• Published 19th Mar 2020
  • 1,698 Views, 581 Comments

Yugioh EQG: Ω Zenith - Banshee531

The Double X has come and gone and everyone's getting back to a normal life. But before they can relax, enemies old and new appear with a dark agenda. Will our heroes prevail, or is our world doomed to oblivion. It's time to Duel.

  • ...

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Turn 24: Griffon's Fall

Fluttershy, Soarin and Gilda continued to rush down the hallway, having just defeated the strange clones of themselves.

Rainbow Dash had gone ahead of them to investigate the underground bunker, which was believed to be the base of the Omega Zealots, hoping to find out what they were up to. But as they got closer to the bottom, they started hearing a strange noise.

And when they finally reached the last step, they found themselves in a long hallway with a strange black dome filling it. It was so big that it filled the entire room, making it impossible to get passed. "Is this..."

"Yeah," Soarin nodded at Fluttershy's question. "This must be the Omega Field we were told about."

"So Rainbow's in there?" Gilda asked before stepping up to it and holding out her hand, getting a static shock from the energy of the orb. "How are we suppose to get in."

"We're not," Soarin sighed. "There's no way in and no way out."

"So Rainbow's trapped in there," Fluttershy looked worried. "Alone and facing off against an Omega Zealot." She remembered how badly Rainbow had been injured after her last Duel with an Omega Zealot, causing her worry to intensify.

"Would you relax," Gilda told her. "This ain't gonna be like last time."

"Gilda's right," Soarin nodded. "Ever since Guto beat her, Rainbow's been training like crazy." His mind flashed back to all the practise Duels he'd had with Rainbow. Whenever they had a spare moment, she was adjusting her deck and seeing how the changes worked. Hopefully, the changes she'd made would help her. "We might not be able to be there for her in person, but she knows she has our support."

"Rainbow's not gonna let being alone slow her down," Gilda agreed before turning to Fluttershy. "You trust Rainbow." Fluttershy showed the most serious of faces.

"More then anyone."

"Then we just have to wait and be ready for whatever happens," Soarin explained before turning to the Omega Field. "You can do this Rainbow."

Within the Omega Field, Rainbow Dash and Guto continued to Duel with Rainbow having just summoned one of her best monster. Spectrum Battle Wing, Prism Bolt.

Guto meanwhile, had only his Ouravas on the field along with two face downs and his Griffon's Horde Spell. Rainbow also had her Rainbow Wing Pegasus and Tornado Bird on the field, meaning if everything goes right this turn should be her last.

"I activate the effect of Prism Bolt!" She cried as her Xyz monster raised its wings, the light flying around passing behind them. The crystals on its wings reflected the light from the Overlay Unit, creating a rainbow beam that flew down towards Guto's field. Rainbow stared at the two face downs on Guto's field. One of them was likely a card he planned to use to stop her next attack. But which one? "The one on the left!" She pointed at said card before the rainbow beam struck it, destroying the face down.

Guto, however, simply smirked. "Bad choice." As he said that, two balls of black light appeared on either side of Ouravas.

"What the?" Rainbow asked as the lights changed into strange reddish black sludge balls, Rainbow being reminded of the strange creatures her friends had stayed behind to Duel. "What did I destroy?"

"Dark Mimic," Guto explained while showing the Spell card. "It's a special Spell whose effects can only be activated when it's destroyed. "It creates a Mimic Token for every monster on your field that's Level four or below, which have the power to mimic the appearance and points of any monster they battle. (A0/D0/L1)X2

"Great," Rainbow sighed. She wouldn't be deterred though. "I remove an Overlay Unit to activate Prism Bolt's other ability." The shining bird-man crushed its Overlay Unit between its hands before Rainbow Wing Pegasus flew in front of it. "Now, I can lower the ATK power of a monster on your field by the ATK of any Rainbow Wing, Rainbow Assault Wing or Rainbow Battle Wing on my side of the field until the end of the turn." Prism Bolt raised its wings before the crystals on them unleashed lightning that was the same colour as the crystals. The fourteen bolts of rainbow lightning wrapped around Pegasus before flying off it towards Ouravas.

Guto sighed as the light struck Ouravas, reducing the Sky Commander's power by that of the blue winged horse he was facing. (A1200/D2500/L8)

"Now!" Rainbow cried as her Xyz monster flew into the air, "Prism Bolt will destroy Ouravas!" Once high enough, Prism Bolt spread its wings and dive-bombed towards Ouravas. As it flew down, rainbow tail was left in its wake.

