• Published 19th Mar 2020
  • 1,698 Views, 581 Comments

Yugioh EQG: Ω Zenith - Banshee531

The Double X has come and gone and everyone's getting back to a normal life. But before they can relax, enemies old and new appear with a dark agenda. Will our heroes prevail, or is our world doomed to oblivion. It's time to Duel.

  • ...

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Turn 18: Protecting the Light of Hope


Guto smiled as he stared at the cube that would grant them their greatest desire, then turned his attention down on the city below.

He, Trixie, Skystar and Marble were all located atop one of the city's largest building, the cool night air blowing against their skin. The time had finally come. "Soon, Pendulum Singularity, Flash Sentry, will become the vessel. Then, Lord Zeronull will descend upon this land."

Skystar let out a crackling laugh, "the time for revenge is nigh. We'll make those odious fools cry and beg for forgiveness."

"All in good time," Trixie told her. "For now, let's focus on what really matters. Getting the singularity."

"No problem," Skystar took out her Duel Disk and started tapping away at it. "This should be enough to distract them." The screen showed a global map, with several sections highlighting at her touch. "And in their confusion, we can steal the singularity away from them."

"As a plan, that's okay." The three turned to Marble, the girl sitting on the edge of the building looking out at the city. "But isn't there a more...interesting way of doing this?"

Trixie rolled her eyes while Skystar pouted at her, "oh really? And what would you suggest?"

"Well," Marble nodded her head from left to right, "why don't we engineer a situation where Flash Sentry is enticed into showing up on his own?" Her vision shifted so she and Guto locked eyes, "well?"

Several days later.

Flash sighed as he stood in Freeze Industry's board room, where Cold, Twilight, Spike Cadance and Misty were also located.

Cold, who'd refused to remain inactive despite the doctor's warnings after his run-in with Discord, stood up as the screens activated and showed images of Flash's friends in a bunch of different cities. Tempest and Grand were in France. Fluttershy and Team Wonderbolt were in Africa. Shining, Pinkie and Maud were in New York. And Tidal and the Dazzlings were in Hollywood.

"For the past few days, we've been receiving reports about the Zealots from around the world. They range from details of sighting to the actual locations of their bases, and even some of their behaviours patterns. Our guys are taking steps to ensure this information can be verified."

"They're just diversionary tactics," Misty pointed out. "They're trying to spread our resource," she then turned towards her son. "So they can come for you." Flash frowned before looking down at his hand, now devoid of the gloves since the secret was out.

"I seem to be okay now," he explained. "But I doubt that'll be the last time I feel that pain."

Twilight sighed. "And when you do, it won't be because of anything good."

Cold nodded. "From what Draconequus said, one thing we know is that the Zealots want to turn you into the vessel of Zeronull." Flash frowned at this, "however, if we can continue to protect you, then we have an opportunity to end this situation once and for all."

Misty nodded as the screen changed to show Guto, Trixie, Skystar and Marble. "If we can send the remaining Zealots back to their world, Zeronull's return will never come to pass and you'll be safe."

Spike spoke up. "In that case, is there anything we can do to help?"

"Me too," they all turned to Flash. "I can't just sit around being protected."

"Calm down," Cadance told him. "We understand how you feel, but you have to let us handle the situation." The screens went blank as the lights came on. "At the end of the day, you're the one the enemies after." Flash sighed, slumping against the wall.

But then, he felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up to see his mother smiling at him. "Don't worry. Just leave it to us and it'll be over soon." Flash continued to frown while Twilight turned to him, a worried look on her face.

"There's also the matter of the Zenith Dragon," Cadance pointed out. "It's clear they'll want that back, so we should expect them to go after it."

"So we can use it as bait to set up a trap," Cold stated.

"Isn't that a little risky?" Twilight asked, "what if they succeed. Maybe it'd be best to just destroy it." However, the adults just sighed.

"Already tried that," Cold told her. "The darn thing's indestructible. We've tried cutting it up, burning it, melting it with acid. Nothing seems to work."

"They were created by an outer god," Misty told them. "Of course they'd be protected from destruction. We just have to make sure we keep it out of enemy hands until we can beat the remaining Zealots." The others nodded, though they were still unhappy about the whole mess.

