• Published 9th Feb 2021
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Jak and Daxter: Heirs of Mar - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, and Cozy Glow grow up in Sandover Village with Keira, Jak, and Daxter, where they train and play everyday, all while unaware of the grand adventure that's ahead of all of them.

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Precursor: Delving into the Lost City

After splitting up from Jak and Starlight, who were taking Daxter with them as they explored the Precursor Basin, Twilight and Cozy stood at the edge of Rock Village's pavilion and took a moment to stare at the wooden pontoons that formed the path that would allow them to reach the uppermost portion of the Precursor City, though one thing both of them agreed on was the fact that it had to be underwater, as there was a single structure above the water and all it appeared to be was just an entrance, meaning they would have to get over there and figure out how they were going to descend into the depths, to face whatever foes were down there and recover everything that was inside it.

"You ready to head into the city and see what it has to throw at us?" Twilight asked, though at the same time she glanced at the water for a moment and noticed one of the large Lurker Sharks lurking in the depths, though due to the pontoons that were in front of her and her sister they didn't have to worry about one of the sharks rushing up to try and eat one of them, and even if there had been no pontoons in the first place she could form small walkways for them to use to get over to the Precursor structure that was in front of them, while Cozy could either blast the sharks or wait till one jumped out at them and just punch it, so neither of them were bothered by the fact that there were Lurker Sharks in the water.

"Yeah, I'm eager to collect some Power Cells, gather the Precursor Orbs that are down there, and take down any Lurkers we might find along the way," Cozy replied, because she knew that they would find those three things while they carefully explored the region that was waiting for them to access the structure, and that wasn't counting any Scout Flies that might be down there as well, since she was sure that Keira might have found a way to get the little robots down into the city so they could look for more Power Cells, before she braced herself for what they were about to do, especially since neither of them had any idea what the Lurker Sharks were going to do as they made their way over the pontoons.

Twilight nodded and then, at the same time, the two of them jumped off the edge of the pavilion's food area, as that was where they had been standing, and landed on the first of the pontoons, which was followed by them rushing over the rest of the pontoons and headed for the Precursor structure that was their current destination, which had a few Orbs resting in the air above the wood and was collected by the pair, though what they discovered was that none of the Lurker Sharks did anything towards them, so the sisters were allowed to reach the structure with ease and came to a stop after jumping into the opening that was in front of them. What they discovered was that there happened to be a platform resting right in the middle of the structure, one that was clearly attached to a circular pipe and was surrounded by water, so the pipe made it so that the water didn't flood the city, and Twilight noticed that there were three half circle shaped glass windows of some kind, but for the most part it didn't seem like the windows were all that important and she decided to ignore it for now, which Cozy agreed with as they jumped over to the platform and activated the button that was in the middle of it, only for it to sink into the tunnel and take them down into part of the ancient Precursor City. Interestingly enough the tunnel the platform was attached to happened to be a mix of glass and metal, allowing them to see that there was a decent sized city beneath the water, one that was hard for them to determine the size of from where the sisters were standing, before it came to a stop in what appeared to be a chamber, which was followed by the pair stepping off the platform and headed for the door that was in front of them, which actually opened when they approached it and didn't need Blue Eco, though on the other side the sisters found that there were a pair of heated pipes on either side of the tunnel that would allow the two of them to enter the main portion of the city, not to mention some electrified water that was beneath the walkway, a danger that they would have to be careful of in the near future. Fortunately they were able to reach the end of the short walkway and opened the door that was in front of them, which revealed a massive chamber that had some water near the bottom, which seemed to switch between being electrified or not, a few moving platforms, some heated pipes, and had an opening on the other side that would no doubt be the way forward, not to mention some enemies for them to take down, so what the sisters did was jump onto some of the platforms and used them to access the parts of this chamber, just like a lone platform that had a few Orbs and a wooden chest.

