• Published 19th Mar 2020
  • 1,697 Views, 581 Comments

Yugioh EQG: Ω Zenith - Banshee531

The Double X has come and gone and everyone's getting back to a normal life. But before they can relax, enemies old and new appear with a dark agenda. Will our heroes prevail, or is our world doomed to oblivion. It's time to Duel.

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Turn 39: The Silencing of Earth

In the Duel Monster Spirit World, two vast apposing armies stood against one another.

One army was made up of the many monsters that wished to save their world from the destruction that the Omega Deity of Destruction, Zeronull, intended to rain down upon them. The other army was one made up of Zeronull's Omega Zealots and the monsters that also wished to bring about two world's destruction.

Above these two armies was the Shadow Gate, which had appeared many miles away from the planet but was growing closer and closer by the second.

At the front of one army, Flash Heart Dragon stood with Sombra and Scarvolt by his side. Monsters such as those from the Magna corp, Frozen Hearts, Rainbow Wings, Royal Paladins, Shinobi, Gem Knights, Techno Force, Celestial Spirits, Harpie Ladies, Blazing Souls, Balloonimals and even the Gaia Knights made up the army behind him. Other solo monsters like Vail Pixie, Dragonic Blazelord, Wild Rush Raptor, Kindness Dragonoid, Solar Flare Phoenix, Divine Sky Angel, the Sunburst monsters and many more stood ready or filled the skies. Even the monsters belonging to the now possessed Twilight Sparkle had joined the fray.

Draconequus and his Chaos Fiends stood in the apposing army, along with the Atlanteans, griffons, and other monsters the Zealots had formerly used in their decks during their time on earth.

"Everyone," Flash Heart raised an arm, "listen! Zeronull has been resurrected and finally completed everything he needed to awaken his full power. Now the being known as Midnight has completed the Omega Zealot's ultimate plan." He looked up at the Shadow Gate, the image of earth within never looking more horrifying. "If we do nothing, then not only will our world be destroyed, but so will the world of the ones we call our friends and allies." He turned back to them, "are we gonna let that happen?"

"NEVER!" Scarvolt yelled before the rest of the army screamed and hollered in agreement.

Flash Heart nodded and turned back to their opponents, only for Vail Pixie to fly up and land on his shoulder. "As much as I hate to say this, we're in for a tough fight. This may in fact be our final battle."

"Then we'll make it a good one," Flash Heart told her. The fairy nodded with a smile and flew off his shoulder, while he raised an arm once again. "In the name of Harmonica!"

"IN THE NAME OF HARMONICA!" With that, the army charged forward. They all prepped their weapons and readied their spells.

At the other army, Draconequus smiled with Ouravas, Hellfire and Amphitrite standing beside him. "The fools think they still have a chance to stop what we've begun. But it's too late." He looked up at the Shadow Gate, "Zeronull has passed the stage of no return. Now nothing can stop him."

"So then why are we here?" He turned to Amphitrite. "If the plan can not be stopped, why risk more of my people's lives fighting against them."

"It'd be worse for them not to fight," Ouravas explained. "If they don't fight, that gives the enemy open season to do whatever they like against us."

"I'm just here to get some payback on the ones that beat me before," Hellfire growled while punching his fist into his hand.

"You and me both." The group turned to see Glorianna and Rhodos walking towards them, both with serious expressions on their faces.

"Rhodos!" Amphitrite almost yelled, "you're supposed to be resting."

"I'm sorry mother," Rhodos told her. "But I could not rest. Not while our moment of ascension is at hand."

"I'm not gonna sit around and let you have all the fun," Glorianna told them. She then pointed her staff at the approaching army, "and there's someone in that army I want to get some payback on before everything ends."

"Loving that attitude," Draconequus looked forward. "Now it's time to show these puny beings why trying to fight against fate is impossible." He raised a claw as a ball of dark light began to crackle within it. Then, he threw it towards the army.

Said army saw the attack coming and the magic users quickly began casting defensive spells. A magic barrier appeared in front of them and blocked the ball that struck it, expecting into a burst of chaotic energy. The barrier managed to hold until the energy depleted, but this effort had tired many of them out and left them vulnerable.

"In the name of Zeronull!" They heard Draconequus cry.

"IN THE NAME OF ZERONULL!" The rest of the army screamed before they charged. Those that could fly quickly took to the air and were countered by the defender's own flying squadron, the two air forces led by Ouravas and Battle Wing Gold. Meanwhile, Glorianna and Amphitrite led the ground forces and they charged forward and met the rest of the army.

Beast met wizard. Warrior met dragon. Fiend met machine. It was utter carnage with neither side wanting to give an inch to the other. Up above, Ouravas and Battle Wing clashed weapons. "Not so strong without your human here to tell you what to do," the griffon told him.

