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Bring a Friend Week

As the Apple Blooms

Part 36; Bring a Friend Week

Boredom. Tedious, mind numbing boredom. If there was one thing that Apple Bloom disliked about life in Allspark Wells, it was the fact that barely anyone stopped by the Chop Shop. As she stood behind the counter, she tried to recall any chores she hadn’t gotten done yet. Dusting the Shop front? Check. Cleaning the windows? Check. Ask if Wheeljack needed help with any of his projects? Check. Heck, she’d even asked if she could help Uncle Ironhide with his scrapping. However, the older man informed her he wouldn’t allow her to work with rusty metal.

“Ugh!” Apple Bloom groaned as she allowed her face to crash right into the counter. “At this point Ah’d settle for Diamond Tiara here, even if it’s just someone to argue with!” After pondering for a moment, the former farm girl quickly added, “On second thought, maybe not her.”

It was at this moment that she realized something; she hadn’t really thought about Diamond Tiara at all since she arrived in Allspark Wells. Not even her brief encounters with Brawn or Rumble and Frenzy reminded her of her former arch rival. Sighing to herself, Apple Bloom reminded herself, “Of course ya wouldn’t wanna think about her. You crossed a line even she wouldn’t cross. At least at first anyway.”

Before she could continue her self-inflicted admonishment, the sound of the Shop door opening signaled that a customer had finally entered the shop. Quickly turning to see who it was, Apple Bloom greeted the mystery guest with the standard greeting. “Welcome to Ironhide’s Chop Shop and scrap yard. What can we do for ya?”

Instead of a customer, it was a very familiar young girl with blue skin, yellow hair in braided pigtails, and who was scuffing the wooden floor in a way that Apple Bloom knew could only be one person.

“APPLE BLOOM!” Double Shuffle practically screamed as she ran up to her honorary big sister. The former farm girl barely had a moment to react before she found herself being squeezed by the younger girl.

“Whoa Nellie!” Apple Bloom managed to let out. “Double Shuffle, you’re crushin’ me.” The younger girl sheepishly released her older sister and meekly apologized, “Sorry Apple Bloom. I’m just so happy to see you.” Apple Bloom then knelt down to Double Shuffle and reassured her, “Don’t worry. Ah’m happy to see you too.”

As Apple Bloom found herself being wrapped in another hug from her little sister, she heard another voice, one masculine yet oddly high pitched, playfully quip, “Now you know how I feel.” Feeling her heart sore, the former farm girl turned to see none other than Tender Taps.

Walking up to his girlfriend and little sister, Tender Taps said, “Hey Apple Bloom. What’s new?” As Double Shuffle released her, the red haired girl replied, “Oh, you know, not much. Just helpin’ out around here. What about you?” The orange boy awkwardly replied, “Same here. Just helping out around dance, thinking of you, not much.” Apple Bloom found herself blushing at his response, leading to her replying with, “Ah’ve had mah mind on you as well.”

Before either teen could continue their awkward interaction, Double Shuffle decided to break the silence and asked, “You wanna come to dance Apple Bloom?” Confused, the yellow teen asked, “Wait. Don’t we have our tap lesson every week?”

Tender Taps then explained, “What Double Shuffle is trying to explain is that this week is “bring a friend to dance week,” and the only person both of us could consider inviting is, well, the only other tap dancer we know.” As Apple Bloom took everything in, Double Shuffle began to pester her, “So do you want to come along Apple Bloom? Please please please?!”

“Calm down!” Apple Bloom had to practically order her little sister. “But yeah, Ah’d love to tag along.” Upon hearing this, Double Shuffle began to jump up and down as she exclaimed, “Yay!”

Of course, when a little girl begins to cry out with enthusiastic joy, people tend to take notice. Just as Apple Bloom realized what would likely happen, the sound of Ironhide’s voice called out, “What in the name of Cybertron is going on out here?”

Sure enough, Ironhide entered the Shop front and noticed the other two kids who were there. Letting out a gentle chuckle, he asked, “Let me guess; you two want to know if Apple Bloom here can do something with you guys, right?” The former farm girl nodded and replied, “Apparently they want to invite me to a special dance class.”

