• Published 19th Mar 2020
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Yugioh EQG: Ω Zenith - Banshee531

The Double X has come and gone and everyone's getting back to a normal life. But before they can relax, enemies old and new appear with a dark agenda. Will our heroes prevail, or is our world doomed to oblivion. It's time to Duel.

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Turn 31: Dawn of the Decisive Battle

In the desert of Nevada, Midnight Sparkle and her Omega Zealots stared down at the compound that housed the Zenith Dragons they needed to complete their mission.

Each of them knew what they needed to do. Skystar was carrying a large dufflebag over her shoulder while Trixie was throwing a flash-drive up and down and Marble had the Void Cube. "It was convenient for them to hold all the Zenith Dragons in a single spot," Marble smiled while staring at the building. "Now we can take them out in one fell swoop and reclaim what is ours."

Midnight simply nodded. "Stick to the plan and everything should run smoothly."

"Of course my lady," Skystar nodded. "And once this is done, Project Omega Zenith will finally enter its final stage." She reached into her pocket and pulled out her Zenith Dragon. "Once we have all six, we can unleash the final solution. The perfect world will finally be born and my people can finally live in peace." The other two also took out their cards.

"My mistake will be undone," Trixie spoke happily.

"I'll get to see them again," Marble whispered. A serious look appeared on their faces as they turned back to the compound, Midnight turning towards them.

"Complete your task and you will have what you desire." She pointed at the building, "go!" The three nodded and replaced their Zenith Dragons with teleporter cards, which they threw before rushing into. Midnight watched as the three portals vanished, then smiled. "Naive fools."

Down below, Skystar leapt out of the portal and found herself at the first wall.

She reached into her dufflebag and pulled out a stick of dynamite that had a super long chord, which she stuck to the wall before lighting it and rushing off. Once she was a good distance away, she created another portal and rushed through it. And as the portal vanished, the fuss reached the end of its rope.


A few minutes earlier.

Inside the compound, Shining and the others were in the control room. They were all going through their decks, wanting to be ready for when the Zealots inevitably came to reclaim them.

Shining stepped up to Cadance, who was currently working to computer system. "How's it looking?"

Cadance didn't answer right away, her eyes glancing over the screens to take in the info. "It's looking good. The powers systems and working perfectly."

"I just thought of something," Sunburst spoke up. The others turned to him. "The Zealots need the Zenith Dragons, that's clear, and they're gonna come and get them. And to do that, they need to take out the generators powering the force field."

"Yeah," Starlight told him, "we know all that. Your point?"

"My point is they can teleport," Sunburst told her. "What's stopping them from teleporting next to the generators, destroying them with some weird Zealot power and then teleporting into the chamber?" This was a good question, causing the others to worry.

"Relax," Sunset told them. "We've taken that into account. We've been able to analyse their teleportation method and discovered it works though a form of energy conversion. And we've found a way to block it." She stepped over to the computer and typed something in, the screen changing to show a diagram of the compound it its surrounding walls.

Everyone watched as certain areas of the wall seemed to shoot a beam into the air and they all connected above the building, the energy flying down and morphing to create a dome around it. "This energy dome will block any attempt to teleport inside."

"So we're safe," Applejack realised.

"Safe from teleporting," Sunset corrected. "But who knows what the Zealots will-"


Suddenly, the entire room began to shake. Everyone found themselves needing to grab onto a wall to keep from falling over. After about thirty seconds, the shaking stopped. "What the heck was that?" Pinkie asked as she and Maud pushed off the wall, Cadance already working to figure it out.

The computer screen changed to show an image taken from an outside security camera, which was pointed at the outer most wall. The image showed the wall smoking, with a large chunk of it taken out. "They're here," Shining realised before an alarm went off.

Sunset and Cadance started typing away and as they did, the screen changed to show the diagram once again. A part of the dome was now highlighted, with a label stating the word 'breech'. "The anti-teleportation field is weakening."

"What does that mean?" Rarity asked, Sunset turning towards her.

"It means they can teleport themselves in." She turned back to the computer. "But luckily, the breech isn't that big. The location they can teleport into is limited." She pressed something and the screen showed an image of another camera's footage, this one showing the lobby they had first entered into.

