• Published 9th Feb 2021
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Jak and Daxter: Heirs of Mar - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, and Cozy Glow grow up in Sandover Village with Keira, Jak, and Daxter, where they train and play everyday, all while unaware of the grand adventure that's ahead of all of them.

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Spargus: Assault on the Factory

Jak and his sisters wasted no time in retracing their steps back to Freedom HQ, because with the encryption key in hand, or maybe it was a decoder as Twilight stared at it, they should be able to get into the floating War Factory and deal some damage to Errol's plans for this world, so the moment Jak reached their destination he came to a stop and headed inside as Twilight, Starlight, and Cozy followed after him, allowing them to return to Torn's location before handing over the new item so they could get to work.

"It will take some time for us to figure out what's on this," Keira said, informing the siblings that the only thing they could do at the moment was rest and wait for whatever might happen while they were resting, to which she accepted the item from Jak and got to work on what might be stored inside it, where Torn, Ashelin, and Praxis moved over to her side of the chamber so they could lend her some assistance.

With that done the siblings did exactly what Samos and Keira were expecting of them, they scattered around the massive chamber and just rested, as while none of them had really been pushed to their limits it was always good to be rested and have a clearer head for the upcoming missions, or one big mission when they considered what would happen once Keira was done figuring out what was on the encryption key, though it wasn't long before Torn returned to the main table and beckoned for them to walk over to where he was standing.

"We hit the jackpot this time." Torn stated, where the siblings knew he was pleased about something and made them take a moment to wonder what in the world the device had given their allies, though it seemed to be good news of some kind and that was good enough for Jak, especially since there was no telling what was resting inside the floating War Factory, save for enemies and, hopefully, Errol, before Torn focused on his table, "because the decoder you collected from Vin helped us decipher the gate key for the main KG War Factory... that means we can get inside that infernal place now, and we need our best people on the raid."

"Well, that's why we were resting, as we'll tackle the Factory while you hold the fort," Daxter remarked, though Jak found it interesting that his friend wasn't even remotely annoyed by something like this, meaning he had definitely developed into a warrior of some kind and and him wonder if they could find some gear that could be modified to fit his body, which he would have to ask Twilight or Midnight about, since both of them seemed to be the right people to ask since he was sure the Precursors wouldn't leave something for Ottsels behind.

"Given what we've learned so far, there is a good chance that thatFfactory is doing more than just making all of the robotic foes we've been fighting so far." Samos stated, informing the siblings that, while destroying the War Factory was their main mission, one they would accomplish with flying colors no doubt, he wanted them to keep an eye out for anything else that Errol might be making and break whatever they found during their assault on Errol's base of operations.

"I want to know who's behind it all." Torn added, where he glanced at the icon that was in the middle of the air in front of him, something that had been replaced by the floating Factory once more, an area everyone wanted to take out before it did something dangerous, or doing whatever their enemies were planning at the moment, and found that the siblings had taken a moment to glance at the hologram as well, "How are so many Death Bots being made? Where are they getting the supplies and the Eco to fuel their war effort? Something about this doesn't seem right."

"Honestly, I wouldn't put it passed Veger to have betrayed us in that regard, giving supplies to the enemy and force us into a position where we hand him everything he wants," Starlight spoke up, as that seemed to be a very likely scenario, as in Veger would have used Errol and his robots to force the Council into giving him control of Haven City, or something to that effect, while working on getting into the Catacombs so he could use the slumbering weapon to take out the Day Star, and it was possible that he might not have known that Errol was working against him, if they had been allies before Midnight sent the disgraced former Count to the Plane of Torment.

