• Published 25th Jun 2019
  • 1,304 Views, 79 Comments

Spitfire and Old Silver - The FraudulentBrit

Rainbow Dash and the other Wonderbolts meet Spitfire's estranged older brother

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Mutiny Aboard the Hawkins

Spitfire and Old Silver

Part 9; Mutiny aboard the Hawkins

“And so the dung beetles were crawling all over the place, but you know what the oddest part was?” Nelson said out loud to the galley, full of Wonderbolts and his fellow sailors. It had been a long day for every pony onboard, so he was entertaining the group with a (particularly funny in his opinion) story. Angel Wings raised her hoof and asked, “What was the oddest part?” Nelson, barely able to hold in his laughter, blurted out, “The only one they were crawling over was Perry!” the entire galley was now consumed by every pony’s laughter.

Fleet Foot then asked, “Wait, I thought you guys didn’t like bullying.” Perry then spoke up. “Actually Nelson asked if he could tell that one. Besides, I actually it think it was kind of funny.” Wyvern then said, “Besides, you remember that time Nelson tried scare off those dragons with nothing but a bottle of pi……” “Ah. We don’t tell that one around young ponies.” Nelson interrupted, raising his voice a slight bit, more so just to make his point rather than out of embarrassment. Perry then nudged Wyvern and said, “Besides, what about the time you were asked to sing for those foals on hearthswarming?” “How could I know that they’d find my voice scary?” Wyvern replied with fake embarrassment evident on his face.

Eventually Old Silver raised one of his metal wings and began to speak. “Alright lads and lasses, it’s time you all got some sleep.” Rainbow Dash asked, “You sure? It’s not that late.” Silver answered, “Because we’ll be at Botany Bay by daybreak. And once we get there we’ll have more to worry about then beauty sleep.” A somber mood began to cast its shadow over the group. They all knew why they were going to Botany Bay; to rescue Scootaloo and Cap’n Flint.

Surprise then asked, “Come on. How about one more song?” Silver began to ponder for a brief moment, then relented, answering, “Alright. But only one. Any requests?” Angel Wings immediately shot her hoof straight into the air, crying out, “Ooh! Ooh! I have one!” “Yes Miss Wings?” Silver replied, a playful smile on his face. “Uh, how about the one about Botany Bay please? That one is really pretty.”

Silver began to inspect the galley, and gave a confirming nod to Perry, Nelson, and Wyvern. Before any of the Wonderbolts could react, the sailors had pulled out musical instruments; Silver had a fiddle, Perry had a flute, Nelson had a banjo, and Wyvern had an accordion. With a brief strum from Nelson’s banjo, a simple Celtic tune began to fill the galley. Despite the grim mood from earlier, a sense of fun and adventure began to return to the group.

Silver began to sing, “I’m on me way down to the quay, where the ship and anchor lays. To command a gang of ponies there I was told to engage.” As he sang that verse he gave a cheeky wink to Soarin and the other Wonderbolts. He then continued, “I thought I’d stop by for a drink before I went away. For I’ll take a trip on an emigrant ship, to the shores of Botany Bay.” The rest of the crew then joined him. “Farewell to your bricks and mortars. Farewell to your dirty lime. Farewell to your gangway and your gang planks, and to heck with your over time. For the good ship Ragamuffin is a lyin’ at the quay, for to take ol’ pat, with a shovel on his back, to the shores of Botany Bay.”

Nelson then took the next part. “The best years of our lives we spent, working on the docks. Building mighty wharves and quays from earth and ballast rocks. Our wages keep our jobs secure, but I won’t rue the day, when I take that trip on an emigrant ship to the shores of Botany Bay.”

As the sailors began the chorus again, Silver couldn’t help but notice that several of the Wonderbolts, including Surprise, Rainbow Dash, and Angel Wings had joined in. The other thing he noticed was specifically an absence. Spitfire wasn’t there.

He figured. Sure he had extended the olive branch and tried to put on his best pleasant face. As the group continued the song, he maintained his pleasant demeanor, still wondering where his sister was skulking about.

The Crew Quarters

Spitfire lay in her hammock, trying to piece things together in her head. Apparently much like Rainbow Dash, her brother had certainly lived the impactful life. Wyvern claimed that he essentially owed him his life, Nelson had bonded over their missing body parts, and Perry had apparently credited him for maturing over a mutiny. Considering he seemed to look up to Flint as a father figure, all she wanted to know now was how this Mutiny she heard of fit into the story.

