• Published 9th Feb 2021
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Jak and Daxter: Heirs of Mar - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, and Cozy Glow grow up in Sandover Village with Keira, Jak, and Daxter, where they train and play everyday, all while unaware of the grand adventure that's ahead of all of them.

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Spargus: Robot Wreckage

Once Midnight and Gaia were done making sure Haven Forest was safe from the darkness that had been unleashed upon it, during which Twilight actually came up with a name for the Green Eco version of herself, both of them faded back into her as she rejoined her siblings, though before they could actually leave the forest, and return to the Tainted's section of the city, their Communicator emerged for a moment and caused them to pause for a moment, even though they suspected that it was from Torn or possibly Samos.

While you were assaulting the Tainted's section, we located four critical power junctions that if destroyed could drop one of the barriers in the Industrial Section. Torn said, something that interested the siblings since they had seen the barriers in question before heading down into the Sewers, meaning Keira must have assisted him in discovering this information, or maybe it was Vin, who had to be stuck inside the Power Station, Now, I know that one of you can do this mission on your own, given your magical powers, but I've decided to give this mission to Jinx, our resident explosives expert, and I want the four of you to protect him while he's laying the charges that will wipe out those junction boxes. Do that and we'll be able to move deeper into the KG's section of the city.

"Don't worry, we'll get the job done," Jak replied, though he understood that Torn wanted to keep whatever magic all of his sisters had topped off for later, since he had no idea how much more power they had before a break was needed, and if he was being honest it sure didn't look like Twilight even needed to rest, even if she might be hiding her exhaustion from him and the others, but this plan was a good one and it appeared that his sisters agreed with him, "Come on, let's go see what sort of trouble we can get into."

Not a few moments later, when they emerged from the Door Lock that had brought them to the new section of the forest, the siblings discovered a two person seater zoomer resting down near the ramp, a thicker one to be exact, and Jinx just so happened to be sitting in the passenger seat, to which Twilight, Starlight, and Cozy took to the air as Jak climbed into the driver seat and started to head back into the Port, following the map that had been provided so he could track down all of the junction boxes. As it turned out the first of their four targets happened to be right outside the area that the barrier the Tainted had set up had been resting in, to which Jak parked the vehicle nearby and climbed out with Jinx as his sisters took a moment to land nearby, though they were joined by a number of Neo Metal Heads as the Tainted started to focus on what they were doing, and it was easy for the siblings to tell them apart given the blue armor their allies were wearing, as Torn had allowed them to join the Freedom League, which had pissed Veger off. Thanks to that Jak and his sisters didn't have to devote a good portion of their attention to defending Jinx, meaning they could focus on lashing out at the Tainted that were coming at them as a fair number of the Neo Metal Heads did the same thing, where they ripped and tore their way through the enemies that were advancing on this part of the Port, even though the Tainted ended up losing forces as the siblings slashed and blasted them into submission. Once Jinx was ready he and Jak climbed back into the zoomer and took off, allowing the sisters to take to the air as the Neo Metal Heads vacated the area as well, where the Tainted were consumed by the junction box detonating thanks to Jinx's actions, clearing this part of the Port of enemies, for the time being anyway, which allowed the defenders some time to regroup and rest before another wave came at them and tried to push into the rest of the Port.

The second junction box was still outside the Industrial Section, as it rested in the middle path that once lead to where the Palace entrance rested, a collapsed area thanks to Veger blasting the Palace so he could get at the Catacombs, though it took them no time to locate their target and the siblings assumed their positions as Jinx got to work on making sure it was ready to explode as well, where some of the Tainted crawled out through the nearby wreckage to attack them. As Jak and his sisters focused on tearing their foes apart, and making sure the Port was safe from enemies, Gaia emerged for a few seconds and weaved her power over the tunnels their enemies had dug to reach this point, sealing them up in seconds as she made sure such a thing wouldn't happen again, which put a smile on the faces of Jak and the others as Jinx finished his part of the mission, allowing them to leave as the junction box exploded. From there they actually headed into the part of the city that all of the KG Robots were coming from, where they discovered that the third of the four junction boxes just so happened to be off to the left of the main entrance to the area in question, to which Jak parked nearby and pulled his gun out as his sisters took up some positions all over the opening that lead to where Jinx was working, providing them with an extra layer of protection for when their enemies showed up. Sure enough a large number of robots started to pour into the area that they were working in, causing his sisters to open fire with either their guns or their magic, while Jak stayed a few steps away from where Jinx and the junction box rested, though he did use his blade to cleave a few robots in half as they tried to get at the person they were assisting at the moment, as some appeared to make a suicide rush through the defenses his sisters had set up and that meant the few who survived were his to take out.

