• Published 9th Feb 2021
  • 1,599 Views, 256 Comments

Jak and Daxter: Heirs of Mar - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, and Cozy Glow grow up in Sandover Village with Keira, Jak, and Daxter, where they train and play everyday, all while unaware of the grand adventure that's ahead of all of them.

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Renegade: Krew's Jobs

What Jak and Cozy discovered was that the gun course had a fair amount of ammunition inside it that could be taken and used by anyone that wanted to practice with a weapon, though the first thing they did was patiently wait as Starlight gave them instructions on how to properly hold their new Scatter Guns, just for now anyway, and showed them how to wield it in battle, even though she did explain that the reason she knew all of this was because she had been found by Sig and he brought her to the Saloon, to assist him in working for Krew despite the fact that she got nowhere with it, and that such a thing had lead to her learning how to use this weapon, information that she was now passing to her siblings so they could use these weapons in battle.

"I don't understand why I need to do this, especially with my Dark Form being a thing," Cozy commented, though while she had kept quiet during Starlight's lesson on how to wield this weapon, just so Jak could understand everything their sister knew, and Twilight got a reminder since it seemed like it had been some time since she used a Scatter Gun, she was a little curious as to why she even needed to train with this new weapon, much less carry one on her body since her Dark Form had a habit of fully taking over her body to wreck their enemies.

"You never know, we might encounter an enemy that your Dark Form doesn't want to fight, or maybe it'll get tired of what it's doing and take a break," Twilight replied, as there were a few things that would lead to such a thing happening, which would leave her sister in a vulnerable state since she would be used to her other side taking over, before she considered Cozy's statement for a time as she made sure her own Scatter Gun was ready for whatever job Krew had for them, since it seemed like he might have something in store for them, "better to have the weapon and some skills for when your other side doesn't want to come out, as it might happen at some point so it can conserve it's strength, than to reach a moment where you would be expecting it to take over and have nothing happen, exposing yourself to our enemies."

"And, since this place is basically a safe haven, you won't have to worry about changing into your Dark Form while we're practicing with our weapons," Starlight said, adding something else to what Twilight had to say, though even as she said it she knew that the Scatter Gun had been modified so that all of the problems she discovered in the past had been taken care of, which meant none of them would have to worry about anything bad happening while using their weapons, but it was in that moment that Jak emerged from the course and discovered that he had beaten the three thousand point score that Krew seemed interested in seeing if they could beat it or not, though that opened the way for him to tackle the next score if he wanted to, the Bronze score that was eight thousand points, before Twilight got up and headed into the course not a few seconds later.

Cozy said nothing to that as her siblings tackled the course that would allow them to learn how to wield their new Scatter Guns, even though she focused on the basics of how to hold and fire the weapon, before she discovered that Twilight was able to do better than Jak did, thanks to some of the additional training she had with it, since both she and Starlight had an advantage over her and their brother, and Starlight had the best score of them all, as she beat the Bronze score, though when she tackled it, and faced off against the fake Metal Heads, cutouts that were detailed to match the actual thing, she found that her Dark Form was silent and that she was able to fire at her targets with ease, even avoid all of the civilian cutouts the owner had put here, and soon enough she succeeded in beating the basic score, allowing them to return to the Saloon with their heads held high.

"That was some excellent shooting!" Krew commented, where the obese figure spoke up the moment the siblings entered the Saloon, finding that there were a number of seats that didn't have anyone sitting in them, a bunch of booze, a ring of some kind in the direct center of everything, and who knew what else behind the scenes, where they discovered that both of his legs were small and gaunt, he had light green clothing, a bald head with facial features that looked pig-like, and he rested in a cradle shaped device that allowed him to float around the place, which came with a light for when it was night out, or at least that was Twilight's assumptions, before he spoke up once more, "Have any of you thought about switching professions and becoming Wastelanders, hmm?"

