• Published 19th Mar 2020
  • 1,697 Views, 581 Comments

Yugioh EQG: Ω Zenith - Banshee531

The Double X has come and gone and everyone's getting back to a normal life. But before they can relax, enemies old and new appear with a dark agenda. Will our heroes prevail, or is our world doomed to oblivion. It's time to Duel.

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Turn 37: Zeronull Awakens

"Sir! We're in!" Cold turned towards the soldier working on unlocking the elevator as he help out the laptop connected to the pad. "I can switch it on at the touch of a button."

Cold nodded and turned to the others. He gestured for them to follow while the guards would remain where they were and secure the perimeter. "Grand," he turned to him, "you, Tidal and Tempest stay up here in case the Zealots try anything. We may require help from above."

"Understood," he replied while Tidal and Tempest nodded.

"Good luck amigos!" Tidal smiled.

"Kick the butt of whoever's down there," Tempest stated.

"We will," Flash assured them. With that, he, Cold, Misty, Trail, Rainbow, Soarin, Fluttershy, Gilda and the Dazzlings got close before Cold nodded. The solider pressed the button, causing the elevator to activate and bring them all down into the laboratory.

"What do we do when we're down there?" Soarin asked as they fell deeper and deeper into the underground.

"Be on guard," Trail told him. "Even if the Zealots aren't here, they may have left some unpleasant traps to protect this place."

"He's right," Cold agreed as they finally reached their intended floor. Flash looked around and didn't notice anything different from the last time he had been here, the group filling out into the corridor. "Check every door and be careful. Expect every step you take to set off a booby-trap." The others nodded and began their careful search of the place.

Sonata was the first to reach one of the doors, the ditsy girl being careful as she opened it up. "Hello?" She asked while looking into the room, only to come face to face with the Winged Dragon and Guardian of the Fortress. "YAH!" She cried while everyone spun around, only for Sonata to sigh in relief before turning to the others. "It's okay. It's just a hologram." But when she turned back to the monster, she saw it unleash a stream of fire towards her that actually felt hot.

Before it could roast her alive however, she was knocked off her feet by Aria and the two fell away from the door before the fire exploded out of it. Everybody scream, jumping away as said fire struck the wall opposite the door.

"NOT A HOLOGRAM!" Sonata screamed before the flames vanished and showed actual burns on the walls it had touched.

As soon as it did, Trail rushed inside and reached the blue dragon before it could build up another flame attack. He quickly slammed his fingers into a spot on its neck and before anyone could ask if he was crazy, the dragon suddenly fell to the floor and exploded into a million specks of light."

Trail smirked before turning to the others, seeing a shocked expression on their faces. "What? You don't live in the Duel Monster Spirit World for several years without picking up a few tricks."

"Well I hope you have a few more of those tricks," Cold told him. "Cause I get the feeling we're gonna be needing them."

"I can't believe they're able to make real monsters," Soarin said as they approached another door. "But that's gotta mean there's somebody here, right? I really don't want to learn they can make real monsters from a distance."

"It could be that there's an ARC system in play," Adagio told him. "If the safeties were switched off, that would allow the monsters and their attacks to be real and do actual damage." As she said that, Soarin opened the door and looked inside to find Alligator Sword staring at him. He quickly shut it before it could charge, the others rushing to his side.

"Know how to take down a sword wielding crocodile?" He asked while holding his back to the door.

"Yeah." Trail took out his Duel Disk and attached it to his arm. "If it is an ARC system, then it'll mean our monsters will be made real as well." He slapped a card down on it, Magma Breath Dragon materialising next to him. He and Soarin nodded at one another before the teen opened the door. "Attack!"

Alligator Sword charged, only to get struck by a blast of augmented reality fire. It still seemed to work and the cutlass wielding caiman was destroyed, while the others took out their Duel Disks.

"Everyone be prepared for anything," Cold told them. "These are only low level monsters. There are probably more powerful ones waiting further in."

"Great," Rainbow activated her Duel Disk, "I always wanted to face off against an Egyptian God."

"I doubt we'll be seeing one of those," Misty told her. "They've got to be using real cards, so the monster we see shouldn't be too rare." With that, everyone began their search and prepared to face off against any Duel Monster they came across. All the while, a thought occurred to Flash.

