued, “I don’t talk about what happened back then too often.” Apple Bloom nodded as she replied, “Ah’d probably not talk about it if Ah went through even half of what you did.”

As he let out a gentle chuckle, Ironhide continued, “But yeah, Optimus went before colonel Convoy and informed him of Sentinel’s….. Interrogation methods. Sadly….” Letting out a defeated sigh, he finished, “Nothing was ever done. The bastard was still in charge of us until….”

His hand trembling, Ironhide stood up as he said, “Excuse me girls. I need a moment.” Apple Bloom wanted to say something, but the tone in her uncle’s voice made it clear he was in no mood to debate. Instead, the young girl asked, “Anythin’ Ah can do for you?” Smiling, Ironhide replied, “Not at the moment, but I appreciate the offer.”

Sideswipe then asked, “Hey Apple Bloom?” The former farm girl turned around to find her sister straighten her vest as she continued, “How you and I see who the better general is?” Giving her sister a cocky smirk, Apple Bloom made her way back to the table as she replied, “You’re on.”

As Ironhide made his way upstairs, Sideswipe asked, “So, you wanna be black or white?”

Ironhide’s Room

Entering his bedroom, Ironhide was pleasantly surprised to see his wife seated on the bed reading a book. Noticing her husband had joined her, Chromia asked, “What’s up?” Sitting down next to his wife, the family patriarch answered, “I was just sharing stories with the girls.” Intrigued, Chromia asked, “War stories?”

Nodding, Ironhide replied, “Specifically the one with the mortars.” Upon hearing this, Chromia sighed, “I swear I don’t know how you put up with that Sentinel jerk for so long.” The family patriarch let out a gentle chuckle as he quipped, “I don’t know either. I guess the whole “respect the rank thing” was the only reason I could swallow my pride and follow a psychopath like him before….”

Collapsing onto the bed, Ironhide glumly stated, “I’m gonna have to tell her about the Hamlet incident. Before she goes home, I’ll have to tell her about how….” He was interrupted by Chromia reassuring him, “If she’s made it this far, she’ll understand.” She then added, “Besides, in your boots I’d do the same thing you did.”

Smiling, Ironhide let out gentle, “I don’t know what I’d do without you.” Chromia let out a small giggle as she replied, “I could say the same of you.” The two then shared a quick kiss as the older man asked, “So, what book are you reading?”

With that, Chromia began to inform Ironhide on the novel she’d been reading, allowing the memories of darker days to disappear into the recesses of his mind. After all, nothing in a book could possibly come even close to what the former sergeant had gone through.

Author's Note:

Next Time; As Sideswipe finally buys a pair of tap shoes, Tender Taps comes out to reveal a bit of his past to Apple Bloom.

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