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End of an Era

As the Apple Blooms

Part 81; End of an Era

Slowly returning from the land of slumber, Apple Bloom rose up from the replacement bed and stretched her arms, letting out a lazy yawn. The former farm girl rubbed her eyes as she took in the fact that, for the first time in over half a year, she was in her old bedroom back at Sweet Apple Acres. Of course, it wasn’t quite the same as she remembered (different furniture on account of the previous set being destroyed in a tantrum), but all in all things were about as normal as they could be, given the circumstances.

Well, that and one other addition.

Apple Bloom was taken out of her moment of morning bliss by the unmistakable sound of Sideswipe snoring. Turning to face her sister, the former farm girl found the pale biker lying on a smaller spare bed, her arm dangling over the side as drool dripped out of her mouth. Shaking her head, Apple Bloom playfully quipped to herself, “Kinda reminds me of Scootaloo.”

Tiptoeing up to her sister, the former farm girl whispered, “Hey Sideswipe. Time to get up.” The pale biker simply let out an annoyed yawn as she whined, “Awh. Five more minutes.” She then turned over as she sleepily added, “Make it another hour.”

Apple Bloom let out an amused sigh as she quipped, “Alright. Guess Ah’ll just have to get ready with you in here.”

Almost immediately, Sideswipe shot up to her feet as she called out, “Yeah! Yeah! I’m going! I get the message! I’m gone!” Once Sideswipe was out of the bedroom, Apple Bloom made her way over to her dresser as she remarked to herself, “Now, what’s today’s fashion choice?”

After about ten minutes, Apple Bloom had settled into her outfit for the day; blue overalls, blue and white sleeveless shirt, and her black boots. Heck, she’d even decided to have a little fun and, to go along with her cerulean clothing, added a blue bow to each of her braided pigtails. Looking at her reflection in the mirror, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but remark, “Lookin’ good.”

Exiting her bedroom, Apple Bloom noticed Sideswipe leaning against the wall and informed her, “Ah’m done. You can get out of your pajamas now.” As the pale biker slinked off into her bedroom, the former farm girl quipped, “And don’t go back to sleep, or Big Mac’ll throw you into the pond.”

A few minutes later, Sideswipe reemerged, wearing her trademark outfit of a black tank top, red vest and jeans, and black boots. Noticing that the pale girl’s hair was wild and unkempt (or as much as it could be due to its boyishly short length), Apple Bloom asked, “Ain’t you gonna do somethin’ about your hair?” Shaking her head, Sideswipe playfully replied, “Given what we’re up against today, it’d be nothing more than a waste of time.” She then quickly added, “and I didn’t bring any hair gel.”

Rolling her eyes, Apple Bloom happily ordered, “Alright. Come on. Granny Smith will want us to help with breakfast.” The two girls then began to make their way towards the kitchen.

Farmhouse Kitchen…

As Apple Bloom and Sideswipe entered the kitchen, they found Ironhide, Chromia, and Granny Smith in the middle of a conversation, one that was clearly not a happy one. As Chromia noticed the two girls, Ironhide was still focused on the Apple family matriarch as he sternly warned, “I won’t repeat myself again. I don’t want Applejack near her without one of us, and this is not up for debate.”

Nudging her husband, Chromia whispered, “Irls-Gay are own-day ear-hay.” Turning to face his daughters, Ironhide immediately changed his mood to a more jovial tone as he greeted, “Well, look who’s up. I figured you girls would be awake by now.” Knowing her uncle was worried about something, Apple Bloom asked, “Everythin’ alright?”

Deciding to cut his losses, Ironhide replied, “About as alright as things can be. I was just telling your grandmother that I don’t want you around your sister without either myself, Chromia, Wheeljack, or Ratchet.” Sighing to herself, Apple Bloom dejectedly replied, “Ah guess Ah should’ve figured.” Sideswipe then reassured her sister, “Don’t worry. If Applejack wants you, she’s gotta go through me first.”

Chromia then interrupted with a gentle, “Well, on a lighter note, we’ve gone ahead and prepared breakfast for guys.” Apple Bloom immediately asked, “Wait! Breakfast already ready? Did we sleep in?” Stepping up to her youngest granddaughter, Granny Smith replied, “Of course not. In fact, your brother should be down right about….”

