• Published 25th Jun 2019
  • 1,299 Views, 79 Comments

Spitfire and Old Silver - The FraudulentBrit

Rainbow Dash and the other Wonderbolts meet Spitfire's estranged older brother

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End of the Voyage

Spitfire and Old Silver

Part 20; End of the Voyage

Cloudsdale Stadium, One Week Later…

Stormy Flare had a routine when it came to her daughter’s shows; arrive early, get to her seat, chat with the other parents and family of the team, enjoy Spitfire’s performance, chat with her daughter and the others at the post show, go out for dinner with Spitfire, go home, rinse and repeat for the next time. It had gone this way for so long she almost didn’t remember a time where it wasn’t like that. Of course, that was back before her son had run off.

Some days she could easily get by without Super Marine, or rather Old Silver, allowing the memory of him to sleep in the back of her mind. But other days, it was more difficult, often requiring her to step out for a few minutes just to let her grief out. On the worst days, she could barely function; she’d just sit in his old room and reflect on how she failed him. She barely spoke with him, only getting one letter a year at best. Maybe she should try to track Silver down. Besides, the last she heard he was seen near Manehattan, so maybe she should head up after the show and see if he was still there.

But Spitfire came first. She was already at the entrance to the stadium, and she didn’t want to cause a scene.

Stormy Flare was greeted by Fast Clip as she paid her entrance fee. “Ah, good to see you again Ms. Flare.” He greeted the older mare as he provided her ticket. “I can guarantee you that today will be a once in a lifetime performance.” “Really?” Stormy Flare asked in excitement. After all, she had seen just about everything her daughter could throw at the audience. Fast Clip continued, “Well, your children have planned the best show yet.”

This had Stormy Flare confused. “Uh, you just mean Spitfire, right?” she asked in confusion. However, Fast Clip simply answered with, “Well don’t let me hold you up. Next!” He then turned and continued to work his ticket stand. Stormy Flair simply shrugged this off as she left and made her way to the VIP booth.

VIP Booth

Stormy Flare was greeted at the VIP booth by the familiar sight of Windy Whistles, Bow Hothoof, and Scootaloo. “Stormy!” Windy Whistles squealed as she ran up to the yellow mare and wrapped her in a large hug. Stormy Flair returned the hug as she greeted her friend, “It’s good to see you too Windy.” “Honey, let her go.” Bow said to his wife as he noticed she was hugging Stormy Flare just a little too tightly. “Oh. Sorry about that.” Windy apologized as she released her friend.

Scootaloo then walked up to Stormy Flare. “So you’re Stormy Flare. It’s nice to meet you.” She extended her hoof, an action the older mare reciprocated. “And you must be Scootaloo. Rainbow Dash spoke highly of you.” Scootaloo felt her face blushing a little bit as she tried to downplay whatever her surrogate sister had said. “She probably over exaggerated whatever it was.” “I hardly think being able to fly the Ponyville flag at the Equestria games is something to be humble about.” Stormy Flare complimented.

It was at that moment that another coughing fit overcame Scootaloo. “Oh my! Let me go get you a glass of water.” Of course, Bow and Windy had already pulled out a bottle of water and provided it to the young filly. “Thanks guys.” Stormy Flair asked, “You ok dear?” As Scootaloo finished drinking from the water bottle, she answered, “I’m ok. Just getting over tuby… turbo…” Bow Hothoof gently interrupted, “Sorry about that. Scootaloo here just got over Tuberculosis.”

“OH MY GOODNESS!” Stormy Flare shouted in shock at this news, as well as Bow’s calmness as he said it. Tuberculosis may not have been the scourge it had been centuries earlier, but it was still a dangerous disease, and if it affected someone young or very old, it could be devastating. Windy Whistles immediately added, “Don’t worry, Scootaloo here has received very excellent care and will make a full recovery.” Stormy Flare noticed Scootaloo’s head sink and her ears drop. “Something wrong dear?” Stormy Flare asked the young filly.

Behind her, she heard a vaguely familiar stallion’s voice say, “Poor kid’s lungs took a bit of damage, so she’ll never fly.” Stormy Flare hadn’t heard a voice like that since…. She turned around to be greeted by an older red unicorn stallion, though his horn had clearly been removed. He had a massive black beard, a new black coat and tri-corner hat, and a friendly smile and disposition. “Flint?” Stormy Flare asked in disbelief. It had been nearly ten years since she saw him, and she only knew of his existence because…

“Ma’am, you alright?” Flint asked Stormy Flare, who was just staring at him in disbelief. Bow Hothoof then greeted the other stallion. “It’s my pleasure to meet you Mr. Flint.” Flint extended his hoof, only to be crushed in a massive hug from the Pegasus stallion. Scootaloo couldn’t help but snicker at the irony of Bow acting just like his wife had a few minutes earlier. “Sweetie?” Windy Whistles said as she pointed out the irony of Bow crushing the other stallion like how she had with Stormy Flare.