At the end of that walkway, however, Twilight and Cozy found another platform that allowed them to head down to the depths of this chamber, where they found a platform that had a large button on it, though off to the side rested another platform that had a Lurker walking around one of the Scout Fly boxes, though while it looked like it had some armor on its body, to protect it from harm, the sisters discovered that there were two purple Lurkers, one being the lower half and the other being the upper half, making it a Double Lurker, based on what the pair was seeing right now, and it reminded them of what they had seen back on Geyser Rock, as in the training dummies Samos had prepared for them. What happened next was that the pair jumped over to where their new foe was waiting and lashed out at the enemy pair, where Twilight used a small amount of magic to blast the pair and separated them, so Cozy could spin around and kick one in the side of the head as Twilight punched the other one, which opened the way for them to smash open the Scout Fly box and free the little robot in the process, before Cozy jumped back over to where the button rested and smashed it into the floor, which caused them to wonder what was going to happen next. A number of platforms emerged from the water, square shaped ones to be exact, which formed a path around the edge of the chamber and seemed to stop at an opening that another button was resting in, not to mention a Precursor Cache, to which Twilight had her sister wait as she jumped over to the path and followed it towards the end, where she collected the Precursor Orbs that were along the way and found a bit of Blue Eco along the way, something that she grabbed and made her way to the end, opening the Cache in seconds and let her pick up some more Orbs to add to their collection. The moment she did that, and she was sure there was nothing else for her to worry about, she reactivated the platforms and headed back to where Cozy happened to be standing, which was when they used the lone platform to get back up to the highest point of the chamber, even though they jumped over to an area that a new type of foe was waiting in, a purple skinned Lurker that looked like a puffer fish, making it a Puffer Lurker that could inflate and deflate whenever it wanted to, even though it had its limits like everything else, so all the sisters had to do was cause it to follow them and then deflate after a time, allowing Cozy to uppercut the Puffer Lurker and quickly take it down, allowing Twilight to collect all of the Orbs that were near them, before she and Cozy regrouped at the pair of platforms that would let them reach the opening and head deeper into the city.

What they discovered was that the opening had another short tunnel for them to cross over, one that happened to have a hole in the middle of it, but what they did was used the roll jump to cross over the gap and grabbed the Orbs that were in the way, allowing them to reach a small chamber that had one of the Double Lurkers in the depths of it, even though it wasn't as large as the previous one, in fact it was just as tall as the part of the structure that served as the opening, so all they had to do was drop down into the area their foe was standing in, separate them into two Lurkers, and then knock out their targets in seconds. Once that was done they returned to where the tunnel was located and found that there were a pair of floating platforms in front of them, made out of blue metal, or maybe that color came from the lights or whatever was inside the contraptions, where Cozy stepped on one of them and they found out something interesting, the other one started to rotate around it in a circular manner, allowing her to move the second platform into position between her and the area that the second Scout Fly box was resting in so she could jump to it easily, before using it to get the trio of Orbs that were near a wall, which was followed by her heading over to the next tunnel and jumped off the platforms. After a few moments the platforms returned to where they had started, meaning that if someone didn't use this type of platform for a time, after moving them from where they started, they would return to their starting point in due time, something that Twilight wrote down before crossing over to where Cozy was standing, even though her sister punched a Lurker right in the face and knocked it down into the area the Double Lurkers had been wandering around. Once the sisters were back together they faced the heated pipes that were in front of them and jumped over all three of them, while at the same time picking up the couple of Orbs that were in their way, before opening the door that was at the end of the tunnel and found a massive chamber that had a number of pipes that were attached to something on the chamber's left side, which just so happened to be where three machines, one being red colored, the next being green, and the third being blue, rested and two of them had Scout Flies inside them for some odd reason, while the last one had a Power Cell inside it, though it was in that moment when they noticed that the pipes lead to three different sections of the chamber, and there were a couple of machines or structures that the Precursors had made in this chamber, including a pair of platforms for them to use, so it would take them some time to clear out this area and move into the next area, wherever it was resting.

