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Bracing Truths

As the Apple Blooms

Part 47; Bracing Truths

“Ah know Ah put them somewhere.” Apple Bloom mumbled to herself as she scoured the floor of her shared bedroom. It was once again that time of a week; time to tap dance and more importantly, the one regular chance a week she had to see Tender Taps and Double Shuffle. Of course, today of all days was the day she had to misplace her tap shoes.

“Ah swear Ah’d lose mah head if it weren’t stuck on mah neck.” The former farm girl grumbled in self deprecation. The last time she’d seen her tap shoes, she was shining them on the back porch. Remembering this, Apple Bloom shot up to her feet as she exclaimed, “Of course! Apple Bloom you idiot!” She then began to dash towards the stairs, only to be greeted by a very smug Sideswipe holding something behind her back.

“You lose something?” The teenaged biker cheekily asked. Sighing, Apple Bloom explained, “Yeah. Ah can’t find mah tap shoes. You seen ‘em?” Letting out a mischievous giggle, Sideswipe revealed that she was hiding her surrogate sister’s shoes behind her back before tossing them to her as she quipped, “Found these on the back porch. You really need to keep track of your things.”

Though momentarily embarrassed, Apple Bloom quickly let out a sigh of relief as she replied, “Thanks Sideswipe.” As she made her way to her dance bag, the teenaged biker added, “No problem. Just looking out for you.”

Placing her tap shoes in the bag and zipping it up, Apple Bloom asked, “So, you ready?” Sideswipe nodded as she made her way to her own dance bag and answered, “You bet! I gotta admit, I’ve missed dancing.” She then leant against the former farm girl and quipped, “You aren’t gonna get jealous again, are you?”

Feeling her face blush, Apple Bloom replied, “Don’t worry. Ah’m not gonna lose control like last time.” The pale biker rested a hand on her shoulder as she reassured her, “Relax. Don’t get your hair in a knot.” As she readjusted her bag, Sideswipe then added, “Now come on. We’re burning daylight.”

As the two teens began to make their way to their bicycles, they passed Ironhide and Ratchet, the two grownups discussing something private. Turning to face her uncle, Apple Bloom called out, “We’re leavin’ for Tender’s. See you in a bit!”

Turing to face his niece, Ironhide called back, “Have fun kids. Just don’t be out too long.” He then focused on Sideswipe as he added, “We’ve got a surprise for you.” This statement surprised both girls, with the pale biker asking, “What is it?” Rather than provide a clear answer, however, Ironhide quipped, “All good things to those who wait.”

As the pale white punk playfully rolled her eyes, Apple Bloom reassured her, “Come on.” With that, the two teens made their way outside, all while Ironhide and Ratchet continued their plans.

The Tap Family Home….

As the single bicycle approached the familiar sight of the Tap family’s residence, Apple Bloom could only think one thing to herself; they really needed to get another bike. Sideswipe stepped off the bike as she complained, “Ugh. That was unpleasant.” The former farm girl couldn’t help but quip, “Well, you wanted to come and we don’t have another bike.”

Sideswipe stretched as replied, “Fine. But I’m driving on the way back.” Apple Bloom could only playfully sigh as she replied, “As you wish dear.” The teenaged biker couldn’t help but chuckle as she remarked, “Only for you.” She then performed a simple bow, leading the former farm girl to reply, “Alright. Come on now.”

Once both teens made it to the front door, Apple Bloom knocked as she called out, “Tendy! We’re here!” After a few moments, the door opened, revealing the very familiar sight of a certain boy with orange skin and purple hair.

“Hey Apple Bloom!” Tender Taps enthusiastically squealed as he wrapped the former farm girl in a bone crushing hug. Struggling to breathe, she managed to squeak out, “Good to see you too Tendy.” As the orange dancer released his girlfriend, he realized that she hadn’t come alone.