Her point was proven when Big Macintosh entered the kitchen, dressed in a white tee shirt, red jacket, and blue jeans. Letting out a loud yawn, the eldest Apple sibling greeted, “Mornin’ everyone.” Running up to her brother, Apple Bloom wrapped her arms around him as she squealed, “Mornin’ Big Mac!” Hugging his sister back, the young man replied, “Good to know someone’s happy to see me.”

Releasing her brother, Apple Bloom asked, “So, where’s Applejack?” Before Big Mac could answer, Granny Smith interrupted, “She woke up early to deal with the old well. Ah told her if she doesn’t keep a lid on her temper then she’s grounded.” Sighing to herself, Apple Bloom remarked, “Ah guess that’s good.”

Big Macintosh then asked, “So, what’s for breakfast? Need a hand with anythin’?” Granny Smith let out a gentle chuckle as she explained, “We’ve already got everythin’ fixed here, and Ah decided, given the special occasion, to make some of mah famous flapjacks.”

Apple Bloom immediately felt her mouth water and stomach rumble at the mention of her grandmother’s flapjacks. Turning to face her sister, she informed her, “You’re gonna love her flapjacks.” For her part, Sideswipe replied, “Ooh. Haven’t had pancakes in a long time.” Walking up to her “newest granddaughter,” Granny Smith playfully teased, “Then it looks like you are in for a real treat young lady.”

As the three teenagers made their way to scoop up some flapjacks, Apple Bloom failed to notice her uncle giving her a concerned look, clearly worried about his daughter’s safety.

The Cow’s Barn, One Hour Later…

Sitting down on a stool next to one of the Apple family’s prized dairy cows (a brown cow affectionately named “How Now”), Apple Bloom scooted a metal pail under the bovine’s udders as she warmly greeted, “Mornin’ How Now. Ah’ll be milkin’ ya today.” The former farm girl then gently asked, “That alright with you?”

The brown bovid gave a confirming nod as she straightened herself into position. With the cow now ready, Apple Bloom reached down, grabbed How Now’s udders, and began to squeeze them, releasing the sweet, white liquid into the pail. Letting out an amused chuckle, the former farm girl continued to squeeze How Now’s udders as she remarked, “Shame Applejack wouldn’t let me do this earlier.”

Of course, the moment the thought of her sister entered her mind, Apple Bloom let out a dejected sigh as she continued, “Of course, that feels like a lifetime ago now.” After all, while she was slipping back into the role of “farm girl,” Apple Bloom couldn’t help but feel just a little bit like a stranger. Sure, her grandmother and brother had welcomed her back, but she was with her uncle, aunt, sister, dog, uncle’s war buddies, and a fully sentient robot. Letting out a gentle chuckle, the former farm girl quipped to herself, “Never thought Ah’d…. Well… do half the things Ah’ve done in Allspark Wells.”

Apple Bloom was distracted by her discussion with herself by the sound of a loud mooing. Shaking her head, the red-haired girl reassured the brown bovine, “Alright, Ah’m finishin’ up now How Now.”

After a few minutes, the former farm girl finished milking How Now. Rising up from her stool, Apple Bloom began to scratch the brown cow’s neck as she complimented, “There we go. You’re good cow, ain’t ya How Now?” For her part, the brown bovine let out a happy “Moo” as she gave what could only be described as the closest thing to a smile a cow could give. Apple Bloom then bent down to lift up the pail of milk, only to remember why her family hadn’t had her perform this task before.

Milk, like water, is heavy.

Already feeling her arms begin to grow sore, Apple Bloom panted, “Ugh. Come on, just gotta get this over to the fridge.” After a few strenuous moments, she made it over to the large refrigerator used for keeping raw milk cold. Setting the pail down, Apple Bloom opened the large fridge, lifted the pail inside, and closed it.

Turning back to How Now, Apple Bloom said, “Alright. Ah think You and Ah are done for now. You can go back to the meadow now girl.” How Now gave a confirming nod and strutted outside the barn. Once she was gone, another cow entered. This specific bovine was white with black spots and had a yellow daisy rested on her ear. Remembering who this specific cow was, the former farm girl greeted, “Mornin’ Daisy. Ready for your milkin’?”

