• Published 9th Feb 2021
  • 1,599 Views, 256 Comments

Jak and Daxter: Heirs of Mar - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, and Cozy Glow grow up in Sandover Village with Keira, Jak, and Daxter, where they train and play everyday, all while unaware of the grand adventure that's ahead of all of them.

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Epilogue: A New Day

Following their visit to the Mirror Equus, which might need to be renamed to Equus 2 if they didn't figure out how to fix the enchantments on the portal, Jak found that Twilight and Starlight were right, Pinkie pulled everyone into a party and totally forgot about everything that had been discussed, which also included those from Ponyville, who were used to this and had no problems with it being her other self from another world, as if it was perfectly normal. Even though this world didn't have all of the alcohol that they were used to, and a fair number of establishments based on what he was seeing, the inhabitants of Ponyville seemed to have fun when Pinkie started the party, especially when she and the Rainbooms, the other girls that they had encountered earlier, pulled out the musical instruments they used and played a few songs. Twilight informed them that the group was incomplete right now, as she wasn't too good at music and Sunset happened to be the final member, so in some sense their music did suffered as well, but right now what they had seemed to be good enough, especially since the others were fine now that they had one of their friends back. Of course when they weren't playing music Rarity came over to take Twilight's measurements before seeing what sort of designs she could come up with, while Fluttershy seemed far more interested in brushing her hair and fur, which she was fine with, especially since Daxter and Tess suffered the same fate for a time, causing the others to chuckle as well.

One thing Starlight discovered during the party was that Spike, despite being glued to his notes and journals, joined them in having fun, showing her that he had definitely changed over the years he spent in Korma, where she knew that Princess Twilight would be surprised by this when she finally returned from her own adventure, though for the time being she also joined in the fun, even though they were all stunned when Elora kissed him and revealed that they were dating, which she knew would really surprise Princess Twilight.

After the party Twilight, Starlight, Cozy, and Jak, not to mention Keira and some of the Precursors, moved between their world and Equus, allowing them to better understand the new worlds they had discovered, not to mention better figure out all of the things that the dragons of Korma were capable of, even though Twilight and Starlight were surprised to find that Spike was also a writer, as he was the one who chronicled the adventures he and his siblings went through before they returned to Equus. The tales involving Gnasty Gnorc and Ripto were interesting, the one involving the Sorceress was more outrageous, before reaching the tale of how the siblings found Cynder, Warfang, and someone called 'Malefor', who seemed to be the most revered dragon in Korma, though they moved onto a second adventure dealing with Ripto, which was followed by what had to be the most interesting one of them all, their battles with the 'Dark Master'. Twilight had to admit that it was rather nice to see how well Spike had improved over the years, as originally he started with just text in his books, but eventually he evolved his skills and was able to add drawings of figures and places to them, which looked all too real when she stared at one, as it looked more like a picture, and he even went back to the first adventure to modify it with new pictures. Truth be told she and the others were slightly intimidated by Spike's image of the Dark Master, a being so dark and evil that he actually brought about the end of his own world, where Spyro and Cynder found a way to best him and sacrificed themselves to stop the destruction of their world, which reformed into what they currently knew, so it was like a planetary reset in some manner, and the Dark Master was the only villain that Spike and his siblings, plus the rest of their friends and allies, were unable to defeat in battle.

As it turned out Malefor, a living legend on Korma who was known as the first purple dragon, among other things based on Spike's words, was the one who ultimately dealt with the Dark Master, and right now Spike's group was trying to work their way up to his level, even though it seemed impossible given that he had a thousand years of experience on them, but she trusted Spike's judgement on the matter and didn't question it at all.