From where Twilight and Cozy were standing they could see that there were a number of Precursor Orbs scattered all over the chamber and another Cache off to the right of where the opening they were standing in front of was located, were one of the Puffer Lurkers happened to be flying around the air above it, though after taking all of that in the sisters moved out to tackle the enemies that were in this area and gather everything that was inside this chamber, even though they started with Cozy using the platforms to get to the middle of the chamber and then jumping off so it would reset and let Twilight do the same thing she had done, even if she stopped at where the three containers were resting. Once the sisters were on the platform that the three buttons were resting on, and had a chance to look at them in greater detail, Cozy smashed the green one without delay and they watched as the Scout Fly that was inside the container was consumed by a bit of power, no doubt a Precursor teleportation device based on what Twilight had seen so far, and it moved the Scout Fly over to the pillar that was in the middle of the chamber, though that didn't stop her from using the rotating pads to get over to where the Scout Fly had ended up and collected the third one of this region. The interesting thing that Twilight noticed was that when Cozy activated the button for the green machine the buttons for the red and blue ones sank into the floor so they couldn't activate them at the same time, though now that Cozy had the Scout Fly she noticed that the green button was stuck in the floor, meaning it was likely locked into place and wouldn't be able to be pulled out until something, like one of the Orbs for example, replaced the Scout Fly, though once that was done Cozy returned to where she was standing and, just to make sure everything worked as intended, Twilight activated the blue button, which moved another Scout Fly over to a platform that was literally a jump away from where she was standing, if she used her magical steps to get over to the area it was now resting in. Once the blue button was taken care of, and Twilight had returned to where the red one was resting, Cozy pressed it and the sisters watched as the Power Cell moved through a pipe that deposited it at the end of a path that just so happened to include some platforms that moved in and out of the wall, meaning one of them would have to time their movements correctly if they wanted to get to the end of the path and claim the Power Cell that had just been freed from the container it had been locked inside, to which Cozy nodded her head and walked over to the edge of their platform, to ready herself for the course that was between her and the Power Cell.

Once the moving platforms started to shift Cozy carefully moved forward and jumped onto the structures, which she and Twilight found out were rectangular shaped interestingly enough, though it quickly brought her to a another platform that was attached to the wall and didn't move, which just so happened to be where she found the fifth Scout Fly and freed it from the box it was trapped inside, before carefully jumping up the rest of the platforms as they lead her towards where the Power Cell rested, which turned out to be rather easy for her to do thanks to the fact that she was able to time all of her jumps and overcame the obstacles, earning her another Power Cell for her efforts. As soon as that was done, and the Power Cell was put into her pack so it could be put with the rest they had recovered so far, Cozy jumped down the couple of rectangular platforms and returned to where Twilight was standing, who was in the middle of jotting down everything that was inside this chamber, before they used the pair of rotating platforms to get over to where some Blue Eco rested and started to gather up all of the Precursor Orbs that were scattered throughout the chamber, and that included heading over to the area that the Cache was located in, even though that would require them to beat up the Puffer Lurker that was guarding it. Of course it took Twilight and Cozy a few moments to wait for the Puffer Lurker to deflate so its defenses were down, even though one of them could just blast it and knock it out in the process, but this way their fighting skills didn't rust and would make Jak happy, as he was of the opinion that they should focus equally on both melee combat and on mastering their magic, though once this foe was taken care of Cozy jumped down into the lower walkway once more and collected some bits of Blue Eco, where she quickly made her way back up to where Twilight was standing and used the Eco she was channeling through her body to open the Cache that was in front of them. That, of course, gave them more Orbs to add to their collection and, at the same time, Twilight made sure to smash the nearby Scout Fly box, giving them six of the seven that they were looking for, which made them wonder if the city was much smaller than they and the Blue Sage originally thought it would be, though as soon as that was done, and the sisters were sure that there was nothing left for them to worry about, they headed back over to the entrance of this chamber and jumped down onto a walkway that had a short tunnel that would allow them to move deeper into the city.

Of course the sisters stopped for a moment when they noticed that the next chamber they would be passing through was small, sort of like the one that they had passed through to get to the massive one that both of them were now leaving, and it was full of Dark Eco, meaning this had to be a vat for a Dark Eco Silo or something, which wasn't good if it was true since there were Lurkers inside the lost city, but for now what they focused on were the circular rotating platforms that rested between them and the opening that would allow them to head deeper into the city, and resting above the central platform was a Power Cell for them to collect at some point. The only thing the sisters had to be worried about was that the outer platforms, that moved around in a ring formation around the central one, had a pattern that involved some shifting like they were dropping whatever was on top of them into the Dark Eco that was below them, so what the sisters did was have Cozy move forward while Twilight stood back, mostly since the latter had more magical power and could catch Cozy if she accidentally fell towards the Dark Eco, as there was no telling what would happen to her or her sisters, and she collected the couple of Orbs that were above the ring platforms, just to make sure they were out of the way. As soon as she picked up the last of the Precursor Orbs that were inside this chamber, and she was sure that nothing had been left behind, she jumped over to where the Power Cell was resting, grabbed it without delay, and then made her way over to the opening that would allow them to get deeper into the city and see what else it had to throw at them, which was when Twilight did the same thing and jumped over the platforms to reach the area that her sister was standing in, allowing them to store all of the Orbs and the new Power Cell inside a pack before turning towards the chamber that was in front of them, where it was easy for them to find three blue skinned Lurkers that were wearing what appeared to be an odd contraption around their bodies that happened to have spikes attached to them, and they were in the middle of spinning around the chamber and seemed to be getting dizzy in the process, so Twilight decided to call them Spinning Lurkers and took a moment to think about how they were going to take these foes down. The answer, as it turned out, was to jump into the air above one of their foes and then perform the dive attack on top of their target, allowing them to bypass the ring the Spinning Lurkers were wearing and take them down with ease, though at the same time Twilight found that blasting one of them worked as well as using the dive attack, but once all three of the Spinning Lurkers were taken care of, and the Orbs that were in this chamber had been collected, the sisters paused near a small pool of water in the middle of the chamber and found that there were two paths for them to take, one leading right to what appeared to be a dead end while the other seemed to go even deeper into the city.