"I wonder if Shining's team are having any better luck."


Shining simply stared at his sister as the six Zenith Dragon floated around her. "Twilight?" He asked, "what's happening?"

The door behind the possessed teen opened before Cadance, Starlight and Sunburst rushed inside. "Shining!" Cadance cried, but Shining raised his hand to tell her not to come any closer. They all stared at Midnight Sparkle, the girl continuing to smile as the balls of light started to move around her.

Faster and faster they went, so much so that they created trails behind them and soon joined up to create rings of multicoloured light. This gave Midnight the appearance of an atom, the girl smirking as she reached into her pocket and took out a blank card. "The time had come!" She threw the card into the air and the six rings followed it.

"What's happening?" Starlight asked as they watched the seven cards fly higher and higher, the light from the Zenith Dragons suddenly getting sucked into the central one.

"My full power has now awakened!" Midnight screamed as the several cards suddenly exploded with light, unleashing a wave of energy that hit everyone around Midnight and knocked them off their feet.

"AUGH!" Shining cried as he was slammed into the powerless shield room, while the others hit the back wall. He quickly recovered and opened his eyes, allowing him to see Midnight staring at the cards floating in the air.

The Zenith Dragons stopped circling around the card and shot straight down, each hitting Midnight and phasing into her body. With each one, the aura around them spread around her and once the last one was absorbed, she glowed a myriad of colours.

In that moment, the formerly blank card floated down and Midnight grabbed it. Doing so caused the energy surrounding the two to merge, shockwaves following that caused the whole building to shake.

"WHAT'S HAPPENING!" Pinkie cried as she and Maud tried to keep Marble covered in case the ceiling collapsed.

"I don't know," Sunset told them. The six of them were trying to make their way back to the control room when the shaking started. "I'm betting this is connected to the Void Cube activating and the Zenith Dragons disappearing."

"Then we have to hurry up," Rarity stated. "We have to get back the control room, fast." The others nodded.

"Come on ya'll!" Applejack lead the girls forward, "let's high tail it before we're buried alive." With that, the girls ran as fast as they could through the hallway, all the while keeping a watchful eye on the ceiling in case in collapsed.

As the building continued to shake, Shining pushed himself up to his feet and moved towards his sister.

"STOP THIS!" He yelled at Midnight. "I don't know what you're planning, but I won't let you use my sister to fulfil your evil plot!" Midnight just smiled as her eyes started glowing, Shining not liking the look of this.

"Like you have a choice," she told him as pieces of the floor broke apart and started floating into the air. The same thing was happening throughout the rest of the building, pieces of debris caused by the previous attacks losing all sense of gravity.

But as quickly as this strange event occurred, it stopped and gravity returned to normal with the pieces of rock and metal beginning to crash back into the ground. Luckily, nobody was hurt by this and the shaking that was occurring soon began to weaken as well.

At the same time, the Void Cube currently encasing the building began to lose power. It's job completed, the energy surrounding the building depleted while the four sub-cubes began to crack until they finally turned to dust.

Back inside the building, the shaking had finally come to a stop. Shining was able to properly stand without risking falling over while Cadance, Starlight and Sunburst were starting to come around after hitting their heads. All the while, Midnight was staring at the card that she had gone through everything in order to awaken.

"Hmm," she stared at it while the energy surrounding her and the card faded away. She reached out with her other hand and as her fingers got close, a spark flew off the card and zapped her. "Completed, but still unstable." Her attention then turned towards Shining and he smiled. "Like the Zenith Dragons, its power must be used before it's ready to complete the plan." She started moving towards Shining Armor. "You and I have some unfinished business." She raised her hand as the mark on the back of it glowed.

Cadance moaned as she rubbed the back of her head, then turned to where she knew her husband and sister-in-law were. She spotted Midnight getting closer and saw the light about to explode off her hand. "NOOO!" She cried, pushing through her pain and rushing to her feet as she tried to get to them. But before she could reach the pair, the light exploded off of Midnight's hand and wrapped around the pair.

In the blink of an eye, the Omega Field formed and Cadance was trapped on the other side of it. "Shining! TWILIGHT!" Starlight and Sunburst had picked themselves up and were moving towards her, the three fearing what Shining was facing within the orb.

Shining grunted as the dark light blinded for a moment, but quickly recovered and opened his eyes to see he was once again in the Omega Field.

