• Published 19th Mar 2020
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Yugioh EQG: Ω Zenith - Banshee531

The Double X has come and gone and everyone's getting back to a normal life. But before they can relax, enemies old and new appear with a dark agenda. Will our heroes prevail, or is our world doomed to oblivion. It's time to Duel.

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Turn 34: Glorianna's Final Trick

Years ago, in the Duel Monster Spirit Realm.

In a secret temple many miles from any civilisation, there was a brilliant flash of light. And when the light died down, Draconequus and Glorianna appeared.

"What is this place?" The Shining Magician asked as she looked around, seeing the image of a large tablet that made up an entire wall. And on this tablet, the image she had been told about could be seen. "Is that him?"

"Yes," Draconequus turned towards it, "Lord Zeronull. The one who will liberate us from this accursed world." He then turned towards her, "but before then, we must work to free him from his prison."


"A proper plan will have to wait until we've boosted our numbers. For now, we must find others like us. Those who see that this world must be rewritten. Only when we have enough, will our plans succeed."

"So where do we start?"

"Well that depends," Draconequus smiled. "How good are you at swimming?"

Glorianna swam down to the bottom of the ocean, protected from drowning and the pressure by the magic bubble Draconequus had given her.

She continued to swim until she finally reached the area she had been told about. And just as Draconequus had said, the secret underwater kingdom was there. "HALT!" She was stopped by a bunch of fish-men monsters, "state your business here!"

"I was sent to talk to your queen about a business opportunity," she explained. But by the looks of things, the fish-men didn't believe her. "Very well then!" She raised her staff and unleashed blasts of light, hitting them all and knocking them back. She took this moment to swim passed them and enter the castle.

She continued to fight her way through many more Atlanteans until she arrived at the throne room. And after blasting her way through the doors, she swam in to find Rhodos and Amphitrite. "Who are you?" The queen asked. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to talk to you about freeing your people from this underwater prison you call a life." This caused the two to raise an eyebrow, leading Amphitrite to hold up a hand to stop the guards that just swam in and prepared to attack Trixie.

"You have five minutes," she told Glorianna.

The very next day, Glorianna was standing in the table with the Atlantean royals.

Both looked around in amazement, unable to believe such a place existed on the surface. And before anything else could be said, a flash of light revealed the arrival of Draconequus. And he wasn't alone, as an armoured griffon was with him.

"Ahh," he smiled, "you must be Amphitrite. I assume this means you've decided to join are little band of freedom fighters."

"Can this Zeronull truly free my people from their torment?" The queen asked.

"Oh, he most certainly can." He then turned to the griffon. "Allow me to introduce another member of our team. Ouravas." The griffon just nodded, not saying much. "We're getting close. Now we just need two more members to complete our group. But for now, welcomed to the Omega Zealots. May Lord Zeronull's light shine down upon us all."

Glorianna frowned, unsure how exactly they were suppose to revive an ancient deity. But if there was even a chance of undoing her mistake, she would take it. "No matter what happens," she whispered. "I'll see you again, master. And no one is going to stop me."

Present day.

Starlight and Trixie continued to stare one another down, both having their ace monster out on the field.

It was still Starlight's turn and she was looking forward to wiping that smug look off the Dominated girl's face. "Celestial Spirit Leo's skill now activates!" She cried before drawing five cards and smiling before she discarded three. The constellations of Gemini, Cancer and Virgo appeared around Leo before exploding into light that then flew into Starlight's Duel Disk.

Trixie frowned, knowing that meant over fourteen hundred extra points when Leo attacked. And Trixie had no way to stop it.

"Go get her, Leo!" Starlight cried as the lion armoured man leapt forward, the seven constellation appearing around him before they all exploded and the light flew into his claws. (A3900/D2200/L7) With one mighty slash, Leo's claws carved through Glorianna's staff before stabbing into her.

Glorianna exploded into millions of little lights, causing Trixie to cry out as he life points dropped. "Augh!"

Trixie: 1000
Starlight: 2300

"Way to go Starlight!" Sunburst cried Leo flew back over to Starlight, while Trixie steadied herself and growled at her opponent.

