• Published 19th Mar 2020
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Yugioh EQG: Ω Zenith - Banshee531

The Double X has come and gone and everyone's getting back to a normal life. But before they can relax, enemies old and new appear with a dark agenda. Will our heroes prevail, or is our world doomed to oblivion. It's time to Duel.

  • ...

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Turn 20: Midnight Descends

Flash rushed into the remains of the destroyed building, looking all around to try and find out where Twilight and Spike were.

Had the Zealots already taken them? "HEY!" He cried out, spinning on the spot and holding out his arms. "You there? Show yourselves! I'm right here, so come out already! Don't drag my friends into this! It's me you want!"

"Flash!" He turned towards the voice, Spike's voice, which was coming from over a pile of rubble. The teen quickly climbed up to the top of it and gasped when he spotted Spike half-buried under another pile of rubble.

"Spike!" He leapt down to the bottom of the pile and rushed over to him, seeing Spike's leg pinned under a beam. "Hold on!" He grabbed the beam and used all his strength to lift it, managing to hoist it a few inches. "Crawl!" Spike did, flinching as he used his arms to pull himself forward. Once he was completely clear of the rubble, Flash dropped the beam and it fell to the ground as he turned to look Spike over. "Are you okay?"

Spike tried to move his leg, only to cry out as he looked down. "I think my leg is broken." Flash looked over the leg in question and quickly held Spike roll over and sit against the pile of rubble.

"Where's Twilight?" He then asked him, causing Spike to think back before remembering everything. Running into Marble. Duelling her and Guto at the top of the parking structure. Getting wiped out by the Zenith Dragons and-

"No," Spike's eyes went wide as he remembered the marks appearing on his and Twilights hands. He looked down at this and saw it was gone, the images of what'd happened after the Duel flashing infront of him.

"Spike!" Flash shook him, "what happened to Twilight?" But before the teen could reply, Flash heard movement behind him. He tensed up at a sudden dark chill that raced through his body, goosebumps and the hairs on the back of his neck prickling as he lifted his head. Then, slowly, he turned towards the sound and his eyes landed on the most important person in his life. "Twilight?"

Outside the field, Starlight, Scootaloo and Sunburst just stared out at the destroyed building.

As they waited to see what was gonna happen next, Starlight had called Cold. "What do you mean Flash went in there?" He almost yelled, causing Starlight to pull her phone away from her ear. "Your job was to keep him out of harm's way."

"I know," she replied. "I tried, but that boy's stubborn. Once he gets going, he's like a freight train."

Cold let out a sigh, "Don't I know that. Alright, just sit tight. I'm on my way with Cadance and Misty. We'll be there as soon as we can. Until then, just...don't do anything stupid and keep us up to date."

"Got it," Starlight nodded before cutting the call and turning to the others. "You heard the man. We have to stay here and keep out of trouble."

"But we can't just sit around doing nothing," Scootaloo told her. "Flash could be in serious trouble in there. We have to help him."

"But we can't," Sunburst reminded her before pointing at the field. "With this thing up, we can't get through." Scootaloo frowned before slowly reaching out to touch it, only to cry as she felt a zap that made her pull back. "Bad idea. I don't think anything's getting in there."

"Flash got in," Scootaloo pointed out.

"Flash is someone they want in there," Starlight told her. "We're not. At least...I think that's why he was able to get in." She sighed, not liking this wait and see approach they were forced to adopt. But they didn't have any other choice. Now, this was all up to Flash. "Don't do anything stupid," she told him.

Flash continued to stare at Twilight as she stood several feet away, a blank look on her face.

"Twilight?" He looked her over, "are you okay." He was about to step towards her, but-

"Don't!" He felt a hand grasp his, stopping him in his tracks. He glanced back at saw Spike, a look of pain on his face from moving to grab him, whose gaze didn't leave his sister for a moment. "That's not Twilight."

"What?" Flash looked back at her.

"Looks at her hand." Flash's gaze slowly shifted down towards her hand, where a black and red symbol he knew all too well shone brightly.

"What?" Flash asked, only to hear Marble's voice call out.

"The moment has finally happened." He looked up to see all four Omega Zealots standing on a piece of the remaining higher level, smirks adorning their faces. "The arrival of the Omega Deity of Destruction, Zeronull."