Once Bow had released Flint, Stormy flare snapped out of her shock and asked, “So, how’s my son?” Flint took a deep breath and prepared himself. The last time he and Stormy Flare had spoken wasn’t exactly the best of circumstances, but, as Silver had taught them, sometimes you had to just let the past go and move forward. Straightening himself, Flint answered, “He’s probably the best he’s ever been.” A few more awkward seconds passed before Flint continued, “He and Spitfire are starting to get along.” That certainly surprised Stormy Flare. The last Time she had seen her son, he and Spitfire had gotten into a massive fight that almost exposed their familiar ties.

Soon enough the other family members of the team had arrived. Fleet Foot’s parents, Soarin’s father and Sister, Surprise’s colt-friend, Blaze’s husband, Misty Fly’s parents and cousin, Rumble and Thunderlane’s parents, and High Wind’s wife and foster children. However, there were three more ponies who had been invited that Stormy Flare, or most of the others for that matter, didn’t recognize. They were a Brown earth pony stallion and a lighter brown earth pony mare holding a yellow baby. Flint rose to greet the new arrivals. “Ah Flint. I was worried we took a wrong turn.” The stallion said as he and Flint embraced each other. “Good to see you Ishmael. So how’s fatherhood?” Ishmael shrugged and said, “I’ve lost a lot of sleep and thrown up into a few nappies, but I love it.”

Stormy Flare walked up to the mare and her son and greeted her. “I’m Stormy Flare. Who are you?” The mare returned the favor with, “I’m Aquila. You’re Spitfire’s mother aren’t you?” “Yes.” Stormy Flare answered. She then asked, “So are you Thunderlane’s…” Aquila interrupted her. “Oh no. I’m Ishmael’s wife.” Stormy Flare turned to see Ishmael and talking to Bow and Windy and asked, “And is Ishmael…” Aquila added, “My husband is a close friend of your son I believe.”

So Silver was here. Considering the Wonderbolts’ base was the last place she’d ever expect to see her son, she was genuinely surprised to find out he was there. “So where is he?” Stormy Flare asked. Flint answered, “Down there somewhere.” As he pointed to the field where the Wonderbolts performed, he noticed that a large fog cloud was moving over it. Bow Hothoof asked, “You think they’ll be able to fly in that?” “I hope so.” Stormy Flare answered.

A few minutes later, Scootaloo called out, “Down there! LOOK!” Stormy Flare and the others noticed that some pony was now on the green, and signaled for the others to return to their seats. As everyone did so, a voice spoke over the stadium’s speakers began to say, “Ladies and Gentle-colts, the Wonderbolts’ family day show is about to begin!” Stormy Flare then noticed something about the pony that was on the green. This mare was a yellow Pegasus with an orange mane and tail, as well as orange eyes. “Is that Spitfire?” She asked to herself.

The announcer’s voice began speaking again. “Ladies and Gentle-colts, presenting the captain of the Wonderbolts, Spitfire!” The crowd began to cheer with excitement, with perhaps the most coming from Stormy Flare herself. “You show them what you can do sweetie!!” Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles couldn’t help but find the sudden change of character somewhat hilarious.

However, once she managed to calm down, Stormy Flare noticed something was off. Spitfire was just standing there, a hard to read expression on her face. The fact that she was alone didn’t make things any less awkward.

Spitfire began to speak, “Hello every-pony.” Once again, the crowd cheered. Stormy Flare then noticed something else; Spitfire’s face had an expression of regret. This was confusing because, as far as she knew, why would she regret anything? Spitfire continued, “Thank you, but to be honest, I’ve not done anything worth praise lately. I bet you’re wondering what I’m doing right here and not with the others.” There were a few murmurs from the crowd, some even asking questions like, “What’s she doing?” and, “What’s going on?”

Taking a deep breath, Spitfire continued, “That is because officially, I’m on probation.” The crowd now gasped in shock and horror. What could Spitfire, the greatest Wonderbolt of all time, have done to earn her probation? No one was more shocked than Stormy Flare, who was almost unable to comprehend what she had just heard. Spitfire continued, “You see, I’ve been keeping a secret from all of Equestria, and the more I tried to keep it secret, the more I pushed ponies away, ranging from my team, my friends, to my brother.”

