• Published 9th Feb 2021
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Jak and Daxter: Heirs of Mar - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, and Cozy Glow grow up in Sandover Village with Keira, Jak, and Daxter, where they train and play everyday, all while unaware of the grand adventure that's ahead of all of them.

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Interlude: The Unexpected Will

Jak, Twilight, Starlight, Cozy, and everyone found that nothing strange or weird happened after the celebration that was held after Errol's defeat, as in there were no strangers arriving to study or talk with them, there were no black coat wearing people who disappeared when they were noticed, and, as far as Eon could tell, no dangers that might be coming from the rest of space, meaning no more threats like the Dark Makers, allowing the siblings and their allies to relax a little while all of them focused on rebuilding everything that had been ruined. It really felt weird for most of them, since they had spent so long fighting and surviving, to suddenly be at peace with everything around them, though Praxis and Damas seized the new situation by the horns and started to redirect the combined forces of their cities to fixing things in Haven City and building all sorts of new machines out in the Wasteland, such as expanding and remodeling Spargus to the point where new rivers were able to flow through the city and some ancient methods were revived to deliver power to the city. To Jak and his sisters it felt more like Sandover, and that seemed to be what their father had planned as he drew upon all of the information they had on their ancient sanctuary, since most of the records had been destroyed or lost at this point, though he had plans to make a number of modifications to the rest of his domain, to transform the Wasteland into something more akin to a thriving environment, complete with wildlife that would emerge with his work, something that was only possible thanks to Keira's machines, her knowledge of the planet's Eco, and the power of his daughters. Of course it was going to be half desert and half thriving life, so that all kinds of creatures could call the land home, and he was planning on calling it 'Sanctuary' once his work was finally complete, as he felt that 'Oasis' was too on the nose for his liking, though it would also help balance the Eco of their world, even though Feolorath, the Titan, remained with Seem and their monks as he stared up at the stars, why they had no idea.

Twilight didn't start work on fixing Haven City until two weeks had gone by, as Jak, Praxis, and Damas had sent a reply to Kras City not two days after the meeting that revealed the lawful officials were interested in creating new tracks inside the domains of Praxis and Damas, a letter containing the tracks that they had approved of, those that would be build inside both the city and in the desert section of Sanctuary, and it took those in Kras twelve days to ship out everything that would go into making the new tracks. Once everything had arrived Twilight was given the official plans for the tracks their brand new friends in Kras had accepted, seven specialized tracks that would be set up in Haven and another seven that would be out in Sanctuary, the desert section anyway, where she and her other selves glanced out at the plans and the sections of the city that needed to be modified, before surprising the workers from Kras City with their powers. By that Twilight and all of her other selves made modifications to the vast Sewer network, weaved the earth to make a track through both parts of the Forest, created a track that could safely pass through the Port and a few other sections of Haven, while disconnecting and hiding themselves away when the racing wasn't happening, a hidden track of sorts, and made a few more changes to the other areas on the list, like the island called Atoll and another on a nearby plateau. In addition to that they made sure to help set up the tracks that would be going in the desert section of the former Wasteland, which involved transforming the ruined city into a replica of Spargus, or at least in some manner, as well as one that seemed to look like a Precursor temple, not to mention a few others that Jak and everyone else agreed with creating, though that didn't stop the workers from Kras being intimidated by the sheer amount of work that Twilight was able to do by herself, as they thought that the others were copies meant to focus her powers, but they decided not to tell them the truth and continued setting up all of the tracks that had been approved.

Of course, once the tracks were done, the officials of Kras brought a team of racers that tested them out, as they raced up and down each location and made sure each were to the specifications so they could be officially labeled as tracks for the next Championship, which they were preparing for at that very moment, in both Kras and the Icelands, which interested Jak a bit, though he kept his excitement over the issue to himself as he watched them work, before the officials gave them the seal of approval and would inform them when it was time for the Championship to start.

