• Published 19th Mar 2020
  • 1,697 Views, 581 Comments

Yugioh EQG: Ω Zenith - Banshee531

The Double X has come and gone and everyone's getting back to a normal life. But before they can relax, enemies old and new appear with a dark agenda. Will our heroes prevail, or is our world doomed to oblivion. It's time to Duel.

  • ...

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Turn 33: When Stars Align

At the Freeze Stadium, multiple armoured vehicles were parked outside with several men in SWAT gear standing infront of them.

They all stood to attention when the doors of the building opened and several people stepped out. Cold Steel and Flash Sentry lead their band of heroes outside. Trail, Misty, Tempest, Grand, Rainbow, Fluttershy, Soarin and Gilda marched behind the two, while Spike, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Applebloom remained at the doorway.

They stopped infront of the armoured vehicles and looked over the men in SWAT uniforms. Cold stepped forward and studied them, nodding as he began his speech. "Alright, listen up. This mission is simple, but imperative." Grand took out his Duel Disk and types something in, the screens on the armoured men's gauntlets each lighting up. "This is the location of our target and a map of the building's interior. It's located in an old warehouse district on the edge of town. Our objective is to secure it and prevent any of the occupants guarding it from escaping. They may also have several booby traps laying in wait for us, so we must be extra careful how we proceed in this matter. Is that understood."

"YES SIR!" The men cried.

Cold nodded before Flash stepped up, surprising him and the other before he too spoke up. "Another objective is to capture the occupants of this location without hurting them. Nothing that'll cause lasting or serious harm to them. It may be hard to understand, but they're as much victims in this situation as anyone else. Any major injury caused to them will make this a mission failure. Is that understood?" The men repeated their previous outcry, Flash nodding. "Good. Then lets get this done." The men nodded before turning to head into the armoured vehicles.

As they did, Rainbow rushed up and punched Flash in the shoulder. "Look at you, mister leader guy." Flash smirked while rubbing his shoulder, then turned back to the building and seeing Spike standing on his crutches.

"Don't worry. If Twilight's there, I'll save her and bring her back to us."

Spike smiled back, "I know you will. Just be careful. And don't let yourself lose control like last time. The only thing that's gonna save her is you, not Zeronull. Your power's what she needs."

"I know," Flash nodded back before looking down at his right hand. Even though the mark couldn't be seen, Flash could still feel its power. Unlike before, this power wasn't simply something he would use on a whim. He knew he had to be careful how and when he used it.

"Good luck," Scootaloo told him as he and the rest of their friends began to file into the armoured vehicles. "We'll try and watch from the control room." Flash nodded as he got in the truck, sitting between his parents as the vehicles revved up and headed out of the stadium's parking lot.

Cold sat across from him and had his phone out, a frown appearing on his lips.

"What's the matter?" Trail asked him.

"I'm trying to get in contact with the team keeping an eye one the Zenith Dragons," he explained as he removed the phone from his ear. "But I'm not getting through. Cell coverage should be pretty good there."

"You think something might be up?" Soarin asked him.

"Let's not go jumping to conclusions," Misty spoke up. "Just because you can't get through to them, that doesn't mean something bad has happened. If we start thinking everything's a trap, we'll be jumping at shadows."

"She's right," Cold nodded as he called someone else. After a few rings, it was answered.

"Hola amigo," Tidal's voice cried. "Our plane's just landed."

"Good. I've already sent a car to pick you up. meet us at the rendezvous coordinates."

"We'll be there." With that, the call went dead.

"Good," Cold looked down at the phone, "at least we won't have to worry about them." He was still a little concerned about not being able contact Sunset or the others. He would keep trying, but hopefully Misty was right and nothing bad was happening. And if it was, he would have to put his trust in Shining and the others to deal with it.

Had Cold been able to get in touch with those at the safe-house, he would have been alerted to the situation at hand.