More murmurs rang from the audience. Ponies found this revelation incredibly confusing. Spitfire continued, “I know there are rumors circulating, so I’ll take this brief moment to clarify them. Yes, I do have a brother. Yes, many years ago I caused an accident that took his wings away. And yes, the reason why the show has been postponed is because we’ve had to fix a horrible mistake that I made.” Now the stadium was absolute silent.

Spitfire took a deep breath and then finished her speech. “But that’s not important right now. What is important is that I learned a few very important lessons. The most important lessons I learned were about who you look up to, and just how important family is.” Music began to play, a simple melody, not unlike the kind of tune Stormy Flare had heard a few times at the Cloudsdale docks. Then again the only times she had ever been near the docks were…

From beyond the fog cloud, the Stormy Flare, the other family members, and the rest of the audience heard a few unusual sounds. It was the creaking of wood, the whirling of propellers, and the quiet hum of engines. “What’s going on?” Bow Hothoof asked in confusion. Flint rested a hoof on the blue Pegasus and reassured him with a warm and enthusiastic, “Don’t worry lad. It’s show time!” It was at this moment that Spitfire suddenly grew a proud smile on her face as she began to speak again, “And so, Ladies and Gentle-colts, making their debut with the Wonderbolts, it is my honor to introduce the crew of the Hawkins, led by my brother, Old Silver!”

The fog was suddenly and swiftly swept aside as a large yellow and black striped vessel made its way towards the stadium, flanked on either side by half of the Wonderbolts. From the vessel’s wheel, Stormy Flare could hear a somewhat unfamiliar stallion’s voice call out, “All right lads! Let’s give ‘em a show to remember!” Both sailors and Wonderbolts let out an incredibly enthusiastic, “Aye aye Cap’n!” Silver then began to turn the wheel, thus rotating the ship so the audience could see the Hawkins’s starboard side. The Wonderbolts then began to fly along the side of the ship, with Soarin and Rainbow Dash making a few leaps higher than the others, giving the impression that they were the sea the vessel was sailing in.

As the audience cheered, the Wonderbolts then flew behind the Hawkins, only to emerge from in between the ship’s masts and split into two different lines. Half of the team followed Soarin, somersaulting around the ships mid section. The other half, led by Rainbow Dash, made a zigzagged path through the masts. The audience was amazed and entranced by the intense coordination, especially as most other performances weren’t in such confined environments.

As the Wonderbolts continued, the fog rolled back over the Hawkins. “What’s this?” The announcer asked the audience. “Will our favorite fliers be able to escape this opaque obstacle? Or will they need some help form an unexpected source?” As he finished this, Surprise quickly emerged from the now incredibly thick fog cloud, looked around in panic, and then dove back into the cloud. As soon as she was out of sight, Thunderlane emerged from the other side of the cloud, a confused look on his face. He flew back into the cloud, only to just miss High Winds emerging from above him.

The audience began to laugh as they caught on to the joke. Stormy Flare couldn’t remember a time that any Wonderbolts show had made her laugh this much, at least intentionally. Once High Winds returned to the cloud, Rainbow Dash and another pony flew out of the cloud on opposite ends each, only to nearly fly right into each other. Stormy Flare wasn’t familiar with this pony. She was a pink Pegasus mare with a red and gray-pink mane, a brown coat, black boots and a black tri-corner hat. The mare pointed to the cloud, and Rainbow Dash looked towards the cloud before charging into it. This was met with several exaggerated sound effects followed by Rainbow Dash being pushed out of the cloud, much to the audiences’ amusement.

Angel Wings let out a playful sigh and flew into the cloud herself. Rainbow Dash gave the audience a playful “she’s crazy” look, eliciting more laughter. Then, everyone heard the Celtic voice from earlier, “Fire all!” Three explosions rang out from the cloud, and before anyone could realize it, the massive fog cloud was noticeably more transparent. The other Wonderbolts shot out of the cloud, each of them coming out at a different point. Angel Wings then let out a playful sigh and began to fly around the fog cloud. The Wonderbolts began to “snicker” at her until they realized that she was starting to move the cloud away. Soon enough, the massive fog was gone, and Angel Wings landed on the ground, folding her hooves in confidence as the audience applauded her.

Then Stormy Flare noticed the pony at the wheel. It was a yellow (seemingly earth pony) stallion with a red mane and tail and a black coat, boots, and tri-corner hat. ‘That couldn’t be him, could it?’ she thought to herself. That was until the Angel Wings and Rainbow Dash landed on the ship’s deck and the latter addressed him. “It’s an honor to meet you Cap’n Silver.”