With the third junction box taken care of, as Jinx made sure he and Jak moved before it exploded, they headed deeper into the Industrial Section and found that their last target rested near the barrier the siblings had seen earlier, right before they headed into the Sewers, to which they started to tear down the flying and ground robots that were coming at them, just like they had done in the past, but it wasn't long before Jinx finished his task and the junction box exploded, which caused the barrier in question to explode and scatter fragments everywhere.

Sweet Eco, you guys did it! Torn stated, his voice coming from the Communicator once more, meaning he must have been keeping an eye on a map or something that revealed the layout of the junction boxes, likely provided by Keira given her hand in keeping Haven City safe, where it was clear that he was pleased with their progress and that they were closer to reaching their allies in the northern half of the city, where Freedom HQ was located, You've opened the way for us to move deeper into KG territory!

"Nice work, Jak-y boy. Not to mention good work, ladies." Jinx spoke up, showing that he approved of what they had done as well, especially since it was his neck on the line and they had passed with flying colors in his eyes, to which he climbed into the zoomer and took the driver seat again, though he paused for a moment as he reached into a pack that Jak had spotted when he first climbed into the vehicle and pulled out four triangular shaped items, which he tossed to them as he beckoned to the new opening, "I'm gonna go see what I can scrounge up. See all of you on the flip side!"

As it turned out the items that Jinx had tossed at them was another weapon modification, again crafted by Tess, which she called the Needle Lazer, something that allowed one to fire three bits of Blue Eco that were shaped like needles and locked onto enemies in the surrounding area, though it also kept the rapid firing component of the Vulcan mod, so one could fire a burst of blue needles and tear their foes to shreds, something they would keep in mind for later, though before any of them moved out they noticed that the Communicator was still floating near them.

Guys, we've gotten word of a shipment of Eco being delivered somewhere in the Industrial Section, near your location by our estimates. Ashelin commented, meaning that Torn was either looking at something else right now or someone else had taken over the device for now, though as she spoke up Jak and his sisters glanced at each other, as it was interesting that they had just learned about the Eco shipment, meaning Keira must be hard at work doing anything and everything to boost their chances of beating their enemies, I think it's worth stealing, so I want you four to go in, find the vehicle with the Eco, and drive it back out to the Naughty Ottsel in one piece. I'm sure they'll try to stop you, but to be honest they'll have to pull out all of the stops to prevent you from driving off with the shipment.

Jak nodded his head to that, as with the powers that Twilight and her alternate selves had access to he knew that next to nothing would be able to stop them from taking the shipment in question, and even if she held back there was Starlight who could do some amazing things with her powers, though after thinking about that for a few moments they headed out and started to search the Industrial Section for clues as to where the shipment might be resting. While that happened a number of enemies rushed at them in an attempt to bring them down, something that didn't bother them all that much due to the fact that Daxter turned on them and swung his own Eco blade at those who dared to get near him, though he was joined by Alvin and his brothers as they flew around the area and used their hybrid forms to smash their way through the robots who dared to approach them. What they quickly discovered was that the Eco shipment Ashelin had told them about was resting near the next barrier, meaning it was close to the former border between the Slums and the Industrial Section of the city, inside what had been the area that the former Sewer entrance had been located in, where it looked like the robots might have sealed that entrance to make sure none of their enemies could surface in the middle of their vast territory, a good strategy based on what the siblings had seen so far. Of course there was one thing that interested them as they noticed it, there was a large sentry machine that was focused solely on where the shipment was resting, meaning Errol must have let slip that he had a shipment ready as a trap for one of them, as if he thought that such a thing was just the thing to kill one or more of them, to which Twilight approached the vehicle in question, which contained at least seven barrels filled with Eco on the back section of the vehicle, and she confirmed that with her powers, meaning that even if this was a trap they were going to take it anyway.

Sure enough when Jak climbed onto the vehicle and started to move the sentry became active and released a number of missiles that flew towards where he was located, meaning that Errol had definitely linked the two together in some way to take them down, though as he made his way back to the Port all three of his sisters took off and flew through the air above him, something that was followed by Starlight landing in the passage between the sections of the city and weaved some of her power into the space in front of her, summoning a wall of magic to protect everyone as it closed in a circular matter, so when Jak flew through the center the barrier closed a second later and the missiles ran right into it.

"Oh yeah, now that's what I'm talking about!" Daxter stated, as he had been wondering what the siblings were going to do about the missiles, even though he could see Twilight heading back to the Industrial Section and returned with a turret she had dismantled in seconds, meaning she was removing another threat to Torn's forces, something that would allow them to get closer to the next barrier and come up with a plan of attack that would allow them to smash through it as well, all so they could get closer to Freedom HQ.