Several guards were there and as they prepared to head out and see what was going on, a flash of light signalled the appearance of two portals. And from out of those portals, Trixie and Skystar stepped out.

The guards appeared shocked by their sudden appearance but quickly got over it and charged, only for Trixie and Skystar to prove themselves as pretty impressive fighters. What they saw was what appeared to be out of an action movie, with the two girls beating their way through the guards like they were nothing.

Within a minute, the two stood amongst several a sea of unconscious bodies. "Seriously?" Pinkie cried, "where do a magician and a girl that's used to fighting underwater learn to kick butt like that?"

"Thank you Kung-Fu Kid," Trixie smirked as she dusted her hands off. "Who knew that wax on stuff could actually work." She moved over to a computer and pushed the flash-drive into it and started typing away.

"Alright," Skystar moved over to the elevator. "I'll head off to have a little fun."

"Enjoy," Trixie told her before Skystar stepped into the elevator.

"Stop her!" Shining told Cadance.

"Already on it!" Cadance and Sunset began typing away at a furious pace, going through the system until they found the elevator's power system. "Got it."

"And..." Sunset wait a few seconds before hitting the button, "gotcha." They stared at the screen as the power suddenly went off in the elevator, Skystar looking shocked by this and jerked when the the box suddenly stopped.

"But what if she teleports out?" Pinkie asked.

"Relax," Sunset turned to her, "I timed it perfectly. The elevator stopped when it left the opening in the shield. As long as the power's running, nothing's getting in or out of there."

Cadance nodded before pointing at the screen. "And look. The system's recovering from the explosion. In a minute or so, the hole in the defences will close and Trixie will be trapped."

"Nice work," Applejack smiled. "But what do we do with them now?"

"Trixie can still walk out of here," Shining pointed out. "And after what we just saw, I doubt the guards will be able to stop her. But we can still capture Skystar."

However, Trixie had other plans.

"Oh," she smiled seeing Skystar trapped in the elevator, "not bad." She then reached over and clicked a button on the flash-drive, causing it to light up as a window appeared showing an upload bar. "So sad." She watched as the bar slowly filled out, eventually becoming full.

When it was, the screen started flickering before going completely off.

The same thing happened in the control room, shocking those in it.

"What's happening?" Starlight asked as the emergency power switched one, "please tell me that was suppose to happen."

"I'm afraid not," Cadance and Sunset turned back to the computers and found them boot back up. When they did, the screen showed the elevator was once again moving down towards their floor. Not only that, but the field preventing teleportation was slowly fading away as well.

"How is this happening?" Rarity asked before every screen in the room changed to show a cartoon image of Trixie's face, blowing raspberries at them and going 'na, na, na, na, na'.

"It's a virus," Sunset realised. "Trixie must have uploaded it."

Cadance nodded. "Power's coming offline and if we don't do something soon, the entire system will terminate."

"Terminate?" Pinkie asked, "does that mean we won't be able to do anything?"

"Yes," Sunset nodded before the entire room began to shake once again. They all found themselves clutching the walls again, "now what?" The answer came when the computer screens changed to show the security footage of the hallways.

In that hallway, we find Skystar rushing through the maze of corridors.

As she did, she pulled small sticks of dynamite out of her bag and lit the fuse before tossing them behind her. "Come out come out, wherever you are!" She cried as the explosions went off behind her, making her laugh whilst skidded around a corner.

"Oh," she smiled as she found herself staring at a large generator with multiple cables running up into the ceiling and walls. "There you are." She pulled out an extra large stick of dynamite that she lit and threw before running off, jumping around the corner as the stick hit the generator right as the fuse reached its end.


"NO!" Sunset yelled seeing the generator be destroyed, cutting off power to energy field currently protecting the Zenith Dragons. "The field will be down to seventy five percent now. If she manages to get the other three generators-"

"She's not going too," Applejack told her. "Because we're gonna stop her before she does." She turned to the others. "Let's split up and each take a generator. We'll get there before her, so she'll have to beat us before she can get to the generators."

"I'm up for that," Sunburst agreed.