Turning to face Sideswipe, Tender Taps greeted her with, “Whoa. Didn’t expect to see you again. How’s it hanging Sideswipe?” The teenaged biker shrugged as she replied, “Not much. Same old same old.” Tender Taps would have dropped the subject, but he couldn’t take his eyes off her faded black eye. Realizing what he was looking at, Sideswipe let out a sigh as she explained, “Don’t worry about this.” She then pointed to her eye as she added, “I don’t want to talk about it.”

Apple Bloom then added, “It’s a long story, and one Ah’m not comfortable sharin’.” Though concerned, Tender Taps replied, “I understand. If you ever decide to, I’m all ears.” Satisfied, Sideswipe let out a simple, “Thanks.”

Apple Bloom then proceeded to ask, “So where’s Double Shuffle?” Upon hearing this, Tender Taps let out a dejected sigh as he answered, “Not the best. You see, she….” He was immediately interrupted by the former farm girl inquiring, “What’s wrong? Was that Chasse girl bullyin’ her again?” The orange boy shook his head as he explained, “Not this time.”

Before he could continue, Tender Taps realized they were still on the porch and offered, “Would you guys like to come in?” As Sideswipe shrugged, Apple Bloom answered, “Ah’d love to. And Tendy?” The orange boy replied with a simple, “What is it?” He received his answer when Apple Bloom gave him a quick peck on the cheek as she added, “It’s good to see you again.” Tender Taps could only blush as he replied, “Thanks. I’ve been missing you too.” He then took Apple Bloom by the hand as he led her and Sideswipe into his home.

A Few Minutes Later….

As the trio of teenagers made their way into the living room, they were greeted by the sight of Double Shuffle sitting on the couch, petting a familiar orange tabby cat. Walking up to her little sister, Apple Bloom called out, “Hey Double Shuffle! Hey Skimbles!” Though the orange feline made its way to the former farm girl and rub himself up against her, the younger blue girl simply sat there, not saying anything.

‘This is surprising.’ Apple Bloom thought to herself. Normally Double Shuffle would have run up to her and wrapped her in a bone crushing hug. What was going on to make her honorary little sister act so differently?

Tender Taps then walked up to his little sister as he reassured her, “Hey, it’s ok. You can trust her.” Taking a deep breath, Double Shuffle hesitated a moment before awkwardly grinning, revealing why she was so nervous.

There, plastered on the young girl’s teeth, were brand new sets of braces running across both her upper and lower jaws.

“Double Shuffle! You got braces?” Apple Bloom asked. The younger girl could only whimper as she looked away. Confused and concerned, the former farm girl asked, “What’s the matter?” Managing to muster enough strength, Double Shuffle could only reply with, “My teeth hurt.”

Tender Taps then explained, “Yeah. Double Shuffle got them yesterday. Mom made plans for her to get them over the summer and I guess the date just kinda crept up on us.” Apple Bloom could only nod as she returned her attention to her little sister and ask, “Anythin’ Ah can do for you?” The younger blue girl shook her head as she dejectedly replied, “Not unless you can make the pain stop.”

At this moment, Sideswipe stepped forward as she approached the younger girl and asked, “So, you’re the illustrious Double Shuffle I’ve heard so much about?” Nodding, Double Shuffle replied, “Yeah. Who are you?” The pale biker straightened her vest as she introduced herself, “The name’s Sideswipe. Local trouble maker, fun lover, and a heck of a dancer if I do say so myself.”

Double Shuffle giggled as she remarked, “You look like a biker.” Playfully faking insult, Sideswipe elaborated, “Oh no my dear, I am more than a mere biker. I am….” Pausing for a moment, she deflated as she continued, “On second thought, I guess I am little more than a biker.” This honest answer made Double Shuffle giggle even harder, much to everyone’s delight.

As Double Shuffle and Sideswipe continued talking, Apple Bloom turned to Tender Taps as she remarked, “Looks like they’re gettin’ along.” The purple haired boy nodded as he replied, “I know. So, what’s new with you?” Scratching the back of her head, the former farm girl admitted, “Outside of the situation with Sideswipe, not much really.”