Flash's heart stopped hearing this, looking back down at Twilight. "No," he shook his head, "this...this can't be happening."

"I'm afraid she's not lying." He looked back at Spike. "Twilight, she was trying to protect you. But now."

"How?" He asked, his panic increasing every second. "How could this happen?"

"Twilight and I were Duelling, then...the crests appeared on our hands. Then, when we lost, she was taken over."

"That's right," they looked back up at Guto. "Lord Zeronull has finally awakened. Now, his goal to create the perfect world can finally come to pass."

Flash frowned before looking down at Twilight. "Are...are you really Zeronull." The girl remained silent for a moment, her blank stare her only response. But then, she shut her eyes before a strange smile cracked onto her lips.

"Of course not," she told him but her eyes shot open to show a wicked confidence they'd never seen Twilight possess. "I'm so much more." The two were surprised by this, even more so when Twilight spun around and pointed at the Zealots. "And don't you idiots think you can call me Zeronull or my lord. I might have him inside of me, but I'm still a girl. It's my lady, understand?" The Zealots seemed surprised by this but nodded anyway.

"Err...yes, my lady," Guto explained.

"Good," she nodded. "Honestly, what made you think Zeronull was male in the first place. He's an outer god. Outer gods don't have genders."

"So what should we call you by?" Skystar asked, "will you still be going by Twilight?"

"No," she shook her head while thinking it over. "I'm not Twilight, nor am I Zeronull. I am a being born from their unified spirits." She looked down at her hands, "Twilight's mind and Zeronull's wisdom. Twilight's strategic skills and Zeronull's unbreakable resolve to complete his mission." She smiled up at Flash, "I'm so much more than the two of them. I am a being who is greater than the sum of her parts. I am..." She looked up at the night sky, doing so causing a name to appear in her mind that suited her perfectly. "Midnight." She looked back towards Flash and Spike, "Midnight Sparkle."

"Midnight...Sparkle?" Flash whispered, his face turning to one of rage. "Release her, right now!"

"Not happening," Midnight told him before holding her hand up. "I've got way too much to do." As she said this, her mark unleashed a burst of light that struck the field around them. In doing so, it caused the Void space to vanished as the cube reappeared in her hand.

"It's gone!" Scootaloo cried as the field vanished, the teen rushing towards the building.

"Wait!" Starlight told her.

"Scootaloo!" Sunburst yelled as they ran as fast as they could, "we don't know what's waiting for us in there." But Scootaloo wasn't listening, too focused on getting her brother out of there and someplace safe.

"Hold on," she told him as she stepped into the destroyed building.

Midnight stared at the cube for a moment before nodding. "Good, still operational." She tossed it behind her, "catch."

Skystar was quick to react, catching her precious creation and looking it over. "I don't understand. It was supposed to vanish once it was done."

"Switched it off a little early," Midnight explained. "We'll be needing it for a grand plan. But first," she pointed at Flash. "You clearly have issues with me."

"You're damn right I've got an issue!" Flash almost yelled at her. "You're holding my girlfriend hostage and using her like a puppet. I won't let you get away with this."

"Alright then," Midnight took out Twilight's Duel Disk and attached it to her arm. "Then come and get her back." To say this surprised everyone was an understatement. They didn't expect her of all people to give out a challenge.

But then, Guto let out a smile as he seemed to have realised something. "Yes, my lady. Show him the power you now possess as the vessel of Zeronull. Let him see why it's pointless to try and fight what is coming."

Flash and Spike both looked unsure by this, both worried what a Duel might do to Twilight in this scenario. But then, Flash's face became one of intense focus. "Alright," he took out his Duel Disk and attached it to his arm, "let's do this."

"You sure?" Spike asked him, "can you really Duel Twilight like this."

"I have too," he told him. "This is a Soulink, like any other. Beating her, especially this soon after the link is made, might be enough to break the connection."

Spike nodded, understanding wholeheartedly. "Then do it. If anyone can save my sister, it's you."

Flash nodded before turning back to his opponent, "you ready?" Midnight smiled back at him before sensing approaching company.

