• Published 25th Jun 2019
  • 1,303 Views, 79 Comments

Spitfire and Old Silver - The FraudulentBrit

Rainbow Dash and the other Wonderbolts meet Spitfire's estranged older brother

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Awkward Reunion

Spitfire and Old Silver

Part 2: Awkward Reunion.

“Whoa whoa whoa whoa.” Said a surprised Rainbow Dash. “This guy is your brother!?” Spitfire was still standing at the door of the pub, still consumed by the shock of finally seeing her brother after all these years. She could only manage to quietly ask, “Super Marine? Is that you?” “It’s Old Silver, if you could be bothered to remember.” Said a somewhat annoyed Silver. “Or have I finally faded from that thick head of yours?”

Scootaloo, on the other hand, was ecstatic, jumping up and down with excitement. “I can’t believe this. First I’m the one who tells Rainbow Dash’s parents she finally became a Wonderbolt, and now I’m the one who indirectly reunites Spitfire with her long-lost brother! This is the second best day of my life!!” Spitfire, finally snapping out of her surprise, heard the young filly and then coldly said, “He’s not long lost. Stumpy here ran away when we were still kids.”

Old Silver was now starting to turn crimson red, and Rainbow could swear she saw steam leaving his ears, while his face betrayed the fact he was clearly furious about something. Scootaloo broke the deadly silence and asked, “Uh, Silver? Is there a problem?” Still facing Spitfire, he finally said, “I told you to never call me that name ever again.” Spitfire, rolling her eyes as if this were any other day, cockily answered, “Come on, this again? Besides, all of us have embarrassing nicknames.” She pointed to Soarin, saying, “He’s Clipper,” and then pointed to Rainbow, “She’s Crash.” She then pointed to herself, “And I’m…”

Silver grabbed Spitfire’s hoof with one of his mechanical wings, stunning both the other sailors as well as the Wonderbolts, and interrupted, saying, “I’m not a Wonderbolt, in case you haven’t noticed.” Rainbow stepped up, angrily saying, “Hey, what do you think you’re doing to our captain?” Silver then gently let go, dryly responding, “Just trying to clarify an ongoing family argument.” He then faced Spitfire, who was glaring him back. He then continued, “To varying degrees of success.”

Scootaloo then jumped in between the antagonistic siblings, and said, “Wait. Does this mean….” She then pointed to Spitfire. “… You caused….” Then she pointed to Old Silver’s metal wings. “These?” Silver then answered, “That’s just about the size of it.” Rainbow Dash then said, “Ok, I’m confused. Someone please explain to me what in the name of Celestia is going on here?”

At that moment, a new voice came from behind the Wonderbolts. “I think I can explain.” Every pony turned to see it was a large red unicorn with a large black mane and shaggy black beard. Old Silver walked up to Cap’n Flint and said, “Cap’n.” the other pony responded, “I see you’re on best behavior. I can settle everything with these ponies.” Silver then asked, “Are you sure sir?” the Captain answered, “I am. I’ll explain to the Wonderbolts, you keep an eye on the filly. I’d prefer she not hear the nasty parts just yet.”

Old Silver then returned to the group and said, “Cap’n would like to have a word with the Wonderbolts.” Soarin then asked, “What does he want to talk to us about?” Silver then answered, “A wee nasty little tale. He also requested I keep an eye on Scootaloo while he does so.” Scootaloo then spoke up, “What’s going on?” Silver knelt down to her and said, “All good things to those who wait.” As the Wonderbolts exited the pub, Spitfire turned around and jokingly said, “Guess we’ll see you in a bit Stumpy.” It took all of Old Silver’s self control to keep him from striking his sister.

Once the small group was outside, Cap’n flint said, “First of all, I want to say it is an honor to meet the Wonderbolts, as well as the Element of Loyalty herself.” He extended his hoof to Rainbow Dash, and she accepted, shaking it firmly. He then turned to Spitfire, and said, “Secondly, I do wish to apologize if any of my crew offended you in any way.” Spitfire responded, “Yeah.”

Cap’n Flint then continued, “And thirdly I take it you’d like to know the history between your commander and my cook.” Rainbow Dash asked, “Your cook?” Flint responded, “Aye, Silver’s been me cook for almost 15 years now. And a darn fine one at that, but his cooking skills aren’t the reason I called our little ice cream social here.” Soarin then asked, “Yeah, what’s the deal with his wings anyway? I’ve never seen a Pegasus with metal wings before.” Cap’n Flint turned to Spitfire again and asked, “Before I begin, is there anything you want to say Captain?” Spitfire meekly nodded no. The Cap’n then began, “Then our wee story begins just over twenty years ago….”

Twenty-odd years ago.

“Wait up Spitfire!” cried a worn out Super Marine, desparately trying to catch up to his sister, who was climbing ever higher to the heavens above their home in Cloudsdale. “You know I’m not as fast as you.” Young Spitfire responded, “I know. It’s why I’ll be a Wonderbolt someday.” The young filly’s arrogance was shining through, something her brother had learned to cope with since she began flying.