"So, we can either head deeper into the city, or head to what seems to be a dead end and hope it has a Power Cell for us to add to the collection." Cozy commented, though even as she said that she knew exactly where they were going first, as Twilight seemed to be staring at the chamber that was to the right of the one that held all the Dark Eco, where they could see a bunch of ancient Precursor boxes floating on top of what they guessed was water, which was due to the fact that neither of them could actually see any water from where they were currently standing, before she chuckled for a moment as she took a step forward, "Shall we see what's in this chamber?"

Twilight nodded her head as they walked over to the tunnel that they were picking out, as it happened to be the one that lead to the chamber that held all of the odd boxes, though instead of swimming through the water that was between this side of the tunnel and the other side she just formed some platforms for her and Cozy to jump across, allowing them to see that there were some little machines in the water that seemed to swirl the water into small whirlpools, which both of them knew would have stalled them in some manner if they had swam through the pool in question, before they stepped off the platforms Twilight created and stopped as they took a look at the chamber they had picked out. The first thing they found was that there was a moving platform between where they were standing and the main part of this chamber, which had a heated pipe serving as the heart of the area it was supposed to move through and happened to have a few Orbs for them to collect, though below the platform rested a rectangular shaped pool of Dark Eco, another one that looked more like a vat and it made them wonder where the Dark Eco Silo was located, but what they did was just jump onto the metallic platform and headed across it, making sure to jump to the other side when it moved in that direction and proceeded to pick up the Orbs that were above the pipe. There was also a Puffer Lurker coming towards the area that they were in, like it was going to knock them off the platform and drop them into the Dark Eco pool that was below them, but instead of that happening Cozy loosed a small burst of magic into the air and stunned her target in the air, where she kicked it in the side of its head and knocked it into the ground, allowing Twilight to catch up to her as she stared out at the area that was right in front of them, where they found that the number of boxes, of which there were thirteen, happened to be resting in an electrified pool of water, and that there was a locked door on the other side of the chamber. Twilight paused for a second or two as she studied what was in front of them, as it looked like the boxes had sections that were below the water, why she had no idea since no one understood the Precursors and most of their structures, though that was when Cozy jumped over to one and it started to glow blue when she landed on it, along with a musical note of some kind being played for a second or two, but that inspired Twilight and she jumped over to another box, repeating what her sister had done, before they nodded to each other and started moving over the remaining boxes.