"Go!" Guto yelled as his other face down flipped up, "Shrink!" Rainbow gasped before looking up at Prism Bolt, seeing it suddenly shrink in size. "Now your monster's ATK points are cut in half!" (A1500/D2500/R5/P6) Prism Bolt slammed into Ouravas, destroying the griffon and dealing Guto minimal damage.

Guto: 3000
Rainbow: 2200

"Pegasus!" Rainbow cried as her horse counterpart flew towards on of the Mimic Tokens. As it did, the slime-ball transformed into a copy of Rainbow Wing Pegasus that was paler. It's ATK and DEF points also changed, matching the winged pony's. (A1800/D1200/L1) Both monsters collided, destroying each other as Tornado Bird flew forward. "GO!" Once again, the slime transformed into a clone of Rainbow's monster. (A1100/D1000/L4)

Both monsters collided and destroyed each other, leaving both field much more empty with Prism Bolt being the only monster left on said field. Guto smirked at this. "Is that all?"

Rainbow frowned, "I place a card face down and end my turn."

"My draw," Guto drew his card and smiled as a tornado exploded infront of him. "And now I'll use Griffon's Horde to pay the cost of Ouravas's ability!" The number in the crystal went up as the tornado exploded, revealing the monster dominating Guto. (A3000/D2500/L8) "Then, I activate The Dark Door." Rainbow gasped as the card appeared infront of Guto. "Now only one monster will be allowed to attack during the Battle Phase."

"Not good," Rainbow realised as Griffon's Horde went up once again as Guto used Ouravas's ability to add a Spell to his hand.

"Now I play the Spell card, Mystical Space Typhoon!" Rainbow's eyes went wide as a tornado exploded between them before sucking up Rainbow's face down, revealing the Trap Mirror Force.

"No!" Rainbow cried as the Trap was destroyed, Guto chuckling as his Griffon's Horde increased again.

"Once again I'll add a Spell card from my deck to my hand!" He did so, his deck slotting out a card that he took and instantly played. "Now brace yourself for the power of my Blustering Winds!" A powerful blast of wind exploded through the void and began to wrap around Ouravas, the griffon letting out a mighty roar as its attack power went up. (A4000/D2500/L8)

Rainbow gasped seeing this, Ouravas flying up into the air and shooting straight down before thrusting its spear forward. She cried out as she felt the same stabbing pain Prism Bolt felt, both clutching their stomachs before Prism Bolt exploded and left Rainbow's field completely open.

Guto: 3000
Rainbow: 1200

Guto laughed as Ouravas flew back and landed infront of him. "Now do you understand? Just how pitiful you are compared to me?"

Rainbow, still groaning from the phantom pains in her stomach, stood tall and glared at Guto. "Just end your turn already."

"Fine," Guto stated as Griffon's Horde went up again, "I now play Monster Reborn." In a flash of light, Neo Barrier Statue of the Stormwinds appeared. (A1000/D1000/L4) "I end my turn."

"GO ZEPHYR!" Gilda cried as her Xyz monster flew forward. It slashed the dome with its claws, but the dome was undamaged and the shock Zephyr got from the contact destroy it.

"AUGH" The three cried as the shockwave from the explosion forced them to brace themselves. When the force ended, they looked at the dome and saw it was still intact.

"Rats!" Gilda cried, "I was sure that would work."

"I don't think any of our monsters are strong enough to get through," Soarin told her. "Even if they attacked together."

"Well we can't just sit here and do nothing!" Gilda cried out.

"We're not doing nothing," Fluttershy told her. "We're supporting Rainbow." She turned to give them both a serious look. "Even if she can't see or hear us, she knows we're here for her. And as long as we are..."

"She'll win," Soarin smirked. Fluttershy smiled and nodded.

Gilda smirked back, "you're right." They turned back to the dome, "give him heck!"

"It's my turn!" Instead of drawing, a card slotted out of her graveyard. She took it as the portal began to form above her head. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened before a pair of lights shot out and struck the ground, exploding to reveal both her monsters. "Spectrum Battle Wing, Prism Bolt!" (A3000/D2500/R5/P6)

"And Rainbow Wing Pegasus!" (A1800/D1200/L4/P5) "I didn't get passed Prism Bolt last time," Rainbow told him. "But this time's different!" In that moment Prism Bolt was engulfed by a rainbow coloured tornado. "I'm coming at you with everything I have. With everything I've learned since the day I started Dueling!"

"Don't tell me," Guto realised the issue he now faced as Rainbow played the card she'd removed from her graveyard.