As both were continuing, Spitfire began to perform a few elaborate tricks, contrary to the slow and steady line of her brother. Super Marine had been a late bloomer when it came to flying, and had only managed to become comfortable in the air a few weeks earlier. “Hey, watch this!” cried out Spitfire, who then began to perform several simultaneous aileron rolls. “Oi, stop showing off sis.” Said a now worn out Super Marine.

Spitfire, having regained her balance from the aileron rolls, turned to her brother and said, “If you think that was showing off, you haven’t seen anything yet.” Super Marine asked, “What in the name of Celestia are you talking about? You’ve done nothing but show off since you started flying.” Spitfire was unmoved by her brother’s statement. Sure, she had not only been an early flier, but had already gotten attention for her skill, even getting to spend a day with the legendary Wonderbolt Wind Rider, unaware of her role in his downfall decades later. All of this in contrast to her brother, who hadn’t even found his cutie mark yet, let alone being a late bloomer.

“You’re just jealous.” Teased Spitfire. Super Marine then said, “If you’re as good as you keep saying, I bet you could pull off a Sonic Rainboom.” No pony had ever pulled off a Sonic Rainboom since a time before either of their grandparents were born, and the stunt was now considered a myth. “Oh yeah?” asked Spitfire, now sporting a devilish grin. “Challenge accepted.”

“Wait, what?” asked Super Marine. But before he could do anything else, Spitfire had dashed upwards, leaving her brother to remark, “Always on the move.” Spitfire then stopped at a spot so high above the city, she couldn’t see any pony. “Seems a safe enough distance.” Despite her arrogance, she didn’t want to hurt any pony, as well as give every pony a good view in the event she actually pulled it off. With that, she took a deep breath, and began her descent towards to Cloudsdale.

Super Marine waited patiently for his sister to continue yet another attempt to show how much better she was. As he waited, he remembered the time their mother, Stormy Flare, threw an extravagant birthday party for his sister, while doing nothing for his birthday, as well as criticizing him for not flying as early as his sister. “You’re a Pegasus, so start acting like one!” He remembered her shouting, as if she were trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.

Soon, he heard his mother calling out, “Super Marine, where is your sister?” Super Marine answered, “She’s up there trying to pull off a Sonic Rainboom.” As if on cue, they noticed Spitfire falling straight towards the ground. However, she was losing control, and on a collision course with her mother. “Dear Celestia sweetie, pull up!”

Spitfire, whether by fate or what skill she had, managed to pull up and avoid her mother, but was now on a crash course towards her brother. Super Marine, shocked by the sight, was paralyzed by fear, and too afraid to move when his sister came crashing towards him.

The next day.

Super Marine awoke with a horrible headache and numbness around his wings. “Uh,” he groaned. He could barely see, as a bright light was blinding the young colt. He heard a muffled voice talking to some pony, but he couldn’t make out who it was or what it was saying. Eventually his vision came to, and he could make out where he was.

Super Marine was in a hospital room, and lying on a hospital bed. He could make out that there was an orange pony in a white lab coat, so it wouldn’t take Super Marine three guesses that the pony was a doctor or medical practitioner of some sort. Before he could continue inquiring, he got a rude awakening in the form of the throbbing headache and his vision blurring again. Super Marine had a high pain tolerance (acquired from years of petty fights with his sister) and could probably have tolerated either the headache or blurry vision, but not both.

“Oh my word. You alright little one?” said a stallion’s voice. Super Marine figured it was the doctor. “Except for the bloody headache and the fact I can’t feel my wings, not too bad, all things considered.” Responded the young colt. His vision had finally cleared up, and he could see the doctor was now trying to keep himself from appearing too glum. Super Marine thought to himself, something’s not right. Why can’t I feel my wings?

The doctor took a deep breath, his forced smile finally giving way to a concerned look, and said, “Son, I need you to remain calm when tell you, alright?” his patience running dangerously short, Super Marine said, “Alright, I’ll stay calm. So what’s wrong?” The doctor then very calmly said, “Your sister flew right into them at near supersonic speeds. They were ripped clean off.”

For what seemed like an eternity, Super Marine sat in his hospital bed, completely stunned by what he had been heard. No, no no no no. that can’t be true, can it? Finally mustering enough courage, he turned his head to see his wings. Only instead of his wings, he saw two little stumps where his wings would connect to his body. They simply weren’t there.

“No no no no no!” a now panicking Super Marine shouted as he tried to get up, to see if his wings were being hidden elsewhere, the Doctor called out, “Nurse! Get in here right now!” a nurse unicorn ran into the room, and then began to cast a spell. Oh bloody cuss, Super Marine thought as he noticed her glowing horn. He resigned himself to his fate as he was hit by a sedation spell.

Super Marine awoke a few hours later. His head no longer throbbed and his vision was no longer blurry, but when he reached back to feel his wings, he remembered that they were, simply, no longer there. As he tried to feel around his back, he heard another voice call out, “Sorry honey, they aren’t there.” It was his mother, Stormy Flare.