Regardless of how Errol was able to maintain a constant stream of soldiers for his war efforts, where Jak had a feeling that Starlight might be right about Veger having a hand in it, Torn informed them that Keira had prepared a special cruiser for an eventual assault on the Factory, one that happened to be resting nearby, in a hanger on the backside of the building, a cruiser that Jak could use to get up into the air and launch their assault on Errol's forces, though as they departed from the room Torn had a tiny bit of pity for Errol, as he had no idea what was coming his way. As such Jak quickly made his way to the hanger in question and found a normal blue looking cruiser waiting for someone to use it, though as he climbed into it and departed from the city, heading towards where the Factory was located, Twilight and her sisters remained outside the front of the HQ for a couple of seconds, only for Alvin and his brothers to shift into their true forms before flying towards the Factory as well. Sure enough the Factory's defenses went online as soon as Jak entered the air near it, where he found a number of red triangular shaped cruisers being deployed to take him out while an army of tanks, which looked like the vehicles that had guarded the inside of the prison he and Cozy had been trapped in, moved along the large tracks that he spotted, firing at him with their cannons as he found the cruisers doing the same thing as he approached the Factory, to which he engaged the weapons of his vehicle and opened fire on his targets. While he did that Alvin, Simon, and Theodore flew through the air and swung either their sharpened claws at their enemies or used their tails to smash some into the ground, though at the same time Twilight and her sisters jumped off of their dragons and used their wings or magic to fly around the Factory, drawing the attention of some of Errol's defenses, showing Jak that the metallic fiend knew his sisters were a threat and was trying to take them down, a task he would fail to accomplish.

While that happened Jak focused on blasting apart a number of yellow devices, either scanners or detectors, that were all over the Factory's exterior, something that caused the four red towers that were on the outermost part of the Factory to open up and fire at whoever happened to be near where they were set up, where Jak looked a Blue Eco missile that tore his target apart, Cozy surged through her and smashed it to bits, Starlight crushed the one in front of her with a hand that was forged out of her magic, and Twilight dismantled her target with ease, and once all of that was done Jak found an area to land in and did so so he could head inside.

"Errol's going to have to do a lot more than that to stop us!" Daxter stated, where he rested on Jak's shoulder as he stood outside the doorway he had landed in front of, even though it looked like Keira might be recalling the cruiser to make sure it was ready for their eventual escape from this place, unless they were planning on using Twilight's magic to portal out of the Factory and return to the others, even though the sisters landed in front of them and their dragons flew towards them, switching into their Ottsel forms before landing on their shoulders.

Jak said nothing as he and his sisters stepped into the small chamber that was in front of them and used the lift that was inside it to descend into another part of the Factory, bringing them to an area that was partly exposed, due to a section of the wall missing, and allowed them to see that a number of robots were wandering around the area as they kept an eye out for anything out of the ordinary, which caused Jak to shift his stance for a moment as he drew his Precursor blade and rushed at the couple of enemies that were in front of him. In a few seconds he was able to cut down two of the robots, a Grunt and a Soldier, though as he did that the other Soldier swung its sharpened clawed hand at his backside, though the sisters raised their eyebrows for a moment as an Eco Barrier, or at least an edge of one, appeared in front of the attack and stopped it in seconds, revealing that Daxter must have developed a new power while channeling his own Eco powers, before he leapt forward and used both his hands, with blades coming out of them, to impale the robot before splitting it in half before it could stop him. With that done he returned to Jak's shoulder as Twilight and her sisters smiled, as Daxter had proved that he and Jak worked well as a team, not that the Ottsel was developing his own powers to match the power they were using, before finding another couple of robots standing in their way, even if it wasn't for long since Cozy smashed her way through them and scattered the pieces for Twilight to collect, even though Starlight could see that she was weaving a fair bit of her power around the Factory, something that would no doubt be revealed in due time. From there they headed up a conveyor belt that was arranged as a ramp of sorts, before Starlight waved her hand and released a few bits of her own magical energy into the space in front of them as she blasted the robots that were in front of them, before they found a metallic wall with some slots that happened to have a force of enemies before it and a grate off to their right that Jak just smashed his way through, since he had a feeling that they would be coming back through here at some point and would have a more realistic way to smash through the wall in question.

The grate allowed them to move down into a more open chamber that happened to have a spinning blade that was right in the middle of the path that they needed to take to move on, even though there also happened to be a vent for someone like Daxter to use to move up and over the area to find a switch to hit, but no one said anything as Alvin jumped onto the ground and shifted into a larger and bulkier version of his hybrid form within a few seconds, using his hardened scales to stall the blade before snapping it, and the other blades of the fan, with his claws, crippling the fan while opening the way for Jak and his sisters to move forward.