"First, a little change of scenery." She held up her hand as her Zealots leapt down, holding their hands up as well. "Zeronull's awakening has brought about a new power. One that'll make keeping undercover so much easier." Her omega crest glowed again. "Omega Field, OPEN!" With that, the crest exploded with dark light that flew outwards from her. In enveloped Midnight and extended outwards until it enveloped her Zealots, then Flash and Spike.

"WHOA!" Spike yelled as the wall of black energy touched his skin and pulled him in, Flash alongside him.

As this happened, Starlight and the others reached their destination. But by the time they'd arrived, all they found was a large dome of black energy with red lightning sparking around it. "What's this?"

"Nothing good," Sunburst assumed. He moved up to the orb and reached out to it, only to suddenly get a static shock that made him cry out and pull back. "I thought so. We're locked out."

"Meaning whoever's in there is also locked in," Scootaloo realised. The three all began to worry, fearing that Flash might be in serious danger. And what about Spike and Twilight.

When the wall of energy arrived, Flash had been forced to shut his eyes as the sensation of the energy passed over him and Spike. But when he felt it vanish, Flash opened his eyes and looked around.

It almost looked like they were in outer space, with nothing but darkness around them that was filled with teeny tiny lights that resembled stars. Flash looked down and found that it looked like he was floating in the void around them, but he could clearly feel solid ground below his feet.

"What is this place?" Spike asked as they turned towards Midnight, who was standing a ways away with her Zealots behind her.

She smiled. "Welcome to the Omega Field. It is here that all Omega Duels shall now take place. It may look infinite in here, but outside its only a few feet. Now we can summon monsters of any size without attracting attention, including the Zenith Dragons."

Upon hearing that name, Flash looked down at his Duel Disk and remembered the Zenith Dragon sitting in his deck. If he wanted to save Twilight, he needed to pull out all the stops. And that included using Zeronull's own power against them. But could he really use it, knowing the heavy cost that came with it?

"You ready?" He looked up at Midnight as she activated Twilight's Duel Disk.

Stealing his nerve, Flash nodded and activated his Duel Disk. "I'm ready. Let's do this!"


Flash: 4000
Midnight: 4000

"I'll take the first move!" Flash drew his card and nodded, "I summon Reflector Scale Magna Snake in ATK mode!" The robotic satellite serpent appeared infront of Flash. (A1600/D1300/L4/P7) "I place one card face down and end my turn."

"My draw," Midnight drew her card and smiled seeing what she'd gotten. "I summon Disharmian of Betrayal, in ATK mode." In a flash of dark light, Midnight's monster appeared before her. It looked like Rainbow...scratch that, it was Rainbow. Her skin and hair weren't as vibrant but it was definitely her. She was wearing a purple bodysuit under black armour with a large black sword in her hand and a pair of black metal wings on her back. Around her neck was a black metal necklace with a red gem at the front shaped like a lightning bolt. The look on her face was a sour one, a big frown adorning her lips as she stared Flash and his monster down. (A1700/D1400/L4/P8)

"Rainbow?" Flash asked. 'Her deck's completely different. It must be Zeronull's influence.'

"Betrayal, destroy his Magna Snake!" The Disharmian leapt into the air as her sword sparked with lightning, which she swung around and fired a wave of black lightning that struck the robotic snake head-on.

And as the snake was electrocuted, Flash's entire body was suddenly racked with a burning sensation that flew through his whole body. "ARRRRRHHHHH!" He cried in pain as his monster was destroyed.

Flash: 3900
Midnight: 4000

"Flash!" Spike yelled seeing this, watching Flash fall to his knees.

"What the? That hurt?"

"Now you understand the power of the Omega Field," Midnight told him. "The power to link our two worlds. Whilst in this void, we and our monsters are linked. So every injury they receive, we also feel the pain"

"This is just like what Discord did to Cold," Flash realised as he pushed himself back up. "Doesn't matter. I'm not gonna let it stop me."

"We'll see," Midnight told him as she placed a card face down. "I end my turn."

As the Duel went on, the Zealots watched with both Marble and Skystar looking confused. "I don't get it," Marble turned to Guto. "Why is Lady Midnight Duelling?"