A Few Hours Later…

Wiping the sweat off of her brow, Apple Bloom let out an exhausted sigh as she focused on the black cow in front of her and stated, “There we go Bessie. You’re all milked for now.” Bessie let out an affectionate “Moo” before walking out of the barn, being careful not to spill the pail of milk on the way out.

Bending down to pick up the milk pail, Apple Bloom took a deep breath as she lifted the heavy pail. Struggling to keep her arms from dropping the bucket of delicious white milk, the former farm girl eventually made it to the fridge, opened it up, and set the pail comfortably in the large fridge.

From behind her, Apple Bloom heard her uncle’s voice remark, “Looks like someone’s got some pretty strong arms.” Turning around to face her uncle, the former farm girl asked, “Uncle Ironhide? What are you doin’ here?” The older man smiled as he answered, “One, I wanted to check up on you. Make sure you were doing alright.” He then quickly added, “I also wanted to make sure there weren’t any foxes or coyotes in here.”

Apple Bloom giggled as she replied, “Ah don’t think there’s any varmints like that in here.” She then wrapped her uncle in a quick hug, one which he happily returned. Once they finished their embrace, Ironhide informed his daughter, “Oh, and another thing. Your brother says he wants to take you and Sideswipe out for lunch in a bit.”

Lighting up, Apple Bloom asked, “Really?” Nodding, Ironhide answered, “Yup. Thankfully, it looks like you’ve finished up in here.” Nodding, the former farm girl replied, “Yeah. Guess Ah’m just that good.”

Smiling, Ironhide informed his daughter, “Now then, I’d recommend you apply some deodorant, so you don’t distract anyone with any unpleasant odors.” Apple Bloom gave a playful salute as she replied, “Sir yes sir.” The former sergeant returned the salute as he bade, “At ease private. You’re dismissed.”

Nodding, Apple Bloom dashed out of the barn, leaving Ironhide alone in the old wooden structure. Taking a deep breath, the former sergeant couldn’t help but admit, “Just like I remember. Shame so much more has changed.”

The Back Porch…

Sitting on the farmhouse’s back porch, Apple Bloom waited for her brother and sister, the former farm girl couldn’t help but think to herself, ‘Ah still gotta admit, Ah’ve missed this place.’ Indeed, just taking in the sights of her family’s farm reminded her of days long passed. Glancing over to her right, Apple Bloom noticed the fields of carrots as she thought, ‘Ah remember when Big Mac used to carry me on his shoulders while waterin’ the carrots.’

The former farm girl was distracted by the sound of Wheeljack screaming in abject fear. Turning her head to see what was going on, Apple Bloom was both unsettling yet undeniably hilarious.

There, being chased over the hill by a herd of sheep, was a panicking Wheeljack. The maverick mechanic was running straight towards her with a shepherd’s crook, though he eventually tossed it aside. He was also flanked by Winona and Sparkplug on his left and right side respectively. Both dogs were trying to keep the sheep away from Wheeljack, who’s jumpsuit had clear signs of having been nibbled on.

Running towards the farmhouse, Wheeljack cried out, “Somebody help me!” Of course, it was at this moment that one of the sheep stretched her face forward and, to Apple Bloom’s surprise, took a bite out of his “rear end,” exposing his heart patterned underwear.

Once he was up to the porch, Wheeljack leapt onto it as he turned to the sheep and shouted, “Keep your greedy muzzles to yourselves you bunch of worthless lamb chops!” The sheep, for their part, simply started braying before Winona and Sparkplug forced them back, leading the maverick mechanic to remark, “Your little friend here seems to be quite the sheepdog.” Apple Bloom shrugged as she quipped, “Ah guess it’s just because he’s a good boy.”

As the sheep continued to bray, Chromia, Sideswipe, and Big Macintosh emerged from the farmhouse as the scrapper matriarch remarked, “Looks like your friends here got a little hungry.” Sideswipe then quipped, “Yeah, don’t you know the value of sharing?” Rolling his eyes, Wheeljack dejectedly answered, “Well you try leading sheep when they try eating your clothes off your back.”

Letting out a gentle chuckle, Big Mac turned to his little sister and asked, “You ready Apple Bloom?” Rising up to her feet, the red-haired girl replied, “You bet!” As the former farm girl walked up to her brother and sister, Chromia reassured Wheeljack, “Don’t worry. I can handle the sheep.” She then walked up to the little fluff balls and called out, “Alright everyone. Line up please.”