"You've activated Glorianna's skill!" She explained as the light that Glorianna had exploded into flew back towards one another before taking shape and fading, revealing Witch of Heavenly Guidance standing where Trixie's ace had been. (A1000/D1000/L4)

Starlight stared at the witch, then glanced at Trixie's empty hand. If she didn't draw a monster next turn, Starlight could get ride of Glorianna for good. "I place two cards face down and end my turn." She watched as Trixie reached for her deck, the three of them all watching her hand closely. 'Come on. Don't draw it. Don't draw it.'

"Come on," Trixie whispered. "Give me something." She drew her card and turned it towards her, a big smiling appearing on her lips.

"No," Starlight realised her opponent had gotten the card she had wanted.

"Oh yes!" Trixie discarded her card as Witch of Heavenly Guidance played the harp on her staff. "I'm ditching Card Caster in order activate my Witch's ability, letting me sacrifice her and summon a Light monster form my graveyard." The monster was consumed by a bright light, as her form began to change, the light then fading to reveal Trixie's ace once again. (A3000/D2500/L8)

"It's alright Starlight," Sunburst told her. "Leo's still got more ATK points and she doesn't have enough monsters on her field to power him down."

"Maybe not right now," Trixie told them. "But I've still got an ace up by sleeve." Trixie reached for her Duel Disk and removed a card from her graveyard, which she turned around to reveal Card Caster. "By banishing this card from my graveyard, I can draw another card." Starlight and Sunburst began to worry, knowing one card was all she might need. "Here goes!" Trixie drew her card a frowned, "oh darn. This card won't help me."

Sunburst sighed in relief while Starlight frowned. "Don't play games. You've still got your monster's ability."

"That's right!" Trixie acted like she had forgotten, "thanks for reminding me." She placed the card back on her deck, which shuffled before she redrew. "That's much better. I activate, Starburst Reload."

"Oh come on!" Sunburst cried as Trixie removed her Synchro monster from her graveyard, then drew seven cards. "How have those kinds of cards not been put on a band list." He didn't have much to complain about, since he had his own Reload card.

Trixie drew her cards and when she saw that one of them was another Glorianna, she smiled. Now she was only one card away from summoning her Zenith Dragon. "Not that that'll be necessary," she said before taking another card and playing it. "This should keep you from causing too many problems. I activate my Swords of Revealing Light."

"What?" Starlight asked before looking up and seeing a bunch of swords suddenly shoot down from the air and form a cage around her and Leo. "No!"

"Starlight!" Sunburst cried as Trixie laughed.

"With that card out, you can't attack for three turns." Starlight frowned as Trixie continued. "Then, I'll summon Dunames Dark Witch in DEF mode!" (A1800/D1050/L4) "I place one card face down and end my turn." Trixie then smiled at Starlight. "Go on. I wonder what you'll be able to do without getting to attack."

"Oh, you'll see." Starlight reached for her deck. "It's my turn. I draw!"

"And I activate my Trap!" Trixie cried as her face down flipped up, "Cleansing Light of the Heavens! With this, I gain four hundred life points for every Light Attributed monster in my graveyard!" A pillar of light exploded around her, causing some of her injuries to vanish as her Life Points went up.

Trixie: 2600
Starlight: 2300

Starlight frowned before looking down at the card she had drawn, which wasn't anything that could get rid of Trixie's swords. For now, she just had to focus on upping her defences until she could get rid of the sword. "I activate Celestial Spirit Leo's Special Ability!" She announced before drawing five cards, looking them over and nodding before she discarded two of them. The constellations of Libra and Aquarius appeared before exploding, the lights flying into her Duel Disk.

"Is that all?" Trixie asked, only for Starlight to frown.

"Not yet," Starlight played the card she had just drawn. "I summon Celestial Spirit Scorpio, in DEF mode!" The man in scorpion armour appeared, the man kneeling down and crossing his clawed arms while his tail wrapped around him defensively. (A1600/D600/L4) "And with that, I end my turn." Starlight frowned as she looked at the swords surrounding her.

"That's one turn down," Sunburst told her. "Just two turns to go. You can do this Starlight."

"Can she?" Trixie asked as she reached for her deck, "My turn!" Trixie drew her card and smiled. "First, I'll use Glorianna's ability to send a card from my hand to my deck." She did so, the card not being the one she had just drawn. "Then, I'll shuffle and redraw." She did so before throwing the card down on her Duel Disk. "Then I summon Lustre Mage, Aline!" A flash of light signalled the reveal of the young magician. (A1400/D1100/L4). "Then, I'll switch Dunames to ATK mode and equip Glorianna with this Spell card. Mage Power."