"MIDNIGHT!" He cried out, "SHOW YOURSELF!" As he yelled this, a shadow appeared behind him and took shape.

"I'm right here." He spun around to see Midnight standing there, the shadows fading to reveal her with her hand on her hip. "Are you ready?" She held up a card as it glowed, "to face the power that will end the plague you call life?" She spun it around and Shining got a good look at the card, seeing the same image on it that he saw when Heath had Duelled Cold.

"So that's it," Shining whispered. "The Omega Deity of Destruction, Zeronull."

"That's right," Midnight nodded before her Duel Disk reappeared on her arm. "And once I've defeated you, this card will allow my full powers to awaken and destroy everything." She slotted the card into her deck, "the world will be silenced."

"Not if I have anything to say about it!" Shining cried as he activated his Duel Disk. "I'll win and free my sister from her torment. Then I'll tear that card to shreds!"

"We'll see," Midnight smiled before their Duel Disks activated.


Shining: 4000
Midnight: 4000

"I'll take the first move!" Shining drew his card and nodded. "And I'll start by setting the Pendulum Scale, with scale two Royal Paladin Grace Bringer and scale seven Royal Paladin Tactician." The pillars of light appeared before the two monsters flew up into them, said monsters being a woman in blue robes with a large blue graduation hat and the other being a kid in blue armour that was riding a robotic gold beetle. Once they were in the air, the portal began to form above their heads. "Cut through space time and carve the arc of victory!" He chanted as the portal began to form above the two of them. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened before a light shot out of it, hitting the ground and exploding to reveal a man in silver armour with a red cape carrying a pair of blue swords. "Royal Paladin of Virtuous Blades!" (A2100/D1000/L5/P6) "I place one card face down and end my turn."

"It's my turn," Midnight drew her card and smiled when she saw what she had gotten. "Perfect." Shining frowned hearing her say that. "I'll start by playing the Spell card, Disharmony Summons." Her deck slotted out a card. "This Spell lets me add a Disharmian of my choice from my deck to my hand."

"You gotta be kidding me," he told her. "There's gotta be a cost."

"There is," Midnight nodded. "But that'll have to wait until later. Right now, I'm setting scale two Disharmian of Deceit and scale nine Disharmian of Greed into the Pendulum Zones!" The pillars of light appeared before the dark counterparts of Applejack and Rarity flew up into them. "Now I'll cut through space time and carve the arc of victory!" The portal formed. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened before a dark light shot out and struck the ground, exploding to reveal Midnight's dark ace. "Disharmian, Midnight Archangel!" (A3000/D2500/L8/P5) "Midnight Archangel's skill!" Midnight discarded a card. "Since she was special summoned, I can discard a monster from my hand and add another monster to it from my deck." Said card slotted out of her deck and she drew it before smiling. She then spun it around and Shining's eyes went wide when he saw what it was.

"Zenith Dragon of Chaotic Darkness?" Shining felt himself begin to sweat. She had that card and a dark monster on the field. If she got another copy of Midnight Archangel, she could summon it. And with that monster's ability...

"I set two cards face down, then attack your Virtuous Blades!" Archangel raised her hands as a ball of dark energy appeared between them, which she then pointed at Shining's monster before it exploded into a beam of dark magic.

Said beam struck Shining's monster and caused it to explode, making him grunt in pain.

Shining: 3100
Midnight: 4000

"Now I place two cards face down and end my turn." As she said that, her Disharmony Summons card appeared on the field before unleashing a blast of light that flew straight up before arching down and slamming itself upon Midnight. "Augh!"

Shining: 3100
Midnight: 3000

"What happened?" Shining asked in confusion, while Midnight corrected her stance.

"Now you see the cost of using Disharmony Summons. During my end phase, I take a thousand points of damage for every card in my hand."

Shining frowned, "seems like a pretty risky move."

"Maybe," she told him. "but it's a small price to pay." She looked down at her one remaining card and smiled. "It won't be long now. Soon my ultimate power will awaken."

"Not if I have anything to say about it," Shining stated. No matter what, he couldn't let her get the cards she needed.