"It is the final step," Guto explained. "Zeronull has taken root within Twilight Sparkle and the two have Soulinked. But this isn't just any ordinary Soulink. This isn't just any ordinary spirit." A crazed look appeared on his face, "it's the long-awaited reincarnation!" The girls turned to him in shock. "The ritual is only complete once two stipulations are fulfilled. Victory and sacrifice."

"Victory?" Skystar asked.

"Sacrifice?" Marble looked intrigued before Trixie explained.

"Should she claim victory in this Duel, the Soulink will be completed and she'll be here to stay.

"But if she loses?" Skystar asked.

Trixie turned. "Then like any Soulink, the connection will break." Only now did Skystar and Marble understand the importance of this Duel.

"What about the sacrifice?" Marble asked, Guto explaining.

"To awaken the full power of Zeronull that now sleeps within her, a soul must be offered in return. And not just any soul, but one with incredible strength and power. And what better soul is there then the Pendulum Singularity himself."

"Alright," Flash looked down at his hand and saw he had all but one piece for a pretty good move. He just needed to draw that last component. "Come on," he reached for his deck. "Help me out here." He took a deep breath, "I draw!" He drew his card and saw it was just what he needed. "Yes." He smiled at his possessed girlfriend, "just hold on. I'll start by setting the Pendulum Scale, with scale Magna Caster Ratio and scale nine Nightlight Magna Sheep!" The pillars of light appeared beside him before the monsters flew up into them. "Cut through space time and carve the arc of victory!" The portal formed above him. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened before a pair of lights shot out, revealing his monsters. "Get to work, Reflector Scale Magna Snake!" (A1600/D1300/L4/P7)

"Howl to the moon, Shining Fang Magna Wolf!" (A1500/D1200/L4)

"Those monsters can't help you," Skystar told him. But it was Midnight that told her otherwise.

"Maybe not alone, but if he combined them."

"That's right," Flash announced as the light-bulbs on Magna Sheep's armour glowed before unleashing a blast of light. This light struck the spot above them and created a vortex, which Magna Wolf and Magna Snake were sucked into. "Let the raging fury of these two mighty beasts now become one, to give birth to a creature of devastating ferocity!" The vortex exploded, "I FUSION SUMMON!"

The light of the explosion faded, revealing Flash's new monster. It looked like a combo of a wolf and snake. Its top half appeared to be that of a wolf, though its front legs and paws were more bear-like, wearing white armour around its chest. Its bottom half was a robotic green snake's tail, with gears running along its side. From out of its head pocked two long white horns that ran down the length of its nose before curving up at the ends. From out of its back armour and robotic tail, curves spikes could be seen leading to the very tip of the tail. The beast let out a mighty roar as it swung its razor sharp claws through the air, swishing sounds following. "Magna Beast, Feral Lindworm!" (A2300/D2100/L6)

"Woohoo!" Spike cheered, "that's a new one. Go Flash!"

Flash continued to stare at Midnight. 'You were trying to protect me, but instead, you were taken. I'm sorry Twilight.' An angry look appeared on his face, determination burning in his eyes. "Just hold on!" He reached for his Extra Deck. "With Feral Lindworm's skill," he removed a card and revealed it as Magna Snake. "I can send a Pendulum Monster from my extra deck to the graveyard and destroy a card on your field." Lindworm curled itself up, biting down on the tip of its tail before spinning forward, turning into a wheel that shot towards Midnight's field and crushed her face down under it.

"Alright!" Spike cheered, "there goes her Trap."

"Now I use the Pendulum Ability of Magna Caster Ratio!" He drew three cards and frowned. It appeared his earlier lucky draw had drained his luck since he only had one monster amongst them and it wasn't a great one. "I banish Aura Pulse Magna Rat, to increase Feral Lindworm's ATK points by its Level times two hundred." The robotic rat appeared above him before exploding, the light entering the beast. (A2500/D2100/L6) "ATTACK!"

The beast once again curled up into a wheel that flew forward, slamming into Disharmian of Betrayal and crushing her into destruction. All the while Midnight grunted at the pain her monster felt.

Flash: 3900
Midnight: 3200

But despite the pain she felt, Midnight smiled. "You've just activated the effect of Disharmian of Betrayal," she explained as the ghostly image of Rainbow's monster doppelganger appeared. "When she's destroyed by battle, I can take control of the monster that destroyed her."