"I once again activate my Rank-Up-Magic Infinite Spectrum!" The black hole appeared above their heads, which the rainbow tornado flew up into. "Now I can once again evolve my monster and summon and Spectrum Battle Wing that's one Rank higher!"

"You think this'll be enough to stop me? "Guto growled a Rainbow began to chant.

"Let's find out. Now watch, as the multicoloured forces of the universe clash to give life to this mighty being!" The rainbow tornado shot out of the black hole and hit the field, sending a mighty gust of wind across the battlefield. "RANK-UP XYZ EVOLUTION!"

The tornado exploded, unleashing a blindingly bright light that quickly faded to reveal Rainbow's best monster. "Spectrum Battle Wing...BRAVE REFRACTOR!" (A1000/D3000/R6/P5)

Rainbow frowned seeing the Dark Door before glancing at Rainbow Wing, which was currently in DEF mode. If it weren't for that Spell card, she'd be able to deal some pretty big damage to him. But for now, she just had to focus on what she could do. "Brave Refractor's skill!" The Xyz monster unleashed a mighty light that blinded Neo Barrier Statue, making it cry out before turning to run away. "Since he was summoned using Infinite Spectrum, I can make the weakest monster on your field head for the hills for every Overlay Unit he has."

Neo Barrier Statue vanished when it reached Guto, who removed the card from his Duel Disk and placed it at the bottom of his deck. Despite this, he didn't look at all worried. "You think I didn't see that coming. Remember, I watched every battle that took place in the Double X. I saw that Rank Up Xyz Summon coming a mile away. Why do you think I summoned Neo Barrier Statue when I did."

"Because you're an idiot," Rainbow told him. This made Guto raise an eyebrow as she explained. "You could have won last turn if you hadn't played Dark Door and summoned something like Skyborn Griffon, then attack me directly." Guto slowly put the pieces together as his eyes slowly went wide.


"You were clearly too focused on your Zenith Dragon," Rainbow told him. She quickly remembered the Gold Sarcophagus card, which would be opening next turn and likely give him exactly what he needed. "That's the problem with you Zealots. You put too much faith in these cards, the same way you put too much faith in Zeronull." She pointed at him with a stern expression. "Instead of putting all your faith in this phoney god, you should start believing in your own abilities."

"You dare speak blasphemy towards the mighty Zeronull?" Guto growled, his rage clearly building. "Zeronull is the light that will burn away the darkness shrouding both worlds and those that live in it. Zeronull is the one that will create a world where everything is perfect. Where my king and my comrades are alive. Where my kingdom is flourishing and peaceful. He'll-"

"Create a world that's a complete sham!" Rainbow cried back. "It won't be real."

"I won't know that!" Guto screamed, "my mind will be purged of all the memories of either this world or mine. All I'll know is the world created for me. I won't know it's a lie."

"Yes, you will," Rainbow told him. "Even if you don't remember the life you've live in this world or yours, that time can't be washed away." She pointed to her heart with her thumb. "Because even if those memories are wiped from your mind, they'll be forever engraved into your heart. Even if you make this perfect world and remember nothing of the ones you destroyed to make it, you'll still know something's wrong in your heart."

"I can ignore it," Guto explained. "What we will create is something so amazing that it'll be easy to ignore those thoughts." He pointed at Rainbow, "don't you want that? A perfect world, where everyone you care about can live happily forever."

Rainbow didn't reply for a moment, looking down and thinking about it for a moment or so. "Of course I want that," she told him. "I don't think there's a person alive who doesn't want it." The image of her friends appeared infront of her, each of them happy and living without a care in the world. "I'd do anything to make that world a reality."

"Then join us," Guto told her. "Help lady Midnight fulfil Zeronull's objective and everything you ever wanted could be-"

"No," Rainbow shook her head, "I won't join you or Zeronull."

"But you just said-"

"I do want the world you described, but I don't want to have to destroy two worlds to do it." She pointed at Guto, "and I don't want some outer god doing it for me." She pointed at her heart again. "If the perfect world's ever gonna be created, then I wanna make it with my own two hands. I don't want to abandon my real friends just to live in dreamworld with a bunch of fake ones." She then started moving towards Guto, shocking him as she passed her Brave Refractor and moved towards him.

"What are you doing?" He asked as she passed Ouravas.

Rainbow's reply was to hold out her hand. "Giving you a chance to change before it's too late." Guto still looked confused. "You wanna create the perfect world, then make it. But do it with your own hand-er... claws." She moved her hand closer, "so let's stop this Duel before it goes too far and start working together to make the perfect world we both want."

Guto stared down at her hand, looking like he'd just been asked to dress like a clown and sing the hokey pokey.

