• Published 19th Mar 2020
  • 1,698 Views, 581 Comments

Yugioh EQG: Ω Zenith - Banshee531

The Double X has come and gone and everyone's getting back to a normal life. But before they can relax, enemies old and new appear with a dark agenda. Will our heroes prevail, or is our world doomed to oblivion. It's time to Duel.

  • ...

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Turn 3: Griffonic Sky Commander, Ouravas

Unknown location.

Flash and Scootaloo were carefully walking through the dark corridor of the unknown place. They'd lost track of how long they'd actually been there, both their phones somehow becoming dead after they arrived and neither wore a watch, so just aimlessly wandered down the narrow passageway.

"How far do you think we've gone?" Scootaloo asked her brother, Flash unsure how to answer.

"No idea, though it feels like it's been a couple of miles. This place must be huge." He heard Scootaloo moaned and turned to see her slide down the wall and sat down, "come on. We can't stop."

"Sorry," she said, "my feet are killing me." Flash had to admit, he wasn't exactly running on full either.

"We've gotta get out of here," Flash signed as he glanced looked down the corridor. Then he did a double take, his eyes going wide when he saw a light at the end of it. "Come on!" He reached down and grabbed Scootaloo, pulling her up onto her feet and dragging her down the hallway.

Scootaloo saw the light and started running besides him, the light getting closer and closer until they finally reached it.

They blinked at the brighter light, the two looking around to find themselves in a circular chamber. It was brighter then the hallway they'd been in, though not by much. The walls were covered in triangular doorways, the two counting eighteen in total, that each lead into another endless hallway.

"Okay," Scootaloo said, "what now?"

Earlier that day.

Rainbow was still in class, waiting for it to end so she could go hang out with Soarin. She didn't know why, but the idea of hanging out alone with him made her stomach do cartwheels. She didn't know why, but it felt nice.

She looked up at the clock and saw the seconds pass. However, the time between the second's movements seemed to increase every second. She decided to count the time, waiting until the hand moved before counting. Though she knew she was probably wrong, it felt like she got to ten before it moved again. "Gah!" She moaned, hitting her head into the desk.

"Well," the teacher spoke up, "looks like the day's almost done." Rainbow got up and saw he was actually right. They only have five minutes left. "So take this time to read the chapter you'll be writing about tonight. And make sure on your way out, that you hand in your homework from yesterday." A collection of moans and acknowledgements filled the room before the students opened their books and took out their homework, beginning to read until the bell finally went off.

The students got up and headed for the door, each one handing in a sheet of paper as they passed the desk. Rainbow was one of the first out, almost jumping out into the hallway and rushing down it towards the front of the building.

"No running in the halls," one of the hall monitors told her but she didn't listen. She arrived at the front door, stepping outside as she waited for Soarin to arrive.

"Hey, Rainbow!" She spun around excitedly, only to deflate when she saw it was Fleetfoot. "Check it out," she show the girl her deck. "I made some changes to my deck. Wanna help me see how well it turned out."

"I would," Rainbow looked around. "But I've already got plans. Sorry."

"Oh come on. I'm sure whatever it is can wait for one little Duel. What are you doing anyway?"


"Rainbow," they both turned to see Soarin walking up to them, "ready to go." Fleetfoot's eyes drifted between the two before a knowing smile crept onto her face.

"Oh, I see." She slowly started walking off, "I'll leave you two alone. Have fun." She headed off, leaving the two alone. A very confused Soarin turned to Rainbow.

"What was that about?"

"No idea," Rainbow said while trying to hide her face. She didn't know why, but her usually blue skin was shifting to an unusual red colouring. "Who cares." She hoisted her duffel bag over her shoulder and marched off, "we should get going."

"Alright," Soarin followed after her. As the pair headed out the front gates and turned to walk into town, they didn't notice someone else heading towards the school from the opposite direction. The figure stopped infront of the gate and turned to look into the school, smiling as he saw it.

Meanwhile, Spitfire was in her office doing paperwork while the news was on.

She'd just finished working on a form and adding it to the pile when the TV spoke up and caught her attention. "In other news, officials are still baffled by the appearance of the giant turtle-like creature that appeared above Canterlot City only two hours ago." Spitfire turned to the TV as it showed some footage of a giant turtle-like creature floating in the air above the city. It looked like it was made out of rocks and plants.