"Oh no," they both whispered as the Dominator began to glow.

"With this card, she gains five hundred ATK points for every card in my Spell or Trap Zone. And with two, that's a thousand extra points for her!" (A4000/D2500/L8) "Which gives her just enough to destroy your Celestial Spirit, especially since her ability will weaken him even more. The magician raised her staff as a blinding light flew out of it and hit Leo, blinding him.(A3600/D2200/L7) "Go!" The magician prepared the fire the laser out of her staff, but Starlight was ready.

"I activate my Trap!" Starlight's face down flipped up, "Celestial Weapon Scutum!" The shield appeared in Leo's hand, which he raised to block the laser and cause it to bounce off of him. "This Trap not only negates your attack, but it also increases Leo's DEF points by five hundred. (A3600/D2700/L7)

Trixie frowned, "smart. Alright, but Scorpio's still open for an attack." Dunames Dark Witch flew into the air before firing a blast of magic out and hitting Scorpio, destroying him. "I guess I'll have to end my turn there." Leo's ATK points returned to normal. (A3900/D2700/L7)

"That was close," Sunburst sighed in relief. "But Starlight can't hold out forever. If she doesn't find a way to turn this Duel around fast, she'll find herself in really big trouble."

"It's my turn!" Starlight drew her card, smiling when she saw what it was. "Alright, first I'll use Leo's ability!" She drew five cards and frowned seeing none of them were Celestial Spirits. So she shuffled them back into her deck. But then she played the card she had just drawn. "I play the Spell card, Starlight Energy. Since I have less cards than you in my hand, I can draw one card for every two Celestial Spirits in my graveyard. And right now, I have ten." She drew her cards and smiled seeing what they were. "Alright. I summon Celestial Spirit Sagittarius!" The constellation appeared before it exploded to reveal the armoured centaur. (A1700/D700/L4)

"Bit of a waste," Starlight smiled. "You know he's just going to get destroyed next turn anyway. Along with your Celestial Spirit Leo."

"We'll see about that." Starlight told her, "I equip Leo with the Celestial Weapon, Orion's Sword!" Said sword appeared in Leo's hand, powering him up even more. (A4900/D2700/L7). "I place two cards face down and end my turn!" Starlight stared at the sword. If she could just hold out a few more turns.

"My go!" Trixie drew her card. When she saw what it was, a low chuckle escaped her lips.

"I don't like the sound of that," Sunburst gulped.

"I activate Glorianna's ability!" Trixie placed a card onto her deck before it shuffled and she redrew. "Then I activate the Spell card, Blasting Thunder!"

"Blasting Thunder?" Starlight raised an eyebrow. "I've never heard of it."

"That's because it's a very powerful card that's not easy found," Trixie explained. "And with it, I can select a monster on my field and then destroy one on your field whose original ATK points are less then hers."

"Wait!" Starlight gasped, "but before Leo's abilities and the Equip cards-"

"His ATK points were less then Glorianna's," Trixie finished as her monster raised her staff. Seconds later, a bolt of Lightning shot down and struck the staff before she pointed it at Leo. The lightning then shot off the staff and hit him, causing Leo to cry out before he exploded. "The only down side is that this card prevents Glorianna from attacking. But that's okay. My other monsters will still be able to do some damage!" Dunames fired a blast of magic, which struck Starlight's last monster and left her field empty.

Trixie: 2600
Starlight: 2200

"Now, Alina, blast her!" The young mage prepared to fire at Starlight, but she had other plans.

"TRAP SUMMON!" She cried as her face down flipped up, revealing the women with a flute and large snake around her. "Celestial Spirit, Ophiuchus!" (A1700/D1000/L4)

"Yes!" Sunburst cried while Trixie frowned.

"Alina!" The mage still fired at the Trap Monster, destroying it. But doing so caused the snake to slither up to Aline and wrapped around her leg.

"Since you destroyed Ophiuchus, she now becomes an Equip card and will drain your monsters ATK points during each of my Standby Phases."

