• Published 9th Feb 2021
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Jak and Daxter: Heirs of Mar - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, and Cozy Glow grow up in Sandover Village with Keira, Jak, and Daxter, where they train and play everyday, all while unaware of the grand adventure that's ahead of all of them.

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Spargus: Into the Temple

After taking a few moments to rest after what they did inside the volcano, mostly due to the heat of the lava and magma to be exact, Jak found that Twilight was able to tell that a few hours had passed since they arrived at the temple, meaning that it was getting closer to nighttime, though after he learned that piece of information he stood up and quickly walked over to the indent in the wall that housed one of the small Dark Statues, allowing him to turn invisible for a time as his sisters stood there and watched as he likely headed over towards the area that the Light Eye was guarding. Sure enough the door behind the Eye opened and the Eye itself vanished as it realized someone had bypassed its defenses, something that caused the sisters to walk over to where Jak was standing and allowed them to discover that the path the Light Eye had been guarding was a long staircase that seemed to head down into the earth, to their right to be exact and made them wonder what else this temple might have in store for them, especially since it seemed to be a place that the Precursors were worshiped in, by the monks no doubt. On the other side of the door the siblings also found some of the spiders that they found inside Mar's Tomb, or at least ones that had been knocked out by Jak, since he had found them as soon as the door had opened, though once those foes had been taken care of they headed down the steps and kept their weapons at the ready, once more given the fact that this was a place possibly set up by the Precursors or their followers, as tests for those who came in the future, so there was no telling what sort of enemies might be waiting for them as they headed into the depths. As they headed down the stairs it was easy to find a number of spiders walking up towards where the door rested, where Cozy fired off a pair of Reflector blasts and took all of them out, or at least the ones they could see right now, though another thing the siblings discovered was that one of the walls to their left had broken a little, given that a small stream of water was entering the temple and made them wonder if Seem knew about it, though there was a slight chance that they were busy and hadn't gotten to fixing this yet.

At the end of the passage that the stairs rested in the siblings came to a stop the moment they found a decent sized area that could pass as a chamber, though the reason for all of them pausing was due to the Dark Eco vent that was resting in front of them, something none of them had been expecting to find since there were no vents like this in any of the areas they had been through in the past, making them wonder why this was here, especially given the fact that this place was linked to the Precursors, who seemed to prefer Light Eco.

"Gol and Maia likely had a hand in this, as this vent seems newer than the walls around us," Twilight commented, as that was what she could gather from looking around the chamber that she and her siblings had stopped in, mostly to see what in the world this chamber might have in store for all of them, even though it appeared that there was nothing else save for the vent in question, meaning it was just a way for someone who possessed Dark Eco to top off their powers for the next stage of the trials that rested in this place.

Jak considered that for a moment, as he had to agree that the sudden arrival of a Dark Eco vent meant that Gol and Maia, who had tried to spread Dark Eco all over the world, in a really insane way given their dark desire to tear open a Dark Eco Silo, meant they must have found a way to safely do part of their self imposed mission, before he and his sisters headed down the other tunnel that lead even deeper into the temple, as there had to be a trial of some kind waiting for them and all four of them, including Daxter and the disguised Neo Metal Heads, knew that it was only a matter of time until one of the tests revealed itself to them. Not a few seconds later, at the end of the next passage, the siblings found a larger room, in comparison to the one they had just been in away, which had a switch resting in the middle of the area, only it seemed to be guarded by a number of floating robots who seemed like they would fire at someone the moment they stepped out into the area they were in, before noticing that there were two doors in this area, one that was a normal one and one that happened to be the Seal of Mar. As such Twilight had to wonder if there was a connection between this temple and Mar's Tomb, plus everything that was associated with the legendary place in question, before Jak found his way over to another Dark Statue and used it to turn invisible, allowing him to walk out into the middle of the chamber and smash the button into the floor, causing the normal door to open not a few seconds later, though since none of the robots had reacted to his actions he used charged up the Wave Concussor and blasted them all to bits with a full charge. With that done, and he was sure that all of the enemies in this chamber had been smashed to pieces, the siblings headed for the new passage Jak had opened and found that a swarm of spiders happened to be resting in their way, to which Starlight stepped up and just used a bit of magic to form a barrier in front of them, before she created a slot in the front and fired a few Reflector blasts into the area in front of them, taking out all of the spiders in a matter of seconds, which allowed her to bring down the bit of magic she had summoned so they could move forward once more.