After that it was back to business for everyone, as Keira went to work awakening her own Eco powers, thanks to the help of her father, Gaia, and Eon, so she could mold the Tainted's section of Haven into something more livable and filled it with nature, like the forest that rested nearby, though it had been hidden from Kras' officials by Twilight's magic, giving Keira all the time she needed to study the area and awaken her powers, though given that she was the daughter of two Sages, as it was then that Samos informed all of them that he had married the previous Green Sage before they had Keira and then she suddenly vanished. Jak chuckled when he heard that information, as he recalled Twilight speaking her mind at some point in time that she suspected that Keira's slumbering power, which she was certain of since her father was Samos, was just waiting for something to awaken it and now he suspected that it was due to him and his sisters tapping into powers that were beyond what a normal Sage possessed, but he was more than willing to watch them train and used it as a good chance to understand his own Green Eco powers for the future. Of course it came as no surprise to him, his sisters, and all of their Ottsels that Keira was able to unlock and develop her powers in no time, though it did take her some time to truly unlock her powers to the point where she didn't stumble, since her talent was so great given that she had two Sages as her parents, and by the end of the first month Keira was working like a true apprentice, something which Samos approved of as he made sure she moved at a reasonable pace, since arrogance had been the downfall of many Sages, just like how Gol and Maia had been beaten by the untrained versions of Jak and his sisters. Keira wasn't the only one who trained with Eon, as the Precursor elder upheld his end of the promise he made as he had Daxter join him, as his unstable power needed to be tamed before he turned someone else into an Ottsel, so he didn't have a repeat of what had happened to Tess during the celebration.

There was also the fact that it was due to how much time he spent in the presence of Jak's sisters, as Eon was positive that the world wasn't ready for the girls to be Ottsels just yet and didn't want Daxter's unstable powers to accidentally turn one or more of them into the final stage of their evolution, though that didn't stop him from teaching the siblings to control all of their powers, or at least given them some pointers for the future, while pulling Tess into the mix as well, because while she shared Daxter's coloration they had no telling which type she would bond with, so he wanted to teach her a couple of things before she did anything else.

Eventually Keira fulfilled part of her training and molded the Tainted's section of Haven into a livable place that had a fair number of trees and plants growing all over the place, providing the city with another source of food as long as they took care of them, plus she found a way to make all of the foul pools into one long stream of pure water, effectively erasing all of Errol's efforts to terraform the city into the domain of the Dark Makers, impressing both Samos and Eon in the process before she turned her attention to helping Spargus out. There were all sorts of machines and plans in her mind to help all of their allies out, making things far better for everyone if things went as she planned, and both Praxis and Damas were happy to have her along for the ride, in a manner of speaking, allowing her to use her unique abilities, along with some of her new powers, to make some vast improvements to the machines that were being set up all over Sanctuary, especially since one of them was the aqueducts that were installed all over the former desert continent. While she did that Jak found a way to tame the side of him that enjoyed fighting, meditation to be exact, something that Cozy joined him in doing every now and then, as she needed to do it so she could fully tame her berserk nature, even though the awakening of her true Sage power had done that in part as well, but Eon and Damas were more than willing to help both of them out, especially since Twilight and Starlight joined in the lesson as well, even if they didn't need this at all. Other than that Eon went slow in his lessons whenever he taught Jak and his sisters, in part to make sure none of them went mad with power and to make sure no sudden transformations took place, keeping an eye on Twilight and her sisters since he, Gol, and Maia were sure they had passed the normal levels that involved one naturally transforming from a Sage and becoming an Ottsel, though given their nature Twilight understood why Eon was being cautious, especially considering that this stage of one's life was far stronger than the others and they wanted to be ready for when it happened to her and her sisters.

Other than that nothing major happened, allowing Jak and his sisters to simply rest and relax for the first time in a while, as this time around it seemed like they would be able to actually get some peace before another threat showed up, as all of them knew that Eon's scans indicated that the other threats that existed in their universe didn't seem to know where this planet was located, meaning they could focus on securing this world and making sure all of the ordinary threats were taken care of, before even worrying about what the future held for them. It also allowed Praxis and Damas to continue their work together, without having to stop and deal with some sort of threat that involved the rest of the world, like what happened with the Dark Makers, which Torn, Ashelin, and the others were grateful for since it allowed all of them to rest as well and prepare for a normal life, or at least live a life where all of them were in the reserves of the new army that had been set up for Jak and his sisters, just in case a new threat showed up and they needed a force to fall back on, to hold the fort down while they dealt with their enemies.