"Whatever," Trixie told her. "I place one card face down and end my turn." Glorianna's ATK increased due to Mage Power. (A4500/D2500/L8)

"Then it's my turn," Starlight reached for her deck. "I DRAW!" And when she saw what card she had gotten, her eyes went wide. "Draco Starlight," she whispered as she stared at her most powerful card. One that could help her win this Duel is she used it right.

Trixie frowned. She hadn't heard what Starlight had said, but she knew it was something to do with the card she had. And since she knew Starlight's deck so well, she had a feeling she knew what that card was. "I activate my Trap!" She cried as her face down flipped up. "It's Card Blockade! I pay a thousand Life Points and in exchange, you're not allowed to summon a monster from your hand this turn."

"What?" Starlight cried as Draco Starlight flew out of her hand and floated above her, as an energy sphere similar to the Omega Field appeared around the card.

Trixie: 1600
Starlight: 2200

Sunburst panicked while Starlight frowned, Trixie smirking back while Glorianna's ATK points dropped due to losing a card. (A4000/D2500/L8) "Well don't forget about Ophiuchus's ability." The snake bit into Alina's leg, making her hiss. (A200/D1100/L4)

"Like that'll matter!" Trixie told her. "Your field is empty and you can't summon any cards. Not that you could attack with them anyway."

"Well it's a good thing I've got this!" Starlight cried as she played the other card in her hand. "My Celestial Device, Sextants!" The ancient device appeared infront of her. "With this card, I can revive a Celestial Spirit Monster in my graveyard back to the field." Lights shot out of the device and took the shape of a constellation before it exploded, revealing Leo once again. (A2500/D2200/L7) "I end my turn." As she said that, the energy field around her other card faded and it floated back down for her to catch.

At the same time, the Swords of Revealing Light finally faded. Glorianna's ATK points once again dropped down. (A3500/D2500/L8)

Trixie frowned as she reached for her deck and drew her card. When she did, she gasped at the sight of the card she had gotten. Her Zenith Dragon. "With this..." She looked over her field, weighing the options. She could easily defeat Leo and have her other monsters finish Starlight off. But those two face downs worried her. If they were a way to destroy her monsters, then wouldn't she have used them already. One of those face downs had been down for a while, but left un-played.

"What's the matter?" Starlight asked, "scared too attack?"

Trixie growled, "I'm not scared. I'm cautious. Playing this game foolishly and rushing your moves can cost you."

Starlight smirked before looking back at Sunburst, "she's scared." Sunburst smirked back and nodded, while Trixie continued to seethe. "I mean, why else would you have used that Swords of Revealing Light card. You were pretty confident while they were here, but now they're gone and you realise you're defenceless."

"I'm not defenceless!" Trixie cried. "And why would I be scared of you. You're nothing by a pathetic human. Why would I be scared of something so...weak."

"Well if we're so weak, then why aren't you still controlling me!" Starlight asked, shocking Trixie. "You had to take Trixie over because you lost my body. And you lost it because you were defeated. Defeated by weak pathetic humans."

"Be quiet."

"You lost to Soarin, Twilight, Gilda and then Sunburst. Humans, who shouldn't have stood a chance against you because they were weak. But they're not weak. They may have started out that way, but they embraced that weakness and learned to overcome it. And in doing so, they overcame you! While you stayed weak and started relying on powers other then your own to win for you!" Though she didn't know it, Starlight had hit a nerve when she said that.

Trixie's entire body froze as she remembered the time she stole her master's book, wanting to use it to grow stronger and earn his respect. And because of that, she ended up losing everything she cared about.

"Honestly, the only pathetic one here is you."

"SILENCE!" Trixie screamed, shocking the two. "You wanna see my power!" She held up a card as it began to glow. "I'll show you it! With this card, I place my entire future on the line." The two teens began to grow nervous hearing her say that. "Should I happen to lose this Duel, then every card single in my deck will be destroyed."

"Not good," Sunburst gulped. "I hope Starlight prepared something for this."

"To summon this card, I must sacrifice a Light Attributed monster while discarding a card in my hand with the same name." As Trixie did this, Glorianna leapt into the air as light exploded off of her and formed a sphere.

Starlight and Sunburst cried out at the light of the sphere grew brighter and brighter, burning away the darkness of the Omega Field. Starlight forced her eyes open and look up at the orb, right as a feathered wing broke free of it with a second one following afterwards.