That brought them to a large box shaped chamber that seemed to be separated into a number of vertical sections, as the Light Eyes that were in this area summoned barricades to stop them from just walking along the sides of the chamber and bypassing the challenge altogether, though fortunately the path to their left was open and it brought them to where yet another Dark Statue happened to be resting, causing Jak and his sisters to understand what needed to be done to make their way through this part of the temple. As such Twilight weaved a temporary transparent invisibility spell over her and her sisters, that way they wouldn't run into each other or Jak while also remaining unseen by the Light Eye, though once all four of them were ready to go, with Jak being the first one to jump and grab onto the pole that was near where the first of the Dark Statues rested, as they could see that there were a few more resting further ahead of them and meant each one had a short time limit before whoever was using their power was visible again. Of course that could be negated if Jak let Twilight use her magic on him, but he wanted to do things a certain way and she wasn't about to get in his way, hence why he focused on tapping into his new power as he moved forward, swinging from pole to pole as he moved from one side of the chamber to the other, though once he reached the end of the first obstacles the Light Eye faded from existence, which told them that only one of them needed to cross to clear part of this trial, which meant whoever set this test up didn't plan for more than one person tackling the challenges. That fact didn't stop the siblings from replicating what they did with the first section of the obstacle course, doing it three more times so they could reach the other end of the chamber, which did cause the barricades to fall once everyone had completed the challenge, even though Twilight did make a note of a section of one of the walls that looked like it was breakable, meaning they might be coming back here later, though instead of any of them worrying about that they made their way over to the other passage and took it, as they knew that there had to be some sort of clue as to what Seem was talking about in this place, or at least some sort of Precursor statue that might talk to them before they made their way back to their vehicles.

Given the fact that the last couple of passages had spiders inside them the siblings found a large number of them standing in their way, not that it mattered since Twilight charged a Wave Concussor blast in front of her hand and tossed it into the crowd of spiders, blowing all of them away in the process, before they found a smaller chamber that had a sealed vent, an odd thing that caused the siblings to move on, which was followed by all of them finding that they had arrived at a rather massive chamber, with a massive Precursor statue that looked like it had three heads and three different platforms, as in three total trials overall, though they ducked behind a wall, with Twilight covering them with illusion magic, as they heard a pair of voices and found Veger and Seem in part of this chamber.

"I want no excuses!" Veger snapped, his tone revealing that he and Seem must have talked about something in the past, or at least that was what it looked like as they observed the situation, finding that the leader of the monks didn't seem to be flinching as Veger turned on them, though this was exactly what Jak and his sisters were hoping for, information to aid all of them in their plans to save both Haven and Spargus from their enemies, basically save the world from those who might seek to do harm to it, "You told me this could be done. Now make it so!"

"But we have so little time." Seem countered, something that told the siblings even more than what they were expecting to learn while they were hiding in this area, that the Day Star had either come earlier than what Seem and their followers had been expecting, which was entirely possible when Jak and his sisters thought about it, or it was right on time and they were running out of time before it, and whatever it was supposed to bring, reached their world, "The Day Star approaches! You know what it brings!"

"It is unfortunate, yes." Veger replied, his tone suggesting that he must have taken Seem's words in a way that wasn't what they had meant when they decided to speak up, as Jak could see that the ever calm monk had to be getting annoyed with Veger, something which told him and his sisters that whatever deal the pair had forged must have fallen apart, or at least had broken a little, after Seem had learned something, before Veger turned for a moment, "We will deal with that as soon as I have full access to the Catacombs. Just continue your work, and I'll figure out a way to deal with those idiots in Haven... why they sided with that freak and his sisters is beyond me, but since my trap went off they're stuck in this Wasteland and won't be able to mess with any of my plans. Once our obstacles are taken care of you'll be able to meet your makers, just like I promised."

"They have already chosen their representative, they who have Light and Darkness inside them." Seem growled, their tone revealing that they had to be getting angry with Veger, just like Jak and his sisters were at this point in time, though at the same time it was a surprise for the siblings when they heard Seem speak in their defense, like their brief encounters with them had convinced the monk that it was in their best interest to be on Jak's side and not be one of his enemies, especially given the powers that Twilight and her sisters possessed, "Besides, with the Day Star approaching, it would take them too long to turn their attention to someone else... the Four Sages are the key to saving our world, just as the Precursors said, and there's no stopping their actions from bearing fruit."