Before Silver could react, everyone heard a sound from one of the lower decks. “What’s that?” Angel Wings asked. Fleet Foot immediately said, “I’ll check it out.” She then flew down the stairwell, only to be pushed out by something unseen. Silver let out a confident laugh and said, “I think I can handle it.” He then descended down the stair well, only to be pushed back up as well. As the audience began to laugh again, Silver “angrily” reassured himself, “No one knocks me out of my own ship!” He tried to descend again, only to be thrown up into the air and had to be “saved” by Angel Wings.

Rainbow Dash then turned to the audience and asked, “Hm, maybe one of you can help us.” Soon enough all of the colts and fillies were crying out, hoping she would pick them. Stormy Flare, however, realized that as Rainbow Dash approached the VIP booth, Scootaloo began joining in. “Hm…” Rainbow Dash asked Scootaloo. “You think you could help the Wonderbolts out?” “You bet!” Scootaloo enthusiastically answered. She then climbed onto Rainbow Dash, who proceeded to fly towards the Hawkins.

Flint made his way next to Stormy Flare and nudged her shoulder as he said, “This is gonna be good.” Stormy Flare then noticed that Rainbow Dash had arrived to the ship and allowed Scootaloo to slide off of her back. Silver then asked Rainbow Dash, “You sure she can stop that… that thing?” with comically exaggerated fear. “She should be able to do it.” Rainbow Dash replied. Scootaloo immediately made her way down the stairs, with Silver turning to the audience and said, “Alas poor filly, we hardly knew ye.”

Moments later, a series of cartoonish sound effects, smacks, and an over exaggerated scream rang out from the ship’s hull. The audience gasped in surprise at the implication of what they witnessed. At least, they did until Scootaloo emerged from the bowels of the ship not only unscathed, but holding a small infant alligator. “I think I caught your stow away.” Scootaloo said with a sense of pride and accomplishment. “This little bugger?” Silver said as he reached towards the small reptile, only to be bitten by the toothless reptile. “I think I can take it from here.” Scootaloo said as she pulled the small crocodilian away from Silver, who was starting to “recoil in pain.” As Rainbow Dash grabbed Scootaloo and prepared to take off, Stormy Flare could swear she heard an incredibly loud and energetic voice cry out, “Way to go Gummy!”

As Rainbow Dash returned Scootaloo and Gummy to her place at the VIP section, Angel Whispered something to Silver; something that made the stallion struggle to control his laughter. Soarin then asked, “What is it?” Angel Wings replied, “I was just saying how we could probably break more clouds than you guys.” “Oh really?” Rainbow Dash said as she returned to join the other Wonderbolts. Silver then joined the conversation, “Well, we do have a secret weapon.” Rainbow Dash then shouted to the other Wonderbolts, “Ok guys, how about we give these sea salts a chance to put their money where their mouths are?”

The Wonderbolts then began to fly around the stadium and gather all available clouds. Once they had gathered all of the clouds and formed them into a massive super-cloud above the ship. Silver then shouted out, “Alright boys, raise our altitude and hard to port!” Angel Wings and the other sailors began to loosen the sails as the Hawkins rose in altitude and rotated to its left. As the ship reached a safe position, Silver shouted, “Open fire!” This was followed immediately by four blasts from the cannons. Each cannon fired a cannon ball to the massive cloud, poofing the fluffy ball into oblivion.

As the audience cheered, Silver turned to face Rainbow Dash and said, “Well now you’ve seen what we can do. How about you show us and everyone here what you guys can do?”

The rest of the show went off without a hitch. The Wonderbolts did what they did best, and every now and then the sailors would interact with the team. However, all good things must come to an end, and eventually the Wonderbolts and sailors gave their final bow. But now, it was time for Stormy Flare to perform a very important task, one she hadn’t even planned on.

It was time to see her son.

Wonderbolts’ HQ Atrium

“Angel Wings, you were amazing!” Silver complimented his now official marefriend. “Thanks. I did have a good teacher.” She answered as she rubbed her head against his. The two were approached by Rainbow Dash and her friends. Rarity was the first to speak, “I must say darling, I think I’ve outdone myself. That ensemble works marvels on you.” Silver then playfully complimented, “It really does, but you did’ne have to get this to impress me.” Angel Wings replied, “To be fair, I just figured I should look the part.” Silver then complimented, “Well, it does compliment your beauty.” “Awh, thanks.” Angel Wings replied as she kissed Silver on the cheek. Silver then made everyone laugh when he playfully quipped, “You might need to hold back on that. It’ll make ‘em less valuable.”