"Rainbow might not be here," Battle Wing grunted before pushing Ouravas back and flying straight up. "But she is still lending me strength!" With that, he soared straight down and tried to slash at Ouravas. The griffon managed to evade, but it was only just.

On the ground, Hellfire was throwing fireballs at Sunburst Magician. The spellcaster replied by shooting his own fireballs at the demon. "You're going down poindexter!" But as he said that, Dragonic Blazelord flew in and tried to slash at him. "And you're next you overgrown gecko."

Twilight Warlock swung his staff around and unleashed a wave of magic that struck several Chaos Fiends and sent them flying back. "HEY!" He turned to see Glorianna moving towards him, a glare appearing on his face. "Long time no see."

Twilight Warlock continued to glare. "It was bad enough you cost our master his life, but now you've stolen the body of my partner and are trying to destroy the world. I will not forgive you."

"Like I care," she told him. "I'm just here to finally prove my superiority against you!"

At the rear of the battlefield, Draconequus smiled as he watched the battle rage. "Yes. Fight. Fight so that you cannot stop what is to come." But as he said that, a portal opened up above him and Vail Pixie flew out of it. Behind her, Flash Heart and Neo Frozen Heart flew out. "And now my opponents arrive."

The two dragons attacked with punches and claws, only for Draconequus to form a barrier that stopped them. "We will stop you!" Flash Heart told him. "And our friends on earth will end Zeronull, once and for all."

Draconequus smiled. "I look forward to seeing that, Alpha Zealot."

Back on earth, everyone was still staring at the screen showing images of the Shadow Gate.

"This is really bad," Flash said.

"So what's Zeronull's goal here?" Aria asked, "make a Shadow Gate and summon his Zealots to earth so they have all their power."

"No," Misty shook her head, "that's not his plan." She was currently typing away at a computer, analysing the data they were collecting. "If that's the case, he would have created it much closer to earth. Besides, that kind of plan has a bunch of holes in it. Like us summoning our monsters to earth in order to counter them."

"So what's he planning?" Tempest asked.

"You know what he's planning," Cold explained. "We all saw it in the data files." He took out his phone and hit one of the names, but he kept getting the same response. No signal. "I can't get through to Sunset."

"Do you think she and the others are okay?" Fluttershy asked, looking worried with the others.

"Without communications, there's no way to tell for sure." Cold tried again, but there was still no response. "We need to focus on the Shadow Gate, but not knowing how our friends are isn't going to help us focus."

"Then we'll go check ourselves," Flash explained. The others turned to him in confusion until he took out a card, right as his hand suddenly glowed with a mark appearing and his hair turning white.

Back in Nevada, Sunset and the others had exited the building.

With all the damage done to the place and with the Zenith Dragons gone, they no longer saw it necessary to remain there. So they stepped outside and when they did, they were treated with the sight of the Shadow Gate in the sky.

"What is that thing?" Sunburst asked, having not been in Canterlot during the events of last year.

"A Shadow Gate," Starlight explained. She currently had Trixie on her back while Maud was carrying Skystar, both girls having yet to wake up. "But what's it doing here?"

"It must be because of Zeronull," Sunset explained as she tried to call Cold. But the discharge from the Omega Field's sudden disappearance had fried almost every piece of electronics in the building. Luckily, the elevator had not been effected.

But now they had no way of contacting Cold or finding out what the heck was going on. Or so they thought.

For a sudden burst of light appeared to their left, causing them to look around and see a portal open. They feared Midnight had returned, but they were quickly surprised when a white haired Flash Sentry half stepped out of it. "Come on!" He told them, holding out a hand.

"Flash?" Applejack asked, "how did-"

"No time!" The teen yelled, "hurry." They quickly did as he told them, rushing forward and stepping through the portal one by one. Cadance appeared unsure about this, being the only one not to enter.

"I can't. Shining-"

"Is with us," Flash grabbed her arm. "He's fine...ish." He pulled her through the portal and in a second, Cadance found herself in the Freeze Stadium bored room staring down at her husband.

"Shining!" She knelt down besides him, a nurse having brought a collapsible bed into the room and was tending to his injuries. "Are you okay?"

"I've...been better," he told her.

At the same time, Sunset stepped up to Cold. "What's going on? Why is there a Shadow Gate so far away?"

"It won't be far away for long." The voice came from the portal that was still open, Flash stepping out of it with Thorax. The young king had a frown on his face. "My scientists have indicated that the Shadow Gate is getting closer to earth."

"Closer?" Rarity asked, "but how. If she's going to just move it closer, why did Midnight send them so far away anyway?"

"That's the thing," Thorax explained as Cold typed something into the computer. In a flash of light, the holo-screen changed to show a digital image of the Shadow Gate and earth. "The Shadow Gate hasn't moved. The earth's moved. The portal is positioned in the earth's natural rotational path."

"So what does that mean?" Rainbow asked before Misty explained.