"Weird," Spitfire told herself.

"Many have speculated that this is some kind of Duel Monster, though any attempt to find it in the Freeze Industry database has yielded no results. However, evidence suggests there is more to this creature then meets the eye." The footage changed to show the monster spit out a giant boulder, which seemed to crash into the earth with such force it unleashed a shockwave that knocked the camera offline. When it came back on, it showed the image of a giant crater next to a riverbank that was filled with water. "What you are looking at is the area the rock struck. Clearly, it was no hologram that caused this."

Spitfire sat back in her chair, wondering what this all meant. Then, a strange green glow caught her attention and made her spin around in her chair. There, sitting on its usual perch, was the statue of their school's mascot. Marventus, the dragon of limitless skies. However, something was different about it. Now, it was radiating a strange green glow.

She reached out and picked up the statue, looking it over and wondering why it was glowing. Then her thoughts drifted back to the news report and the memory of this statue's origin story popped into her head. Could the two events be...related?

Knock! Knock! Knock!

She turned to the door and watched it open before she could decide to let them in. And in stepped a leather clothed man wearing a scarf. "Do you mind telling me why you've barged into my office without permission?" She asked the stranger, "then you can tell me who you are and why you're here."

The man smirked. "My name...is Ouravas." He raised his fist to show the Wind Symbol on the back, "and I'm here because you have something that belongs to me." Both his and Spitfire's eyes shifted down towards the statue, the man shooting forward before Spitfire could say anything else.

Rainbow and Soarin headed down the street without a care in the world, both laughing as they talked about whatever thoughts entered their heads. "No way!" Rainbow told him.

"I'm telling you, it's true. There's a corn on the cob flavoured ice cream. My parents got me some when we went to Europe."

"Man," Rainbow said, "they'll turn anything into ice cream. What's next, horseradish? Blue cheese?"

"I think those are actual flavours." Rainbow shot him a disgusted look before feeling her phone ring, pulling it out and seeing who it as. "Hey Gilda," she told her teammate. "How'd everything go." She put it on speaker so Soarin could hear her.

"Pretty good. Those losers realised it'd be a good idea to become my sponsor. Now I just have to pick one. That's gonna be fun."

Soarin smirked. "Well if you want some help, Rainbow and I are heading to an ice cream parlour. I'll text you the address." Rainbow frowned at this, unsure why she was upset at the thought of Gilda coming.

"Nah, you losers have fun on your own. I'm heading back and resting the rest of the night. We gotta any homework we're supposed to do?"

"Write about the next chapter," Rainbow replied.

"Got it. You did remember to hand my essay in, right?" Rainbow's eyes suddenly went wide, remembering she was supposed to do that along with her own homework. She reached into her bag and pulled out Gilda's essay, gulping. "Dash?"

"Err...yeah. I totally handed it in."

"Good. I don't need my claim to fame being ruined because I couldn't graduate. Well, see you lamos later. Have fun at the ice cream shop." With that, she hung up with Soarin turned to her.

"You forgot, didn't you?" Rainbow nodded, "you wanna run back and hand it in before the teacher leaves?"

"Yeah. You keep going to the ice cream store and save us a seat. I'll be there as soon as I hand this in." With that, she turned and ran back the way they came as fast as her legs could carry her. Soarin smirked, finding her forgetful nature cute.

Once Gilda hung up, she continued walking back towards the school. To get there, she had to cross a large footbridge over a river. And as she did, she spotted someone standing in the centre of it.

She was a middle-aged woman with light pink skin, who had hair that phased from light to dark purple. She was wearing a dress that matched her hair colour, along with a pair of light blue fingerless evening gloves that went all the way up to her shoulder.

Gilda raised an eyebrow as she noticed the woman smiling at her. "Hey, weirdo, you're in my way."

"My apologies," the woman replied. "But aren't you Gilda, from Team Wonderbolts." Gilda raised an eyebrow at this.

"Who wants to know?"

"In this world, I'm known as Novo. Queen Novo." Gilda was on edge now, having a feeling she knew what she meant by this world. "But in my world," she removed her right glove and held up her hand to show the Water symbol on the back of it. "I am known as Amphitrite. Queen Amphitrite."

Gilda frowned, "so you're a Dominator."

