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A Day With the Girls

As the Apple Blooms

Part 28; A Day with the Girls

“And this here is the workshop.” Apple Bloom said to Marble Pie as both girls entered the eponymous room. “This is Where Ah help clean anythin’ salvageable from brake pads to loose gears.”

The gray girl managed to let out a very quiet (and very, very adorable) “Ooh.” Taking everything in, Marble turned to her friend and, after a brief pause, quipped, “It’s stuffier than I expected.”

Giggling, Apple Bloom replied, “Yeah, it gets stuffy in here, especially after Wheeljack’s been in here.” Of course, upon hearing this, the two girls heard Wheeljack call out, “I heard that!”

Once the two teenage girls departed the workshop, Apple Bloom asked, “So, you ready for today?” Marble managed to keep her nerves under control as she nodded yes, followed by a simple, “I’m ready.”

Apple Bloom couldn’t help but smile as her mind briefly drifted off to the previous day. Marble had stopped by and, once again, asked if she could hang out. Beachcomber had wanted Marble to try and make new friends, so he was hesitant to allow his ward to focus her attention on Apple Bloom again, though she’d managed to gain his blessing.

Luckily, Chromia was planning on taking Apple Bloom out for another “girl’s day out,” and the older geologist was perfectly happy to allow Marble to tag along. And since Chromia was also one who struggled with crowds, she figured she’d be the best person to help her with her issues.

As Apple Bloom and Chromia made their way to the shop front, they were greeted by the sight of Chromia speaking with Ironhide. “Now remember…” The blue woman began. “Make sure to keep your protective gear on, stay hydrated, and remember….” She then began to look around the shop for something as she finished with, “Don’t let Wheeljack get the immobilizer out.”

Curious, Apple Bloom asked, “Uh, what’s the immobilizer?” Before either Ironhide or Chromia could reply, Ratchet bursted in from the back of the shop, worry evident on his face as he asked, “Did you say something about the immobilizer?”

Chromia made her way up to her co-worker and reassured him, “I was just telling Ironhide to not let Wheeljack use that stupid thing.” Sighing with relief, Ratchet rubbed his face as he remarked, “Ok. I just don’t want to have to clean up his mess.” He began to turn to leave, but not before he focused on the two girls and warned them, “Don’t ever ask Wheeljack about the immobilizer. That damn thing always gets people hurt.”

Once Ratchet was gone, Ironhide reassured his wife, “Don’t worry, I promise I won’t let Wheeljack pull out the….” He stopped himself for a moment before continuing, “….That thing. You girls have fun out there, and stay safe. You never know who you’ll run into.” With this simple nugget of advice, husband and wife shared a brief kiss, much to Apple Bloom and Marble Pie’s amusement.

As Ironhide departed the shop front, Chromia turned to face the two girls and playfully asked, “So, you two ready?” Apple Bloom nodded as she pumped her fist and enthusiastically replied, “Ah was born ready!” Marble Pie, on the other hand, simply nodded yes with a quiet, “Mhm.”

“Alright then.” Chromia began as she pulled the van keys out of her overall pocket. “Let’s go and have a little….” She was interrupted when the ringing of the bell above the door caught everyone’s attention.

Turning to see who it was, Apple Bloom was surprised to see a certain girl roughly her age with short black hair, pale white skin, and a red leather jacket that could only belong to one person.

“Sideswipe?” Apple Bloom asked, surprised to see her friend. However, she quickly realized something was off with the teenaged biker; she had circles under her eyes, her posture didn’t radiate any of the spunk or energy she was known for, and all in all it was clear that something was bugging her.

“You alright?” Apple Bloom asked. Sideswipe managed to put up a brave face and, with a smile that could only be described as forced, answered, “Yeah, I’m fine.” She then turned to Marble and said, “’Sup Marble?”

Sideswipe made her way to Chromia and, scuffing her feet in uncharacteristically awkwardness, asked, “Hey Mrs. Chromia, I was wondering if there was anything I could do for you guys. I, uh…” She hesitated for a moment before she continued, “I need something to do.”

Chromia began to think as she began, “Well, the boys are busy with a project at the smelting pools today, and I’m taking the girls here out for some fun.” Upon hearing this, Sideswipe sighed as she dejectedly replied, “In that case, I guess I’ll stop by another time.”

“Hold on a minute!” Apple Bloom impulsively called out. As Sideswipe stopped herself, the former farm girl continued, “Ah mean, how about you tag along with us?”