“Where were you?” Rainbow Dash called out from the entrance. “Huh?” Spitfire asked, distracted from her pondering. Rainbow Dash and the other Wonderbolts began to enter the quarters, each one ready to crash on their own hammocks. “Sorry.” Spitfire apologized. “Guess I was just thinking.” “What were you thinking about?” Soarin asked. Surprise immediately interrupted, “Were you thinking about how we’re gonna beat the snot out of the Raiders?” “Not really.” Spitfire answered. Fleet Foot then asked, “Were you thinking about what we may find in Botany Bay?” Spitfire shook her head.

Angel Wings then asked, “Thinking about your brother?” Spitfire opened her mouth to speak, but stopped herself and simply nodded. Angel Wings then asked, “You wanna talk about it?” “I don’t want to talk about it because there’s nothing to talk about.” Spitfire calmly but defiantly replied. Rainbow Dash then asked, “What, you jealous of him or something?”

This seemingly innocent question irked Spitfire. “Oh come on. I am not jealous of Stumpy or his friends or the fact that every pony seems to like him or that you all fell for his little charm or…..” Spitfire stopped herself as she began to realize that, despite wanting it to be otherwise, she indeed was.

“You win Crash. I am jealous.” Spitfire defeatedly answered. Rainbow Dash gave her captain a slight scowl and asked, “What did we say about using our nicknames?” Spitfire rolled her eyes and semi-mockingly replied, “That I can’t use your call signs as long as I called St….Super Marine Stumpy.” Angel Wings then asked, “Why do you call him Stumpy anyway?” Soarin quickly jumped into the conversation. “It’s because when he was a colt Spitfire crashed into him and his wings had to be amputated.” Fleet Foot then cut in, “No they were ripped clean off.” Angel Wings found herself stunned speechless. “Oh my goodness.” Was all she could say.

Rainbow Dash then asked, “And now that I think about it, isn’t there something you should say to him?” “What do you mean?” Spitfire inquired. Rainbow then continued, “Two very certain words?” Spitfire gave a confused look. “Oh for Celestia’s sake. You haven’t apologized to him for it!” Rainbow Dash found herself blurting out in frustration. Spitfire blurted out, “Hey I did apologize to him!” Soarin cut in again, “Then how come Flint said you didn’t?”

Spitfire sighed and said, “Look, it’s been a long day. I’m gonna get some sleep.” Angel Wings then added, “I think we should too. Silver said it would be a tough few days once we arrive.” This statement got Spitfire’s attention. “Huh? I thought it would at least take another day.” “Guess they’re just that good at sailing?” Angel Wings meekly answered. Spitfire just rolled her eyes and said, “Whatever, Let’s just get some sleep.”

The other Wonderbolts began to lie down in their hammocks and started to drift off to sleep. Right before Spitfire finally got comfortable, Rainbow Dash said, “We aren’t done here. First thing tomorrow you’re apologizing to your brother.” “Whatever.” Spitfire, stirred from her half-awake state, simply blurred out as she finally allowed herself to be consumed by sleep. Rainbow Dash groaned and stretched herself on her hammock. As she drifted off, she whispered to herself, “Hold on squirt. I’ll rescue you.”

Somewhere in Time and Space

Spitfire found herself awoken by the ship halting to an abrupt stop. “What the heck?” She asked herself. As she began to rise from the hammock, she realized something odd; every pony was gone. Had they docked and left her in the quarters? Or had she been abandoned on the vessel?

Her questions were answered when she heard several voices arguing above her. “Get movin’ ya bums!” an unfamiliar voice barked out. “Eesh. Who’s this guy?” Spitfire asked out loud. Another voice called out, “Alright ya bilge rat!” another, slightly more familiar voice, replied. “That sounds like….” Spitfire began to say to herself as another voice interrupted her train of thought.

“Who’s responsible for this madness?!” a new voice called out. It had the same odd accent that Silver had picked up, but was far older and gruffer. Curious, Spitfire made her way out of the quarters and towards the top deck. The dark sky and lit lanterns let her know it was evening. Lowering herself so that she was hidden in the pit the stairwell emerged from, she was certainly shocked with what she witnessed.