Veger looked like he wanted to say something, anything really, to counter what Seem had said, though instead of wasting time on that he huffed, turned around, and departed from the chamber by using a passage that seemed to head up to one of the higher levels of the temple, where Seem sighed for a few seconds, as if they were collecting themselves and calming down before they did something drastic, like end Veger's life in some manner for example, before they followed after the arrogant and annoying man who wrecked their transport, though the siblings remained still for a few moments, just to be sure that Veger was gone before they emerged from their hiding spot.

"I wonder what Veger meant by 'Catacombs', because they sure sounded important," Jak commented, where he made sure to keep his voice low as he and his sisters emerged from where they had been hiding, with the illusion spell fading away in the process, allowing them to move around the area and see what else they might be able to learn before heading back to Spargus, since there was a Warp Gate nearby and he suspected that it had to lead back to the temple's entrance, though at the same time he was interested in what his sisters had to say.

"I'm sure its an area we have yet to discover, though if we can get a message to our allies in Haven they can keep an eye on Veger's movements and figure it out," Starlight replied, because that seemed to be the best course of action, given that all of them were stuck in the Wasteland right now, making her wonder if they were going to run into Sig at some point, as he had a way into the city and could deliver the information that they had just discovered, and anything else they might find in the near future, before she noticed something interesting, "though it looks like the platform that's in front of the statue is glowing for some reason."

Jak, Twilight, and Cozy noticed what she was talking about as the Ottsels jumped down to the floor for a moment, which let the siblings walk up to the platform and come to a stop as soon as they reached their destination, where they confirmed that Veger and Seem were no longer in the area, allowing them to turn their full attention on whatever might happen next, as they were hopeful for more information before returning to Spargus, which was when the eyes of the statue lit up, as it meant that whatever the Precursors had left behind was ready to speak with them.

Greetings, great warriors, the statue stated, once more referring to the siblings like they were the shining stars that would save the world, which was sort of true given everything they had done to make sure their world was safe from harm, even if it made Twilight wonder about the whole 'Four Sages' thing that Seem had mentioned, though they remained silent for now as they listened to what the massive statue had to tell them, your return brings us great hope. This planet's future is at a critical juncture. The Dark Ones have found your world again, and fate hangs in the balance where the past and the future collide. To do that, you will need all the power you can muster to face this danger... step into the light and allow us to awaken your dormant powers.

Jak and his sisters stepped into the light that the Precursor statue was providing right now and closed their eyes for a few moments as they felt some sort of power wrap around them, lifting them into the air as the statue worked its power on all four of them, though Jak was the first one to land after floating in place for a short period of time, where he found that his Dark Eco, and his Dark Form for that matter, had been brought into balance by the awakening of the Light Eco inside him and whatever abilities that might have come with that. Once Jak was done, and he was feeling far better now that his Dark Eco was in balance, causing him to turn towards his sisters for a moment as Cozy started to lower down to where he and their Ottsels happened to be standing, though as her light faded he found that she was now sporting a pair of wings, ones that were nothing like the ones Midnight had even though they were feathered, he guessed like a pegasus if he thought about some of Samos' old stories, black feathers on her right and light blue on her left. Starlight followed Cozy a couple of seconds later, where Jak found that she had a horn in the middle of her forehead, like a unicorn, once more another story Samos had told them about, which also shared the her body's coloration, before she opened her eyes and Jak found that there were three rings around her eyes, as in all three of them rested in her sclera, and she carried a black staff in her right hand, which had a looped top and possessed six rings, each being a different color that represented the six Eco powers in their world, meaning her true power had to be incredible. When Twilight emerged, however, there were six of her standing in front of them, causing everyone's jaws to drop for a few moments, as there was their main sister, who had a light blue hue to her hair, eyes, and on the edges of her body, reflecting the Light Eco that had been awakened inside her, while to her right stood Midnight in all her dark glory, Twilight's Dark Eco manifested, before they found a blue skinned Twilight off to her left, with dark blue hair, and a green skinned version of her, who had light green hair, further down the line, while to Midnight's right stood a red skinned Twilight, who had dark red hair, and a yellow version with wheat colored hair down at the end of that side of the line.

