• Published 19th Mar 2020
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Yugioh EQG: Ω Zenith - Banshee531

The Double X has come and gone and everyone's getting back to a normal life. But before they can relax, enemies old and new appear with a dark agenda. Will our heroes prevail, or is our world doomed to oblivion. It's time to Duel.

  • ...

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Turn 9: Rising Tides and Rising Tensions

Long ago, under the sea.

In a castle deep beneath the sea, we find Rhodos, the Atlantean Princess, asleep in a shell-shaped bed. But suddenly, the room was filled with light by a lantern situated on the ceiling. The young princess groaned as the light hit her face, causing her to slowly awaken.

"Urrrrr," she sat up and looked around before sighing. Running her hand through her hair, she flinched when she felt something slimy and looked around to see a strand of seaweed tangled up in it. "Ewww!" She pulled it out and threw it away, only for it to instead float infront of her.

After rolling her eyes, she jumped out of bed and swam to the door.

Stepping out into the hallway, she was met by a squad of Pikemen swimming passed. "Princess!" They all bowed their heads before continuing on, the girl sighing as she headed into the castle dining room. There, she spotted her mother sitting at the far end of the table.

Queen Amphitrite wasn't eating, instead looking over something written on a waterproof scroll. Her staff sat beside her, the magic pearl situation atop it. She looked up and smiled as her daughter swam over to her. "Good morning dear."

"Is it morning?" She asked, "could be the middle of the night for all we know." Amphitrite rolled her eyes. "I'm just saying. When was the last time anyone here actually felt real sunlight."

"Oh, hush. Don't go on about all that again. Have something to eat. The cook made some delicious kelp chips and fish oil tea." Rhodos rolled her eyes but ate anyway, looking around as she did.

"Where's big brother?"

"Neptabyss and his friends were out early this morning. Apparently, they found a new trench they want to explore."

"Great. Another cold, dark and wet place to add to the list of cold, dark and wet locations."

"Rhodos," the queen sighed, "I do wish you'd stop complaining."

"Why shouldn't I complain," she slammed her fist on the table. "We don't belong down here mother." She glanced at the pearl. "That thing could have turned us into anything, but you chose to turn us all into a bunch of fish."

"I did what was best for our people."

"How is hiding away underwater good for us? We once ruled the greatest empire the world had ever seen. Every other species of monster bowed at our feet and feared our might. Then-"

"Then those we oppressed joined forces and attacked us. Their combined power caused our entire city to sink. If I hadn't transformed us, we would have been finished."

"And I accept at the time you didn't have any other choice. But things are different now. Our forces have grown. The surface thinks we're gone. Now is the perfect time to take back what's ours."

"Then what?" Amphitrite put down her scroll and picked up her staff, swimming out of her chair. "Even if we managed to take back the surface world, it wouldn't last. Another mighty army would come together and attack us again and we'd be right back to where we started." She turned back to her daughter. "We will remain where we're safe. Here, underwater. I suggest you accept that."

But at that moment, the doors to the room were flung open before a Marksmen swam in. "Your majesty!" He looked around and spotted her, swimming over to her side and bowing before her. "My queen. Something terrible has happened to the prince." Amphitrite and Rhodos's eyes went wide as they looked over at one another.

Minutes later, they burst out the castle and spotted a pair of Marksmen carrying someone they both recognised. "BROTHER!" They swam over as the Marksmen landed infront of the castle and placed Neptabyss down on the ground. The two looked him over and were shocked to see half his body mangled with bloody patches here and there.

Amphitrite turned to the Marksmen, "what happened?"

"Daedalus," one explained. "We were exploring the trench and the prince swam ahead. That's when it attacked." Rhodos gasped and covered her mouth while Amphitrite checked him over, ordering the medics to come.

Everything was a blur after that, the two royals finding themselves outside the hospital room as their medical experts did what they could. "How could this happen?" Amphitrite asked while swimming in a pacing fashion, "we should have been safe down here."

"No place is one hundred percent safe," Rhodos told her. "If it wasn't a Daedalus, it would have been a Cyber Dragon or a Tyrano or maybe even one of the Blackwings. No place will ever be without danger."