Chromia walked up to Apple Bloom and began, “Uh, Apple Bloom, I think that we might be stretching it with four people. Besides, I’m not exactly made of money.” The former farm girl pondered on this for a few moments before she had an idea.

“Ah know! Ah can help cover everythin’!” Apple Bloom quickly replied. However, this was when Sideswipe stepped forward and said, “Don’t worry ma’am. I’ve got enough money on me.” She then sheepishly looked away as she added, “I like to plan ahead for any scenario.”

After a few moments, Chromia gave a playful shrug as she began, “Well, in that case, I guess you can tag along.” She then quipped, “As long as you stay out of trouble.”

Apple Bloom immediately leapt at her aunt and wrapped her in a large hug, squealing, “Thank you Aunt Chromia!” Sideswipe herself simply crossed her arms as she nodded, adding, “Thanks.”

“Ok girls.” Chromia said as Apple Bloom released her. “We better get moving before we turn into a small army.” With that, the small gaggle of girls departed the shop front, hoping that their day wouldn’t be too crowded.

Razor Edge’s Hair Salon

As the group entered the salon, both Apple Bloom and Chromia were pleasantly surprised to see that the place was practically deserted. The only people present were Razor Edge herself and one other woman, most likely an assistant or an apprentice. All in all, it was the perfect day for such a small group of misfits.

Seeing that she had customers, Razor Edge called out, “Chromia! So good to see you again. And I see you brought company.” Noticing that she had three teenage girls as well as the older woman, the salon owner asked, “So, party of four?”

Nodding, Chromia answered, “Yup. Just a change of plans. I hope that it’s not too much for you.” Razor Edge gave an “insulted” gasp as she playfully replied, “Of course not! I can handle anything you throw at me.” She then began to inspect the group as she asked, “So, who’s first?”

Apple Bloom turned to Marble and asked, “You wanna go first?” The gray girl hesitated for a moment before replying, “I guess.” Patting her friend on the back, Apple Bloom said, “Marble wants to go first!”

Razor Edge walked up to Marble, the latter turning slightly paler as she gulped from instinctive fear. To her surprise, the older woman gently asked, “So, what would you like to do with your hair young lady?” Feeling a little more comfortable, Marble glanced at her reflection in a distant mirror, noticing that her hair was just a little too long for her comfort.

“Well….” Marble began. “I guess I’d kinda like things trimmed up.” Smiling, Razor Edge wrapped an arm around the gray girl as she began, “Well then, I think I know just what to do.”

As she escorted Marble to one of the seats, Razor Edge called out, “My assistant will be with you girls in just a moment.” Nodding, Chromia, Apple Bloom, and Sideswipe made their way to the waiting area.

Picking up a magazine, Chromia remarked, “Good thing we came on a slow day, right?” Apple Bloom nodded as she answered, “Yeah. If it were anythin’ like last time, Ah’d suggest we try again later.”

Confused, Sideswipe asked, “I take it the last time Marble had a panic attack or something?” Shaking her head, Apple Bloom replied, “Nope. Aunt Chromia brought me here a few days after Ah arrived in Allspark Wells, and it was practically burstin’.”

Chromia herself added, “Yeah, Marble isn’t the only one who struggles with crowds. I’ve always had trouble dealing with too many people.” She then joked, “Which is kinda funny since now I’m surrounded by you girls.”

Chuckling, Sideswipe said, “Well, thanks for bringing me along.” Apple Bloom replied, “No sweat! The more the merrier, right?” Sideswipe smiled as she gave the former farm girl a gentle “punch” on the arm as she quipped, “Anything to get out of the house.”

Apple Bloom then asked, “Speakin’ of that, there somethin’ goin’ on at home?” Upon hearing this, Sideswipe turned away as she straightened her jacket, simply answering, “I don’t want to talk about it.”

Concerned, Apple Bloom pressed on. “Are ya sure? ‘Cause Ah always heard that the first step to deal with a problem is to talk about it.” This seemingly innocent statement was only greeted by Sideswipe blurting out, “I said I don’t wanna talk about it, alright?”

Leaning away nervously, Apple Bloom answered, “Ok! Ah got it!” Seeing that she’d upset her friend, Sideswipe quickly replied, “Sorry, it’s just….” She paused for a moment to take a deep breath before continuing, “It involves dad.”