Later in the day, Sunburst and Starlight were walking through town.

"It's good to know you'll be looking out for him," Sunburst told his friend.

Starlight smiled, "well I do owe him. If it wasn't for him, you wouldn't have started Duelling again and I might not have been freed." As they said this, they turned to see Twilight stepping out of a store carrying a bag of snacks. "Twilight!" She turned and smiled at them.

"Hey, guys!"

Sunburst spotted the bag and smirked. "Why is it every time I head to Flash's house, I run into someone buying him snacks."

Twilight sighed. "Well since he's once again under house arrest, we have to find some way of keeping him from moaning." The two laughed at this while joining her on her walk to Flash's apartment. As they did, Starlight said something that put then on edge.

"Zeronull's resurrection...it won't happen."

The two glasses-wearing teens thought the same thing, Sunburst speaking up. "I've got a lot to thank Flash for. He brought Duelling back into my life and personally challenged me to never give up." He turned to Starlight. "And because he was there for me, I was able to save you." Starlight smiled back while Twilight went on.

"Flash helped me grow more confident. If he hadn't been there, I never would have had the guts to enter the Double X. I never would have met Sunset or Adagio and grew strong enough to beat them." She smiled while looking up at the clouds. "He showed me the path to myself. But until now, I've never been able to return the favour."

"Same," Sunburst nodded.

Twilight then frowned, "why did it have to be him they chose as the vessel?"

"You don't have to worry," Starlight told her. "I'm gonna be there to protect him." The two turned to her as she smirked at them, "you found a great friend in him. I promise I won't let the Zealots take him away from you." The two stared at her for a few moments as they arrived at the apartment, the three climbing up and reaching Flash's door.

When they stepped inside, they found Flash sitting at the table looking through his deck. Spike and Scootaloo were playing a game against one another, both pausing it when Twilight and the others arrived. "Hey," she smiled before Sunburst and Starlight stepped inside.

"Hey guys," Flash smiled at them while placing his cards back together and putting the deck away. "So you two are the ones they roped into being my babysitters?"

"Yup," Starlight smiled before helping Twilight put the snacks on the table.

"This should be enough to last you a while," Twilight told Flash as she threw him a bag of chips.

"Thanks," Flash opened it up and began chowing down. As he did, he sighed while looking around. "Guess I'll have to get used to these four walls, since I'll be stuck here for the foreseeable future."

"It won't be that long," Twilight assured him. "Cold and the others won't rest until the Zealots are beaten. And once that happens, you'll be safe to go outside as much as you want."

"And you might not even be here that long," Sunburst told him. "I heard Cold talking about a possible safe house you might be moved too. Makes sense since it's likely the Zealots know where you live, so this place will be an obvious target."

"Great," Flash groaned as he leaned back in his chair and stared up at the ceiling. "You know, it's kinda weird." Everyone looked at him in confusion. "When this all started, back before the Double X, I was begging the universe to give me something exciting to do." He looked back down at them. "I was happy the world was safe, but after everything I went through a mundane life seemed pretty... boring."

Everyone nodded, Twilight and Scootaloo remembering how he was back then.

"But now, after everything that's happened, I'd give anything to go back to those boring old days. At least then I didn't have to worry about getting attacked out of nowhere." He looked down at his deck, "I just want this to be over so I can get back to enjoying Dueling again. Where losing a match doesn't mean losing my life." He continued to stare at his deck until he felt a hand on his shoulder, making him look up at Twilight as she smiled at him.

"I know this is hard for you, but you just have to be patient. Cold and the others will deal with the Zealots. They can't hide forever."

"Yeah," Spike nodded. "And when we find them, they're going down."

"Three of the Zealots have already been beaten," Sunburst pointed out.

"And the other four will soon follow," Starlight assured him. "It's really only three since there's no way Skystar's gonna be able to us her Zenith Dragon as well as her mom."

"If you say so," Flash said. Despite everyone's comforting words, it was clear Flash still felt bad about needing to be protected by them.

Twilight frowned, the teen hating the fact the one she loved felt so bad. But there was nothing more any of them could really do, besides keeping him safe and happy until the Zealots were taken care of. And that was exactly what she and everyone else around her intended on doing.