"Awaken," Trixie chanted, "beast of light!" She slapped her card down on the Duel Disk, the orb exploding as the monster inside was revealed. "Zenith Dragon of Glorious Shine, MESMERIDIEM!" The sphere exploded, revealing the colossal shining dragon. Said dragon unleashed a mighty roar, the force pushing the two teens backwards several feet. Trixie just smirked. "A Zenith Dragon's original ATK and DEF points become the combined total of the two monsters used to summon it. (A6000/D5000/L12) "At the end of my turn, this card will be banished and one of the monsters used to summon it will replace it. Not that I'll have an end of turn."

"Don't get over confident!" Starlight told her, "those Zenith Dragons aren't unstoppable."

"Maybe," Trixie smiled, "but they're pretty hard to stop. Now, I tribute Dunames Dark Witch in order to activate Mesmeridiem's special ability!" The fairy exploded into light, which flew up into the dragon's forehead crystal. "Now I can subtract half my monsters ATK points from your monster's ATK points." A blinding light exploded from out of the crystal, about to blind Leo. (A1600/D2200/L7)

"Just hold on Leo," Starlight grunted at the light.

"Then I'll banished Dunames from my graveyard, allowing me to activate my dragon's other ability!" The ghostly image of the fair appeared before it exploded into a burst of light, which Mesmeridiem sucked into its mouth. "By doing this, I can destroy a card in your Spell, Trap or Pendulum Zone." Trixie smiled, "and you know what stopping it will cost you."

Starlight frowned before looking down at the only card in her hand. If she discarded it, she could stop the effect. But Trixie would just use it again. So instead of discarding it, she simply dropped her arms and looked down in defeat. This made Trixie and Sunburst have two very different reactions.

"Starlight," he cried, "no!"

"HAHAA!" Trixie cried before Mesmeridiem launched a laser from its mouth, hitting Starlight's face down and disintegrating it. "Now I banish Herald of Creation to destroy your other face down!" The priestess appeared and was also sucked into the dragon's mouth, seconds before it fired another laser and destroyed Starlight's last card. Now she only had Leo on her field.

"STARLIGHT!" Sunburst cried as he was blinded by the light, all the while Trixie laughed.

"WHO'S SCARED NOW!" She screamed before pointing at her ultimate monster, "finish this!" The dragon's entire body began to glow before the light flew off into its mouth, "BLINDING BLAZER!" The dragon roared, unleashing the light into one giant laser that flew down towards Leo and Starlight.

"NOOOOOOOOOO!" Sunburst screamed as the attack hit and filled the Omega Field with light, Trixie and Sunburst both expecting the field the vanish. But when the light faded, they were still in the space-like surroundings. And when they turned back to Starlight, she and Leo were still standing.

"WHAT!?" Trixie cried. "Impossible. You should have no more life points. FALL ALREADY!" She then looked down at her Duel Disk and gasped at the sight of their points.

Trixie: 1600
Starlight: 700

"How?" Trixie asked, "it's not possible. IT SIMPLY ISN'T POSSIBLE!" Her thoughts were then interrupted by laughter, courtesy of Starlight.

"Sorry Glory," she smiled at her. "But you did it to yourself." She glanced up at her monster, "take a look at your almighty dragon." Trixie looked confused before checking her monster, her eyes going wide when she saw what it's ATK points were. (A2000/D5000/L12)

"What?" She looked back at Starlight as she held up a card.

"See this," Trixie saw it was a Trap. "You sent it to my graveyard. And when Blinding Starlight is destroyed, it's effect activates and let's me discard a Celestial Spirit from my hand. And by doing so, I can lower the ATK of a monster on your field by my monsters ATK points."

"But then how is Leo still on the field?" Trixie asked.

"That would be my other Trap card," Starlight explained. "Mirror Trap. It can only be activated in the Graveyard. By banishing it an paying half my life points, I can activate the effect of another Trap in my grave. And the card I picked was Horologium, which revived Leo once again."

"No way," Trixie whispered.

"You're your own worst enemy," Starlight told her. "If you hadn't used your Zenith Dragon and simply attacked, there wouldn't have been anyway for me to stop you. But you fell for my taunt and used it. Too bad."

"You tricked me!" Trixie screamed.

"I did no such thing," Starlight smiled. "It's like I said. You should rely on your own power instead of the power of Zeronull. Now you've missed your only chance to beat me."

