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I Don't Break Rules

As The Apple Blooms

Part 7; I Don’t Break Rules

Apple Bloom never realized that old engine parts could be so heavy. She had been sent to deliver some engine parts, courtesy of an old sedan that had been “donated” late one night, and Ironhide had sold several of the pieces to Knockout. Apple Bloom had, naturally, volunteered to deliver the pieces, and though they fit snuggly when they were fastened to the back of her bike in a box, they weighed the bike down, forcing her to peddle harder than normal.

It had been two and half weeks since she arrived in Allspark Wells, and Apple Bloom felt that the locals were starting to soften up to her. Where they had once been skeptical and outright hostile, now many were starting to treat her with a general indifference. While it was hardly a queen’s welcome, Apple Bloom found this indifference to be surprisingly intoxicating. It meant they no longer treated her with the contempt of earlier, and it almost felt like a weird form of acceptance.

After a good, hard trek, Apple Bloom managed to arrive at her destination; Knockout’s workshop. He and his boyfriend Breakdown had been among the first in town to show Apple Bloom hospitality, and she figured their company was worth the particularly strenuous journey.

Once she had arrived, Apple Bloom parked her bike and undid the rope holding the package on tight. With the heavy package in her hand, she approached the door to the workshop.

She knocked on the door. There was no response. “Huh. That’s odd.” Apple Bloom said to herself before knocking again. Once again, there was no response, just an eerie silence. As the seconds marched on, Apple Bloom said to herself, “Ok, something’s goin’ on.”

Apple Bloom’s train of thought was interrupted by the door suddenly opening. Breakdown emerged, a baseball bat held firmly in his hands as he angrily asked, “What the hell do you want you ruffian?”

“Uh…” Apple Bloom nervously replied. “Ah have somethin’ for you guys.” This was a terrifying change of mood, especially with how friendly Breakdown had been. Maybe he was only friendly because Chromia was there?

Then, another voice, this one raspy deep, spoke out from inside the shop, called out, “Breakdown, what’s going on there” Breakdown backed away as he replied, “We have a visitor. Kid in overalls with red hair.”

Before Apple Bloom could reply, Breakdown was gently pushed out of the way by Knockout. “Well, look what we have here?” The pale, red haired man playfully teased Apple Bloom. Apple Bloom, starting to sweat, extended the box to the older man as she replied, “Uncle Ironhide said these were for you.”

As Knockout accepted the box, he replied, “Oh my, this is heavy. These must be those engine parts I bought.” Apple Bloom then asked, “Yeah. Why do you guys need all these anyway?” Knock out was going to reply, but he noticed the sweat falling from her brow and replied, “Come on in kid. I’ll tell ya over a glass of water.”

Knockout’s Shop; The Kitchen

Apple Bloom was surprised by how homely the kitchen was. It wasn’t that different from Ironhide’s, with the biggest difference being several plates, glasses, and pieces of silverware in the sink. As she took a glass and poured herself a glass of water, Knockout explained, “To answer your question, Breakdown and I got a job for some big fella to trick out his engine.” Breakdown then added, “Sadly, we don’t have the parts on hand. Luckily your uncle offered the parts we needed.” Knockout then cheekily added, “And at a good price too.”

“Ooh.” Apple Bloom said in amazement as she took a sip of water. Knockout then pulled a few bills out of his wallet as he said, “By the way, your uncle will want these.” He then gave the bills to Apple Bloom, who was surprised to see it was a fifty and two twenty dollar bills. “That should be enough for the engine parts.” Knockout added. He then cheekily said, “You won’t go and spend all of it, will you?”

“Ah won’t.” Apple Bloom replied as she gave Knockout a knowing wink. “Uncle Ironhide counts all the money from deliveries, so he’d know if Ah took anythin’.” Breakdown let out an exaggerated sigh as he remarked, “Keeping the kid on a tight leash, good call.” Knockout made his way up to his boyfriend as he added, “Sometimes people need a short leash.”

It was at that moment that the revving of a motorcycle caught everyone’s attention. As the sound grew louder, Knockout continued, “People like her for starters.”

“People like who?” Apple Bloom asked. Knockout released a gentle sigh as he replied, “Sideswipe. You’d like her. She’s a good kid, if a little wild.” That was certainly an…. Interesting prospect.

