• Published 9th Feb 2021
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Jak and Daxter: Heirs of Mar - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, and Cozy Glow grow up in Sandover Village with Keira, Jak, and Daxter, where they train and play everyday, all while unaware of the grand adventure that's ahead of all of them.

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Interlude: Expedition Preparations

The next week was full of preparations for Jak, Twilight, Cozy, Starlight, and their Ottsel companions as they prepared for a visit to the Wasteland, though the first thing they did was outfit themselves accordingly, as in cutting their hair to a more manageable level, given that Jak and Cozy had long hair from their long stay in the Fortress and both of them cut it down, with Jak having short hair, similar to what he had back in Sandover Village, something that Cozy did as well, even though all of them knew that it wouldn't have any effect on her Dark Form's hair. Of course both Twilight and Starlight did the same thing as well, trimming their hair and making sure they were more manageable for later, though the sisters left their tails alone since none of them were overgrown, opting to focus on their hair and nothing else for the most part, where Samos nodded his head when all four of them were done with the barber, as he understood what was going on and was doing his best to make sure they were ready for their eventual visit to the Wasteland. Shortly after their conversation with Praxis in the Palace, as in an hour later, the siblings had sought out Samos to refresh their knowledge on surviving in a desert, which had prompted him and Keira to ask what in the world they were up to and caused Twilight to tell them what they planned on doing, heading out to find Damas and possibly get some allies as well, even though it did cause him to moan for a couple of seconds before agreeing to assist them, though it was more like he felt their time would be better spent assisting the city and less on something like this, but he allowed them to move on with their plan and helped them as much as he could, as he would be staying inside Haven to help the citizens out. Keira, of course, was busy fixing and updating a number of vehicles that belonged to the Freedom League, as that was the new name that the forces of Haven City came up with and lead to a brand new paint job for all the armor and vehicles in the city, going from a red or yellow color and becoming blue, but she was planning on helping them in her own way, as in upgrading Jak's JET-Board and making it better for whatever trials the siblings might find in the future.

Ashelin and Praxis, however, spent some time convincing the Council to approve the expedition into the Wasteland, as in they weren't banishing the siblings and they were just heading out to track down any potential enemies or allies for the future, especially since Vin was still unsure who was behind messing with the KG robots and was still looking into it, but based on what Jak had been told it would take some time to convince the Council to agree to the idea, especially with the likes of Veger in its ranks, who seemed to hate him and his sisters purely because of their Dark Eco abilities, even if those powers had helped them save the city from the Metal Head Leader. None of them were surprised to find that Veger was against them, given everything that Praxis told Jak and his sisters during their conversations, especially given his dislike of their dark powers and unnatural abilities, as he didn't approve of the magical powers that the sisters had access to and all of the support they currently had, but they weren't bothered by his dislike or disapproval of them as they focused on their preparations for their expedition into the Wasteland. The surprising thing was that a good portion of the Council agreed with Jak's plan, to allow the four of them to head out into the Wasteland for a time, tracking down any potential threats to Haven City and its citizens, along with seeing if they could find any potential allies that might consider joining up with the Freedom League, or just lending them some aid in keeping track of everything in the Wasteland, but they kept the fact that they were looking for Damas a secret for now, as it was hard to tell if the Council members preferred having the old king or the reign of the Praxis line, even though Praxis assured the siblings that most of Haven's Council would follow Damas in a heartbeat. Twilight considered that to be part of the reason as to why they had so many supporters on the Council, as all of them knew that they were Damas' kids, even if they were older than Veger and the others remembered, and that had to be why they had so much support for their expedition, though for now they allowed the Baron and Ashelin to do as much as they could to make sure the Council was okay with them heading out into the Wasteland for a time, while also having an emergency Communicator in case something happened to Haven City while all of them were away.

Of course none of the siblings were hoping that anything would happen while they were away, though there was a chance that something might happen since someone was messing with the KG robots, but all of them were hoping to finish their expedition in the Wasteland and be back before something else happened, hence why Jak and his sisters were making sure to do everything in their power to ready themselves for their visit to the place that people were banished to, as there was no telling what sort of dangers might be waiting in the massive desert, save for some Metal Heads based on what all of their friends and allies told them.