Double Shuffle then walked up to Ironhide and, putting on the biggest puppy dog eyes anyone had ever seen, asked, “Can she come Mr. Ironhide sir? Can she?” Walking up to her uncle, Apple Bloom playfully quipped, “Ah don’t think she’ll stop until you say yes.”

Accepting he wasn’t going to be able to say no, Ironhide relented and said, “Alright, you can go Apple Bloom. Just make sure you get all your chores done.”

“Thank you Uncle Ironhide.” Apple Bloom thanked her uncle. Turning to face Tender Taps, she asked, “Ah think Ah remember where your dance studio is, but when should Ah show up?” Pondering for a moment, the purple haired boy answered, “Two days from now, and Double Shuffle and I usually try to get there early, so I’d say around five o’clock.”

At that moment, the pitter patter of tiny feet caught everyone’s attention. Soon enough, Tender Taps and Double Shuffle found themselves staring at a small and black Highland Terrier carrying a bone in his mouth.

Walking up to the little dog, Double Shuffle asked, “Who’s this little guy?” As the small dog began to sniff her, Apple Bloom answered, “That’s Sparkplug. We found him on the property and he kinda dug our way into our hearts.” Double Shuffle extended her hand, and was pleasantly surprised when Sparkplug set down his bone and began to lick her hand.

As Double Shuffle let out an adorable giggle as she was embraced by the small dog, Tender Taps remarked, “Friendly little guy, isn’t he?” Apple Bloom nodded as she replied, “Yup. Almost as friendly as you two.” The orange boy then remarked, “If you say so.” He then, much to Apple Bloom’s embarrassment and Ironhide’s amusement, planted a small kiss on her cheek.

After a few minutes, Tender Taps approached his little sister and said, “Hey, we better start heading. Don’t want mister Ironhide to think we’re loitering, do we?” The younger girl whined, “Awh. Can’t we stay just a little longer?”

Walking up to her little sister, Apple Bloom reassured her, “Don’t worry. Ah’ll see you two soon.” Double Shuffle sighed as she replied, “Ok. See you then Apple Bloom.” She then wrapped the older girl in another tight hug, one the former farm girl happily returned. Once they finished, Tender Taps bade farewell as he said, “See you then Apple Bloom.” As he and the red haired girl shared a final hug, he whispered, “I love you.”

“Ah love you too.” Apple Bloom whispered back. Tender Taps then turned to his little sister and said, “Alright then, come on Double Shuffle.” The younger girl joined her brother and both kids departed the Chop Shop.

Once they were gone, Apple Bloom turned to her uncle and asked, “Anythin’ you need me to do?” Ironhide pondered for a moment before he replied, “Well, Ratchet and I are planning on trying to clean up an old sports car that might be….”

The older man was distracted when something in the corner of his eyes. To Apple Bloom’s surprise, he angrily called out, “SPARKPLUG!” Worried, she turned to see what had happened, only to be greeted by the sight of the small dog shamefully looking away from a small puddle that hadn’t been there earlier that day.

Letting out an embarrassed sigh, Apple Bloom remarked, “Or Ah could clean that up for you.” The older man could only rub his face as he replied, “I’d like that.” With that, the former farm girl made her way up to the small stain, hoping she could completely remove the stench.

Hoofer Steps’s Dance Studio, Two Days Later…

Peddling up to the humble dance studio, Apple Bloom found butterflies starting to form in her stomach. “Come on Apple Bloom.” The former farm girl tried to reassure herself. “Just you goin’ to a dance class with a bunch of other people who have been doin’ this a lot longer than you have.”

In truth, she was worried she would allow her jealousy get the better of her again. The last time she’d had a dance session with people other than Tender Taps or Double Shuffle was when lashed out at Sideswipe for being a better dancer. Shaking her head, Apple Bloom tried to calm herself with a stern, “Get it together Apple Bloom. You know better than that. Tender might be used to dancin’ with other people, but he loves you.”

Still, she wasn’t going to overcome her doubts by sitting on her bike. With a deep breath, Apple Bloom dismounted her vehicle, made sure her bag was safely slung over her shoulder, and made her way into the studio.