Amphitrite's entire body shook as she swam over to a window, leaning against it as tears escaped her ducks and merged with the water around them. "You're right. I was a fool to think I could ever keep our people safe in this world." Rhodos swam over and grabbed her arm, hugging it. "There has to be a way. A way to keep our people safe, without needing to constantly fight or hide." She wiped her eyes as a look of determination appeared on her face, "I'll find it. No matter what the cost, I'll find a way to save our people."

"And I'll help," Rhodos agreed. "No matter what, we'll find a way to save our people. I promise.


"I promise," Skystar whispered as she watched her monster attack Grand's. Poseidra the Atlantean Dragon was charging at Arashiakuma Shinobi, Shell Blade powering it up enough to completely wipe out Grand's life points if it made contact. "You're about to lose and be sent to Void. Hope you enjoy the trip."

Grand, however, simply smiled. "I prefer air travel, thank you very much." He took a card from his hand, "and this Trap card will keep it as the only type of transport I use."

"You can't activate a Trap from your hand," Skystar pointed out before spotting the monster she was attacking beginning to make hand signs. "An ability?"

"One activated when you declared an attack," Grand explained. "If you'd picked Hiakuma Shinobi as your target, you'd have won. But because you picked Arashiakuma Shinobi, I can now activate this Trap from my hand. Go, Ninjutsu Art of Souls. With this Trap, I can increase the ATK of a Ninja on my field by half the ATK of any Ninja I discard from my hand." He discarded a card as a ghostly Mizuakuma Shinobi appeared infront of Arashiakuma Shinobi before turning into light and going into him. (A1100/D2100/L5/P2) Seconds later, Poseidra's attack landed and destroyed the ninja.

Grand: 800
Skystar: 1500

Grand might have lost most of his life points, but he survived and that was all he needed to do. Behind him, Misty and Tempest both sighed in relief. "That was too close," Misty clutched her chest.

"But Grand's still in this," Tempest smiled. "And he can still win." She looked up at the giant sea monster and frowned, "I hope."

"I end my turn," Skystar announced as her monster's ATK returned to normal. (A2800/D1600/L7) It was then that Skystar's Duel Disk beeped, indicating a system breach. "What?" She glanced look down at it as the screen changed to show Maud and Pinkie, Maud working at the computer terminal. "Those little brats!" She started typing at her Duel Disk, "they're fiddling with the system." She then laughed, "but it won't make any difference."

"Little brats?" Misty raised an eyebrow, all the while Tempest and Grand smirked.

"It's gotta be the girls."

"Yes," Grand agreed. "I knew they'd pull through."

"Don't go getting your hopes up," Skystar growled. "Now that I've sent their location to my security bots, those girls are done for!" The three frowned at this, all beginning to fear for their friend's safety.

Down at a lower level, Maud continued to type away at the computer while Pinkie worked to barricade the door.

She quickly stacked whatever she could find against it, including brooms, buckets and other items that were laying around on the floor. "There," she stepped back while slapping her hands together, "there's no way anything's getting through there." But it seems the universe wanted to prove her wrong.

Suddenly, a powerful force slammed against the door and caused the mountain of items to shake before collapsing. "WHAT!" The door suddenly opens to show several security robots on the other side, their blades glowing brightly. "Oh no, you don't!" Pinkie grabbed on of the brooms off the floor and charged with a mighty battle cry, swinging her makeshift weapon at the mechs.

The robots tried to fight back, but Pinkie avoided the blades and aimed at the arms and heads. After beheading the first one, she slammed her broom into its chest and pushed it back until it connected with the rest of the robots and forced them to roll backwards out of the closet.

The room now robots free, Pinkie slammed the door shut and shoved the broom through the handle while pinning her back against it. "Maud! I don't mean to rush you, BUT COULD YOU SPEED THIS UP!"

"I'm in," Maud announced after managing to break through the security system. "The worm's uploading now. But it'll still take a few minutes to completely seep into their system. And the security might try and fight against it. I'll need to stop that from happening.