The interesting fact was that all six Twilights now possessed their own wings, Midnight having raven wings while the other five had feathered wings, much like Cozy's pegasus wings, which possessed a coloration that matched their skin color, and all of them had horns as well, again the color matching their body color while the five Twilight's had unicorn horns, which were different than Midnight's once more... though once all six of them opened their eyes a light washed over them and all five of the additional Twilight's disappeared, leaving their sister behind, though she had rings around her eyes, with Light, Blue, and Green Eco resting in her left eye while Dark, Red, and Yellow Eco resided in her right eye, even though Jak was sure that all six Twilights had the rings in their eyes, likely reflecting their types of Eco.

"Geez, what sort of powers did you guys unlock?" Daxter asked, because he was sure that the Precursor statue must have awakened three slumbering goddesses, or at least that was what someone in Haven City might think if they witnessed this sort of thing, though his question was also directed towards the statue, in the sense that maybe this was to be blamed on the Precursors and what they did to the sisters, but even as he said, and considered what had happened, he realized what Seem had said was correct, as he was standing in the presence of the Four Sages, where he had to guess they were all, in their own way, Prism Sages or something, given that they could use all six types of Eco.

"I have the feeling that the next time we get into a fight, we'll find out." Alvin replied, though he was amazed by the sudden transformation Jak and his sisters had just experienced thanks to the Precursor statue, one that seemed to be dying down without saying anything else, though his brothers nodded their heads, showing that they agreed with his statement while they stared at the siblings for a few moments, where the sisters seemed to be looking over their bodies while feeling the new powers that had been awakened inside them.

Twilight, Starlight, and Cozy nodded their heads as well, showing that they also agreed with the statement, something that was followed by them heading over to where the Warp Gate rested and used it to travel back up to the temple's entrance, just like they assumed it would, before heading outside as the Ottsels returned to their usual perches, though this time Alvin and his brothers found that the sisters didn't want to use their vehicles this time around, especially since Twilight did take a moment to move hers back into her storage area before doing the same with Starlight's and Cozy's. Once that was done, and Jak was ready to go, the sisters took to the air, two of them flying with their new wings while Starlight used her levitation powers to follow after her siblings, causing Jak to chuckle for a moment as he engaged the Dune Hopper not a few seconds later and headed down the path that would bring him and Daxter back to the path that brought them to the monk's temple, all so they could quickly make their way back to Spargus. One thing Jak noticed as he did that, when his attention wasn't on jumping over the gaps and making his way over the path in question, was that it seemed to be in the process of getting dark out, meaning it had to be afternoon, though what surprised him and Daxter was that it looked like another storm was forming nearby, one that seemed larger than the last ones they had seen, making them wonder if this was common in the Wasteland, that the dangerous sandstorms raged frequently. Of course he knew that Twilight or even Starlight would ask about this sort of thing when they returned to Spargus, since their father had to know the answer, but for now his focus was on getting back to the city, before he was caught by the storm, though as he did that his sisters flew through the air and seemed to be enjoying themselves in their own way, where he noticed that Twilight paused for a few seconds and stared at the storm, no doubt noting where it was and how much time they had before it reached the walls of Spargus, before moving onward once more.

When they got back to Spargus the siblings found that all of the Wastelanders were rushing to get indoors and make sure everything was locked down, to make sure none of the dreadful sand got inside their houses or the areas that the food or livestock were stored in, though as they headed over to where the lift to the Palace was located it was easy for all of them to hear an alarm going off as everyone in the city moved, and sure enough their father was standing near his throne when they arrived in the chamber that he worked from and he happened to be holding onto a device that looked like a Security Pass that had been modified in some manner.

"Attention all people of Spargus: A large storm is heading our way! Prepare the city!" Damas stated, confirming what they had seen while they were making their way up to the Palace, that a massive storm was definitely heading for Spargus and that everyone was ensuring that everything was up to the standards that he had implemented back when they first set up this city, before he noticed them enter the throne room, relieved to see that they were safe, which caused him to quickly switch off the communicator for a few moments, "Jak, Twilight, Starlight, Cozy, and friends, I'm sure that you have news on whatever you were doing after helping Kleiver out, but now isn't the time for stories. Our scans indicate that there are four Wastelanders, who went out on other missions, that haven't reported in. I need you to go out and find them. Do whatever it takes to bring them back!"