The Zealots had completely invaded the base and used a powerful virus to knock out their systems. And though Sunset had both wiped out the virus and defeated the Omega Zealot of Water, they were far from safe. The systems were still recovering from the virus, meaning the defences were no long up. They had no way to stop the Zealots from teleporting in and destroying the generators creating the shield that protected the cards.

All they could do was try and get the downed systems back online. And that was proving difficult.

"What's the problem?" Shining asked, "you stopped the virus."

"But that hasn't undone the damage it caused," Sunset explained. "Think of it like cutting a puppet's strings. Even if you managed to stop every string from getting cut, the puppet still won't work properly until you fix those strings. And that's what we need to do."

"I see," Shining sighed. "Any idea how long that'll take?"

"Hard to say," Cadance replied. "Right now, we're just trying to restore the crucial systems. The teleportation shield, outside communications and ventilation."


"We need to breath, don't we? Unless we get some air pumped in here, there'll be no point getting the other systems back online."

"Point." Shining then turned towards the monitors they had set to follow the girl's where about and his eyes went wide when he saw who was walking towards Applejack and Rarity, "this can't be good." The girls followed his line of sight and gasped when they saw who it was he had seen.

In their hallway, Applejack and Rarity stared Marble down.

Marble simply smiled as she moved closer and closer, while Applejack and Rarity felt themselves growing more and more tense with each step she took. "What da'h ya'h mean by raised stakes." She eyed the cube currently balanced on the girl's hand. "What da'h heck is that thing?"

"Nothing you need to be concerned about," Marble smirked. "Yet."

"I don't know what silly game you're playing," Rarity frowned at her. "But whatever it is stops now. You are not going to get any closer and wait there until Pinkie and Maud get here."

"Why? So they can Duel me and free their precious little sister."

"Yes," Rarity replied. "Family may not mean anything to you, but it's very important to us. So we won't just sit back and let you continue to torment the loved one of people we hold dear." But as she said this, a dark look appeared on Marble's face.

"You think family doesn't mean anything to me?" She asked in a low voice. "Don't you dare say such a thing. You don't even know me, or what I've been through.

"Don't try and play the sympathy card," Applejack told her. "Ya'h think ya'h da'h victim, but everything ya've done has shown otherwise."

Marble frowned, "maybe I have gone further then I originally thought I would. But it's all in the name of a good cause. Now," he held the cube up again, "shall we get down to business. If you're not gonna Duel me, step aside so I can complete my objective."

"No way," Applejack told her. She stepped forward and took out her Duel Disk, attaching it to her arm. "If ya'h not gonna wait for Pinkie and Maud, I'll do it ma'self." Rarity stepped back and took out her Duel Disk, clearly planning to not get caught in the Omega Field so she could protect the generator.

But before either of them could do anything else, Marble tossed the cube into the air.

This caught the two's attention and made them follow it, the distraction allowing Marble to run forward. By the time Applejack noticed her coming, the girl had dropped to the floor and slide passed her. She stopped between them, right where the cube fell, catching it in her hand before raising her other one.

This caused the mark to glow and unleash the energy in all direction, the dome appearing around her and expanding faster then the girls could react. In a flash, Marble, Rarity and Applejack were consumed by the Omega Field.

In another hallway, Starlight and Sunburst were running as fast as they could.

They were still a little warn out from their Duels against their own clones, but they wouldn't let that stop them. They soon reached the area where the generators were suppose to be. But before the could turn the corner-


Both stopped as the room began to shake, cracks appearing on the walls and roof. Starlight even noticed a chunk of the ceiling get a complete circle crack right above Sunburst's head. "Look out!" She leapt at him and they both fell away from the area, seconds before the chunk fell to the ground and would have seriously hurt Sunburst.

The teen in question sat up and corrected his glasses, seeing what he had just been saved from. "Thanks."

"Don't mention it," Starlight nodded before turning back towards the area the explosion had come from. Smoke and dust flew in from around the corner and filled the air, making it hard to see. But they could clearly hear footsteps.

