• Published 9th Feb 2021
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Jak and Daxter: Heirs of Mar - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, and Cozy Glow grow up in Sandover Village with Keira, Jak, and Daxter, where they train and play everyday, all while unaware of the grand adventure that's ahead of all of them.

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Precursor: Mastering the Basics

"And that's what happened during our visit to Misty Island." Twilight finished, as the moment she and her siblings, along with a transformed Daxter, had returned to Sandover Village they had spotted Samos staring at them from the walkway that was around his house, or around the upper part that the door to his area rested in anyway, and he had beckoned for them to come up to his part of the house, which had a bunch of plants scattered around the room, a metallic ring that was the size of one of their chests, a Warp Gate as Samos called it, and a hidden bed that Twilight and the others had never seen, meaning it was well hidden and would only be shown to whoever Samos wanted to show it to, even though the moment they came to a stop in his room he had proclaimed 'what in green tarnation were you thinking?', prompting her to reveal what she and the others had done after hearing that they had the day off.

Samos the Sage, whose last name was Hagai based on when Twilight heard him talk to the other Sages the last time they had been in Sandover Village, was a stout Human with a stubby body, though his arms and legs were gaunt, with large hands and feet even though he was wearing wooden stumps below his feet that were stilts, with a long white beard that went with his white mustache, not to mention the long white hair he had that happened to be wrapped around a log, one that was resting on top of his head, something she assumed was due to the fact that he was the Sage of Green Eco and a log could be a connection to nature. He was wearing a plain green tunic with an orange belt, though in addition to that he also had a pair of glasses in front of his eyes and a wooden staff that many assumed was an item that allowed him to tap into the type of Eco he was connected to, though for the most part it seemed to be more of a walking stick at this point at time and he almost never used it for anything else, which made it hard for Twilight, Starlight, and Cozy to get a grasp of his actual powers, since being a Sage was a big deal in their world and each of them, of which there were four right now, were seen as important figures in the villages. In addition to all of that there was a small bluebird flying around the area that Samos was standing in, like the Sage had raised it and it just stayed near him, no matter what happened, which made all of them wonder if the Red, Blue, and Yellow Sages, real names unknown, had animals that stayed near them no matter what, but that was something they would worry about for the future, since they had no idea when they would meet the other Sages and possibly learn more about Eco from them, hence why they were focused on the here and now, which meant telling their mentor about their brief visit to Misty Island. Daxter, of course, was understandably upset about this entire situation, as he had been forced into a body he wasn't familiar with, and he seemed to be in the middle of blaming what had just happened, be it the Lurker that had surprised them while they were staring at the vat of Dark Eco, none of the sisters thinking to use their magic to protect them from what was coming their way, be it the Lurker or the explosion that came from Jak throwing the canister, Jak for even suggesting that they go to Misty Island in the first place, and, as a rather interesting final person to blame, he blamed the two mystery figures who were in command of the Lurkers for what had happened to him.

Of course, since Samos had no idea who they were talking about, Starlight and Cozy described who they had seen during their visit to the island and Twilight pulled out some papers to roughly sketch who they had seen, something that didn't do much to tell their mentor who they had spotted, even though it did worry him that someone was putting together an army for some unknown reason, hence why he was going to have to ask the other Sages what they knew about the situation he had been presented with, before he sighed for a moment as he considered what he was going to do next, given what the siblings had done and what they had discovered while disobeying his wishes.

"I am disappointed in all five of you, for disobeying me and going to the one place I told you not to go to, not until I felt that you were ready," Samos stated, which was what the siblings were expecting at this point, because no matter what all four of them did it was hard to actually please their mentor, even though Twilight and Starlight were his star students and both Cozy and Jak were at the back of the pack, even if Cozy was between her sisters and their brother, before he focused on what they had done when they were on Misty Island and what they had discovered, where he could tell that Daxter didn't seem to be paying attention to what he was talking about, "despite the fact that you discovered a mysterious pair and the fact that they are building an army... though while I fear for the village, I have to wonder if they are planning something more sinister than just gathering artifacts and Eco."

"Look old man, are you gonna keep yapping, or are you gonna help them get me out of this mess?!" Daxter stated, as due to his new size and form he couldn't do anything he was just to doing before this point in time, not without riding on Jak's shoulder or being carried by one of his sisters, or at least those were his thoughts on what he could do to get around from place to place, and it was already starting to get on his nerves, even if he had only been stuck in this form for about thirty minutes to an hour, which was too much considering that he liked his old form much better than what he had right now, especially with the fact that he was missing pants.