"It means that in several hours, the earth will naturally float into the portal without Midnight needing to do a thing."

"Into the portal?" Starlight asked. "How big is this thing?"

"Big enough that the earth can travel through it without an issue," Cold replied. "And it gets worse. You all saw the planet on the other side of the portal." He pressed something and another world appeared on the opposite side of the Shadow Gate's image.

"The Duel Monster Spirit World," Flash realised.

Cold nodded, "it's getting closer to the portal as well. I'm guessing that they're scheduled to enter the Shadow Gate at the exact same time."

"But," Pinkie stuttered, "that means..." She didn't finish while those who raided the base remembered the image they saw. And just to hit the nail in the head, the image on screen showed the two world entering the portal and the same time. And when they touched, they both vanished.

"Our two planets will collide and be ripped apart," Trail realised.

Misty nodded. "And because it'll happen inside the portal, the pieces will be sucked into the Void between worlds. And nothing can survive within it." Everyone shared looks of horror and shock as they let this information sink in, only now understanding the full scope of Zeronull's plan.

Midnight was standing atop a tall building, staring up at her beautiful creation.

"Now to begin the final silencing." With that, she disappeared in a flash of light and when said light faded from around her she was floating within the void between worlds. She looked to her right and saw the Duel Monster Spirit World in one portal and then looked to her left, seeing earth in the second portal.

She took out her Zeronull card and held it up, the card glowing blackish-red before firing out a light that formed a sphere above her head. It grew larger and large by the second, eventually glowing large enough to mimic a small moon. Slowly, the light morphed into a strange goop that bubbled and wobbled.

"Now go," she told the orb. "Bring silence to everything!" With that, the orb began spitting out bubbles that floated towards the portals. Once they exited the void, they accelerated towards the planet at incredible speeds.

Back on earth, Shining had started explaining what had happened within the Omega Field.

He explained how Midnight has summoned Zeronull. How it was impervious to any form of destruction. How it was immune to any and all card effects and how it prevented damage. And finally, how it was able to win the Duel. "That's insane," Soarin cried.

"How can one card have so many abilities?" Scootaloo asked.

"It's totally unfair," Sweetie agreed.

"Well this is an outer god we're dealing with," Rarity reminded her. "Something like that's bound to have a few special abilities."

"Still doesn't make it fair," Applebloom said. "How the heck are you supposed to stop something like that."

"There has to be a way," Cold told them before they all heard a loud beeping. they turned back to the computer, Sunset and Misty typing away at it.

"Something just entered the earth's atmosphere," the teen girl explained before making further inquiry. "Forget that. A whole lot of somethings just entered the atmosphere."

"And they're aimed towards Canterlot and other places on earth," Misty told them. "I'm putting it up on screen now." The holo-screen appeared and showed images from a CCTV camera. Said images showed the street and pointed up to show multiple blob-like balls falling towards the ground.

But before they could get any more details, one of the blobs slammed into the camera and knocked it out. "What happened?" Gilda asked.

"We lost the feed," Sunset explained.

"Then let's get a less technical look," Flash stated before rushing out the room.

"Wait Flash!" Trail cried as he and some of the others followed him, "it might be dangerous!" But Flash didn't stop, so they kept following. Even Spike was hobbling along on his crutch, at least until Thorax jumped in front of him.

"Hop on." Spike smiled and did so, the young king piggybacking him until most of the group were outside. They only hand to look around to see what these balls were, as they slammed into the ground and onto other things.

To everyone's shock, anything the slime-balls touched were sucked inside. A nearby car was struck and as soon as the slime hit, it exploded around the vehicle and completely engulfed it before it disappeared. "This can't be good," Flash gulped.

"It's Zeronull," Trail realised. "He must be doing this as a way to distract us from whatever he's planning."

"LOOK OUT!" Applejack yelled as she pointed up at the sky, everyone following and seeing a slime-ball falling towards them. They all leapt to the side as it hit the ground and splattered everywhere.

"Augh!" Spike cried as he and Thorax hit the ground, Spike rolling off him. As they did, specks of the slime landed on several of them. "Huh?" Spike looked down, just in time to see this speck on his cast before it suddenly grew and spread up his leg. "HEY!" He cried while trying to crawl away from it, but couldn't escape its grip.

"SPIKE!" Everyone yelled, Thorax trying to get to him. But before he could, a speck of slime on his arm began to expand. "Get off!" He yelled while the others suddenly found themselves getting consumed.

Flash tried to unzip his jacket and remove it before the slime spread, but it was too late. "No!" He cried, feeling it spread to his legs. But as it did, his mark suddenly reappeared and the light spread across his body. "What the?" He asked as his hair turned white and the slime started to evaporate off of him. "Alright!" He smiled once he was free, but the others weren't so lucky.