Before either Tender Taps or Apple Bloom could say anything else, Double Shuffle and Sideswipe approached the two as the latter said, “Looks like we have a tiny little problem here.” Concerned, Apple Bloom asked, “What’s wrong?” Part of her was worried that there was something else bugging Double Shuffle, and part of her was worried her teeth were hurting again.

Luckily, her fears were proven unwarranted when Double Shuffle gave Sideswipe a cheeky smirk as she explained, “She thinks she can tap faster than me.” Tender Taps let out a surprised “Ooh” before leaning into Apple Bloom and explaining, “She prides herself on being the fastest tapper in town.”

Realizing what was likely about to happen, Apple Bloom asked, “Is it me or does it seem like we got ourselves a dance off in the immediate future?” The blue girl immediately ran off as she called out, “Last one ready is a rusty tap!” Once she was gone, Sideswipe turned to Apple Bloom and asked, “So is that the cue for us to get changed or something?”

All Apple Bloom and Tender Taps could do was snicker as they left to change into their dance attire.

Tap Family’s Studio

As she laced up her tap shoes, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but admire their reflection in the large mirror. Allowing herself to feel just a little bit childish, she lifted and wiggled her feet, exposing the large toe taps. ‘Heh. Ah don’t know if Ah’ll ever get used to these.’ The former farm girl thought to herself.

She was interrupted from her train of thought when she heard Double Shuffle challengingly call out, “You ready Sideswipe?” Turning to face her younger sister, Apple Bloom found the younger girl striking a confident pose while dressed in a gray short sleeved shirt and black pants as well as her tap shoes. On the other side of the studio stood Sideswipe, wearing a black tank top, black shorts, and her step dance shoes.

“I was born ready.” Sideswipe cockily answered as she splayed her arms. The pale biker then let out a determined, “Your move.” Having officially been challenged, Double Shuffle leapt forward and began to perform a few triple time steps. After the fourth time step, the younger girl finished her first turn with two maxi fords followed by a confident, “Top that.”

Taking a moment to stretch her arms, Sideswipe pepped herself up with, “Here goes nothing.” She then straightened her upper body as she leapt forward as she allowed her feet to fly, striking the wooden floor with surprisingly impressive speed. Even Double Shuffle was surprised by the young biker’s skill.

While her two sisters continued their dance off, Apple Bloom heard Tender Taps ask, “What did I miss?” Turning to face her boyfriend, the former farm girl found him dressed in a white tank top, black pants, and to her mild surprise, purple leg warmers. After a few moments awkward blushing, she replied, “Not much. Just the two of them makin’ their first moves.”

Sitting down next to her, Tender Taps couldn’t help but remark, “I think Sideswipe might actually give Double Shuffle a run for her money.” Apple Bloom let out a gentle chuckle as she added, “Ah dunno. Ah think she’s startin’ to pick up steam.” Indeed, the younger girl was tapping even faster now, with her feet starting to blend together like in cartoons.

As Sideswipe took her next turn, Apple Bloom noticed something odd; Double Shuffle was trying to keep her teeth apart from each other. Normally, the younger girl would keep her mouth closed or grit her teeth. Of course, given the new braces on her teeth, there was a very good reason she was being careful.

Noticing that his girlfriend was visibly concerned, Tender Taps reassured her, “Don’t worry about her. Apparently the orthodontist said that the pain will wear off in about a week or so.”

Turning to Tender Taps, Apple Bloom asked, “Did you ever get braces?” The orange boy shook his head as he replied, “No. Mom said I just have perfect teeth.” He then shot the former farm girl an admittedly adorable grin (complete with a sparkle on one of his teeth) before continuing, “I just wish Double Shuffle did as well.”

Sighing, Apple Bloom added, “Ah know the feelin’. Neither Applejack nor Big Macintosh had braces. Now that Ah think about it, Ah don’t think either of mah parents had them either.” She then turned back to face Double Shuffle and Sideswipe, only to be pleasantly surprised to see that both girls had stopped dancing and were now shaking hands.