"Kindness Dragonoid!" Fluttershy yelled, "Silent Roar!" Her dragon unleashed a burst of wind that struck Vorse Raider and destroyed it. At the same time, Attack Convoy and the Ocean's Idol siblings destroyed Luster, Alexandrite and Koumori Dragon.

This is getting exhausting," Adagio told the others as they began to search the rooms they had just made monster-less. These were the last rooms of the hallway they had entered and every one had had a monster within protecting it.

"We can't stop now," Flash told them as he and Flash Heart Dragon Alpha rushed passed them. There was only one door left in the hallway and it was the one that entered into the next level of the facility. And when he opened it up, he found it was empty. "Clear!" He stepped inside, Rainbow and Misty following after him. But as they moved further into the room, they heard a noise before the floor opened up and created three round holes.

From out of those holes, a Cyber-Tech Alligator, Flame Cerebrus and Megazowler appeared.

"Scratch that," he said before the three's monsters charged forward to do battle with them. As they did, he turned to the others. "You guys notice something?"

"You mean how these monsters are stronger then the ones before," Misty pointed out while her son nodded. "If the monsters are stronger, that means we're getting closer to something they feel needs better protection."

Rainbow smirked, "meaning we have all the more reason to take them out!" The others filed in as the three monsters were destroyed, allowing them to move forward.

"Hopefully," Flash said, "whatever they're protecting can help us finally take the Zealots down and free Twilight."

"It's my turn," Shining reached for his deck. "I DRAW!" He saw what he had gotten and nodded before turning my to his sister. "Just hold on Twily. I'm gonna get your back."

"I look forward to seeing you try," Midnight told him. "Try and fail."

Shining growled before he slapped a card onto his Duel Disk, "I summon the Tuner monster, Royal Paladin, Regal Mage Apprentice!" In a flash of light, a girl in white hooded robe appeared holding a blue staff with a head made of a clear blue crystal. (A500/D300/L2)

"A Tuner monster?" Midnight smirked.

"That's right," Shining nodded. "And I bet you can guess what's gonna happen next." The portal formed above their heads. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened before a light shot out and stuck the ground, then exploded to reveal Shining's revived monster. "Royal Paladin of Virtuous Blades!" (A2100/D1000/L5/P6) As soon as the knight landed, Regal Mage Apprentice leapt into the air. "Now, I tune Level two Regal Mage Apprentice with Level five Virtuous Blades!" The Tuner transformed into a trio of lights, which craved the three rings that the knight flew up into as Shining chanted. "I call on the power of the proud white wings of fate!" His two monsters vanished in a brilliant explosion of light. "I SYNCHRO SUMMON!"

The light faded, revealing Shining's Synchro Monster. "Royal Paladin Commander!" (A2500/D2100/L7) "And since Regal Mage Apprentice was used it a Synchro Summon, I can use his ability to add a Spell from my Deck to my hand." His deck slotted out a card, which he took before slotting into his Duel Disk. "I now equip Commander with the Dimensional Spear!" A lance suddenly appeared in the monster's hand, with had gems circling the base and a crystalline tip. "This card pumps my Commander up by seven hundred points." (A3200/D2100/L7)

"Not bad," Midnight smiled. "But you realise you're simply playing into my hands."

"Why?" He asked, "do you want your monster to be destroyed." He didn't give her a chance to reply. "Of course you do. Because then you can summon it back and use its ability again. Well that won't be happening!" He pointed at Midnight Archangel, "attack!" Commander flew forward on his pegasus and raised his spear as the crystals glowed, then shot forward to impale Midnight Archangel and destroy her.

Shining: 3100
Midnight: 2800

"Now Dimensional Spear's effect activates!" Shining announced as Commander raised the weapon and shot a beam of light out that created a portal, which the particles Archangel became were sucked into. "When the monster equipped with it destroys a monster, that monster is banished."

Midnight smirked. "Smart. You found a way to get rid of my monster so I couldn't use her effect." This made Shining frown.

"So why don't you look upset?"

"Because I totally saw that move coming." As she said that, one of her face down flipped up to reveal a Trap. "Parallel Counterpart. This activates whenever a monster is banished and it allows me to add another copy of that card from my deck to my hand." Shining's eyes went wide as Midnight's deck slotted out the card.

"No way."

"I knew you'd try to banish my Archangel. Don't forget, I know you all too well thanks to all your sister's memories. I figured Flash or Spike would have told you about my monster's ability."