Those footsteps belonged to Trixie, who had just stepped around the corner wearing a surgical mask. "Oh," she pulled the mask down, "hello again. Finished with your last playmates I see."

"What did you just do?" Starlight glared at her, Trixie smirking back.

"I would have thought it was obvious. I took out another of those pesky generators." She smiled, "and then there was one. Hopefully, Gaia-Maiden will actually do something useful and finish it off. Then we can get the Zenith Dragons back and carry on with our true goals."

"Don't underestimate our friends," Starlight told her. "They're gonna take her down the same way I'm going to take you down."

Trixie giggled before reaching into her pocket. "Considering what happened the last time you saw me in all my form, I doubt that very much." She pulled out her card and upon seeing it, Starlight was suddenly transported back to the day she lost her body to this witch.

The girl's entire body began to shake as she remembered what had happened, the months spent as a prisoner of her own mind. Slowly, she felt herself moving backwards and catching Sunburst's attention. "Starlight," he placed a hand on her shoulder and pulled her out of her memories, "it's okay."

"Sunburst," her voice was filled with fear, "I..."

"It's alright," Sunburst assured her before turning to glare at Trixie. "I was hoping Starlight could take you down and get passed what you did to her, but if she can't then I'll happy stand in for her." He stepped forward and took out his Duel Disk, attaching it to his arm. "I've beaten you once and now I'll beat you again."

But before he or Trixie could do anything, he suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see Starlight was now standing firmly while glaring at Trixie. "No Sunburst," he could still hear the terror in her voice. "You're right. I have to do this." She stepped passed him and glared Trixie down, "you stole a year of my life. And now you've stolen another person's body. I won't allow you to get away with this." She took out her Duel Disk and paced it on her arm. "We're Duelling, right here right now."

"Fine," Trixie told her. "I'll take you down and then I can make up for the loss I suffered against your boyfriend." Sunburst blushed while Starlight simply remained focused on the Duel at hand. Trixie took out her Duel Disk and attached it too her arm, then held her hand up as the mark on the back began to glow. The light flew off and began to form the Omega Field around them.

Sunburst stayed close to Starlight so he wasn't left out, the dome forming around them and solidifying.

"There they go," Shining said as the Omega Field was completed. He then turned to the other screen and stared at the Omega Field Applejack and Rarity were in.

"Hopefully," Sunset spoke up, "they'll both win and the Zealots will be sent back to their world."

"Maybe," Shining frowned, "but I doubt it'll be that easy." He pulled away from the computers and headed towards the door leading to the defence room.

"Shining," he stopped and looked back at Cadance, "where are you going?"

"I have a feeling I'll be needed in there," he explained. "Just...keep working." With that, he headed out the room and the two kept working to restore the systems. Sunset's gaze shifted between her work and the monitors showing the Omega Fields.

"Be careful guys," she whispered to the screens. "The fate of...everything may rest in your hands."

Inside one of the Omega Fields, we find Applejack and Rarity beginning to recover from the surprise Marble had given them.

Now they stood together, back to back, alone in the space like area with no sign of their opponent anywhere. "See any-thin?" Applejack asked while they stared out into the darkness.

"Nothing," Rarity replied. "I'm not sure whether or not she's even in here anymore." She suddenly grew much more worried. "You don't think she left, do you? That seems like something she would do. Trap us in here and leave the field so she could destroy the generator. I wouldn't but it passed the Zealots to have a way to escape the Omega Field."

Applejack frowned. "If that were true, then why'd Guto fight against Rainbow? He could have just trapped them in the field and scarpered."

"Good point," Rarity frowned. "So then where is she?"

"Only one way ta find out," Applejack began to move forward as Rarity turned towards her. "Maybe if we start walk'in, we'll run in-ta her or somethin. It's not like we can get lost. The Omega Field may be infinite in here but it's only a few feet on the outside."

"You make a good point," Rarity nodded before the two started marching through the darkness.