"What?" Flash and Spike cried as Betrayal's ghost touched Lindworm's forehead, her red crystal glowing as the same mark appeared on the beast's forehead. The ghost vanished and Lindworm slithered over to Midnight's side, the girl scratching the beast behind the ear.

"Good doggy."

"No way," Flash whispered. He quickly shook his head and reached for his hand. "I place one card face down and end my turn."

"My turn then," Midnight drew her card and smiled. "First, I summon Disharmian of Misery, in ATK mode." In a flash of dark light, another monster that looked like one of Flash's friends appeared before him. This one looked like Pinkie, her skin and hair paler than the real one, wearing a black dress with purple armour over it. She had a bunch of black balloons attached to her hip by a series of leather belts and her around her neck was a necklace with a blue crystal in the shape of a balloon. The look on her face was an angry one, her eye twitching and strands of hair pointing out like a crazy woman. (A1000/D1000/L3/P9)

"Another one," Spike wondered.

"Then, I'll set the Pendulum Scale with Scale two Raging Greed Dragon and Scale nine Dark Abyss Owl!" The pillars appeared on either side of her before two new monsters flew up into them. One was a large dark purple dragon with green spikes while the other looked like Midnight Owl, only it wore purple armour and had black metal talon gloves. Once high above her, the portal formed. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened before a single dark light shot out and struck the ground, exploding to reveal the monster Flash had just destroyed. "Disharmian of Betrayal!" (A1700/D1400/L4/P1) The Rainbow clone knelt down in DEF mode, confusing Flash. "Now, Lindworm, go show your love to your former master!" Lindworm spun forward, ready to crush Flash.

"I activate my Trap!" Flash cried as his face down flipped up, "Defence Draw!" A shield appeared infront of him that blocked Lindworm's attack, Flash drawing a card.

"Not bad," Midnight said before pointing at him. "Disharmian of Misery!" The Pinkie clone pulled a balloon off her belt and tossed it at Flash, the balloon slamming into him and bursting as a dark liquid drenched him and caused a burning sensation.

"Augh!" He cried as the liquid evaporated.

Flash: 2900
Midnight: 3200

"I'll place two card face down and end my turn."

"Then it's my turn!" Flash drew his card. "And I'll start with Starburst Reload!" He removed Magna Snake before drawing four new cards, the portal forming above him. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened before a pair of lights shot out, hitting the ground and exploding to reveal Flash's monsters. "Unleash your roar, Star Fang Magna Tiger!" (A2400/D2100/L7)

"Hop to it, Bright Bounce Magna Bunny!" (A1200/D600/L3/P2) "Now I'll use Ratio's Pendulum Ability!" Flash drew three cards and nodded before taking one and placing it in his pocket. "I banished Magna Fighter Gun Runner and increase Magna Tiger's ATK point by eight hundred." The image of the Magna Fighter appeared before exploding into light, which was absorbed into Magna Tiger's claw. (A3200/D2100/L7) "ATTACK!" The tiger-man shot forward and slashed at Feral Lindworm, destroying it and making Midnight grunt in pain.

Flash: 2900
Midnight: 2300

"Now for Magna Tiger's skill!" The Tiger turned to Disharmian of Betrayal. "Since he destroyed a monster in battle, he can now banish another monster on your field with less ATK points."

"Nice try," Midnight's face down flipped up to reveal a Trap. "Disharmony Circle!" A magic circle appeared around her monster. "This card allows me to make one Disharmian on my field immune to Card Effects for the turn." Flash glared at this. It was clear she wanted to protect these Disharmian monsters, but what for?

"Bright Bounce, take out Misery!" The rabbit rushed forward and jumped at the Pinkie clone, spinning around and slamming its foot into her stomach and making her explode.

Flash: 2900
Midnight: 2300

"I place one card face down and end my turn." Magna Tiger's ATK points returned to normal.

"My turn then," Midnight announced as her card shuffled around. "And instead of drawing, I'll be using Dark Abyss Owl's Pendulum Effect to add a Spell from my deck to my hand." She took the card and instantly played it. "Disharmony Regrouping. This Spell lets me pick a face-up Disharmian on my field and prevent it from attacking this turn, but in exchange, I card draw cards equal to its Level." Betrayal glowed as Midnight drew four cards and smiled.