Pinkie had no idea what she was talking about, the girl more concerned with the slamming that the door was being subjected too. "Just go as fast as you can. I don't think I can hold this for long."

"Stay strong Pinkie," Maud assured her. "If we fail here, Flash, Marble and everyone else we care about might be lost forever."

"NOT GONNA HAPPEN!" Pinkie screamed while redoubling her efforts to keep the robots out.

"I won't allow everything my mother, the queen, has worked for go to waste. I will fight and keep fighting until her dream's a reality!" She pointed angrily at her opponent, "you will not stand in the way of the great queen Amphitrite's destiny!"

"My turn," Grand drew his card and nodded. "And I play the Spell card, Graceful Charity. So now I'll draw three cards but then discard two." He did so, shooting Skystar and dirty look as he did so. "She can be the queen of hearts for all I care. You're still mere minions of Zeronull." Skystar seemed speechless at this remark, seeing Grand smile and close his eyes. "Your kind will never..." He opened his eyes and shot a smile at her, "defeat me."

"Gyah," Skystar grit her teeth. "You have insulted me and my people. Not to mention our almighty queen!" Her entire body began to shake in anger, "I will not forgive you."

Grand didn't seem phased at all by this remark, simply continuing on with his turn. "I tribute both Duel Blade and Hiakuma Shinobi in order to summon Yamiakuma Shinobi!" The two ninja monsters suddenly vanished in a puff of smoke. Then the smoke vanished, a ninja stood in their place wearing a purple demon mask with the dark kanji on it. (A2100/D2600/L7/P3)

Skystar smirked, "you think that card's gonna save you? Please."

Grand smiled, "you shouldn't be so quick to assume." The ninja made several hand-signs. "When Yamiakuma Shinobi is normal summoned, I can take one Ninja Pendulum Monster from my Extra Deck and place it into an empty Pendulum Zone." Arashiakuma Shinobi appeared in the light pillar, Grand then adding another card into the other side. "Then I'll use Kukiakuma Shinobi to reset the Pendulum Scale with him." The second ninja appeared, causing the portal to form above his head. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened before a pair of lights flew down and joined Yamiakuma, revealing Duel Blade and Hiakuma. Now re-summoned, both were back to full power. (A2400/D2300/L7/P5) (A1600/D1400/L4/P4) "And since Duel Blade was special summoned, I can Special Summon one Level four or lower Shinobi monster from my Graveyard." After several hand-signs, Shinobi Shadow Striker appeared beside the other three.

"None of those monsters can beat my monster," Skystar pointed out. "All you're doing is giving me more targets."

"Again with the quick assumptions," Grand smirked. "You've obviously forgotten about Kukiakuma's Pendulum Ability, which lets me transfer Hiakuma's ATK points to Duel Blade." The wind demon ninja performed a jutsu before the two ninja's points changed. (A4000/D2300/L7/P5) (A0/D1400/L4/P4) "ATTACK!" The ninja charged forward, swinging its two swords around until they became a blur.

"Yeah," Tempest cheered, "end this!"

"You can do it," Misty cried. "She doesn't have any face downs."

"Because I don't need one," Skystar smirked. "I activate the effect of my Shell Blade," she discarded the last card in her hand. "Now I can put a complete stop to your attack!" The sea monster raised the spiked shell and blocked Dual Blade's attack, pushing the ninja back without a single scratch appearing on it or the shell.

Grand frowned. That effect could be tricky. He looked down at his hand and saw a way around this. "I place one card face down and end my turn." The ATK points of both his ninja's returned to their original values, Grand's entire team now at the mercy of Poseidra. (A2400/D2300/L7/P5) (A1600/D1400/L4/P4)

"My turn," Skystar drew her card and smiled. "First, I play Pot of Greed. So now I can draw two new cards. And following that, I play Salvage. This Spell lets me return two Water monster in my graveyard with fifteen hundred or less ATK points back to my hand." She pulled out Neptabyss and Neo Barrier Statue, only to then discard her Neo Barrier Statue. "Now, I'll ditch a card to active my Curse of the Abyss Spell."

The card shot out the dark mist, which struck Duel Blade and cancelled out his ability. "Now Grand can't negate Skystar's attack," Tempest growled as Skystar shot Grand a deadly gaze.