"Let's go!" They all rushed out the room, Shining glancing back at Cadance and Sunset.

"You two see if you can get rid of that virus."

"We'll try," his wife told him. "But this thing's strong. It keeps jumping from one system to another before he can get a lock on it."

"Luckily," Sunset smiled, "I know these systems better then anyone. I know where everything's connected." She looked back at him, "just stop them already!" Shining nodded and followed the others out of the room. As they left, each of them grabbed an earpiece that was one the table next to the door. With these, they could keep in contact with anyone.

But as they began to rush through the corridors, something appeared on the security cameras.

Sunset turned to two separate screens and spotted a portal appear in each one. From out of the first stepped Trixie, who had appeared near another generator. And the second one showed Marble, who was also near a generator. Both held a stick of dynamite. "Not good." She grabbed a microphone. "Guys, we've got a problem. Marble and Trixie just teleported down and are heading for the generators." This statement got a reaction from Starlight and the Pie Sisters, making them stop.

"Where is she?" The three asked, Sunset knowing who each of them were talking about.

"I'm sending their locations to your Duel Disks." The girls pulled the tablets out and watched as the images appeared onscreen, the girls nodding before changing direction to head that way.

Starlight ran as fast as she could, winding through the corridors. As she did, Sunburst appeared besides her and ran along with her. "I'm not letting you face that crazy lady alone." He smiled, "I've got your back."

Starlight smiled back at him, "thanks Sunburst." She then focused back on the location they were heading. "Just you wait Glorianna. I'm coming to settle the score." Her eyes grew serious, "it's time to make you pay for what you did to me and made me do."

Skystar continued to laugh as she threw her last stick of dynamite, causing a piece of wall to explode. "Well, I've had my fun." She grew serious before pulling out a card, "time to get down to the real work." With that, she threw the card and created a portal.

Sunset smiled, believing she had the virus figured out.

She was quickly working to adapt an anti-virus program they had on file, which wouldn't take too long. "All those Zealots have done is buy themselves a brief reprieve," she told Cadance. But before she could really get to work, a flash of light caught their attention and made them turn to see a portal appear behind them.

"Surprise!" Skystar cried as she leapt out of the portal, pulling something out of her bag as she landed and pointing it at Sunset.

The bacon haired girl's eyes went wide when she saw it, believing it was a gun. But when Skystar pulled the trigger she saw something large fly at her before feeling a pressure on her arm. And when she looked down, she saw a metal claw of such holding her wrist. It was connected to a cable that went back to the gun Skystar was holding, the girl laughing as she pressed a button.

The next thing she knew, Sunset was pulled from her chair by the claw as the cable retracted.

"Sunset!" Cadance jumped out of her chair and rushed to her, but Sunset was already at Skystar's feet. The teens locked eyes as Skystar held up hand, the mark glowing before the light exploded off it and enveloped the two of them. Cadance could only gasp as the light began to take shape and eventually formed the Omega Field. "No!"

Sunset's eyes slowly began to adapt and clear after the bright flash, allowing her to see where she was.

She quickly put the pieces together and realised she had been pulled into an Omega Field, seeing the many stars that filled the mostly dark space. She frowned, annoyed that she would let herself get captured so easily. "Sorry guys. You might have to push ahead without me for a while."

"More then a while," Sunset turned towards the voice and saw Skystar standing a good distance away. "I plan on keeping you in here for an indefinite amount of time. In fact, you might never leave...alive that is."

Sunset just frowned at her.

Shining and the others were continuing their trek through the corridors, made more difficult by all the debris that Skystar's little party had caused.

Most of the time, they found they had to find an alternate route to their destination or climb over large pieces of rubble. Many of them were surprised the building hadn't completely collapsed on top of them. But it appeared the Zealots had managed to restrain themselves just enough and they would soon get to the generators.

"Guys!" They all heard Cadance cry, making them stop and listen.

"What's up?" Shining asked while trying to lift a beam out of his way.

"Skystar just showed up. She jumped out of a portal and grabbed Sunset before pulling her into an Omega Field."

"What?" Applejack asked in shock, "why would she do that?"