In addition to all of that Jak, Twilight, Cozy, and Starlight spent some time in the forest area going over their abilities when they channeled their Dark Eco powers for a time, as Twilight and Midnight had found a way to grant Starlight some Dark Eco of her own, without making her go crazy or transform into a dark entity like her sisters did when they first transformed after their exposure to the dark substance, even though part of the process involved using the journal that Praxis handed over to them after their meeting, the one left behind by Gol and Maia, which served as a good starting point for Twilight and her other side to do their work. Thanks to Midnight's powers they didn't have to worry about ruining the area that Jak had picked out for them to practice in for a time, as her ability to manipulate reality allowed her to repair any damage that was done to the surrounding area, especially since Dark Cozy was acting as their target and hitting her proved to be much harder than her siblings thought she would be, but it was good practice for Twilight and Starlight, in terms of magic, and a good sparring partner of sorts for Jak, leaving the Ottsels off to the side as they watched them practice. Of course one of the things that happened during this time was that Twilight insisted on having Daxter go through some motions as well, as he had access to some of his Eco powers and learning how to use them might be beneficial for them, though Alvin and his brothers were really the only ones who didn't have much to do while this happened, so they either spent their time flying around Haven Forest in their hybrid forms, watching the siblings in their Ottsel forms while sitting near Daxter, or resting for a time in their dragon forms, the last of which Twilight noted a slight growth to all three of them, as they were a tab bit taller than before and it was likely due to them taking control of the rest of their kind. Regardless of what everyone was in the middle of doing the siblings made sure to practice all of the skills and abilities that they had access to, preparing them for a visit to the Wasteland, even though three of them had to listen to Twilight repeating what Samos had reminded all of them about when it came to surviving in a desert, just to make sure they were ready for anything and everything that they might encounter while they were looking for Damas and his city of exiles, though they knew that Sig had already departed for his destination and Jak was hoping they would catch up with him in due time.

Not only did that happen, which was good for the siblings and boosted their chances of surviving this expedition, Alvin and his brothers did track down a group of Metal Heads who were trying to follow Kor's orders and tear down the defenders of the city, despite the fact that their Leader was dead and his order should have faded from their minds, where Jak and his sisters watched for a few moments as Alvin, Simon, and Theodore formed a triangle around the couple of Metal Heads and just stood there, causing their targets to stop in the process. What they did was tap into something they had access to, a power that likely awakened after the death of their evil father and all three of them inherited his power, though instead of asserting themselves as the new leaders of this group and forcing them to follow their lead, like Kor would have done if he was in their shoes, they wove their own Eco energies into freeing all of their fellow Metal Heads from their bonds to Kor and his dark desires, something that eventually caused their yellow Skull Gems to dim for a time. Once that happened all of them watched as a change washed over the Metal Heads, a new color washed over their Skull Gems, some taking on a red coloration, others going blue, and others taking a green color, reflecting the colors that Alvin, Simon, Theodora, and all of the Neo Metal Heads happened to have, meaning the brothers used this power to free the rest of their kind and also used it to enlighten those who survived Kor's demise, turning them into Neo Metal Heads and unlocking a new mindset in all of them. It was an interesting thing to witness and Twilight made sure to do everything in her power to document the changes for later, since it might help them convince the Council of their plans to head into the Wasteland for an expedition and stop whatever threat or enemies might be hiding out in the desert, especially since this ability allowed them to make sure all of the Metal Heads out there were given a chance to accept a new life or turn it down and be taken out before the city was threatened by them, and it also meant it gave them a chance to convince those who lived in the Wasteland that they weren't enemies and that a change was sweeping over their world, now that the Leader of the Metal Heads was dead and his hold over the rest of his kind had been broken.

In addition to making sure the siblings understood his lessons, and assisting the Freedom League with making sure Haven was safe, Samos lent his aid to Praxis and Ashelin as they worked to make sure Veger didn't do anything to stop Jak's plans for the expedition into the Wasteland, even though right now it sure seemed like the Count had decided, after seeing the amount of support they had, that messing with them wasn't the right thing to do and had stepped back for now, leaving them to their preparations while Daxter kept an eye on Veger whenever they were near him, as he didn't trust the Count and everyone agreed with him, hence why many did the same thing while making sure he never noticed them making sure he wasn't trying to ruin their efforts to protect the city.