“Mommy, what happened?” Super Marine asked his mother. Stormy Flare answered, “Well, when Spitfire tried to avoid crashing into me, she ended up flying towards you. You’re lucky she’s a good enough flier to avoid a head on collision.” Suddenly, Super Marine began to grow very angry. “What do you mean, “She’s good enough?” It was her fault in the first place!” he shouted.

“Hey, you do not talk about your sister like that!” responded a very unhappy Stormy Flare. “To me or to any pony. Do you understand me?” Super Marine, glaring at his hooves and refusing to make eye contact, responded, “Yes ma’am.” Super Marine couldn’t believe it. His mother was defending Spitfire after she took his wings. Calming down a bit, Super Marine coldly asked, “Where is she?” “She’s at school. She’ll be here in a few hours.”

The next few hours were full of nothing but silence. Super Marine sat in his hospital bed, occasionally looking back towards the two stumps that had once been part of his wings, and Stormy Flare sitting in a chair reading a book. Then, as the sun began to approach the west, the doctor from earlier entered the room and said, “Ma’am, your daughter is here.” Spitfire then entered the room, being greeted by a warm hug from her mother.

“How was school Sweetie?” Stormy Flare said warmly. “It was great mom. Today we learned about the founding of the Wonderbolts!” said the excited little filly. Super Marine, contrary to his sister, glumly responded, “At least someone is having a good day.” Spitfire then turned to her brother, and asked, “Is it true? About your wings.” Super Marine turned his body to show his two bumps, wiggling them as he replied, “No thanks to you.” He then noticed a nasty glare come from his mother.

“huh, they kinda look like tree stumps.” Responded a playful Spitfire. Super Marine groaned in irritation. First she takes away his wings and then dares to mock him to his face. “they look kinda silly, don’t they stumpy?” “Stumpy?” asked Super Marine, somewhat baffled. “Yeah, Stumpy. On account of your two little stumps.” Answered a gleefully cheeky Spitfire.

For a few moments, Super Marine sat there, calm as the sea on the outside, but inside his fury was boiling. She had called him “Stumpy” after SHE had taken away his wings. The very appendages that made Pegasi special from the other races of ponies. She robbed him of flight, and now here she was, mocking him. Now turning a dark crimson with a nasty fury, and thinking back on years of pent up jealousy, Super Marine slugged his sister in the face.

“Ouch.” Cried a surprised Spitfire, a red bruise now glowing on her left cheek. “What was that for?” Stormy Flare, having hesitated for a moment after hearing the smack, was stunned. “Super Marine! How dare you hit your sister!” Super Marine was now fuming angry, an anger that seemed impossible for any young colt to have. “HOW DARE SHE RIP MY WINGS RIGHT OFF MY BACK!” “It was an accident! Now you apologize to her right now!” Stormy Flare shouted back. Spitfire got up, rubbing her cheek, clearly annoyed. Super Marine looked down on his sister, doing nothing more than coldly glare at her. Stormy Flare then stomped her hoof on the floor, sternly saying, “Now!”

Super Marine turned to face his mother, and then firmly said, “Not until she apologizes first.” Stormy Flare then took a deep breath before replying, “Alright.” She then turned to Spitfire and asked, “Sweetie, is there anything you’d like to say to your brother?” Spitfire then said, “Sorry you don’t have wings anymore stumpy.”

Stumpy. She called him that disgusting name again. And she wasn’t accepting her responsibility. He waited a few more seconds, silently hoping his mother would correct his sister. However, when neither moved, Super Marine finally had an epiphany. Spitfire would get away with it. Like she always did. This made his blood boil hotter than the inside of any volcano.

“Get out.” He said very coldly. “Get out right now.” “Excuse me?” asked Stormy Flare. “You need to apologize for hitting your sister.” Finally reaching the breaking point, Super Marine shouted, “GET OUT RIGHT NOW! I DON’T EVER WANT TO SEE HER STUPID WINGS EVER AGAIN!” A now terrified Spitfire ran out of the room, bumping into the doctor and nurse as they were rushing into the room. Stormy Flare turned to her son and very coldly said, “When we get home, you’re grounded.” She then turned back around and left to find her daughter. Super Marine then quietly said under his breath, “In more ways than one.”

Three Weeks later

“Come on stumpy, we’re gonna be late for the show!” Cried out an energetic Spitfire, trying to get the attention of her apathetic brother. For his part, Super Marine trotted down the stairs, grumbling as he slipped on his coat. “I’m so excited. I can’t believe that the Wonderbolts actually invited us to hang out with them.” Spitfire had won the young flier’s contest two weeks earlier, much to her brother’s bane.

“I told you, stop calling me that!” shouted an incredibly irritated Super Marine. “Sorry, but it’s so much easier than calling you Super Marine.” Super Marine took a deep breath, and coldly responded, “Just shut up.” Stormy Flare then called out, “Come on you two. The Wonderbolts won’t wait forever.” Spitfire sped out the door, but Super Marine slowly stomped out, stamping his feet as if he were making grape juice.