Knockout’s Garage, the Garage Proper

For a moment, Apple Bloom didn’t know who exactly she was looking at. Perched on a red motorcycle was someone Apple Bloom hadn’t ever seen before. They wore a red leather jacket, a black tank top, dark gray pants, and black biker boots. Apple Bloom couldn’t see their face, as this mystery person wore a black biker’s helmet with a spike on each side of the top.

Then, as the bike’s engines faded away, the person removed their helmet, revealing a young woman’s face with a black bob cut. She didn’t seem too much older than Apple Bloom, probably only a few years older.

The girl noticed Apple Bloom and, as she rose from her bike, said, “Well, I didn’t expect Anon-A-Miss around here.” Apple Bloom let out an embarrassed chuckle as she replied, “Heya. Ah’m Apple Bloom.” The girl extended her arm as she introduced herself. “The name’s Sideswipe.”

“So….” Apple Bloom’s eyes drifted to the motorcycle as she nervously said, “That’s a…. Uh…. A nice bike.” Sideswipe strutted over to Apple Bloom and, to the latter’s surprise, wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

“Yup. Made her myself.” Sideswipe boasted. “Put her together over the course of a month. Granted, it was while managing school, otherwise I would have done it in three days.”

“Really?” Apple Bloom asked somewhat skeptically. Sideswipe playfully rolled her eyes as she quipped, “Oh you poor unbeliever.” She then made her way over to the bike and began to explain, “For starters, most bikes usually go around a hundred miles per hour at most, but this girl goes up to two hundred. She can go on one wheel longer than any bike in the world, and she’s louder than thunder and lightning combined.”

It was then that Knockout asked, “Speaking of the noise, we heard you got a few complaints from the neighbors about you making noise.” Sideswipe lazily rolled her eyes as she replied, “Hey, I never make more noise than legally allowed.”

Apple Bloom noticed the way Sideswipe worded her response and asked, “Wait, you’ve been causing trouble?” Sideswipe wrapped her arm around Apple Bloom again and replied, “Don’t worry, I don’t break rules. I just bend them.” She then paused for a moment before she continued, “….A lot.” Apple Bloom couldn’t help but begin laughing. Sideswipe noticed this as she added, “I think we’re gonna get along just nicely.”

However, Apple Bloom noticed the clock, and that it was getting late. “Oh mah goodness!” She cried out. “Ah gotta go.” As she rushed to pick up her bike helmet, she turned to Breakdown and Knockout as she said, “See you guys.” As the two older men gave her a confirming nod, she refocused her attention on Sideswipe as she said, “Nice meetin’ ya Sideswipe.”

“Nice meeting you too Apple Bloom.” Sideswipe replied as Apple Bloom departed the building. Once she was gone, Knockout let out a playful sigh as he said, “So, what do you need today?” Sideswipe simply shrugged as she replied, “Just stopping by.”

Ironhide’s Chop Shop, That Night

As Apple Bloom entered the door, Ironhide asked, “Welcome back Apple Bloom. You have the money from Knockout?” Apple Bloom made her way up to her uncle as she pulled the cash out of her overall’s front pocket.

“It’s right here Uncle Ironhide.” As she handed him the money, she added, “Ah made a new friend today.” Ironhide tilted his head as he asked, “Really? Who is it?”

“This girl named Sideswipe.” Apple Bloom replied. Ironhide’s friendly expression on his face slowly began to morph into a concerned look Apple Bloom noticed this and asked, “Uh, there a problem?”

“Not really.” Ironhide replied as he realized Apple Bloom noticed he was now somewhat concerned. “Well, it’s that Sideswipe has a bit of a reputation as a reckless trouble maker, and I don’t want you getting roped into any of her dumb ideas.”

Apple Bloom gave her uncle a confused look as she replied, “Ah see.” Ironhide then made his way up to her and rested a hand on her shoulder as he continued, “Don’t worry, I don’t have anything against her. Sideswipe is a good kid, just a little wild.”

From behind the two, Chromia’s voice rang out. “If you two are done, dinner’s ready.” Apple Bloom was about to say something, but when she felt her stomach rumble, she replied, “Alright. Be right there aunt Chromia.” Ironhide let out a gentle laugh as he added, “I don’t know about you, but I’m so hungry I could eat a horse.”

Apple Bloom let out a gentle laugh as she and Ironhide made their way to wash their hands, followed by a good dinner.