Once she had entered the studio, Apple Bloom was greeted by a receptionist’s desk, manned by an orange woman with green hair. The woman noticed her and asked, “You here for bring a friend week?” Nodding yes, the former farm girl replied, “Yes ma’am. Ah was invited by Double Shuffle and Tender Taps.”

Upon hearing these names, the Receptionist replied, “Alright then. You’re quite a bit early, so go ahead and take your seat.” Receiving this conformation, Apple Bloom made her way to the waiting area; a small den consisting of about fifteen chairs and a T.V. monitor displaying one of the dance studios.

Sitting down in one of the chairs, Apple Bloom opened her dance bag and pulled out her tap shoes. Just holding the special shoes made her feel, for lack of a better term, accepted. They were given to her by Tender Taps, the boy who knew what she’d done and yet chose to accept her as his friend anyway. It also didn’t help that once she tried tap dancing, she found that it was something she loved.

Apple Bloom was distracted by the sound of a door opening. Turning to see who it was, she found a familiar purple-gray woman leading a group of kindergarteners out of one of the dance studios. ‘Ah remember her.’ She thought to herself. ‘That’s Hoofer Steps. Ah think.’

The older woman gently called out to her students with a warm, “Come along now children. Don’t forget any of your things.” As she approached the front door, several women began to enter, each one calling out to one of the little girls. Soon, all of the children had been picked up by their mothers, leaving her alone with her receptionist and a familiar yellow girl.

Walking up to Apple Bloom, Hoofer Steps asked, “Ah, ze vone und only Apple Bloom.” Confused, the former farm girl awkwardly pointed to herself and mouthed “Me?” Hoofer nodded as she replied, “Ja. Double Shuffle und Tender Taps have spoken highly of you, both as a tap dancer as vell as a young woman.”

“Thanks.” Apple Bloom meekly replied. “Considerin’ everythin’ Ah’ve done, it was nice to have someone willin’ to be mah friend.” Hoofer Steps then let out a gentle chuckle as she replied, “I’ve heard Tender sees you as something more zan a friend.” Hearing this, the former farm girl began to blush at the thought of Tender Taps speaking so highly of her.

At that moment, the door rang, followed by the sound of Double Shuffle’s voice calling out, “Hi Miss. Hoofer Steps.” The younger girl noticed her honorary big sister was there and called out, “Apple Bloom!” She then ran up to her and, dropping her dance own bag, wrapped her in another tight hug.

Hugging the younger girl back, Apple Bloom playfully asked, “How’s it goin’ little sis?” Lighting up with glee, Double Shuffle enthusiastically replied, “Pretty good. Ready to make some noise?” The former farm girl gave a cocky smirk as she replied, “You know it.”

At that moment, Tender Taps entered the studio, carrying his own dance bag. Seeing everyone gathered together, he called out, “Hey Miss. Hoofer Steps. Hey Apple Bloom.” The former farm girl replied with, “Howdy Tender. Ready for tonight?” The teenaged tap dancer answered, “Don’t forget, my class is a half hour after Double Shuffle’s ends.” Apple Bloom let out a playful sigh as she replied, “Ah know. Ah’ll try not to wear mahself out “too” much.”

As the former farm girl rose to her feet, Hoofer Steps turned to Double Shuffle and asked, “Vould you show Apple Bloom here ze dressing room?” The younger girl enthusiastically nodded as she replied, “No problem. Follow me Apple Bloom.” She then took the older girl by the hand as they made their way to the changing room.

Five Minutes Later…

Stepping out of the dressing room, both girls were dressed to dance; Apple Bloom in her maroon tank top and simple black pants and Double Shuffle in a sleeveless leotard and caramel tights. Stretching her arms, the former farm girl remarked, “Ah gotta admit Double Shuffle, Ah’m kinda nervous about this.”

“Why would you be nervous?” The younger girl innocently asked. Taking a deep breath, Apple Bloom explained, “Ah’ve never been in a dance class before. You think Ah’ll be as good as the others?” Deep down, the former farm girl wasn’t quite as nervous as she was letting on, but more so was worried about being with girls only two-thirds her age.

Letting out an amused giggle, Double Shuffle replied, “Don’t worry Apple Bloom. With what Tender Taps and I have taught you, you and I will be leagues ahead of everybody!” She then paused for a moment before continuing, “I mean, you’ll fit right in.”