As it turned out two weeks went by since the defeat of Kor and nothing happened to Haven City, as in no war broke out, nothing was happening with the KG robots or their factory, most of the Metal Heads who had been trying to follow Kor's orders had been enlightened by Alvin and his brothers, and the siblings were as ready as they could be for their visit to the Wasteland, they were simply waiting for the Council to come to a decision and grant them their request so they could get underway and start their new quest. Of course that meant that someone wasn't happy with what was going on right now and wanted to make sure the expedition was to their standards, which had to be Veger even though he didn't seem to be overly dangerous towards Jak's new goals, though based on everything the Baron told them it seemed like he just wanted to make sure the expedition meet certain standards and wasn't about to simply wave those away for the champions of Haven City, something one or two of the other Council members agreed with. In the end it appeared that certain things were agreed to, that the siblings would be given enough supplies that would last all of them three days, which also meant they had a limited amount of time to accomplish their goals, one of the Air Trains would be assigned to them and would deliver them to the Wasteland, a line of communication would be established between them and their pilot, that way they could call the guard in question back when they wanted to leave or he could deliver news of the expedition to Haven City, without them having to stop every time something was discovered. The only odd thing Jak and his sisters found amongst the conditions was that there was an emergency beacon, one that would tell them if something happened to the city while Jak and his sisters were exploring the Wasteland, added to the list of items they were being given, though Ashelin did take a moment to make sure a small circular beacon was slipped into Twilight's bag, one that would allow them to let Damas know that someone was in his domain and might cause him to seek them out first, as it was designed to be given to those who were exiled so they would either be picked up by the former king, who had to be living somewhere in the desert, or by the wandering Metal Heads, which was more of a death sentence for certain prisoners.

With the date set Jak and his sisters made their final preparations for their expedition, changing their attire in for new sets that were designed to help them survive in the desert, as in shirts that didn't have sleeves, shorts that were supposed to help them minimize how much heat they soaked in while they explored the Wasteland, and made sure they had eye wear in case they ran into a sandstorm or something similar, not to mention making sure their weapons at the ready for any dangers that might be lurking in the desert.

"You know, I was honestly expecting Veger to do something to stop us from heading out to the Wasteland," Cozy said, as she and her siblings did spend a good amount of time resting in the Naughty Ottsel, since it was a good place to rest after one of their lessons or training sessions, though this was after learning that the Council had finally came to a decision on the matter and was giving them their approval at long last, but all of them were expecting Veger to do something to stop this from happening, or tripping them up in some way, only to be surprised by the lack of trouble, which worried them since it made them wonder if they had missed something.

"So were we, and we had prepared several cases to counter whatever points he tried to make," Ashelin replied, where she lifted her own glass for a moment and took a sip from it, as dealing with the Council, regardless if they were on Jak's side or not, was a headache and was usually followed by her heading to this place for a quick drink before returning to her job, not that her father knew that, but in the past she had made sure that Krew wasn't around, since the fat man would hold her visits over her head for a long time and would expect something from her, but she liked the Naughty Ottsel more than the Hip Hog Saloon, which was due to the change in owners, "but he's been rather quiet and helpful, which is a surprise since he's usually hard, if not impossible, to work with, making us wonder if he might be planning something behind the scenes or something... either way, we have to be careful once you four head to the Wasteland."

"We'll be back before you know it, as we're just going to head to the Wasteland, take a look around in an effort to find any enemies or allies, and then return once that's done," Jak stated, as while he knew that everyone was worried about what might happen when he and his siblings departed from Haven City for a time, something all of them were thinking about as well and he understood that either Twilight or Starlight had several ideas on what could happen, he knew they would be gone for a short period of time and would return when they were ready to, either when their supplies ran out or they were able to find something that fulfilled their conditions for this expedition, "though something tells me that Veger will make his move while we're gone, so keep your guards up and maybe he'll be discouraged by a united front. Also, I hear that the new sector you guys have been building should be completed soon, or at least that was what Torn said the last time we saw him in this place."