The Next Morning

Apple Bloom awoke to something she never thought would wake her up at the Chop Shop; the revving of a motorcycle’s engines. “What in tarnation?” Apple Bloom asked herself as she rose from her bed, rubbing her eyes to wake herself up.

As she exited her room to see what it was, she was greeted by Ironhide, who was also still clad in his pajamas and struggling awake. He turned to face his niece as he asked, “Kid, you know anybody who would be up this early in the morning?” Apple Bloom let out a yawn as she replied, “Considerin’ the bike, Ah might have one idea.”

From outside, a vaguely familiar voice called out, “Hello there. Apple Bloom? Mr. Ironhide?” Apple Bloom and Ironhide both sighed as they, in perfect synchronization, muttered, “Sideswipe.”

The Chop Shop, Fifteen Minutes Later.

Ironhide and Apple Bloom had to practically throw their clothes on, latter only having one overall strap attached and her hair in an absolute mess. As Apple Bloom made her way over to the shop door, she heard the sound of somewhat knocking at the door. Unlocking and opening the door, Apple Bloom wasn’t surprised to see Sideswipe, who looked just as chipper and energetic as ever.

“Hey Apple Bloom!” Sideswipe greeted Apple Bloom as she grabbed her hand and shook it firmly, if not violently. “Fine morning, isn’t it?”

“Sideswipe.” Apple Bloom said, making her exhaustion very evident. “It’s six-thirty in the mornin’. What do ya want?” Sideswipe stepped into the store, sidestepping Apple Bloom as she began, “I need a new set of handlebars, and I figured this was the best place to find one.” Apple Bloom just gave Sideswipe a confused look as she simply answered, “Wut?”

It was then that Ironhide entered the shop front as he asked, “Sideswipe, you do know we’re not open yet, right?” Sideswipe shrugged and replied, “My bad. Sorry, guess I’m just a morning person.” Ironhide then pointed to the door as he said, “Go. We’ll open in an hour or so, and then we’ll see what we can do for you.”

Sideswipe simply nodded as she genuflected and replied, “Okie dokie. Be back in a flash.” She then departed the store front, and Apple Bloom and Ironhide were “Blessed” with the sudden sound of motorcycle engines roaring before fading, signaling that Sideswipe had left. Apple Bloom turnred to face her uncle as she quipped, “Ah think Ah see what you mean about her being a bit energetic.”

One Hour Later

Right to the minute, Sideswipe returned exactly one hour later. Apple Bloom and the others had luckily been able to finish getting ready as well as eat a hearty breakfast, figuring they would need all the energy they could get. As much as her energy had proven to be a major irritant, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but find it both endearing and a little intoxicating.

As Sideswipe barged through the doors, she cheered out, “The fun has returned.” Apple Bloom let out an annoyed sigh as she replied, “Good to see you too.” The perky girl in the red jacket made her way up to Apple Bloom and asked, “So, where would someone like me find a good set of handlebars?”

The Scrap Yard

“Oh my goodness.” Sideswipe said in amazement as Apple Bloom led her down the aisles of rusting vehicles. Ironhide had once said that they had “examples” of every known car, truck, bike, and every vehicle in between, and he certainly hadn’t lied. The two teens were now inspecting a pile of small vehicles, ranging from old motorcycles to old cars, all of which seemed to be at least forty years old.

“Now then….” Apple Bloom began as she and Sideswipe approached a few old military motorcycles. “Any of these suit your needs?” Sideswipe began to inspect the old bikes. After a few moments, she found an old bike in surprisingly good condition.

“This one is perfect!” Sideswipe exclaimed excitedly, almost like a child allowed to pick out a doll at the toy store. “The handlebars on this one are perfect.” She then began to reach over to the base of the handlebars as she pulled a few wrenches out of her crimson coat.

As Sideswipe began to unscrew the handlebars, Apple Bloom noticed how quickly and effectively she was accomplishing the task. If she didn’t know better, she would think it was second nature.

Apple Bloom then asked, “So, Ah noticed you seem to know how to remove the handlebars?” Sideswipe, without even flinching or even looking up, replied, “Things like this are my passion. I’ve been fascinated by mechanics since I was a little girl.” She paused for a moment before she turned to face Apple Bloom and continued. “My brother Sun Streaker was a bit of a priming pretty boy. He had the looks but was as dumb as a brick. Guess we balanced each other out.”