The months went by with nothing important happening, allowing the siblings to get into a routine of sorts as they waited for the Kras City Grand Championship to start, as in watching it happen since most of them and their friends were fine with not participating at all, despite the invitations that had been sent previously, as Jak figured that there would be time for that next year, once he had a better understanding of the rules and had seen how some racers took to the tracks that were scattered over four different continents... though two weeks before the event was supposed to start, however, all of them got something interesting in the mail, delivered by some people from Kras.

"I take it everyone got an invitation?" Jak asked, because once the messengers from their new friends had gone outside, as he insisted he and the others needed a few moments to talk about things before anything was agreed to, he sat down and glanced at Keira, Samos, Torn, Ashelin, Sig, his sisters, and their Ottsels, which included Tess, where he pulled out the letter that had been delivered to him and set it on the table as he waited to see if everyone else got one as well, which was when Keira and the others pulled out the letters that had been delivered to them, some opened and some still sealed, showing him that those who were nearby only opened one to see what it was about.

"Looks like all of us have gotten one... to head to Kras City for the reading of Krew's will." Keira replied, though it was clear that she wasn't all too happy with the timing of this event, as she would rather be making sure everything was running at peak performance and doing other things, instead of heading to a criminal city to hear whatever Krew wanted to say to her and those she cared about, namely Jak since they had started dating at long last, something her father said nothing about even though Keira knew he approved, otherwise he would have said something.

"Truth be told, if it wasn't for who Krew was, I would have tossed the invitation away and ignored it," Torn remarked, as he knew the fat man that had been an annoyance to the people of Haven, before his eventual betrayal and death, the latter being caused by Jak and his sisters, and he could see that everyone else seemed to be thinking the same thing that he was thinking, even though no one had mentioned it yet.

"Trust me, we don't want to attend the reading either, but Krew was an arms dealer before his death," Starlight stated, as that was what all of them were focused on right now and not their own feelings on the matter, as Krew had admitted that he had been a criminal before setting up the Hip Hog Saloon, using the bar as his cover so the law couldn't get him, but it was that lifestyle that they were interested in, since he likely had ties to the shadowy underworld of Kras City and they all knew there was a chance he might have left something important behind, "and its possible that he might have left some rather dangerous weapons behind, ones that might do some serious damage to Haven and Sanctuary, which we cannot allow to fall into the wrong hands."

"I agree with that, but we have to remember that this is Krew we're talking about, and I smell a trap," Sig said, because he was one of the few who knew Krew the longest, out of all of them, especially when Jak considered the history that Sig had no desire to talk about, which had to include the fat man in some manner, meaning he had some information on Krew's past and everything he had done before his demise, "especially when they sent invitations to everyone who had some sort of connection to him, not counting Praxis or Damas... he avoided them at all costs... so this screams 'trap' to me. So, here's what we should do if we decide to honor Krew's last wishes, most of us should go and see what's going on, that way if he did set a trap all of us aren't caught by it... not to say that Twilight and her sisters could save us all if, say, a bomb went off if it was a death trap."

"I take it Damas still needs you in Spargus?" Ashelin inquired, as that would be the only reason for Sig to suggest that they do such a thing, even though she knew that with the combined forces of Haven and Spargus there was a chance for Sig to have a day off or something, a reward of some kind for his hard work, something that quickly lead to Sig nodding his head a bit to show that he still had duties in Damas' city and had only come to visit because of his work, "Then we can take care of everything else while you're gone... hopefully they don't activate any traps while we're there, since they won't be able to get everyone at the same time, but we have to be prepared for anything and everything."

