• Published 9th Feb 2021
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Jak and Daxter: Heirs of Mar - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, and Cozy Glow grow up in Sandover Village with Keira, Jak, and Daxter, where they train and play everyday, all while unaware of the grand adventure that's ahead of all of them.

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Kras: Pecker's Surprise

When the morning of the second day of the Yellow Eco Cup came Jak and his sisters were ready to confront it, just like how Keira and everyone else was ready to see what else Mizo could throw at them before they claimed total victory and set a record for the most amount of gold medals claimed by one team, as not even Razer could manage something like this back when he was actively racing, though no one seemed to be in the mood to talk as they ate their morning meal and waited for Rayn to arrive with what events they would be facing today. While they waited Daxter noticed something that interested him, Twilight rubbed her right arm for a moment, like she was anxious about what the day had to offer them, which was understandable since most of them were thinking the same time at the moment, but there was also what Eon had told them after the defeat of Errol and his Dark Terraformer, as he was sure that he felt something off about her and really didn't want to think about her having started the supposed transformation into an Ottsel. Of course the problem with that thought was that no one had an idea of what would happen to Twilight and her sisters if one of them were to start such a change in their being, would it be quick and instant or would it be slow and take an undetermined amount of time, though it was the only explanation as to why her power seemed to be changing all the time, save for when Midnight and the others came out to play. Jak, of course, also took a few moments to think about it as well, especially since his sisters were considering it at the same time, though for now all of them were focused on winning the KGC and knew that the moment the sport was over, but before they returned to Eon to speak with him, they would talk with Twilight and figure out what was happening to her powers, because if she was losing them they needed to know before something bad happened to all of them.

Once everyone was done, and had a few minutes to rest up, Rayn returned to their base of operations and informed the team that the officials had decided on what the day's events would be, as they would be returning to Sanctuary to race on the Spargus City track and deal with a Rush Hour event, something that caused everyone to pause for a moment since it meant that Twilight would want to take it on by herself so the others could be ready for the following event. Sure enough it took them no time to travel over to Sanctuary, where Rayn, Blitz, and the other officials gathered in the stands that they used when watching events and the rest of the team watched from one set of stands, where Razer happened to be doing the same from another stand, though once everyone was ready Twilight drove out and started the event without wasting a single second. Daxter continued to observe her while she raced around the track, smashing into all of the drones while she used her powers to make sure no harm came to her vehicle, though even with his limited powers, thanks to his training with Tess and Eon, this confirmed that there was some fluctuation in her energies, both Magical and Eco based, which he was curious about and knew that, in time, they would figure out what was wrong with her, even though he had to wonder if this was common with the 'alicorn' form she possessed, since Starlight was a unicorn and Cozy was a pegasus, at least Samos and Eon agreed on that. He had no idea what the two meant by that, and he figured that the pair would explain a few things to them if Jak or his sisters asked the question, though for now he focused on the event as Twilight expanded a bit of her energy to ensure her victory, smashing the four hundred and fifty score needed to earn the gold, as she scored over five hundred points and gave them what they were looking for.

With that gold medal in hand Rayn informed them that they would be heading to Kras next, to tackle a Turbo Dash event that would be happening on the Dethdrome track, and sure enough Jak and his sisters found Razer's team waiting near the starting line, where the man looked like he was ready to tear them down and bring them defeat, even though that look had been on his face since they showed him up and knocked him into last place, where Jak was fine with it since he had a feeling that Razer might be better if he had some motivation. Razer, as expected by the siblings, gunned for Jak during the event, even though Twilight threw out her magic and smashed his attacks before even one of them could hit her brother, especially since weapons weren't allowed during a Turbo Dash and her spells were mostly to cancel out whatever weapons he decided to use, to the point where Midnight flipped the switch that she had installed in her racer and knocked Razer all the way back to last place, so far back that he had no way of winning. This was his punishment, since Mizo was showing everyone that he was willing to cheat to take down Krew's team, instead of playing fair and allowing the racers to use their skills to ensure whether or not they won the race, and with Razer stuck in last for cheating, which would enrage his boss to no end, Twilight and Midnight returned to their positions and continued racing with their siblings. As such it didn't take all of them long to cross the finish line, once more with Jak coming in first with Keira coming in second, and she actually tied with Cozy, with Starlight joining Twilight and Midnight in tying for third, but this meant they were able to add another gold medal to their collection and meant they would be able to continue through the Yellow Eco Cup without having to worry about being stuck because they didn't win anything.

Of course that was followed by Rayn informing them that the next event of the day was another Rush Hour, this one being on the Kras City track, though most of the team took their positions on the stands as Twilight raced out and smashed all of the drones that were in her way, using a bit more of her magic while scoring all of the points needed to earn another gold medal, one she felt might unlock the next Qualifying Event, where she smashed through the five hundred and fifty points required and added another gold medal to their collection. After that Twilight and the others discovered that the win she had just gained wasn't the one that would lead to the next Qualifying Event, rather it was coming up and they had to focus on tackling a Circuit Race in the Icelands, as it would be happening on the Southern Tour track, a new one that was only available in the Yellow Eco Cup, so there was a chance that they would see it again before the KGC was over. Rayn quickly explained that this track would start on the Mountaintop Highway track, head into Glacier Alley for a time before veering off and finishing the event on the Icebound Citadel track, which made it weird that it didn't include the other tracks, but none of them were about to complain about this turn of events as they headed to the transport and let it bring them over to the continent they would be racing on for some time. Sure enough Razer and his team were waiting, not that Jak and his sisters were surprised by this point in time since the man really wanted to redeem himself and show the watchers that Jak was just lucky, but no one said anything as they climbed into their vehicles, which Keira confirmed were ready to race, and waited for the announcers to call for the event to begin, all so they could smash Mizo's top racer into the ground again as they showed Mizo that he was about to lose everything he held dear.