“Well, Ah think you’re rather pretty.” Apple Bloom complimented before she realized what she had said. Sideswipe noticed this and quipped, “Really, you think I’m pretty?” Apple Bloom nervously replied, “Well, Ah mean that you’re not ugly.” Sideswipe then gave Apple Bloom a playful nudge and replied, “I’m just messing with you. Don’t be so serious.”

As Apple Bloom let out a gentle laugh, Sideswipe returned to unscrewing the handlebars as she continued, “Besides, after dad had his breakdown and Sun Streaker ran off, I had to put bread on the table.”

“Wait, what?” Apple Bloom asked. “What do ya mean “Breakdown?”” Sideswipe turned back around and replied, “Oh I forgot to mention, my dad suffered a mental breakdown a few years back. Mom didn’t have much in the way of “applicable” talents.” She then turned back to her the bike and, as she finished removing the final handlebar, continued her story, “Of course it was around this time that Sun Streaker ran off to start his modeling career. Haven’t heard from him since.”

Now Apple Bloom realized something. “If your dad had his breakdown, you’re mom couldn’t do much, and you’re brother just ran off, then…..” it slowly dawned on Apple Bloom. As she began to think, Sideswipe interrupted her train of thought.

“Yeah, can’t do much in school when you’re doing odd jobs around town.” Sideswipe replied as she rose to her feet. Apple Bloom then began, “But…. That means….” Sideswipe raised her hand as she replied, “Yes, I dropped out, big whoopity doo.”

It was almost impossible to comprehend, but it seems that it was true. Sideswipe, the girl Apple Bloom had just met and who seemed to be surprisingly intelligent, was a high school dropout.

“Whah?” Apple Bloom said absolutely flabbergasted. “But, why would ya do that?” Sideswipe let out a slightly annoyed sigh as she replied, “Like I said, dad has a mental breakdown, brother runs off, so it’s up to me to support the family.”

The fact that Sideswipe said this so nonchalantly, so bluntly, as if it were as mundane as if she were stating her hair color was just…. Apple Bloom didn’t know how to react to that.

That was when Sideswipe made her way up to Apple Bloom and rested her arm on the latter’s shoulder as she continued, “Hey, don’t worry about me. Besides, the whole town knows about it, so they’re all willing to offer me a few odd jobs.”

“Ah guess.” Apple Bloom replied somewhat dejectedly. “But, Ah mean, just throwin’ your chances of, well, bein’ somethin’ great away doesn’t seem like a good plan.”

“Hey, it’s not like I’m skimping on the important things.” Sideswipe said as she pulled a small notebook out and handed it to Apple Bloom. The former farmhand opened it and was surprised to see that each page was filled with mathematical equations. Sideswipe then continued, “I’d like to say I’m not an idiot, so I’ve been teaching myself whenever I can.”

Apple Bloom couldn’t help but say, “Guess you’ve at least thought everythin’ out.” Sideswipe then playfully quipped, “Certainly thought it out more than you have Anon-A-Miss.” When Apple Bloom gave Sideswipe a disapproving look, the latter apologized, “Sorry about that. Guess I have a bit of a mouth.” Apple Bloom let out a gentle laugh as she replied, “Don’t worry. Guess Ah just gotta get used to it eventually.”

It was then that the two girls heard the sound of rumbling from behind them. Apple Bloom asked, “What’s goin’ on?” As the two girls began to look around them, the rumbling continued to grow louder and louder. As Apple Bloom began to look around the ground, Sideswipe’s eyes rose up to one of the piles of scrap, only to see it was starting to teeter their direction. Not hesitating, Sideswipe grabbed Apple Bloom by her overalls and pulled her away.

“Hey, what was that for?” Apple Bloom asked somewhat angrily. Before Sideswipe could answer, the pile of scrap fell onto the row of bicycles, with the one the two girls had been working around right in the center of the disaster.

“Whoa.” Apple Bloom muttered as she realized what could have happened to her. Sideswipe then rested her arm on Apple Bloom’s shoulder as she playfully quipped, “You’re welcome.”

She was certainly surprised by Apple Bloom wrapping her arms around her in a massive hug. Apple Bloom began to enthusiastically say, “Oh thank you Sideswipe! Ah don’t know how to make this up to ya.” Sideswipe simply replied, “For starters, you mind letting me go? It’s getting kinda hard to breathe.”