Standing up and walking up to them, Apple Bloom asked, “Who won?” Double Shuffle turned to face her big sister and enthusiastically replied, “It was a tie!” Sideswipe nodded as she quipped, “You didn’t lie Apple Bloom. This kid’s a natural!” She then gave the younger girl a playful nudge as she continued, “Almost as good as I used to be.”

As Double Shuffle grinned with joy, Tender Taps turned to Apple Bloom and playfully asked, “Now that they’ve settled this, how about you and I make some noise?” The red haired girl gave a cocky smile as she replied, “Ah’m always ready.” The two teens then began to make their way to the middle of the studio floor.

Once they were across from each other, Apple Bloom asked, “So, you wanna go first?” Tender Taps gave his answer with a polite bow and a simple, “Ladies first.”

Having been given the go ahead, the former farm girl started off with two essences. Once those were done, she moved on to a pair of double time steps followed by a waltz clog and a maxi ford. Striking a confident pose, she playfully quipped, “Ah bet you can’t do better than that.”

Now properly challenged, Tender Taps began with four scissors, going up on his toes in a way Apple Bloom was not quite capable of yet. As he continued, he moved his feet at a speed not unlike his younger sister.

After finishing with a move Apple Bloom had never seen before, Tender Taps gave a cocky, “Your move.” As the former farm girl thought of which tap step to do next, however, both teens were distracted by a piercing scream.

Turning to see who it was, they found Double Shuffle collapsed on the floor, holding her hands to her mouth as a stray tear escaped from her eye. Wasting no time, Apple Bloom and Tender Taps ran up to their younger sister with the former frantically calling out, “Double Shuffle! What happened?” The younger girl didn’t answer, only continuing to groan in pain.

Instead, Sideswipe explained, “I was complimenting her on her dancing when she pumped her fist before screaming!” She then turned her attention to Double Shuffle as she added, “I think she may have gritted her teeth just a bit too hard.”

Apple Bloom knelt down to Double Shuffle as she began to caress her younger sister with a gentle, “It’s alright. Everythin’s gonna be alright.” Sadly, her words, while well intentioned, ended with disastrous results.

Rising back up to her feet, Double Shuffle stormed away from the group as she began to angrily stomp her feet. As she slammed her feet into the wooden floor, she furiously bellowed, “I hate these stupid braces! I hate them! I HATE THEM!” She then began to bleed tears as she tried to grit her teeth, only to recoil in pain.

Unable to bear seeing her sister in so much pain, Apple Bloom ran up to Double Shuffle and wrapped her in a tight embrace. Feeling herself be enveloped in the warmth of her older sister, the young girl returned the gesture by wrapping her arms around the former farm girl. Seeing the sight of the two siblings embracing each other made Sideswipe’s heart melt as she quipped, “I gotta admit Tender, you have great taste in girls.”

Once Apple Bloom and Double Shuffle finished their hug, Tender Taps approached them as he asked, “Feeling better?” When the younger girl gave a small nod, her brother continued, “Need me to get you some painkillers?” Double Shuffle gave a nod as she replied, “Please.”

Tender Taps then turned to Apple Bloom as he informed her, “I’m gonna get Double Shuffle some ibuprofen.” At that moment, a rumble emerged from the younger girl’s stomach, leading to the orange boy to add, “And see if I can make her something to eat.”

Giving a confirming nod, Apple Bloom replied, “Ah’ll stay here with her.” She then turned to Sideswipe and asked, “You wanna keep us company?” The pale biker smiled as she replied, “You bet!” Sideswipe proceeded to shuffle her way over to the other two girls (much to Double Shuffle’s amusement) as she sat down against the wall, leading Apple Bloom and Double Shuffle to follow suit.