"Because you have insulted my mother, the queen, I will provide you with the best...or rather, the worst death possible." Poseidra let out a mighty roar, which caused the entire room to shake and it began to swim forward through the air. "ATTACK! And since you have four monsters on your field, that's an extra twelve hundred ATK points for my monster." (A4000/D1600/L7)

"You activated my Trap!" Grand's face down flipped up. "Kunai with Chain!" A long chain with a strange weapon on the end appeared in the ninja's hands, Duel Blade quickly swinging it at Poseidra. The chain appeared infinite, completely wrapping around its body and preventing it from moving. "This Trap forces your monster into DEF mode. Then it equips itself to my monster, increasing his ATK points by five hundred." (A2900/D2300/L7/P5)

Skystar frowned while Misty and Tempest both smiled. "Alright, dad. Not only did you save your monster, but you also made it so your other monsters can destroy Poseidra next turn."

"That's the way," Tempest nodded.

"I place one card face down and end my turn," Skystar's monster's ATK points returned to normal, the chains unwrapping themselves from around it. (A2800/D1600/L7)

"My turn," Grand drew his card and smiled. "And with Kukiakuma Shinobi's Pendulum Ability, I transfer Shinobi Shadow Striker's ATK points to Hiakuma Shinobi!" The wind demon masked ninja cast several hand-signs before the two monsters glowed, their points changing. (A2100/D1400/L4/P4) (A0/D1000/L3) "Then, I'll attack with him." The fire demon masked shinobi cast his own set of hand-signs before spitting a fireball at the sea monster.

"Yes," Tempest arm pumped. "Even if she uses the Shell Blade's ability to protect it, Grand'll be able to use one of his other monsters to destroy it."

"And don't forget Hiakuma Shinobi's ability," Misty smiled. "When it destroys Poseidra, he'll be able to destroy Skystar's curse card." But when they looked over at Skystar, they saw she didn't have a single worry.

"You activated my Trap!" She announced as her face down flipped up, "Waboku!" A bunch of robed women appeared infront of Poseidra, each holding up a wand and creating a barrier that blocked the fireball and left the sea monster completely unharmed. "This Trap protects my monster from being destroyed this turn and protects me from taking any battle damage."

Grand and the girls all growled hearing this, the flames fading while the woman and their barrier remained. "I switch Shadow Striker and Yamiakuma Shinobi to DEF mode and end my turn." Hiakuma and Shadow Striker's ATK points returned to their normal values. (A1600/D1400/L4/P4) (500/D1000/L3)

"Come on," Tempest moaned. "This Duel keeps going around in circles."

Misty nodded. "But eventually, they'll run out of ways to protect their monsters. This Duel all comes down to whoever runs out of ways to do that. Let's just hope dad's not the one that happens too."

"My draw," Skystar smiled when she saw what she'd gotten. "I don't know why you're so hellbent on stopping us. After all, everything my mother is trying to do is for the betterment of everyone's lives." The three tensed up hearing this.

"Let me guess," Grand spoke up. "Something bad happened and now both you and your mother believe it's better if the world were to be destroyed."

Skystar growled. "You don't know anything! You haven't suffered the way we've suffered. You haven't had to hide yourselves away from the world, fighting for survival. You haven't-"

"Save us the sob story," Misty growled. "It's nothing we haven't heard a million times before."

"You think you're the only one who's been through tough times?" Tempest asked. "We've all had bad things happen to us. And heck, I'll admit even I've let those times overcome me. But not anymore. We've learnt to overcome those times and work to make the world better. We're not just gonna give up on it."

Grand nodded. "If you wanna give up on the world, go ahead. But leave us and those we love out of it!"

"Shut up!" Skystar almost screamed, "I won't let you mock the pain we've suffered." She raised the card she'd drawn, "I'll put my entire pride as an Atlantean warrior on the line to help my mother achieve her goal. AND YOU WON'T STOP ME!" She held the card above her head, as a tornado of water exploded around her monster. "Tempest of water and air, spin yourself into the form of a terrible dragon! Drown all those that stand against you with a tidalwave of fear. DESCEND!"