"I'm thinking that I'll keep yapping... not that it matters, since I can't turn you back anyway," Samos replied, something that caused many of them to mentally sigh as they heard that, as they were hoping that with him being a Sage he would have an idea of what needed to be done to revert what happened to Daxter, while at the same time Daxter seemed ready to blow a fuse or something, in part due to the fact that he and Samos never saw eye to eye and the fact that all of this was just annoying to him, since this wasn't what he was expecting when they decided to go to Misty Island, "however, there is one who might have a chance at returning you to your previous form: a man by the name of Gol Acheron, who happens to be the Sage of Dark Eco, due to all of his studies on it. Now, some time ago he moved to the north, father than what I and the other three Sages believed he would do, and none of us have spoken to him in ages, where normally I would suggest sending you through the Warp Gate and drop you off in the Yellow Sage's place, since he's supposedly the closest to the area Gol was last seen in, but neither he or the other two Sages have seen fit to turn their ends on for quite some time, so that option is out... meaning that the only other way north is through Fire Canyon, but, since its fires and volcanic soil are hot enough to melt Precursor metal, you won't be able to walk through it."

"But maybe they can fly over it," Keira said, where she walked into the room that Jak, Twilight, and the others had been in since the group returned from Misty Island and what happened to Daxter, which still surprised her when she took a few moments to think about it, but for now her focus was on the group and the problem that her father had stated, which she found to be a lucky coincidence given what she and Twilight had been working on before Starlight and Cozy found out that they were being given the day off, something that had been taken away after the group went to the island and came back with the news that they had shared with her father, and her friend understood what she was saying, "Twilight and I have been working on an A-Grav Zoomer, something that will allow people to fly over areas and over great distances, and the part of it that we've been focusing on for the last couple of days just so happens to be a heat shield so it can fly over all of the volcanic areas of the continent, starting with Fire Canyon... however, based on our calculations, before Twilight joined Jak and the others in heading to Misty Island, we're going to need about twenty Power Cells to power the shield so one or two of them can get to Rock Village."

"Maybe we can ask some of the villagers if they'll be willing to trade those for something? Like services or some of those Precursor Orbs we see everywhere." Cozy commented, because as soon as Keira had mentioned the fact that they had to acquire a certain number of Power Cells to power the heat shield and move forward, to reach the next village, she quickly came up with a few ideas about how they could go about gathering the artifacts in question, even though to get a decent number of them they would need to head into the Forbidden Jungle, something that Samos would either have to approve of or deny, despite the fact that she was sure that they would try to return to Misty Island at some point, just to make sure to pick up whatever either of those mysterious figures or their forces left behind.

"Yeah, that could work. I mean, most of the villagers have a Power Cell or two stashed away somewhere, so trading some Precursor Orbs or doing tasks for them sounds like the best course of action," Keira replied, where the siblings and Daxter weren't all that surprised by what she was saying at the moment, especially since she had started thinking about how they were going to go about collecting the artifacts in question, something that Twilight had done the moment they started to talk about flying over Fire Canyon and the heat that was in that area, before both of them thought of the same thing once more, even though it was Keira who spoke up, "and I'm willing to bet that there are more Power Cells scattered all over the wilds, like in Forbidden Jungle or Sentinel Beach, just waiting for a group of brave adventurers to find them."

"Sadly, we don't have any 'brave adventurers' at the moment," Samos stated, something that the siblings figured was on its way after hearing what Keira had to say, as while the four of them had done well in learning whatever he threw at them during his lessons, or most of them did anyway, they were still lacking in terms of actual combat experience, despite the fact that he seemed to like sending all four of them to Geyser Rock, for survival training, every now and then in the past, which brought about the supposed day off that Jak had basically ruined by suggesting Misty Island, "Before the lot of you do anything else, you better head through the Warp Gate and head to Geyser Rock for some practice... now get in there, before I turn all of you into ferns as punishment for disobeying me!"

The siblings, deciding that it was best if they didn't get on Samos' bad side more than they already had, walked over to the area that the Warp Gate was resting in and jumped through it, allowing its power to wash over them as they were moved from one place to another, where it didn't take them long to reappear at their destination, which just so happened to be a grassy area that rested between two small sandy beaches, though in addition to those areas there were a number of palm trees and a number of scattered rocks, including a path forward that was just a set of smooth stone, like someone had come here long before Jak and his sisters came here for the first time, though something followed them and Twilight smiled for a moment as she noticed it.