"She must have known Sunset was the one best suited to stop the virus," Sunburst told them. "Without her, it's gonna be a lot harder for us to fight back."

"He's right," Cadance agreed. "What I know about computers would normally be enough, but this virus is too advanced. I wouldn't be surprised if Twilight was the one who made it. Against this, I can't do anything more then slow it down. And Sunset knew these systems better then anyone."

"Well just do what you can," Shining told her. "I'm sure Sunset will be able to get herself out of that Omega Field, and hopefully take out the Zealot in the process."

"I'll do my best." With that, Cadance cut the call and they all continued to slowly push their way closer to the generators. Well...most of them.

Shining stopped trying to lift the beam and turned back the way he came, a bad feeling flowing from his heart. His gaze shifted between the two direction, wondering which way he should go.

Sunset continued to glare at Skystar as the two appeared to float in the Omega Field.

"Well?" The Dominated Princess asked, "you gonna say something?"

"Why did you bring me here?" She asked. "Last I heard, you had it out for Grand and Tempest." The mention of those names caused Skystar's face to turn into a frown, the spirit controlling her obviously still upset with them.

"While I am eager to find them and make them pay for what they did, it'll have to wait. Right now, I have a more important mission. Help Lady Midnight acquire the Zenith Dragons."

"Good luck with that," Sunset told her. "My friends and I won't let you anywhere near those cards."

"What can you possibly do from in here?" Skystar asked. "Without you, there's no way they'll be able to take out the virus Lady Midnight designed."

Sunset frowned, only now realising why Skystar had grabbed her. "Not very smart. You've just given me even more incentive to get out of here."

"And how do you intend to do that?" Skystar asked, a smile appearing on her lips when Sunset took out her Duel Disk and attached it to her arm.

"I've seen how this works. I beat you and the field vanishes."

"True," Skystar took out her own Duel Disk and attached it to her arm. "But if you lose, you'll never get out of here."

"I'm not gonna lose," Sunset told her. 'But it's not gonna be easy. Even if she's the backup up Water Zealot, she's still got some strong monsters. And if she summons her Zenith Dragon, I'm gonna be in serious trouble.'

"Is that a shiver of fear I see?" Skystar asked, Sunset stealing her resolve.

"You wish! I'm gonna take you down, get out of here and free your host all at the same time."

"You can try." With that, the two activated their Duel Disks and drew their cards.


Sunset: 4000
Skystar: 4000

Pinkie and Maud had just finished climbing over some of Skystar's debris and spotted a corner that should have the generator around it.

"There it is!" Pinkie cried as she leapt off a beam and ran towards the corner, Maud hot on her tail. But as she reached the corner and swung around it, she suddenly found herself blasted by powerful force.


Pinkie cried out as the explosion threw her backwards. She would have hit the wall and hurt herself if Maud hadn't jumped behind her and cushioned the blow. Both girls moaned as they let theirs ears stop ringing, both opening their eyes and seeing a large smoke cloud filling the hallway. And from it, their sister stepped out.

"MARBLE!" They both yelled as they jumped up and ran towards her. But as they reached out to grab her, Marble suddenly vanished. "What?" The girls looked down and gasped seeing not one, but two slime piles fly between their feet.

Once they were behind them, they came back together and reshaped into the form of Marble. She turned back to them and smiled before once again turning back to the black and red slime, which split into two before forming to take the shape of Pinkie and Maud.

"It wasn't her," Pinkie whispered.

"It was just those slime clones," Maud realised. "But...then where's the real Marble?"

In another corridor, a flash of light occurred as a portal formed before the real Marble Pie stepped out of it.

She smiled staring at her Duel Disk, which showed images she had gotten by hacking the security cameras. Those images were of her sisters staring down their doppelgangers while the four prepared to Duel. "Silly humans." She then took out the Void Cube, "now I can complete my mission."

Starlight and Sunburst were also making their way through the corridors, getting closer and closer to where Trixie was meant to be.

And as they turned the corner, they spotted the girl at the end of the hallway. "Stop!" Starlight cried, making Trixie do so before turning towards her. "You're not getting away!" She pulled out her Duel Disk, while Trixie simply smirked.