To everyone’s surprise, the sheep stopped braying and organized themselves into two lines. As Wheeljack, Apple Bloom, and Sideswipe felt their jaws dropping, Chromia turned to the others and simply informed, “I used to help look after the sheep as a teen.” Sure enough, the scrapper matriarch began to lead the sheep away with Sparkplug and Winona flanking the herd.

Shrugging to himself, Wheeljack simply remarked, “Eh. I’ve done weirder.” He then made his way into the farmhouse as he called out, “I’m gonna change jumpsuits.”

Once Wheeljack was gone, Big Mac turned to his sisters as he asked, “So, who’s hungry?”

Sweet Snacks Café…

As Apple Bloom stepped out of her brother’s pickup truck, she found herself growing slightly nervous. ‘Come on Apple Bloom, keep it together. Just you, Big Mac, and Sideswipe goin’ into a diner you an’ half of school like to attend. No pressure.’

She wasn’t lying. Many, many students of Canterlot High loved to frequent Sweet Snacks Café, and if what she remembered from the last time, she was there was true, kids from Crystal Prep also visited from time to time. And if everything Apple Bloom had learned from Sunset was correct, then it was clear that the mess she made was still fresh and wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon.

The former farm girl was distracted from her worry when Sideswipe remarked, “Huh. Retro diner. Reminds me of Hot Rods.” She then turned to Big Macintosh and explained, “It’s this local diner back home.”

Smiling, the eldest Apple sibling replied, “Well now, then Ah think you’ll like this place.” He then turned to Apple Bloom and reassured her, “Don’t worry. I chose this place for a reason.” Nodding, the former farm girl nervously replied, “If you say so.”

As the three teens entered the diner, Apple Bloom took in the familiar sights of the diner. Like any diner designed to resemble the decades long past, there were booths lined up across the window clad walls, stools that sat in a line across the counter in front of the kitchen, a jukebox in the back of the restaurant, a black and white checkerboard patterned floor, and countless pieces of nostalgic memorabilia.

Of course, that wasn’t what Apple Bloom was focusing on. What the former farm girl was looking out for was to see if any of the other patrons seemed to be eyeing her. Thankfully, no one seemed to be paying attention to the three teenagers, and instead were all focused on their meals. Letting out a sigh of relief, Apple Bloom whispered to herself, “Perhaps this won’t go badly after all.”

At that moment, one of the waiters skated up to the trio. Even before she said anything, Apple Bloom knew that, with her light pink skin, fluffy pink hair, and blue eyes, this waiter in a light blue dress, hat, and roller skates could only be Pinkie Pie.

“Howdy guys!” Pinkie happily greeted everyone. “Welcome to Sweet Snacks Café. Table for three?” Big Mac gave a confirming nod, trying not to speak as his eyes darted around the diner. He then whispered, “Just makin’ sure everythin’s safe for….”

No one needed to say anything else, as Pinkie momentarily glanced at Apple Bloom and replied, “I understand. If you guys will follow me.” She then led the three siblings towards a table near the far end of the diner. As everyone sat down, Pinkie Pie reassured everyone, “Don’t worry. I’ll be your waiter today. Can I get you guys anything to drink?”

Apple Bloom immediately answered, “Ah’d like a cola if you don’t mind.” Nodding, Pinkie Pie reassured her, “Of course it’s not. One cola. How about you guys?” Sideswipe answered, “I’d like a cola too.” Big Macintosh then finished up with, “Ah’d prefer a lemon-lime soda.”

Jotting everything down, Pinkie Pie said, “Two colas and a lemon-lime. That everything?” As everyone nodded, the pink party girl happily replied, “Alright. I’ll be right back.” With that, Pinkie skated off to get everyone’s drinks.”

As Pinkie Pie skated off, Big Macintosh turned to Apple Bloom and informed her, “Ah heard about Pinkie Pie forgivin’ you about everythin’ from Applejack. It true?” Nodding, the former farm girl replied, “Yeah. Sideswipe and Ah helped Marble stand up to her dad.” The pale biker immediately added, “No one hurts my Marble and gets away with it!” When Big Mac and Apple Bloom gave her knowing smirks, Sideswipe began to blush as she continued, “I mean… yeah. We helped her stick it to her prick of a dad.”