Shining sighed before placing a card face down, "I end my turn."

"My draw!" Midnight drew her card as the portal began to form above her head, "I PENDULUM SUMMON!" The portal opened before a light flew out and struck the ground, exploding to reveal her ace monster once again. "Disharmian, Midnight Archangel!" (A3000/D2500/L8/P5) "Archangel's skill!"

Shining frowned as she discarded a card, only to grow curious when something appeared infront of them. That something was a crystal orb, which had the symbol for the Dark Attribute. "What is that?" He asked as the orb flew over to Midnight and started circling her.

"That represents the card I just discarded," Midnight explained as her deck slotted out another card. She took that card and showed it to Shining, the man's eyes going wide.

"Fabulaqua?" Why would she pick another Zenith Dragon?

"Next, I activate the Spell card Dark Nullifier!" An black energy ball appeared in Midnight Archangel's hand before she threw it to the ground, making it explode and unleash black lightning that flew across Shining's field.

"What's happening?" Shining asked as Commander was zapped, causing the Dimensional Spear in his hand to vanish. (A2500/D2100/L7)

"Dark Nullifier lets me negate the effect of any active Spell or Trap on your field whilst stopping you from activating any other card on the field." Shining frowned as Midnight Archangel created another energy orb. "Now I will destroyed your Royal Paladin Commander!" She fired the beam and struck Shining's Synchro Monster, destroying it.

Shining: 2600
Midnight: 2800

"I end my turn."

As Shining regained his balance, he started putting the pieces together. "She discarded Granebris for Fabulaqua, but why?" He frowned at her, knowing he couldn't risk her continuing this strategy.

"It's my turn," he drew his card as the portal began to form above his head. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened before a single light shot at and exploded, revealing his Pendulum monster as it took a defensive position. "Royal Paladin of Virtuous Blades!" (A2100/D1000/L5/P6) 'Until I can find a way to get rid of Midnight Archangel, I've gotta keep my defences up.'

"I activate my Continuous Trap!" Midnight cried as her card flipped up, "Coward's Punishment! This card forces all monsters into ATK mode and will destroy any monster that didn't attack during the End Phase." She smiled as Shining's monster was forced to stand up. "So what'll it be? Let your monster attack and destroy itself, or save yourself some points?"

"Neither," Shining sighed before placing a card. "I activate the Spell card, Intense Light!" Suddenly, the ground beneath them began to shine incredibly brightly, causing Midnight and her monster to cry out while Shining and his monster seemed perfectly fine. "With this card, all Light Monsters gain five hundred ATK points. And at the same time, all Dark Monsters lose five hundred ATK points. (A2600/D1000/L5/P6) (A2500/D2500/L8/P5) "This is gonna hurt me more then it'll hurt you in the long run," he told her as Virtuous Blades rushed forward. And with one might slash, it cut Midnight Archangel in half.

Shining: 2600
Midnight: 2700

"I end my turn," Shining's monster regained its normal ATK points. (A2100/D1000/L5/P6) He frowned as Midnight drew her card, the portal forming above her. "Will she do it again?"

"I PENDULUM SUMMON!" The portal opened and the dark light shot out, exploding to reveal her monster once again. "Midnight Archangel!" (A3000/D2500/L8/P5) "And her skill now activates." She discarded her card, a blue crystal with the water emblem appearing as her deck slotted out another card.

She took it and showed it to Shining once again, the man frowning. "Now its Greaterra? Why is she doing this?" He asked, looking up at the crystals floating above her head. "Wait." He thought back to the card she had created before. "It this how she intends to summon Zeronull?" He stared back at this sister, "but how many more does she need?"

"Midnight Archangel, destroy Royal Paladin of Virtuous Blades!" The fiend fired her attack, hitting Shining's Synchro Pendulum monster and destroying it whilst he let out a grunt.

Shining: 1700
Midnight: 2700

"I place a card face down and end my turn."

Shining groaned as he stood up straight, "I have to find a way to end this Duel now."

"Cream it!" Gilda cried as her Harpie Lady Zephyr flew forward and slashed Hyozanryu to pieces.

"Wipe it out!" Trial yelled as his ace unleashed a blast of flames that caused Big Koala to explode.