He looked up into her eyes for a moment and saw the look in her eyes, which told him she was genuine about this. And slowly, he raised his hand to try and meet Rainbow's. The girl smiled at this, thinking she'd gotten through to him. But then, Guto slapped her hand away and then tried to punch her. "NEVER!"

Rainbow leapt back as Ouravas tried to swing its spear at her, but she back-flipped away from it and did several cartwheels until she was back to the safety of her side of the field. "Guto-"

"I will never join you!" He yelled. "My place is and always will be with Zeronull. And nothing you say or do will make me stray from that path. We will create the perfect future, together."

Rainbow just sighed, "so there's no getting through to you." She then shot him a serious look, "fine! Then you leave me no choice. I now remove one Overlay Unit from Brave Refractor so that his skill can activate!" One of the lights flew into the spike on Brave Refractor's chest, causing it to glow red as it raised its gauntlets. "Since he's about to do battle, his ATK points increase by the ATK of the monster he's battling!" Each of its claws began to glow one of the six remaining colours of the rainbow, the light flowing out and extending them until they were twice as long. (A5000/D3000/R6/P5)

"You think that scares me?" Guto asked. "Compared to a Zenith Dragon, the power you and your monster possess is nothing!"

"We'll see about that!" Rainbow cried as Brave Refractor flew up into the air, then shot straight down as he swung his glowing claws around. In a flash, the hyper Xyz monster was behind Ouravas before an X-shaped blast of rainbow light exploded along the griffon.

"Augh!" Guto cried as he and his monster felt this burning pain, Ouravas roaring as he suddenly exploded and left Guto's field empty.

Guto: 2000
Rainbow: 1200

Rainbow nodded, satisfied with the damaged she'd managed to pull off. "I end my turn." As Brave Refractor returned to her side, his ATK points returned to normal. (A1000/D3000/R6/P5)

Guto, meanwhile, just growled as he picked himself up. "You made a big mistake. Several, actually. Coming here, challenging me, and doubting the power of the great Zeronull." He pointed at Rainbow, "you who weren't even worthy enough to be a vessel candidate! Who already faced off against the power bestowed upon me by the great one and failed to stop it. You will no longer go unpunished for your insolence!" He reached for his deck, "It's my turn!" He drew his card before a golden light exploded above him, the two looking up and seeing the Gold Sarcophagus begin to open its lid as a single card slowly flew out. Once it was completely out, the box vanished while the card shrank down to normal size and flew into his hand. "Finally."

"I'm begging you," Rainbow told him. "Don't do it!"

Guto didn't reply as the tornado exploded infront of him, Griffon's Horde rising in number as the spiral faded to reveal his monster. (A3000/D2500/L8) "Ouravas's skill!" The number in Griffon's Horde went up once again, Guto taking a card from his deck and playing it. "I play the Spell card, Fissure!" Rainbow's eyes went wide as she turned to Brave Refractor before a giant crack appeared beneath him, the Xyz monster falling into the hole before it closed up and vanished. "That gets ride of that annoyance. Couldn't risk you having a way to grant that thing another Overlay Unit."

Rainbow growled as Guto's Griffon's Horde increased again, another card slotting out of his deck.

"Now for your Rainbow Wing Pegasus. I now play Stop Defence, forcing your overgrown pigeon to switch at ATK mode." Pegasus grunted as she was forced to her hooves, Rainbow now at risk of taking damage from his next attack. She stared at Griffon's Horde and as expect, the number went up three more times as Guto added cards to his hand. "You should remember this card. The Spell, Aerial Calling."

"Not again," Rainbow cried as Griffon's Horde went up one final time.

"That's right," Guto told her as his deck slotted out a card. "Now, I can now add any Wind Attributed monster from my deck to my hand." Guto took the card and smiled at it before turning to Rainbow. "Now you will once again bare witness to the power gifted to me by the almighty Zeronull!" He held up the card. "With this, I place my entire future on the line." Rainbow frowned as said card began to glow. "Should I lose this Duel, then every card in my deck will be destroyed."

"Please," Rainbow told him, "don't do it!"

Guto wasn't listening, instead discarding the card he'd gotten from the Golden Sarcophagus. "By ditching a Wind monster and sacrificing one with the same name on the field, I can summon my ultimate creature." Ouravas leapt into the air as a powerful gust of wind blew throughout the void space. All Rainbow could do was brace herself from being knocked over, while Ouravas was surrounded by the spiralling wind that took the form of a sphere that flew up into the air while growing larger and larger each second.