"Send us their last known coordinates and we'll make sure to find them, or recover their bodies," Jak replied, to which the group turned around as soon as they heard what their father wanted, which made them wonder if the missing warriors might be some of his more loyal followers, back from his days ruling over Haven City, before he considered what he and his sisters had gone through and took a moment to glance back at his father as his Light Eco came to the surface, where he could see that Damas was stunned, "I'll give you a glimpse of what happened to us, but we'll tell you everything as soon as we get back."

As Damas and Pecker stared at them in shock, as the latter was almost always at their father's side, Jak and his sisters just retraced their steps back to the garage and returned to their vehicles, as Twilight returned them to where they had been resting before they went to explore the volcano and the temple, though once everyone was ready, and Daxter confirmed that they had been given the coordinates for the four missing Wastelanders, with the fifth being a location for them to be dropped off in, Jak quickly opened the main gate and headed out with his sisters a few seconds before him. At first none of them found anything that might be related to the storm, all while heading to where they faced the first Metal Beasts that Kleiver had told them about, but once they were halfway though that area the siblings discovered that the winds were, in fact, picking up and sand was starting to fly, meaning the Wastelanders that were out here were definitely in danger and if they weren't fast enough something bad would happen to them. Once they reached what appeared to be the edge of the area that the four warriors were located in Jak and his sisters separated from each other, each one taking one of the four locations, where Jak took the first one and found that his target was resting at the top of a hill that rested near where they took down the Metal Beasts, to which Daxter switched over to his shoulder not a few seconds later as he came to a stop near their target, allowing the Wastelander to climb into the vehicle before heading in the direction of the fifth icon, which he and his sisters would be heading to once they found their targets. Sure enough he found a transport, likely the same one that the Leaper Lizards had been loaded into earlier, before Kleiver gave them access to the Dune Hopper, though not a few moments later Starlight, whose target had been resting in a sunken area near the river that cut through this part of the Wasteland, drove up and weaved her magic around the transport as the warrior she assisted climbed out and headed into the waiting vehicle, though her power was to keep them safe from the sandstorm. Cozy arrived a few moments after that, revealing that she had run into some Marauders, which was insane since they should have known about the dangers of the storm, before finding that her target had been near where Starlight had been, though when she and Starlight felt a change in the magic in the air it meant that Twilight had to either be in trouble or was fighting something.

As such Jak and his sisters headed out in the direction that Twilight had gone in and quickly found out what had happened when she reached her target, that she discovered her target had been killed, holding onto a Dark Eco Crystal no less, but a Dark Satellite also floated nearby and seemed to be a danger to them, though the reality of the situation was that Midnight was in the middle of using her magic to tear it apart and store all of its components into separate containers as two other Twilights, the main one and the green one, where checking on the fallen Wastelander, no doubt to see if they could save him, before Green faded back into Twilight. Once that was done Midnight sealed the rest of the Dark Satellite in her large storage area, no doubt so she could work on it later, before she merged with Twilight once more as she caused the fallen Wastelander to float so it could be delivered to the transport, though she also salvaged some Marauder vehicles before she joined her siblings in heading back to the area that the vehicle from Spargus was resting in, that way their father could know that they found all four of them, even if one had been slain. With that done the siblings headed back to Spargus with the transport following not a few seconds behind them, almost as if the driver understood that they were safer with them and shouldn't take chances by heading out all alone, which was a smart move to make since it meant that they could open fire on any stupid Marauders that might try to get in their way and open the path that would bring them to Spargus, while the storm continued to get closer and closer to where the city rested. Even with those obstacles Jak and his sisters were able to get back to Spargus without much delay, and before the storm struck the city, to which they made sure that those who had been aboard the transport were able to enter the city easily, while leaving the fallen Wastelander for a later time, as in when the storm had passed over this part of the Wasteland and they were no longer under any danger, before they found that everyone was fine and departed for the Palace.

Once everyone was inside the Palace, and Damas was sure that everyone was accounted for, Spargus' lockdown went into effect as they waited for this storm to come to an end, though in the meantime Jak and his sisters told him and Pecker all about everything they had found in the volcano, as well as promising that they would tell Seem about their monks, though once that part of their tale was over, and the pair had an understanding on what had been discovered, Jak moved into the part about the powers that his sisters unlocked, despite the fact that he knew it was going to take a long time to convince Damas that everything was fine, which he was okay with since it meant that they could wait out the storm and not be bored out of their minds.

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