"Especially since we'll be heading into a city where danger will be around every corner," Samos added, though he meant it more in the sense that, even with the powers of Twilight and her sisters, they had to worry about people trying to poison them in some way, something that everyone seemed to agree with, but before he could say anything else Daxter stepped up onto the table that they were standing around and dropped a sack on it, "Daxter, what in the name of the Precursors are you up to this time?"

"As you know, I've been training with Eon for the last couple of months," Daxter explained, where he gestured to the sack for a few seconds before he pulled something out of it, which turned out to be a small pill that appeared to be white and had no other distinguishing features, almost like it was a piece of candy or something, before he glanced at them for a few seconds and smiled, as if he had come up with a grand plan, "and the first thing he taught me was how to shape Light Eco into these small pill shaped droplets... which, if added to food or drink, will burst open and instantly purify them of any harmful substances, such as slow acting poisons for example. Meaning if they try to poison us, in any way, these will take care of the poison before we come into contact with it... granted it won't do anything for Dark Eco based poisons, as you'll end up throwing up if such a thing happens, and there are a few poisons that they won't be able to counter, but I would recommend that anyone going take a handful of these, as Tess and I have made more than enough during our training to last us our entire stay in Kras. If we need more, either of us can make more or Twilight might be able to do it without any of our enemies knowing that we have such a thing on hand."

"That's... rather convenient... do you think Eon knew that this would happen?" Cozy asked, because it seemed weird for the first lesson an awakened Ottsel would learn, if they were attuned to Light Eco anyway, would be how to make capsules of Ligh Eco that could purify all food and drink of harmful elements, even though such a thing meant Daxter and Tess could get to work using the capsules to cleanse other things at some point in time, and she could see that everyone took a few seconds to consider what she had said.

"I have my doubts he knew this would happen, but was preparing us for anything that might happen," Twilight replied, as she considered the idea as well and decided that Eon, after everything they had done to save this world from the threats it had faced, would have informed them if he knew something about what was happening in Kras City, meaning he had to be focused on the other part of the world that demanded the attention of him and the Precursors, an area Eon and all of the history material referred to as 'the Brink', or just 'Brink' depending on who one was talking to, before she returned to what they were talking about, "still, I agree with Daxter, we should divide the capsules among us and use them during our visit to Kras City... I'm certain that we'll be there for a while."

Jak said nothing as everyone divided the capsules and made sure everyone had an equal amount of them, though once all of that was done, and they had stored all of their items away, he and his sisters headed outside first, finding that the group from Kras were still waiting for them to come out, where Jak informed them of who was coming to Kras for the reading of Krew's will, while also apologizing since Sig was needed in Spargus and it was unlikely that Damas could spare him for the period of time set aside for the will. With that done Jak and Keira went to work, as in they headed to Spargus and worked on the Sank Shark, which Kleiver had gifted to him once they had saved the world from Eroll and the Dark Makers, which meant he understood that they weren't to be messed with, as he wanted it to be ready for their visit to Kras, due to the fact that part of him had to wonder if this might be more about the Championship and not any weapons he might have left behind, even though they wouldn't know that until the will was read. Twilight joined them in their work, since they made sure to work on the buggies she had created for her sisters and herself, so named Golden Oak's Fury, Stargazer's Light, and Calamity's Edge, even though everyone had sighed when Cozy named hers, as it seemed a little too aggressive to most of them and no one bothered to convince her to change, figuring it would intimidate those who dared to cross her when she rode it into battle, if she ever did such a thing. Truth be told most of them really had no idea why they picked out those names and had no explanation for the others, where Jak assumed that Twilight's had to do with a library of some kind, as the name seemed like a tree's name, Starlight's had to deal with stars and the fact that she hadn't been tainted by Dark Eco, in the same manner as Twilight and Cozy had, and Cozy's was linked to her dangerous berserker nature, but Jak didn't care why his sisters had picked these names and focused on making sure all four of their buggies were ready for when it was time to head to Kras City.