"What in the world is this thing?" Daxter asked, though at the same time he remained on his perch on Jak's left shoulder, because at this point he wouldn't be able to keep up with his friend and the girls if they went running off, so this allowed him to ride along with them, even if it was annoying to some degree, and see whatever it was that they came across, but right now he was referring to the odd teal shaped pod device that had followed them through the Warp Gate, which had an odd purple center, something on top, and what appeared to be some antenna, because this was the first time he and the majority of the group had seen it.

"Its a Communicator, something Keira and I designed earlier," Twilight replied, but even as she said that she was happy to see that the device was fully operational, it was floating around them like it was supposed to, and based on what she was seeing right now it sure looked like everything that they had put into the device seemed to be operating perfectly, though this would be a good time to test and make sure it worked as it was supposed to, because if it was a failure she and Keira would have to break and work on it some more, "its supposed to allow someone to see what another is doing and talk to whoever is out in the field, basically allowing Keira and Samos to keep an eye on us and give us any helpful hints that they might want to share, or pointers on how to deal with something... plus its supposed to shrink down when its not in use, to store itself inside Jak's backpack, meaning we won't have to worry about it being a target for our enemies to break, as that would be a pain if we had to fix it after a Lurker broke it."

"It sounds useful," Jak commented, though he wasn't sure how useful that would be in the grand scheme of things, since he had both Twilight and Starlight with him and Cozy, which meant if he found something that stumped or confused him he could ask one of his sisters what was going on at the moment, and after taking a moment to think about it he was sure Cozy could do the same thing if she really wanted to, as she was nearly as smart as her sisters were, but that was all he said about the Communicator as they started to walk away from the large rock that the other Warp Gate, the side that allowed them to access Geyser Rock, was resting in front of thanks to a wooden and metal structure Samos had set up at some point in the past, making him wonder if the Sage was responsible for the smooth steps and whatnot that were all over this small island, before shaking his head as he moved forward.

Resting near the Warp Gate, and in front of the path they would be following, were a couple of wooden chests that Jak and his sisters knew hadn't been here the last time, ones that were easily smashed with a quick punch, kick, and even a small magical blast from Twilight, Starlight, or Cozy, though everything that was inside them were just bits of Green Eco, the type that allows people to heal themselves and do some other things, or at least those who could channel the powers of all four types of Eco that were in the world, as it was hard to find someone capable of channeling Dark Eco, given its nature to twist everything it touched. As it turned out all four of the siblings were capable of doing just that, channeling Eco, though for the most part they knew that Green Eco was confirmed, given who their mentor was, which made them wonder if they could do the same thing with the other three types, being Red, Blue, and Yellow, even if they felt that Dark Eco was out of their reach given that there wasn't a whole lot of it near the surface, unlike the other types that were more in abundance, but instead of worrying about something like that, and wasting time that they really didn't have, they moved further down the path and started to explore the rest of Geyser Rock. What was beyond the chests rested a number of Precursor Orbs, which were egg shaped Precursor objects that had an orange-red sheen and were usually used as a form of currency in their world, given the fact that they were incredibly common, though they had some runes or writing on them that all of the scholars didn't really understand, but after staring at them for a few seconds the siblings made sure to collect the few Orbs that were in front of them, something that lead to Twilight realizing something as she had them stop and focused on Jak's pack for a moment, as there was one spell she had come up with that didn't seem to have much practical use, given how few things most people had, and sure enough the pack glowed green for a moment before the glow faded. She then explained that she had tried something new, a spell that she designed that was supposed to let them store a vast amount of items inside the container in question without the material of the container bursting, so basically they could store all of the Precursor Orbs and Power Cells inside it without having to carry them in their hands all the time, but right now there was no way for them to tell if this was going to work or not, or at least not until they had gathered a good amount of Orbs and Power Cells anyway.

From what they could tell there were six Precursor Orbs resting on the stones leading to the area that was the start of the training obstacle course that Samos had constructed, complete with straw training dummies which looked like Lurkers and came with a number of sharp wooden stakes in what appeared to be traps, hazards to prepare themselves for what the future might hold, and that was when the siblings nodded their heads before engaging the training dummies, where Jak lashed out with his leg and struck one, Twilight punched another in the chest while hurling a small blast into one that was up above them, as some had been set up on the ledges of the area, Starlight struck one with a punch and kick combo as she blasted another, and Cozy just focused on punching a few targets, before they jumped over to a section that lone Power Cell happened to be resting in the air above, which Jak claimed... though that also prompted Daxter, for some odd reason, to dance for a moment, like he was incredibly happy for them to have collected it, before he stopped as he finally noticed that the group was staring at him.