The tornado exploded, revealing a sea monster that was twice the size of Poseidra. It stood on two legs and had a giant metal gauntlet on each hand, with a large anchor chained to the back of them. On its back were a pair of blue metal wings with several sections that looked like they opened. The trident on its tail was now larger with spinning drill bits on each tip. Finally, it had a large purple masquerade mask on its face, with long purple ribbons coming off the sides. "Atlantean Dragon of the Maelstrom, POSEIDRA!" (A3000/D2000/L8)

The three all stared up at the giant with a slight worry, having never seen this beast before.

"Maelstrom's skill. Since Poseidra's in the graveyard, plus five hundred ATK points. (A3500/D2000/L8) "I'll discard a card in order to activate the effects of Curse of the Abyss!" Her Spell card unleashed the dark mist, which struck Duel Blade Shinobi and once again cancelled out its skill. "Next, Poseidra's other ability activates!" The compartment on its wings began to open before water cannon like nozzles folded out and pointed at Grand's field. "Every card in your Spell, Trap and Pendulum Zones are washed away, shuffled back into your deck." The nozzles fired high-pressure jets of water, hitting the ground and creating a tidalwave that washed away Grand's Trap along with his face down.

Tempest and Misty began to panic as they watched Grand place the cards in his deck before it shuffled, Duel Blade losing its power increase. (A2400/D2300/L7/P5)

"What's more: For every card returned to your deck, you now have to discard a card from your hand." The panic the two felt doubled as Grand discarded his last two cards, leaving him completely exposed to Skystar's next attack.

"This is really bad," Tempest gulped. "He doesn't have a single card to defend against."

"Daddy!" Misty cried as Poseidra raised its claws, the anchors detaching before the sea monster swung them around.

"Mother," Skystar smiled, "my queen." She pointed at Hiakuma Shinobi, "I DEDICATE THIS VICTORY TO YOU!" Poseidra threw the anchors at Grand's monster, ready to end this Duel while the girls gasped. But Grand remained calm.

And the reason soon became crystal clear, as a water tornado exploded infront of his monsters and blocked the anchors. Skystar's eyes went wide in shock seeing this, the water exploding to reveal a humanoid turtle in ninja gear that was carrying a large shield designed around its shell. "Shinobi Stealth Beast, Kame-Shirudo!"

"What?" Skystar was completely shocked by the sight, unable to believe what the heck was happening.

"What happened?" Tempest turned to Misty, seeing her smirk.

"Kame-Shirudo's ability lets him banish it from his graveyard and completely cancel out the battle phase."

"But how'd he get it into his grave-" Tempest stopped, remembering Poseidra's ability. "She did it."

"Yes," Misty turned back to the Duel. "She sent his hand to the graveyard, which gave him the chance he needed."

"So she shot herself in the foot," Tempest smirked.

"Not exactly. It has another ability that allows it to stop one attack by being discarded. She just made it so dad can't stop another attack. Not that he'll need too."

Skystar was still shocked her best monster's ultimate attack did nothing. "This isn't possible. It's just...it's not possible. You shouldn't stand a chance against me. You...you're just a human."

"Was that it?" Skystar turned back to Grand, seeing the stoic yet fierce expression on his face. "Was that all your pride could offer?" Skystar's heart was racing, as total unequalled fear filled her entire being. "You Zealots think you're all that, but when you come up against something more then what you were expecting, you begin to cower." He reached for his deck, "let me show you what a true Duelist can do."

Back with Pinkie and Maud, the hack was close to completion. A good thing too, since the robots were getting closer and closer to gaining access.

As Pinkie continued to push against the door, a glowing blade suddenly thrust through the metal close to her head and sheered off a few hairs. "Yaaah!" Pinkie jumped away from the door but quickly spun around to slam her hands into it, several more blades piercing through it as she did. "Maud, hurry. I...can't keep this up much longer."

"Just a few more seconds." As she said that, the terminal pinged to indicate that the worm was now fully installed. "We're connected." The screen then changed to show Sunset, the girl smiling at them from her computer at Freeze Industries.