"FLASH!" Spike yelled as his entire body was engulfed, the last thing he heard before everything went black being Flash's voice calling his name.

Earth wasn't the only place getting bombarded with these slime-balls.

The Duel Monster Spirit World was also suffering a sudden downpour. Many balls of slime dropped down on the battlefield, catching the attention of those fighting. "What now?" Sombra asked as he dodged one.

Draconequus smiled at the sight, jumping away from Flash Heart and Neo Frozen Heart. "The time has come my brothers. Master Zeronull has sent his envoy to bring us all into a new world. Accept his offering and allow yourself to be consumed!"

Many in his army heard this and smiled, even stopping so the slime would hit them.

"Finally!" Glorianna cried, "my perfect world." She allowed some of the slime to hit her, Twilight Sorcerer seeing this and gasping.

"DON'T!" But it was too late, Glorianna was consumed as Ouravas allowed himself to be struck as well.

"I feel it!" Glorianna smiled as her body disappeared.

"Zeronull's power," Ouravas closed his eyes and vanished into the slime as well. Both slime cocoons remained in place for a second before they started shrinking smaller and smaller, then vanished completely.

Amphitrite saw this and had an uneasy feeling about her, right as she heard her daughters voice. "Our turn!" She turned to Rhodos, who was looking up at a slime-ball that was about to hit them. But before it could, the Atlantean Queen unleashed a burst of water that blasted it away. "What?" Rhodos turned to her mother, "what are you doing?"

"This doesn't feel right," she explained. "What if...what if we're being lied too. What if we just bring about the deaths of our people we've fought so hard to prevent."

"This is the way," Rhodos told her before seeing another slime-ball. "I'll show you!" She ran forwards and leapt into the air, Amphitrite gasping.

"NOOO!" She screamed before Rhodos struck the ball, a smile on her face as she sank into the slime before the sphere shrank and vanished. "RHODOS!" The rest of the Atlanteans began to think maybe this wasn't such a good idea, the lot of them beginning to try and escape the battlefield.

"I don't like the looks of this," Hellfire said as a nearby slime-ball exploded besides him. As it did, a piece hit his wing. And before he knew it, he was beginning to get consumed. "NOOO!" He cried, trying to burn it off but nothing worked. Soon all but his head, neck and arm were swallowed, the fiend turning towards the monsters he had been previously fighting. "HELP ME!" He screamed as all but his arm was dragged within, that soon following.

Sunburst Magician reached to try and grab it, but Dragonic Blazelord cried out. "Don't touch him!" The wizard pulled back as Hellfire's hand vanished, the cocoon suddenly shrinking into eventual nothingness.

"He's gone!" Sunburst Magician cried, right as another slime-ball hit the ground and exploded.

"Look out!" Blazelord pushed him away with his tail, only to get hit by pieces of the slime. That slime quickly expanded and engulfed the dragon, everyone gasping when they saw this before several of them found they were hit by the slime as well. "Spike," he groaned as everything went dark.

Spike opened his eyes and found himself in a dark void, the teen unable to see anything that wasn't directly in front of his face. "What is this?" He asked. If he could see, he would know his body was slowly disappearing from the feet up.

"Everything with a form will be returned to nothing." Spike's eyes went wide at the sound of that voice, the teen looking around but seeing nothing. Despite never hearing the mescaline voice before, he knew who it was. Zeronull. "Everything with a life shall be silenced."

"No," Spike groaned, "I won't let you." It was then he heard a roar, one that he recognised. "Blazelord?" As if answering his call, a light appeared ahead of him and showed his dragon. The beast was also disappearing, half its body already gone. "No! You have to fight it!" The dragon turned to him, as if asking how.

"Everything will be silenced."

"NO!" Spike scream, "you can't destroy...my memories!" He closed his eyes and remembered. "The life that I lived." He remembered all the good times in his life. Remembered learning to Duel from his siblings. Remembered meeting Flash, Thorax and all his other friends. Remembered forming Team V-Fighters and winning the Double X. "Everything in my past. I share with my friends...with everyone!" Unbeknownst to him, his body had stopped vanishing and was slowly beginning to reappear.

"Spike," Blazelord whispered as he too remembered all the battles they had fought together. And as he remembered, his body began to reappear. Spike opened his eyes and saw this, he and Blazelord locking eyes before they both reached out a hand.

"You can't...take our future!" The two floated towards one another, while the image of all of Spike's friends appeared at the forefront of his mind. "I won't...I won't let you take that away from me." The two finally reached each other and Spike grabbed his dragon's claw, "They mean...everything to me." As they touched, a light exploded off of them and pushed away the darkness. "And I will enjoy my future WITH ME FRIENDS!"

Flash was still panicking after seeing all his friends be grabbed by the dark slime.