She found three ponies were being restrained by another group of thuggish ponies. The restrained ponies appeared to resemble Nelson, Wyvern, and an unfamiliar dark blue earth pony with a scarlet mane and tail and, if she remembered her fashion correctly, a Glengarry. However, Nelson and Wyvern both appeared to be at least a decade or so younger. And what was perhaps the most shocking part of what Spitfire found herself witnessing was that the pony standing before the three restrained sailors almost looked like it was….

“Somers you little gobshite!” The younger Wyvern blurted out in anger. “Yeah, yeah.” Somers answered, seemingly indifferent to the sailor’s anger at him. Spitfire was horrified that A, Wyvern was using such fowl language, and B, Somers, who appeared to be a teenaged colt, seemed to be in charge of whatever was going on. The arrogant little Pegasus then continued, “Ah’m done with taking orders from you lot.” The blue earth pony then barked back, “When your father finds out what you’ve done he’ll…..”

Somers flung himself forward and slugged the earth pony hard in the lower jaw. Spitfire winced as she heard the smack. “You ain’t nothin’ but some washed up old coot.” Somers replied, disgust oozing from his mouth. A new, somewhat familiar colt’s voice, spoke up from Spitfire. “Cap’n Black Watch is a finer stallion then you’ll ever be!” Spitfire turned around to find four more ponies emerging from the opposite stairwell. Two seemed to be the same kind of thuggish ponies that were holding the others against their will. The third was a red unicorn with a great big black beard and a black eye, and the fourth seemed to be a yellow teenaged earth pony colt with a red mane and tail and a long black coat.

“Found these two in the galley Boss.” The thug holding the “earth pony” said as he tossed him towards the deck in front of Somers. Before Spitfire could say it, Somers sarcastically began, “Well now, what were you doing down there Stumpy?” The young Silver tried to charge Somers, only for the malevolent Pegasus to dart above him and come down hard, pinning him to the deck. “Don’t you dare lay another hoof on him!” The red unicorn, whom Spitfire was able to figure out was a slightly younger Flint, cried out. He was immediately bonked in the head from behind by his captor.

Somers then began to speak again, “You see, While you were off bein’ little goody two shoes, I managed to scrape these boys up. Some like minded fellas who figured that this ship here could work well as a pirate ship.” Spitfire was stunned. A pirate ship? Black Watch then countered, “Best beware kid, I hear the deepest parts of Tartarus are reserved for betrayers and mutineers.” Somers strutted over towards him and said, “Yeah well, I’m not dead yet.” “You will be once Princess Celestia finds out!” Nelson called out. “When she learns you’ve staged a mutiny she’ll have you hanged!”

Silver then managed to say, “I should never have tried to befriend you. You’re too much like Spitfire!” Spitfire couldn’t help but be angry at this remark. Hearing her brother compare her to Somers was like, well it hurt. “Considering Ah hear she finally made it into the Wonderbolt’s reserves, Ah’ll take that as a compliment.” Somers replied before continuing, “Where as you here decided to throw in with these losers. Ah honestly don’t know what you see in ‘em.” Silver, starting to tear up, angrily shouted, “I see family!”

Spitfire didn’t know how to react to what she heard. Did her brother really consider these ponies his family? Did he really hold them higher than her mother and herself? “Is that right?” Somers asked, a stern look on his face but his voice betraying his mind having a wicked idea. Somers began to strut over to the captive Black Watch. “What are you gonna do you little scumbag?” Wyvern asked. Spitfire gaped in horror as Somers pulled out a long knife, one that was eerily familiar to her.

Somers took the knife and placed the edge right against Black Watch’s throat. Before anyone could say anything else, a voice came up from behind Spitfire. “Get your hooves off of me! Or at least buy me a drink first!” Spitfire turned around to see a burly earth pony stallion dragging Perry, who had a massive welt on his forehead, from up behind her and onto the top deck. It didn’t even seem that they noticed she was there. “Found him skulking around the poop deck.” The thug said as he brought Perry towards the group. Perry was thrown to the deck next to Silver and asked, “So kid, first mutiny?” “Not now Perry!” Silver quietly barked. Perry continued, “Well it’s my first. Of course there was this one time we were sailing down the…” “QUIET!” a thug shouted as he bashed his hoof into the back of Perry’s head. Perry simply tried to shake it off and said, “Hey don’t start with the head, otherwise I won’t feel the next….” He was immediately bashed again.