Over the next few hours, the five did everything they could to keep Flash entertained. They played games, watched a movie and just sat talking. But eventually, Twilight and Spike had to leave and head home. "Stay sane," she told Flash as they headed for the door.

"I'll try," Flash nodded back. The two then shared one final kiss before the siblings stepped out and began their trip home. But as they made their way through the city, both Twilight and Spike couldn't help but feel bad for Flash.

"It doesn't seem fair," Spike sighed. "We were in Void too, but Flash is the only one they're after." He put his hands into his pockets, "I wish we could help. Or at least do something."

Twilight sighed as they reached a bridge. "I was thinking the same thing." Spike turned to her. "The Zealots...we just need to defeat them." She looked up at the setting sunlit sky. "Now that Flash has Starlight and Sunburst there, it won't be so easy for the Zealots to get their hands on him."

Spike nodded. "If they can't take Flash by force, they'll probably try and lure him into some kind of trap."

"Maybe," Twilight nodded, "but Flash isn't stupid. Even he'd realise it's a trap and refuse to go. At least, I hope he wouldn't."

Spike turned to her. "I guess it depends on the type of trap. And what they use to bait him into it."

Twilight thought for a moment and realised he was right. "There's only one kind of bait that would absolutely draw Flash into a trap. Someone he cares about."

Spike saw what she meant. "If the Zealots grab someone he cares about, then there's no way he wouldn't rush in to try and save them."

"That means instead of going after Flash-" Twilight stopped when she suddenly felt a terrible feeling, like someone was watching her and not in a good way. She began to look around, trying to find the cause of that strange feeling. And then she saw it. "Marble."

"Huh?" Spike looked around, eventually spotting the girl on the other side of the bridge. The girl was leaning against a lamp post with a smile on her face, only to suddenly vanish when a truck drove passed and blocked her from view. "Hey?" He looked around, "where'd she go?"

"Over there!" Twilight cried, pointing towards the other end of the bridge. Spike followed her finger and spotted Marble rushing along the road, only to then look back and smile at them both. "Come on!" Twilight rushed off, Spike quickly following behind.

"Shouldn't we wait for backup?" Spike asked, pulling out his phone and trying to call Cold.

"No time," Twilight told him. "This might be our only chance to stop her. If we beat her, Marble will be freed and Flash will be one step closer to being saved."

"Alright," Spike said, "but I'm still calling Cold." Or at least, he was trying. But instead of picking up, the call just went to voicemail. The same thing happened when he tried to call Shining and Cadance. "What's going on?"

"The jamming signal's in place," Skystar told Guto.

They and Trixie were all in a particularly empty parking structure, the newest Omega Zealot busy tapping away at her Duel Disk. "Now whatever calls those to make will be rerouted to the dummy phone. No backup for them."

"Good," Guto turned to look towards the entryway of the structure, "now nothing will get in our way."

"Unless Gaia-Maiden can't get them here," Trixie pointed out. "Maybe it would have been better if I'd gone instead of her."

"I know you're not very trustful of her, but she's just as committed to the cause as the rest of us. She'll get them here."

"If you say so," Trixie sighed. "Let's just hope Sentry will be willing to come after them."

"Oh, he will. It's the biggest flaw of those hero types. Always doing something stupid because their hearts tell them too. I'm sure Lord Zeronull will be quite interested in that aspect of the boy."

Back at Flash's apartment, the teen was once again looking through his deck.

His attention was currently focused on the card Cold had given him, Granebris. The Zenith Dragon stared back at him, Flash almost able to hear the dark chuckle Discord had let out when he'd used it. Was having it in his deck such a good idea.

"What'cha got there?" Flash looked up and saw Starlight moving towards him, the teen quickly placing the Zenith Dragon face down before grabbing another card.

"Just a new monster I'm working on some strategies for."

"Really," Starlight sat down, "mind if I take a look." Flash nodded and handed over the card. "Magna Caster Attriborn." She read it over and looked impressed. "This might come in handy. Especially against the Zealots. Though we don't intend to have you anywhere near them."

"Maybe," Flash replied, "but you can never be too careful. That's why I'm reworking my deck so I won't get caught out again."

"Did your mom make that card?" Starlight ashed as she handed it back to him.