The interesting thing they discovered was that Malefor was actually training them and improving their skills, even though all of their sessions either ended in him wiping the floor with them or them forcing a draw, where Jak and Cozy glanced at each other for a moment, no doubt imaging what it might be like to fight him, though given the fact that Spike and Ember, with their new brother and his girlfriend, had trouble they decided not to try their hand. Of course while they talked about that Spike was also taking the time to study a few pieces of Precurium, as Eon had heard his request for some ingots and delivered them personally, just to see what the scholarly dragon wanted them for, since this was the first time someone from another world was so interested in the metal his race used. The good part about him making such a delivery was that it gave Spike someone to ask his more detailed questions to, especially since Eon had far more experience in this field than any of the other Ottsels did, or Twilight, Daxter, and Tess for that matter, though it didn't stop Twilight from joining them to learn more for herself. Part of her reasoning was that she would learn more for when she eventually moved on from the Precursor State she was in and ascended to the next one, the Chrysalis State, and then the Spirit State, as this was all for when she had to move on, so she could help nurture a new planet and make it like Jak's, filled with ancient ruins for those who would call it home to explore and learn from.

Of course Twilight also knew that Spike was planning something, though what she had no idea, especially since he wasn't talking about it all that much right now, but this did confirm a thought she had about him, he was more like her than she originally thought, or more like Princess Twilight to be exact, and she was eager to see what he was working on, whenever he finished it anyway.

It was on their third day in Equus when something interesting happened, Spike revealed that part of his work had been on forming a new portal for them to use, one that connected to Feolorath and would allow people to travel from one world to another, where an arch made of Precurium, which appeared to be the now official name for Precursor metal, rested near all of the others that had been made so far. Keira tested it without delay, where she found that she was able to return to her home world, where Eon had helped make sure that the other side of the portal structure was somewhere safe, in part of Haven, before returning to Equus with a smile on her face, as it was instant teleportation and it happened to be safer than using a Rift Ring. Eon was surprised by this, mostly because he had been sure that something was going to go wrong at some point, but this just showed them that Spike didn't do anything without studying and double checking his notes or calculations on whatever he happened to be doing, making him curious as to what else the young dragon had planned for all of them. This allowed them to return to Feolorath and head to Haven, or one of the other cities, to make sure everyone else knew that nothing was wrong and that they hadn't been abducted by some strange creature from another world, as Discord left quite the impression on them, where Jak wanted to make sure everything was fine before worrying about any other odd events that might happen to both versions of Equus.

On the fourth day, however, Jak and his sisters found Spike standing outside the portal to Mirror Equus, studying the bits of magic that were connected to it as he continued to try and find a way to recreate the enchantments that Starswirl used to make this, but this time around he had a frown on his face as he made some notes, even though they found someone else standing nearby, one of the displaced that had been sent to Azeroth, since it was the only other portal active in this area at the moment, not to mention his siblings and Cynder.

"Spike, are you sure about this?" the newcomer asked, where they found that she was wearing a silver robe that had black lines on it and happened to have a red sash connected to it, though she had silver colored hair that looked like flames, in some manner, and two curved demonic horns on either side of her head, with colored markings on them, with a curved crystalline horn in the middle of her forehead.

"Yes, Equestrian magic has seeped into the mirror world, meaning soon we should be seeing side effects," Spike said, to which Jak and the others stopped for a moment as they listened to what he had to say, as they were expecting something like this to happen at some point in the future, like a week or two, instead of a few days after reestablishing the connection between worlds, "we should be seeing people with powers, and possibly even altered forms... we'll have to help them out either way, since it'll cause chaos either way."

Jak and his sisters said nothing as they followed the pair into the portal, where they found themselves back in front of the school that they had seen a few days ago, though this time around Spike was sampling the magic in the air and the other one, Spitfire, was observing what was going on right now, though it didn't take them long to figure out that something was odd about the world around them. Sure enough they found some of the students were shocked by what was going on at the moment, as Twilight found some people who had grown horns, others who had wings, pegasi, griffin, and even a few with leathery wings, bat ponies, and others that appeared to be totally normal, save for the hooves on their feet, so it was clear that this world had changed in some manner. In addition to that they discovered many of them had developed brand new powers, especially since no one had magical abilities, some had flames, others seemed to be messing with the wind, a few had other powers, such as Vinyl's counterpart having sound powers, and, much to their surprise, a few happened to have access to Eco, causing Jak to raise an eyebrow. Twilight realized that this was exactly like what Spike had talked about earlier, that reestablishing the connection between worlds was causing magic to flow into this place, granting powers and new forms to those who called it home, and sure enough they found Trixie trying to use her new magic on the ground, all without anything happening at all.