Outside the orb, Rainbow's friends suddenly noticed the energy shooting around the sphere beginning to intensify

"What's going on?" Fluttershy asked, fearing Rainbow may be in danger.

"It's going nuts!" Soarin cried, yelling as a stray bolt of energy flew off and almost hit him. "Get back!" The moved as far back as they could while keeping the sphere in sight.

"What the heck is she doing in there?" Gilda asked as she jumped up onto the stairwell.

Fluttershy then gasped and turned to the others. "You don't think she's about to face a Zenith Dragon, do you?" This made the others frown, both hoping Fluttershy's theory was wrong. "Rainbow," the girl quivered.

"Awaken," Guto yelled as a shadow appeared within the wind sphere, "beast of the winds!" The last of the gale faded, the dragon within finally breaking free and beating its giant winds so much it unleashed a gust that swept through the Omega Field and almost blew Rainbow and Rainbow Wing Pegasus off their feet. "Zenith Dragon of Limitless Skies, MARVENTUS!" (A6000/D5000/L12)

Rainbow sighed, "I'm sorry."

"Oh, you'll be sorry alright!" Guto yelled as the dragon began to beat its giant wings, "Marventus's skill! When he's summoned, he's able to return every card in your Spell, Trap and Pendulum Zone to your hand." The wind created a tornado that sucked up Rainbow's face down and the monsters in her Pendulum Zones, returning them to her hand and leaving her defenceless. "What's more, every Wind monster on my field gains five hundred ATK points for every card returned until the End Phase." Marventus let out yet another mighty roar, its power increasing. (A7500/D5000/L12)

The very presence of the dragon sent pulses of energy across the field, making it shake as the giant dragon prepared to attack Pegasus and end this Duel.

"It's over," Guto told Rainbow as he saw her looking down at the ground. "I told you you'd regret your blasphemy." Marventus raised its tail before a bolt of lightning flew down and struck it, causing the yellow lines and dots to glow. The dragon opened its mouth as lightning sparked from its whiskers and began to pool together into a sphere within its mouth. "You, with no solutions and no answers, be eradicated and unable to see the perfect world Zeronull will create!" The electro ball fired, "RAGING WONDERBOLT!"

Rainbow stayed quiet as the attack shot towards Rainbow Wing Pegasus, the girl sighing before finally speaking up. "You had the strength to make that perfect world on your own. But now," her head shot up and showed a serious expression. "You'll never get to see it!" With that, a tornado exploded infront of Pegasus. It sucked the electro ball inside, saving Pegasus before shooting the attack up into the air.

"WHAT!?" Guto screamed as he saw the electro ball exploded safely above their heads, "how?" He looked down at the base of the field and saw the cause. Tornado Tortoise.

Rainbow smirked, "by banishing this little guy from my graveyard, I can put your Battle Phase to a complete end."

Guto's mind was completely fried as he tried to put the pieces together. "The Zenith Dragon, the power given to me by Zeronull, was stopped...by a turtle?"

"Tortoise," Rainbow corrected as said monster vanished. "I told you you shouldn't have put your faith in that thing. All you've done is risk your future for nothing."

Guto's rage was reaching its peak, the Omega Zealot quickly reaching for his hand. "I activate Giant Trunade!" With that, another tornado swept through the Omega Field and sucked his cards back to his hand. "I'm not done," he told her as he played the cards once again. "Griffon's Horde and The Dark Door, activate!" The cards reappeared on the field, along with another one. "I place one card face down and end my turn." As he said that, Marventus slowly began to vanish. "At the end of the turn, the Zenith Dragon is banished and in its place I must summon one of the monsters used to summon it." Ouravas appeared and floated down, his expression matching Guto's.

"Look," Gilda pointed at the dome as the energy died down, "it's stopped."

This made Soarin smirk as he stepped closer. "If that was a Zenith Dragon's doing, then it stopping must mean it's gone."

Fluttershy smiled, "that means Rainbow stopped it."

"Alright!" Gilda cried, "I knew she could!"

Fluttershy nodded. "Now it's her turn to show Guto here full power." She placed her hand over her heart. "Rainbow, I believe in you."

Soarin did the same, "show him why you're our school's number one."

After a few second, Gilda also did it. "Don't you dare lose now. That'd just be lame." The three stayed like this for a second before speaking in unison.


"Huh?" Rainbow looked up, swearing she heard her friend's voice.