A few moments later, when the sisters came to a stop on the last one, which was right in front of the locked door, Twilight and Cozy watched as the door unlocked and revealed a small chamber that happened to have a Power Cell inside it, along with a small walkway for one of them to jump down onto and enter the area in question, to which Twilight jumped down onto the provided platform and walked into the room, where she claimed the Power Cell and returned to where her sister was standing, something that was followed by them heading back towards the area the three Spinning Lurkers had been in so they could move deeper into the city. Once they returned to the chamber that was just beyond the small Dark Eco vat that had contained a Power Cell a few moments ago, the sisters turned towards the next tunnel and stared at the chamber it would bring them to, another one that was one of the larger types, and there happened to be a small platform right in the middle of the tunnel, so Twilight formed a few steps for them to use to get to the platform and then a few more to get over to the next chamber they would be exploring, where it was easy for the sisters to find one of the Double Lurkers just walking around and didn't seem to notice them at first. What they discovered was that there was a large button nearby, a few platforms resting below some electrified water that would no doubt rise when the button was activated, a locked door that was on the same level as the walkway that the platforms lead to, and a glass tunnel that happened to be on the right and seemed to lead deeper than they already were, though there was a Power Cell in this area for them to collect and they intended on picking it up before heading down the glass tunnel, though that was when the Double Lurker noticed the two of them and rushed over to where they were standing, where Twilight sighed as she blasted it to separate them, leading to Cozy punching the first in the face and kicking the second into the ground. With those enemies taken care of, and both of them were sure that there were no more foes for them to worry about, Cozy activated the button and pushed the three platforms that happened to be resting in the water up to their level, forming a path up to where the Power Cell rested, and Twilight was the one who did that, as she jumped up each of them to reach the area the artifact was resting in, where she found that it was on a rather short timer and that she barely made it up to the end, allowing her to walk over to the Power Cell and claim it, before pressing another button which rested near her and revealed the three platforms once more, as it allowed her to get down to where her sister was waiting and they turned towards the glass tunnel without delay, because it was time to check out the area it would bring them to.

What they quickly discovered was that the tunnel was almost entirely surrounded by glass and that they couldn't simply walk down the tunnel, rather Twilight and Cozy were forced to slide down the tunnel with their hooves resting against the floor, where they had to twist and turn to direct themselves and made sure to avoid all of the heated pipes that happened to be sticking out of the floor and went back down in another section, while making sure to collect the various Precursor Orbs that were in their way, but one interesting thing they discovered was that there were a few Dark Eco boxes that had to be blown up, which the sisters took turns doing, and that their slides allowed them to break any and metallic boxes that might be in their way, before coming to a stop in yet another decent sized chamber.

"Interesting, this chamber has a room or pod that looks like it might be able to be dislodged," Twilight commented, as she was looking at the capsule sized object that was in front of them, which looked like it was as big as Samos' hut or the Blue Sage's hut, though there were a number of interesting pillars, about the size of her and Cozy, or maybe just a little smaller, that had four spikes that seemed to be holding a blue orb between them, but before she could focus on figuring out what sort of purpose the orbs served she noticed a Blue Eco vent off to the side and put two and two together, that they had to use Blue Eco to power the Power Spheres, or whatever the Precursors called them when they made this place, though she also noticed a few Spinning Lurkers resting inside this chamber.

"Yeah, but we have some enemies to take out first," Cozy responded, because she was more interested in taking out every enemy that was resting inside this chamber, even if the Spinning Lurkers would be more of a nuisance than a threat to the two of them, and had next to no interest in figuring out if this pod could be disconnected or not, even though she felt that they might find a Power Cell for their efforts, if they succeeded in causing the pod to leave this part of the city anyway, but for now she noticed one of the Spinning Lurkers coming their way and jumped into the air to avoid its attack, only to use the dive attack and smash it into the ground.

Twilight nodded and they separated from each other for a moment, where the sisters spread out and focused on fighting their enemies first, since she agreed that taking out the Lurkers would provide both of them with some peace and quiet so she could work on figuring everything in this chamber out, though what they discovered was that three of the Spinning Lurkers were down on the level that the opening of the pod was in, even if said opening happened to be locked, and that using the dive attack allowed both of them to take out their targets in a matter of seconds, even though Twilight loosed a blast through the air and blasted another Spinning Lurker that was wandering around the top of the ring that was near the top of the pod. With the four enemies taken care of the next thing they did was take a moment to walk around the decent sized chamber and picked up the couple of Precursor Orbs that were scattered around it, even though Cozy noticed that Twilight had paused for a few seconds and was staring at the other opening that would allow them to get even deeper into the city, which was more like a lab or storage area in Twilight's mind, and they found that there was yet another chamber on the other side of the tunnel she was looking at, one that seemed to be a steam filled area to some degree, which she was interested in exploring in the very near future. Once she did that, and took her first glance notes on the matter, both she and Cozy regrouped near the Blue Eco vents and gathered some power into their bodies, allowing them to channel it into the five blue Precursor Sphere devices that were scattered around the chamber, two being on platforms that were on a level between the floor and the ring, two resting on the ring, and the last one rested in front of the pod's opening, which just happened to be the first one both of them approached before splitting, though once all five Precursor Spheres were powered the pod's door opened and they discovered a button that was in the middle of it. A few moments later Twilight and Cozy climbed into the pod, mostly so both of them could see whatever area of the city it brought them to, or maybe it would take them outside the underwater city, and hit the button that was in the middle of the structure, which caused the door to close not even a few seconds later and the sisters felt the pod shift as it moved out of the chamber it had been in, like it was heading to the surface or something, to which they braced themselves as they waited for it to come to a stop so they could see where in the world it had brought them.