"That's right." She pulled out a purple Duel Disk, "and I challenge you."

Rainbow was running as fast as she could to get back to school, seeing the building come into view. She really hoped the teacher hadn't left yet, or Gilda was gonna kill her.

She reached the gate and turned into the school, only to pull herself to a stop and gasping. "What?" She dropped her bag and ran forward, kneeling down besides Fleetfoot and helping her sit up. "Hey, you okay? Say something."

Fleetfoot moaned as she cracked her eyes open, looking over at Rainbow. "He...he's dangerous."

"Who's dangerous?" Rainbow asked, only to hear the front doors open. She looked up and saw someone step out of the building, her eyes going wide seeing who it was. "No way."

The man smiled as he walked towards her. Memories of this girl flashed through his mind, filled with anger and vengeance. "Rainbow Dash, I assume."

Rainbow gently put Fleetfoot down before standing up, her eyes spotting the statue he was currently holding as she stepped forward. Her vision flicked to the area around her, at the sight of almost every student and teacher of her school laid out on the floor in pain. She turned back to the man, "what are you doing here Guto?"

The man frowned. "That...is not my name." He held up his right hand, showing the image of the Wind Attribute on the back. Rainbow's eyes widen in shock. "I am Ouravas, Omega Zealot of Wind."

"A Dominator," Rainbow whispered. Before frowning. "You didn't answer the question. What are you doing here?" His frown was replaced by a smiled, Rainbow knowing she probably wouldn't like the answer.

Guto showed her the statue, "I have come to retrieve the final key to our future."


"Tell me, what do you know of this statue?"

Rainbow thought back, trying to remember what she was told long ago. "It holds the soul of an evil dragon that raged across the land, destroying everything in its path until a brave warrior managed to defeat it."

"Good, you're up to speed. It'd be annoying if I had to give you a history lesson. Tell me, do you believe that dragon really exists?"

Rainbow frowned, "I was fifty fifty before. With everything that's happened to me, I'd be pretty stupid to assume it's not real. But since you're after it, I guess that means it is real."

"Oh yes," Guto nodded. "It's real. And of course, you must now realise where the dragon first came from."

"The Duel Monsters Spirit World."

"That's right. And now," he threw the statue up into the air before pulling a blank Duel Card out of his pocket. "It shall be set free!" He tossed the card up at the statue. When it struck it, the stone completely shattered. Rainbow gasped at this, her shock doubling when she saw the pieces glow green before the light shot out the stone and hit the card.

The card and stones remained floating in the air for several seconds as the energy flowed into the card. Then, finally, the energy was completely absorbed while the stone pieces turned to dust. The card slowly floated down towards Guto, the Dominator holding out a hand for it to land in.

Rainbow couldn't believe she'd just seen that. Had the spirit in the statue been...absorbed?

"RAINBOW!" They both turned to the door, seeing an injured Spitfire stepping out of the front while holding her stomach. "Be careful. This man is strong."

"Yeah," Rainbow looked around, "kinda figured that. Doesn't matter." She took out her Duel Disk, "I'm getting Marventus back."

"Oh?" Guto asked, "why should you care about this dragon?"

"It's our school's mascot. I'm not gonna let you take it. Plus, I know you're planning on using it for whatever your Dominators are planning. I'm not gonna let that happen."

Guto smirked, taking out a grey Duel Disk. "Very well." He attached it to his arm, a green blade appearing. He then held up his card, "I accept. I need someone to help me awaken the power of this dragon." He pushed the card into his deck, Rainbow activating her Duel Disk before they drew their cards.


Guto: 4000
Rainbow: 4000

Spitfire stepped around the man and stood next to Rainbow. "Are you sure you can beat him."

"I know I can," Rainbow told her. "It's about time I joined the list of those that's beat a Dominator. I'm the only Wonderbolt not on it." Spitfire had no idea what she was talking about, but chose to trust her and step back as the game started.

"I'll take the first move!" Guto drew his card and smiled, "I summon Neo Barrier Statue of the Stormwinds, in DEF mode!" A tornado appeared before him before exploding to reveal a green and silver square plate with a humanoid bird on it. (A1000/D1000/L4) "Then, I'll activate the Continuous Spell Card Griffon's Horde."