Inside the other Omega Field, Trixie and Starlight stared one another down while Sunburst stood a good distance behind his best friend.

Trixie laughed. "You know, it's kinda funny." Starlight didn't reply, clearly not caring what she thought was funny. "When I first arrived in your world and took you over, I thought you were such a funny little thing. Getting upset because you'd lost touch with your friend. But then I started to understand you better and felt that were almost...the same."

"We are nothing alike," Starlight told her firmly. "I might have let those bad times get the better of me, but that doesn't make me anything like you."

"Oh, we're more alike then you realise. Probably what made us so comparable in the first place. How strange that my final Duel is against you."

"Final?" Starlight asked, "I thought you planned on taking Sunburst down after you beat me. Or have you realised I'm gonna completely wipe you out."

"No," Trixie shook her head, "I'll still be the winner in this little game. But by the time I've dealt with you, Gaia-Maiden should have taken out the final generator and Lady Midnight will have the Zenith Dragons. There won't be time to get payback on your friend before Project Omega Zenith is completed." She sighed, "oh well. Can't have everything I suppose." She raised her Duel Disk, "shall we begin?"

Starlight frowned before she and Trixie activated their Duel Disks and drew their cards.


Trixie: 4000
Starlight: 4000

"I'll take the first turn," Trixie drew her card and smiled. "I'll start by summoning The Light, Hex-Sealed Fusion, in DEF mode!" In a flash of light, the amalgamation of different monster parts appeared on the field with it crystal glowing on the top. (A1000/D1600/L4) "I place a card face down and end my turn."

"Then it's my turn!" Starlight drew her card. She looked through her hand and nodded, then glared at Trixie. "I'll summon Celestial Spirit, Capricorn!" The constellation appeared infront of her before it exploded and revealed the lanky man in goat themed armour. (A1600/D1400/L4) "Then I'll attack your Hex-Sealed Fusion, using Capricorn's ability to discard Aries and power him up." The constellation of the ram appeared before the stars shot into Capricorn, causing him to glow and power him up. (A2200/D1400/L4)

Trixie watched as the ram man rushed forward, slamming his feet into the strange creature and destroying it.

"I place two cards face down and end my turn," Starlight announced as Capricorn's ATK returned to normal.

Sunburst smirked, "that it. Just stay focused on the Duel and don't let her get into your head."

"I've already been in her head," Trixie laughed as she drew he card. "Not much space in there, but that's to be expected." Starlight tried to ignore her and focused on the moves she made. "I start with the Spell card, Graceful Charity." She drew three cards and discarded two, "this also activates my Trap!" The card flipped up, "Light's Restoration. This lets me summon a Light Monster from my graveyard that's got fifteen hundred ATK points or less, though its effects are negated." In a flash of light, Hex-Sealed Fusion reappeared. "Then, I summon the Tuner Monster, Illumage!" Another flash of light signalled the appearance of a with whose robes were covered in glowing crystals, with another glowing crystal on the tip of its staff. (A1000/D1000/L3)

"A Tuner Monster," Starlight realised what was coming next.

"Next!" Trixie cried as Illumage leapt into the air, "I tune Level three Illumage with Hex-Sealed Fusion!" Illumage split into three lights, which carved a trio of rings that the strange creature flew up into. "Now watch as the mystical light of truth shines down upon us, revealing great and wondrous power!" The two monster were consumed by an explosion of light, "I SYNCHRO SUMMON!"

The light faded, revealing a blonde haired women wearing white robes with blue trim and a tall hair of the same design. She was carrying a golden staff with a crucifix on the end of it that had a blue gem in the center. "Spiritual Priestess, Mercy!" (A2600/D1900/L7) "Mercy's skill!" Trixie's deck slotted out a card, "I can now add a Level four or below Light Monster to my hand."

"Great," Starlight sighed. "Strange that you use a monster with a name you know nothing about."