The next twelve days went by in a flash, or so it seemed to Jak and his sisters, which had to mean they were both anxious and excited for what was to come, giving them time to study the layout of the streets so they could reach the building that Krew's will would be read in, even though Jak insisted that the four of them would be a distraction so everyone else could slip in without being stopped by anyone who didn't want Krew's friends in the city, and with the powers of his sisters Jak knew they could do it with ease.

Sure enough, despite the fact that they slipped in under the cover of darkness, Jak and his sisters found some buggies that wanted to chase them through Kras City, meaning that someone definitely didn't want them here, even if they had no real plans to get involved with the Championship, though this was what they had planned for and moved accordingly, where all of them separated from each other and headed down four different roads, causing their enemies to split up accordingly and, more importantly, left the middle path to their destination wide open. Of course there was some danger to them just leaving Keira and the others without any vehicles, though that was why Twilight and Midnight had separated before they reached the city, that way while Twilight drove her buggy down one of the streets, and distracted some of their enemies in the process, Midnight could stealth her way towards their destination and hide their friends with her magic, meaning they would be at the building before their enemies knew what was going on. For the time being none of them used their guns to deal with all of the buggies that were following them, of which there had to be at least twenty, as Jak and his sister just wanted to make sure no one was around before dealing with their enemies, and sure enough, when each of them were sure that the coast was clear, they spun their buggies around, drove towards their targets, and activated a burst fire that tore through the wheels of their enemies. Such a thing sent many of them crashing into the rivers that were scattered all over the city, as they didn't want to damage the walls or buildings and have the lawful people in charge blame them for the mess, even if the lawbreakers should get blamed, though once they were sure that all of the buggies were taken out, and Midnight reported that everyone else was at the building in question, Jak and his sisters made their way to the building as well, as it was time for them to get this over with and see what Krew's will had to say.

When they arrived at the building Twilight placed a barrier around their vehicles, just to be sure that nothing happened to them while everyone was listening to Krew's will, before they headed inside and found that some of the workers were still up, who showed them right to the conference room that had been reserved for their reading, though out of all of them Jak was the only one dressed as a racer, thanks to his new mixed blue vest, with a yellow stripe going through the chest part of it, and brown pants, though resting on the table happened to be a container pull of ice and a bottle of wine, complete with more than enough cups for everyone, before the siblings took their seats around the table.

"So, who invited us here anyway? The letters didn't reveal that fact." Daxter asked, figuring that they could have a bit of a conversation before their host, or hosts since there could be more than one, arrived to read Krew's will, though as he said that he and Raven took a moment to deliver one of the fancy wine cups to everyone else, though he didn't have to worry about anyone listening in on their conversation since Twilight enchanted the room with a spell to prevent eavesdropping, and one to alert them when someone was approaching, before carefully placing one pill inside the cups, that way when all of them were served they could hide the pills by angling their cups.

"I asked some questions earlier, before you guys arrived, and found that Rayn asked for us to come... and get this, she's actually Krew's daughter." Keira replied, where she found that everyone who came to Kras City was surprised by this piece of news, as none of them expected Krew to actually have a kid, much less find someone who he could have a kid with, nor did they think that the one who sent them the first letter might be the one to call them to the city so they could figure out what was in Krew's will, but everyone remained silent as they digested that information, even though Samos had expected Daxter to say something about Rayn looking like Krew or something.

Jak opened his mouth, so he could say something about this information, before Twilight shifted in her seat and glanced at the door they had entered through not that long ago, where everyone got ready since it meant that someone was here to read Krew's will and they were sure it was Rayn, since it seemed like something she might do for her father, before they found a slim lady walking into the room, who wore a three toned olive green colored jacket and white bell bottom pants, though her dark blue hair was tied behind her head in a pleated bun with a red band and chopsticks, though she just so happened to be far more than what most of them expected, given Krew's appearance.