Rainbow watched as a giant treasure chest appeared next to Guto with a stone griffon sitting on it, holding an orb with the number zero inside it. "What's it do?"

"I'll let that be a surprise for later. I place a card face down and end my turn."

"My draw!" Rainbow smiled, "I summon Rainbow Wing Red Kestrel!" A tornado exploded infront of her before the bird of prey flew out of it. (A1500/D1200/L4) "And when it's normal summoned, I can special summon another Rainbow Wing from my hand and raise it's Level if I want. So come on out, Rainbow Wing Green Hawk." Another tornado signalled the arrival of her second bird of prey, which flew around before flying down besides Kestrel as its Level increased to match it. (A1400/D800/L4)

Guto smirked, "you're lucky your deck is only made of Wind Monsters. If it weren't, my Neo Barrier Statue would have kept them from being Special Summoned."

Rainbow smirked, "well this next card is also a Wind Monster." her two birds transformed into lights, which then shot into the air as a black hole opened up. "I now build the Overlay Network!" The lights shot inside as she chanted. "Wings of freedom, descend upon this land and unleash a hurricane of power." The black hole exploded in a burst of light. "I XYZ SUMMON!"

The light faded, revealing Rainbow's ace. "Rainbow Battle Wing, GOLD!" (A2500/D1500/R4/P7)

"Great move Dash!" Spitfire smiled, several students and teachers who were beginning to regain consciousness smiling as they watched.

"So, this is your avatar." Guto smiled, "I've seen better." This infuriated Rainbow.

"I'll wipe that smug look off your face if it's the last thing I do. Battle Wing's skill!" The Xyz Monster crushed the light in its claws. "Now I can look at the top five cards of my deck and summon a Level four or below Winged-Beast to the field!" She drew five cards, but only saw one card that qualified. "I summon Rainbow Wing Pegasus!" A rainbow tornado appeared besides Battle Wing before exploding, revealing the pony version of the Duellist as it flew around at high speed. (A1800/1200/L4/P5) "And when she's special summoned, I can add a Level Four or below Winged-Beast from my deck to my hand." Her Duel Disk slotted out a card that she took, showing it to be Supporting Filly.

"Pointless," Guto told her.

"We'll see about that!" Rainbow cried. "Pegasus, destroy his statue!" The winged horse flew up before dive-bombing, a rainbow trailing behind her as she slammed into the statue.

"You activated Stormwinds Statue's ability!" Guto announced as a tornado appeared, exploding to reveal a griffon wearing robotic armour with what appeared to be a jet turbine on its back. "Meet Aero-Burst Griffon!" (A1400/D1400/L4) "And when he's special summoned, he deals you six hundred points of damage." The turbine spun before unleashing a tornado that struck Rainbow, pushing her back and making her flinch.

Guto: 4000
Rainbow: 3400

"Well, you're about to feel a lot more pain. Battle Wing, attack!" The birdman drew his blade. "And since I have another Winged-Beast of the field, he gains three hundred ATK points." (A2800/D1500/R4/P7) It slashed at Aero-Burst in half, destroying it and deal Guto major damage.

Guto: 2600
Rainbow: 3400

"You activated my Trap!" Guto announced, his face down flipping up. "Open Territory! Since a Griffon monster was destroyed, I can summon another Griffon with less ATK to take its place." A tornado erupted infront of him, "I summon Armoured Griffon!" A griffon in roman armour appeared out of the tornado. (A1200/A1800/L4)

"I place one card face down and end my turn." This caused Battle Wing's ATK points returned to its standard total. (A2500//D1500/R4/P7)

"My turn!" Guto drew his card and smiled, "I play Premature Burial to revive Aero-Burst Griffon!" Rainbow raised en eyebrow at this. That card required him to pay eight hundred life points, so why'd he do that and drop his points below half.

But then, turn her surprise, a portal opened up in the ground for the Winged-Beast to fly out of. As it did, it fired a tornado from its turbine and hit Rainbow. "Augh!"

Guto: 2600
Rainbow: 2800

"Hey," she grunted, "where's your life point payment?"

Guto smirked. "It's true, my Spell usually requires one. But not this time, since I have my Griffon's Horde Spell." Rainbow turned to the spell in question, seeing the zero in the griffon's orb change to a one.