When the pod came to a stop a few moments later both Twilight and Cozy remained still for a few seconds, just to be sure it wasn't going to move again, before the door opened and revealed that they were above water again, as they could see the pavilion that the Warrior and the Gambler were resting in, waiting for someone to come and trade for the Power Cells that were in their possession, and to their right rested some rocks that formed a few stepping stones, which seemed to reach the top of the pod, but before they did anything the Communicator, or their version of the device, emerged from a pack and floated around them for a few moments.

"I'm impressed guys, you managed to raise a piece of the underwater ruins to the surface!" Keira said, confirming that she must have been watching the city for signs of them doing something, to either confirm or deny the Blue Sage's thoughts on if a section of the city, or ruins as Keira called it and Twilight was thinking of running with at this point, and that she was excited by what she had seen them do, though at the same time it seemed like she was either using the Communicator to see where they were or happened to be using the telescope in the hunt to focus on them, "It seems that we can use Eco in ways that we've never seen before or even dreamed of... oh, and before I forget, a Power Cell surfaced with the pod and its currently resting on top of the structure, so one of you should climb up there and claim it, before heading back into the ruins to complete your search of the area."

Twilight and Cozy said nothing to that as they headed outside and Twilight used her platforms so they didn't have to get in the water, mostly because she didn't want a Lurker Shark coming after them, before they climbed the rocks and gathered a couple Precursor Orbs that were in their way, before Cozy jumped onto the top of the pod and grabbed the Power Cell, which must have been resting in the air above the pod when they were back in the ruins, though once that was done the sisters returned to the pod's interior and quickly pressed the button once more, where the door closed and the pod sunk into the water once more, returning them to the chamber that they had been in previously, which gave them a quick way out once they were done exploring the ruins. Once they were back inside the ruins the sisters headed over to the second tunnel and found that it, of course, had electrified water that Twilight just negated by forming a few platforms for her and Cozy to jump across, allowing them to reach the chamber that was on the other side of the tunnel, before they found a few steam pipes that seemed to be coming out into this chamber and that they had some lids on top of them, which would let them ride the lids up to where the seventh and final Scout Fly box rested, which was what Cozy did as Twilight noticed that there was another glass tunnel in this area, which had to lead to the deepest point of the ruins, the Dark Eco Silo based on all of the vats they had seen so far, but she waited for Cozy to smash open the box and free the last of the Scout Flies, as it gave them another Power Cell to add to the collection. Not even a few moments later the sisters gathered in front of the glass tunnel's opening and started to slide down it like they had done earlier, when they found the first one, where both of them made sure to pick up the Precursor Orbs that were in their way, jump over the heated pipes that were resting in the middle of the passage, smash through some metallic boxes for the Orbs that were inside it, and also made sure to break all of the wooden chests that happened to be in the way, as while they didn't need the healing energies of the Green Eco it was a good idea to take the bits with them, before eventually reaching what appeared to be the end of the line once more, only this time they paused as they stared at the massive pool of Dark Eco that was resting in front of them. As it turned out the glass tunnel ended in a ledge the overlooked the silo, one that happened to have a button of some kind in the middle of it, though there was a Power Cell above it and that meant they would case the Eco to rise after claiming the Power Cell in question, which both of them knew was incredibly dangerous, but there was a curved path that seemed to lead all the way to the top of the silo, so they didn't have to worry about there not being an exit.

"The things we'll do for Power Cells..." Cozy commented, mostly because she and her siblings seemed to do a number of tasks and challenges to gather all of the necessary Power Cells that they needed to move further north, and some of them could be seen as foolish or downright insane in some cases, where this one was definitely one of the more dangerous and insane instances, because if one of them fell into the Dark Eco there was no telling what all of it would do to the sister who had such an unfortunate thing happen, especially since they knew what happened to Daxter and had no idea what would happen to someone like them or Starlight, since all three of them were different from the other Humans of this world, but even as she said that she braced herself for what was coming next.