Elsewhere in the atrium, Pinkie Pie was chatting with several of the other sailors. “Gummy is super duper happy to have helped you guys.” Nelson was staring at the infant alligator and asked, “I hate to imply anything, but I think something’s off with this crocodile.” Perry then added, “Uh, I think it’s an alligator.” “No, it’s a crocodile.” Nelson insisted. “It’s an alligator!” Perry firmly rebuffed his friend’s insistence. “Crocodile!” “Alligator!” Now both sailors were pressed head to head against each other. “CROCODILE!” “ALLIGATOR!”

Pinkie then immediately jumped in between the two shouting “LIZARD!” Both Nelson and Perry gave each other confused looks before looking back at Pinkie. “Oh, I thought we were arguing over which is the better kind of reptile. But I think all reptiles are pretty cool.” She then began to sniff the air and cried out, “Ooh, cake. Be right back.” Pinkie began to hop away, but not before Nelson and Perry noticed Gummy lick his eyes with a long, forked tongue. “I don’t think that thing is either a crocodile or an alligator.” Nelson said as he and Perry decided to drop the focus on the… whatever Gummy was and just get some food.

At the same time, Applejack was chatting with Wyvern. “Ah bet you an’ Granny Smith would get along like Apple from the same tree.” The country mare complimented the old sea salt. “Why thank you ma’am. You know you remind me of this fellow I met on one of my first voyages.” As the two earth ponies began to chat about Wyvern’s past, Spitfire entered the atrium and made her way towards her brother.

“’Ello sis.” Silver greeted his sister as she walked up to him. “You enjoy the show?” “I did.” Spitfire answered. “Probably the best show we’ve ever done.” She then turned to Rainbow Dash and asked, “So how does it feel to lead the team?” Rainbow Dash enthusiastically responded, “It was kinda stressful, but it was so AWESOME!” she soon found herself receiving odd looks from everyone else. “Heh heh. Sorry.” She apologized as everyone returned to what they were doing.

Vapor Trail and Sky Stinger made their way over to Angel Wings. “So, is it true?” Sky Stinger asked. Angel Wings nodded and answered, “Yes.” She then gave the two a cheeky smile as she continued, “I take it the new outfit didn’t give it away?” “Yeah, I thought you were just playing the part of one of the sailors.” Angel Wings then sighed and answered, “It’s ok guys. Guess I’ve just decided to follow another path.” Vapor Trail then added, “Well, I know I’m going to miss you.” Angel Wings, starting to tear up, replied, “I’ll miss you two as well.” All three pegasi now wrapped each other in a group hug.

“Can I have every-pony’s attention?” Spitfire asked everyone in the atrium. As everyone turned to face her, she continued, “I want to take this opportunity to say a few things.” She then asked, “Angel Wings, would you please step forward?” Angel Wings stepped towards the yellow mare and asked, “Something wrong?” Spitfire sighed and began, “I failed you. I set a horrible example of what a Wonderbolt should be, and you showed me what being a Wonderbolt is all about.” She then motioned to Rainbow Dash, who stepped forward with a thin box. Spitfire took the box and presented it to Angel Wings, “You deserve this more than I do.”

Angel Wings opened the box, and was amazed at what she saw inside she felt her eyes water. It was a Wonderbolts flight suit and jacket. Spitfire continued, “I know this might seem like I’m trying to bribe you back, but I’m not. I want you to know that if you ever decide to, there will always be a spot on the team.” Angel Wings managed to calm herself and said, “Thank you ma’am. I’ll keep your offer in mind.”

As Angel Wings took her “uniform”, Spitfire turned to face her brother. “Silver, I have something else for you.” Silver stepped forward, towards his sister. Spitfire pulled out a small package from her flight suit. “For so long Wind Rider was the pony I looked up to the most.” She began as she struggled to maintain her composure. “For so long that I didn’t realize what kind of pony he was, even at times I should have.” She then took the package and opened it, pulling out a small golden badge. Wind Rider’s badge.

“So when I say that you are the pony who deserves this more than any-pony else, I can’t say that it’s the truth enough.” She then, with “liquid pride” visible to everyone, pinned the badge to Silver’s jacket. Everyone was stunned at the sight of this, none more so than Silver himself. Sure, he and Spitfire had organized this whole special show, he hadn’t planned either Angel Wings’s uniform or this. Spitfire continued, “As far as anyone is concerned, you’re a Wonderbolt.” She then saluted him, and was followed by salutes from Rainbow Dash and the other Wonderbolts, trainees and all.