"Good job you guys," she smiled while typing away at her system. "Freeze Industries now has complete access."

"Great!" Pinkie cried out, "then do you mind getting these robots off our backs!"

"Way ahead of you. Just need to find their command setting and...got'em!" At that moment, the banging against the door stopped and the blades no longer stabbed through it. Pinkie opened the door and glanced out, seeing the robots piled up on the floor and breathing a sigh of relief. "Now that that's out of the way, we can focus on Void." Sunset started typing away, the files opening up. "Beginning transfer." As she said that, a loud beeping noise began to fill the room.

"What's that?" Pinkie asked.

"Looks like the hack set off an alarm," Maud explained before turning back to Sunset. "You'll need to hurry. It won't be long before they start fighting back and we lose access."

"I know. You girls get out of there before they do something extreme. Don't worry. We got this."

"Alright," Pinkie nodded.

"Before we go, you should also try and download a file called Zenith Generators. I don't know what it's for, but I think it might be part of their bigger plan."

"Understood. I'll look into it as soon as the info on Void's complete. Now get going." The girls nodded and rushed out the room, the beeping alarm echoing throughout the entire base.

That beeping was also heard in the main room, causing Skystar's fears to grow. "No. Someone's hacked into Void."

Misty and Tempest smiled at one another, "Is that who I think it is?"

"Oh yeah," Tempest nodded. "Pinkie and Maud did it."

"I draw," they all turned back to Grand as he slapped a card down on his Duel Disk. "I summon Tochiakuma Shinobi!" A ninja with a brown demon mask that had the earth symbol on it appeared beside the rest of Grand's team. (A1000/D1800/L4/P3) "Whenever Tochiakuma's normal summoned, I can draw one card." The ninja cast some hand-signs as Grand drew, a smile appearing on his face as he saw what he got. "It's go time." He raised his card high, "I play the Grand Shinobi Ritual!"

"A Ritual Card!" Skystar's eyes went wide as a large stone spike suddenly shot out of the ground. And on that spike, balanced on a stone slab, was a golden statue of a ninja in the lotus position.

"Now I can summon a Grand Shinobi Ritual monster, as long as I sacrifice monsters from my field whose Levels equal or exceed its." Shinobi Shadow Striker, Yamiakuma and Tochiakuma Shinobi transformed into a light before they flew up into the statue, causing it to glow. "Darkest shadows, spin yourself into the form of a mighty dragon. Appear before us and strike, with stealth and skill that can be seen by no one." The statue became covered in cracks before it exploded, unleashing a powerful light. "I RITUAL SUMMON!"

As the light faded, everyone saw a new monster hovering in the air. It was a fifteen-meter high humanoid dragon with black scale, wearing golden shogun armour and had three pairs of golden feathered wings on its back. It had four arms and in each one, it carried a large golden katana. On its head was a golden helmet with golden wings on the side. "Grand Shinobi Stealth Dragon, Afterimage!"

"This isn't possible," Skystar shook her head. "We're...we're stronger than you."

"Your strength is an illusion!" Grand pointed at her, "Afterimage's skill. This card's original ATK points become the combined Levels of the monsters used to Ritual Summoned him, times three hundred." The dragon roared as its points were added up. (A4200/D4200/L10)

"No," Skystar growled. 'He thinks he's won. But he doesn't know about Poseidra's suicide ability' When Poseidra's destroyed, it also destroys every monster on the field. Skystar would survive and Grand would have no more monsters to attack with. If she could draw a monster next turn, this Duel would be hers.

"Your evil ambitions are never going to be fulfilled," Grand told her as Afterimage flew forward. "Not while we're here to stop them!" With four mighty swings of its swords, the slashed its way through Poseidra and destroyed the dragon. It roared as its entire body exploded into water, which splashed down on Skystar and drenched her.

Grand: 800
Skystar: 800

But as the water washed over her, she smiled. "You fools. You activated Poseidra's ability. Now, every monster on the field will be destroyed."

"What?" Tempest cried, "since when?"

"Since now!" She cried as the water morphed into a tidalwave, "this Duel's over!"