"Thank you for coming to Kras City," the lady said, who spoke in a friendly and professional tone, which meant she had to be Rayn, since she seemed to be someone who worked on the lawful side of things, despite who her father was, but they remained silent for a time as she walked up to the table and glanced at all of them for a few seconds, no doubt having a mental list of who was supposed to be here and who might be missing, before letting out a sigh as she noticed that Sig, of all people, was missing, before being glad to find that the bottle was untouched, "It looks like some of your acquaintances couldn't make it... ah well, it can't be helped. I am Rayn, which you might have deduced on your own. Before father died, his wishes were simple: that his will be played for his closest associates, and that we drink to his passing, as he even had a special vintage prepared for this very occasion, to toast his death."

As Rayn said that she pulled the wine bottle from the container it had been resting in, where Jak noticed that the bottle did have a racing emblem on it, before she uncorked it and started to pour it out for all of them, first herself before filling the cups that Jak and the others held out for her to fill, though they managed to make it so she didn't see the pills that were inside their cups and Jak could feel a bit of Eco move as each one burst open and faded away, before Rayn returned to the head of the table before setting aside the now empty bottle.

"Here's to old friends, and father's untimely... death..." Rayn continued, appearing to be saddened by the fact that she had lost her father, even though it was possible that she didn't know him all that well, before she raised her cup and caused everyone else to do the same thing, leading to them making a toast for a few seconds before all of them took a drink of the vintage Krew had prepared for this event, even though Jak and Twilight noticed something off about how Rayn drank from her cup, something they would have to discuss later, before they placed their cups on the table, "Now, without any further delay, here's his message to us."

In that moment, after everyone had drank some of the wine, Rayn pulled out a small device and clicked the button that was on it, where the room's lights dimmed a little and everyone watched as a hologram of Krew, still attached to his large floating weaponized chair, as Jak and his sisters recalled what happened at that point in time, appeared in front of them, in the middle of the other half of the table, before he turned and faced them, indicating that he was ready to reveal what his message was so they could get out of Kras once this was over.

Hello nearly friends and mostly enemies: if you're listening to this message, then I must be dead... oh well. Krew said, showing his usual personality to everyone that was present, that he didn't seem to care about anything other than what he had to say or what he wanted someone to do, reminding them of what they had seen back in Haven City, before they killed him for betraying the city to the Tainted and Kor, though a few seconds later his hologram started to move around the table area, similar to how he talked to people when he was alive, As all of you know, I love racing, almost as much as I love weapons... but alas, I was never able to fulfill my living dream of winning the biggest race of them all, the Kras City Grand Championship! But, even in death, I will field the greatest racing team the world has ever seen and win the biggest race on the planet... all of you are the greatest racers, the best of the best, and you will race for me.

Jak, Keira, and a few others remained seated as Cozy and a number of others declared that they would never race for the fat man, even if he was dead and there was nothing he could do to force them into such a contract, though Jak remained calm as he considered the situation they were in and found that Rayn didn't seem surprised by the sudden request, which meant she had either viewed the will before hand or knew this fact about her father and wasn't at all surprised that this was happening, before he turned towards the hologram again.

I expect that most of you are riled up by this point... so allow me to explain why the lot of you will race for me, and why you will win it. Krew continued, clearly expecting something like this to happen in the conference room and had waited a few seconds to be sure they had some time to get annoyed with him, though Jak and his sisters kept an eye on what was happening in the room while keeping their eyes on the hologram, just in case there was more to learn, before he seemed to beckon to something and Twilight assumed it was his special vintage, If all went as planned, the lot of you just had a rather touching toast in my honor... sorry to say, but I put poison in that well cared for special vintage... it is rather quite unsporting of me, really.

"Father!" Rayn stated, her facial expressions showing that she was shocked and couldn't believe that he would do such a thing to all of them, especially since she was present for the reading as well, but while that happened Twilight noticed that her face twisting to shock and her reaction to her father's words seemed to come rather quickly, making her wonder if she had practiced such a thing before they arrived in Kras, but no one said anything as they turned their attention back to the hologram that was in front of them.