"Wait, does that thing-"

"Cancel out any life point payments I'm required to make. Yes, it does. In exchange, I just need to place Horde Counter onto it."

Rainbow frowned. There was no way a card that strong didn't have some kind of downside. Were the counters limited? Could he only use it once per turn? What was it's secret?

"Now," a tornado erupted onto the field and sucked up Guto's two monsters, "I tribute these two monsters in order to summon...myself. Griffonic Sky Commander, Ouravas!" The tornado exploded to reveal a completely brown griffon with a yellow beak, wearing bronze armour with a red tuft coming out its helmet and a golden badge on its front. It was carrying a long spear with a golden blade. (A3000/D2500/L8)

"Huh," Rainbow raised an eyebrow. "So, this is what you really look like?"

"Yes," Guto smiled, "this is my true form. And with it, I shall help free my lord and end this miserable existence."

"Not while I'm still standing!" Guto's smile didn't falter.

"That's won't last long. Ouravas's skill!" The Griffon's Horde gem changed its number from one to two, while Guto's deck slotted out a card. "Normally, I pay five hundred life points to add any Spell from my deck to my hand. But you know I don't have too." Rainbow frowned at him. "Then, I'll activate it. Gold Sarcophagus!" In a flash of light, a golden box appeared floating above its head. It was covered in hieroglyphics and had a giant eye on the front.

Rainbow watched as Guto's deck slotted out a card that he removed, a giant card image appearing above the box as its lid opened so the card could go inside.

"By banishing a card from my deck, I can add it to my hand in two turns."

"That's gotta be the card he was showing off before," Rainbow realised. "Marventus."

"That's right," Guto smiled. "Soon the great Zenith Dragon will awaken once again. And with it, our lord shall reclaim his full power."

"Why are you so obsessed with that dragon?" Rainbow asked him. "What makes them so special in the grand scheme of things?"

Guto smiled at her ignorance, deciding to humour her. "The Omega Deity of Destruction, Zeronull, has only one goal. The complete destruction of all life. But to do that, he required great amounts of power. More power then even he could build up."

"Can't be so strong then, can he?" Rainbow was surprised by Guto's response, the Dominator's face turning to one of anger.

"Do not mock our lord!" Seeing Rainbow thoroughly shocked, Guto took a deep breath. "Zeronull is one of the most powerful beings in existence, but even he has a limit of how much power he can hold. Think of it like a cup of water. Imagine you need to hold as much water as you can, but the cup you're using isn't enough. So, what do you do when you need to hold more water?"

"Get more cups," Rainbow realised what he was getting at.

"That's right. Using the elements that make up the world, Zeronull created the Zenith Dragons to hold the power he needed. He'd create one, imbue them with his power, then begin to build up his power to its max before repeating the process. It was slow going, but eventually, six Zenith Dragons were created. They and Zeronull, their powers combined, could wipe out all life. But before they could complete that task, someone got in their way."

Rainbow smirked. "Someone awesome, I bet."

"Hardly," Guto growled. "For every force of nature, there exists its exact opposite in order to keep balance. Zeronull is the embodiment of destruction, so can you guess what his opposite is?"

Rainbow thought, slowly putting the pieces together. "Omega...alpha. Destruction...creations. Alpha Deity of Creation-"

"Harmonica," Guto finished. "Yes. It can be seen as Zeronull's twin sibling. Equal in power but weak in every aspect that makes Zeronull strong. The two did battle and Zeronull's Zenith Dragons turned the tide, until Harmonica cheated and imbued lesser being with power unbefitting. With her help, a wizard was able to banish the Zenith Dragons into a world out of Zeronull's reach. And without them, Zeronull's power was matched by Harmonica and she was able to hold him back long enough for the wizard to seal them both away."

"Both of them?"

"Yes. Just shows how incredible our lord is that it requires another god to contain him. Now our lord remains trapped within another dimension, his only hope of escape being the power sealed within the Zenith Dragons. But with them in this world, there was no way they could be used to free him. That is until now, thanks to Flash Sentry."


"He opened the door for us. He allowed us to enter this world through the Shadow Gate. Thanks to him, we were able to Soulink ourselves into this world and find the Zenith Dragons. Now all we must do is awaken the Dragons and find a worthy vessel for our lord."

"I'm not gonna let that happen!" Rainbow almost roared. "I'm winning this Duel and sending you back where you came from."