"To be honest, this is the first time I've heard the term, so all I can say is that none of us have considered it." Jak replied, as that was the truth, even though Starlight knew Krew more than any of them and might be the only one that knew what the obese man was talking about, something he and the others would have to ask about at some point in the near future, like as soon as they weren't near Krew or the Saloon, but based on everything he had seen from the individuals in Haven City there had to be more to the man's statement and he suspected that they would be hearing more from him before he got to the jobs he wanted them to do for the information he might have on the Baron's dealings with the Metal Heads, maybe even with their Leader if they were lucky.

"Wastelanders find items for me outside the city walls, eh, meaning any artifact or weapon that is worth possessing comes through my hands first." Krew stated, even though the siblings were sure that the Wastelanders did more than that, since it seemed odd for an entire faction of people to just work for the obese man, not counting those that actually worked for him in the Saloon, despite the fact that his employees were either taking a break or hadn't arrived yet, before he chuckled for a moment as he thought of something that might make them eager to get his jobs done, "Work for me and I'll throw you some of the sweeter items your way, hmm?"

"That sounds like a good deal to me, and it will give us an advantage over the Metal Heads and the Krimzon Guards, once we have some of the sweeter items," Starlight remarked, though even as she said that she knew that Krew was going to use those weapon upgrades to ensure they completed whatever jobs he had in mind, which she suspected would be more like disrupting the Krimzon Guard operations that messed with his business or collect something like the Eco Ore they had brought to him earlier, but she was hoping he didn't make them do anything outrageous that might lead to them being exiled to the desert, especially since there were enemies to deal with.

"Sig will show you the ropes, so do what he says... and try not to get him killed." Krew said, to which he floated away from the opening of the Saloon and seemed to head for the middle of the room they were in, or maybe his destination was the counter that contained all of the bottles, though it was also when Jak and his sisters watched as the other man walked up to where they were standing, allowing them to see that part of his armor was either made to mimic the heads of the Metal Heads or it was made from those he had slain and repurposed, where either could be true since none of them really knew what a Wastelander did, save for what Krew told them.

"So the four of you want to be Wastelanders, huh? Well, we'll see what each of you are made of when we get out there and start tracking our targets." Sig stated, where his tone revealed that he had to be very confident in his skills and that he had no tolerance for anyone that couldn't hold their own in battle, or at least that was what Jak, Twilight, and Cozy assumed, as Starlight had said nothing about either of the individuals that they had met and were learning about them the more they walked with them, before they waited for Sig to say something else, "Krew wants some new trophies to put butts in chairs at the Hip Hog, so I'm heading out to the Pumping Station to hunt down and bag him five nasty Metal Heads, as some of our scanners have discovered a new type of Metal Head prowling the area... also, don't wet your fur or get cold feet, chili peppers, cause we're rollin' with the Peace Maker!"

The 'Peace Maker' happened to be the staff-gun weapon that he was carrying, one that seemed rather dangerous if what Jak and his sisters knew based on everything they had learned about the Scatter Gun earlier, making Twilight wonder just what the weapon could do and was thankful that Sig wanted them to come with him on this mission, even if it was to see just how well they did in an actual fight, since it would give her and the others a chance to see just how powerful it was and if there was a way for them to get their hands on a Peace Maker mod.

"That's a nice weapon you have there." Theodore commented, as he and his brothers had been rather silent since Twilight and Starlight broke their siblings out of the Fortress, leaving the conversations to them, their siblings, or Alvin, though right now he was interested in the weapon that Sig was carrying and wasn't afraid to mention it, especially since Daxter seemed to like it as well and appeared to be more than willing to let someone else ask the question he was thinking of, like he was a little afraid of Sig or something, "Where did you obtain such a weapon?"

"Don't bother asking him that, he doesn't like to talk about it." Krew said, meaning that the story was either something he wasn't proud of, like a warrior's sin or something, or it was an embarrassing tale he didn't want anyone to know, or maybe it was stolen and he was worried about newcomers sending the guards after him, before he seemed to think about what his bodyguard had said and focused on the siblings once more, who were patiently waiting for this conversation to end so they could leave the Hip Hog at long last, "Sig needs someone to watch his back while he tracks the Metal Heads, eh, and you four have been nominated to be his aids for the duration of his mission."