But before he could try and save them, one of the cocoons exploded. "AAARRRHHH!" Spike cried as he broke free, the slime flying off his body and landing in a poodle away from him. "I'm free." And he wasn't the only one. All the cocoons exploded and everyone was freed.

"Guys!" Flash looked around, "what happened?"

Thorax smirked, "I wouldn't let him take me."

"But I wasn't alone," Rainbow said. "In the darkness...I saw someone."

"Me too," Spike nodded before looking up at the Shadow Gate. "Blazelord."

"RAAAAAAAAAAH!" The dragon screamed as he ripped out of the cocoon holding him, followed by everyone else in their army that had been captured.

He turned to the slime as it congealed and began to take shape, forming a dark replica of him. And almost everyone else soon found themselves facing off against a mirror copy of themselves. "You won't take me!" He told the fake, "not while my partner is giving me strength."

The rest of the army also did the same, while others continued to face the rapidly shrinking number of monster that had yet to allow themselves to enter Zeronull's majesty. One such monster was staring at Scarvolt as she battled her clone.

The Tempest Rogue leapt back as the fake raised its sword, only to suddenly freeze in place. Scarvolt raised an eyebrow until she saw the slime turn to a familiar black stone. "But that's-"

"RAAAH!" Something charged passed the statue, shattering it as he did, then swung their staff at Scarvolt.

She responded by raising her sword to block the attack. "Storm King." The monster that had Dominated her partner glared at her, pushing down on the staff he held.

"Before I go, I'm taking you down."

"Not happening!" Scarvolt pushed back while the rest of the army fought.

Back on earth, everyone was recovering from their experiences in the cocoons.

"You okay?" Flash asked as he helped Spike to his feet, the teen about to respond until they sensed movement and looked around to see the slime they had thrown off of them. It began to take shape and slowly form humanoid bodies, everyone realising what they were.

"It's those slime monsters the Zealots used," Pinkie told them as the creatures created Duel Disks.

"And now it looks like they want ta Duel," Applejack realised. Everyone reached for their Duel Disks, but Flash stepped forward and raised his hand.

The mark on the back glowed before he punched the air, unleashing a wave of energy that struck every single slime monster. When it did, they cried out as they were destroyed. "Augh!" Flash fell to his knees, everyone rushing to his side.

"Careful son," Trail told him.

"I'm okay," he assured them. As he did, they all spotted more slime slamming down around the stadium. The slime splattered around and began taking shape, creating the humanoids that slowly began to advance towards them.

Flash pushed himself back to his feet and prepared to repeat the process, but Grand grabbed his arm. "Save your energy." He turned back to the creatures, "you'll need it for later." He stepped forward, Trail, Tempest, Rainbow, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Starlight, Sunburst, Soarin, Maud, Thorax, Tidal, Gilda and the Dazzlings moving with him. "We'll handle these things." They all nodded and took out their Duel Disks before strapping them to his arm, "you all get back inside and find a way to stop the source."

Flash nodded as he and the others returned to the stadium. As he did, the Duellists raised their Duel Disks as the slime creatures moved closer and began to reshape themselves into copies of the Duellists they were facing. "BRING IT ON!" They screamed before the Duels began.

Cold, Misty and Sunset continued to type away at the computers as the others returned.

"What happened outside?" Misty turned to him. "We managed to get one of the cameras to show us the place where you were and when we did, we spotted Flash surround by cocoons that suddenly exploded with the others appearing out of them."

"I'm not really sure myself," Flash turned to Spike and team Crusaders. The kids looked around and saw the adults wanted answers, so Spike began to explain what he saw. About the void and Zeronull's voice, along with seeing Blazelord and almost disappearing before explaining how he managed to escape.

"The next thing I knew, I freed myself from the slime."

"Same," the others who experienced it agreed.

"I see," Cold nodded. "So Zeronull is trying to clear out the deadwood before the world is destroyed." He turned back to the holo-screen and saw everyone Duelling as hard as they could. "But we won't let that happen."

"I just don't understand how you saw Blazelord," Sunset turned to Spike. "You've never shown that kind of power."

"Best guess," Misty spoke up. "Zeronull is trying the same thing in the Duel Monster Spirit World. The monsters must have been captured the same way you all were. And if the slime is connect to Zeronull, he's acting as a link between our worlds. One that a strong enough bond can use to connect two individuals."

"Bond?" Spike asked.

"Of course," Flash patted him on the shoulder. "You and Blazelord have been through a lot together. you can't say you don't care about him."

"Of course," Spike nodded.

"And he cares about you as well," Maud replied. "And that's created a bond that allowed the two of you to meet, which allowed you to escape."

"And it's not just you," Cold pointed to the screen. "Everyone has at least one monster they share a strong bond with. It's what connects our worlds, through Duelling. As long as those bonds last, Zeronull can't take us."

"And it's not just here." Misty pressed a button and the holo-screen changed to show a random street in Canterlot. There, a Duellist many recognised as Shining Spoon was Duelling against a fake.