With the missiles taken care of, and they were sure that Errol's forces weren't doing anything else right now, which caused Starlight to lower the barrier for the time being, they returned to the Naughty Ottsel and let the Freedom League take the Eco that they had claimed, something that would annoy their foe to no end, but they were fine with pissing off Errol with all of their actions and this seemed to be another good step in doing such a thing, though since it appeared that nothing else was happening the siblings decided to rest for a bit before tackling whatever happened next.

As it turned out they were able to rest for a few hours, meaning that the siblings got some time to rest and recover some of their energy before anything else happened, especially getting some food since it had been a while since any of them had eaten, though as Jak, his sisters, and their Ottsel companions finished a light meal, since there wasn't a whole lot left in the Port thanks to being cut off from Samos and the others, Torn walked over and his face informed them that he must have discovered something while they were resting.

"Guys, I know you'd rather be resting right now, but we just received word of a new assault on the Port." Torn said, which reminded the siblings of the assault that their enemies had launched shortly after their arrival in Haven City, something that was either timed on purpose or they had been lucky in arriving just before that happened, though right now neither of those thoughts mattered since a brand new assault was underway, "Our enemies are trying to take us out once and for all, but the strangest part about this is that we're seeing movement from both the KG and Tainted fronts... honestly, based on what we're seeing, it's like they're working together. I hate to do this to you, after everything you four have done so far, in stabilizing our position and pushing into the Industrial Section without much rest, but I'm putting you guys on the front line, as you are my go-to soldiers for this sort of situation. Stop any enemy units from reaching this place, because if we lose this battle we're pretty much history."

"Don't worry, you've got some of the greatest warriors in our world's history on your side," Daxter stated, as he knew that next to nothing could stop Jak and his sisters, especially due to the fact that they had dragons on their side and had some strange powers, before he tapped into his own powers for a moment and his Eco blade showed up, as he was getting used to being in a fight and knew that he'd be able to help the siblings out in some manner, before he glanced back to Torn for a few seconds, "none of our enemies will be able to get too far into the Port."

Torn stood there for a moment as the siblings got up and headed for the door, separating from each other as Jak headed out and joined forces with Baron Praxis, who was guarding the bridges near the massive wall, due to the fact that both the KG and the Tainted were dropping enemies down into that area, while the disguised brothers assumed their true forms as they joined all of the other Neo Metal Heads outside the Tainted's section of the city, leaving Starlight and Cozy to stand in front of the Industrial Section to face the KG, all while Twilight remained high up in the air above them, to take care of any enemies that dared to come down from above. Torn, of course, watched the situation unfold from the Naughty Ottsel, as he used a map that his table possessed, along with a few cameras and whatnot so he could see things happen, to form a real time layout of the battle that was happening just outside the bar, and thanks to some of Keira's upgrades he could see all of the fights happen as if he was fighting beside Jak, his sisters, and everyone else. All of that didn't prepare him for all that he saw, as Jak was capable of moving with a level of grace that was almost like a Wastelander's, cleaving robots apart like they were made out of butter and not metal, while Praxis used his newest mech to smash his foes into the ground and move onto the next foe, even though he wasn't ready to see Daxter actually jump onto the head of a Tainted Metal Head that tried to sneak up on Jak, who was busy fighting, before driving his Eco blade down into his foe's Skull Gem and let the crystal shatter, killing his foe in seconds and dropping its body to the ground so he could rejoin Jak. That part still weirded Torn out whenever he thought about it, Daxter, who had done next to nothing during their war against Praxis, was capable of holding his own and picking out enemies to take down in a matter of seconds, meaning he must have been watching the siblings and put his studies into action when he first accessed his inner power some time ago, but still, it was weird seeing Daxter contributing to tearing down their enemies.

While that happened Alvin and his brothers slashed and smashed their way through the Tainted, leading their forces right into the terraformed section of Haven City as they pushed their enemies backwards, showing Errol that he would have to try harder than this to bypass their defenses, if the mechanical Human was in command of the corrupted Metal Heads, as Jak and his sisters believed him to be after everything they had seen so far, and based on what Torn was seeing there was no need to post guards in the passage leading to the Tainted's section, as his allies were capable of defending the area all by themselves. After that he found Cozy, in her transformed state, smashing her way through the enemies that dared to approach her and the area that she was guarding, the passage leading into the Industrial Section, while Starlight took her time to make sure any and all civilians that happened to be outside when the alarm sounded were escorted back to the main part of the Port, even though Starlight also fired upon several groups of robots that were trying to take the area, only for them to fail due to the combined might of the two sisters. Of course the other thing Torn noticed was that Twilight did find a few transports to break apart with her powers, though it was more in the sense of she caught them with her magic and dismantled the robotic ones that were coming at the area she happened to be residing in, collecting all sorts of stuff for later, or, as Jak informed him earlier, to give Midnight something to do when she wasn't fighting their enemies, which might also extend to the other four versions of Twilight as well, but it was still odd to see her do such a thing and not even flinch as she defeated her enemies in such a way. Thanks to her fighting in the sky, taking care of the KG transports since it appeared that the Tainted weren't using any of theirs, which was understandable since Alvin and his brothers broke all of them that dared to reveal themselves, opening the way for Jak, Praxis, Cozy, Starlight, and all of their forces to defend the Port from the two forces that wanted to crush them, or one force split into two different groups, something that caused Errol's forces to eventually pull back.