"Oh spare me the first year psych student crud," Trixie told her as Mercy raised her staff. "Take out that poorly dressed loser!" A beam of light shot out of the crystal. Starlight was about to say something, but Trixie interrupted. "And don't think you can activate one of your face downs. On the turn Illumage is used to Synchro Summon, you're not allowed to use Traps."

Starlight looked down at her Duel Disk as saw a pair of Xs over her cards, right as the mean struck Capricorn and destroyed him. "Augh!"

Trixie: 4000
Starlight: 3000

"I'll place two cards face down and end my turn," Trixie smirked as Starlight stood wonky.

After a few seconds, she managed to steady herself and glare up at Trixie before reaching for her deck. "It's my turn. I draw!" She looked at her card and smiled. "Time for something a little new! I summon my Lesser Celestial Spirit, Canis Minor!" The constellation appeared before her and exploded, revealing a wolf that looked like it was made out of the night sky and had stars covering it. (A1200/D1100/L3)

"Lesser Celestial Spirit?" Trixie asked.

"I had to up my game in order to take you down," Starlight explained. "You knew my deck so well, I didn't stand a chance unless I upgraded. And now, Canis Minor's skill" The wolf let out a howl as Starlight drew three cards. "I look at the top three cards of my deck and if any are a Celestial Spirit or Lesser Celestial Spirit that's Level four or below, I can summon it." She took one card and shuffled the rest into her deck. "Appear, Lesser Celestial Spirit, Aquila!" The stars shot off of Canis and formed a constellation, which exploded to reveal a women in pink eagle armor that was carrying a crossbow with wing shaped blades. (A1700/D1000/L4)

"So what?" Trixie asked. "Your monsters are still no match for main."

"That's where you're wrong," Starlight explained as Aquila aimed her crossbow at Mercy. "You see, on the turn she's summoned, my Aquila gains five hundred ATK points for every Celestial Spirit in my graveyard. And right now, I have two." The constellations of Aries and Capricorn appeared besides Aquila before exploding into lights that flew into her bow. (A2700/D1000/L4) "Fire!" The crossbow fired, hitting Mercy and destroying her while Trixie grunted.

Trixie: 3900
Starlight: 3000

"Mercy's skill!" Trixie cried as a card slotted out of her deck, which she took. "When she's destroyed, I can add a Light monster with one thousand or less ATK from my deck to my hand.

Starlight frowned but quickly shook it off. "Then I'll have have one of Canis Minor attack you directly."

"Alright!" Sunburst cheered as the star wolf rushed forward and before Trixie could react, she was slashed by its claws and the Dominated girl cried out in pain.

"AAAAARRRRRHHHHH!" She cried, clutching her side.

Trixie: 2700
Starlight: 3000

"You've activated my Trap!" Trixie cried as her face down flipped up, "Loving Sacrifice!" A portal opened up. "With this, I can summon a Light Monster from my graveyard whose ATK is equal too or lower then the Life Points I just lost." From out of the portal, Hex-Sealed Fusion appeared on the field. (A1000/D1600/L4)

Starlight frowned, 'is she planning to Fusion Summon next turn with that?' She new she had to be ready in case of whatever Trixie through at her. "I end my turn." Aquila's ATK points returned to normal as Trixie drew her card.

"It's my turn and I'll start by summoning Herald of Creation!" In a flash of light, the robed women appeared and held up her staff. (A1800/D600/L4) "Then I'll use her ability and discard a card from my hand, then add a Level Seven or higher monster from my graveyard into my hand." She did so, smiling as she turned the card around to reveal a card she had discarded using Graceful Charity. Herself.

"Not good," Sunburst gulped.

"No," Starlight smiled, "this is good. Beating her before she summoned that thing wouldn't feel right." She pointed at Trixie, "when I beat you, it'll be when I finally destroy your true form once and for all."

Trixie just smirked, "we'll see. I equip The Light with the Spell card, Mage Power!" The strange looking monster began to glow with magical energy. Now The Light gains five hundred ATK points for every Spell and Trap on my field. So with two, that's one thousand points. (A2000/D1600/L4) "Then I'll use it to a attack your Canis Minor!"