Trixie growled, but had no other choice. "I switch Alina to DEF mode and then place two cards face down to end my turn." The Zenith Dragon began to vanish. "At the end of my turn, Mesmeridiem is banished and one of the monsters I used to summon it is summoned in its place." Glorianna appeared and floated down infront of Trixie, she and Leo glaring at one another.

"You want to know the difference between you and me?" Starlight asked as she reached for her deck.

"I'm sure you're gonna tell me," Trixie sighed.

"The difference is in how we deal with the tragedies we've faced in our past." She drew her card and looked at it before smiling. "What you did to me is something I'll never forget. But I won't let it solely define me anymore. While you simply let the bad things of your past overcome you." Trixie glared at her. "I don't know what terrible thing happened to you, but it still doesn't give you the right to destroy our world. Maybe if you relied on your own power instead of someone else's, you might have realised the mistakes you've made aren't the end of the world."

"You dare lecture me?" Trixie asked, "saying I rely on another's power. Then what do you call what your monsters do?"

"Teamwork," She explained. "There's a difference between combining your powers and depending on a single power to win every time. Me and my monsters all work hard to make sure we're at our best, so that when we do work together what we bring to the team can create something that's greater then the sum of its parts. And now it's time to show you what I mean."

"What?" Trixie asked, "but your dragon's in the graveyard. What can you do?"

"I'll show you!" Starlight played the card she had drawn. "I activate this Spell card. Celestial Device, Corona!" The constellations of Corona Borealis and Australis appeared above Leo before they floated together exploded, the light taking shape before fading to reveal a crown that then flew down and landed on Leo's head. When it did so, Leo was suddenly consumed by light before his shape started morphing. "With this card, I can banish a Celestial Spirit on my field and give birth to its highest form. The Celestial Spirit King!"

"What?" Trixie looked up as the light began to fade from Leo, revealing his new form.

He was now a foot taller and his hair was cut shorter. His armour was bulkier and it now had five pointed stars on his knees, elbows and on the backs of bracelets around his wrists. He was wearing a cape that was tattered at the end and in his hand was a large sword that had a normal T shaped crossguard and a golden X welded onto that. The crown was still nestled on his head. "Behold, the Celestial Spirit King...LEO!" (A3000/D2800/L10)

"No way," Sunburst whispered as Trixie looked horrified.

"Leo's skill!" Starlight cried as her graveyard glowed, with the light flying out of it taking the shapes of the other twelve constellations. The ghostly images of each of Starlight's Celestial Spirits overlayed themselves on top of the constellations, while Starlight held up their cards. "I can now shuffle any Celestial Spirit from my graveyard back into my deck, then draw five cards." She placed the cards onto her deck, which then shuffled.

"So what?"

"So now, if any of the cards I draw are Celestial Spirits, I can summon them to the field."

"WHAT!" Trixie screamed as Starlight drew her cards, then smiled.

"I summon Celestial Spirit Libra, Cancer, Aquarius and Pisces!" The four constellations appeared on either side of Leo before they exploded, transforming into the four Celestial Spirits. "Then, I'll use Aquarius's ability!" She discarded a card as Aquarius threw her vase around, unleashing a torrent of water that swept out across the field and washed away Trixie's face downs.

"NO!" She cried as Leo raised his sword.

"It's over Trixie!" Starlight announced. "When Celestial Spirit King Leo attacks, he gains five hundred ATK points for every other Celestial Spirit on my field." The other Celestial Spirits glowed before the light flew off and was absorbed into the blade. (A5000/D2800/L10) "FINISH THIS!" Leo leapt into the air, "SLICING THE HEAVENS!" Leo swung the blade around and unleashed an energy blast that flew towards Glorianna.

Trixie couldn't believe this was happening. After everything she had done, she was about to be defeated and sent back by the very human she had once held her control over.

As the attack flew towards her, Trixie's eyes grew wider and wider. It was then that she felt a presence, causing her to look down and gasp when she saw someone standing just infront of her.

That someone was the ghostly image of a man she had seen die right before her eyes. "M-master?" The glowing spirit of her teacher stared back at her, a disappointed look upon his face.

"Oh Glorianna," he shook his head in shame before he vanished. Trixie suddenly felt her heart break the attack landed, destroying the monster dominating her and knocking her backwards as she cried out.