"I don't like that look," Spike gulped.

"I summon Disharmian of Deceit!" In a flash of dark light, a new Disharmian appeared before Midnight. This one, however, looked like a paler Applejack wearing the same clothes as Betrayal, only she didn't have wings and instead of a sword, she had a pair of large metal gloves. Her necklace had an orange crystal embedded within it, this one in the shape of an apple with greens leaves. (A1800/D1200/L4/P2) It was then the portal formed above Midnight's head, confusing Flash. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened before a pair of dark lights shot out and struck the ground, exploding to reveal her monsters that appeared in DEF position. "Disharmian of Misery!" (A1000/D1000/L3/P9)

The second one was a monster that looked like Rarity, paler like the others, wearing the same dress and armour as Misery. The gem on her necklace was purple and had a simple four points gem design going for it. "Disharmian of Greed!" (A1300/D1700/L4/P9)

"I don't get it," Flash asked. "Why is she Normal Summoning some monsters and Pendulum Summoning others?" He then realised it had to be a game mechanic, quickly looking down at his Duel Disk and highlighting one of Midnight's cards. Each one had the same sentence at the start of their card text.

This card cannot attack on the turn it's Special Summoned.

"That explains it," Flash told himself as Midnight took this moment to continue her turn.

"Misery's skill!" The balloon-shaped gem embedded in the girl's armour began to glow before unleashing twin beams of blue light, heading straight towards the two. "When she's Special Summoned, every monster on your field lose one hundred ATK points for every Level they have." The beams hit the monsters, both flinching in pain as their points began to drop. (A1700/D2100/L7) (A900/D600/L3/P2)

"Not good," Flash realised as Deceit began to rush forward.

"Give Magna Tiger the one-two punch!" Midnight cried as Flash pressed a card on his Duel Disk.

"Trap card, open!" His card flipped up, "Dimensional Prison!" He smirked at this, but then saw Midnight mirror that smirk.

"Deceit's skill!" The apple gem on her chest glowed before it unleashed an orange light, which hit Flash's Trap. "Once per turn, she can negate the effect of a card targeting a Disharmian monster. Making it as if your card's effect is nothing but a lie." Deceit punched her way through the trap, destroying it, then continued forward before punching Magna Tiger and destroying it.

"Augh!" Flash clutched his gut, feeling like he's been punched instead of his monster.

Flash: 2800
Midnight: 2300

"I'll end my turn by setting a card face down and playing the Spell, Disharmony Rejuvenation!" All four Disharmians began to glow a dark light. "This Spell lets me regain life points equal to the number of Disharmians on my field times three hundred." The lights flew off her monsters and hit her, getting absorbed into her Duel Disk.

Flash: 2800
Midnight: 3500

Flash frowned as the pain of the punch whined. 'She definitely has Twilight's tactical skills. She knows how to use her deck, even though this is her first time using it.' He looked down at his hand, 'I'm gonna need something big to stop her.' "It's my turn!" He drew his card and smiled seeing what he had. "I summon Neo Lightspeed Dragon!" Lightspeed Dragon appeared in a burst of light, only this one's armour was slicker and its boosters were larger. (1700/D1100/L4) "Now for Ratio's Pendulum Ability!" Flash drew three cards and smiled before taking one. "I banish Charge Horn Magna Bull!" The robotic minotaur appeared above Magna Bunny before exploding into light, which flew into the robotic rabbit and powered it up. (A2400/D600/L3/P2) "ATTACK!" The rabbit rushed forward before slamming its foot into Disharmian of Deceit, destroying it as Midnight moaned.

Flash: 2800
Midnight: 2900

"Now, Neo Lightspeed, destroy Disharmian of Betrayal!" The armoured wolf's boosters ignited, pushing it forward until it reached the Rainbow lookalike. It then used its claws to slash at her, destroying the Disharmian.

"Did you forget about Betrayal's skill?" Marble told him. "Now your dragon's Lady Midnight's."

"Wrong," Flash told her. "Neo Lightspeed's skill cancels out the skills of any monster it attacks, so Betrayal won't be taking any of my monsters." The Zealots all frowned, but Midnight just smiled.