"I'd like to see you try. I activate Ouravas's skill once again!" The gem's number increased to three, while Guto's deck slotted out a card. "I play Mystical Space Typhoon!" A whirlwind appeared and blew away Rainbow's face down, her Vortex Guard exploding.

"Not good."

"And once again, Ouravas's skill activates." His deck slotted out another card as the gem's number rose once more. "I equip myself with the Wing Blade Spell Card!" The griffon's wings were replaced by black metallic ones. "Now attack!" Ouravas flew forward, swinging its spear at Battle Wing. The Xyz Monster tried to block with its sword but Ouravas managed to outmanoeuvre him before stabbing it into his gut.

Battle Wing exploded, Rainbow grunting.

Guto: 2600
Rainbow: 2300

"And since he was equipped with Wing Blade, I can now destroy any monster with less ATK then your Battle Wing and deal you damage equal to its Level times one hundred." Ouravas flapped its wings, launching a bunch of metal feathers that struck Rainbow Wing Pegasus and destroyed it.

Guto: 2600
Rainbow: 1900

"I place one card face down then activate my monster's effect once more."

"Again?" Rainbow asked, watching him take a card from his deck as the gem on his Spell rose to five. Would it have killed the card designers to put a limit on that card?

"I play Foolish Burial, to send another copy of myself to the graveyard."

"But why?" Rainbow asked.

"You'll find out. Finally, I place Ouravas's ability one last time." The number changed to six as a card slotted out of his deck. "I end my turn." Rainbow knew whatever card he'd just gotten would be useful next turn. Maybe something that would help him summon Marventus.

"I gotta end this before he can." Her gut was telling her that this Duel would be almost impossible to win if he got it out. And if she lost, who knew what he'd do next.

Meanwhile, Gilda was in the middle of her own Duel against Queen Novo. The woman's Duel Disk had a blue blade and she currently had an Atlantean Dragoons, Atlantean Pikeman and a face down on her field. Gilda had her Harpy Lady Zephyr and one face down.

"My turn!" She frowned, having been hoping for a Rank-Up card. But she didn't get one. "I activate "Harpy Lady Zephyr's ability!" Gilda removed a card from her grave before her monster crushed one of its Overlay Units in its talons. "By removing an Overlay Unit, she can revive a Wind monster in my graveyard and summon it to the field in DEF mode." Zephyr flapped its wings and created a tornado, Cyber Harpie Lady appearing from it and taking a defensive stance. (A1800/1300/L4) "And it doesn't stop there. Zephyr's ATK points also increase by half the ATK of the monster she summons. (A3000/D2300/R4/P3) "Attack!"

Zephyr flew through the air before slashing its talons towards Dragoons, destroying them. Since they were in DEF mode, Novo took no damage.

"You activated my Trap!" Her face down flipped up, "Deep-Sea Ascension! When a Water monster is destroyed, I can search my deck for a Water monster with less ATK points and add it to my hand." A card slotted out of her deck.

"Well, Zephyr's ability also activates. Since she destroyed a monster, I can hit you with seven hundred points of damage for every other Wind monster on my field." Zephyr flapped her wings, creating a gust of wind that struck Novo in the gut.

Gilda: 2900
Novo: 2400

"I place one card face down and end my turn."

Novo smirked as he looked up at Gilda. "You sure are a powerful Duellist. It's no wonder you're being selected as a vessel for our lord."

"Well your lord's gonna need to find someone else," Gilda told her. "Cause I ain't gonna be it."

"We'll see," Novo drew her card and smiled. "I summon Rhodos, the Atlantean Princess!" A spiral of water shot out of the ground before exploding, revealing a pale-skinned woman with blond hair. She wore a light blue tight-fitting dress that had a hole on her chest and on her hips, with a metal belt around her waist that had a blue crystal buckle. The dress parted at the front while on her head, she wore a silver crown-like helmet. (A1600/D800/L3)

Gilda looked at her suspicious, guessing that was the card her Trap got her.