Trixie: 0
Starlight: 700 (Winner)

The Omega Field exploded, Trixie, Starlight and Sunburst falling to the ground by the force.

The three panted as they processed what had just happened, with Trixie the first to join the dots and gasp as her cards began to glow yellow. "No," she whispered before they flew out of her deck, graveyard, extra deck and pocket. Every single card she owned floated infront of her, including the Zenith Dragon. And then, they burst into flames.

"I did it," Starlight whispered as the ashes of the cards fluttered to the ground.

Sunburst smirked as he moved over to her, placing a hand on her shoulder. "You did it. I knew you could." They turned to one another and smiled, Starlight happy Sunburst had been there to help her through this.

"AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHH!" Their moment was shattered by Trixie clutching her hand, the mark on the back of it slowly beginning to fade. She shot Starlight and Sunburst a death glare, while Starlight smirked and pushed herself back to her feet.

"It's over," she told the Dominator. "Your days of ruining people's lives is over."

Trixie growled, then chuckled. "You think you've won? Beating me does nothing. I've already completed my goal. Soon Lady Midnight will awaken her true power and when that happens, my perfect world will be created."

"No," Starlight shook her head, "she won't. We'll stop her and free Twilight. Your sick excuse of a perfect world will never come to be. I can promise you that." The two girls locked eyes and stared each other down for several long seconds, until the mark on the back of Trixie's hand vanished.

"We'll see how well you keep that promise," were the last words Trixie said before she appeared to black on and fall forwards. As this happened, the spirit of the Shining Magician was pulled out of her body and began to float towards the ceiling. Her eyes remained firmly locked on Starlight, who was moving towards Trixie. "You're a fool to think you can defeat the power of Zeronull. A total fool." With that, she vanished from this world as Starlight and Sunburst rolled Trixie over.

"She okay?" Starlight asked as Sunburst checked her vitals.

"I'm feeling a pulse," he replied. "I think she'll be fine." Starlight sighed in relief, looking up at where the spirit of Glorianna had been floating. Despite not having seen her, she had almost sensed her former presence.

"It's over," she whispered. "It's finally over." The heaviness weighing on her heart since being freed finally lifted from her, making her feel lighter and less bogged down then she had been in a very long time. She couldn't help but smile before turning to where the Zenith Dragon card had fallen, Starlight reaching over to pick it up. "And then there was one."

Applejack and Rarity had been walking through the darkness for what felt like hours.

Both stayed close, not wanting to possibly be separated. Eventually, Applejack came to a stop and let out a growl of frustration. "This has gone on long enough!" She cried out to the darkness, "come out alright!"

"Yes!" Rarity agreed, "enough of these games. We know you're here Marble!" There was no response, at least at first. But after a few seconds, a feminine chuckle made the spin around to see the target of their animosity standing behind them.

"Well, here I am." The cube in her possession began to glow before it floated up towards the air, "are you ready to play?"

"Would you make up ya'h mind!" Applejack cried. "First ya'h capture use in this field. Then ya'h leave us waiting and now ya'h messing with that silly cube."

"Why do you even have that thing?" Rarity asked.

"There's a reason I left you waiting," Marble smiled. "I wanted to see how Glorianna did in her Duel." This caught the two's attention. "She lost and has now returned to my world." They smiled, happy another Omega Zealot had fallen. "Now you have four Zenith Dragons while we only have two. Things are looking bad for us."

"Well excuse me for not feeling sorry for you," Rarity frowned.

"Yeah," Applejack nodded. "Real tragic. Makes me wanna pull out a violin and play a sad song. Not."

"Funny," Marble said, "but you won't be laughing once I've defeated you."

"Let's go then," Applejack held up her Duel Disk. "A'll take ya'h down and free Marble for Pinkie and Maud."

"Oh no," Marble shook her head. "I don't intend for you to be my only opponent. In fact," her gaze shifted between the two of them before she smiled. "I want to Duel both of you, together." This statement shocked the two, Applejack and Rarity sharing a look before turning back to her.

"Why do you want to Duel us both?" Rarity asked.

"Simply," Marble pointed at the cube floating above them, "I must complete my mission."

"Mission?" Applejack asked.

"That's right. You see, in order for Lady Midnight to awaken her full power, she requires not only the Zenith Dragons, but the power of a strong soul. A powerful soul that can help fuel the process that will allow Zeronull to finally awaken and descend upon this world."