In the following moments the sisters jumped over the gap and landed on the device that the Power Cell was resting above, where neither of them stopped as Twilight claimed the artifact and they jumped over to a Blue Eco vent that empowered them once more, something that was followed by both of them using a jump pad to launch themselves into the air so they could reach the curved path, though once they landed on what appeared to be the path's starting point the sisters started moving forward without delay and made sure to gather the Precursor Orbs that were in front of them, as they knew that there would be no coming back to this area once they reached the top. Of course that was when they head the sound of something happening below them, where Twilight took a second to notice that a large door had dropped and was blocking the opening that was connected to the glass tunnel, meaning that the Precursors had made sure that the Dark Eco of this silo wouldn't spill out into the rest of the ruins, which was when she noticed the Dark Eco rising from where they had seen it when they first entered this chamber and it was heading towards the area that she and Cozy were in, hence why both of them continued moving along the curved path. The weirdest thing about the path they were following wasn't the couple of gaps that both of them had to jump over, something that could slow them down a little, was the fact that there happened to be a few Lurkers wandering around parts of the pathways that would take them to the top of the chamber, or to a point anyway, and it was odd that none of them had fallen onto the device that the Power Cell had been resting above before the pair had arrived, but neither Twilight or Cozy stopped as one of them blasted the Lurkers that were in front of them so their progress wasn't stopped, even though they did have to contend with a few platforms that happened to be moving out of the walls and back into them a few moments later, which they easily overcame. At the end of the first section of the curved path they found another Blue Eco vent and another jump pad, to which the sisters quickly empowered their bodies and used the pad to jump up to the next section, basically repeating what they had done a few moments ago, where they found out something interesting as they ran and jumped along the path, the Dark Eco was rising at an alarming rate and it worried both of them a tad bit, but once both of them reached what appeared to be the top of the second section of the curved path, due to the Blue Eco vent resting at the end, a large jump pad lowered into place right in the middle of this chamber and the sisters wasted no time in empowering themselves and then launched themselves into the air, where it took them no time to reach a small chamber and land around the opening both of them had been launched through, an opening that locked itself in the closed position once they were both through it, meaning neither of them would have to worry about the Dark Eco catching them.

What they discovered was that there was one more Power Cell resting near a closed door, one that revealed that the small chamber was near the first glass tunnel and the chamber the moving pod was in, so they claimed it and slide back down to where the pod rested, something that allowed Twilight and Cozy to return to the surface and use Twilight's platforms to cross over to where the wooden pontoons rested, which was followed by them heading back to the pavilion and quickly found that Jak, Starlight, and Daxter were waiting for them in the eating area, meaning they must have finished clearing the Precursor Basin of everything that had been inside it.

"It seems like you two had some good luck down there," Jak said, as he could tell that Twilight and Cozy must have done well during their trek through the Precursor City, given that neither of them looked like they had been hurt since the last time they had seen each other, and Starlight felt the same way, but at the same time all of them knew that there was one more region of this village that they needed to check out before bothering to visit the levitation machine the Blue Sage had built, though one thing he did notice was that both of his sisters had to huff for a moment, making him wonder if he might be wrong in his thoughts, "unless I'm wrong and you guys ran into trouble."

"No, we did fine... just had to run out of a Dark Eco Silo, that's all." Cozy remarked, though instead of letting either of their siblings ask what in the world she was talking about, since Samos had told them nothing about a silo being located inside the city they had come out of, both she and Twilight were more interested in heading over to the Warrior and making sure he restored the bridge to its former glory, as it was a requirement for them at this point, and once they dealt with Boggy Swamp they would come back and trade some Orbs for the remaining Power Cells that the Gambler and Geologist had, and maybe the Oracle as well.

Instead of saying anything else the siblings headed over to where the Warrior rested and traded him the ninety Orbs that he wanted, which was followed by him releasing the rest of the pontoons to restore order to the bridge, even though they headed down to the path in question and jumped over the newly restored sections of wood, allowing them to claim what had to be the last Orbs of Rock Village and, more importantly, smash the final Scout Fly box of the village, earning them yet one more Power Cell for their efforts, though once that was done, and all four of them were sure there was nothing else for them to do right now, they turned towards the entrance of Boggy Swamp and headed inside, as it was time for them to deal with the Lurkers in this region and then deal with the monster once this place was cleared out.

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