"Oh, I think I am!" With that, she raised her hand as her mark began to glow. And before either of them could say or do anything, the light exploded off the mark and shot towards them. It then split into two and hit the ground, morphing into a pair of slime-like objects morphed into humanoid shape before transforming into Starlight and Sunburst. "Have fun," Trixie laughed before running around the corner.

Starlight and Sunburst frowned as the clones created a pair of Duel Disks, showing that the only way passed was to beat them. "No choice," Starlight attached her Duel Disk while Sunburst did the same, both glancing at one another and nodding before turning back to them.


"I'll take the first move!" Skystar drew her card. "I'll start with the Spell card, Double Summon!"

"Great," Sunset sighed as Skystar continued.

"Next, I summon both Atlantean Dragoon and Atlantean Attack Squad!" Twin bursts of water exploded infront of her before fading, revealing to two monsters that swam around Skystar like the air was water before floating down infront of her. (A1400/D0/L3) (A1800/D0/L4) And since I have a Sea-Serpent monster on my field, Attack Squad gains eight hundred ATK points. (A2200/D0/L3) "I end my turn."

"Then it's my turn," Sunset drew her card and nodded. "I'll set the Pendulum Scale, with scale two Rocket Smasher and scale nine Corona Paladin Squlder!" The pillars of light appeared on either side of her before her monsters flew up into them. Aside from Rocket Smasher, Sunset's other monster was a young knight with a blazing spear and white fur running in a V-shape from his shoulders to his chest. "Burn through space time and blaze the arc of victory!" Sunset chanted as the portal form. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened before a fireball shot out and struck the ground, exploding to reveal an armoured bird with two cannons on its back. "Duel Cannon Phoenix!" (A2100/D1500/L5) "Now Duel Cannon," the bird took flight as she pointed at Dragoons. "Wipe out those Seahorse riding freaks!" The Phoenix flew up before firing a blast from one of its cannons, hitting the Atlanteans and destroying them.

"Augh!" Skystar cried she felt the heat her monsters had felt.

Sunset: 4000
Skystar: 3700

"And with Dragoons gone, your Attack Squad gets weaker. (A1400/D0/L3)

"Doesn't matter," Skystar told her. "You don't have any other monsters to attack with." It was then she heard a sound and looked up, seeing the other cannon on the phoenix's back began to charge up. "What?"

"Surprise," Sunset smiled, "Duel Cannon can attack twice. The clue's kind of in the name. GO!" The phoenix fired again, hitting Attack Squad and destroy it while Skystar cried out in even more pain.

Sunset: 4000
Skystar: 3000

"I set two cards face down and end my turn." Sunset frowned as she looked behind her, staring at the darkness made up by the Omega Field. 'Just hold on everyone. I'll get out of here soon. Just try to old out as best you can.'

Back in the control room, Cadance continued to type away in an attempt to remove the Zealot's virus. But no matter what she did, the virus would not go down.

"Come on!" She cried in frustration after another failed attempt. It was then that she heard the sound of a door opening, the women looking around but couldn't see the door because of the Omega Field. A few seconds later, Shining stepped around the dome. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm not sure." A frown appeared on Shining's face, his eyes not leaving the Omega Field. "I just had...a feeling. Like this was where I needed to be." He reached out to touch the field, only to get a quick jolt and pulled away. He then turned to Cadance, "any luck?"

"No," Cadance sighed while turning back to the screen. "I just can't seem overcome it. All I can do is try and slow it down until Sunset gets back...if she gets back."

"She'll be fine," Shining assured her. "She one of the best Duellists her age." He moved over and placed a hand on his wife's shoulder, "she was chosen to be on a team by Twilight after all." A frown then appeared on his lips as he looked up at the ceiling, that strange feeling washing over him again. Was that why he came back here.

"You okay?" Cadance asked, pulling his attention back to her.

"Yeah," he nodded while trying to get rid of the uneasy feeling. "I don't suppose you know how everyone else is doing?"

"Hold on," Cadance typed away. "The virus has left the security system alone, so we should be able to see what's happening." Some of the screens changed. One showed Applejack and Rarity.