"Well, it looks like we have some work to do," Spike said, where he tapped his staff on the ground and a barrier wrapped around the area they were in, causing the others to glance at him for a moment, before he stepped forward and focused on everyone else that happened to be outside the school, while Twilight joined him as she headed for the ones that were showing Eco powers.

Jak found that things were changing at an odd pace for them, people were becoming all the races of Equus, or at least their other selves based on what Twilight had told him, and each one was developing their own powers, causing Spike, Spitfire, and his group to lend a hand to those who were around them, though he did learn something interesting during all of this, there was an area of Korma called the Skylands and it had an academy that specialized in training heroes.

"We created the academy to train the next generation of heroes, and improve the skills of the current generation, or that's what my father and Spike said," Cynder remarked, speaking when she saw a look on Cozy's face after Spike mentioned the Skylands, even though they understood that to fully understand everything they would have to ask him, though she did see someone in need of help, a lady who seemed to becoming a bat pony, based on the wings, as she had a mass of dark energy between her hands, something she had some knowledge on, "we then changed it when we were brought to Equus and learned the truth of what was going on, bringing the races of Equus into it, and when Spitfire and Rainbow came back with their forces we added them, and the knowledge that they brought with them, to our routine... now we're going to add all sorts of people and Eco to that list."

"You guys sure know what you're doing," Starlight commented, as it seemed like Spike and his siblings knew exactly what to do in this situation, meaning they must have spent all sorts of time tending to the citizens of the places they visited over the years, and it seemed like Spitfire was getting in on the action, as one guy had nature growing around him while a girl had a glowing light around her, not light, as she claimed, but rather the Light, whatever that meant, causing her to sigh as she realized that they had so much to learn about the other worlds and their powers.

"What can we say, we've had a lot of practice." Spyro replied, where he tended to a pair of girls that seemed to be turning into dragons, the Equestrian variety to be exact, and it looked like they were calling fire to their hands without trying to do so, and a third one rested nearby who seemed to be developing phoenix wings, along with possible talons for feet, so he knew it would take some time to calm them down.

Twilight watched as Spyro, Spike, Ember, and Cynder calmed more people down than she and her siblings could do, even Spitfire did more than them in a short period of time, before the barrier fell and Spyro told them that there was a place for them to learn how to control their new powers, so they could harness them and not fall victim to uncontrollable bursts of energy, like what just happened when their elements manifested. What they discovered was that Trixie's counterpart was the first one to follow the dragons, with Twilight's friends following suit, something that caused the others to follow, even though these were only the students of Canterlot High and they would have to check the rest of this city once they were done, allowing them to head through the portal and then head through the one that lead to Korma. It was in that moment that they gained an understanding of the other gateways that rested near the other side of the portal in question, as each one lead to another part of the world, before they found a rather impressive two story school resting off in the distance, on a floating path of land that made it seem more like an island. This was the Skylands, a set of floating islands that had been made during the last battle they had with one of Korma's villains, making them wonder who could have caused this to happen, and that there were decent sized islands for each of the elements of this world, such as fire, water, and wind as Spike explained things to them, so this would serve as the perfect place for everyone to learn about their powers and not have to worry about actually hurting people on accident.

Of course Twilight and her siblings were surprised by the amount of races assembled at the school, many taking part in a class that seemed to be learning how to fight with weapons, using methods that Ember learned in the past, and it wasn't long before they found people training others in how to use magic and all sorts of other things, like art and technology, to which the four of them smiled as they followed the new students towards the school, as it looked like things were shaping up and they were eager to face whatever the future held for them and their friends.

Comments ( 4 )

.... I hate the fact that Skylanders is in this universe, but you make a good point on why it would be. Still, I won't be forgiving you for adding in that monstrosity of a cash grab.

11064017 The Skylands in this universe is totally different from the main one, but I can understand your frustrations or annoyance with the game series in question.

I know that it is different, and you have plans that are different from the games and the shows, but I still don't like the fact that you're adding a version of it to this universe. I will still read it, I'm just letting you know that my view on it will be extremely unflattering at the start.

11064699 I understand your point. The only things I've taken from the Skylanders series is the existence of the Skylands and the academy itself, nothing else... but, as I said, I can understand what you're saying.

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