At this moment, Ironhide and Wheeljack ran up to the two, both men absolutely terrified. Ironhide immediately cried out, “Apple Bloom, Sideswipe, you girls ok!?” As he wrapped Apple Bloom in a massive embrace, Wheeljack asked, “What in the name of Cybertron happened?”

Apple Bloom answered, “First, ya mind releasin’ me?” Ironhide oblidged as he released his niece. After catching her breath, Apple Bloom continued, “Well, as Sideswipe was removin’ some handlebars from one of the motorcycles, a pile of junk came crashin’ down on us.” She then turned to Sideswipe as she continued, “She pulled me away just in time.”

“Really?” Ironhide asked. Sideswipe nodded as she replied, “It was nothing.” Ironhide walked up to Sideswipe as he replied, “I don’t think saving Apple Bloom from getting hurt is “nothing”.” He then asked, “So, how about you stay for dinner?”

Chop Shop’s Dining Room

“My compliment to the chef.” Sideswipe complimented Ironhide as she took a bite from the meatloaf. As a thank you for what happened, Ironhide prepared what could only be described as a small feast in Sideswipe’s honor. While Apple Bloom couldn’t help but still feel nervous regarding how close the junk pile had been, she had to admit it wasn’t much different from being mind controlled by a demonic Sunset Shimmer or falling under the Siren’s spell.

As Apple Bloom took a bite from her mashed potatoes, she asked Sideswipe, “So, do your parents know about you stayin’ a bit?” Sideswipe immediately replied, “I sent a text message and left a recording on the answering machine.” As she took a sip from her drink, she continued, “Dad’s probably convinced I’m going behind his back.”

Chromia then asked, “Red Alert still having trouble?” Apple Bloom then asked, “Wait, you guys know about… well….. her dad?” Ratchet replied, “Allspark Wells is a pretty close knit town. It’s why we all offer Sideswipe here odd jobs after she dropped out.” He then turned to Sideswipe and continued, “Which I still feel was a poor decision on your part.”

Apple Bloom felt her heart sink. She knew that, thanks to Wheeljack, the whole town knew about the Anon-A-Miss incident, but this was a reminder that she wasn’t the only one who that applied to. Sideswipe noticed her new friend’s mood change and gave her a playful nudge.

“Hey Apple Bloom, don’t worry about me. I always find a way to make it out.” Apple Bloom just let out a nervous, “I hope so.”

Wheeljack then spoke up, “Hey, Sideswipe here can put jeep together in two hours with one hand tied behind her back.” Sideswipe found herself blushing as she replied, “Well, maybe not THAT skilled.” Apple Bloom added, “Yeah, you removed those handlebars like it was nothin’.”

“Wait, you were removing something on your own?” Ratchet asked. “You do know that we’re supposed to do that for the customers, right? It’s for your safety and to prevent thievery.”

Sideswipe let out a playful sigh as she replied, “I was going to pay for them. Besides, you know I don’t break rules, I just bend them.” Apple Bloom let out a deadpan, “A lot?” Sideswipe, Apple Bloom, and the others now found themselves laughing at the remark.

An Hour Later

“Thanks again.” Apple Bloom said to Sideswipe. The older girl was mounting her bike as she prepared to leave. As she placed her helmet on her head, Sideswipe replied, “It was nothing Apple Bloom. We gotta do this again sometime.” Apple Bloom couldn’t help but laugh as she quipped, “Maybe next time Ah’ll get mahself eaten by a mountain lion or somethin’.”

As the girls finished their laughing, Sideswipe said, “Well, I gotta go. See you later Apple Bloom.” With that, Sideswipe revved up her bike (the sudden sound making Apple Bloom cover her ears) and pulled out of the parking lot.

Once Sideswipe was gone, Ironhide made his way up to Apple Bloom as he said, “She’s a good kid. A lot like you.” Apple Bloom replied, “She is, if maybe a little enthusiastic.” They would have said more, but the rising moon told them it was time to head inside and get ready for bed. After all, every day was a busy day in Allspark Wells.

Author's Note:

Next Time; If you want to fight with a rat, be prepared to fight dirty.

Happy Memorial Day/International Tap Dance Day.

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