Since Super Marine had had his “accident”, the family had had to purchase a balloon so that Super Marine could even move around Cloudsdale. It hadn’t been cheap, and it made Super Marine feel like a liability, especially when he overheard his mother complaining about the payments for it. As he walked up to the balloon, Stormy flare asked, “You two ready?” Spitfire gave an energetic “You bet!” whilst Super Marine simply sighed and replied, “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

After a few minutes (far too slow for Spitfire), the balloon made its way to the Wonderbolt’s stadium. Super Marine was wistfully looking all around him, watching all the pegasi flying around, some with speed like eagles, others with slower speed. But they were all flying, something he knew he would never be able to do under his own power again. Being surrounded by all the pegasi, seemingly taking their wings for granted made him sick. “Come on Super Marine.” Said Stormy Flare. “I don’t want to lose sight of Spitfire.” “I do.” Super Marine said under his breath. “Listen here mister.” Said a rather irritated Stormy Flare. “I don’t want you having another pity party today. Especially on your sister’s special day. Am I clear?” Super Marine then forced a small smile and replied, “Yes mom.”

Super Marine and his family walked down the hallway, Spitfire totally enamored by everything she saw. Super Marine was not as excited; he just wanted today to be over and done with. As Spitfire stared around, she was greeted by a tall blue stallion in a Wonderbolt’s flight suit. “Good to see you again kid. It’s been a while.” Said the Wonderbolt.

Spitfire was flying around in circles of pure joy. “Oh my gosh. You actually remember me. Wind Rider actually remembers me!” The old Wonderbolt rubbed the young filly’s mane and said, “Of course, we like to keep an eye out for young pegasi with strong potential.” Stormy Flare walked up to Wind Rider and said, “Let me tell you that she has been looking forward to this day for weeks.” Wind Rider responded, “The honor is ours ma’am.”

At that moment, Wind Rider caught a glimpse of Super Marine and asked the young colt, “And what’s your name young colt?” “Super Marine.” The latter replied. “Well, it’s an honor to meet you. I didn’t know Spitfire had a brother.” Super Marine, eyeing his sister, dryly replied, “Gee, I wonder why.” Stormy Flare then scolded her son, “I told you no pity parties, young colt.” She then turned to Wind Rider and said, “Sorry about that. He had an accident a few weeks ago and lost his wings.”

Wind Rider then said, “Sorry about that kid. I’ll see if one of the other Wonderbolts can give you a lift to the VIP booth for the show.” Super Marine, now somewhat confused, asked, “Wait, what do you mean give me a lift?” Wind Rider answered, “Well, the VIP booth is up at the top of the stadium and only pegasi can get up there and…..” Super Marine started to tense up. Was this pony insulting him? “Hey, I am a Pegasus!”

A somewhat miffed Wind Rider then said, “Yeah you kinda need you wings to get there.” Once again, Super Marine was furious, as he needed to now be carried up to the VIP booth like some newborn. Despite feeling angrier than nightmare moon, he managed to keep his anger inside. He turned to his mother and asked, “Mom, you mind if I take a look around here?” Stormy Flare responded, “Alright honey, just be back here in time for the show, ok?” Super Marine replied, “Ok.”

Once he was away from his mom, Spitfire, and Wind Rider, Super Marine began to wail in anger and started punching a pillar. “I AM NOT SOME WORTHLESS PONY YOU STUPID WIND RIDER!” At that moment, a security Pegasus showed up and said, “Excuse me, but if you’re gonna have a meltdown, please take it outside, ok kid?” Super Marine, despite having stinging tears filling his eyes, was able to make out this pony’s uniform; he was probably a Wonderbolt just like Wind Rider. “Stupid Wonderbolts!” he said under his breath as he ran out of the hall.

Super Marine finally made his way to an outdoor hall way, and finally curled up on a bench. This had so far been the second worst day of his life. Forced to attend something with his arrogant sister, backhandedly insulted by a Wonderbolt, and now barely able to contain weeks of pent up anger, he couldn’t contain himself any longer. He began to say to himself, “I hate you Spitfire. I hate your wings, I hate that everything goes your way, I hate your arrogance, and I hate you!”

Suddenly, Super Marine heard an odd sound; singing. “Haul on the bowline, the bully ship’s a rolling.” Sang out a stallion’s voice. Then a small chorus rang out, “Haul on the bowline, the bowline haul.” As Super Marine tried to dry out his eyes, he heard the first voice cry out again, “Haul on the bowline, the old mare is a growling.” The chorus repeated, “Haul on the bowline, the bowline haul.” Super Marine began to trot towards the sound of the singing, now curious as to who would be singing at a place like the Wonderbolts’ stadium.

Eventually, Super Marine found the source of the singing; a group of sky sailors were unloading supplies, most likely for the Wonderbolts. He then caught sight of a red unicorn with a black mane, black stubble, and a black tri corner hat, who sang, “Haul on the bowline, kitty is my darling.” The other sailors continued, “Haul on the bowline, the bowline haul.” Super Marine noticed how they moved the crates and traded them in rhythm to the song, as if the beat kept them in time.