"We'll meet at the start of the Pumping Station, on the other side of the Door Lock." Sig stated, where he started to move towards the door of this structure, even though he paused for a few seconds as he stopped and stared at Jak, with Twilight and her sisters behind him as their Ottsels remained on their shoulders, where it was possible that he was sizing them up once more before he left the Hip Hog and headed out for the area that some new Metal Heads had been located in, due to whatever scanners Krew happened to have, before he shifted his stance to make them focus on him again, just in case one of them was focused on something else, "Listen cherries, don't you leave me dangling in the wind out there!"

As the siblings nodded their heads, which caused Sig to leave the Hip Hog as Krew went back to what he had been doing earlier, Twilight noticed that there were a few stuffed heads of some Metal Heads that Sig must have killed for his boss, to attract customers in some manner, though instead of wasting time inside this building they followed after Sig and found that he was already riding off in one of the two seater zoomers, mostly since it seemed large enough for someone like him and gave him someplace to put his weapon while he was traveling through the city. Interestingly enough the guards didn't even attempt to pull him over, either meaning they knew how dangerous he was and were staying away from him or they only reacted when someone broke the law of Haven City, where Starlight informed them that the latter was the most likely of the two options, before the siblings found some vehicles to use, as their zoomers had been taken earlier by someone, no doubt when they were talking with Krew, to which they sighed and just found two more two seaters to use, which was followed by Jak leading the way back to the Pumping Station. Once more the siblings found that there were no enemies coming at them as they carefully traveled through the Port, the Industrial Section, and the Slums once more, meaning that they would be able to truly rest and relax a little whenever this happened, to give them some time to ready themselves for whatever their next mission was, though they focused on traveling over to the Door Lock that would allow them to reach the Pumping Station, as it looked like Sig was going to reach it before them and it would give him some time to scout out part of the area in case there was more than the couple of Metal Heads Krew's scanners had spotted. Based on the heads that were inside the Hip Hog, which was still odd and the Ottsel brothers were weirded out by that, which made sense due to what they happened to be hiding, though Starlight knew that if they found Swipers and Grunts during this mission then Krew wouldn't be able to have any new trophies, since those were two of the types he already had and that meant Sig was looking for something special to attract more customers to the Hip Hog, even if there were other things he could be doing with his time, or at least that was what the siblings were thinking at the moment, even though they focused on the task Krew had given them as they headed for their destination.

It took them some time to reach their destination, given that the Door Lock for the Pumping Station was on the other side of Haven City, but in the end Jak found Sig's zoomer and landed in the water near it so they could climb out and walk over to where the Door Lock rested, though this time around he and Starlight, at the very least, pulled out their Scatter Guns as Twilight waited to see what was on the other side, with Cozy keeping hers on her back since she had the feeling that she might not need it at all, even though her siblings were hoping that the weapon might cause her Dark Form to remain silent for a time, though once the door opened they found Sig sort of hiding behind some thin trees, no doubt scouting part of this place out while he waited for them to arrive.

"Hello, cherries. Are you ready to hunt down a few Metal Heads?" Sig asked, where his tone make it seem like he knew the areas that the targets were in, which was possible since Krew's scanners might have recorded the last area they had been in and he likely possessed that information, though that was followed by Jak nodding his head and his sisters followed his motion, as they were as ready as they could be right now, given that this was their first time out in the field with their new weapons and that this would allow each of them to see where they needed to improve, to which he gestured to his back for a moment before grabbing his Peace Maker, "Follow me, stick close, and watch my six. It's gonna be fun!"