Once Tender Taps had departed, Sideswipe couldn’t help but praise the younger girl with, “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but you’re amazing! Even I couldn’t tap like that when I was a kid!” Starting to awkwardly blush at the praise, Double Shuffle replied, “Thanks. Though if you think I’m good, you should see Tender, or better yet, dad.” She then grew a mischievous smile as she quipped, “Or maybe Apple Bloom.”

“You don’t mean that.” Apple Bloom replied as she tried to remain humble. “Y’all are better dancers than me.” She then began to scratch the back of her neck as she added, “Besides, you guys have been doin’ this longer than Ah have.”

Sideswipe then replied, “True, but if you’re already as good as I’ve seen for someone who started like five months ago, then I say you’re a certified natural.” Apple Bloom thanked her with, “Thanks Sideswipe. If anythin’, Ah gotta admit you’re a surprisingly great dancer.”

Double Shuffle then asked, “Sideswipe? Can I ask you a question?” Turning to face the younger girl, Sideswipe answered, “I’m all ears.” Having received permission, the preteen tap dancer asked, “If it’s not too much to ask, could you maybe teach me how to dance the way you do?”

Pondering for a moment, Sideswipe gave her answer with, “I’d love to.” This answer led Double Shuffle to leap into the teenaged biker as she cried out, “Thank you THANK YOU!” She then stopped as she added, “Though I want to wait for my teeth to stop hurting first.”

The trio’s banter was interrupted by Tender Taps calling out, “Double Shuffle! I made you some chicken noodle soup.” Upon hearing this, the blue girl bolted up and dashed out of the dance studio, leaving Apple Bloom and Sideswipe to follow after her.

Tap Family Dining Room…

As the three girls entered the dining room, Tender Taps set a bowl of steaming soup for his younger sister. Running up to her older brother, Double Shuffle wrapped him in a gentle hug as she happily called out, “Thank you Tender Taps.” The older boy returned the gesture as he replied, “No point in taking medicine on an empty stomach.”

Once Double Shuffle sat down and started eating, Apple Bloom asked, “Nothin’ hard Ah take it?” Nodding, Tender Taps answered, “Nothing harder than soft bread for the moment.” As he finished, Double Shuffle dejectedly whined, “Which sucks! I’ve been starving since yesterday.”

Sighing, Tender Taps replied, “I know. We just have to wait for your teeth to stop hurting and then things will go back to normal.” He then paused for a moment before continuing, “Or at least get into a new normal.” As Double Shuffle sighed, the orange boy turned to Apple Bloom and sideswipe as he explained, “Let’s just say brushing her teeth has been a little more time consuming.”

Apple Bloom nodded as she began to approach her little sister, who was taking a sip of water to wash down her ibuprofen. Resting a hand on her shoulder, the former farm girl reassured her, “Ah don’t know what happens next, but if there’s anythin’ Ah can do, Ah’m here for you.”

Lighting up with joy, Double Shuffle wrapped the older girl in a tight embrace as she gently replied, “I love you Apple Bloom.” The former farm girl couldn’t help but hug her back and reassure her, “Ah love you too.” Watching this, Sideswipe playfully shook her head as she quipped, “I gotta admit, you two are adorable.”

Later that Evening…

Having changed back into their normal clothes, Apple Bloom and Sideswipe were preparing to return home when Tender Taps said, “Thanks for stopping by guys.” He then began to awkwardly scuff his feet as he focused on Apple Bloom as he asked, “And maybe at some point we can go out for ice cream or something like that?”

Blushing uncontrollably, Apple Bloom answered, “Sounds like a plan. Maybe Double Shuffle can tag along. Might be nice to eat somethin’ soft.” She then leant against him as she quipped, “Somethin’ soft like your big ol’ heart.” As Tender Taps blushed, the former farm girl planted a kiss on his cheek, leading him to reply, “You missed.”

Sure enough, Apple Bloom and Tender Taps found themselves sharing a kiss, all the while Sideswipe watched. After a few seconds, the pale biker approached her friend and began to pull her as she quipped, “Come on love bird. We gotta get home before it gets too dark.”