Apple Bloom could only gulp. She didn’t know much about Sideswipe’s father, only that he’d taken a blow to the head and, because of that, was suffering from some sort of paranoia. Other than that, she could only guess what her friend was dealing with, and given her limited knowledge of her father, it probably wasn’t good.

Her train of thought was derailed when Chromia said, “Apple Bloom, they’re ready for you.” Turning to see that the assistant was ready for her, the former farm girl rose from her seat, though not before facing Sideswipe and saying, “Ah’ll be right back.”

The pale biker simply shrugged as she replied, “I’ll be waiting.” She then stretched her arms back in a relaxed pose, much to Apple Bloom’s and Chromia’s amusement.

As Apple Bloom passed Razor Edge and Marble, the former farm girl noticed that they were trying a new hairstyle, one she was sadly unfamiliar with. Curious, the red haired girl asked, “What you doin’ Marble?” The gray girl simply smiled as she replied, “Trying something new.” She then glanced to her reflection as she continued, “I haven’t found anything good yet.”

Razor Edge then interrupted with, “I’m sure we’ll find something.” Turning to Apple Bloom, she politely asked, “Speaking of which, my assistant here can help you, should you decide to go with something different.”

Once she’d been settled in to one of the other seats, the assistant asked, “So, anything special today?” Apple Bloom pondered for a moment, wondering if she should change her hair. However, the former farm girl glanced at her reflection and realized something; she loved having her hair in braided pigtails. Not only did the style compliment her face, but it was easy to manage, simply requiring her to pin the pigtails to the back of her head when she needed to keep them out of her face.

“Not really.” Apple Bloom politely replied. “Ah like mah hair the way it is.” However, when she noticed the few strands of hair that were starting to droop in front of her face from her bangs, she asked, “Though maybe gettin’ everythin’ trimmed might not be a bad idea.”

Smiling, the assistant replied, “Ok then, let’s start out by….”

Forty Five Minutes Later…

“My Apple Bloom!” Chromia enthusiastically exclaimed. “Don’t you just look adorable.” Indeed, the former farm girl had returned with the same hairstyle she’d sported when she entered that day, though her hair was arranged in a far more professional manner than the young girl could do on her own and with two red bows in each pig tail.

“Thanks Aunt Chromia.” Apple Bloom replied. “Ah guess it just suits me.” The former farm girl then turned to see how her friends had faired.

Unsurprisingly, both Sideswipe and Marble were sporting nearly identical hairstyles, though the latter’s hair was slightly but still noticeably shorter. Chuckling to herself, Apple Bloom quipped, “Guess Ah’m not the only one to stay with what they’ve got?”

As Marble nodded, Sideswipe struck a cute pose as she remarked, “Hey, you can’t improve perfection.” Giggling, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but reply, “Ah guess not.” She then turned to Marble and said, “Speaking of perfection, that look suits you perfectly.”

Blushing with embarrassment, Marble replied, “Thanks.” Sideswipe then added, “Yeah, I swear you’re just so adorable and cute I could…..” She stopped herself for a moment before blushing herself and “correcting” herself with, “I mean, what Apple Bloom said. The long hair suits you.” Marble simply smiled as she replied, “Thanks.” She then hesitated for a moment before adding, “I think you’re hair suits you too.”

Before the girls could continue, Chromia approached the group and informed them, “Ok girls, time to go.” And so, the quartet departed the salon, intent on continuing their “girl’s day out.”

Allspark Wells Shopping Center….

As the group walked down the pathway of the shopping center, Sideswipe asked, “So Marble, I understand why Apple Bloom and Mrs. Chromia are out here, but what brought you out of your shell?” Taking a deep breath, the gray girl answered, “Mr. Beachcomber wanted me to get out a little more. He doesn’t like it when I stay cooped up in the fossil hall.”

Apple Bloom then added, “And when Ah mentioned that Mrs. Chromia was plannin’ on another day out, she asked if she could come along?” Sideswipe nodded as she replied, “Sounds like a good idea. Besides, you could always find worse company than this little troublemaker.” She then leant against Apple Bloom, the latter playfully rolling her eyes as she added, “Commin’ from you, Ah’ll take that as a compliment.”

It was at this moment that something caught Marble’s eyes. Noticing this, Apple Bloom asked, “See somethin’ Marble?” The gray girl didn’t verbally respond, simply walking away from one of the group and towards one of the many stores. Curious, Apple Bloom turned to Sideswipe and asked, “What got her attention?”