"What? Why are you guys looking at me like that?" Daxter asked, almost like he was offended that they were staring at him in the first place, even though they were sure that he had done the dance mostly because of the fact that they had found one of the twenty Power Cells that Keira said they needed for the heat shield, which was followed by him returning to how he had been standing earlier, including jumping back up onto Jak's shoulder pad, something that informed Twilight of just how high Ottsels could jump and that she needed to test this out at some point in the future, before reaching the area that Gol Acheron lived in.

"We're just surprised that you started dancing after finding the first Power Cell, that's all." Cozy remarked, though what her friend was doing didn't really stop her from lashing out at the targets, as she had been the one to continue punching and kicking the various targets Samos had placed around the part of Geyser Rock that they were standing in, before she took a moment to land nearby and glanced at the next part of the path they would be following, which was when she spotted yet another odd item that she was sure belonged to either Twilight or Keira, "Hey, Twilight, is there something else that you or Keira have been working on, besides that A-Grav Zoomer and the Communicator you showed us earlier? I'm only asking due to the fact that there are some odd metallic boxes with red squares on their sides."

"No way. Keira, did you finish work on the Scout Flies?" Twilight inquired, where she and the others jumped over a break in the ground, which had some stakes inside it, and landed near the area the box was in, something that was followed by her taking a moment to notice that there were seven of them resting on some raised stone platforms, which lead nowhere based on what they could see, and it wasn't long before she had Jak jump into the air and perform the dive attack, though all it was was Jak jumping into the air and then spinning around so that his head was facing the ground, all so he could lash out with his fists and use the force to break the container, revealing a robotic fly that buzzed in the air for a moment after it was freed from the box.

"Yeah, I finished them last night, just after you and the others went to bed," Keira said, confirming Twilight's thoughts on the matter while making the rest of the group wonder what in the world they were talking about, even though it wasn't all that long before the Communicator came out to see what Twilight was looking at, something that left Jak, Daxter, Starlight, and Cozy waiting for one of them to explain themselves about the odd mechanical creature they had discovered inside the box Jak had smashed, "Once you guys returned from Misty Island, and I went over the number of Power Cells needed for the heat shield, I sent out these guys in groups of seven so they could search the other regions and secure however many Power Cells they could find, to return them to you and make the journey that much easier... however, given that Geyser Rock is so far from where the Lurkers are usually seen, it looks like the boxes are our fault, as it looks like there might be a line of code or something that made them all box themselves up when a Power Cell was found, instead of that one leaving with the artifact so the other six could find some more, so you're going to have to free all seven in each region to figure out which one has the Power Cell... sorry, I thought I had something great going on."

"Don't worry about it Keira, you and Twilight are working with new technology and there are bound to be some hiccups as you try new things," Starlight stated, though as she said that Cozy and Jak climbed around the rocky area that the rest of the boxes rested in and started to smash the boxes the remaining six Scout Flies were resting in, where it didn't take them all that long to free the remaining six and figure out that Keira was telling the truth, as the seventh Scout Fly happened to holding onto a Power Cell, one that it released as soon as Jak freed it, before she smiled for a moment as she witnessed what was going on, "however, maybe we should be happy about this little mishap, as the Lurkers will be looking for the Scout Flies that recovered the Power Cells, not boxes that they would have hidden themselves inside once one had been located, so you might have just prevented them from getting their hands on several Precursor artifacts."