"Dad!" Misty looked over at her father, only to see he looked completely calm.

"You're right," he nodded. "This Duel is over. And you've lost." His dragon's swords all began to glow a golden light, "Afterimage's skill!" He turned to the rest of Grand's monsters before swinging his blades through them, cutting them in half and sucking the lights from their destruction into the swords. "When he destroys a monster, I can sacrifice any other Ninja on my field and for each one sacrificed, you take five hundred points of damage!"

"What!" Skystar screamed as Afterimage swung the blades around, the light shooting off them in an X shape. That light flew into the tidalwave and cut right through it, flying towards the distraught Dominator. "Mother, please forgive me." The blast struck her and exploded, consuming her with light. "I FAILED YOU!"

Grand: 800 (Winner)
Skystar: 0

As the light and Afterimage faded, everyone was able to get a look at Skystar as the girl stood there with smoke coming off her. Her paralysis lasted only a few moments and was broken as she grabbed her hand, screaming in pain as the symbol on its back began to burn away. "NOOOOO!" She fell to her knees while the others moved over to her. "It hurts," she whimpered. "It hurts." But as her pain slowly weakened, she felt a presence and looked up.

Grand stood above her with Misty to his left and Tempest to his right, Tempest cracking her knuckles. "It's time for you to tell us everything you know." Grand and Misty nodded.

Skystar glared up at the three before a smile appeared on her lips. "No thanks." She pressed a button on her Duel Disk, the base suddenly beginning to shake as the sound of explosions rattled through the air.

"What's going on?" Misty asked as Skystar laughed, making them look back at her.

"It's all over for you now," the girl picked herself up. "You're too dangerous to be left alive. So I will wipe you out so you can't be a thorn in our side again." As she said that, the image on the computer screen changed to show the hallways of the base filling with flames and falling apart. The three were horrified by this, Tempest pointing at Skystar.

"Are you crazy? If this place comes down, you'll be taken down with us."

"Don't be so naive," Skystar smiled. "You think this is our only base?" The three gave her and curious look. "We have operations all over the world. You cannot stop the mission our Lord has given us." She tapped her foot on the ground and before anyone could even utter a word, the floor opened up beneath her and she dropped into a round tunnel. "Fair well!"

"HEY!" Tempest growled before another explosion caught their attention. They were getting closer. "We need to get out of here and fast."

"But how?" Misty asked, "we're still sealed in here."

"Don't worry about it," Sunset's voice called out from nowhere. They turned back to the computer system and saw her face appear on screen. "I've managed to gain control of the facility, including the security system."

"Great work," Grand told her. "Now, can you anything to stop this whole place from going up in smoke?" The nervous look on Sunset's face told them their answer.

"Yeah...sorry but I can't." Tempest and Misty slumped as the screen changed to show Pinkie and Maud racing through the hallways. "I've freed the other two. You need to get out of there, A S A P." As she said this, the wall that had been locking them in finally lifted up, allowing the three of them the rush out and begin their escape through the hallways.

Sunset tapped into Grand's Duel Disk and began to direct them, leading them through the quickest escape route that wasn't destroyed. As they raced up level after level, the building continued to shake and rock with stray pieces falling from the ceiling that almost conked them on the head.

"Grand!" They spotted Pinkie and Maud rushing up from the opposite end of the hall, the five meeting at an X junction before turning to race up a flight of stairs leading to the exit. "We're not gonna make it," an explosion occurred behind them. "We're not gonna make it," the flame followed after them and were on their trail as they headed for the door. "WE'RE NOT GONNA MAKE IT!" They reached the door and threw it open before the force of the explosion slammed into their backs, sending the lot of them rocketing forward.

The five found themselves slamming into the ground as the flames flew above them, the lot panting heavily as the explosion finally subsided.

"We made it," Pinkie huffed out as she rolled onto her back. The others got up and looked over the building, seeing it was completely ablaze.

"Come on," Grand picked himself up. "I don't think we wanna be here when the authorities arrive." The girls agreed and all got up, heading off to their boat and sailing off before the Hong Kong emergency services arrived.