Resting a shoulder on the younger girl’s shoulder, Apple Bloom replied, “Thanks little sis.” Double Shuffle couldn’t help but light up as she replied, “No problem big sis.”

The sound of the door opening distracted the two girls. Turning to see who it was, Apple Bloom found a young girl with a bright pink skin with white hair dressed in a leotard. This new girl walked with refined grace but her smug face betrayed a sense of superiority. All in all, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but think, ‘She reminds me of Diamond Tiara.’

The receptionist called out to this new girl, saying, “Good afternoon Chasse. How are you doing?” The new girl, this Chasse, smugly replied, “I’m doing as perfect as ever.” She then began to perform an elaborate pirouette. Apple Bloom couldn’t help but admit, ‘At least she’s got some talent.’

However, when she allowed her eyes to drift back to Double Shuffle, Apple Bloom found the younger girl nervously looking away. Curious, she asked, “You alright?” The little blue girl didn’t initially say anything, but when her honorary big sister rested a hand on her shoulder, Double Shuffle simply sighed and said, “That’s her.”

“Her?” Apple Bloom asked. She pondered for a moment as she began to ask, “What’s so bad about…..” And then she remembered what Double Shuffle had admitted when she babysat the younger girl. “She’s the bully.” The former farm girl quietly mumbled to herself.

At that moment, Chasse strutted up to the two and said, “Hello there Double Shuffle. Who’s your friend?” The blue girl meekly answered, “This is Apple Bloom. She’s kinda like my new big sister.” The former farm girl then extended her hand and tried to introduce herself with, “Uh, howdy there.”

Chasse didn’t return the favor. Instead she snickered, “Wow, looks like lead foot here befriended Anon-A-Miss. I can’t wait to find out what sort of secrets you find out.” She then proudly walked away, satisfied in her work.

Stunned speechless, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but exclaim, “That’s rude!” Double Shuffle, however, simply replied, “She’s always like that. You’re lucky she didn’t do anything else.” The younger girl simply sighed and continued with, “Usually she’s worse.”

Double Shuffle would have continued, but the sight of more and more girls arriving signaled that class was about to start soon. Kneeling down to her honorary little sister, Apple Bloom reassured her, “Don’t worry about her. Remember, she’s just jealous.” With that, the two girls made their way to the studio, hoping for an otherwise relaxing tap class.

The Studio

As Apple Bloom and Double Shuffle laced up their tap shoes, they heard the sound of Hoofer Steps call out, “Alvight Kinders!” The former farm girl looked up to see the older woman enter, her blonde hair up in a ballerina’s bun and shiny black and white tap shoes snug perfectly on her feet. All in all, the older woman commanded respect but radiated warmth and kindness.

Inspecting her students, Hoofer Steps informed her class, “Now zen, since it is “bring a friend week,” Double Shuffle here has brought a guest. Say hello to Apple Bloom everyvone.” All of the other young girls turned to the former farm girl and waived hello.

“Uh, howdy everyone.” Apple Bloom awkwardly replied. After all, it was kind of weird for her, a girl who “technically” should have been a high school freshman, to be in a dance class with girls who were about to enter middle school.

Still, that wasn’t what she was here to do. She was here to tap dance with her little sister, and that was what she was going to do.

Hoofer Steps then called out, “Now zen, line up everyvone. It’s time to varm up und stretch.” All of the students began to line up, with Apple Bloom making sure she was right next to Double Shuffle. Within a few minutes, everyone was stretching, making sure their legs were loose, flexible, and ready for dancing.

Once everyone had stretched, Hoofer Steps spoke up again. “Alvight everyvone. Who here is familiar vith time steps?” Double Shuffle immediately shot up her hand up, leading to the teacher to playfully shake her head and add, “Anyvone other than Double Shuffle here?” When no one else raised their hands (including Apple Bloom, who didn’t want to come off as an inexperienced know it all), Hoofer Steps continued, “Ok zen. Vatch und listen here everyvone.”

The teacher then explained, “Ve’ll start vith a single time step. First, you stomp followed by a hop step.” She then demonstrated by stomping her right foot before she lifted it and stepped behind her. Looking at her pupils in the mirror, she asked, “Can you girls do that?”