The pale white girl pointed at Marble, or rather the sign for the shop that she was now standing right in front of. Said sign was deep rich green in color and read, Takara’s Toys. Curious, Apple Bloom asked, “A toy store?” Sideswipe then lit up as she realized, “Oh yeah, this place! I’ve run a few errands for this guy!”

From behind the trio, Chromia asked, “Find something interesting?” Marble turned and, with the uncharacteristic enthusiasm of a little girl, pleaded, “Can we go look inside? Please?” Though momentarily put off by the sudden burst of energy, Apple Bloom asked, “Can we Aunt Chromia?”

After a few moments, Chromia replied, “I suppose you can. Personally…” She began as she pointed back to the window, specifically to the many people that were currently inside the toy store. “It’s a little too crowded for my tastes. I’m gonna go get some coffee, so I expect you three will behave yourselves?” All three girls nodded in unison, with Apple Bloom even remarking, “Don’t worry. Ah’ll keep these two under control.”

Once Chromia gave a confirming nod, Marble Pie ran right into the store, followed by a bewildered and confused Sideswipe and Apple Bloom.

Takara’s Toy Store

Apple Bloom was amazed by just how homely the toy store actually was. Right in front of her and Sideswipe was a large table with an immaculately detailed model train display depicting a small town not unlike Allspark Wells. Behind this display were many aisles and other displays of toys, designed for little kids to get lost in and indulge their wildest fantasies. Unsurprisingly, several small children and their parents were roaming the store, trying to find just the right toy.

“Where do ya think Marble went?” Apple Bloom asked Sideswipe. Straightening her scarlet jacket, the pale teen replied, “I dunno. Guess we’ll just have to comb this place ‘till we find her.”

Before either of them could say anything else, they heard Marble’s voice let out a squeak of excitement. Letting out a sigh of relief, Sideswipe replied, “I’d say she’s….” She then extended hand as she “thought intensely” before pointing to one of the aisles as she deadpanned, “….Probably that way.”

Once both teens made it to the aisle, they found Marble doing something neither of them expected to see her do; smiling a toothy grin as she hugged a blue stuffed triceratops tighter to her as she giggled. Walking up to the gray girl, Apple Bloom asked, “What’d you find?”

Marble glowed as she presented the plush dinosaur and answered, “Just take a look at this little guy! I saw one of these in the window and he just looked so cuddly and…” She then practically jammed it in Apple Bloom’s face as she squealed, “Just look at his face!” Indeed, the little triceratops had two beady black eyes that, combined with its little beak, was just the cutest depiction of such a powerful animal.

“Ah guess he’s pretty cute.” Apple Bloom admitted. Sideswipe herself let out an amused chuckle as she added, “It is. Almost as cute as…” She quickly stopped herself before quickly (and awkwardly) fixing, “I mean, I’ve seen more than a few cute stuffed animals like this one.”

From the other end of the aisle, the trio of girls heard someone ask, “Everything alright here?” Turning to see who it was, they were greeted by a man with dark purple skin with lavender hair. Sideswipe stepped towards him and explained, “Everything’s alright Mr. Takara. Just a friend of mine having a little fun.” The purple man, this Mr. Takara, let out a relieved sigh as he replied, “Oh good. Just try to keep it down. I don’t want any of the kids getting scared.”

Once Takara had departed, Sideswipe turned to Marble and quipped, “I didn’t know you could get that excited about anything.” The gray girl sheepishly looked down, pushing her long bangs out of her face as she replied, “Sorry about that.”

Apple Bloom quickly remarked, “It’s alright. We all get excited about things we like.” Marble Blushed as she added, “Thanks. Guess I just have a soft spot for stuffed animals.” She then looked down, noticing her monochrome outfit and black leather jacket and joked, “I don’t really look like the kind of person who would love these things, do I?”

“Nothing wrong with that.” Sideswipe replied as she rested an arm against the gray girl. “It’s part of why I’m always doing odd jobs around here. Bike parts don’t grow on trees.”

Apple Bloom then added, “Yeah, and Ah….” She paused for a moment before continuing, “Actually, Ah don’t think Ah’ve ever found anythin’ Ah’ve been so fascinated with.”

As all three girls began to giggle, Apple Bloom asked herself, “Ah wonder what else is in this place?”