"Then I activate Rhodos's ability!" Both her monsters were sucked into a water spout. "By tributing her and a Sea-Seapent monster, I can summon the Atlantean Queen. Behold, my true form, Amphitrite!" The water exploded, revealing a middle-aged pale-skinned woman with blond hair that had purple and blue highlights. She wore a light blue and white dress with holes revealing her chest and stomach, along with a golden belt around her waist with a blue crystal buckle. She also had a cape coming off her back, which had the ends connected to a pair of long gloves around the wrist. On her head was a golden crown-like helmet and she was carrying a long golden staff with a pink pearl on the end that had a strange energy flowing through it (A3000/D2500/L8)

Gilda glared at the monster as she floated down infront of Novo. "So, that's what you really look like."

"Indeed," Novo smiled. "And you're about to find out just how powerful we Atlanteans can be."

"My turn!" Rainbow drew her card and smiled before taking two cards from her hand. "I set the Pendulum Scale, with scale one Supporting Filly and scale seven Rainbow Wing Knight Osprey." The pillars of light appeared on either side of her before the two monsters flew up into them. "Now I can summon monsters levelled two through six." The portal began to form above her. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened before two lights shot out, hitting the ground and exploding to reveal Rainbow's monsters. "Rainbow Wing Pegasus!" (A1800/D1200/L4/P5)

"And Rainbow Battle Wing Gold!" (A2500/D1500/R4/P7) "And with Pegasi's skill, I can add a Level four or below Winged-Beast to my hand." Her deck slotted it out, "then I'll summon it. Come on out, Rainbow Wing Purple Condor!" A tornado exploded infront of her before the bird of prey flew out. (A1800/D100/L3) "And with him on the field, I can deal you six hundred points damage." It flapped its wings and unleashed a gust of wind, which struck Guto and knocked him back.

Guto: 2000
Rainbow: 1900

Guto panted at the pain, "you'll need to do better than that."

"She's about to," Spitfire announced as she saw what card Rainbow had.

"True that!" She cried as a rainbow coloured tornado exploded around Battle Wing, the light almost blinding Guto and Spitfire. "Go, Rank-Up-Magic Infinite Spectrum!" The black hole appeared above their heads, which the rainbow tornado flew up into. "With this card, I can Rank-up my Xyz monster into a Spectrum Battle Wing!"

Guto smirked as he activated his face down, Rainbow beginning to chant.

"Radiant colours of the universe, infuse your powers !" The rainbow tornado shot out of the black hole and hit the field, sending a mighty gust of wind across the battlefield. "RANK-UP XYZ EVOLUTION!"

The tornado exploded, revealing Rainbow's hyper-evolved Xyz monster. "Spectrum Battle Wing...PRISM BOLT!" (A3000/D2500/R5/P6) "Since Prism Bolt was summoned due to the effect of Infinite Spectrum, his ability lets me destroy one card on your field for every Overlay Unit he has." Guto watched as Prism Bolt raised its wings, the light around it flying passed them. The crystal on its wings reflected the light from the Overlay Unit, creating a rainbow beam that flew down towards his Griffon's Horde.

"I activate my Trap!" His face down flipped up, "Spell Swap. It lets me return a Spell on my field to my hand and replace it with another that's face down." Griffon's Horde returned to Guto's hand before a face down materialised, right before it was destroyed by the rainbow beam. "And that spell was Trap Calling. When it's destroyed, I can look at the top ten cards of my deck and place one Trap card face down." He drew his cards and smiled before placing one face down.

Rainbow frowned, knowing that Trap was likely gonna stop her attack and maybe destroy her monsters. But the only way she'd know was if she sprung it. "I activate my monster's other ability!" Prism Bolt crushed its Overlay Unit between its hands before Rainbow Wing Pegasus flew in front of it. "By removing an Overlay Unit, I can lower the ATK power of a monster on your field by the ATK of any Rainbow Wing, Rainbow Assault Wing or Rainbow Battle Wing on my side of the field until the end of the turn." Prism Bolt raised its wings before the crystals on them unleashed lightning that was the same colour as the crystals. The fourteen bolts of rainbow lightning wrapped around Pegasus before flying off it towards Ouravas.

Guto smirked, "You activated my Trap." His face down flipped up, "Griffon's Poison! This Trap lets me return a Griffon Monster to my hand and lower the ATK points of every monster on your field by his ATK points."

"What!?" A vial of purple liquid appeared in Ouravas's claws before it splashed it all over Rainbow's monsters, weakening them all as they dropped to the knees. (A0/D2500/R5/P6) (A0/D1200/L4/P5) (A0/D100/L3) After that, Ouravas transformed into a card that flew into Guto's hand.