For Apple Bloom and Double Shuffle, it was way too easy, and for most of the other girls, it was generally doable. If anything, the only one who found herself struggling in anyway was Chasse, and if Apple Bloom noticed correctly, she wasn’t actually that bad a dancer. Seeing that her class had managed to get that part, Hoofer Steps continued with, “Very good girls. Now zen, after zat, ve follow it vith a flap ball change.”

When the older woman demonstrated the second part, she turned to her students and asked, “I take it you all know how to do zat, vight?” All of the young dancers nodded and all performed a flap ball change. Seeing her pupils perform the simple step, Hoofer Steps continued with, “Very good. Now zen, ve simply combine zem, and ve have a single time step.”

Double Shuffle stepped forward and asked, “You mean like this?” She then demonstrated a perfect time step, much to Apple Bloom’s amusement. Hoofer Steps smiled and replied, “Ja! Exactly like zat.” She then said, “Alvight everyvone, can you please demonstrate one for me?”

As the rest of the class demonstrated their own time steps, Apple Bloom noticed something; Chasse was sneaking Double Shuffle an unpleasant look, the kind one gave someone they didn’t like. ‘Ah got a feelin’ this is more than just jealousy.’ The former farm girl thought to herself. Sure, it was only a suspicion and it was certainly a good idea to keep her suspicions to herself for the moment.

After all, they still had most of class left.

An Hour Later…

“Excellent vork everyvone!” Hoofer Steps congratulated the class. “I shall see you all next time.” As the students bade farewell to their teacher, Apple Bloom walked up to her and said, “Thanks for lettin’ me come Miss Hoofer Steps. It was a lot of fun.” The gray woman nodded as she replied, “It vas my pleasure. Now zen, I think you should catch your breath, as our next class is a little more demanding.”

Stretching her arms, Apple Bloom nonchalantly replied, “Don’t worry, Ah can handle it.”

A Few Minutes Later….

Sitting down in the waiting room, Apple Bloom and Double Shuffle took the opportunity to quench their thirst, gulping down their bottles of water. Wiping the few beads of sweat from her brow, the former farm girl quipped, “Ah gotta admit, dancin’ is quiet the workout.” The younger girl simply giggled as she added, “Even if it’s not as intense as what Tender and I throw at you?” Apple Bloom simply let out a chuckle of her own as she replied, “Good point.”

Taking another sip of water, the former farm girl then remarked, “Ah gotta admit, Ah think you’re a might advanced for that class. Ah mean, you’re a better tapper than me and you’re on par with your brother.” Double Shuffle sighed as she explained, “Mom and dad wanted me to make some friends around my age.”

At that moment, both girls noticed a small paper airplane land right in front of them. Curious, Apple Bloom bent down to pick up the piece of paper and noticed that the words “open me.”

Unfolding the paper, Apple Bloom and Double Shuffle found it simply read “Lead footed losers” in dark gray letters. The red haired teen would have asked who would write such a letter, but the sound of Chasse’s snickering gave away who the culprit was.

“Now that’s rude.” Apple Bloom grumbled as she crumpled the piece of paper up. Double Shuffle, however, simply sighed as she admitted, “Be lucky she’s being nice today. I think she’s just holding off because she knows you and Tender are here.” Still, the younger couldn’t help but allow herself to begin to sulk.

Wrapping her arm around the younger girl’s shoulder, Apple Bloom asked, “Makes you wonder why someone who seems to hold tap in low regard would take a tap class anyway.” Double Shuffle deadpanned, “Apparently you have to be proficient in tap, ballet, and jazz to be on the competition team. Since me and Tender only started this year, we couldn’t join.”

The moment his name was mentioned, both girls heard Tender Taps’s voice call out, “You two need me?” Apple Bloom turned to try and find her boyfriend. Indeed, she found him approaching her and his little sister, dressed in a black tank top and pants.

“You two have fun?” Tender Taps asked. The former farm girl nodded as she rose up and replied, “You bet. Even if that Chasse girl was a bit of a jerk.” The teenage boy sighed as he asked, “Again?” Nodding, Apple Bloom presented the crumpled note to him as she explained, “We just got this.”