"Yeah. This and a few others. I've even got a new Fusion monster. Not sure how well it'll work though."

"Why don't we test it out," Starlight reached into her pocket and pulled out her deck. Flash nodded and began piling his cards back together, making sure to exclude the Zenith Dragon and put that in his pocket.

As they set things up, Flash's mind went into overdrive. 'As long as I stay safe and avoid becoming a vessel, the Zealots will never fulfil their mission. I just need to hang on until everyone else has defeated them.' He then frowned, 'however.' His mind flashed back to what Discord had told him.

"But fate, has a mischievous way of showing itself."

"Thanks to you, the Pendulum Singularity, our worlds became connected. We could enter it and reclaim the keys needed for lord Zeronull's resurrection."

"You okay?" Flash looked up at Starlight, the girl noticing the frown on his face.

Flash sighed. "It just...doesn't feel right sitting here." He looked down at his deck. "If I caused all this, shouldn't I be the one to fix it."

"Because you're the Pendulum Singularity?" He looked back up at Starlight. "You know, Twilight's been feeling really worried about you lately. Sunburst and Spike too, along with all your other friends." Flash just looked down. "Don't feel you have to carry this burden on your own. We're all here for you. This time, it's our turn to help."

These words actually made Flash feel better, a smile appearing on his lips. "Thanks."

"No problem," Starlight stopped when Sunburst cried out after losing another race to Scootaloo. "It'll be over in no time. Everyone is on board. We can deal with it."

Twilight and Spike continued to run after Marble as they raced through the city, all the while their phones kept going to voicemail.

"This can't be a coincidence," Twilight said as she spotted Marble rush into a parking structure. The two followed after her but when the got inside, she'd completely vanished. "Where'd she go?"

"Maybe she used that teleporter," Spike suggested as they stepped further and further into the room. "Or it was never really her."

Twilight caught onto what he was saying. "Please don't let it be that I fell for the same trick twice."

"No," the two spun around the see Marble step out from behind a column, "it was the real me. Long time no see. Not since the first stage of the Double X, in fact."

"Marble," Spike frowned.

"No," Twilight shook her head, "Gaia-Maiden. I figured as much."

"So," Marble smiled, "you guys out for a nice walk. I know a much better place to enjoy the scenery. Follow me and I can take you there."

"Yeah right," Spike growled. "Then you'll take us hostage and won't let us go until Flash comes to rescue us."

"My, my, my," Guto suddenly stepped out from behind another pillar. "Aren't we perceptive."

"Him too," Twilight frowned.

"Alright," Guto took out his Duel Disk, "then why don't we make this more interesting. A Duel, right here and right now. You win and you can go. But if you lose, then you come with us."

Twilight's brain was in turmoil. She knew it was a stupid idea to battle against then, especially since her losing would mean Flash would be in even more danger, but she couldn't pass up this chance to beat a Zealot and send them back to their world. "Alright," she took out her Duel Disk, "let's Duel."

"Twilight!" Spike cried, only for Marble to let out a chuckle.

"Why don't we make this more interesting," she took out her Duel Disk. "Tag Duel. You two against us." The siblings looked surprised by this, while Guto gave her a questioning look. "Don't be so surprised. This is sure to make the Duel more interesting. And it'll also cut the time down, since even if she loses the pipsqueak will want to Duel after her."

Guto seemed to see the logic in this and nodded, both turning back to the siblings.

"What do you think?" Twilight asked her brother.

"I say we go for it," Spike told her. "This totally gives us an advantage." They turned back to the Zealots. "In a Tag Duel, the team who knows their partner's strategies best have the advantage."

Twilight nodded in agreement. "Plus our play styles should work well off one another. Alright," she said loud enough for the two to hear, "we'll Tag Duel. But let's get a few ground rules down."

"Of course," Guto nodded as he attached his Duel Disk. "For one, let's have separate Life Points."

"Fine," Twilight attached her Duel Disk, "but we share fields and graveyards. Plus we can Pendulum Summon from our teammate's Extra Decks."

"I'm okay with that," Guto nodded as Spike and Marble placed their Duel Disks onto their arms. "But before then," he pulled a card out from his coat and threw it to the ground. Before the siblings could do anything, the card exploded and created a white square of light around them.