“Well, look who it is.” Said a somewhat familiar voice behind Super Marine. He turned around to see a group of fillies who had been bullying him for years, led by their leader, Semper Fi. “Looks like the rumors are true; Super Marine is now Stumpy Marine.” Said Semper Fi, followed by a very unsettling laugh.

Super Marine had been spared from their bullying since he had his accident, and had to miss a few weeks of school to recover and adjust to his new situation, but clearly he wasn’t shielded by the ironic sanctuary of home. “Come on you jerk, haven’t you got anything else to waste your time on?” said a very irate Super Marine. One of the other pegasi fillies continued, “What’s an earth pony doing all alone in Cloudsdale?” Now even the bullies were implying he wasn’t a true Pegasus anymore.

“Cut it out!” Super Marine shouted, though it seemed his efforts fell on deaf ears. “Awh is the little chicken crying?” said Semper Fi, cruelty oozing out of every syllable. “Wait, you aren’t a chicken.” He continued. “At least chickens have wings.” Now all the bullies were laughing, and Super Marine now found himself crying again. He tried to turn around, only to find the group of bullies had him encircled, and since he couldn’t fly, his escape had been cut off. “Not a real Pegasus, not a real Pegasus.” They said mockingly. Super Marine, now feeling worse than any point in the last month, curled up into a ball, tears flooding out of eyes like a garden hose, began to think to himself, ‘maybe I really am some worthless runt.’ It hadn’t even occurred to him that the sailor’s singing had stopped for well over a minute.

“Oi, what do you think you’re doing to him you little pricks?” shouted a somewhat familiar voice. Super Marine and the bullies looked to see the red unicorn was marching over to the group, his eyes clearly giving his anger away. “Uh, we were just playing sir.” said a very nervous Semper Fi. The red unicorn looked him dead in the eyes and very coldly said, “You listen to me lad. I see you bullying this kid again, I swear I’ll kick all your sorry flanks all the way to the moon. Am I clear?” Semper Fi meekly nodded. “NOW CLEAR OFF YOU LITTLE BUGGERS!” the gang of bullies ran off back into the stadium, as if they were being chased by rabid timber wolves.

The red unicorn walked up to Super Marine, who was still sitting on the ground, tears now gently streaming out of his eyes. “You alright there lad?” asked the unicorn. Another thought now ran through Super Marine’s mind. This stallion had helped him, a “worthless runt” whom he didn’t even know. This was enough to compel Super Marine to launch himself into the unicorn’s chest, hugging him as if for dear life. “Thank you mister.” He said to the unicorn, his tears flowing openly once again. The unicorn, though put off for a moment, surprised the young colt by hugging him back, gently saying, “It’s all right lad, it’s all right.”

After what seemed like an eternity, (but really about ten minutes), Super Marine regained his composure and said, “Thank you sir. Guess I needed that.” The red unicorn then said, “Trust me lad, if there’s one kind of pony I can’t stand, it’s a bully.” He then asked the young colt, “If you don’t mind me askin’, what were they picking on you for anyway?” Super Marine took a deep breath, and responded, “They were mocking the fact I lost my wings.” The unicorn took a deep breath and then said, “Oi. I am sorry about that.” “Thanks, but that doesn’t change much.” Super Marine glumly.

The red unicorn then said, “Yeah, I kinda figured. But how ‘bout I go buy you a soda?” “Huh?” asked a confused Super Marine. “Aye.” Said the red unicorn. “I’ve always found the best way to help smooth out a bad day is nice soda. Doesn’t change what happened, but helps keep you pepped up to deal with it later.” “Well, I do kinda like soda.” Said a somewhat intrigued Super Marine. “And I am kinda thirsty.” The red unicorn then placed a hoof on his shoulder and warmly said, “Come on lad, let’s get you a drink.”

A few minutes later, Super Marine and the red unicorn were sitting in the concourse, sipping bottles of cola and ginger ale respectively. The unicorn then asked, “What’s your name kid?” “Super Marine.” Replied the young colt. The unicorn then replied, “Name’s Flint. Sorry those jerks were picking on you.” He then asked, “So, if you don’t mind me askin’, what happened to your wings anyway?” Super Marine then guiltily looked over his back to the now vestigial remnants of his wings, hoping the stallion wouldn’t ask. However, he also felt a warmth from this mystery pony. Maybe it was from him buying him a soda, but he also remembered him chasing off those bullies. Mustering enough courage, Super Marine said, “My sister….” He found himself saying that part with enough venom to make even a cobra ill. “…. Crashed into me and ripped them right off.”

For a moment, Flint sat there, unsure of what to say, until he finally answered, “Wow. Did she ever apologize?” Super Marine sat there for a minute, then answered, “Nope, she hasn’t.” Flint was shocked by this, and then said, “Wow, she must be a real jerk.” Super Marine then started to lose his temper again. “And the worst part is she calls me stumpy!” Flint then said, “I swear if I ever find that little bilge rat I’ll……..”