"I don't know what you are!" He cried as Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon charged forward, "but you're not taking me down!" The monster struck his opponent's Xyz Dragon and destroyed it, causing the fake to melt.

Misty pressed another button and in the blink of an eye, the screen changed to show another street and there they spotted Time Turner and Derpy Muffins Duelling together against more fakes. "Your time is up!" Turner yelled as Chronodragon Gear Chronicle unleashed its attack and destroyed Thousand Dragon.

"Go get her!" Derpy cried as Ditsy Goddess charged, only to trip and accidently body slam the opponent into destruction. "WOO!" She jumped for joy, only to slip when she landed and fall on her butt.

Misty continued to show them images of the city and Duellists they both knew and didn't know could all be seen fighting against Zeronull's agents. "And it's not just in Canterlot," Misty pressed more buttons and multiple holo-screens appeared. All over the country, Duellists were fighting against the slime creatures. And even beyond.

France, England, Japan, Spain, Russia, Australia. Every county on the planet was covered in the slime-creatures and in each of those countries, Duellists were stepping up to protect non-Duellists from them. This was a war and planet earth was fighting back.

"Amazing," Flash whispered.

"But it'll all be made pointless if we don't do anything about Zeronull," Cold told them. "Even if we defeat every last monster, our planet will still be sucked into the Shadow Gate and destroyed. We need a way to stop him."

"How?" Scootaloo asked, "how are we gonna stop Zeronull. He's all the way in space and I doubt he'll show up if you challenge him."

"I'll find a way," Flash assured them. "Everyone on earth is fighting with everything they have to help give us a chance. I won't let those efforts be in vain. Even if it kills me, I'll find a way to stop Zeronull, free Twilight and stop our worlds from being destroyed. No matter what, I won't quit!" This that last outcry, his mark returned and glowed. "Huh?"

Everyone looked down at it and were confused, none more so then Flash. "What are you doing?" Cadance asked.

"I'm...I'm not doing this," he told them as the light got brighter and brighter. And soon, a new light appeared. One coming from around everyone in the room.

"What's happening?" Cold asked before turning to the screen, seeing the same rainbow white light appearing around every Duellist.

"Hey?" Rainbow looked herself over, "what's the deal?"

"Why are we glowing?" Rarity asked, "not that I don't think it's pretty."

"Could it be?" Trail turned towards the building they were protecting, "is Flash doing something?" As he asked that, the light suddenly flew off of him. It did the same with the others, all floating into the air and heading towards the stadium. And it wasn't just them. The same light was streaming in from all directions.

Within the void, Midnight had been watching through the eyes of her servants and was not pleased by the amount of time it was taking to wipe out the two world's populations.

But then something knew caught her eye and made her turn towards the earth portal, where she saw the entire planet appearing to become wrapped in a light she knew all too well. "Harmonica. What are you doing now?" She saw that the light was conjoining at the same spot and she quickly realised who it was making life difficult for her.

Flash had no idea what was happening.

One minute everyone was glowing and the next, that light flew off of them and began to be absorbed into his mark. And with each passing second, more and more of the light flew into the room through the walls. "What is happening?" Scootaloo asked her brother.

"I don't know!" He yelled back, feeling more and more energy build within his right hand.

"Do not fear, my Alpha Zealot." Flash's eyes went wide hearing this.

"Harmonica?" The others looked confused as he glanced around.

"Your desire for survival far outweighs Zeronull's desire to destroy. And with that desire, I can amass the power needed to protect you all." Suddenly, as the last of the light flew into Flash's hand, the mark exploded and sent out a shockwave that flew out in all directions.

"AUGH!" Flash cried at the energy being released, which could be felt by everyone but didn't hurt them as it passed over them. The energy continued and flew out through the universe, its effects unnoticed at first as everyone was temporarily blinded.

But when their eyes adjusted, they began to wonder the same thing. "What the heck was that?" Spike asked, everyone turning to Flash.

"Harmonica," he explained. "She was trying to help us."

"Help us how?" Sunset asked, only to suddenly get an alert from her computer. She typed away at it and her eyes suddenly went wide. "No way."

"What is it?" Cold asked.

"The computer's just stated that the Shadow Gate's approach has...ceased." This confused them, especially the more science orientated of the group.

"But that could only happen if..." Misty couldn't even finish that sentence.

"The earth stopped moving," Cold finished it for her.

"But how could the earth stop moving?" Shining asked from his bed.

"Guys," Sweetie spoke up, "look at the clock." Everyone did so and soon realised what had happened."

In England, a large group of people looked around in shock.

It had been raining mere moments ago, but now the rain had stopped. And by stopped, they meant completely stopped. Droplets of water were floating in the air as if by magic. And it wasn't just in England. Every area on earth currently experiencing rain was experiencing this effect.