As Silver started to tear up himself, he could only let out a simple, “Thank you.” He and Spitfire couldn’t contain their emotions any longer and wrapped each other in a large embrace. Everyone in the room couldn’t help but begin applauding the sight before them.

Everyone, except for Stormy Flare.

As Stormy Flare made her way closer towards her former foals, ponies began to slowly stop their clapping. Once the applause was done, Spitfire and Old Silver turned see what had caused the silence, only to be met with the sight of their mother. Stormy Flare could only utter, “Silver?” “Mum?” Silver asked in amazement. He and Spitfire made their way towards their mother, neither saying anything. The anticipation was incredibly palpable. “Mum, I…” Silver began, having difficulty processing the sight before him.

At least he did until Stormy Flare wrapped her hooves and wings around her son. “I’ve missed you so much.” Stormy Flare said as she began to cry. Silver began to cry as well, replying, “I’ve missed you too mum.” The Wonderbolts, Sailors, and other relatives began to quietly depart from the atrium, feeling that it was time Spitfire finally spent Family day with her entire family.

Later that night…

“Who wanted to see me again?” Spitfire asked as Rainbow Dash brought her (suspended) captain to her office. “No-pony in particular.” Rainbow Dash cheekily replied as she opened the door. Spitfire stepped into her office, only to be greeted by the familiar sight of Princess Luna sitting behind her desk. Before she could react, Rainbow Dash closed the door behind her. ‘Figures.’ Spitfire thought to herself.

“Greetings Spitfire.” Luna greeted the Wonderbolt. Spitfire was starting to sweat. The last time she had been in this situation, well, things hadn’t gone too well. “Uh, is everything alright?” Spitfire asked the princess of the night. “Everything is.” Luna replied. “I must say I am very proud of you.” “Thanks.” Spitfire replied. Luna continued, “I may have had some doubts, but you have proven them wrong. I hope you will find your probation a chance to reflect on everything.” Spitfire let out a simple laugh before she asked, “So, any sign of Wind Rider?”

Luna sighed and replied, “No. there wasn’t even any evidence of a body.” This certainly terrified Spitfire. If they couldn’t find any signs of Wind Rider, could that mean that he escaped? “That’s impossible. I saw Silver…” She shuddered as she recalled what her brother had done to save her. “I know.” Luna answered. “My guards are still investigating, but we may have to accept the possibility that, somehow, he may have escaped.”

Spitfire sighed. “Just, how? How could he have done all of this?” Luna replied, “Because it is who he is. This was a darkness that he allowed to consume him years ago. And sadly, there was nothing anyone could have done.” Still, this didn’t sit well with Spitfire. “I wish there was something I could have done.” Luna walked up to Spitfire and reassured the Pegasus mare, “What’s done is done, and there is nothing any of us can do about it.”

Spitfire managed to regain her composure and remarked, “Guess it’s time we followed one of my brother’s lessons.” “Oh?” Luna asked with subtle enthusiasm. “We just move forward with things and don’t look back.” Luna cheekily remarked, “You know, I never knew of a Wonderbolt who was willing to embrace such change before. Then again, I’ve not known the Wonderbolts for as long as my sister.” Spitfire made her way towards the window, took a deep breath, and replied, “Well, seems it’s about time the Wonderbolts changed a few things.”

Cloudsdale Docks, the Next Morning

It was Ironic. The day that Spitfire once wanted to come as quickly as possible was now here, and she didn’t want it to come. She really wanted this day to not come, but that was wishful thinking. Still, Spitfire had one way to make this day at least more bearable for her, and hopefully it would make things just a little more tolerable. As she made her way towards the Hawkins, Spitfire felt butterflies growing in her stomach. But the time had come to do something that she should have done years ago. She just hoped her package wouldn’t give everything away.

Silver hadn’t been lying when he said he would be hiring more ponies. Though hardly as numerous as the Raiders were, Silver had apparently hired a fairly large crew, about twenty if her estimations were close enough. Not only that, but it seemed Silver had used his down payment, or rather his personal savings, to give the Hawkins a good face lift. The ship still had its yellow and black striped markings, but all the damages that had been acquired during the battle with the Raiders’ frigate had now been fixed. Not only that, but from what she could tell, Perry was directing several ponies who were working a crane that was loading a new cannon, probably one of the “breech-loaders” he had been complaining about.