Pouting, Apple Bloom replied, “Alright, but Ah’m drivin’.” Sideswipe shook her head as she replied, “Oh no. My butt is still sore. I’m driving.” It seemed that things were at an impasse, with both girls even pressing against each other’s nose.

Luckily, Tender Taps stepped in between them and interrupted, “Ladies, may I offer a solution?”

The Chop Shop, A Few Minutes Later….

As her home away from home grew closer as they approached, Apple Bloom could only think of one thing; riding on your boyfriend’s lap as he peddled a bicycle towards your home was as romantic as it was awkward. Sure enough, she and Tender Taps rode on the latter’s bike as Sideswipe borrowed Apple Bloom’s. All in all, the former farm girl was just thankful that this was the only time something like this was necessary.

The one thing that none of the three teenagers expected to see was a motorcycle parked in front of the shop. Confused, Tender Taps remarked, “I didn’t know any of you guys had a motor bike.” Apple Bloom, on the other hand, said, “Wait a minute. That bike looks familiar.”

Both teens were surprised to see Sideswipe leap off Apple Bloom’s bike and run towards the parked motorcycle with all her might. Once she approached the parked bike, the pale girl collapsed to her knees as she wrapped her arms around the vehicle.

Approaching their friend, Apple Bloom asked, “Sideswipe? You alright?” Rising back to her feet, Sideswipe wiped a stray tear from her face as she answered, “I’m so fucking happy!” Turning back to the static motorcycle, she continued, “It’s my bike! I thought I lost this when dad got arrested but…..” Unable to contain her sheer joy, she asked, “How’d it get here?”

From the entrance to the chop shop, Ironhide and Wheeljack emerged and began to approach the three teens. Apple Bloom ran up to her uncle and asked, “Uncle Ironhide! What’s Sideswipe’s bike doin’ here?” The older man turned to Sideswipe and called out, “Hey kid! We were able to stop by Red Alert’s place and were able to pick up your bike.”

Unable to contain her emotions, Sideswipe ran up to Ironhide and wrapped him in a bone crushing hug as, with tears in her eyes, she let out a gentle, “Thank you.” Though caught entirely off guard, the family patriarch returned the gesture as he let out a gentle, “No sweat.”

As Ironhide and Sideswipe finished their hug, Tender Taps asked, “So, what’s going on here?” Apple Bloom turned to her uncle and sister as she asked, “Need me to tell him?” The older man nodded as Sideswipe answered, “If it’s not too much….”

Apple Bloom sighed as she turned back to Tender Taps and began to explain, “You see, a few days ago…..”

Sweet Apple Acres, That Night….

Wiping the sweat from his brow, Big Macintosh stood over the suitcase on his bed as he inspected everything inside. All of his clothes were folded and packed, his toiletries were safely stowed away, and all in all, everything was right where it should be.

“There we go.” The light red teenager whispered to himself, careful not to awaken his sister or grandmother. Taking a final look over the packed suitcase, he zipped the bag up as he pulled it off his bed and set it against the wall.

Making his way to the desk on his table, Big Macintosh picked up a piece of paper. On this piece of paper were the directions to Ironhide’s residence, the very location that his little sister had been staying for the past five months.

Struggling to keep himself together, the Apple Family’s only son turned to face the picture of his family, more specifically the form of his youngest sister. Picking the picture up, he whispered, “Just a few more days Apple Bloom. Just a few more days, and we’ll be together again.” He then let out a defeated sigh before finishing, “Even if it’s just for a few days.”

Setting the photo back on his desk, Big Macintosh made his way back to his bed and tucked himself in before drifting off to what he hoped would be an uneventful night’s slumber.

Author's Note:

Next Time; It's an Apple Family Reunion! Or rather, a mini reunion.

Author's note: I've been subtly hinting to this week's plot for two weeks because I'm a cheeky little twit.

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