Big Macintosh reassured his newer sister, “It’s alright. And If Ah may, Ah saw a picture Marble posted of you two on MyStable, and you two are just the cutest!” He then turned to Apple Bloom as he added, “Well, perhaps tied with Apple Bloom and Tender Taps.”

Needless to say, Both Apple Bloom and Sideswipe began to blush a bright blood red as they whined, “Big Mac!”

Before either girl could say anything else, Pinkie Pie returned with everyone’s drinks. As she passed out the soft drinks, the pink waiter asked, “So, everyone decide what they want to eat?”

Apple Bloom raised her hand as she replied, “Ah think Ah need a few more minutes.” Sideswipe nodded in agreement as Big Mac added, “Maybe a few more minutes.” Smiling, Pinkie Pie gave an enthusiastic, “Okie Dokie Loki!” She then skated away, leaving the three siblings to continue their conversation.

Big Mac then asked, “So, anythin’ tickle your fancy?” Inspecting her menu, Apple Bloom answered, “Ah dunno. This meatball sub looks pretty good.” Turning to face her sister, the former farm girl asked, “What about you?” Setting her menu down, Sideswipe replied, “Call me basic, but I think I’ll go with a simple burger.”

At that moment, everyone heard a familiar voice call out, “Hey guys! There’s an empty booth over here!” Both Apple Bloom and Big Mac froze up when they realized that they recognized who it was. It was the voice of a teenaged girl, specifically one that was rather raspy. Confused, Sideswipe asked, “Everything alright?” When neither Apple sibling answered, the pale biker turned around to see who it was.

Sideswipe found three teenagers roughly her age walking up to the booth next to theirs. One was a gray skinned teenaged boy with dark gray hair and wearing a black sweatshirt and pants. Another was a slightly chubby pale white boy in an opened button shirt over a tee shirt (one which displayed the likeness of a cartoon fox wearing green and wielding an axe).

However, it was the third member of this new trio that caught Sideswipe’s attention. Rather than a boy, this third member was a young girl with faded orange skin, purple hair in a boyishly short cut, and purple eyes. She wore a black zip up jacket, green skater shorts, black boots with turquoise socks, and a turquoise bandana as she held a journal and several pencils in her hand. If there was any possible doubt as to who it could be, it was dashed away when the chubby boy congratulated her.

“Way to go with that short story Scootaloo!”

It finally dawned on Sideswipe just who the orange girl was. Turning to face her sister, she found a nervous Apple Bloom looking away, trying as hard as possible to avoid eye contact with her former friend. Concerned, the pale biker asked, “You alright Apple Bloom?”

Not even turning to face her sister, Apple Bloom answered, “Ah’m alright. Just avoid eye contact and enjoy lunch.” Big Mac then added, “It’s probably a good idea. Last time they spoke, it didn’t end well.” Nodding, the former farm girl replied, “Yeah. Ah don’t wanna talk about it.”

Of course, it was at this moment that Pinkie Pie returned. Thankfully, the pink party girl quietly asked, “You guys settle on anything?” The former farm girl immediately answered, “Ah’ll take the meatball sub.” Deep down, she wasn’t particularly settled on the sandwich, but right now she just wanted to get everything done with so she wouldn’t have to draw attention to Scootaloo. Soon the others made their orders; Big Mac took the shepherd’s pie, and Sideswipe chose the burger.

As Pinkie Pie left with their orders, Apple Bloom heard one of the boys ask, “Hey Scoots. Have any good ideas for a story yet?” Scootaloo’s voice replied, “Right now I’m not sure. I’ve been toying with this idea about a group of kids going back in time to the cretaceous period, but I also really want to do this story set during the first great war.” She then asked, “What do you think Rumble?”

Upon hearing that name, Apple Bloom turned around in a panic. As her eyes darted around, Sideswipe rested a hand on her sister’s shoulder as she reassured her, “Calm down. I don’t think that blue bum is here.” As the former farm girl managed to calm down (albeit only a little bit), the pale biker reassured her, “I think she’s talking to one of her friends. Besides, Rumble is kind of a common name.”