Thirty Minutes Later…

As Apple Bloom, Sideswipe, and Marble approached the cash register, the former farm girl couldn’t help but take another look around her, taking in the warmth and friendliness the store was radiating. She’d found a small stuffed doll that was now nestled in her arms; a gray plush rabbit with a pink shirt and blue pants. However, even if she hadn’t found the doll, it wasn’t what made that day special; she was just happy to be with her friends.

Sideswipe had also found something that peaked her interest; a black teddy bear in an explorer’s outfit with a pith helmet. “That’s a cute little fella you got there.” The former farm girl joked to her friend.

Holding the teddy bear close to her, Sideswipe replied, “I’ve always had a thing for explorers. Sometimes I’d like to pretend our house was some hidden tomb and that I was an explorer searching for a hidden treasure.” She then pointed to Apple Bloom’s rabbit and joked, “Besides, rabbits often fall prey to bears.”

“Only if they can catch ‘em.” Apple Bloom quipped back. Sideswipe rolled her eyes as the three teens approached the cashier. The woman behind the register, a green woman with yellow hair who seemed to be in her mid-to-late twenties, asked, “Alright, which one of you is next?”

Sideswipe went first, setting her teddy bear on the counter. She then jokingly asked, “One teddy bear please.” The older woman simply rolled her eyes, scanned the teddy’s tag, and said, “That will be twenty dollars.” The biker girl then pulled out a twenty dollar bill and gave it to the woman, who promptly returned the teddy bear to her and called out, “Next!”

Apple Bloom then presented her stuffed rabbit to the woman. Scanning it, the woman then replied, “That will be fifteen dollars.” Apple Bloom pulled out a wad of money (her personal savings from her paychecks from Ironhide) and removed a ten and a five dollar bill. Handing it to the woman, she politely said, “Thank you ma’am.” The woman, simply taking the money, answered, “Yeah yeah. Next!” Apple Bloom, surprised by her surprising rudeness, simply took her rabbit and exited the line.

Finally, there was Marble. Placing her triceratops on the counter, the woman once again scanned the tag on the plush toy. Turning to the gray girl, she stated, “That’ll be thirty dollars.” Marble then began to go through her jacket pockets and find the money for the toy, which she promptly gave to the woman.

Counting the cash, the woman shook her head and said, “Sorry kid, this is only twenty dollars. Either get me the rest or this little guy is going back on the shelves.” Marble began to panic, slipping off her jacket as she double, then triple checked her jacket pockets.

“No. I thought I had….” Marble began as she turned back to the plush triceratops, which the cashier had snatched up. Shaking her head, the older woman barked, “Sorry kid, but I can’t give this stuff out for free. Next!”

Before Apple Bloom could reply, Sideswipe stepped forward and pulled out some more money from her jacket, specifically a ten dollar bill, just enough to round out the cost of the plush dinosaur. Handing it to the woman, she asked, “Will this cover it?”

Taking the bill, the woman rolled her eyes as she handed Marble the triceratops and sighed, “Fine. Take it and go.” Once she had the dinosaur, Marble squealed with joy as she wrapped Sideswipe in a massive hug.

“Thank you thank you THANK YOU!” Marble exclaimed with joy! Hugging her back, Sideswipe replied, “Hey, I don’t leave people hanging.” Apple Bloom then walked up to the two and asked, “Room for one more?” Marble simply nodded as Sideswipe answered, “Always.”

A Few Minutes Later….

As the three girls walked past all the stores, Apple Bloom allowed her eyes to drift to Marble, who was still hugging the blue triceratops just as tightly as she had when she first found it. “You’re real fond of that little fella, aren’t ya?” She asked.

Marble nodded as she replied. “You bet. I’ve always loved stuffed animals. I think it’s because I know they’ll never be mean like people can be.” She then looked down as she took a deep breath and continued, “My dad often complained with how much I love them. He thinks that they’re “not becoming of a young woman.”” Apple Bloom let out a small chuckle as she replied, “Ah know the feelin’. Mah Granny Smith used to tell me Ah had to “act mah age,” but Ah still don’t know what that means.

Sideswipe, however, had stopped walking. Indeed, once Marble had mentioned her father, she stopped walking and just stood still. Noticing her friend had stopped, Apple Bloom asked, “You ok Sideswipe?”