Reading the note, Tender Taps sighed as he said, “I should have guessed.” He then walked up to Double Shuffle and, kneeling down to her, reassured her, “Don’t worry about her. She’s just jealous.” The younger girl immediately wrapped her older brother in a tight hug, one which he happily returned.

Apple Bloom then joined in on the group hug, where she immediately found herself embraced by both her boyfriend and little sister. After a few minutes, Double Shuffle said, “Thanks.” The former farm girl replied, “No sweat.”

Turning to his girlfriend, Tender Taps asked, “So, you ready for round two?” Stretching her arms before performing a simple “Shave and a haircut,” the former farm girl replied, “Ah was born ready.”

Thirty Minutes Later…

As Apple Bloom and Tender Taps entered the other studio, they were greeted by several other girls, all of whom were either roughly their age or slightly older. ‘This is more like it.’ The former farm girl thought to herself. After all, things might just be a little less awkward now that she wasn’t with people who didn’t make her feel like Granny Smith.

Walking up to the two was a white girl with bright yellow hair that was up in a bun. “Hey Tender.” The mystery girl greeted her classmate. Turning to face Apple Bloom, she playfully asked, “So you’re the red head he can’t shut up about?” As Tender Taps began to blush with embarrassment, the former farm girl replied, “Uh, Ah think? Ah’m Apple Bloom.” She then extended her hand.

The white girl smiled as she shook her hand and introduced herself, “The name’s Pizzelle.” When they finished their handshake, Pizzelle asked, “Now then, you mind showing what me what you can do?” Apple Bloom was momentarily put off by this request, but she decided that she might as well put her best foot forward and, with a deep breath, she performed a set of essences.

Once the former farm girl finished, Pizzelle gave a small round of applause as she smiled and complimented her with, “Not bad.” She then turned to Tender Taps and quipped, “You were right. She’s a fast learner.”

Before anyone could say anything else, Hoofer Steps entered the studio, followed by Double Shuffle, the latter of whom made her way to the back wall and sat down. Curious, Apple Bloom asked, “Tender? What’s Double Shuffle doin’ here?” The teenage boy reassured her, “Hoofer Steps lets her watch sometimes.” Apple Bloom simply shrugged as she replied, “That’s nice of her.”

Hoofer Steps then spoke up with, “Alvight now girls.” She paused for a moment before quickly adding, “Und Tender. It’s time to warm up.” Once again, everyone lined up to warm up and stretch. All in all, Apple Bloom felt this wouldn’t be too difficult. Besides, if everything Tender Taps had taught her was anything, she shouldn’t do too badly, right?”

One Hour Later….

“Good job everyvone!” Hoofer Steps congratulated her class. “I shall see you all next week.” The moment she finished speaking, an exhausted and worn out Apple Bloom allowed her legs to give way and she collapsed to the wooden floor.

“Whoa Nellie.” Apple Bloom muttered as she caught her breath. As wiped the sweat from her brow, Tender Taps and Pizzelle walked up to her, the former asking, “You alright Apple Bloom?” The former farm girl replied, “Ah’m exhausted.”

Sitting down next to her, Pizzelle complimented her with, “Just be thankful you did alright for a newbie.” Apple Bloom let out a loud chuckle as she replied, “Really? Ah barely kept up with any of you guys.” Tender Taps then joined the two as he reassured her, “Don’t worry. You did alright. Just a little trouble with turning, that’s all.”

They would have continued, but Hoofer Steps called out to them with, “I hate to interrupt you three, but I need to start mopping ze floor.” Pizzelle then rose as she said, “Well I gotta go. See you next week Tender!” Before she left though, she turned to Apple Bloom and added, “As for you, we gotta do something like this again sometime.” She then extended her hand one last time. Apple Bloom shook the white girl’s hand as she replied, “You bet.” With that, Pizzelle departed, though not before giving a final friendly wave.

As the two teens prepared to leave, Apple Bloom noticed that Double Shuffle had disappeared. Curious, the former farm girl asked, “Where’d your sister go?” Tender Taps shrugged as he answered, “She’s probably already gone ahead to change. I’m sure she’s….”