What he was referring to was that the Baron, Torn, and Ashelin were in the middle of rebuilding the Water Slums, turning it into a modern looking section of Haven, such as the area outside the Stadium, which also happened to be the furthest point from the Port and would serve as an evacuation point in case something terrible occurred, like if someone attacked the city and smashed through the defenses, though there was also a new headquarters being built in that area, mostly for whatever the future held for them, since they had no idea what was happening to the KG robots.

"According to Vin and the others, it should be done soon," Ashelin stated, though as she said that, and told the siblings the news, she thought about what she had been told about the robotics division of the old KG, who were working and doing nothing to attack them right now, as if they were waiting for something to happen, hence why their foes were preparing for whatever the future held in store for Haven City, before she turned and looked at the siblings for a few seconds as she thought about something, "it seems that the KG robots are building something, what we're not sure since we can't get any closer than the edge of the area they're working in... we're sure that they're waiting for something, just like Veger is waiting for the same thing to happen."

Of course Alvin and his brothers knew that Shade and the other Scouts might be able to help them out, though for now it was something they would worry about in the future, once everyone got back from the Wasteland something Ashelin also understood since no one was saying anything at the moment, but Jak was happy to hear that the citizens were working far better than what happened when the dark Baron was in charge of everything, especially with everyone aiding the Freedom League in their actions. Once that was done the siblings went about making sure they were ready for the expedition, as in double checking all of their weapons, making sure everyone was well rested for what they were about to do, and that any additions they were bringing along were prepared, as while they were preparing Pecker decided to visit them for a time and revealed that Onin wanted him to join Jak, his sisters, and the Ottsels in their expedition to the Wasteland, though the reason why became that she wanted to have a secondary line to communicate with them, revealing that he and Onin had to share a telepathic bond of sorts. To Twilight it explained so much, as while she understood that, with time and practice, Pecker would be able to understand Onin's various movements and gestures to a degree, though to truly understand her the pair in question would have to share a telepathic bond, one transmitting their thoughts to the other, and if that was true it meant most of what Pecker did was just a show to entertain and distract those that were talking to Onin, while also explaining his reaction time since there were instances where he spoke without witnessing her movements, but it didn't look like Pecker was annoyed by revealing this fact to them. Other than that no one else was coming with them when they left for the Wasteland, as Sig was already out there, Vin was needed here to make a more improved Shield Wall, Keira had to make sure the Freedom League's vehicles were ready for anything, Torn, Ashelin, and Praxis were needed to maintain order with Shade and some of the other Neo Metal Heads, and everyone else would be busy making sure nothing upset the peace of Haven City, though none of them were surprised by that information and continued their preparations while keeping Pecker in mind for later.

When morning arrived Jak, his sisters, and the rest of their small group gathered near the blue Air Train that was going to transport them and their stuff to the Wasteland, even though it was before the hours that most people got up at, where they found everyone else had arrived to see them off and wish them luck on their expedition, though what was surprising was that Veger, of all people, was also there and stood off to the side while everyone else focused on Jak and his sisters, but when everyone pulled back he stepped forward for a moment.

"Jak, while I do not agree with the Council's decision to allow you and your dark kin to run around, without restraint, I do know when to pick my battles," Veger stated, his tone revealing that he didn't much care for any of the siblings, given their ability to tap into Dark Eco and the odd powers that came from such a thing, as Starlight had done well in mastering what Twilight and Midnight had taught her, though at the same time his words indicated that he understood when it was time to fight, when it was time to flee, and when it was time to allow something to happen, "and this is one fight that I have no hope of winning. So go, go to the Wasteland and perform your expedition... I will pray that the Precursors bless you and your sisters, and that you come back with whatever knowledge you are currently seeking."