“You alright there?” a vaguely familiar voice asked. Spitfire turned to see a blue pony with a green mane and tail, as well as a beige coat. “Oh, yeah I’m fine.” Spitfire answered. “You’re Skibby, right?” “In the flesh.” The Pegasus replied. “I take it you’re ‘ere to see the Cap’n?” Spitfire nodded as she pulled the box on her back closer to her and answered, “Yeah. I’ve got a going away present for him.” Skibby straightened his coat and replied, “Alright, follow me. I think I know where he is.” He then led spitfire towards the ramp connecting the ship to the docks.

Silver was exactly where Spitfire expected him to be; helping several other sailors (including Angel Wings) carry supply crates down to the lower decks. “’Oi Silver! Your sis is here.” Skibby shouted to get Silver’s attention. As Silver made his way towards the two, he asked, “Ah, Spitfire. What brings you down here?” Spitfire answered, “Well, My probation starts today, and since I was in the neighborhood, I thought I’d see you guys off.” She then presented her package to her brother as she continued, “That and I wanted to give you these.” “What are they Silver?” Angel Wings asked as she made her way towards her colt-friend and former C.O. Silver took the package and opened it, only to be stunned speechless by what he witnessed.

It was a pair of metal prosthetic wings. However, Unlike his previous pair, these wings were accented with soft metal sheets that resembled the feathers on normal wings, and the fingers resembled prehensile feathers. Silver found himself stammering, “H…H….How did you….” Spitfire replied, “Yeah, while you guys were working on the routine, I was working with Princess Luna to have these made for you. They almost cost a small fortune.”

Silver couldn’t help himself as he wrapped Spitfire in a massive hug. “Thank you Spitfire.” Silver said as he struggled to keep his composure. Spitfire managed to squeak out, “You’re welcome.” Silver realized he was crushing his sister and quickly (as well as awkwardly) released her. “So… May I?” He asked as he began to eye his new wings. Spitfire gleefully nodded yes.

Silver didn’t waste any time as he took the left wing and began to align it to his wing stump, only to be duly surprised as the wing slipped on instantly and connected painlessly. Before he could feel anything, he suddenly regained feeling in his prosthetic. “My goodness!” Silver remarked in amazement. He decided to test the new limb, using it to grasp the right wing and try to attach it. He was able to use his new wing to attach it perfectly. It almost felt as if he was whole again.

Then Spitfire glumly said, “Unfortunately, they can’t support flight.” She took a deep breath before continuing, “I tried to find a way for them to support flight, but no matter what I could find, I…” Silver raised a “finger” to her and said, “It doesn’t matter.” The smirk on his face let Spitfire know that he didn’t hold anything against her. He then continued, “Spitfire, I got over not having flight years ago. Besides, I never bought into that pegasi superiority crap.” He then wrapped his sister in another, far softer hug. A hug that Spitfire reciprocated enthusiastically.

However, both ponies heard the sound of a sailor’s whistle. Silver released Spitfire and said, “Sorry sis, but we’ve got to get movin’.” Spitfire replied, “Of course. Don’t let me distract you guys any further.” She then turned to leave, but Silver stopped her and said, “Oi, Next time I’m in town, you and I are gonna have the night of our lives!” Spitfire took to the air and, with the biggest smile she had grown for the last three weeks, happily replied, “You’re on!”

Once Spitfire was off the ship, it began to move. First, the Hawkins began to raise in elevation. Then, with great force, the ship shot forward, only to take a hard right (Or starboard) side, and began to disappear into the distance. Within a few minutes, the ship was gone, and so was its captain. Spitfire couldn’t help but let a few tears slide from her eyes. However, she reassured herself, “I know that this time, he’ll be back. And this time, I’ll be waiting.”

Spitfire then took off for home. After all, there wasn’t much need for her now that she was on probation, was there?

The Hawkins

Silver never expected this day to come so swiftly. And yet, here it was. He was finally and officially, captain of the Hawkins. Still, he did wish Flint was there. The older stallion had decided to bestow Silver the Hawkins, much as Black Watch had done earlier, and take the opportunity to relax. True, most of the gang, being Nelson, Perry, Wyvern, Angel Wings, and even Ishmael and Skibby had decided to tag along. But even with them, it still felt odd without Flint.

“Silver?” Angel Wings asked. “Huh?” Silver answered as he returned to reality. “Sorry, guess I’ve had a bit on my mind.” Angel Wings continued, “Well, I think the others need you right now.” Silver now realized the rest of the crew was looking to him.