Letting out a sigh of relief, Apple Bloom relied, “Thanks.” Big Macintosh then added, “So, anythin’ you excited about in Allspark Wells?” Scratching the back of her neck, Apple Bloom answered, “Honestly, Ah’m kinda just wingin’ it. Aside from tap class, I don’t really know what else to do.” She then smiled as she added, “Aside from maybe helpin’ out at the museum with Marble of course.” The former farm girl then gave Sideswipe a mischievous smirk, leading the pale biker to begin blushing.

Before anyone could say anything else, Scootaloo’s voice called out, “Hey, I’m gonna see if there’s any new music on the jukebox. Be right back.” Sure enough, the purple haired girl stood up from the booth and made her way to the juke box. As she walked past, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but notice that her old friend’s head was twitching.

As Scootaloo pulled out a few coins and placed them into the old jukebox. After fidgeting with the old device, she settled on an old rock tune. As the music blasted out of the machine, Scootaloo strutted (or rather danced) her way back to her booth. Passing the Apple’s booth, she noticed the oldest Apple sibling and called out, “Hey Big Mac.”

And it was at this moment that Apple Bloom and Scootaloo locked eyes.

As both girl’s pupils shrank, the purple haired girl asked, “Apple Bloom? Is that you?” Apple Bloom, in turn, stood up from the booth as she asked, “Scootaloo?” Stepping out of the booth, the former farm girl walked up to her old friend.

‘Ah can’t believe this is happenin’.’ The former farm girl thought to herself. Though she was able to put up a somewhat confident exterior, deep down Apple Bloom was panicking. The last time she was with Scootaloo, both girls had been blaming the other of being the most responsible for Anon-A-Miss. Just thinking about everything they’d said to each other made Apple Bloom’s stomach churn and blood boil in self-hatred.

Scootaloo then remarked, “You look different.” As Apple Bloom snapped back to reality, the purple haired girl continued, “I like what you’ve done with your hair.” The former farm girl let out an embarrassed chuckle as she replied, “Yeah. Ah kinda figured Ah’d go for somethin’ different.”

Sighing, Apple Bloom immediately followed up with, “Well, since we’re here, there’s somethin’ Ah need to say.” Taking a deep breath, the former farm girl apologized, “Scootaloo, Ah’m sorry for everythin’ Ah’m sorry for pullin’ you into mah stupid little plan, and Ah’m sorry for….”

“It’s alright Apple Bloom.” Scootaloo interrupted. As the former farm girl stepped back in momentary shock, the purple haired girl’s head twitched as she elaborated, “Look, all three of us fucked up really bad with that stunt, and I did my own fair share of the damage to everyone.” Scootaloo’s head twitched again as she finished, “But if I’m really honest Apple Bloom, I don’t think it was ever a healthy friendship.”

Nodding in depressed agreement, Apple Bloom replied, “Ah think you’re right. We were always getting in trouble and pissin’ people off. Throw in everythin’ that happened and….”

The former farm girl was distracted when Scootaloo’s head twitched again, this time partially dislocating the bandana that covered her neck. There, consuming her neck, was nothing more than what seemed to be perpetually bruised skin tissue. To make matters worse, it was clear from the damage that whatever happened to her neck involved a rope.

Realizing she was being stared at, Scootaloo sighed as she bluntly stated, “I know what you’re thinking, and yes, I tried to hang myself.”

Apple Bloom immediately threw herself at her old friend and pulled her into a massive hug as she cried, “Oh Scootaloo! Ah’m so sorry!” From behind them, Sideswipe quietly walked up to the old friends as she added, “Wow. Look, I, uh….”

Scootaloo, however, managed to free herself from her old friend as she defensively interrupted, “Don’t worry about me! I’m fine!” As Apple Bloom stepped back in fear, the orange girl continued, “Sorry about snapping, but yeah, Rainbow Dash and I got into a big fight. Like worse than what happened between us and Sweetie Belle. After that, I…” Pointing to her neck, she continued, “… Did this, I spent a month in the hospital, made up with Rainbow Dash and my aunts, and have basically been rebuilding my life.”

Curious, Apple Bloom asked, “So, what are you up to now?” Scootaloo shrugged as she answered, “Writing. Aunt Lofty got me this journal while I was in the hospital and my therapist thought it might be a good idea to try journaling. What about you?” Scratching the back of her neck, Apple Bloom replied, “Well, Ah’ve gotten into tap dancin’. Ah was introduced to it by mah boyfriend.” Intrigued, Scootaloo remarked, “Wow. That’s actually kinda cool.”