"What's wrong?" Guto asked mockingly, "upset you couldn't end this?"

Both Rainbow and Spitfire frowned, "just go."

"Very well," Guto drew his card as a tornado exploded around him.

"What's happening?" Spitfire asked. Rainbow didn't answer, instead looking down at her Duel Disk.

Guto: 1000
Rainbow: 1900

"Thought so?" She looked back at Guto and watched as something appeared inside the tornado above him, quickly realising it was Ouravas.

"How," Spitfire asked, "It's back in your hand?"

"This one is," he held up the card in question. "But I had another one...in my graveyard."

Rainbow frowned, "so it can summon itself from the graveyard."

"Only during my Standby Phase and only after I pay a thousand life points."

'So that's why he sent it there. Was he planning to summon them both before? What's he planning?' Rainbow then looked up at the Gold Sarcophagus, remembering the card inside it. "Does it have something to do with that Zenith Dragon?"

"Maybe it does and maybe it doesn't," Guto replied. He looked down at his Duel Disk, "just one last turn. Then, the mighty beast will awaken."

"Not if I have anything to say about it." Although, she wasn't entirely sure if she actually did have anything to say about it. She had no idea what abilities his cards had. But if she didn't win, who knows what might happen to her and her friends.

Flash was running as fast as he could through a dark hallway, spotting a light up ahead. But when he ran through it, he found he was back in the circular chamber. "Again."

"Flash!" He turned to see Scootaloo run out of another corridor, panting as she reached him. "Still nothing."

"Let's try again!" Scootaloo nodded and they both ran through one of the doorways into the hallways. After almost a minute, they once again ran out of different doorways back into it. They looked at one another and said the exact same thing, "WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON HERE!"

"AAARRRHHH!" Scootaloo pulled at her hair in frustration.

"This doesn't make any sense," Flash said. "We didn't take any turns so how are we ending up in the exact same place?"

"It might help if we knew where we were," Scootaloo suggested. It was then that Flash let out a pained cry and clutch his hand, making her turn to him. "What's wrong?"

"My hand," Flash said through the burning pain. He looked down at his hand and gasped when he saw the mark from before was back, only it was slightly different. Now, about a sixth of the omega symbol was coloured red. It started at the left foot and moved upwards before stopping, the rest the same as before. "That can't be good."

"Maybe it's a count down," Scootaloo forced a smile. "Maybe when it's full you'll explode or something." She let out a short laugh before opening her eyes and seeing Flash glare at her, "I'm just kidding." Before Flash could reprimand her, something else caught their attention.

It was footsteps. They were soft at first by each step was louder than the last, signalling the owner was getting closer and closer.

Flash and Scootaloo jumped back to back, trying to figure out where the sound was coming from. "You hear that?"

"Yeah," Scootaloo nodded, "but I can't tell where it's coming from." The listened and waited, both hoping whoever it was would be someone that could help them escape. Though they weren't holding their breath.

Eventually, they managed to track the sound to one of the hallways and turned to it. And there, slowly stepping out of the darkness, was a tall figure who was walking with an air of confidence and swagger. They appeared to have a top hat and cane.

The figure finally stepped into the light, revealing themselves to be Discord. "Greetings," he took off his hat and bowed, "I welcome you to the Void. Dimensional Prison of the Soul." He stood up straight and replaced his hat, "anyone imprisoned here will never escape." The siblings grew worried at that remark, fearing what was gonna happen to them.

"Who are you?" Flash asked him.

Discord smiled, speaking as if Flash never even spoke. "However, there are two way of being set free from this prison. The first is to lose your life." The two didn't have time to properly focus on that thought before Discord showed them his mark. "The second...is to offer yourself up as a vessel for our lord."

"A Dominator," Flash whispered. He knew it had been likely that there were other ones out there, but seeing the proof made him feel uneasy. However, the Dominator's words were more fear-inducing then anything else. He realised now why he'd been brought here. Not to be put out of the way while they executed their plan, but as part of their plan. Their plan to turn him into the host of Zeronull.

This wasn't good.

Author's Note:

How will Rainbow's match against Guto fair out? Will she be victorious, or sent to Void?

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