"I don't think so!" Starlight cried as her face down flipped up to reveal a Trap. "I activate my Starlight Veil!" A pink energy wave appeared to wrap around Starlight's monsters. "With this card, I can block up to three attacks."

"Normally," Trixie nodded before she played another card from her hand. "But not this time. Because I activate Mystical Space Typhoon!" The cyclone appeared on the field and began to pull the pink energy inside of it, destroying Starlight's Trap. This allowed The Light's crystal to glow before it fired a beam that struck the weaker of the Lesser Celestial Spirits, destroying it and almost blinding Starlight with the intense light.


Trixie: 2700
Starlight: 2200

"Starlight!" Sunburst cried as he watched his friend rub her eyes, unable to help her Aquila as Herald of Creation unleashed another blinding light. It struck the armoured bird-women and destroyed her, Starlight managing to recover in time before she missed the chance she had to press something on her Duel Disk.

Trixie: 2700
Starlight: 2100

"You activated my Trap!" Her face down flipped up, "Celestial Device, Horologium!" A constellation appeared before exploding to reveal a large wooden grandfather clock. Everyone watched as the clock face glowed while the hands started moving backwards. "With this Trap, I can revive the last Celestial Spirit or Lesser Celestial Spirit to be destroyed." They watched as time seemed to reverse, causing the lights that Aquila had exploded into to return and reform into the women. (A3200/D1000/L4)

Trixie smirked, "not bad. I end my turn." Aquila's ATK points returned to normal as Starlight drew her card.

"it's my turn. And I'll start by play the Spell card, Starburst Reload. Now I banish Canis Minor in order to draw three cards." She did and smiled. "I tribute Aquila in order to summon Celestial Spirit, Taurus!" Aquila was consumed by a bright light that quickly faded to reveal a Constellation, which then exploded to reveal the bull armoured man that swung around a battleaxe. (A2300/D1800/L6) "Then I'll have him attack your Herald of Creation!" The man rushed forward and slashed at the priestess, destroying her.

Trixie: 2200
Starlight: 2100

"And since you have another monster on the field, I can discard Celestial Spirit Cancer and allow Taurus to attack again!" Taurus turned towards The Light and slashed it right down the middle, the freaking Frankenstein monster getting cut in half before exploding.

Trixie: 1900
Starlight: 2100

"You activated my Trap!" Trixie announced as her face down flipped up. "Blind Luck. When you destroy a monster and I have no other monsters on my field, you pick a card in my hand. If that card is Level four or below, I can summon it. If it's not, the card is sent to my graveyard."

Starlight and Sunburst frowned. "She's taking a pretty big risk," Sunburst stated. They both knew she had her own card in her hand. If Starlight picked it, she could lose it for good.

"I'll pick...the left one." Trixie held up the card, gesturing to ask if this was the one she meant. When Starlight nodded, Trixie's poker face dropped to reveal a smirk.

"Well too bad!" She slapped the card onto the field, "the card you picked was my Generous Mystical Elf!" A light exploded to reveal the blue skinned women. (A800/D2000/L4)

This made Starlight begin to worry, the girl knowing she need to put up some protection. "I activate the Celestial Device, Ara!" A large stone alter appeared infront of her, with a both in the middle of it made of gold. "With this card, I gain two hundred Life Points for every Celestial Spirit and Lesser Celestial Spirit on my field and in my graveyard." Taurus glowed as four more constellations appeared, the light flying off of them and into the bowl. Once that was done, the constellations vanished before the bowl floated off the alter and flew above Starlight. It then tipped so white glitter flew out of it and rained down upon Starlight.

Trixie: 1900
Starlight: 3100

"I place one card face down and end my turn."