As Rayn expected Jak and his sisters scored the gold medal, while placing people in the silver and bronze places so that all of Mizo's team couldn't score any points, though this unlocked the second Qualifying Event, which happened to be located in the Ice Pit and was an Artifact Race, and Razer showed up in an attempt to stop them from gaining another gold medal, a futile errand at this point in time as she thought about what she had seen so far, and sure enough Jak captured the ten artifacts needed to gain the gold medal.

After that she informed the team that the next event was going to be held in Sanctuary, on the Beachfront Drive track for a Freeze Rally, meaning most of Jak's team was able to rest and relax as the siblings headed out once more, this time racing like they had a rivalry going on, which happened to be when they were alone, putting on another show for the watchers, even though Daxter could tell that Blitz seemed annoyed with them, more than he usually was, and that let them smile as they raced against each other. Rayn found that Jak came in first, Starlight was right behind him by a few seconds, Cozy was about five to ten seconds behind them, and Twilight brought up the rear this time around, earning them yet another gold medal while putting on a show that boosted ratings, even though most of them didn't care about that part of the sport, as Blitz seemed to be the only one who cared about that sort of thing, before she regrouped with the team, even though she did see Razer's team leaving. With that done she informed them that the next event was a Turbo Dash on the Precursor Temple track, hence why their opponents had headed out once Jak and his sisters finished the Freeze Rally, though once Keira and the others were ready to go they used the transport and headed out without delay, quickly making their way to the track in question, where they found Razer's team getting ready for another race, and they joined them without delay, as all of them were interested in seeing what the other team was capable of. Sure enough Starlight found that Shiv's group had no energy and stayed back, deciding not to bother her and her siblings while they raced against Razer, rather the man and his teammates, those he started with and trusted the most, focused on Sig's group, racing for not being last it looked like, and it wasn't long before she and her siblings knocked Razer out of the way, making him join Shiv's group in fighting for not being stuck in last place, where the crowd let out a gasp as the infamous racer ended up in dead last, while Jak and his sisters scored the gold once more.

With that done they retired to the bar in Kras that Blitz liked to frequent, confirming that he might not like Daxter's place at all, and found him arguing with Pecker about something, though one thing they talked about was uncles and it looked like Blitz mentioned that he had one, who kept telling his father to stop racing before something bad happened to him, to take care of the family and not worry about racing every single day, even though they knew how that tale ended, based on the information Pecker shared while on the show. Of course Keira and Rayn confirmed that Blitz had no official uncle, as none of the records mentioned such a thing, meaning he was either dead and forgotten, had done something terrible that lead to him being removed from the official records, or Blitz could be lying through his teeth and making things up, where Jak and his sisters were sure that it was the last option after they considered everything they had learned about the man since entering the KGC. Pecker even mentioned that Jak knew who his friends and family were, that he had people he could trust and rely on, so he was nothing like Blitz, as the man claimed that Jak was just like him in some manner, that both of them were always on their own, and he went on to claim that some sort of meter was going off and that they would see what he meant soon enough, before he finished off what was left of his meal and departed before someone could bug him again, like what happened in the Naughty Ottsel.

"Boy am I glad he's gone." Pecker said, where he took a moment to make sure Blitz was gone, as he headed outside to do his job and had to be talking to the cameras or one of the officials, before he flew over to where Jak and his sisters, plus all of their team, happened to be sitting, an area that would be private since the sisters had magic that made it so whatever they talked about wouldn't be shared with those who were sitting around this bar, "Jak, I have some news: Blitz received word that Mizo is planning on bringing in a surprise driver for the final race, a latch ditch effort to make sure you guys fail to win the Championship."

"So, Mizo's coming out at last... finally, I was getting tired of his terrible ploys," Cozy remarked, as her siblings agreed with her statement, just like Keira and the others agreed with her as well, meaning everyone agreed on the theory that Blitz was Mizo and that he was hiding in plain sight the entire time, which meant that if he was coming out to race them during the finale there would be no one with Pecker, giving him control over the cameras if he desired such a thing, before she turned her attention to their friend, "Good job, Pecker, this is good information."

Jak nodded his head once more as she said that, because Pecker had informed them that they were close to facing off with the man pulling the strings, the crime lord Krew made a bet with before his death, and such a thing meant that the fate of Kras City rested on what happened when they tackled the Yellow Eco Cup Grand Prix, the final race of the entire KGC, so he and the others decided to get some well deserved rest before tackling the final events and seeing what happened when Mizo finally took to the track.

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