"What?" The two yelled as they suddenly found themselves blinded by the light that exploded off the square. When they opened their eyes, they found they were now standing on a rooftop. Look around, they saw they were still in the parking structure but had morphed to the top of it.

"Gives us a little breathing space for our more...larger monsters." The two frowned, knowing he was likely talking about their Zenith Dragons. Now then," Guto activated his Duel Disk. "Shall we begin." The others all activated their Duel Disks before crying out the same phrase.


Spike: 4000
Guto: 4000
Twilight: 4000
Marble: 4000

Back at his house, Flash and Starlight were still having a tabletop Duel when Flash's phone began to buzz. He excused himself from the game before answering it, "hello?"

"Flash?" It was Cadance, "are Twilight and Spike still there with you?" This didn't sound good.

"No," Flash put his phone on speaker, "they left here a while ago."

"That's strange. Their mom just called and said they weren't home yet. Which is strange since Twilight's always punctual and when she's not, she always calls ahead."

"That is weird," Flash agreed.

"We tried calling them, but neither of them are answering."

"Now I'm worried," Flash turned towards the door but Starlight got up and blocked him.

"No, you're not going out there. For all we know, that's exactly what the Zealots want." Flash frowned at this, but knew she was right. "Let us handle this." She turned to his phone, "call Cold and see if he can track their Duel Disks."

"Already on it. Let's just hope their phones both died and they're helping some little old lady."

"I doubt it," Flash sighed.

"I'll take the first move," Spike drew his card. He looked through his hand as a plan formed in his head, then turned to Twilight.

"You got this," she assured him. "Whatever plan you have, I'm confident I can work with it come my turn."

"Got it!" Spike nodded before moving into action. "I'll start by setting the Pendulum Scale, with Scale two Soulburner Dragon and Scale ten Repulser Dracokid!" The pillars of light appeared on either side of the siblings before the two dragons flew up into them. Alongside Repulser Dracokid was a large crimson serpentine dragon with a mane of fire running from the back of its head down its body and a pair of flaming string like whiskers. "Burn through space time and blaze the arc of victory!" The portal began to form above their heads. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened before a fireball shot out, hitting the ground and exploding to reveal Spike's monsters. "Armoured Wyvern!" (A1500/D1200/L4) "Then I'll summon Heat Wing Dragon to my field in ATK mode!" Another fireball exploded in front of him, revealing the Tuner monster. (A300/D200/L1)

"Alright!" Twilight smiled as Spike continued.

"Next, I'll tune Heat Wing and Armoured Wyvern together!" The tuner leapt into the air before morphing into a fireball, which drew a large flaming ring that Armoured Wyvern flew into. "Burning spirit, erupt into a wildfire of power!" The ring exploded and created a blazing sphere. "I SYNCHRO SUMMON!"

The flames receded, revealing his monster "Flame Hunter Dragon!" (A2300/D1300/L5/P8) "Then I'll place two cards face down and end my turn."

Twilight nodded, liking the way Spike had set up his field. She might not know what face downs he had, but she knew they would come in handy and help her get to her turn. As long as they stuck together, they would be able to make it through this Duel and be victorious. "We've got this."

The four were so focused on the Duel that they didn't even notice they had an audience.

Trixie and Skystar were watching from the sidelines, hidden behind the barrier on either side of the ramp leading down to the lower section of the parking structure. "Was this a good idea?" Skystar asked Trixie. "Sure, a Tag Duel might sound like a good idea. But can we really trust her to not throw Ouravas under the bus?"

"Ouravas seems to think she can be trusted," Trixie assured her. "But I'm not so easily convinced. If anything, the outcome of this Duel should help us gauge her attitude towards Lord Zeronull's revival."

"It's my turn," they heard Guto announce as he drew his card. "And I'll start by summoning Skyborn Griffon, in ATK mode!" A tornado exploded infront of Guto before exploding to reveal a large griffon that had a white head and neck, brown body, black wings and yellow claws. (A1600/D1300/L4) "Attack!"

"But why?" Spike asked as Skyborn Griffon flew up into the air, "my monster's way stronger than yours."

"Not once he activates its ability," Twilight realised as Guto nodded.