This is probably where Rayn gets upset... sorry dear. Krew said, where, once again, the siblings could tell that he really didn't care about most people and saw his daughter as a means to an end, that her only reason for existing, in this case, was to gather his associates and enemies, or most of them anyway, before making all of them toast so he could force all of them to do something, Let me make one thing clear: it is a slow acting poison, otherwise all of you would have been dead by this point... but you do have enough time to participate in this year's Championship and finish the season. If you race for me, and win the biggest race in the world, my associates will provide you with the antidote to the poison and all of you can move on with your miserable lives. Simple, eh?

"How are all of you so calm?" Rayn asked, as once her father stopped talking the hologram disappeared, though she had been expecting someone to get up and try to pin her to one of the walls, given that she had aided her father in bringing all of Haven and Sanctuary's heroes to Kras City and succeeded in poisoning all of them, even if she hadn't been told about any of this before her father perished.

"This is Krew we're talking about, so we know not to get excited over him tricking us," Twilight replied, which everyone else agreed with, since they knew what the fast man was capable of and suspected that something like this would have gone down, though Daxter made no movements other than thinking about the poison, like he was worried or something, which was a show to make sure anyone watching for signs of distress found what they were looking for, "besides, we have our own reasons for coming here."

Rayn looked like she wanted to say something, anything, to what Twilight had said, though before she could do that the hologram of her father reappeared and caused everyone to glance at it, making them wonder what else he might have to say before the will was done and they could move on with their lives, especially since it now involved tackling the race that Kras held, even though Rayn continued to be upset with her fallen father.

Well, its been one minute, and by now you're either arguing about how to get out of this mess... or one of Jak's sisters, who are unbearable at times, has convinced you not to fight. Krew commented, showing them that he expected such a thing to happen, and that he knew Twilight and her sisters a little bit better than they initially thought, before he waved his fan in front of his face for a few seconds as he considered the last pieces of information he wanted to share with them, before the will was finished, My advice is to trust no one, not even those you love, win the race, and save yourself from a painful death!

"Krew wants us to race? Well, we've got the best racers in the world in this very room," Keira said, showing them that she was convinced that they would be able to beat Krew at his own game, while pretending that they had been poisoned by his trick, since she was sure that Daxter and Tess' Light Eco pills had taken care of the poison before anyone drank from their cups, save for Rayn anyway since they hadn't put one in hers, and based on what she was seeing, by looking at the faces of everyone else, Torn and the others agreed with her.

"I'm glad to hear that, since father did purchase the best mobile racing garage some time ago, the best money can buy to be exact, and, from what I've seen, it has more than enough vehicles for everyone," Rayn stated, informing them of what else Krew had purchased before Jak and his sisters brought an end to his life, not that the siblings were feeling sorry for it since he had betrayed everyone in Haven, though it was also clear that she was trying to make sure everyone knew that she was on their side and not an enemy, despite being Krew's daughter, "We're in this together, so let's get out there and honor my father's last wish."

Rayn, expecting them to want to take a few moments to think about this before they left the room, gave them some time alone so they could understand what was happening to them, though as soon as she was outside Twilight used her magic to reseal the room and prevent eavesdropping again, before they turned towards each other as they considered what had happened in the span of the last couple of minutes.

"Good news, those pills work really well against slow acting poisons, so we're in the clear," Daxter stated, knowing that all of them wanted to know if the capsules had worked as they intended or if they were something that the pills wouldn't take care of, though this brought a smile to their faces as everyone realized that no poison had entered their bodies and that they were going to have to prevent to have someone pulling their strings, before he glanced at the door, "and, despite the show she put on, Rayn isn't poisoned either... I also noticed the way she drank from her cup, Jak, and it's exactly like what Damas and Praxis were teaching you, while we were training with Eon earlier, so she's totally in on this."

While Jak wanted to disagree with Daxter, as there were times where he really wanted to do so, this happened to be one of of those times where his friend was right and he had to agree with what he said, Rayn was acting and hadn't drank any of the liquid she had poured out for them, but it also meant that they would have to make sure she had no idea that her little secret had already been revealed to Jak and his sisters while figuring out if there was something else happening that might be tied to the Championship, before they sighed and got moving, as they wanted to get started on a new adventure and see what sort of dangers they would overcome this time.

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