“Super Marine! Where have you been?!” Super Marine and Flint heard a voice shouting. They turned around to see Stormy Flare, Spitfire, and Wind Rider. “You’d better have a good explanation as to why you missed the show right now!” Super Marine was had gotten out of the chair and was backing down in fear. “Missed the show?” he asked, genuinely curious. Spitfire then stepped forward and said, “Yeah, you missed the entire show. You should have seen it, it was awesome!”

“Excuse me ma’am, but I take you are Super Marine’s mother?” “Yes, my name is Stormy Flare.” The red unicorn extended his hoof and said, “Flint.” “Where was he?” asked Stormy Flare. Flint answered, “Poor lad here was getting picked on by a nasty group of bilge rats.”

Wind Rider then spoke up. “Hey, aren’t you one of those sailors delivering supplies?” Flint answered, “Aye, turns out you jokers seem to tolerate bullying on your grounds.” A somewhat insulted Wind Rider asked, “What do you mean?” Flint then wrapped his hoof around Super Marine and said, “Because I found this young lad being bullied by a group of colts.” “What?” the Wonderbolt asked. “That’s a shame.” Flint was starting to glow crimson in anger. “”A shame?” this young lad was reduced to a shivering wreck because a group of kids were saying he wasn’t a real Pegasus!”

“But Stumpy here can’t fly, so I guess that makes him an earth pony now.” Said Spitfire, completely oblivious to how insulting what she just said was. Super Marine was now getting angry himself. “I told you not to call me that! My name is not Stumpy!” he found himself shouting. Stormy Flare couldn’t help but get frustrated and called out, “That is it! We are going home right now!” She draped her wings around Super Marine and Spitfire, trying to guide them to the exit.

However, Super Marine managed to wrestle his way out, and ran back to Flint, hugging the sailor again. “Thank you Mr. Flint. For everything.” Flint hugged the colt back and said, “You’re welcome lad. I do hope we can meet again.” Super Marine then began smiling. “Really?” “Of course lad.” Said the sailor, taking his tri corner hat and placing it on the young colt’s head. “How else am I gonna get me hat back?” he said whilst winking to Super Marine. The two gave each other a final quick hug as Flint got up and left, telling the young colt, “Stay strong lad.”

Three Months Later.

Super Marine couldn’t take it anymore. The last few months had become a living nightmare. Once he returned to school, Semper Fi and his friends continued their bullying, even roughing him up a few times. Just as his sister had done, they adopted the insulting name “Stumpy,” something that really grinded his gears. Finally, after two months of it, he snapped and got into a very nasty fight with Semper Fi. Though both would walk away with only scratches and a few cuts, Super Marine was suspended from school, as well as ostracized from what few friends he had left.

And his family was no help either. “I can’t believe it! You got Suspended?! What am I going to do with you?! Shouted Stormy Flare, not knowing what to do with her son. “You can’t fly, you don’t have a cutie mark, and now you’ve been suspended. I can’t even begin to describe how disappointed I am with you.” Those words stung Super Marine like a sting ray. And Spitfire was getting worse. Super Marine couldn’t help but feel jealous of her flying skills, something he knew he would never have. The fact that everything had gone her way and her still calling him that cursed nickname made his blood boil.

So there he was, a wingless Pegasus trapped at home because he couldn’t go anywhere else, suspended from school, alienated from his family, and all in all, feeling as if he didn’t belong.

And yet, for perhaps the first time in his life, Super Marine had finally found his calling. After that chance encounter with Flint, Super Marine decided that he wanted to be a sailor. Ever since they had gotten home from that Wonderbolts show, Super Marine began reading everything he could about them, such as the kinds of ships they used, how they stayed in the air through magic, propellers, and occasionally airbags.

But that wasn’t all he’d learned. Super Marine devoured books ranging from famous sailors such as Old Stormalong and Captain Ironsides to more mundane elements of sailor life such as what kinds of chores they do to keep their ships functioning. He practiced all the knots and rope tricks he found that sailors used and familiarized himself with every part of a basic ship’s anatomy. Heck, he had even “practiced sailing” the family’s balloon, much to his mother’s chargin.

Yet no matter how much he continued his calling, Stormy Flare and especially Spitfire did not find his newfound calling in life to be a good choice. If it wasn’t Spitfire calling sailors “nothing but smelly, loud, and obnoxious dunces” as well as referring to him as “Stumpy” yet again, it was his mother complaining how they were “Lowlife scum who slave all day and spend all their money as soon as they get it.” Super Marine found the latter remark particularly insulting. “Well at least they treated me like I matter, unlike you and Spitfire.” “That was just that one unicorn, and how dare you say that about me and your sister.” Super Marine still couldn’t get that final conversation out of his head. “Then how come I felt happier with him than I have ever since Spitfire took my wings away?” Needless to say, Super Marine had been sent to his room shortly after.

Sitting in a chair in his room, the little wingless Pegasus stared out of his room, noticing that a thunderstorm was coming. He’d heard his mom say how the area currently underneath Cloudsdale was due for a doozie. Then, an idea came into his head. Super Marine peaked outside, and to his joyous surprise, the balloon was parked right outside, as if it were begging him to take it. Of course, he thought about what would happen if the balloon crashed, but another thought quickly replaced it, ‘what do I really have to keep me here?’