"ATTACK!" Cold ordered before Frozen Heart Neo Dragon froze Gogiga Gagagigo before shattering it into a million pieces. At the same time, other monsters in the room were destroyed by Flash and the others. "Is that the last of them?"

"For this room," Misty sighed. "And hopefully that'll be the last obstacles we have to face."

"I can't think of any stronger monsters they could have," Trail told her. "Considering the monsters we've had before, there can't be much stronger ones then that."

"Let's find out," Flash moved over to the door and opened it up. As he did, he was treated to the sight of another empty chamber. But as the others filed in, they found said chamber wasn't very empty for long.

Once again, the floor split open and five monsters ascended from below. And their eyes went wide when they saw what those monsters were. "Three Blue-Eyes, a Red-Eyes and a Summoned Skull!" Soarin cried as the five roared, "you gotta be kidding me!" The dragons quickly unleashed a quartet of blasts aimed at Flash and the others.

Luckily, their monsters were able to take the hit for them and not be destroyed. "Spread out!" Cold told them before jumping onto his dragon, the others following suit splitting up.

"Assault Convoy!" Soarin yelled as his monster fired at Red-Eyes and Summoned Skull, but the two flew away and avoided the attacks.

A Blue-Eyes then unleashed a Burst Stream of Destruction that flew through the air and almost hit Zephyr, it and Gilda getting blasted out of the sky. "GYAH!" She cried before Fluttershy swooped in and caught her.

"You okay?" She asked was Gilda was safely on her dragon's back.

"I'm fine," Gilda picked herself up. "But these things are strong."

"Really strong!" Adagio cried as the three Ocean's Idols unleashed a sonic blast that struck one of the Blue-Eyes and pushed it back, but couldn't destroy it.

At the same time, Flash Heart found itself grappling with Summoned Skull while Neo Frozen Heart tried to claw at another Blue-Eyes.

"Fire!" Trail yelled as his dragon unleashed a blast at Red-Eyes, but it blocked with its own fireball and that allowed it to fly out of the way. "Dang it!"

"What do we do?" Sonata asked as Rainbow and Battle Wing flew towards another Blue-Eyes.

"Hey," Rainbow smirked before going to her Duel Disk, "this could work." She took out a pair of cards and instantly played one, causing Battle Wing to glow. Everyone watched as the monster transformed into Prism Bolt, the light exploding to reveal it. "Alright!" She played another and her Courageous Shield of Netitus appeared. "GO!" Her monster shot forward as she jumped clear, landing on Kindness Dragonoid.

Blue-Eyes fired its attack, but Prism Bolt used its shield to defend itself until it got close. Then it punched Blue-Eyes and destroyed it.

"Yeah!" Soarin cheered while Flash got an idea.

"Alright!" Flash Heart pulled away from Summoned Skull as Flash took a card from his deck. "Cold, move away from the Blue-Eyes!" Cold did so and his dragon pulled back, right as Flash played the card. "Go, Reverse Polarity!" Blue-Eyes glowed and that light quickly flew off and into Flash Heart, right as Flash and Cold shared a nod.

"GO!" They both yelled as their monsters shot forward, Flash Heart punching Summoned Skull while Neo Frozen Heart froze Blue-Eyes before it shattered.

Those monsters exploded, leaving only one Blue-Eyes and Red-Eyes. But before the others could cheer, the dragons let out a roar. Doing so caused the lights from the destroyed monsters to fly towards them and phase into their body, causing them to glow.

"Now what?" Gilda asked before the two dragons began to change.

"They're absorbing their fallen comrades," Trail realised. "And they're...evolving." The light finally vanished to reveal the new monsters, that being the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon and Black Skull Dragon.

"Oh come on," Flash cried before needing to dodge a Neutron Blast while Cold needed to dodge a Molten Fireball.

The other two Ultimate Dragon heads fired off their attacks and flew across the field, exploding and causing Divine Angel, Assault Convoy and the mermaids to be destroyed while their Duellists were blasted away. "WOW!" Soarin and Misty cried as they fell to the ground, only for Trail and Fluttershy's monsters to catch them.

"This is bad," Aria groaned. "Do any of us have something that can take those things down?"

"I'm not sure," Adagio told her while Flash and Cold tried to fly in once again to attack.