As soon as Sig was ready to go he approached the first set of pistons that were in front of them, which had four Znorkle wandering around the area in question, and opened fire on their first couple of enemies, revealing that his weapon had a much smaller projectile that didn't do a whole lot of damage, even though one shot seemed to severely weaken the one he hit, though that was when Jak, Starlight, and Twilight opened fire on the remaining three and discovered something as that happened, the Scatter mod was slightly weaker than what they were expecting, as it was as powerful as one of Sig's blasts, but it did knock their foes backwards and open the way for someone, namely Cozy, to rush in and punch or kick their foes into the ground, in her normal form anyway. In addition to those enemies there were two new Metal Heads that were wandering around the pistons as well, bipedal ones that carried their own metallic staff that appeared to have a bolt of lightning as the design for the bottom part of it, though as Sig fired at one, and the siblings fired at the second as Cozy remained in control of herself, he revealed that both he and the Krimzon Guards called these types 'Juice Goons', due to their weapons that fired bits of electricity at whoever their targets were, though as they took both of their enemies down, and Twilight magically collected the Skull Gems for later, Alvin informed her that Sig was correct in the name, meaning that even the Metal Head Leader didn't have a good name for this type. From there they used the pistons to get up to the water tank that had a few Glubs resting near it, who Twilight moved off to the side with her magic since none of them seemed to be all that aggressive and might be sleeping, before Sig stopped in his tracks and stared to do something interesting as he had the siblings stand behind him, he knelt for a moment and primed his weapon, where they watched as the head of his Peace Maker started to gather energy around it and formed a sphere within a matter of seconds, before Sig stood up and fired at the tank that was in their way, blowing it to pieces and raining metal down on the area they were standing in, even if Twilight and Starlight used a bit of their magic to move the pieces out of their way.

From what the siblings could tell the Peace Maker mod had to be one that channeled the power of Dark Eco, or at least it sure seemed that way when they thought about what the colors might do to such a weapon, but even then the blast was a reminder of how dangerous it was and why it was a good idea not to be on Sig's bad side, though once everything was said and done Sig moved through the wreckage of the tank and stepped onto a metallic walkway that was behind it, where the siblings followed after him and found that there were a pair of Juice Goons blocking the way, along with the fact that part of the beach that was further ahead of them had a number of the new type of Metal Head as well. Normally anyone would be a little surprised by what they were seeing at the moment, though it was in that moment that Dark Cozy surged to the surface and burst over to where their enemies were resting right now, taking care of those who were roaming the beach as Jak grabbed onto a bridge segment that was raised above the walkway and forced it to lower so Sig could make his way through the Pumping Station, even though Twilight and Starlight punched some Znorkles that jumped up onto the area they were passing through. Sig, of course, did seem slightly worried about having someone like Cozy with them, now that he knew about her dark secret and her other form, but for right now he was focused on tracking down their targets and knocking them out, or killing them for their heads since they were after trophies, before he came to a stop after he crossed the bridge and pointed out what they were looking for, a Metal Head that walked on four spider-like limbs, had a decent sized body, and had what appeared to be a blaster of some kind on it's right arm, where he revealed that Krew had a name for this type as well, that being 'Spyder Gunner'. Alvin and his brothers, on the other hand, made sure the siblings knew that the Leader referred to these as Crab Heads, why they had no idea, though for right now Theodore rested on Jak's other shoulder since bracing himself for Dark Cozy's jumps was hard and sometimes it was best to let go and catch up with her later, though that was when Sig braced himself once more and started to charge a slightly different version of the blast he had used earlier, this one intended to paralyze, and likely kill, whatever he was targeting, which happened to be the Crab Head that was wandering on an area that was slightly above them.