Holding her new teddy bear close to her, Sideswipe sighed as she apologized, “Sorry for snapping at you earlier today.” Resting a hand on her shoulder, Apple Bloom replied, “Ah told you it’s alright. What’s buggin’ you?” Sideswipe began to speak, but couldn’t get the words out.

Luckily, Sideswipe noticed a bench against one of the shop walls. Turning to face her friends, she asked, “You mind if we sit down first?” Both Apple Bloom and Marble nodded yes, and the three girls made their way to the bench.

Once everyone was seated, With Sideswipe in the middle with Apple Bloom to her right and Marble to the left, the pale girl took a deep breath as she began to speak. “Apple Bloom, you know how I said I just needed to get out of the house today?” Nodding, the former farm girl asked, “Yeah. Did somethin’ happen?”

Taking a deep breath, Sideswipe solemnly answered, “Dad and I got into a fight.” As Apple Bloom processed what she just heard, and as Marble held her hands to her mouth in shock, the biker girl continued, “He was having another episode of paranoia and thought that I was plotting against him. I told him that he was just talking crazy, but he…” And it was at this moment that she did something neither Apple Bloom or Marble thought they’d see her do.

Sideswipe began to cry. It wasn’t a full on sob, but she was sniffling and her eyes were starting to water. “….He thought I would betray him like my brother.” She squeaked out as her eyes began to truly bleed tears. “I tried to tell him I wouldn’t, but he just wouldn’t listen and he said I was a disappointment.”

Seeing their friend break into tears, Apple Bloom and Marble rested their hands on her back. This prompted Sideswipe to wrap her arms around Apple Bloom as she finally gave into her sorrow, and broke down into a sobbing mess. “Oh Sideswipe.” The former farm girl somberly said as she gently caressed her back.

Crying into her friend’s shoulder, Sideswipe tearfully admitted, “I just want my dad back. I just want things to go back to normal.” All either Apple Bloom or Marble could do was just be there for their friend.

After what seemed like an eternity, Sideswipe finally managed to regain enough of her composure as she apologized, “Sorry. I know I’m not exactly one to get all mushy like this.” Apple Bloom reassured her, “No, it’s important to let everythin’ out.”

Marble then added, “Yeah, you can’t just bottle your emotions up.” Sideswipe simply smiled, wiped away the last of her tears, and replied, “Still, thanks. I don’t know what I’d do without you girls.”

Marble then began to giggle. Curious, Apple Bloom asked, “Somethin’ funny?” The gray girl pointed to their feet, more specifically their footwear. Smiling, she said, “Our boots.” Indeed, without coordination or planning, all three girls were wearing black boots. Chuckling at the revelation, Sideswipe joked, “I guess we’ve all got a good taste for footwear.”

At that moment, the trio heard Chromia’s voice call out, “You girls ok?” Turning to see her aunt approach, a coffee mug in her hand, Apple Bloom replied, “Everythin’s fine. Just helpin’ Sideswipe.”

The teenaged biker rose from the bench and explained, “Just venting about some problems with dad.” She then turned to face her friends as she added, “I think I just needed someone to listen.”

Apple Bloom added, “And if you ever need an ear, Ah’m always willin’ to listen.” Smiling, Sideswipe giggled as she replied, “If I didn’t know that you were with Tender Taps, I’d kiss you.” When Marble gave a confused look, the young biker explained, “Oh, I think I forgot to tell you. Marble, I’m gay.”

“Ooh.” Marble replied. “That’s cool. I think.” As Sideswipe gave a confused look, the gray girl continued, “I mean, I…. I’ve never met someone who’s gay before.” Smiling, the pale girl remarked, “Well, we’re not that different from other people.”

Chromia then asked, “So, who’s hungry?” Before any of the girls could reply, all three of their stomachs began to rumble. Chuckling, Apple Bloom replied, “Ah’m kinda hungry.” Marble then added, “I guess I’m kind of hungry too.”

Smiling, Chromia then said, “Follow me girls, I know the perfect place to get some lunch.” Once all three girls were back on their feet, Apple Bloom replied, “Lead the way ma’am.”

And so, as the small group made their way towards lunch, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but feel that today had been amazing. She’d had her hair done, she found an adorable little stuffed rabbit, and she was even able to help Sideswipe by listening to her troubles.

All Apple Bloom could think to herself was, ‘Ah wonder what the rest of today will have in store?’

Author's Note:

Next Time; Apple Bloom meets an old friend of Ironhide's, and learns about the most evil man in the world; Sentinel Prime

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