After a few seconds of confusion, she smirked. "Thanks guys." She then reached for her Duel Disk, removing a card from her graveyard. "Ouravas, you're about to find out what true power is. The power earned through hard work, and from having those you care about standing behind you and supporting you!" As she said that, she slapped her two Pendulum Monsters down onto the field. The pillars appeared besides her as the two monsters flew up into them, forming the portal above her head. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened before a single light shot, exploding to reveal her monster. "Spectrum Battle Wing...BRAVE REFRACTOR!" (A1000/D3000/R6/P5) "And since Refractor was Pendulum Summoned, his ability lets me equip any Wind Attributed Xyz Monster in the graveyard to him as an Overlay Unit."

Guto growled as he watched the spirits of Battle Wing and Prism Bolt appear around Brave Refractor before transforming into lights that began to float around it.

"Next," Rainbow went on, "I'll use the Pendulum Ability of Supporting Filly!" Guto looked confused as he watched both it and Wing Knight Owl explode, allowing Rainbow to draw a single card. "Come on," she prayed as she drew her card. When she saw what it was, she gasped. "YES!" Guto's worry increased. "I set scale seven Rainbow Wing Knight Osprey into the Pendulum Scale!" The man in purple bird armour appeared in the pillar, confusing Guto.

"Why?" He asked, "that does nothing to help you."

"You'll see," Rainbow told him as the rainbow coloured tornado exploded around Brave Refractor. This shocked Guto as he turned to Rainbow, who'd just activated her card. "Now, for one final time, I'll activate my Rank-Up-Magic Infinite Spectrum!" The black hole appeared above their heads, which the rainbow tornado flew up into. "And with it, I'll summon a Spectrum Battle Wing that's one Rank higher!"

"But...but you don't have a monster that's higher," Guto told her.

"I do now," Rainbow pointed at him. "Thanks for showing me I had to up my game. Now, my deck is more powerful then ever."

Guto growled as he stared up at the black hole, actually worried since he had no idea what was coming as Rainbow began to chant.

"Majestic colours that make up the multiverse. Chase away the nothingness and fill the void with wonder, giving new life to those that fight to protect that wonder." The rainbow tornado shot out of the black hole and hit the field, sending a mighty gust of wind across the battlefield. "RANK-UP XYZ EVOLUTION!"

The tornado exploded, unleashing a blinding light that prevented Guto from seeing Rainbow's monster. But eventually, the outline became clear. It was similar to Brave Refractor, only the gauntlets and chest spike were gone along with the turbines in the wings. In its hands was a large long-sword made of crystal, the blade being seven different colours. The center of the blade was red, with blue and yellow on either side of it. Next to blue was green, then purple while yellow had pink next to it with orange after that. The guard of the blade had a large crystal V-shape and it the sword so large the monster needed both hands to lift it and swing it around. Three lights also circled around it. "Spectrum Battle Wing...WONDER BEYOND!" (A?/D?/R7/P3)

"So this is your new monster," Guto asked. "He doesn't look like much."

"You'll be surprised," Rainbow told him before pointing at her monster. "First, Wonder Beyond's ATK and DEF is equal to the number of Overlay Units he has times one thousand!" The lights around him glowed brightly, powering up to Xyz monster as he lifted his sword up. (A3000/D3000/R7/P3) "There's more!" The sword unleashed a bright light, which flew over and struck Guto.

"What?" He looked over himself and saw his hand and graveyard glowing a rainbow aura, "what'd you do?"

"When Wonder Beyond is summoned using Infinite Spectrum, he can nullify the effect of the cards in your hand and graveyard. Now!" Wonder Beyond raised its sword as its three Overlay Units flew into it. "I activate Wonder Beyond's special ability!" The monster swung its sword around, unleashing a rainbow wave of light. "For every Overlay Unit I remove, one of your Spell or Traps is destroyed."

"What?" Guto cried as the rainbow wave split into three, then began to change shape until they appeared as the spectral images of Battle Wing Gold, Prism Bolt and Brave Refractor. Prism Bolt and Brave Refractor slashed at Guto's face up cards, while Battle Wing used its katanna to stab the face down. All three cards were destroyed, leaving Guto complete defenceless. "This can't be happening," he stated as the spectral images vanished.

"Oh, it's happening." Rainbow smirked as Wonder Beyond spread its wings and charging forward, dragging its sword around. "Spectrum Battle Wing, ATTACK!"

"Why?" Guto asked as Ouravas flew forward, "it'll be a tie? And even if you destroy them both, your Rainbow Wing Pegasus doesn't have enough ATK points to beat me." They both watched as their monsters clashed, Wonder Beyond swinging its sword around. Ouravas tried to block it with its spear, but the sword cut right through it and slashed the griffon down the middle.