Of course Torn had everyone make sure that this wasn't a trick and everyone remained on guard for some time, a couple of minutes to be exact, but once they determined that no more enemies were coming he ordered everyone to stand down and the Port returned to a sense of peace, for however long it might last, allowing the siblings to regroup near the section of this portion of the city that the Air Train used to rest in, where Torn realized that he was going to have to place one of their transports in so Jak and his sisters could head back to the Wasteland at some point.

"There, that should give Torn and the others plenty of time before another attack occurs, meaning they should have time to figure out how to move further north," Jak commented, though as he said that he started to move towards the area that Tess was working in, as he wanted to restock his ammunition before they did anything else, and there was a chance she might have another weapon modification for them, likely a Red Eco one since they hadn't found a Peace Maker mod yet, where he could see that his sisters seemed to agree with his statement, "Let's check in with Tess, get some ammunition, and then head back to Spargus, as I'm sure dad might have something for us to do."

Sure enough they found Tess working on another weapon modification, either after seeing the success of the last one she gave them or she had resumed tinkering with it after handing the last one to them, though Jak and his sisters could easily see that it looked like a Red Eco mod, meaning Jak's earlier thoughts had been proven right, even though it meant that it would be some time before they found anything for the Peace Maker section of their Morph Guns, though none of them were remotely surprised to see Tess stop working as she turned to face them.

"Daxter! My hero!" Tess stated, where she had a smile on her face as she found Daxter hugging her, as he had rushed up to her and embraced her for a few seconds, though it was more in relief that she was safe, something that was followed by Tess turning and embracing him in return as Jak and his sisters came to a stop near where she was working, all while Alvin and his brothers landed outside the Gun Course before shifting into their Ottsel forms as they rejoined the four of them and rested on their shoulders once more, "Even with Jak and his sisters helping us, this city is becoming much too dangerous for my liking... what we need is our own little place in the country. I was thinking that we could have a little pink house, with a white picket fence... oh, and a fireplace! And a big four-poster bed, for me, and a little ottsel run on the side of the house for you."

"Aw, are you worried about me, my little Tess-y-poo?" Daxter replied, which made sense in his eyes since he was taking on a more active role in dealing with their enemies, using his Eco blades to cut down whoever happened to get in his way, be they Errol's robots or the Tainted, as he had proven that he could take out both of them on his own, but the feeling was mutual since he had been worried about her and was relieved to see that she was unharmed.

"Of course, my itty-bitty whisker-puss." Tess said, as while she understood that he had grown up since she met him, due to being with Jak and his sisters almost all the time and had likely learned from them, she was sure that part of his growth was due to her influence, or at least she hoped so, but at the same time it made her worry about him more than usual and sometimes she worried that Jak would come to her with bad news, even if the possibility of that happening was none due to the powers that Twilight, Starlight, and Cozy possessed.

"You know, you guys can do this when the city's not in danger." Alvin remarked, figuring that there was a time and place for such a display, and that now wasn't an appropriate time for them to be doing such a thing, rather they could be doing this once they were done with the war for Haven City, despite the fact that Jak and his sisters didn't seem to mind Daxter and Tess doing this, especially since Daxter had finally found the love of his life, something that had caused him to mature in their eyes.

"Rumor is, you guys are the only hope we've got to reach the Catacombs!" Tess stated, though as she said that she took a moment to turn towards Jak and his sisters, while at the same time Daxter pulled away and asked the disguised brothers if they wanted a hug, before she beckoned to the northern door of the building for a few seconds, meaning she likely had a new course for them to try out, or at least that was what the siblings assumed she meant, "To prepare you for when that time comes, as we're sure that it will come soon, I've programmed the gun course to simulate some of the new enemy tactics. Want to try it out?"

Sure enough Jak and his sisters tackled the challenge, which was a Red Eco course and not a Yellow Eco one, which made sense given what the prize happened to be, though while Jak, Starlight, and Cozy were able to score decent scores they found that Twilight earned the max score for the course, convincing Daxter that she was using her powers during it, but none of them were about to call her a cheater since she had more gun skills than most of them, save for Starlight, and in the end Tess gave them the Plasmite RPG, the third and final Red Eco mod that fired plasmite grenades, causing them to smile for a moment before heading for the Air Train, as it was time to see if anyone in Spargus needed assistance before returning to the war effort.

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