Having made his mind up rather quickly, Super Marine quickly packed a simple bag of bare necessities, grabbed a leather coat, and prepared to leave his room. Before he did though, he grabbed what had now become his most prized possession, the black hat Flint had given him. It may have been a bit too big for him, but Super Marine felt that the hat had become a part of him. Placing the hat on top of his head, Super Marine then bolted down towards the kitchen, grabbing a few bottles of water, made a few sandwiches, placed them in small bags, placed them and the water in his bag, and bolted out the door to the balloon. Super Marine knew exactly what he was doing, he was running away. He wasn’t going to stand being stuck with Spitfire and his mom anymore.

However, as he made his way to the balloon, he heard a very familiar voice behind him. “What are you doing Stumpy?” Said Spitfire, who was landing after practicing her flying with her friends. Being overcome with confidence he hadn’t felt in his entire life, Super Marine, while placing his pack in the balloon, said, “I’m leaving.” Spitfire was taken back a bit, and asked, “Leaving? Where are you going?” Super Marine then replied, “Anywhere but here.”

At that moment, Spitfire asked, “What do you mean by that Stumpy?” Super Marine once again began to glow red in anger, and answered, “One, I’m tired of you and mom treating me like I’m less than you. Two, I’m gonna be a sailor, wether you like it or not, and three,….” Super Marine took a deep breath, before shouting at the top of his lungs, “MY NAME IS NOT STUMPY!!” Spitfire was taken aback by this last statement, both the tone and his message. “Hey, you can’t talk to me like that!”

For a moment, both fillies stood there, but eventually Super Marine said, “You know what, you aren’t worth it.” He was about to set hoof in the balloon, he heard Spitfire coldly asked, “Are you really gonna run away. Wind Rider says that’s really cowardly.” Super Marine just said, “Well, I’m not Wind Rider, and I’m not you. In fact, I don’t ever want to see you again.” Now it seemed he finally got through to Spitfire, who asked, “What has gotten into you Stumpy?” She called him that cursed name again. Finally having had enough, Super Marine pushed Spitfire away and shouted, “I HATE YOU. AND I NEVER WANNA SEE YOU AGAIN!”

With that, Super Marine hopped into the balloon, and set off for wherever the wind took him. He actually found himself smiling a little when he heard Spitfire shout, “I’ll tell Mom you took the balloon!”

Within twenty minutes though, any confidence Super Marine had was replaced with fear. He had made the foolish choice of flying right into the storm, and now the balloon was being thrown all over the sky. Super Marine held on to one of the sides of the balloon, but still felt being thrashed around as if he were some sort of ragdoll. ‘Is this it?’ Super Marine thought to himself. Would he actually die up here?

Just as he thought that, Super Marine saw a series of lights through the dark clouds. Not hesitating, the young colt managed to steer his balloon towards the light. Then, he could feel the balloon hit something hard, and he was thrown out of the balloon and knocked out cold.

As Super Marine began to regain his consciousness, he heard a number of surprised voices. “What the devil?” asked one. “Is that a colt?” asked another. Opening his eyes, Super Marine found himself on a ship’s deck, and being stared at by several pony sailors. Before the young colt could say anything, he heard a familiar voice call out from behind the small crowd. “What’s going on?” As he raised his head to confirm his suspicions, he was both surprised and overjoyed to see Flint, his beard now more pronounced and sporting a black vest and a new black bi-corn hat. “Flint!” Cried out the young colt as he ran up to the older unicorn, leaping onto him in with a huge hug.

“Oi, kid, what in Celestia’s name are you doing up here?” Asked the older unicorn, his face showing a mix of concern and anger. Super Marine found himself starting to cower back when he heard another voice shout out, “What’s all this then?” Every pony turned to see a dark blue earth pony stallion with a bright scarlet mane and tale wearing a glengarry approaching from the ship’s cabin. The new pony walked up to the young colt, and very bluntly asked, “Alright lad, what’s your name?”

“Uh…, it’s a….. Ol’…..” Super Marine found himself nervously Stammering. “Old what?” asked the blue stallion. At this moment, Super Marine realized that this was probably his best chance to move on from Spitfire for good. Quickly glancing around, He noticed a silver badge on the blue stallion’s Glengarry, and quickly answered, “Silver. It’s Old Silver.” The Blue Stallion, as well as a somewhat nervous Flint, stood there on the soaked deck before the Blue Stallion called out, “Mr. Flint!” “Aye Cap’n?” Flint answered immediately, standing at attention. The Blue Stallion then cooly said, “Take young Mr. Silver to the galley, dry him off, and find him something to keep him busy. We’re already behind Schedule as it is.” With that, The Blue Stallion shouted, “Alright boys, no more lollygagging. Back to work!” As the Blue Stallion trotted back to the cabin, Flint turned to the young colt and said, “Alright now Old Silver, head down to the galley.” With that, Super Marine, no, Old Silver did as he was told and made for the ship’s galley.