"That's right." He took a card from his hand and placed it into his graveyard. "By discarding a Wind monster from my hand, Skyborn Griffon's ATK power increases by its ATK." The ghostly image of Aero-Burst Griffon appeared next to Skyborn Griffon before exploding into a burst of wind that began to wrap around it and powered it up. (A3000/D1300/L4) "GO!"

They watched as Skyborn flew down towards Flame Hunter Dragon, the wind acting like a drill as it got closer and closer.

Twilight looked over at Spike, expecting him to activate one of his face downs. But instead, Spike just smirked as the attack landed and his dragon was destroyed.

Spike: 3300
Guto: 4000
Twilight: 4000
Marble: 4000

Guto smirked as Skyborn's ATK returned to normal. (A1600/D1300/L4) "I place one card face down and end my turn."

Twilight turned to Spike and saw him frown, as if something hadn't gone the way he wanted it too. She thought it over and quickly realised what he'd been getting at. "Griffon's Horde," she whispered to herself. She'd come to realise Spike had let Flame Hunter be destroyed hoping to Pendulum Summon it back and destroy the card Guto used during his Duel with Rainbow. But it looked like he was aware of the plan.

"While we're young," Marble told the glasses-wearing teen.

Twilight remembered it was her turned and reached for her deck. "I draw!" She looked through her hand and nodded as the portal formed above them. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened before two lights and a fireball shot out of it, hitting the ground and exploding to reveal her monsters. "Timebreaker Magician!" (A1400/D0/L3/P2)

"Harmonizing Magician!" (A0/D0/L4/P8)

"And Flame Hunter Dragon!" (A2300/D1300/L5/P8) "Flame Hunter's skill!" The fire wyvern opened its mouth and unleashed a fireball that struck Guto's face down, destroying it. But instead of looking upset, Guto smirked.

"You activated my Trap!" A portal opened up below Flame Hunter before several dark chains shot out of it and wrapped around the dragon, pulling it into the portal.

"Flame Hunter!" Spike cried as his Pendulum Monster was pulled into the darkness, the portal closing once he was inside. "No!"

"What happened?" Twilight asked Guto.

"My Trap," Guto explained. "Cursed Treasure. It's effects activate whenever it's destroyed and allows me to banish any monster on your field while dealing the own three hundred points of damage." Spike suddenly cried out as he was surrounded by a dark aura, his life points dropping.

Spike: 3000
Guto: 4000
Twilight: 4000
Marble: 4000

Twilight frowned, realising they'd fallen right into his trap. "Duel's not over yet," she told them as she continued her turn. "Now I tune my Level four Harmonizing Magician with Level three Timebreaker Magician!" The two Magicians leapt into the air before one of them exploded into four lights which carved four large circles that Timebreaker leapt inside of. "Beings of mystical might, unite your power and let the magic shine for all eternity." At that moment her monsters disappeared in an explosion of light, "I SYNCHRO SUMMON!"

The light faded, revealing Twilight's ace monster. "Twilight Warlock!" (A2500/D2100/L7/P4) "Warlock's skill!" Twilight drew her top five cards and looked through them, seeing only one Spellbook amongst them. She took it and returned the rest to her deck. "Now I activate the Spellbook of Rebirth!" The book appeared infront of Warlock, who began chanting as a magic portal opened up to allow another monster to fly out of it. "Armoured Wyvern, arise once again!" The dragon flew out and joined Warlock on the field. (A1500/D1200/L4)

Guto smirked, "not bad."

"If you think that's good, wait until you see this!" Twilight Warlock raised its staff before pointing it at Skyborn Griffon, "attack!" The wizard unleashed a magical blast that struck the griffon and destroyed it, zapping Guto in the process.

Spike: 3000
Guto: 3100
Twilight: 4000
Marble: 4000

"And with that out of the way, you're open for a direct attack!" Armoured Wyvern flew at Guto, its wing blades ready to slice and dice him. But Guto smirked.

"I pay three hundred life points to activate the effect of my Griffonic Defender!" A tornado exploded between him and Armoured Wyvern before fading to reveal a grey griffon wearing the same armour as Ouravas, only this one was carrying a large bronze shield. (A1000/D1000/L4)

Spike: 3000
Guto: 2800
Twilight: 4000
Marble: 4000

"What happened?" Spike asked in shock while Twilight checked the monster's bio. As she did, Armoured Wyvern slashed at the griffon and destroyed it.