Trixie smirked as she drew her card. "You know what's coming." Generous Mystical Elf exploded into a pillar of light, as Trixie slapped her card down onto her Duel Disk. "Thanks to my elf's special ability, she counts as two sacrifices whenever I summon a Light Monster. And now, witness the arrival of my true form. One you know all too well." The light faded to reveal the monster that had once tormented Starlight, who was now spinning her staff around before floating down infront of Trixie. "Shining Magician, Glorianna!" (A3000/D2500/L8)

Despite what Starlight had said early about wanting to face the monster, seeing it again sent a wave of terror through her body. One which Trixie noticed a smirked at.

"What's the matter Starlight?" She asked with a coy smile. "Are we having a few bad flashbacks. Maybe seeing the image of your former teammate is stirring up some unhappy memories."

"Starlight?" Sunburst stared at her back, all the while Starlight continued to look scared at the sight of Glorianna. "Snap out of it!"

Deciding to increase the bad memories, wanting to throw her opponent off her game, Trixie slowly raised her hand as the mark began to glow. Then, before Starlight could react, a blinding dark light exploded off the omega symbol. Starlight gasped as the light made her blink and when she opened her eyes again, she was in for a shock.

"No!" She cried when she saw she was back in the void that was her mind, the place she had been imprisoned within for over a year. "NO!" She suddenly felt herself getting ripped from her own body, her spirit getting pulled back from it while the only thing connecting them was a thin string like light. "Not again." She glanced behind her and saw the tablet appear, the girl's back slamming into it before the chains appeared from behind it and began to wrap around her body. "No," she struggled to escape but it was useless. No matter how hard she pulled against them, the chains would not break. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Starlight cried as she clutched her head and fell to her knees, Sunburst gasping as Trixie smirked.

"Starlight!" He rushed over to her, placing his hands on her shoulder and trying to wake her up. "Starlight, please talk to me." But she wouldn't. She simply knelt there, tears forming in her eyes. Sunburst then glared at Trixie, "what did you do?"

Trixie smirked back, flicking her hair. "She's reliving the worst time of her life. When she was Dominated by me." Sunburst looked horrified, that horror turning to anger.

"You dare do something like that too her."

"Duh," was all Trixie said back. "There's no way she'll be able to Duel now, even if she manages to break free. Reliving that moment will break her."

"You're wrong," Sunburst told her. "Starlight's strong. Strong enough to push passed whatever torment you throw at her." Trixie's expression told him she didn't believe him.

Sunburst turned to Starlight and pulled her into a hug. "Starlight, I know you can hear me."

Trixie cackled, "no she can't. It's useless." Sunburst ignored her and continued to speak.

Within her own mind, Starlight was still panicking and trying to pull at the chains. Tears were streaming down her face and she was unable to stop her heart from beating painfully against her chest.

"Please," she whispered, "let me go."

"Starlight." She gasped, her eyes opening at the weak but clear voice. "Starlight, can you hear me."

"S...sun...burst." With every word, the voice grew louder and clearer

"I know you're scared. What you're seeing must be horrible. But you can break free. You did it once." Starlight didn't think she could. She had tried and she had had no luck. "You just have to believe in yourself."

"I...I can't."

"I know what you're seeing is horrible. back then, you didn't have anyone you could count on to support you and help you break free. But it's different this time. You're not alone."

Starlight's mind began to swirl with the image of the person speaking to her, that very same image slowly appearing infront of her. "Sunburst," the image of her best friend was ghostly at first, but slowly it began to grow more and more solidified until he became completely formed.

"You have me with you. Now and always," he smiled. "And not just me." Another image began to form in her head, taking the and being revealed to be Twilight before she was controlled.

"That's right," she whispered. "It wasn't just you who helped free me." The images of Soarin and Gilda also appeared, "you all helped me." As this happened, more and more images appeared. Flash, Tempest, Cold Spike and so many more. "I'm...not alone." She once again began pulling at the chains, though they still wouldn't give. But she refused to give up.