"GO!" Flash yelled as his dragon tried to punch Black Skull Dragon, only for his attack to bounce right off its chest. "It's no use."

"Don't give up yet!" Cold told him as Neo Frozen Heart unleashed a blast of cold air, which struck Ultimate Dragon. But the cold air did nothing, not even a mild case of frostbite.

Once again, the dragons prepared to fire again. This time, all three Ultimate Dragon heads were pointed right at Flash Heart. And they soon fired their attacks, unleashing a trio of energy spheres that headed straight for him. "LOOK OUT!" Flash told his dragon, but it didn't have time to fly them to safety.

Luckily, Prism Bolt appeared infront of them and used his shield to block the attacks. All three slammed into the shining bird-man, but the shield protect it from being destroyed.

Flash sighed in relief before turning to Rainbow, who gave him a thumbs up and a smirk that said "win this."

"I'm taking that thing down!" Flash announced before reaching for his deck and drawing his cards. He didn't even look at them before playing said cards, having faith in his deck. "I activate Lightspeed and Multiversal Spirit!" The two Spells activated, causing Flash Heart Alpha to glow as the ghostly image of Magna Strider appeared around it.

"I activate Freeze Cannon!" Cold announced as the robotic arm replaced his dragon's right one.

"GO!" Flash yelled as his dragon shot forward and slammed its fist into Ultimate Dragon, while Neo Frozen Heart fired its cannon and froze Black Skull Dragon solid. The two Fusion Monsters screamed, seconds before they exploded and the room fell silent.

The others cheered as Flash and Cold flew down, their monsters fading away and letting them jump to the ground. "Great work guys!" Trail said as the other monsters faded.

"Thanks," Flash sighed and fell to his but. "Let's hope that was the last of them. I don't think I can do any more." The others nodded and helped Flash up before they headed for the nearby door, Cold being the one to grab the handle.

"Whatever's through here, let's be ready no matter what." They all nodded in agreement before Cold took out a radio. "Grand. You, Tempest and Tidal get down here. We're at the heart of the base."

"Alright," Grand replied, "we'll be there soon. Just be careful." Cold cut the call before turning the handle and pushing the door open, allowing them to look inside. And what they found was not something they had been expecting.

"It's my turn," Shining reached for his deck. "Come on. Give me something that can help me end this, here and now!" He drew his card and smiled when he saw what he had gotten, an idea forming in his head. "I summon Royal Paladin of Future Potential, Llew!" In a flash of light, a blond kid in light armour appeared. (A100/D100/L1)

"That's what you think will let you win this Duel and free your sister?" Midnight asked while shaking her head. "Shining Armor, you disappoint me."

"Don't go jumping to conclusions," Shining told her. "Especially not while I have Knight of Virtuous Blades' skill." His Extra Deck opened and he removed the card. "By sending him to my graveyard, I can now revive one Royal Paladin in my graveyard." A flash of light revealed the monster he was reviving, "rise again, Regal Mage Apprentice." The magician spun her staff around. (A500/D300/L2)

"He chose that instead of Commander," Midnight stated. "Why?"

"Because now I tune Level two Regal Mage Apprentice with Royal Paladin of Future Potential, Llew!" The two monsters leapt into the air before the wizard transformed into a pair of lights that quickly carved two rings around Llew. "Let the light of justice shine ever bright, unleashing new hope into this world." The two were consumed by light before it exploded "I SYNCHRO SUMMON!"

The light faded to reveal a a woman in white robes, carrying a white wooden staff with a glowing crystal on the end of it. "Royal Paladin, Glorious Mage!" (A1200/D700/L3) "Skill of Regal Mage Apprentice!" A card slotted out of Shining's deck, which he took and instantly played. "I activate Monster Reborn!" In another flash of light, Royal Paladin Commander appeared besides Glorious Mage. (A2500/D2100/L7)

"Wait," Midnight stared at Commander before turning to Glorious Mage, "don't tell me she's-"

"A Synchro Tuner!" Shining announced Glorious Mage leapt into the air and exploded into three light, which quickly carved a pair of rings that Commander flew into. "Enter the fray. Kneel before your king." The monsters disappeared in an explosion of light. "GO, ACCEL SYNCHRO SUMMON!"