The beast roared as it was getting cut in half, but managed to react in time to thrust the spearhead part of its weapon forward and stab Wonder Beyond. With that, both monsters exploded and their Duellists grunted as the smoke flew passed them. But when the smoke faded, Rainbow was revealed to be smirking. "Skill of Wonder Beyond!"

"Another one?" Guto asked as a light made him look up and see the Xyz monster appear in the empty pillar of light. "What?"

"When he's destroyed by battle, I can put him in an empty Pendulum Zone." Rainbow looked up at her monster and smiled. "What's more, now his Pendulum Ability activates!" With that, the Pendulum Portal started forming. Only now, it was rainbow coloured.

"What are you doing?"

"Whenever Wonder Beyond's put into the Pendulum Zone by it's own effect, I can search my graveyard for any Wind Xyz monster whose Rank is between the Pendulum Scale. Then, I can Pendulum Summon them back to the field.

"But that means-" Guto looked up at the portal glowed brightly

"Go beyond what is possible and let the impossible become a reality!" Rainbow chanted as the portal finished forming, "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The rainbow portal opened before a trio of rainbow coloured lights shot out and hit the ground, exploded with a light so bright if burnt Guto's eyes. "AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHH!"

When the light finally faded, all three of Rainbow's Xyz monsters were revealed standing there with Pegasus. "Rainbow Battle Wing, GOLD!" (A2500/D1500/R4/P7)

"Spectrum Battle Wing, PRISM BOLT!" (A3000/D2500/R5/P6)

"And Spectrum Battle Wing, BRAVE REFRACTOR!" (A1000/D3000/R6/P5)

Guto looked horrified as he realised his situation. No monsters. No Spell or Traps. No way to activate effects from his hand of grave. And he was now staring down an oncoming attack from three powerful monster. He was defenceless. "No," he shook his head, "this can't be happening."

"Oh," Rainbow told him, "it's happening."

"How?" Guto asked, "how can you be...this! You, who were nothing but a weakling who couldn't even be a candidate for Zeronull, have now stopped a Zenith Dragon and is about to defeat me." His shock turned to anger. "You're nothing, so where is this power coming from?"

"I've always had it," Rainbow told him. "It's been inside me all along." Rainbow sighed, closing her eyes. "Sure, I've lost a lot since I started Duelling. But that didn't mean it was over for me. It's not over because you lose," her eyes shot open again. "It's only over, when you give up and refuse to try again!" This statement actually shocked Guto, scaring him as Rainbow looked up at her monster. "And sure, sometimes I wanted to give up. But then my friends helped me find the strength I needed to try again." As she stared at her monsters, imaginary images of Soarin, Fluttershy and Gilda became overlaid over them. She smiled before turning back to Guto. "As long as they're supporting me, I'll never give up the fight. Not now, not ever!"

"What trash," Guto growled as Battle Wing shot forward.

"The only trash is your belief in a false god!" Rainbow cried. "And with this attack, that belief will never bring harm to people ever AGAIN!" Battle Wing drew its katana and prepared to slash at Guto, who was quivering at his impending defeat. "This one's for Wonderbolt Academy!" With that, Battle Wing swung its sword around and slashed right through Guto.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" He screamed as the slashing pain filled his body, his life points quickly dropping to zero.

Guto: 0
Rainbow: 1200 (Winner)

Fluttershy, Soarin and Gilda suddenly heard a cracking sound and stared at the dome as a crack appeared on the surface, followed by another and another.

Eventually, the dome completely shattered and the pieces flew everywhere before fading into smoke. The three quickly stepped back for fear of getting hit, but then spotted Rainbow and Guto standing where the dome had been. Rainbow panted while Guto staggered backwards, grunting and groaning until he fell to his butt.

"Rainbow!" Fluttershy cried as they rushed to her side, "are you okay?"

"Yeah," Rainbow nodded, "I'm fine." As she said this, Soarin stared at Guto and put the pieces together before smiling and turning to her.

"You won, didn't you?" Rainbow slowly turned to him and smirked with a thumbs up. "Alright!"

Gilda smirked, "way to go loser." It was then that a light made them turn to Guto, whose deck was beginning to glow green.

"No," he whispered as he watched his cards fly up into the air. Everyone stepped back, knowing what was coming next as the cards burst into flames and turned to ash. They slowly disintegrated, leaving only the Zenith Dragon as Guto clutched his hand. "AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHH!" The symbol on the back of his hand was slowly fading away, along with the connection Ouravas had to his host.