Somers shook his head whilst letting out a sinister giggle and said, “Seriously, Ah thought Ah’d find wealth and riches out here but all I see is a group of blue collar losers.” Silver managed to rise to his hooves and retorted, “Because you don’t care about any pony but yourself. Ever since you joined this crew you’ve tried one crooked scam after the next.” Somers then walked up to Silver and continued, “Cause you keep gettin’ in my way. Ah’d be rich if you and your friends here didn’t keep messin’ my plans up.” From behind him, Black Watch countered, “Because I thought I saw something in you Somers. I thought I saw a strong young stallion like in Silver. Instead you’re nothing but a thug and a criminal. A shame you’re so young, you could be so much more.”

Hearing this, Somers began to walk coolly towards Black Watch. Spitfire held her breath, not knowing what else she could do. Somers took his knife and placed it against Black Watch’s throat again. “You wouldn’t dare!” Wyvern defiantly said, only for him and Nelson to be dragged away from Black Watch. Silver tried to dash towards him, but two of the mutineers managed to grab him and hold him back. Somers then asked Black Watch, “You know what I am that you aren’t?” Black Watch didn’t answer, simply standing defiantly as he was restrained. “Sir?” Flint asked the captain. Black Watch turned to Flint and gave him a knowing look. He then turned to Silver and said, “It’ll be alright lad. I’m proud to have met you all.”

Black Watch turned to Somers and asked, “A scoundrel?” Somers grew a terrifying smile, the most evil smile Spitfire had ever seen, and simply said, “Alive.”

Spitfire was so terrified she turned away, unwilling to watch what she knew was going to happen. Sure enough, she heard a slicing sound, like scissors against paper, followed by Somers’s voice barking, “Toss that hunk of meat overboard!” Spitfire peaked again, only to catch a glimpse of Somers holding his knife, a Glengarry dangling on its’ tip.

But what was more horrifying was seeing four dark blue legs disappearing off the edge of the ship. Had Somers actually killed him? Had what appeared to be a mere teenager done the unthinkable and taken another pony’s life?

Spitfire noticed a low growling, and found it was coming from Silver. “Uh, kid?” Silver then violently blurted out, “I’M GONNA KILL YOU!” Silver managed to shake off the mutineers holding him down and charged towards Somers. The treacherous Pegasus was caught off guard and found himself being pummeled ruthlessly. Spitfire had to admit that she had never seen her brother as angry as she was now, especially compared to her… tussle with him a few days earlier.

Spitfire was so focused on her brother that she didn’t notice Flint shake off the mutineers restraining him and buck one of them straight into the ship’s mast. “Alright lads, let’s get these wankers!” Flint shouted, a fire in his eyes that Spitfire hadn’t ever seen. Nelson was next, managing to free his wings as he bent his prosthetic leg in an incredibly awkward position so he could free himself from his captor, an action that clearly wasn’t fun nor comfortable. As he freed himself, Nelson managed to slug the mutineer holding Wyvern, freeing the eldest earth pony.

On another part of the deck, Perry managed to levitate his captor and slam him into the deck. One of the mutineers shouted, “Don’t just stand there, get them!” unfortunately, he found himself surrounded by a group of several angry ponies. He ended up meekly begging, “Please don’t hurt me.” To Spitfire’s surprise, Perry stepped forward, a furious look on his face as he used his magic to pull him forward and very coldly said, “You better thank Celestia Silver doesn’t have his hooves on you.”

At that moment, Flint realized Silver was alone with Somers. “Oh no!” he said out loud as he turned around. Silver was still beating a now bloodied and broken Somers. Tears were streaming from his eyes, and it didn’t look like he could hold anything back. “Silver!” Flint shouted, trying to get the young colt’s attention. However, what happened next was, though by no means the most shocking event of that evening, was still something that made Spitfire’s hair crawl.

She saw her brother lift Somers with his front hooves and toss him over the ship’s railings. Spitfire couldn’t believe it. Sure, she figured Somers wouldn’t receive any permanent injuries, but to imagine her brother had actually tried to….. Even after what Somers had done, Spitfire didn’t know how to feel.