That seemed to make Keira happy as the Communicator disappeared once more, disappearing for the time being, where the group headed to the left of the area that they found the first Power Cell in and followed the training dummies deeper into the island, even though each of them practiced a few more moves by jumping and spinning to kick something a few times, before Daxter spotted a set of stone steps that lead down to a beach, which just so happened to have a number of Precursor Orbs down there for them to collect, before they retraced their steps and returned to the path they had been in the middle of walking down. It was in that moment that Cozy pointed out some glowing blue spheres of energy that were floating just above the ground, in the middle of part of the path they were following, where Starlight explained to the rest of the group that this was Blue Eco, which just so happened to contain the energy of motion, as opposed to the life energy of Green Eco, even though this was mostly for Jak and Daxter, since neither of them had paid all that much attention to the lessons that Samos had given them in the past, which was followed by Samos commenting that 'at least someone paid attention to him', which was due to many heeding his wisdom and then ignoring him. Jak found that when he channeled Blue Eco through his body he was able to run faster, was able to pull in the couple of Precursor Orbs which were resting around him to where he was standing, smash apart the wooden chests without touching them, and even power old bits of Precursor technology, something that was added by Starlight after the bit of Eco ran out, even though her brother seemed pleased by this and continued down the path that they were following, where Twilight, Starlight, and Cozy joined him as he beat up more of the training dummies, even though each of them were starting to prove that they were ready for what the Lurkers and their masters might throw at them in the near future. From there it wasn't long before they found a path that rested on top of a straight cliff, with another one to their left, before they stopped for a moment as two things jumped out at them, the first being the large Precursor Door that seemed to be the way forward, to the end of the course Samos had constructed for them, while the second was a short wooden bridge that lead to a lone pillar of earth that had a mechanical vent in the center of the ground, one that seemed to be constantly spewing Blue Eco out into the world, either to be taken by some adventurers or to be reabsorbed into the area that was around the vent, to which the siblings walked over to the vent and made sure to collect the Precursor Orbs that were in their way before raising their hands to access the power of the vent, something that surprised the sisters as they felt a rush of energy flow through their bodies, even though this did confirm that each of them could channel Blue Eco and made them wonder about Red and Yellow.

With that done the siblings turned around and rushed back to where the Precursor Door rested, where the power that was inside all of them energized the ancient machinery and caused it to open before their eyes, allowing them to find another Power Cell behind it, something that seemed totally unlikely and made Cozy take a moment and wonder if this had been set up by Samos, since he always seemed to know far more than he let on, which Jak claimed before they jumped down into the small lake-like area that was in front of them, which contained one of the geysers that gave this place its name and a few rafts for them to stand on. Fortunately everyone landed on the rafts and didn't fall into the water, which would have meant they would have had to spend some time drying off before doing anything else, something that would have totally annoyed Daxter due to the fur and having to dry off a little differently than his friends would have, before they collected all of the Precursor Orbs that were in front of them and made their way to dry land once more, where it was easy for them to find three dark metal posts sticking out of the ground, forming a path up to the area a short bridge rested in, so what they did was take turns climbing onto the first post and then jump up to the next one, even though they did have to do what Jak called a double jump, where Twilight was of the opinion that it was due to their exposure to Eco or something that allowed them to jump once and then do a second jump while they were in the air, like they were jumping on air. With the double jump under their belts, as Jak insisted on making sure each of his sisters knew how to use the move as well, so they didn't depend on their magic for everything, least they run out of power at the wrong moment and be stuck without any means to defend themselves, so Twilight, Starlight, and Cozy had a number of Jak's skills in addition to what they naturally had, so they were able to replicate his movements with ease and followed after him, as since he was the elder sibling, by a year to be exact, which he seemed to be happy with. Of course, while he was waiting for them to catch up with him, he took a few seconds to jump on a small metal post and collected a few more Precursor Orbs that were above it, though as soon as all three of his sisters were with him once more he walked forward and headed up the bridge that was in front of them, one that brought them to another short metal pillar and it was followed by Starlight collecting the Orbs this time around like her brother had done, and from there they followed the rest of the path as it brought them to an area that had two more of the metallic posts for them to jump on, which also seemed to have the rest of the Precursor Orbs for the island, as by the time Jak reached the top Twilight was sure that they had collected fifty in total, which wasn't enough for them to trade for any of the Power Cells that the villagers had, before his sisters caught up with him and found a Power Cell near a bit of Blue Eco and a small single person platform that would take them back down to the Warp Gate.

As such they collected the Power Cell and powered up the platform, where they took turns riding it back down to the start of this small island and stood near the Warp Gate, allowing them to determine that they had done well in gathering four Power Cells, meaning they needed sixteen more to power Keira's heat shield, which was around the time that the gate was reactivated so they could jump through and return to Samos' hut, where they found that Keira was no longer in the area, no doubt making sure the A-Grave Zoomer was ready for action, to which Jak and his sisters turned towards Samos, since he likely had something to tell them before they left the house and really started their adventure.