Apple Bloom then asked, “So, you heard anythin’ from Sweetie Belle?” Sadly, Scootaloo shook her head as she answered, “No. Only thing I know is that she’ll be back in a few weeks, and that’s only because I overheard Rainbow Dash talking with Rarity.” The former farm girl sighed as she asked, “Ah should’ve figured. Still, you think she’d be willin’ to, you know, bury the hatchet and all that?”

Shaking her head, Scootaloo dejectedly answered, “After you tried to pin all the blame on her? Probably not.” Apple Bloom knew that was a possibility, and she’d generally accepted that she and Sweetie Belle might never get along again. However, to hear it being stated felt like she’d been stabbed in the heart by a pilum.

All Apple Bloom could do was accept the fact that the Beauty Mark Crusaders had well and truly dissolved.

The somber reunion was ruined when Pipsqueak called out, “Hey Scoots! You doing alright?” Turning to face her friend, Scootaloo replied, “I’ll be back in a minute.” As the orange girl faced her former friend, she asked, “So, see you around?”

Apple Bloom shook her head as she replied, “Not really. Ah’m only back for a few days to visit. After the weekend Ah’m spendin’ the school year in Allspark Wells.” Scootaloo whistled as she replied in turn, “Oh. So, I guess this is it then?”

Hesitating for a moment, Apple Bloom extended her hand as she simply wished, “Stay safe out there Scootaloo.” Smiling, Scootaloo shook her former friend’s hand back as she replied, “Same to you Apple Bloom.”

With that, the former friends returned to their respective booths, happy that their friendship had at least ended on amicable terms.

Apple Bloom’s Room, Later That Night…

The rest of the day had passed by without too much trouble. Apple Bloom had, for the most part, lost most of her appetite and hadn’t eaten much of her lunch. Once everyone returned home, the former farm girl resumed her duties around barn (including cleaning up “cow patties”). Now that everything was done for the day, the adults had decided to take kitchen duty for dinner that night, allowing the kids to rest.

Now, Apple Bloom found herself pulling out her black tap shoes, hopeful she could let out some of her built up stress by making just a little noise. As she slipped her left tap shoe on, the former farm girl found herself thinking back to her conversation with Scootaloo.

‘Can’t believe it’s all over.’ She thought to herself. ‘After everythin’ we did together, it’s all over.’ Of course, Apple Bloom couldn’t blame Scootaloo for calling their friendship off. Given how she manipulated both Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle into helping her on her poorly thought-out stunt, the former farm girl was surprised that her former friend was willing to even be cordial to her.

It didn’t help that Apple Bloom now knew that Scootaloo had tried to take her own life. Groaning to herself, the former farm girl couldn’t help but angrily ask herself, “Why did Ah have to be so damn stupid?” Feeling a tear drip out of her ear, all she could do was slip her other tap shoe on her foot. It wouldn’t change anything that happened, but it would give Apple Bloom at least a few minutes of relief.

Once both of her tap shoes were laced up, the former farm girl began to stretch her ankles before springing into a few timesteps. Once she’d finished with those, Apple Bloom decided to try some scissors, hopeful she could get up to her toes like Tender Taps and Double Shuffle could. ‘Come on, you can do it.’ The red-haired girl thought to herself.

To her surprise, Apple Bloom was able to get up to her toes and, as her heart soared, was able to actually stay there.

“Oh mah goodness!” Apple Bloom exclaimed as she came back down to her full feet. Pausing for a moment, the former farm girl bent forward as she rose up to her toes. Once again, she was able to keep her weight on her toes, if only for a few seconds. Allowing her enthusiasm to take over, she began to leap into the air as she exclaimed, “Ah can’t believe it! Ah’m able to get up on my toes!”

The happy mood was ruined when an angry voice asked, “Well, what do we have here?” Turning around to see who it was, Apple Bloom felt her heart stop as she realized a very familiar orange teenaged girl was leaning against the door frame glaring at her. As this teenager closed the bedroom door and walked up to her, Apple Bloom could only nervously ask, “What’s up Applejack?”

And Apple Bloom would learn what was on her sister’s mind soon enough.

Author's Note:

Next Time; I think it's pretty obvious, don't you?

Author's Note; Nothing this time.

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