Before the two even made it out of the dance studio, they heard a crashing sound followed by Double Shuffle letting out a panicked yelp and a pained groan. Giving Tender Taps a concerned look, Apple Bloom quickly muttered, “Somethin’s wrong.” Without a further word, both teens darted out of the studio and towards the source of the sound.

There, right outside the changing room, was Double Shuffle struggling to get back up next to a small overturned table, all the while Chasse stood next to her, looking surprisingly nervous.

“DOUBLE SHUFFLE!” Apple Bloom and Tender Taps screamed. As they ran up to their little sister and helped her up, the orange boy asked, “What happened?”

Chasse immediately interrupted with a blunt, “Lead foot here tripped over her feet.” Double Shuffle, however, turned to face the pink bully and angrily replied, “Because you tripped me!”

As Tender Taps rose up to face Chasse, the pink girl rolled her eyes as she replied, “She’s just lying! She tripped and is blaming me because I was nearby when it happened!” The orange boy gave her a furious scowl as his eyes refocused on his little sister, who was now struggling to hold back some tears.

However, Apple Bloom stepped forward and, taking a deep breath, began to speak sternly. “Now listen here, Ah know Double Shuffle like the back of mah hand, and Ah know for a fact that she’d never trip herself so easily.” She then knelt down to Chasse and continued, “But if you really wanna complain, we can talk with Miss Hoofer Steps. Ah’m sure she could set everything out.”

Chasse let out a nervous gulp as Apple Bloom smirked, satisfied that she’d made her point. Cracking her knuckles, the former farm girl warned the younger bully, “You better leave mah little sister alone, ‘cause if you don’t, well….” She paused before she quipped, “If you know what Ah’ve done, then you know Ah got eyes everywhere.”

Trembling with fear, Chasse turned pale as she stuttered, “Uh…. I….. I gotta…..” She then immediately ran towards the door and out of the building, most likely to cry to her mother.

Satisfied she’d done her job, Apple Bloom turned to face Tender Taps and Double Shuffle, both of whom were dumbfounded. Letting out a gentle chuckle, the former farm girl asked, “You two think that was too much?”

She received an answer in the form of Double Shuffle running up to her and wrapping her in a massive hug while practically screaming, “Thank you thank you THANK YOU!” Tender Taps then walked up and asked, “You do realize you might get in trouble for that, right?”

Apple Bloom felt her heart sink at that. If Chasse somehow got word back to Ironhide, she might indeed get in trouble. However, she was more focused on her little sister than she was about some pink brat.

“Ah know.” Apple Bloom replied. “But no one hurts mah little sister.” Upon hearing this, Double Shuffle squealed with joy as she said, “I love you Apple Bloom!” The red haired girl hugged her back as she replied, “Ah love you too.”

Tender Taps then hugged the two girls as he said, “And I love both of you.” Hearing her boyfriend say that, Apple Bloom gave him a quick kiss on the nose, much to his delight and embarrassment.

Once the three kids finished their hug, Double Shuffle turned to her brother and asked, “I’m hungry Tender. Can we get something to eat?” The orange boy smiled as he replied, “You bet. How about we get some subs? There’s this sandwich shop nearby and I think you guys will like it.” Apple Bloom smiled as she quipped, “Well then, lead the way.”

Tender Taps, however, raised his hand as he added, “But we should change first. I’d like to get out of these sweaty clothes.” Before Apple Bloom could reply, Double Shuffle quickly spoke up with an excited, “Race you to the dressing room Apple Bloom!” She then darted off to the dressing room.

Momentarily caught off guard, the former farm girl could only call out, “No fair!” as she followed her, all while thinking to herself, ‘That girl.’ After all, she never thought she’d find herself having a little sister.

Then again, life had a way of working in unexpected ways, especially in a place like Allspark Wells.

Author's Note:

Next Time; Apple Bloom helps Marble and Rattrap with a small problem at the museum.

Author's note: Pizzelle is was a background pony introduced in Wonderbolts Academy and is actually one of the students at the School of Friendship. I also planned on more time with Tender's class, but I felt it would clog the chapter too much.
Get it? Because clogging is a hard shoe dance like tap dancing?

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