That was until she saw Flint slowly walking towards the younger colt. She couldn’t make out the expression on the unicorn’s face; it wasn’t anger, happiness, or even fear. If anything it was a cross of concern, worry, and exhaustion. Silver began to back away, turning his head away and trying to hold in tears. Then Flint placed his hoof under Silver’s chin and gently said, “Kid, it’s alright.” Silver then lept forward and wrapped his hooves around Flint.

Then Wyvern walked over and wrapped his hooves around the two other ponies, and Spitfire could tell that tears were flowing from the old earth pony’s eyes. Perry then joined the huddle and was quickly followed by Nelson. Spitfire then peaked her entire body out of the opening and observed that all the mutineers (Minus Somers) were now uncouncious. Clearly they wouldn’t be getting up anytime soon.

As Spitfire emerged, a massive cloud of smoke began to engulf the ship, and soon she was lost in a massive fog. “What’s going on?” she asked out loud, unsure if any pony could hear her.

After a few moments, the fog died down. Spitfire was now in what appeared to be a tavern. In fact, if her memory was correct, it was the same tavern that she and the Wonderbolts had first met Silver and his friends. From behind her, she heard an unfamiliar voice call out from behind her, “Flint! Nelson!” she turned to see a worried brown earth pony in plain clothing and a short top hat make his way into the tavern and towards the back, where she saw Silver, Flint, and the other sailors. Flint waved over to the earth pony, who dashed over towards the group. For a moment it seemed that he would run right into Spitfire, but to her increasing shock, he passed right through her, as if she were a ghost.

“Ishmael.” Flint glumly said. Ishmael slowly made his way up to the group and glumly asked, “Is it true? Is the Cap’n…” As Silver struggled to keep his emotions under control, Flint, Nelson, and Perry simply nodded yes. Ishmael simply slumped to the ground, almost unwilling to believe what he heard. Silver then spoke up, “Somers led a mutiny. He…” Nelson shuffled over to him and wrapped his wing over Silver. Perry then said, “Authorities say they found the body. No sign of Somers.”

Ishmael shook his head and said, “If that little shithead shows his face around here…..” Flint got up and firmly said, “If he’s alive, we are NOT going after him. That won’t bring back Black Watch.” Ishmael stepped back and then said, “I didn’t say that. I just said if he ever shows up around Manehatten we’ll either catch him or chase him away.”

Flint then took the mug in front of him and said, “Lads, a toast to Cap’n Black Watch, the finest sailor who ever was, and a father and a friend to us all!” The crew, and to Spitfire’s surprise the entire tavern, raised their mugs in toast. Nelson then asked, “So, what now?” Flint answered, “Cap’n always said if anything happened to him I should take the Hawkins.” Silver then said, “And I’m staying.” Ishmael then replied, “You sure Silver? I mean I know a few who captains who would be honored to have you sail with them.” Silver shook his head and said, “But they aren’t family like you guys.” Wyvern then added, “Then you boys got me. I owe it to Silver.” Perry shrugged and said, “I might as well, don’t have much of anywhere else to go.” Nelson then added, “As for me, well I don’t know many others who would take my… circumstances into consideration.”

Ishmael then let out a gentle sigh and answered, “Well guess you guys can count me in for a voyage or two.” Silver then let out a gentle laugh and replied, “Always a fun time with you Ishmael.” Perry then added, “Wow, haven’t seen Silver smile since we got back.” Ishmael then added, “I heard about a sugar baron needing someone to transport his wares to Saddle Arabia.” The crew looked around for a brief moment before Flint said, “Why not? As long as you lads are here, I think we can do it.” The group of sailors then raised their glasses and Flint joined them.

Spitfire suddenly noticed a stray tear coming out of her eye. “What?” she asked herself as she wiped the tear with her wings. As she did, the fog from earlier consumed the tavern again. Spitfire didn’t know where she would be taken next. This time, the fog didn’t go anywhere. However, a vaguely familiar voice began to speak. “ Thou has witnessed the darkest day of your brother’s life.” “Princess Luna?” Spitfire asked. Luna’s voice continued. “And now….” The fog continued to thicken, making it impossible for Spitfire to see even half an inch in front of her.” Then, a massive jolt flung the Wonderbolt out of limbo and back to the realm of the living.