From there they found that there was far more to this place than what they had been thinking, especially as Jak absorbed some Eco from his surroundings, something he kind of picked up from watching his sisters and their powers, while being sure to keep it small, as he rushed through the area near the ceiling and quickly swung his blade at the flying enemies that were in this massive chamber, while his sisters moved forward. Sure enough they found a number of robots that were all focusing on Jak, causing Cozy to lash out at them with her strength, while holding back to make sure she didn't break the rest of the Factory before they had a chance to discover what secrets Errol had stored in this area, while Starlight focused her power on blasting enemies from afar, clearing the way forward so Jak could move forward, but at the same time they found that Midnight and the other Twilights emerged and jumped over the edge, leaving the Factory before spreading their wings and heading out to the exterior. As they moved forward Twilight explained that Pele, Shiva, Gaia, Bronte, and Midnight, which were the names of her alternate selves that represented her Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, and Dark Eco selves respectively, were going to be dealing with the remaining enemies that were outside the Factory and get ready for what she had in mind for Errol's fortress, something she would tell them about when they were closer to where their foe might be lurking, so she didn't ruin the surprise. Of course this happened to be the first time that her siblings knew the names of all six versions of her, because for a long time it was just her and Midnight, but this meant that they would know what to call all of them if they saw them outside in the future, though as she did that some flying robots rushed at Twilight and she waved a hand at them, causing all six of them to fall apart and become a pile of parts that she stored in the area near the grate they had passed through, so it would be safe for later.

One thing she did before they moved forward was use a bit of her magic to seal a large half sphere that seemed to be the exit of a tube their robotic enemies were using to get to this area of the Factory, meaning some would likely explode once they slammed into the now sealed exit and those who survived would be forced to move to another part of the Factory, so she was going to make sure to seal the rest of them once they discovered them, leaving her siblings to deal with the rest of the enemies that were in this place.

Her actions allowed them to reach another conveyor belt ramp that lead down into another section of the Factory, even if they had to use a moving square platform to reach the other side of the chamber that they were in, with Jak swinging his blade at the first group of enemies that were in front of him, while Daxter had a good idea as he jumped into the air and used his blades to stab one of the small flying enemies, turning it around and using the guns to blast enemies that were in the furthest away from where his friends were located. One thing Starlight found was that there happened to be a rather larger number of ammunition boxes scattered all over their path, to which she nodded to Twilight for a moment and just watched as her sister stole all of them, storing them away inside one of her pocket realms so they could be delivered to the rest of the Freedom League, all while Cozy smashed her way through the enemies that happened to be in front of her, reminding all of them that her strength was enough to overcome pure metal. Of course it wasn't long before they found a second pipe that seemed to lead to another area that one of their Ottsels could move through, though Simon shifted into his hybrid form and flew through the open space in front of Jak and his sisters, quickly finding where the switch was, or at least the one connected to the platform that would allow them to move forward and not use a lot of power on flying, and struck it with his tail. As such Jak and his sisters used the platforms, as they all discovered that there were two and not just one, to reach the next part of the Factory and found a glass wall that seemed to have some cracks in it, to which Cozy took a moment and punched her way through it, scattering all sized fragments of glass into the area in front of them before she and her siblings found another exit for the robots to use to move through the Factory, something that caused Twilight to seal it with her magic while the others smashed, blasted, and slashed their foes to pieces.