As such Jak, Twilight, and Starlight guarded Sig as he charged his Peace Maker for a few moments, which included blasting, punching, and kicking a couple of Znorkle that came over to where they were standing, though to be honest they were no treat to any of them and it was only a matter of time until Sig lifted his weapon once the charging was complete, where he loosed the blast he had prepared and it took out his target, who staggered off the ledge it was walking on and fell into the water, something that caused Sig to chuckle for a moment before he headed down the ramp that was nearby so he could head to over to where Dark Cozy was waiting. One thing they were able to do was collect the Skull Gems that Dark Cozy had racked up, since it appeared that Sig didn't seem to care about them all that much, before they stopped at the start of a few metallic steps and Sig pointed out another Crab Head that was up above them, to which he started to charge up his weapon again and left the siblings to take down the Znorkles that were coming out of the water to hurt them, even though Dark Cozy was more interested in making sure there were no Metal Heads in the area, though their combined efforts let Sig fire and take down another target. From there the siblings and Sig quickly moved up the metallic sections that were in front of them and found two more Juice Goons protecting the next part of the walkway they were following, to which Jak and Twilight punch and blasted one while Starlight made sure to bring down it's partner, though while they did that Dark Cozy moved forward for a few seconds and lowered the next section of the walkway, allowing them to reach the area that gave Sig a good view of where the next Crab Head was resting and was followed by Jak and his siblings getting ready for another round of Znorkles coming their way. This time around Dark Cozy joined in the fun as Sig prepared his weapon, to fire upon the next target that they had to take down, which meant that none of the Znorkles were able to do anything as the siblings took each and every one of them out as they jumped up onto the part of the walkway that they were on, just to make sure Sig had all the time to charge his weapon, and it wasn't long before he loosed another blast through the air and knocked out the third Crab Head that he had been sent to take out and collect as trophies, before he started to move as his target hit part of the edge and landed in the water.

What was interesting was that some of the machinery that was in this part of the Pumping Station was active and formed a walkway down to another beach-like area, one Sig was focused on and happened to be where he could fire upon the next Crab Head as more Znorkles emerged from the water in an attempt to take them down, no doubt because they saw Jak, his siblings, and Sig as intruders or something, and there were a few Juice Goons to take out, giving them a few more Skull Gems to collect, though it wasn't long before Sig loosed another blast and the fourth Crab Head fell into the water as well, floating back to the surface after a few moments. With that one down they jumped over some stones that were in the bit of water in front of them and entered the area that was below one of the metallic walkways they had traversed earlier, the last time they were here, which was around the time that Sig pointed out their last target, the fifth and final Crab Head that he needed to take out, but that was when they discovered that his Peace Maker was jammed when he started to charge up his final shot, leaving Jak and his siblings to guard him for a few moments so he could make sure everything was ready for the final attack of this mission. This time around their enemies were mostly just the Juice Goons, who were ready to attack anyone that was in this area and was followed by Jak, Twilight, and Starlight lashing out at them with their Scatter Guns and their own attacks, while Dark Cozy went to town and struck down every Metal Head that dared to challenge her, which lined the ground with a number of Skull Gems for them to collect once the battle was over, though thanks to what the four of them were doing Sig was able to fix his weapon and start charging it once more, all while making sure the Crab Head didn't wander off to another part of the Pumping Station, before he found where it was located and loosed the blast he had been charging. The siblings watched as the Crab Head took the attack head on and shuddered for a moment, which all of the others had done for a few seconds, before it fell off the ledge it had been standing on and struck the water that was near it, making them wonder how Sig was going to recover each of his targets since they had landed in an area that didn't seem all that accessible, since there were no boats in the area, but they were sure that he would figure out something so he could get Krew's trophies.

"Boom! Home team five, Metal Heads nothing!" Sig stated, his tone revealing that he was pleased with what they had done since they entered the Pumping Station and started to hunt down the Metal Heads Krew was after, though even as he said that he noticed Dark Cozy standing off to the side for a moment and watched as she reverted back to her base form not a few moments later, before he shifted his stance and glanced at Starlight for a moment, "You were going to tell me that she could do that, right?"

"We were hoping that having a weapon would make her Dark Form stay away, but that failed," Starlight replied, though as she said that both she and her siblings counted themselves lucky that Sig had remained calm and didn't fire at Cozy while her Dark Form was in control, otherwise she was sure that part of the Pumping Station could have been wrecked until one of them had been brought down or the siblings stepped in to stop them from doing anything to each other, which was the moment that she sighed, "though we did get enough Skull Gems from these enemies to get the number the Oracle asked for, so we might be able to help her out."