Jak nodded his head for a moment and Veger said nothing as he departed from the area, giving them a chance to stare at the tall Human who had a slim build, who happened to be balding at the moment while he wore a blue open coat, a dark pair of pants, a tan colored shirt with a red cloth near his neck, and a pair of ordinary shoes that matched what most of the citizens wore over their feet, while he carried a tome of some kind and a Precursor control rod, though none of them knew what the rod went to. Once Veger was gone the siblings wished the others well before boarding the Air Train so they could get underway, knowing that they only had a few days to fulfill their objectives and that they were hoping to find Damas in no time, though there was always a chance that they wouldn't find him and this was a dead end, but for now they turned and watched as everyone waved at them as the door started to close, giving them a chance to wave at them as well before the door closed in front of them. Not a few seconds later the vehicle lifted into the air and headed for the Wasteland, as it was time for them to start their expedition, even though it would take an hour to reach their destination, which happened to be the fastest it could go without the ship breaking down, as any faster would break something and send them into the sea between Haven City and the Wasteland, so this gave them time to rest and prepare themselves, even though none of them were exhausted right now, causing Twilight to pull out the journal they had been given so she could check Gol and Maia's notes once more, since she was considering what to say to them as soon as they encountered the Dark Sages they had beaten during their first adventure. Jak stayed near the back section of the vehicle so he could, if he so desired, chat with the pilot while they were traveling to their destination, or at the very least he could get updates on either their journey or whatever might be happening inside Haven City, the latter being that if something happened while they were away, but before they reached the Wasteland, they could turn around and head back to the city, so they could assist with the defenses, even if it would mean rescheduling this expedition.

Starlight and Cozy remained silent as they traveled across the sea that was between Haven and the Wasteland, though all of them stirred once the pilot informed Jak that they were nearing their destination, something that caused Twilight to pull out the beacon Ashelin had given them and activated it, since it should inform Damas that visitors were coming and cause him to investigate, before the pilot landed in a decent sized flat area, near a river none of them could drink from since it was connected to the sea... though as the siblings and their companions stepped off the Air Train, and started to spread out a little to see where they had landed, their vehicle exploded in a big ball of fire.

"Veger... no doubt he's behind this," Jak growled, as while he was annoyed by the loss of their supplies, even though Gol and Maia's journal was safe and sound based on what Twilight showed him, he was more annoyed with the fact that the Count had the nerve to blow up their transport and strand them in the Wasteland for the foreseeable future, especially since he and his siblings knew that there were potential threats that might attack Haven City now that they were out of the picture, something that Veger would likely try to pin on their heads.

"He's trying to exile us, not knowing that we'd be back in due time," Twilight said, though as she said that she turned her head for a moment and found a group of at least ten people, half male and half female, walking towards them, where she and her siblings could tell that each of them looked like Sig, with less armor and just a tad bit less imposing looking from what they could see, though the main figure, who walked at the head of the pack and was far more intimidating than the others that were with him, whose armor seemed to be more royal as well, and his hair seemed to be white and only grew on the sides and back of his head, tied in locks, as he had some small spikes on his head that were arranged like a crown of some kind, meaning he had to be the ruler they had been seeking.

The Wastelanders, as that was who these people had to be, approached the siblings and the man's companions took up positions around the four of them, causing Jak, his sisters, and their companions to remain still as they investigated what had happened, though the man raised an eyebrow and Jak, in a moment of decision, produced the beacon Ashelin had given them, something that the imposing Wastelander took with his left hand, as his right held a staff with Precursors bits attached to it, before he deactivated it and pocketed the device, though as all of that happened the siblings could see that the man was interested in them, which was a good thing since he had to be Damas and meant he had to recognize three of them, given their pony features.

"We'll take them with us... though you four are lucky we showed up when we did, as there's a storm coming and this place isn't very forgiving," the ruler Wastelander stated, something that told the siblings something interesting, that the desert had a number of storms that were incredibly dangerous, possibly lethal to anyone caught in them, though as he said that his people pulled away from the wreckage, given that it was still burning and they were likely going to use the storm to put the flames out, though the guards collected the weapons the siblings had as well, just to make sure they didn't use them to attack someone or something, before the ruler turned to leave, "Come, let us return to Spargus and see what Haven City has thrown out this time."

Jak and his sisters glanced at each other for a moment, as this was the confirmation they needed that there was a city of exiles in the Wasteland, Spargus according to what the King Wastelander had just said, though as the King's guards started to move forward so, too, did the siblings, as there was so much they wanted to do and say now that they were near their father, unless someone had dethroned him again and sent him elsewhere, but for now they remained silent and walked with the group, knowing that there would be time for talking once they reached Spargus.

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