Using all the strength she had, one of the chain links slowly began to split and eventually break. This was followed by another and another. "I...won't...let you...WIN!" With that, every chain shattered and she was able to pull herself away from the tablet. Said stone device suddenly crumbled to pieces, while Starlight began to float back towards her body. "I'm done letting you mess with me or anyone else. Glorianna," she merged into her body, "you're going down!" Once she was fully merge into her body, it unleashed a powerful glow.

Starlight's eyes shot open as her head snapped up, a glare on her face and she stared at a very shocked Trixie.

"What?" She asked, "impossible!" Starlight pushed herself back to her feet. "You shouldn't even be able to stand."

"I'm gonna do more then stand," she raised her Duel Disk. "I'm gonna take you down and make you pay for everything you've done."

Trixie growled, "you won't be so smug when I beat you." She pointed at Taurus, "Shining Magician will now attack your Celestial Spirit and wipe it out!" Glorianna raised her staff as a brilliant light flew out of it, hitting Taurus and blinding it. "And when she attacks, Shining Magician's ability activates and reduces your monster's ATK points by a hundred points for every Light Monster on the field. (A2200/D1800/L6)

Glorianna pointed her staff at Taurus before a beam of light shot out of it and struck the armoured man, destroying him and causing Starlight to grunt in pain.

Trixie: 1900
Starlight: 2300

Starlight was quick to act, "I activate my Trap card!" She cried as her face down flipped up. "Celestial Device, Argo Navis!" From out of the Trap, the constellations of Carina, Vela and Puppis appeared before they exploded to create a giant ship that appeared to be sailing through the Omega Field and had the three constellations on the mast. "This Trap activates whenever you destroy a monster on my field. It lets me sail a lower levelled Celestial Spirit or Lesser Celestial Spirit from my deck and navigate it right out onto the field."

A card slotted out from her deck, which she took and smiled at before slapping it down onto her Duel Disk. At the same time, a door leading to the ship's cabins opened up before someone stepped out on deck.

Trixie couldn't see who it was at first, but soon enough to figure stepped over to the edge of the ship and reveal themselves. They looked like Leo, only he was a teenager with short spiky hair and his armour wasn't as impressive. "Meet Lesser Celestial Spirit, Leo Minor!" (A1500/D1200/L4)

Trixie hummed, clearly wondering what this kid was supposed to do. "I'm so scared," she pretend as she ended her turn. As she did, the ship suddenly vanished and Leo Minor leapt down to land infront of Starlight as she reached for her deck.

"You should be." Starlight drew her card whilst Leo Minor suddenly started glowing. "You almost destroyed my life and then stole another's to fulfil your sick fantasies of some perfect world. And if that wasn't bad enough, you then tried to break my spirit by making me relive the hell you put me through. Well no more!" Leo Minor exploded with light. "Leo's skill! During my Standby Phase, I can sacrifice him and summon Celestial Spirit Leo from my hand or deck!"

"What?" Trixie asked as a card slotted out of Starlight's deck, which she took before slapping it down on her Duel Disk.

The light from Leo Minor's explosion faded, revealing the older version of Starlight's ace as he floated down and landed infront of the girl with crossed arms. (A2500/D2200/L7) As this happened, Starlight stared daggers at Trixie. The two locked eyes, both mentally announcing that they would beat the other no matter what.

Pinkie and Maud continued to rush through the destroyed hallways, Sunset having called them to say where Marble was.

They were moving as fast as they could, climbing over destroyed pieces of wall and under ceilings that had collapsed down and made the hallways only a few feet wide. Skystar had certainly done a number of the area before Sunset managed to free her. But eventually, the two turned a corner and were met with the image of the Omega Field.

"Marble's in there," Pinkie realised.

"And we have to find a way in as well," Maud agreed. The sisters stepped closer and closer to the orb, the thought of seeing their sister again driving them to try and do the impossible and find a way passed the Omega Field.

Author's Note:

Will Starlight defeat Trixie and free her from Glorianna's control. And what will Pinkie and Maud do at the Omega Field?

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