"When I'm attacked directly, Griffonic Defender lets me Special Summon it to take the hit instead."

Twilight and Spike both frowned before Twilight placed a card face down on the field. "I end my turn."

"My turn then," Marble drew her card. "And I'll start by playing the Spell Card, Reincarnation of Hope." She two took cards from her hand. "So now I'll discard two cards and in two turns I'll be allowed to add another monster to my hand."

Twilight and Spike both knew what she was planning, having seen this effect before. "Not good."

"Then, I'll banish Gaia-Knight Corundum along with my Stone Statue of the Aztecs!" The knight appeared before her as rocks broke off the ground and wrapped around him, forming a moon that quickly shattered to reveal her monster. "Now I summon Gaia-Knight Sapphire, in ATK mode. (A3000/D2400/L8) And with two Rock monsters removed from play, Sapphire's ATK power goes up by an extra two hundred. (A3200/D2400/L8) "ATTACK!"

Twilight watched as the knight charged forward, its target being Armoured Wyvern. "I activate a Trap," her face down flipped up. "Negate Attack!"

"Bad move," Marble told her. "Thanks to Sapphire's ability, I can return one of my banished Rock monsters to my graveyard in order to negate your Trap and destroy it." (A3100/D2400/L8) A barrier appeared between Armoured Wyvern and Sapphire, but the Gaia-Knight simply used its lance to pierce through it, causing it and the Trap to shatter, while continuing to aim at the dragon.

"Fine!" Twilight called out as she activated another face down, "then I'll use Spike's face down." The card flipped up to reveal a Spell, "Battle Rotation. This card lets me switch which monsters an attacking monster targets for an attack. So I'll be switching Armoured Wyvern with Twilight Warlock." The two monsters suddenly flickered out of existence before reappearing in each other's spot. Seconds later, the wizard was impaled and destroyed.

Spike: 3000
Guto: 2800
Twilight: 3400
Marble: 4000

"I'll place one card face down and end my turn," Marble smirked while looking over their first official turn. "Well, this is shaping up to be a fun little match."

Spike frowned as he reached for his deck, "it'll be a lot more fun once we win and send you two packing." He drew his card and nodded. "I activate the Pendulum Ability of my Repulser Dracokid!" He discarded a card as the monster called Lava Fang Dragon appeared infront of him. "Now I can discard this dragon and draw cards equal to his level." He drew four cards as the portal opened above them, "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened before a fireball and a light shot out and hit the ground, exploding to reveal their monsters. "Twilight Warlock!" (A2500/D2100/L7/P4)

"And Burning Salamander!" (A1600/D1400/L4)

"He's got two Level fours," Skystar realised from the side. The others seemed to realise this as well, Spike smirking as his two dragons leapt into the air.

"I tune Level four Burning Salamander with Level four Armoured Wyvern!" The tuner burst into a quartet of fireballs, which carved four blazing rings that his dragon flew up into while Spike began to chant. "Cast your flames across this battlefield, and burn everything that is weak to ashes!" Everyone watched as his monsters were consumed by an explosion of fire. "I SYNCHRO SUMMON!"

The flames died down to reveal his Synchro Pendulum monster, who flew down and caused the building to shake as it landed behind Spike and Twilight. "Dragonic BLAZELORD!" (A3000/D2000/L8/P4) Twilight smiled while the Zealots appeared a little intimidated by the giant dragon standing over them. "Blazelord's skill!" The ghostly images of Heat Wing Dragon, Armoured Wyvern and Burning Salamander appeared around Blazelord before bursting into flames that the Synchro Pendulum Dragon absorbed. (A3600/D2000/L8/P4)

"Not bad," Marble smiled while looking down at her face down.

"Don't think that card's gonna save you," Spike told her. "My Blazelord's over ability will make it useless." Marble seemed surprised by this. "By skipping my Battle Phase, he can destroy every monster on your side of the field that's weaker then him and deal you four hundred points of damage for every one." Marble's eyes went wide as Blazelord swung its sword around, unleashing a wave of fire that flew across the field and struck Gaia-Knight Sapphire. The crystal warrior roared in pain as it was destroyed, the fire wave hitting Marble.