"Well destroying my Disharmian has activated my Trap!" Her face down flipped up, "Disharmony Replacement. Now I can add a Disharmian to my hand that has less ATK than the Disharmian you just destroyed." her deck slotted out a card, which she placed in her hand.

Flash frowned but didn't let that rattle him, his monsters leaping into the air. "Now, I think I'll tune Level three Magna Bunny with Level four Neo Lightspeed Dragon!" Magna Bunny split into a trio of lights, which carved the rings for the dragon to fly into. "Memories of strength long forgotten, return in an explosion of power!" The two monsters disappeared in an explosion of light. "I SYNCHRO SUMMON!"

The light faded to reveal Flash's monster. "Flashback Dragon!" (A2300/2200/L7) "I end my turn."

"My draw!" Midnight drew a card as the gem on Disharmian of Greed's armour glowed. "And thanks to Greed's skill, every time I draw a card I can draw another one." She did and smiled seeing the card she'd gotten. "Perfect." The portal formed above her head. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened before a trio of dark lights shot out, exploding upon impact with the ground and revealing her monsters in DEF position. "Disharmian of Betrayal!" (A1700/D1400/L4/P1)

"Disharmian of Deceit!" (A1800/D1200/L4/P2)

The final monster was something Flash and Spike had been expecting, a paler version of Fluttershy wearing the same outfit as Misery and Greed. She had a seriously evil look on her face like she was about to kick your puppy just for the heck of it. And around her neck was the same metal necklace the others had, only this one had a pink gemstone that was shaped like a butterfly. "Disharmian of Cruelty!" (A1200/D1100/L3/P2) "Cruelty's skill!" The monster's gemstone glowed before unleashing a burst of pink light, which struck Flash's hand and caused them to glow.

Seconds later, he felt a burning sensation touch his fingers. "Ahh!" He hissed, almost dropping his cards.

Flash: 2600
Midnight: 2900

"When she's Special Summoned, Cruelty deals you a hundred points of damage for every card in your hand. Now," she played a card, "I equip Greed with the Disharmony Shield!" A shield appeared in Rarity's hand, which hand markings in the shape of each of the Disharmian's gems. Each one was circling around a reddish-pink six-pointed star. "This card lets any Disharmian it's Equipped to attack while it's in DEF mode, using its DEF points to do it."

"So what?" Spike asked, "Greed can't touch Flashback."

"She will once I activate the Spell card, Disharmony Brace!" Betrayal, Misery, Deceit and Cruelty all glowed a dark light before it shot off them and flew into Greed. "This card increases the DEF points of a Disharmian on my field by three hundred, for every other face-up Disharmian monster I have." Greed smiled as her body tensed, the dark aura entering her body. (A1300/D2900/L4/P8) "Disharmian of Misery, switch to ATK mode!" The Pinkie clone stood up as Greed held her shield. "ATTACK!" The symbols on the front of the shield began to glow, ending with the central star lighting up before unleashing a beam of light that shot out and struck Flashback and destroyed it.

"AUGH!" Flash cried as his body felt like it was being burnt by the laser.

Flash: 2000
Midnight: 2900

"Now, Misery!" The Disharmian took one of her balloons and prepared to throw it a Flash, but the teen wasn't scared.

"Go," his face down flipped up, "Beacon of Hope!" He reached for his deck and drew a card, smiling as he slapped it onto the Duel Disk. "I summon Glow Claw Magna Chimp!" The robotic monkey appeared infront of Flash, Misery stopping herself from attack.

"I end my turn," Midnight announced as Greed's DEF points returned to normal.

"It's my turn!" Flash drew his card and when he saw what it was, he felt a sense of hope well up inside him. "Just a little longer Twilight." The portal formed above him, "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened before a light shot out, striking the ground and exploding to reveal his monster. "Spino-Gear, Magna-Saur!" (A2100/D1500/L5) "Ratio's skill!" Flash drew his cards but frowned when he saw none of them were monsters, "doesn't matter. Spino-Gear, take out Misery!" The beast roared and charged forward, its tail drill spinning to impale Pinkie's doppelganger.

"I activate the effect of Disharmony Shield," Midnight cried as the shield suddenly teleported into Misery's hands. "When you attack another Disharmian that's in ATK position, I can ditch this card to change her to DEF mode." Misery struggled under the weight of the large shield, falling to her knees seconds before Spino-Gear's drill struck the shield and shattered it as Misery exploded.