Once they were a safe distance away, they contacted Sunset. "We managed to secure all the data on Void. Cold has our best minds working on analysing it. We'll contact you as soon as we have any useful information."

"Great," Grand smirked, "thanks for that."

Sunset smiled back, "no need to thank me. The ones you should be thanking at Pinkie and Maud." The girls smiled hearing this, Pinkie scratching the back of her head sheepishly while Misty placed a hand on both of their shoulders.

"You both did amazingly," she assured them. "Thanks to the two of you, we have a chance to save my children and the others."

They both nodded before Maud turned back to Sunset. "What about the other file I told you about. The Zenith Generator." Now Sunset frowned.

"Unfortunately, I was just able to download the Void info before I got cut off. But I did get a chance to glance over the security on that file. It was tight. Even tighter than the Void info. Whatever this is, it must be extremely important to the Zealots." This statement caused a new wave on unease to wash over the group. Just when they were starting to get an edge over the Zealots, they learn of more secrets the Dominators were holding.

In another part of Hong Kong, Skystar was sitting against a tree panting while looking over the damage to her Soulink mark.

"This is ridicules," she growled at the sight before her. "This much damage from a single Duel." The mark on the back of her hand was almost half gone, several large sections faded away. "If I lose just one more time, I might be sent back to our world." She began to shake in anger, violently hitting the tree. "Damn them. Damn them all. Grand Hoof! Misty Veil! Tempest Shadow! And those two brats, Pinkie and Maud Pie! I'll make them all pay!"

"Now now, letting your anger control you isn't very princess-like." The girl gasped as she looked up, her eyes going wide at the sight infront of her.

From out of the shadows, Novo stepped out and smiled down at her daughter.

"Mother!" Skystar got up before falling to her knees, bowing infront of Novo as the women stepped up to her. "I'm sorry. I failed you. I lost a Duel and let those humans get the information on Void." Tears leaked from her eyes.

"It is okay my child," she knelt down and placed a hand on the girl's head. Skystar looked up and their eyes finally met, a gentle smile clear on the older women's face. "Tell me, was the generator's transport completed."

"Yes," Skystar nodded. "I managed to transport it to the specified location before I activated the self destruct."

"Then you should feel no shame. Your actions have protected the Zealot's progress and kept us on schedule. Your loss only brings as much shame as you allow it too." Skystar's head dropped against as her tears increased in quantity, the emotions behind them shifting to ones of joy.

"Thank you, mother."

"However," Skystar looked up to see a look of anger on her mother's face, "I cannot forgive the pain that those humans have inflicted on my child. As such, I shall pay them back for what they've done tenfold." She stood up and stared up at the moon, "let it not be said that I allow my subjects to suffer without recourse. All those who endanger them, shall suffer and fate worst than death."

"Here goes," Flash took out a card and placed in on his Duel Disk. "Come to me, Vail Pixie X!" A flash of light appeared infront of him before morphing into the image of his favourite tuner monster.

But alas, the fairy just floated there completely lifeless. Spike stepped up to the fairy and pocked at her, only or the image to pixelate around his finger. "Nope," he turned back to Flash, "normal hologram."

"Dang it," Flash deactivated his Duel Disk and caused the image to vanish. "I was hoping maybe they'd overlooked my abilities, but it doesn't look like it."

Twilight sighed. "If you could summon Vail Pixie, then she might be able to open a portal to get us out of here. But I seems not."

"So what do we do?" Gilda asked. But before anyone could even try and answer that question, they all felt a burning pain in their hands and clutched the omega symbol while crying out in pain.

"Guys!" Scootaloo rushed to her brother's side, seeing more of the symbol turn red. "This is bad." She looked at everyone else's symbols and saw Flash's was the most filled. If this kept up, he'd be the one whose mark completed first. And if that happened, he'd be the one taken over.

"Guys," Flash grunted out as he sat against the mirror wall, "please. You have to hurry." That was all he could say as he felt himself growing weaker. Every second they were trapped in this prison, the closer they got to being taken. And if that happened, Zeronull would be one step closer to destroying everything and everyone they cared about.

Author's Note:

Hey, score one to the good guys. Hope you enjoyed.

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