The two stood infront of one of the generators, both having their Duel Disk out.

"At least we managed to get ta this one before they did."

Rarity nodded. "Yes. Now we just need to keep it safe." She turned back to look up the corridor. "The biggest issue is if we get pulled into an Omega Field, the other Zealots can show up and deal with the generator before we can free ourselves."

"Then we'll have to be careful," Applejack told her. "If da'h Zealots try ta catch one of us, da'h other has ta stay out of the field and protect da'h generator."

"If we can," Rarity frowned.

In another corridor, Starlight and Sunburst continued to Duel against their clones.

Currently, Starlight had Celestial Spirit Taurus on the field while her fake had Virgo, Gemini, Pieces and two face downs. At the same time, Sunburst had Flare-Quill Hedgehog on his field while his clone had Sunburst Ravager and Burn Blader along with a single face down.

"It's my turn," Starlight drew her card. "And I'll start by summoning Celestial Spirit, Aquarius!" The constellation appeared before exploding to reveal the vase carrying mermaid. (A1500/D1200/L4) "Then, I'll discard a card and activate her ability!" The Mermaid pointed the vase at her opponent's field and unleashed a torrent of water that struck the ground and washed away her face down. "Now I'll have Taurus attack Virgo!"

The clone watched as the bull charged forward and slashed at the maiden, destroying her and dealing the clone some damage.

"Then, I'll discard Celestial Spirit Cancer to allow Taurus to attack again!" The minotaur turned to Pieces and slashed the two fish in half, destroying them and deal the clone even more damage. "Now, Aquarius will take out Gemini!" The mermaid unleashed the water once again, washing away the twins but since they were in DEF mode her clone didn't take any damage.

"Alright," Sunburst started his turn and smiled. "I summon Blaze Wizard!" A burst of fire revealed the young fire magician. (A1200/D1100/L3) "And with his ability, I can now add a Ritual Card from my deck to my hand." His deck slotted out a card that he instantly played. "Go, Sunburst Gate!"

The stone arch appeared behind his wizard, right as Sunburst Familiar appeared besides him before they exploded into six fireballs that flew into the archway's star holes. "Now I sacrifice Blaze Wizard and Sunburst Familiar!" The two leapt above the table before exploding into six fireballs, which then lit the candles. "Honourable inferno, that burns like the sun, give life to the archer whose quickfire aim is always true!" The fire on the candles shot up before flying into the basin, "I RITUAL SUMMON!"

The basin exploded, the fire shooting up and taking form before fading to reveal Sunburst's monster. "Sunburst Ranger!" (A2300/D1500/L6) "Ranger's skill!" Flare Quill burst into flames and flew into the monster's bow. "By tributing a Fire monster on my field, I can destroy one card on your side of the field." Ranger pulled back on the bow while aiming at the flower before firing, an arrow made of pure fire shooting out of the bow and hitting the clone's face down. "There's more," he said as the face down burnt away. "Archer's ATK goes up by three hundred points." Archer's body flamed up with a fiery aura. (A2600/D1500/L6) "Attack!"

The clone watched as the archer fired another arrow that struck Ravager and destroyed it.

Starlight and Sunburst ended their turn, seeing their clones simply starting their turns without saying anything. "These guys aren't gonna give up."

"Not unless we beat them," Starlight told him. "Then we can deal with Glorianna." Sunburst nodded as they focused back on their current opponents.

In another corridor, Pinkie and Maud's Duel were well underway as well.

Pinkie had Balloonimal Alligator on her field while her clone had Balloonimal Merlion and a face down on hers. Meanwhile, Maud had Fossil Tusker on her field and her clone had Muka Muka, whose ATK points were increased to twenty-one hundred, and two face downs.

"It's my turn," Pinkie drew her card and smiled. "And I play Polymerisation!" In a flash of light, a pair of Balloonimal Fish appeared on the field before they were both sucked up into a portal that appeared above Pinkie's head. "Now I fuse these two together to create the ultimate predator of the ocean!" The portal exploded, unleashing a brilliant bust of light. "I FUSION SUMMON!"