But then, he looked up and glared daggers as Rainbow before pushing himself up. "If this is the end for me, the last thing I'll do is wipe you out." He charged at them, hands out ready to grab Rainbow's neck.

Gilda got ready to use her martial arts skills to defend her friend, but they were unnecessary.

Before Guto could get close, the mark on his hand completely vanished and his entire body tensed up before he began to fall forwards. Though nobody could see it, the spirit of Ouravas was pulled out the back of Guto and began to fly towards the ceiling. His claws were out, just like Guto's hands had been, but in his current form he was completely harmless.

"Just you wait," he told them as he began to fade away. "Lord Zeronull will create the perfect world. One you'll never get to see. In the end, I've still won." With that, the Sky Commander finally vanished and left the teens to look over his host.

"Is he okay?" Soarin asked Fluttershy as she rolled him over and checked his pulse.

"He's fine. Just exhausted." As she said that, Rainbow and Gilda stepped over to where the Zenith Dragon had fallen before the blue skinned girl picked it up.

"Now we have two," Rainbow stated before looking towards the door Guto had been guarding. "Now to get-" Before she could finish, the room around hem began to shake.

"What's happening?" Fluttershy asked, looking scared at cracks began to appear in the walls.

"We need to get out of here," Soarin told them before hoisting Guto up and placing him on his back. "Come on!" With that, they rushed back up the stairway they'd come down. It was a good thing they did because seconds later, the door exploded off its hinges and flames shot out from the exploding library.

As the group rushed through the base, the explosions weren't far behind them. And when they finally got to the exit and leapt out of safety, a large cloud of flames blasted out and almost hit them before fading away. The group fell to the floor and grunted as they rolled along the ground, Rainbow looking around and seeing the building they'd just been in completely wrecked.

She sighed in relief and laid back, glad they'd managed to get out. But it was clear whatever Guto had been guarding was now long gone.

Marble sighed seeing the five through the security camera, quickly cutting the connection to her Duel Disk.

"Well, we've lost Ouravas." Trixie sighed hearing this.

"He knew the risks of using the Zenith Dragon. Now we have to get it back along with the other one." She looked down at Midnight as she slept in the pod. "Don't worry my lady. We're not out of this yet."

Once they'd recovered from the shock and exhaustion of running for their lives, the group quickly called Cold and explained what happened.

"That's good news," he explained with a smile. "I'm proud of you all. Especially you Rainbow. You've brought us one step closer to stopping Zeronull." Rainbow smiled at the praise, glad all the training and preparation she'd done finally payed off. "Now onto our next step. We need to get the Zenith Dragon to a safe place. Luckily, I already had someone heading to the location where Perfignis is being kept. I'll have their plane redirected to pick you up. They'll take the card from there and drop you off somewhere you can get back home. I'll need you to give a report about what happened, then head out to check out another possible Zealot location."

The others nodded as Cold hung up, Rainbow reaching into her pocket and taking out the Zenith Dragon. "It's too bad I can't just rip you in half right now. Payback for destroying my school. But making sure you never see the light of day again will have to do." The others nodded in agreement before looking up at the night sky, wondering what the Zealots were doing right now and if they knew they were down a member.

Skystar had stopped the truck a good twenty miles from the base, far enough away that they couldn't find them.

The Omega Zealots were outside the truck, Marble sitting atop the trailer while Skystar leaned against it and Trixie stood several feet away. "We can't risk losing any more members," she explained before turning to the others. "For now, we should stop using the Zenith Dragons in Duels unless we absolutely have too."

Skystar and Marble frowned, clearly not happy with that idea but nodded. "So what now?" Marble asked, Trixie staying quiet.

"Now we prepare to get the cards we've lost back." They turned to the edge of the trailer and gasped in shock at the sight of Midnight, stepping around to smile at them. "But until then, we need to protect our assets." She turned to Trixie, "head to the generators and make sure they're safe. If they found that base, they may find the other." Trixie nodded before Midnight turned to the others. "You two, I need protecting me. If I'm to locate the Zenith Dragons, I can't be wasting energy Duelling."

Skystar bowed. "As you command, my lady."

"How are you gonna find them?" Marble asked, with Midnight just smirking.

"Zeronull created them. And I have his powers within me. It'll take time, but I'll locate the cards no problem. Until then, we just have to be careful." The others nodded, all agreeing to the plan. No matter what, they weren't letting their enemies get any more lead over them.

That, they swore.

Author's Note:

In the words of the great John Deacon, another one bites the dust.

Hope you liked Rainbow's new monster. It took forever to come up with its name and effect, but I'm proud of what I came up with. Now, onto the next chapter and Flash's mission.

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