The interesting thing was that there happened to be another sphere shaped exit not a few more steps away from the area Jak and his sisters had found the second one in, though before any enemies could emerge from it Twilight sealed it as well, just to be sure that nothing came out of it, before they smashed through another grate and found that they were now on a lower level of the Factory, making them wonder just how large this place was, even if they weren't exploring the entirety of it, before seeing what the new chamber held for them. The first thing they did was let Jak hack his way through a pair of robotic Grunts, opening up the rest of the new area and allowed them to see that they had to use more moving platforms to progress through the rest of this section of the Factory, to which Twilight and her sisters used their flight abilities as Jak used the platforms, just to save time since it seemed to take a bit before the two platforms met up and allowed someone to move through this structure. What was interesting was that there were no more enemies in the area the siblings were in, even though they kept their guards up while they used a pair of conveyor belt ramps to reach another spinning fan that was blocking the way forward, this time with two fans, something that caused Theodore to replicate Alvin's earlier method, as in he used an enlarged form and his dragon scales to stop the fans before breaking each of the blades, which caused all of them to understand that simple metal didn't have much of an effect on the dragons, meaning only Precursor metal and the claws of another high powered Metal Head could hurt them. With the pair of fans taken care of the siblings quickly moved through the opening and headed deeper into the Factory once more, which brought them to another grate that Jak smashed as soon as he found it, revealing the way to an even deeper section of the Factory that seemed to lead back up to one of the higher points, before he found a rectangular shaped vehicle that seemed similar to a racer and made him take a moment to wonder if someone was supposed to ride this through the floating structure and smash through all of those metallic walls they had seen during their journey through this place.

As such Jak climbed into the vehicle as his sisters moved ahead of him a little bit, finding a switch that caused the first part of the path to snap together, and once that was done he started moving as he followed the conveyor belt and followed the ramps that seemed to be leading him through the Factory, to which he and his sisters followed the path as he smashed his way through the metallic walls they had passed by, eventually reaching the area of the Factory they had started in and just smashed right through the last barrier, allowing them to use a lift that brought them up to a new area, a large chamber that Errol just so happened to be standing on the top level of.

"I've found some new friends to help me conquer this puny little planet." Errol stated, where it was clear that he knew that they would make it this far and had been waiting for them, even though it was possible that he had been expecting them to take some sort of damage, while Jak and his sisters found that Errol had actually replaced most of whatever remained of his body with machinery, save for the remaining part of his face and hair, where it looked like he was going down the route of being intimidating, even if it didn't work on them.

"Yeah, we know that you've been talking with the Dark Makers... that's not news to us." Cozy said, because it make sense when they thought about it, even if Errol hadn't said anything to them about it, that he would turn to the darkest beings in their universe in an attempt to either right the wrongs of his life or wipe out those that opposed him, or whatever his dark desires might be, though as she said that no one really did anything as they discovered that the floor was made of glass tiles that would likely fall at some point in time.

"It seems my digital self can communicate with these poor, tortured minds quite well." Errol continued, where it sounded like he was trying to get some sort of reaction out of either all of them or just one of them, not that the siblings cared all that much since they knew that he couldn't do anything to stop even one of them, hence why Twilight was studying the rest of the chamber and found that there were four tubes linked to the top level and a Warp Gate that was likely linked to an unknown area, "Oh, they're just like you and me, freaks... well, me at least. They want a home, someone to call a friend, destruction of all Light Eco! They've volunteered to help me put this puny planet out of its misery, as I have been given the opportunity to wield a power not even the Precursors, before their destruction, could control. Don't fret, you four won't live to see what I turn this little world into... maybe a rock, or a floating puddle of slag... or maybe nothing at all! Complete oblivion! So hard to choose."

"You won't get that far, Errol, as the Dark Makers will likely betray you at some point," Jak replied, to which he took a few seconds to shift his stance while he readied his blade, where Cozy tapped into her true form and shifted into her far more powerful form, and Starlight tapped her staff on the floor as she readied herself, leaving Twilight to just tilt her head while she waited for something specific to happen, "not that you're going to get that far, since we're planning on taking you and this Factory down right now."

"You're welcome to try, but you'll need an army to beat me!" Errol stated, where he started to laugh, like he felt that he was untouchable and that nothing could beat him, as if he hadn't been watching them fight their way through Haven City or his Factory, though not even a few seconds later the Factory shook for a second, like it was being knocked out of the air or had been hit by something powerful, something that caused him to glance around the chamber as sections of the ceiling broke before his eyes.