Spike: 3000
Guto: 2800
Twilight: 3400
Marble: 3600

"Oh, and whenever you take Effect Damage, Soulburner Dragon's Pendulum Ability activates." The dragon turned to Marble before spitting a fireball, which hit her dead on.

Spike: 3000
Guto: 2800
Twilight: 3400
Marble: 3300

"Nice one Spike!" Twilight cheered her brother on as he placed a card face down.

"I end my turn." Blazelord's ATK points returned to normal. (A3000/D2000/L8/P4)

Skystar frowned, "I don't like how evenly matched this Duel is." She turned to Trixie, "we're supposed to be bringing these two in. If they win-"

"They won't win," Trixie told her. "This Duel is only just getting started." She turned to Guto as he drew his card. "Just relax and let them do what they do best."

"Easy for you to say," Skystar frowned.

"I'll start by playing the Spell card, Griffon's Horde!" The treasure chest appeared between him and Marble, the crystal the griffon statue was holding showing a zero within it. "Now I can play any effect I want without paying a cost. And lucky, I have a card exactly for that occasion. But first, I play the Spell card Foolish Burial."

"Great," Spike sighed as Guto took a card out of his Duel Disk and sent it to the graveyard. They both had a feeling they knew which card that was and knew what the next card he was gonna use was.

"Then I activate the Premature Burial Spell." The number in the crystal increased to one, as a tornado exploded infront of him. And when it faded, the monster dominating Guto was revealed. "Griffonic Sky Commander, Ouravas!" (A3000/D2500/L8) "Ouravas's skill!" The number in the crystal increased again, as Guto drew another card. "Then I'll use it a few more times." The number in the crystal rose all the way to six, which Guto now having cards in his hand.

"Seriously," Spike growled. "That card's overkill."

"Not really Spike," Twilight told her brother. "Don't forget, It has a cost. If it's destroyed, he'll take five hundred points for damage of every counter it has. And with six counters, he's looking at three thousand points of damage."

"So all we've gotta do is destroy that card and he'll be done," Spike smirked. "Alright."

"Don't think I don't know that," Guto told them. "I'm well aware of it. That's why I have this! Giant Trunade!" Everyone's eyes went wide as a giant gust of wind swept across the roof, sucking up the many Spells, Traps and Pendulum cards on the field before returning them to their owner's hands. "So now, I can place Griffon's Horde back on the field without an issue." He did so, the Spell returning with a zero in the crystal.

Twilight and Spike both frowned as they suddenly found themselves defenceless,

"Attack!" The griffon flew forward before using its spear to stab into Twilight Warlock, destroying it and unleashing a shockwave that sent Twilight and Spike tumbling to the ground.

Spike: 3000
Guto: 2800
Twilight: 2900
Marble: 3300

Guto smirked as he placed two cards face down, watching as both Twilight and Spike tried to pick themselves up. "You two are talented Duellists, but did you really think you stood a chance against us?"

Marble nodded. "We Zealots have faced tragedies and sorrows that people like you couldn't possibly understand. It's what lead us to Zeronull and thus, lead us to you. We looked into the void of darkness and came out stronger."

"No," Twilight shook her head, "you didn't. You came out weaker. Because only a weakling would feel the need to do what you've done."

"Stealing people's bodies," Spike continued. "Forcing them away from their friends and families. Kidnapping others and trying to force them into something they don't want." The two finally got back to their feet, "while also trying to destroy this entire world."

"You let fear control you and that is why you won't beat us," Twilight told them. "Because only when you face your fears and conquer then, will you attain true strength. That's something Flash taught us."

"It's people like him that make this world worth living in," Spike continued. "And that's why we won't let you have him."

The two remembered back to what Flash had said earlier, how all he wanted was to go back to Duelling for fun. And when they won this Duel, he'd be one step closer to that future. "WE WILL PROTECT HIM! NO MATTER WHAT!" The siblings yelled. They were so focused on this goal, neither of them noticed something appearing on the back of their right hand. Something round that glowed black, with a slowly filling red symbol.

Author's Note:

Well this was certainly an interesting one. So, what does this all mean. Is it a sign or just a red herring? You'll have to read on to find out.

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