The light faded, revealing a monster they all recognised as Shining ace. It rode onto the battle field, atop its blue steed. "Royal Paladin Grand Emperor!" (A3500/D2500/L10)

"You Accel Synchro Summoned your ace?" She asked in shock.

"No rule against it," Shining stated. "And now it's time to end this Duel, once and for all!" The king of knight raised his colossal sword before charging at Midnight Archangel, destroying her with one mighty swing of his weapon.

"AUGH!" Midnight cried as he monster was destroyed, feeling the pain from the attack.

Shining: 1700
Midnight: 2200

"I'm sorry Twilight," Shining told her. "But this has to be done." The king of knights galloped back and circled around him before charging at Midnight. "Grand Emperor's skill. He can attack once for every Tuner monster in the grave at the time of his summons. And I have two." Grand Emperor drew closer and closer, all the while raising his sword. But before he reached her-

"I activate my Trap!" Her face down flipped up, "Damage Diet!" A force field appeared around her that Grand Emperor slashed, managing to break through it but the force of his attack was weakened by doing so. The attack struck Midnight, making her cry out and fall to the ground, but her Life Points remained.

Shining: 1700
Midnight: 450

Midnight panted before pushing herself back to her feet. "Sorry bro, but Damage Diet cuts the damage I take from an attack if half." Shining growled as The king of knights returned to his side of the field. "I wasn't able to stop her."

"No, you weren't." Midnight reached for her deck. "And unless that last card in your hand is a card that deals me five hundred points of damage or more, I assume you're done." Shining frowned but simply nodded. "Good, then I draw!" As she did, the portal formed. "AND PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened up before the dark light exploded out of it, then hit the ground and exploded to once again reveal her ace. "Midnight Archangel!" (A3000/D2500/L8/P5) "And with that, he skill activates once again." She discarded a card as a brown crystal with the earth attribute symbol appeared before floating up above her, while another card slotted out of her deck. Midnight took it and smiled, Shining suddenly getting a bad feeling.

That made feeling increased when the card glowed the same coloured light that made up the Omega Field. "Don't tell me."

"Oh yes!" She raised the card into the air, "the time has finally come! With this card, I put everything on the line." The light grew brighter and brighter. "Should I lose this Duel, every card in my deck will be destroyed. Even my Zenith Dragons and this card itself, will not be spared." She then raised her Duel Disk as a purple, blue and brown light exploded out of it, Shining blinded for a second but managing to look through it and see three cards fly out of her Duel Disk and up to the orbs above her.

"What's happening?" Shining asked as each card phased into the orbs.

"In order to summon my ultimate monster, I must first banish three Zenith Dragons from my graveyard." As Midnight said that, the orbs shot into the air while circling around one another. They got so high that Shining could no longer seen them, though that soon changed when an explosion of light occurred and filled the Omega Field.

"AAARRRHHH!" He cried at the intense light, forcing him to both close his eyes and cover them.

"ARISE!" Midnight slapped the card onto her Duel Disk, "OMEGA DEITY OF DESTRUCTION! ZERONULL!" The light finally faded and Shining opened his eyes, the blurry sight slowly fading to allow him to see. But what he saw surprised him.

"Well?" He looked around, "where is it?" He saw no sign of this ultimate monster, "where's Zeronull?"

Midnight simply smiled, "take a closer look." As she said that, something appeared behind her. A red light.

Shining stared at the light and slowly, his eyes went wide as his head craned up. "No...no way." He was staring at Zeronull, the outer god so large that he couldn't fit its entire body into his vision. It was just like the image he had seen in the temple, but he was massive.

The Zenith Dragons were tiny compared to him. In fact, Shining could see the three Zenith Dragons. Each one was comfortably floating inside one of the six orbs on Zeronull's wing, with enough room to freely move around if they so chose. Zeronull was practically the size of the moon, maybe even bigger.

"This can't be real," he told himself.

"Oh," Midnight smiled, "it's quite real." She pointed at him. "You, human, will be the first silenced by my gaze." Shining felt himself quiver at the sight of the Omega Deity of Destruction, but he couldn't let himself weaver. Even if this was an outer god, Shining still had to defeat it. To save his sister and the whole world.

"I'll win," he whispered.

Author's Note:

And thus, Zeronull has appeared. What kind of power will it possess and what kind of power is needed to defeat it. Only time will tell.

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