The Hawkins’s top deck

Old Silver had to admit that he never liked it when the ship had a jolt. “Bloody ‘eck. What happened?” he called out. “Sorry Cap’n!” Perry called out from the bow. “Think we hit a thick cloud.” Silver shook his head. “Of course.” He said to himself. However, as he focused on the bow, he noticed something odd. Behind several barrels, he was able to notice the tips of a big red-pink bow.

“I know you’re there Miss Wings.” Silver called out. Angel Wings then meekly emerged, and said, “Sorry. I guess I can’t sleep.” Silver then let out a gentle laugh and responded, “I can’t blame you. To be honest I cannae either.” Angel Wings then sighed and said, “Sorry about that.” “Don’t be. Just part of life up here.” Angel Wings then made her way next to Silver and began to observe the stars. They were shining brightly, and the moon was glowing as if it were a massive light bulb.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Angel Wings asked Silver. “Aye. You know we use the stars to navigate.” The sailor replied. “Really?” Angel Wings asked. Silver then pointed to a constellation. “Stars never change position, or at least move too slowly to be noticeable. This means if you know where certain ones are, you can use them kind of like a map.” This remark amazed Angel Wings gape in awe. “Yeah. Bet the Wonderbolts don’t teach you that.” Silver jokingly answered. Angel Wings let out a nervous laugh and replied, “Yeah. To be honest, sometimes I wonder why I still want to be one.”

“Really?” Silver asked Angel Wings. “Yeah” she replied. “If it’s not everything I’ve seen the last few days, it’s the fact that all we seem to do is perform or do weather duties. And if I wanted to do that, I’d just join a weather team.” Silver then wrapped his metal wing around Angel Wings and said, “Lass, there’s not much I can say that amounts to much, but if I may, Spitfire won’t be there forever, and to be honest, sometimes I like to imagine what it’s like to fly again.” “Ooh.” Angel Wings responded. Silver continued, “But I can only say this, If being a Wonderbolt is your dream, I cannae pretend it will be easy or always pleasant, but I’ve learned that if it’s something you love, then the feeling of a job well done will fill you with a sense of pride that is better than anything in the world.” Angel Wings then hugged Silver and said, “Thanks. Guess I needed someone to talk to.”

Silver then found himself speechless when Angel Wings kissed him on the cheek.

“Uh… Sorry…” Angel Wings found herself stumbling. “I guess I got too into the moment. Sorry.” To her surprise, Silver, a small smile growing on his face, asked, “For what?” Angel Wings felt her heart lift. Did this mean that Silver had developed feelings for her as well?

“Aaahh!” Spitfire’s voice cried out from below deck. “What the heck?” Silver asked out loud. After a few moments Spitfire dashed out of the quarters and onto the top deck, her eyes darting around furiously. “Miss Spitfire! What is going on?” Silver asked, confused as to why Spitfire was suddenly acting so strange.

Spitfire then dashed towards Silver, a maddened and terrified expression on her face. “Somers…. Knife…… Black Watch……” She managed to spit out in between heavy breathing. Silver was surprised. “What are you bletherin’ about?” Spitfire then took a deep breath and shouted, “The knife Somers used on Scootaloo was the one he killed Black Watch with!”

Silver was horrified with what he had just heard. “How do you know that? There’s no way Nelson or Perry would have told you.” “Princess Luna!” Spitfire quickly answered. “She showed me. I don’t know how but she showed me.” This certainly amazed Silver and Angel Wings. “Well, Luna does work in strange in mysterious ways.” Silver shrugged. Spitfire then asked, “How did you get over it?”

Silver walked over to his sister, a pained look growing on his face. Silver then simply said, “I didn’t. And in some ways I don’t think I ever will.” Both Spitfire and Angel Wings were stunned speechless. To think that in some way he was still grieving was, well, depressing. Then again, were either of them in the same position, they’d probably react the same way.

A vulture then landed on the deck. “What the heck?” Spitfire asked in surprise. Silver then said, “Vultures like this don’t live real far into the desert. This means we’re gettin’ close.” From above them, Nelson cried out, “I see lights! We’re almost there!” Silver turned to Angel Wings and said, “Go wake the Wonderbolts.” The pink Pegasus nodded and departed to awaken the team.

Once she was gone, Silver turned to Spitfire and said, “Brace yourself Spitfire. Welcome to Botany Bay.”

Author's Note:

Next Time, Spitfire, Rainbow Dash, Silver and the others explore Botany Bay to try and find Scootaloo and Cap'n Flint