Rarity and Applejack began to feel fear flowing through them. "And you intend to sacrifice us?" Rarity asked, with Marble nodding in return.

"Why us?" Applejack asked.

"You two might not have the power needed to awaken her on your own, but together it'll be just enough. You proved in the Double X you were strong, even though you lost to the Dominators. Once the two of you have been defeated, your souls will be offered and the Void Cube will reactivate and allow Lady Midnight to finally awaken."

To say the girls were scared would be an understatement. It was one thing to lose a Duel. It was another to have your soul devoured because you lost. "But ya'h said it ya'self," Applejack told her. "She needs the Zenith Dragons and she doesn't have'em all. Two of them are still locked inside the energy shield." At least they hoped they were. Being stuck in the Omega Field made it impossible to know for sure if the generator was still working.

"You're right," Marble nodded. "But with only one generator left, I doubt that shield will be able to keep Lady Midnight out. Which means all I need to do is defeat you, and victory is ours."

"We won't let that happen," Rarity said as she stepped up besides Applejack. "We'll defeat you and free Marble." Applejack nodded as they both activated their Duel Disks, Marble doing the same.

"I doubt that," she told them. "here's how this'll work. You two will each have four thousand life points and I'll have eight thousand. Meanwhile, you share a field and take turns using it. You can use whatever cards your partner left on the field and you can share a graveyard. Don't say I'm not fair."

"A'm fine with that," Applejack told her.

"Same here," Rarity nodded. "There's no way you can defeat us both together."

"Don't be so sure," Marble said before they began. "I hope your last Duel before your devoured is a fun one." They drew their cards and all cried together.


Rarity: 4000
Marble: 8000
Applejack: 4000

Outside the Omega Field, Pinkie and Maud continued to stare at the dome.

The girls knew their little sister was in there and if they wanted to find a way to free her, they had to get in too. "Marble," Pinkie stepped forward and tried to place her hand on the orb. But doing so sent a surge of energy into her hand, causing her to cry out and pull it back.

"There has to be someway in," Maud frowned as she too tried to touch the field but got zapped.

Both girl shared a look before turning back to the dome. After a few seconds, they both had the craziest idea. It was ridiculous and was more likely to get them killed, but at this point they were despite. So, the two held the other's hand before raising the other one and slowly moving it towards the field.

As they got close, they felt the energy surge towards them and zap them. They flinched, but wouldn't let it stop them and kept pushing. "AUGH!" They cried as their hands touched the energy field, both feeling like their skin was being burnt off. "Can't...stop!" Pinkie cried.

"Marble!" Maud yelled, "we're coming!" They screamed as they tried to push through the barrier into the field, but it just wouldn't give. Their other hands clutched one another tightly as they felt the pain flowing through their hands. Their constant cries filled the room until they felt like their brains were about to explode.

"MARBLE!" They both screamed before something happened.

Their eyes shot open and they pulled their hands away from the field, seconds before they fell backwards and hit the ground. Both girls were laid out on the floor, totally unconscious.

"PINKIE!" Sunset stood up as she stared at the screen, having seen what they had just done and what happened to them. "Pinkie, can you here me?"

"Maud?" Cadance cried, "answer us." There was no answer, making the two fear for the worst. But they soon had other issues, as the security grid picked up another energy spike. One similar to the energy given off by the Zealot's portals.

It's location, the energy field room.

Within said room, the portal appeared before somebody stepped out of it.

That somebody was Midnight Sparkle, who began to march through the large room as the portal vanished behind her. Her gaze was square on the room holding two of her Zenith Dragons. But before she could get close to it, she stopped when she spotted someone between her and it. "Hello...brother."

Shining Armor stared Midnight down, a glare on his face. "You're not my sister." He took out his Duel Disk and attached it to his arm, "and I'm gonna free her from your control."

Midnight actually looked intrigued by this and took out her Duel Disk, "we'll see." She attached the Duel Disk to her arm before raising her hand, causing the light to fly off her mark and consume them both. Within seconds, the two were trapped within the Omega Field.

Author's Note:

Well, Glorianna's gone and Starlight got her closure. Now that's only one Zealot left to deal with. Will Applejack and Rarity be able to defeat her, or will Midnight get the souls she needs to unleash her power.

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