"Well, good luck with that," Sig said, where he pulled some items out of a small pack he was carrying and set them near his weapon, meaning he was likely going to start cleaning it or something before he went out and collect the Crab Heads that were now floating around the areas that he had dropped them into, which was when he turned a bit for a few seconds and focused on Cozy once more, likely making sure she wasn't about to go on a rampage or something, even though he turned to face all of them once more, "Tell Krew we got 'em all cooked and canned. I'm gonna clean Peace Maker and pick up the trophies... oh, and for the record, the four of you did good, even if you're a bunch of rookies."

Starlight nodded as her siblings helped Cozy for a moment, since she was still recovering from her change into her Dark Form and the rampage it had gone on, before they headed for the Door Lock and entered Haven City once more, to which they headed for the building that the Precursor Oracle was resting in and found that no one was around it, though when Twilight offered the Skull Gems to it the construct loosed a pair of Dark Eco beams at Jak and Cozy, who shuddered for a few seconds as it likely gave them some control over their Dark Forms, even if it seemed to be happy about them dealing with some of the Metal Heads, before they dropped to the ground. Twilight and Starlight found that neither Jak or Cozy were harmed by what had happened and neither seemed to display any new powers, so it make them wonder if they had been cheated or something, before Twilight figured that they would determine what had happened the next time a bunch of Metal Heads showed up or a number of guards assaulted them, though once that was done they returned to the pair of zoomers and climbed back into them so they could return to the Portal, all to give Krew the good news and hoped that he was in the mood to give them what Torn wanted. As such they flew through the city and Twilight noticed that Cozy spent her time looking at her arms, no doubt wondering what the Oracle might have done to her, and decided she would wait for her sister to say something about what they had just seen, to which she focused on what the Krimzon Guards might be doing and found that they were just patrolling the city like normal, doing nothing special in the grand scheme of things, so they were able to get to the Port and land outside the Hip Hog. Inside the building in question they found Krew floating like normal, either due to boredom or maybe it allowed him to tap into Haven City, like Torn had told them earlier, where they found that no one was inside the Hip Hog, meaning that it might also be due to a lack of customers, but that was when he noticed them and started to float over to where they were standing, meaning it was time for them to tell him that Sig had completed his mission and would be back soon.

"Sig's taken down the Metal Heads your scanners picked up and he'll be back with the trophies soon." Starlight said, due to the fact that she knew it was better to get this out of the way and then see if there was anything else he wanted them to do before handing over the information they were after, while at the same time she noticed that Twilight was making sure to prevent eavesdropping with her magic, just so everyone that was outside the Hip Hog didn't hear something that could ruin what they were doing right now.

"The four of you are turning out to be quite useful, eh?" Krew stated, his tone revealing that he was pleased with them and that he was equally pleased with Sig, even though he was likely expecting them to do this and was only being nice to make sure they stuck around for now, but the siblings remained silent as they waited for him to say something else, since there was a number of items they wanted to learn about before heading back to Torn, "Hmm, I have another task for the four of you... the sewers used to be a fabulous smuggling route for me, before the Baron installed those annoying security devices of his, and I need someone to go down and shoot every sentry gun in the sewers, eh. Do this for me and I'll be sure to give you a sweet weapon upgrade if you succeed."

"Sure, we can do that... but maybe you can sweeten the pot by, I don't know, telling us why the Baron is even making such a deal with the Leader of the Metal Heads." Jak replied, as while he knew that he could be aggressive in this situation, and it could come back to bite all of them at some point in the future, this seemed to be the best course of action, agree to the job, and it's rewards, while seeing if there was anything he might be willing to tell them about the deal they discovered in the Fortress, something they would hand over to Torn as soon as they learned the information.