"I sent Midnight and the others outside to form a magical circle around the Factory, one that is dismantling the Factory you have been using against Haven," Twilight spoke up, revealing what her alternate versions had done after leading the part of the floating fortress that Errol had been using to assault the city, while at the same time part of the wall to her right was pulled out of place and revealed the exterior of the Factory to everyone, something that caused Errol to take a step back as he watched it happen, even though she and her siblings took a step forward.

In that moment, as the rest of the Factory started to collapse around him, Errol jumped down into the arena that he must have prepared for a fight with Jak and his sisters, before he turned and started to run towards the exit, though Starlight did use a bit of her Dark Eco as strands and grasped both his right arm and leg, the darkness crushing his metallic limbs while she did that, to which Errol growled as he used his left hand to sever his arm and the section of his leg that had been in the same situation, allowing him to tumble through the portal, even though he also left his arm behind, which had a Light Eco Crystal for them to collect. With that done Twilight weaved her magic around them and floated them out of the Factory, as it allowed Jak and their sisters to watch as the alternate versions of her dismantled the Factory with their powers, creating a pile of metal and Eco that would be given back to the city, to rebuild and prepare for whatever the future had for them, though once the Factory was no more, a feat that was impressive when they considered Twilight's true power, they spent a few moments watching as Midnight made sure to distribute the spoils of war throughout all of Haven City. The moment all of that was said and done Twilight recalled her alternate forms and they disappeared as quickly as they had appeared, a rather useful trait in Jak's eyes, before she set them down right outside Freedom HQ, where the siblings found all sorts of people, be they civilians, guards, or even the Neo Metal Heads, cheering for them and their victory over their enemies, to which Jak, his sisters, and their Ottsels smiled and waved for a few moments. Not a few moments later they headed inside the building and returned to the command center that their friends were waiting in, as they needed to report their success, even though such a thing might not be necessary since Twilight and her other selves had dismantled the entirety of the Factory, and they found that everyone seemed pleased with their actions, along with a little afraid of Twilight now.

"Errol got away, but we took one of his limbs and eliminated the Factory," Jak commented, knowing that the latter didn't need to be said at all, given that anyone could look into the sky and figure that out for themselves, but it felt good to say it, especially after everything he and his sisters had seen since their return to Haven City, and with the structure taken out it allowed the Freedom League to focus on countering the Tainted and whatever remained of the KG Robots.

"Still, it is troubling to see what Errol is doing, and what he plans on doing to our world," Samos said, as he considered the information that Jak and his sisters had obtained while they were speaking to the insane cyborg, or whatever Errol was at this point in time, before he glanced at the table and found that Ashelin had shifted the image to glance up at the massive ship that was the Dark Star, which seemed to be Errol's goal at the moment, meaning he might be looking to awaken it before they had a chance to destroy it.

"Onin says that the Precursors and Dark Makers have fought over countless worlds, usually ending with the Dark Makers succeeding over their former allies," Pecker stated, translating what Onin was saying at the moment, where they could see that the lady was channeling her Eco powers as she moved her hands around, making Jak and his sisters take a moment to wonder what else she might have seen while they were tearing apart the Factory, "but she says that we are moving far faster than originally predicted, meaning there is a chance that we can make it before that ship gets into position, which will annoy Errol to no end."

Heroes, we require your assistance. their Communicator said, coming out the moment Seem, of all people, spoke to them, meaning that something must have happened while they were in Haven City and caused the siblings to pause for a moment as they listened to what the monk had to say, while at the same time everyone else paused as they listened to it as well, since it would likely affect what they did to the remaining enemies in the city, The monk temple is under attack. We suspect it is your enemy, the one called Errol, and that he is after the secrets of the Dark Makers that we have locked away over the years... please hurry, for if he finds what he seeks it could undo this world.

As soon as the Communicator went down Jak started to turn so he could depart, where Ashelin tossed a device that had to be another weapon mod, the Mass Inverter it was called, to him and his sisters as they departed, causing them to nod for a few seconds as they headed outside, which lead to Alvin and his brothers transforming into their true forms and taking off with the siblings on their backs, as they could get to the Wasteland far faster than a transport could and allowed Jak and his sisters to focus on preparing for what would happen once they reached the ancient monk temple.

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