Straightening his hat, Silver began to speak, “I know I’m not Flint, but I promise you all I’ll do everythin’ I can to get us to Ornithia and back in one piece.” Wyvern was the first to speak up. “We believe in you lad.” Angel Wings was the next. “All of us.” Nelson then added, “We’d all go to the ends of the world with you.” Perry then began, “Lads, three cheers for CAPTAIN OLD SILVER! Hip hip!” The whole crew continued, “Hoorah!” “Hip hip!” “Hoorah!”

The fire returned to Silver and he called out, “Alright lads, let’s get this girl at full speed! I want full sails!” As the crew hurried to their posts, Silver turned to Perry and ordered, “Mr. Perry, I want you to test those new guns on the heavy clouds in front of us.” However, Angel Wings confidently strutted forward and replied, “I think I can handle that sir.” She then took to the air and flew over to the cloud. Then, much to everyone’s amazement, she managed to land a buck to the clouds weak spot, shattering it instantly. She then returned to the ship and landed, folding her hooves in confidence.

“Wow.” Silver said in amazement. Perry whispered to Silver, “I knew she’d be a keeper.” Silver then continued, “I knew you’d be the right choice for a weather officer.” Angel Wings replied, “Thanks. Anything else Captain?” Silver paused for a moment before he continued, “I need you on the wheel.” “Aye aye Captain.” Angel Wings said as she flew off to relieve the pony behind the ship’s wheel. Wyvern then said, “Sir, you’re turning red.” As the others began to giggle at their captain’s flushing, Silver interrupted their amusement with a stern, “Alright boys, to your posts.”

As the other sailors made their way to their posts, Silver began to look over the ship. His ship. Everything was going perfectly, the wind was in their favor, and there wasn’t a rogue cloud in their way. Smiling, Silver said to himself, “Alright, let’s see what’s at the end of the Horizon.”

Old Silver had a feeling that his greatest adventures were ahead of him.

Author's Note:

And thus, Silver's story comes to a close. I want to thank everyone who came along for the trip. It's been an exiting few months.
I'll still provide a few "behind the scenes" and will go back to fix grammatical errors, but for the most part, the time has come to let Silver and the crew sail off into the sunset.....

For now anyway.

Comments ( 17 )

This was by far the most epic fanfic I've read on this site. I congratulate you on your hard work to make this into an amazing story filled with a great cast if charecters and colorful story telling. I can't wait to see the next adventure for old silver and his crew.

Post launch behind the scenes:
I HATED newbie dash. While I can see what the episode wanted to say, I found the episode to ultimately be a failure in execution. This is why Old Silver doesn’t take any crap from the wonderbolts, especially spitfire. Silver was given his back story and nickname to show he wouldn’t be as passive as Rainbow Dash, and his familiar ties seemed to be a good source of conflict.

Post launch behind the scenes:
The reason Nelson and Perry are former naval officers is to reflect how, despite appearances, the Wonderbolts aren’t military, or despite what some might think, don’t act like it. This is also why Nelson has the skeleton in his closet named Slipshod

Post launch behind the scenes:
Angel Wings was chosen because there wasn’t a lot to her as depicted in her only episode, and I felt the character had a lot of potential. I also wanted to give Spitfire a tangible and looming consequence for her actions. Also, Angel Wings was originally going to be the one who gave the speech about Silver being everything a Wonderbolt should be, but I gave that to Spitfire to show her growth and how she had matured.

To celebrate 500 views......

Post launch behind the scenes; TB was chosen because I wanted a disease that could be easy to identify, even if not explicitly stated. I originally considered malaria, but I didn’t know of a good way to show a symptom without having to explicitly say it’s malaria. With TB, it’s much easier.

That and, I may have been playing through red dead 2 around the time we got to the pit.

Can you tell it’s one of my favorite films?

You are speaking to the young child in me who also loved that movie years ago and the adult who still does.

Also, loved the fic :twilightsmile:

Thank you. I always aim to please

And you have done so spectacularly :pinkiehappy:

Sorry about that. This was my first big story, so I attribute that to both not considering it and thinking the readers would already know she had her cutie mark.

All stories need some form of tension.

Thanks for the advice. I hope I was able to entertain you, at least for a while.

Personally I would have found a story about Spitfire and Old Silver's childhood more interesting. I mean, good themes about the fragility of trust, and great conflict. It's a decent concept

I admit the thought of that never really crossed my mind. At the very least I’ve been toying with the idea of a quick story that relates to the last time Silver and Spitfire met before the this.
Either way thanks for the advice, and I hope I was able to entertain you.

This was fantastic! A really good read. I love how you handled the characters

Thank you. I always aim to please. Who was your favorite character?

This is like the 20th time reading this story 😩 why can’t I get enough?? ITS TOO GOOD

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