The light faded, revealing her monster. It was a giant balloon octopus with multiple tentacles of many different colours. "Balloonimal Kraken!" (A2200/D3000/L8) "Kraken's skill!" She pointed at her opponent's face down. "I select a face down card and guess what it is. If I'm right, that card goes back to the top of your deck." Kraken's tentacles stretched over and wrapped around the card, waiting for Pinkie's guess. "Trap!" Kraken pulled the card up and it was revealed to be a Trap, which Kraken threw into the air before it flew into the deck. "Now, Kraken, attack Merlion!" Kraken wrapped its tendrils around Merlion, popping it.

At the same time, Maud started her turn and drew her card. "And now I sacrifice Fossil Tusker in order to summon Granmarg, the Rock Monarch!" In a flash of light, Fossil Tusker was replaced by the giant metal behemoth. "Since Granmarg was tribute summoned, I can now destroy one face down on your field." The giant raised its colossal fist before bringing it slamming down onto the clone's face down, destroying the Trap that was revealed. "Now, Granmarg, go!" The giant raised its large fist and brought it down, crushing Muka Muka and making the clone grunt.

"My Trap now activates!" The Maud clone announced as her other face down flipped up, "Rock Bombardment. I now send a Rock monster from my deck to the graveyard and deal you five hundred points of damage." A card slotted out of her deck, which she took and discarded before the Trap fired a bunch of boulders that smashed into Maud.

"AUGH!" She cried at the impacts, but wouldn't let that knock her down. "I won't be stopped." She lowered her arms and glared at the clones, "you won't keep us from her."

"We'll fight," Pinkie told them as Alligator charged forward and slammed into her clone. "We'll fight and save our sister. No matter what you throw at us."

"WE'RE GOING TO GET HER BACK!" They screamed in unison.

"It's my turn," Skystar drew her card and smiled. "I play Graceful Charity! And with it, I draw three cards and then discard two." She did so before her Duel Disk glowed. "And now I activate the effect of a monster I just discarded."

Sunset wondered which monster she was summoning until she saw the ghostly image of a monster appear behind Skystar. It was a tall fish-man creature with bone armour around its body. "What is that?"

"Atlantean Sharman," Skystar explained. "And when he's in the graveyard, I can use his ability once in order to summon a high level Water monster without tribute." Sharman vanished as a pillar of water exploded behind Skystar, "so now I summon Poseidra, the Atlantean Dragon!" The pillar exploded to reveal the giant shelled water dragon, which roared as it landed behind Skystar. (A2800/D1600/L7) "I might not be able to activate its ability, but it has more then enough ATK points to wipe out your little birdy." With that, the beast leapt into the air and swam forward before swinging its tail around and slashing at Duel Cannon Phoenix.

The bird squawked in pain as it exploded, Sunset grunting at the tearing pain in her chest.

Sunset: 3300
Skystar: 3000

"I place two cards face down and end my turn."

"My turn," Sunset reached for her deck. 'I'm gonna need something big to beat that thing. Deck, don't fail me now.' She drew her card and frowned, not having got what she had wanted. But then, she remembered something. "I activate the Pendulum Ability of Corona Paladin, Squlder." She placed the card back onto her deck, "once per turn I can shuffle a card in my hand back into my deck. And then I draw a new card." Her deck shuffled before she drew her card, this time smiling. "I play Eruption Reload, to banish Duel Cannon Phoenix from my graveyard and draw five cards."

Skystar sighed watching this. "Is that really the best you can do. Scrounging to try and get the best card you can in a hopes of beating my monster?"

"Why not?" Sunset asked. "Isn't that what you Zealots like to do. Scrounging for a card that'll get your Zenith Dragon on the field. You guys are so scared of losing you'll put all your eggs in that one basket. I guess it makes sense. You guys aren't that great without them. Heck, you're not that great with them. Your mother can attest to that." That did it. Skystar's face was turning red with anger.

"YOU DARE MOCK MY MOTHER!" She pointed at her. "For that, your end with not be swift. I'll make sure it's slow and painful."