And it wasn't just rain. The sea's tides were frozen in place. Rocks that were rolling down the sides of cliffs were completely still. And even the trees were frozen mid sway despite the wind vanishing. The earth was completed frozen.

Time...had stopped.

Everyone checked other clocks on their wrists or Duel Disks and found the same result. All of them were frozen.

"How is this happening?" Misty asked, while Flash smiled.

"Harmonica used our desire to survive as an energy source and was able to freeze time with it. Even though she can't fight Zeronull directly, she's doing everything she can to help us stop him."

"Well it gives us time," Cold agreed. "But I doubt Zeronull will just sit back and let this happen." As he said that, something happened.

"AUGH!" Flash screamed as he clutched his head, Misty gasping as he fell to his knees. They all rushed over to him as his eyes were forced shut.

"How cute." His eyes shot open at the voice, the pain in his head vanishing. He looked up and found himself in a black and white void. He stood in the white section and in the black one, Midnight was staring at him. "Harmonica's lap dog thinks he can stop me."

"I can stop you," Flash stood tall. "You can't destroy our worlds. I won't let you."

"I don't think you have much of a choice," she told him. "But I'll admit your little time stop gimmick is annoying. But it's easily fixable."


"I'll simply destroy you," she raised her hand and fired a blast of energy from it. But before it could hit Flash, a force-field appeared around him to block it.

"Not so simple," Flash smirked. "I might not have all of Harmonica's power at my disposal, but I still have enough to keep you at bay."

"Fine then," Midnight glared at him. "Then let's settle this the way you beings love settling things. A Duel. If you lose, your connection to Harmonica will be broken. The power stopping time will vanish and I'll be able to blast you into dust."

"You're on," Flash agreed. "But when I win, you'll release Twilight and stop your insane plan to destroy our world."

Midnight smiled, "a bold set of demands but okay. It's not like I'll lose. I agree to these terms"

"Alright," Flash nodded. "Then get down here."

"Oh, I don't think so. I'd much rather you come to me. But let's compromise and meet halfway."

"Flash!" Misty shook her son, who had become catatonic as he held his head. Cold was about to call a doctor when Flash's eyes shot open. "Flash!" Misty hugged him, "are you alright?"

"I'm fine," Flash stood up. "Midnight wants a Duel." Everyone gasped hearing this, Flash going on to explain.

"Raaah!" Flash Heart yelled and he shot forward and tried to punch Draconequus, but the monsters dodged the attack and teleported behind Flash Heart.

But before he could hit him with his dark lightning, he had to dodge in order to escape a blast of cold air that almost hit him. "You two are truly an interesting pair," he told Flash Heart and Neo Frozen Heart. "Thinking you could defeat Zeronull, even though you haven't done a thing to stop us so far."

"We've done plenty to stop you," Flash Heart told him.

"Don't make me laugh. You think anything that happen on earth counts?" He smirked. "Every move you made against us was allowed, because we knew it wouldn't stop our overall objective. And now look." He gestured around, at all the slime monsters appearing. "Zeronull's ultimate victory is nearing completion. And even though you somehow managed to stop time, that's only a temporary setback. No matter what. The world will be silenced by our lord." But as he said that, something happened.

A sudden impact on his back made him jerk forward, surprised as he turned to see a large splotch of slime.

"What?" He asked as the slime began to spread, "wait!" He snapped his fingers, but nothing happened. "Not yet. I was supposed to be the last." The slime soon consumed his all body, "Master!" Were his last worlds before he was completely enveloped and the slime-ball shrank to nothing.

"Well," Flash Heart said, "that was anti-climatic." But as he said that, more slime fell down and hit the ground before taking shape and forming a copy of him and Neo Frozen Heart. "Great."

Back on earth, Flash, Misty, Spike and team Crusaders had made their way to the roof of the stadium.

Flash stared up at the Shadow Gate, knowing this was likely going to be his final Duel. "You don't have to do this." He turned to his mother, who looked sick with worry. "We'll find another way."

Flash shook his head. "No, this is the only way. With everyone working so hard, it's only right I finally step up and put an end to this." He turned back to the Shadow Gate, "I was chosen for this." He looked back at his mother, only to feel her tackle him into a hug.

Flash smiled and hugged back, right as Scootaloo rushed up and did the same.

"Promise me you'll come back," Misty begged. Flash wanted to, but he honestly couldn't make that promise. He had no idea what was gonna happen up there.

"I'll do everything I can." Misty seemed to accept this and pulled back, grabbing his cheeks in her hands and staring him in the eyes.

"I know you will," she nodded. "Maybe...maybe this was why you were born in the Duel Monster Spirit World. For this very moment."

"Just don't do anything stupid," Scootaloo told him.

"Ah, come on sis." Flash smiled at her, "this is me we're talking about."