"The four of you did well against the dangers of Geyser Rock... maybe you'll be able to overcome the trials that are waiting for you beyond this village," Samos said, even though the group suspected that he didn't want to refer to what they were about to do as an 'adventure', like he had something against the idea or something, but at the very least he seemed happy with what he and Keira had seen while the siblings were running around the training course he had created, but that was when he seemed to think of something else and turned towards them, mostly because he seemed to want to stop Daxter before he said anything foolish or annoyed someone, "oh, and while you're out 'adventuring', why don't you head over to Sentinel Beach and make yourselves useful by clearing some rocks that have gotten in my Green Eco collectors... maybe you'll find some Power Cells along the way... also, I would suggest exploring the Forbidden Jungle as well, so take that as me giving you permission, instead of running off and disobeying me once more."

Jak and his sisters nodded their heads and left the room that they had teleported to, as it was best to leave Samos to his meditation and whatever else he did when they weren't in the middle of a lesson, before they headed back over the pair of bridges and returned to Sandover Village, which was followed by them stopping as all four of them and Daxter glanced to the left and right paths that lead out of the place they called home, one heading to Sentinel Beach while the other went in the direction of the Forbidden Jungle, even though it was clear that Jak was thinking of something at the moment and the others were interested in what he had to tell them. His suggestion was to talk to their Uncle and the rest of the villagers for a few moments, just to figure out if anyone needed help and which of them were willing to trade one of their Power Cells for some Precursor Orbs, which would give them an idea of how many to collect for each trade in the future, though their Uncle said that they had caught him at an 'inopportune' moment, as it appeared that he had been planning on leaving the village yesterday and it appeared that he was missing all of his Precursor Orbs, not that any of them had any idea where he kept them, though he instantly blamed their friend, who he called the 'little annoying miserably ugly one', for stealing them for fun and spending them on whatever he wanted, which annoyed Daxter a bit, before he offered a trade for one of his Power Cells, ninety for one, even though he only had the one right now. Interestingly enough the Mayor had the same idea for a trade when they came to him, even though he also revealed that the reason the windmill was without power was due to the Eco Beam from the temple in the jungle being interrupted, meaning that if they made a trade with him and restored the connection they could gain two more Power Cells from their Mayor, even though each of them wondered why he was so interested in being elected as Mayor again, as there was next to no one in the village that cared about the office, so he happened to be the only one and it seemed to be a cover for what he wanted the Precursor Orbs for, but they left him to his devices as they sought out the rest of the villagers, even though it appeared that the Fisherman was somewhere in the Forbidden Jungle, based on what the Mayor told them as they left his house. From there they checked in with the Sculptor and found that he was sad because his Muse, the small creature that inspired him to do his sculpting, had actually run away and he suspected it had gone to Misty Island for some reason, something that caused them to inform him that they would find a way to get back to the island and see if they could find it, along with stopping the Lurkers from doing whatever mission their dark masters wanted to them to do, while the old Birdwatcher near the far informed them of a Flut Flut egg that had no mother, due to Lurkers capturing said mother earlier, and that she'd give them a Power Cell for their valor, if they helped her out in saving the egg.

"Okay, here's what we're going to do... we're going to split up and tackle two areas at the same time," Jak said, which was a total surprise to his sisters and Daxter, since all four of them expected them to tackle Sentinel Beach, the Forbidden Jungle, and Misty Island together, though before Twilight, Starlight, or Cozy could say anything he raised a hand to stop them from arguing the point and he wanted to make sure each of them had closed their mouths before he bothered to say anything else to them, "listen, whoever those mysterious figures were said that they were looking for artifacts and Eco, for whatever plan they've been working towards, and these recent problems our village has been going through seems to be due to the Lurkers that the pair are gathering into an army, so I figured that we could split up, into teams of two, and tackle Sentinel Beach and the Forbidden Jungle at the same time, before regrouping to tackle the danger of Misty Island together... give our enemies no chance to call for reinforcements."

Twilight and Starlight glanced at each other for a moment as Cozy focused on the areas that they were thinking of taking on in the near future, where everyone was clearly thinking about what Jak said and determined that it made sense, as this would allow them to clear out two areas at the same time, make it impossible for the Lurkers to get any reinforcements if they had plans in place to do such a thing, and gather both Precursor Orbs and Power Cells that much quicker, to which all of them agreed with his proposal and started forming their plan of attack for what they were about to do, along with who would be going to which area and face the dangers that were in that particular region.

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