"Sure," Sunset told her as the portal formed above her head. "But first you have to beat me and that won't be easy when I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened before a trio of fireballs shot out and struck the ground, hitting the ground and exploding to reveal her monsters. "Knight of Summer, Aestas!" (A1500/D1200/L4)

"Corona Paladin, Stirder!" (A1700/D1400/L4/P6)

"And Corona Beast, Sunset Unicorn!" (A1800/D1300/L4/P7) "Unicorn's skill!" The yellow horse turned to Aestas before firing a blast at him. "Now I can reduce the Level of a monster on my field and turn him into a Tuner monster until the End Phase!" (A1500/D1200/L3) "Now watch, as I tune my now Level three Knight of Summer with Level four Strider!" Aestas leapt into the air before exploding into a trio of fireballs, which carved three blazing rings that Strider leapt into. "Ignite the inner flames of harmony, and let them shine for all eternity!" Her monsters were engulfed by an explosion of light, "I SYNCHRO SUMMON!"

The light faded, revealing Sunset's Synchro Monster as it flew down next to her. "Shimmering Phoenix, Princess Daydream!" (A2300/D2200/L7) "Daydream's skill!" The ghostly image of Strider appeared in front of Sunset's Synchro monster before morphing into a fireball that she held in her hands. "By sending a Pendulum Monster from my Extra Deck to the graveyard, I can weaken every monster on your field by its Pendulum Scale!"

Daydream tossed the fireball at Poseidra, hitting it and causing it to roar in pain as its ATK was quickly burnt away. (A2200/D1600/L7) "ATTACK!" Daydream's hands ignited before if flew down and threw the fireballs at Poseidra, causing the sea dragon to explode and singe Skystar.


Sunset: 3300
Skystar: 2900

"And with your field now empty, Unicorn can deal you some direct damage." The fire horse's horn lit up, preparing to fire at Skystar.

"I don't think so," Skystar told her as her face down flipped up. "Go, Abyssal Ascension!" A pillar of water appeared infront of her. "Since a Water monster was destroyed by battle, I can summon another Water monster in my graveyard." The pillar exploded to reveal Atlantean Dragoon. (A1800/D0/L4) Sunset Unicorn stared at it for a moment before its horn's fire went out. "Anything else?"

Sunset looked down at her hand before shaking her head. "I end my turn."

"Then I'll go," Skystar drew her card and smiled when she saw what she had gotten. "Perfect. I play Summon Dice!" A large dice appeared above her head, which began spinning around.

Sunset hummed, glancing over at Daydream. She could use her ability, but decided to see where Skystar was going with this.

"Now I'll roll a die and the effect it activates depends on the die rolled." She snapped her fingers before the dice fell to the ground, bouncing on the invisible floor for several seconds until he came to a stop with the three side facing up. "Three. That means I can now summon a monster in my graveyard back to the field." She smirked, while Sunset frowned.

"Poseidra," she guessed as a light appeared besides Dragon. But then that light faded to reveal a monster she hadn't been expecting. "Rhodos?" She asked, seeing the Atlantean Princess floating infront of her. "But how did that card get in your graveyard?"

"Graceful Charity," Skystar reminded. "And now, I can use Rhodos's ability." A pillar of water exploded behind her as Rhodos and Dragon were pulled inside. "Now I can sacrifice these monsters to summon the Queen of Atlantis from my hand, deck or graveyard." Her deck slotted out a card, which she took and stared at for a moment. "Mother," she closed her eyes, "I dedicate this battle too you and to all of our people. It won't be long before your suffering comes to an end." Her eyes opened as she rose the card up. "Now I summon the Atlantean Queen!" The water pillar exploded, revealing the regal fish women. "Amphitrite!" (A3000/D2500/L8)

Sunset frowned, knowing Skystar was now one step closer to summoning her Zenith Dragon. "I'm still in this," she assured herself.

"Maybe," Skystar smiled, "but for how long?"

The Zealots attack on our heroes had begun. With Sunset and the others occupied, one can only wonder how long they could old out against such a powerful offence.

Author's Note:

And so it begins. Will our heroes be able to defeat the Zealots and keep the Zenith Dragons safe. Or will Zeronull's plan finally be fulfilled. You'll have to keep reading to find out.

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