"Bah, all I know is that the Baron cut a desperate deal with the Metal Head Leader, after one of the failed raids on the Hive that they call home." Krew stated, where this time it sounded like he didn't care about the information and felt that giving them this particular piece would make them want to work for him in the future, even if Jak might do more work just for the various weapon upgrades the obese man had access to, all to give them an advantage over their enemies, "Metal Heads, as you know, need Eco to survive and continue their species, so the Baron supplies them with regular shipments, even if it means taking it away from the city... in return, the Metal Head Leader agreed to attack the city just enough to satisfy the Baron's continued rule."

"And now I hate him even more," Cozy commented, as she had many reasons to hate the Baron, the greatest being all the years she spent locked up inside the Fortress, spending three years being tormented and having Dark Eco injected into her body, and she could tell that her siblings and their Ottsels agreed with her, discovering that the Baron was doing this just made him that much more evil in their eyes, even though that might be too easy to do at this point, before she sighed and stared at Krew, "but how long can such a deal last?"

"No one knows, but the Baron is running short on Eco, eh? And the Metal Heads are short on patience!" Krew stated, even though part of what he was saying made the siblings think that he was referring to himself as well, that he might be one of the people in the world that were short on patience, but that was the moment that he thought about something else as he started to float away from them, even though the movement was a little slow, "Baron Praxis needs this war to keep himself in power, otherwise the city would seek out the true rulers and put them on the throne... wherever those little brats are."

Jak said nothing to that, rather he informed Krew that they would do the job and got directions to where the Sewers was located, or at least the Door Lock that lead to it, and was slightly surprised to find that it was near the border between the Slums and the Industrial Section, to which they headed outside and used their zoomers to depart from the Port, where it took them a few minutes to make their way through the Industrial Section, and traffic for that matter since it seemed to be getting close to nighttime, before they reached the downwards ramp that lead to a Door Lock, which was what they were looking for. Once they discovered it's location Jak and his sisters climbed out of their vehicles and headed down the ramp, where the door opened and revealed a square shaped elevator that they stepped on not a few seconds later, even though it lowered down the shaft it was in for a few moments and another door opened to allow them to step out into a metallic tunnel that had to be the start of the Sewers, though it was kind of dark based on what they were seeing at the moment and Twilight summoned a light to make sure they could see everything that was around them. Of course that didn't matter at all since there was a switch in the floor that turned on the lights which had been installed inside this place, causing her to cancel her magic for a moment, though there were a couple of Znorkles in front of them and the siblings knocked all of them out with a burst volley of their Scatter Guns, allowing them to use a smaller platform to access another tunnel, even though the second one had a turret, about half the height of a Human, at the end of it and it locked onto them when they stepped into the tunnel it was protecting. Twilight and Starlight formed a series of temporary barriers between their side of the tunnel and the side that the sentry gun was on, which allowed Jak to safely make his way over to it and smash it to pieces with a burst of his Scatter Mod, opening the way for his sisters to catch up with him as Starlight revealed something interesting, she had been given a more modern version of their Communicator by someone called the Mechanic, who they might be able to meet by working with Krew some more, and it allowed the obese man to inform them that his scans said there were four sentry guns inside the Sewers, meaning there were three more left.

From there they started crossing the area that was in front of them and used some pipes to move out of the tunnel, even though as Jak moved in front of a chained opening, to prevent things from being flushed into the main part of the Sewer no doubt, one of the Grunts rushed forward and was caught by the chains, causing it to growl for a few seconds, but that was when Cozy flicked her hand and knocked it back into a portal that moved it to the main tunnel they were in, confusing the Metal Head in question, before she blasted it into a wall with her gun, something that caused Twilight to smile since it did look like appeasing the Oracle might have helped her sister out. Cozy seemed pleased with this information and made sure to catch up with Jak as they entered a new tunnel, this time all four of them firing on the enemies, a few Znorkles and a few Glubs, before finding an area to light up and discovered three Grunts inside a small chamber, with another tunnel on the other side to move forward, though instead of Dark Cozy making an appearance the siblings punched, kicked, and blasted the three Metal Heads into the walls, using both magic and their new weapons to be exact, to clear the area before moving once more, adding more Skull Gems to the collection in case they needed them for anything else. After that they reached a small area that had two Znorkle just wandering around, who Twilight knocked into a wall with a small burst of wind magic, which allowed her siblings to walk up the ramp and find the second sentry gun resting at the edge of the new area, one that had a thin path that lead to it, though this time Cozy rushed at the weapon, avoiding the energy bullets that it fired at her, and then smashed it into the ground with ease. Starlight was also pleased with what was going on, as it did seem like nothing was wrong with Cozy now, though once their sister returned to their side they entered the tunnel that was to their left and followed it for a few moments, which was around the time that they walked along a metallic walkway that cracked and shattered below them, dropping them into a large chamber which happened to have a large number of Grunts wandering around the other side of it.