Flash growled but wasn't letting this stop him. "Spino-Gear's skill!" He drew two cards and placed them in his pocket, Spino-Gear's back gear spinning before it turned to Deceit and crushed her underfoot. "Now, Magna Chimp!" The robotic monkey charged forward, its claws unleashing a bright light that blinded Greed. "Magna Chimp's skill!" (A1300/D1100/L4/P8) With a single slash, Greed was destroyed. "I place one card face down and end my turn." He sighed, 'I couldn't even deal a little bit of damage to her. I've gotta get the lead out.'

"You truly are a skilled Duellist," Midnight told him as her turn started. "Though I already knew that thanks to her memories." Flash just glared at her, not liking this impostor talking about the person whose life she stole. "But it won't be enough to stop me. I activate Dark Abyss Owl's Pendulum Ability," a card slotted out of her hand. for her to take. "Then, I'll use Raging Greed Dragon's ability!" The dragon opened its mouth before unleashing a burst of green fire, which struck her side of the field. Betrayal and Cruelty both cried out in pain as they were destroyed.

"What?" Flash asked, only to see Midnight draw two cards.

"For every Disharmian destroyed, I draw a card."

"You gotta be kidding me," Flash frowned. "Why would you do that? Your monsters can't attack now, even if you summon them back."

"I don't need them to attack," Midnight told him as she held up a card. "Now that I have this, the Duel is all but won." Flash wondered what she meant, as the portal formed above her. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

With that, the portal opened before the fire dark lights shot out, striking the ground and exploding to reveal all five Disharmians. At that moment, Misery and Cruelty's skills activated. Their gems fired out beams that struck Flash's hand and monsters. (A1400/D600/L4/P9) (A1600/D1500/L5)

"Augh!" Flash cried as his hand burn him again.

Flash: 1900
Midnight: 2900

"Now," Midnight played the card her Dark Abyss Owl got her, "the time has finally come." As she said that, the five Disharmians leapt up into the air as their gems began to glow. "I activate the Disharmony Ritual!" The five formed a circle in the air as the light from their gems flew out into a stream and connected to form a ring. "With this card, I can sacrifice five Disharmian monsters to summon the most powerful of all Disharmians!" From within the ring, a portal formed that sucked in the five Disharmians that created it. And once it did, it shifted to point down at Midnight before a pillar of dark light exploded out of it.

Everyone else gasped as the pillar struck Midnight, blocking her from being seen. They then spotted a figure appearing within it, looking almost angel-like as it floated out of the pillar to reveal itself.

It was Twilight, only with darker skin and hair that had a dark flame-like aspect. She wore a purple dress and long purple socks with shining crystal slippers on her feet, with a pair of purple fingerless arm long gloves running from her hands to her elbows. A pair of black and blue wings were sprouting from her back, a similar-looking tail dangling from her lower back. Around her neck was the same necklace the other Disharmians wore, only this one had a six-pointed star on the front of it. There was also a long horn made of light blue crystals growing from her forehead, along with a pair of crystal glasses around her eyes, which opened to show an almost sinister look.

"Disharmian!" They heard Midnight cry as the pillar began to disappear, "Midnight Archangel!" The pillar fulled vanished, revealing the girl as Flash and Spike gasped.

She now wore the same outfit as the monster she'd just summoned, minus the wings, tail, horn and necklace. Her hair was similar to Archangel, though it didn't have the same fiery aspect as her monster, while her glasses had turned silver-ish with three white spikes coming out the side of them that got small as they went down. Her Duel Disk had turned black with a purple blade.

She smiled as she looked over her new form, then turned back to Flash. "Behold, my true form. Born from the power of Zeronull and the spirit of Twilight Sparkle." Everyone looked up at the archangel, who smiled down at Flash and his monster. "Against this, you don't have a chance of beating me."

Flash refused to believe that. Her deck may be powerful, but it wouldn't stop him from saving the one he loved. No matter what it took, he was going to win this Duel and free Twilight. No matter what it took.

Author's Note:

Well this got heavy. What do you think of the situation and what do you think to Midnight's deck?

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