"Exactly," she laughed. He and Misty laughed back before Flash pulled away. But before he could move-

"Flash!" He turned towards the door and spotted Cadance, helping Shining towards them. "I'm glad I made it."

"Shining?" Flash frowned, "you should be resting."

"I know. But I need to tell you something. Twilight...she's still in there." Flash hadn't been expecting this. "During my Duel with Midnight, I saw her. It was only for a moment, but she was there. She hasn't been completely consumed by Zeronull."

"What are you saying?" Flash asked.

"I'm saying there's still a chance Twilight can be freed from Zeronull's control, the same way Marble and Starlight broke free from their Soulinks. If you can make Midnight remember all the good times Twilight had..."

"Twilight might grow strong enough to break free." Shining nodded, Flash giving him a smile. "Thanks Shining. And I'll remember that." He turned back to the Shadow Gate in the sky. "Twilight, I'm coming to save you." He moved over to the edge of the building and at the same time, Cold's voice suddenly rang out from every Duel Disk activate on the planet.

"An important announcement for all who can hear. As you've noticed, a great danger is facing two worlds. One we must all fight in order to stop. And as long as you continue to dig deep and remember the connection between you and your monsters, that evil will have no chance of stopping us."

All over the world, Duellists continued to battle with everything they had. No matter how many of the monsters they were facing, they fought their best fight.

"As we speak, a very special young Duelist is about to engage in a battle against the source of this attack. He is our last hope. So I ask you to take a moment and send him good thoughts. Let him know that despite being alone, he will have us with him for support. Let us all pray for his safety, and most importantly...his victory."

The Duellists closed their eyes as they suddenly saw the image of the young man in question appear on the forefront of their mind. Whether it was through the power of Harmonica they were all taping into, or something much deeper, they all could see him and they were all giving him their support.

"Flash Sentry. You have our faith."

"YOU HAVE OUR FAITH!" Every Duellist yelled at the same time, Flash strangely able to hear that and smirking.

He raised his hand the clutched it as the mark appeared, unleashing a mighty rainbow of light. "Now is the time, to save and shape our future!" The light glowed brighter and brighter, but it hurt nobody. It was so bright, that it could be seen from space and even further then that.

Flash Heart shot passed several copies of himself and destroyed them instantly, then stopped as he sensed something.

Looking up, he saw the light coming from the planet on the other side of the Shadow Gate. "Flash," he realised, "the time has come."

"Go to him!" He heard Sombra yell, making the dragon turn to see the former human slash a monster with his sword. "He needs you!"

"We'll handle things here!" Scarvolt yelled as she continued to battle Storm King Dominator. Flash Heart turned to the rest of his comrades and saw them node, the Alpha Zealot nodding back before flying upwards.

"Vail Pixie!" The monster in question nodded and followed after him, the two heading straight up. "This is it. Everything we've fought for." He turned to her, "any regrets?"

Vail Pixie shook her head, "I'm glad I joined you. Because I got to meet Flash and so many of my friends." She then got serious, "now let's go save them." Flash Heart nodded back and they both suddenly vanished.

The light continued to grow stronger as Flash felt his hair turn white.

"Flash!" Scootaloo yelled to her brother, "good look up there!"

Spike nodded, "come back safe and sound. And bring Twilight home with you!" Flash glanced back at them and smiled with a node, then looked back as he felt a new presence. Misty and Scootaloo gasped seeing the Duel Monster Spirits of Flash Heart and Vail Pixie appear besides him, the two bathing in the light before the three were consumed by it.

The light exploded upwards, moving faster then the speed of light into the sky. All anyone could see was a twinkle in the sky, but they knew Flash was on his way. "Good luck," Misty whispered while the others mentally said the same thing.

Down on the ground, Trail and Grand Duelled side by side before feeling a presence and looking up to see the light climbing into the sky. "Go Flash!" Trail yelled, "we're behind you all the way."

Grand smiled. "He truly has come a long way."

A few hundred or so miles from the Shadow Gate, pieces of space debris were being pulled together by the power of both Zeronull and Harmonica.

Soon, the combined matter formed an upside-down pyramid with several columns and pillars on the top that gave it an alter kind of vibe. And upon it, a flash of dark light pulsed. Midnight appeared out of it, the possessed girl landing on a pillar while staring at earth.

From the planet, the pillar flew up to the battlefield and then shot straight down. When it faded, Flash was revealed in a pose you'd see a superhero in during a landing. His hair turned back to blue as he slowly picked himself up, his face pointed towards the ground.

"Zeronull...Midnight. Are you ready?" He finally looked up and shot her a glare, "I CHALLENGE YOU!"

Author's Note:

WOO! That was fun. Hope you enjoyed it. Now it's onto the final battle.

Also, can the guys wanting to collab with me about his Yugioh flick please PM me. Sorry, forgot to follow you.

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