In that moment Jak, sensing something building within him as he noticed Cozy trying to hold her own darkness back, let his Dark Form out as he rushed forward, which prompted Starlight to raise a barrier around herself and her sisters, which was when they watched as he gathered a bit of Dark Eco into his right palm and jumped into the air as the Grunts rushed over to him, even though they paused as he rushed back down and slammed his attack right into the ground, releasing a wave of dark energy that struck everything around him and tore down the Metal Heads in seconds, with Starlight's barrier just shuddering for a few seconds before returning to normal.

"So that's the Dark Bomb, that the Oracle gave us... awesome." Cozy commented, revealing that, while the Oracle had said nothing about this to Twilight and Starlight, it revealed that information to Jak and Cozy while it fired that beam into their chests, which was when they watched as Jak reverted back to his base form, meaning it expanded one's entire supply of Dark Eco, or close to it, making them wonder what in the world would happen when Cozy did it, before he focused on the path that was leading to a tunnel that would let them get to the next sentry gun.

After climbing up the couple of thin platforms the siblings found a few Glubs waiting for them and a single blast from one of their Scatter Gun's took all six of them out, allowing them to reach an opening that revealed where the third sentry gun was resting, to which Jak, Cozy, and Starlight distracted it as Twilight moved over to where it was located and blasted it with a burst of her magic, opening the way for them to move passed the wreckage of the weapon and search for the last of the weapons the Baron had installed in this area. That brought them to a tunnel that had two Grunts guarding the end of it, or at least that was where they found those enemies after leaving the third destroyed weapon behind, though a few punches and kicks were more than enough to take down the pair of Metal Heads that had appeared in front of them, before they found an area that had the fourth and final sentry gun at the end of it, so three of them distracted it while Starlight blasted it with a burst of her magic, breaking it apart like all the others. Once they had completed their task they found that the Communicator came out and Krew informed them that he was pleased with their actions, where each of them figured that this might allow him to use the smuggling routes again at some point in the future, and that the weapon mod they were being given as a reward could be found inside one of the crates that rested inside the Gun Course, meaning each of them could train with the new weapon if it was an Eco Mod they were being given. As soon as the message was delivered, and the device disappeared, they headed through the nearby tunnel and found that it happened to be something that brought them back to the entrance of the Sewers, above the first room anyway, and they had to take out a couple of Znorkles and a pair of Grunts before doing that, which was easy to do given everything that this place had sent at them since they came down here to take care of the sentry guns, making them wonder what sort of challenges Torn and Krew might have for all of them in the future as they jumped down to the entrance and used the elevator to rise back to the surface.

Once they were back in the Industrial Section the siblings used their zoomers to head back to the Port, where it took them no time to reach the Gun Course and park outside it, even though none of the guards seemed interested in them at all, to which they quickly entered the building and found a lone Krimzon Guard crate in the middle of it, one that held four mods for their weapons, one that added a double barrel to the front of the Morph Gun and used a Yellow Eco cylinder, instead of the Red Eco cartridge they were used to, where they found that this was the 'Blaster' Mod and they took turns testing out this new weapon, all to be ready for whatever mission was up next.

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