Once he was down in the galley, the newly christened Old Silver sat himself down on one of the benches, enthusiastically waiting for Flint to come and give him his first orders. Flint came down, and Silver could tell from the look on his face that he was very unhappy. Silver nervously asked, “Uh, Flint? Is something wrong?” Flint then started angrily shouting, “Something Wrong!? How about you explain to me what are you doing all the way out here, sailing that balloon in the middle of a storm!? YOU COULD’VE GOTTEN YOURSELF KILLED!”

This outburst hit the young Silver hard. Flint then took a deep breath and much more quietly, but still certainly angry, asked, “You’re running away aren’t you?” Silver couldn’t take it anymore, and his eyes began to leak bleed tears. ‘Great going’ he chastised himself in his head. ‘Not only did you ruin everything with your family, but now with Flint. You’ve screwed everything up you idiot!’

As Silver continued his crying, he suddenly felt something on his back. He looked up to see Flint had sat down next to him and wrapped a hoof around the young colt and asked, “How bad did it get with ‘em?” Silver, managing to calm his breathing, answered, “I got suspended from school because I stood up to the bullies picking on me, mom called me a disappointment, and Spitfire kept insulting me and calling me that stupid name.” Flint then asked, “So you got in fights and found yourself at the bottom of the pecking order with no way to advance?” “Yeah. I think.” Answered a somewhat confused Silver.

With that, Flint got up and walked to a corner and used his magic to pull out a mop and a bucked with soapy water. “Alright lad.” Said the older unicorn. “You take Mr. Mop and Mrs. Bucket and mop up the galley floor here whilst I whip us up some cocoa.” Any other filly or colt would be very unhappy to be ordered to perform such a menial task. But for Old Silver, he simply grabbed the bucket and mop and happily remarked, “Aye sir.”

Flint then called out, “By the way, I see you got your cutie mark. Looks impressive.” Confused, Silver turned around to face his rear, and flipped the side of his jacked to see, lo and behold, a brand new cutie mark of a sail being pushed forward by the wind. Silver knew what it meant; his newfound and true love of sailing and his willingness to push forward, never looking back.

So there stood Old Silver, a wingless Pegasus mopping up the floor of the galley of some trade ship. A colt having forsaken his old name and old life. And nowhere in all of Equestria could any pony find any pony happier.

“Wow.” Said a stunned Rainbow Dash. She and the rest of the Wonderbolts stood speechless in front of the Squid’s Claw, taking in the truth of the pony who had helped save Scootaloo’s life and been revealed to be her captain’s elder brother. She turned to see Soarin was now angrily staring at Spitfire. “Aye.” Said Flint, having taken his hat off and brushed away some sweat from his brow (due to standing right under the sun for Celestia knows how long. Surprise spoke up, “Wait, why didn’t you just take him back if you were so close to Cloudsdale?” Flint answered, “If we had made port late we might not have gotten paid. Besides,..” he said as he motioned to Spitfire. “I think the lad needed some time away to think.” Now Rainbow found herself glaring at her captain. How could someone she looked up to like Spitfire have been so much of a bully?

“Well,..” started Flint. “I think I’ve kept you distracted long enough. I’ll go get Silver and Scootaloo and we can all be on our way.” He then entered the Squid’s Claw and disappeared from sight. As soon as he was gone, Soarin angrily asked, “You have any other siblings you haven’t told us about?” “Huh?” asked a somewhat surprised Spitfire. “Yeah.” Replied the furious stallion. “how come we never heard of him before?” Fleetfoot was the next to speak up! “Yeah, I introduced you to my parents. Even Crash brought her parents along.” She said, before looking over to Rainbow Dash and sheepishly continuing, “Uh, eventually.” Blaze was next. “Sheesh. I thought we were supposed to be transparent with each other.”

Rainbow Dash was the final to address her captain. “And is it true?” “Is what true Crash?” replied Spitfire, her voice betraying her anger and discomfort. Rainbow answered, “His wings. Did you really cause the accident that took Silver’s wings?” Spitfire now found her teammates glaring at her, as if they didn’t even know what to do with her. “What? It was years ago. Besides, looks like Stumpy got over it decently well.”

“It’s ‘cause I bloody had to you jerk.” Called out Old Silver’s voice. The Wonderbolts turned around to see Silver, Flint, and Scootaloo exiting the Squid’s Claw, and it was clear that Scootaloo was unhappy about something. Flint spoke up, “Seems we had a slight problem everyone.” Rainbow asked, “What do you mean?” Before either of the sailor ponies could speak up, Scootaloo very bluntly said, “Silver told me everything.” Flint, somewhat glaring at Silver, added, “Despite me expressly ordering him not to.” Silver simply shrugged his metal wings. Scootaloo walked up to Rainbow Dash and asked, “Can we go now?” “Sure thing Squirt.” She picked up the filly and said, “Flint, Silver, thanks again. I think Scoots here needs some rest.” With that, Rainbow Dash flew off towards the hotel the Wonderbolts had decided to stay at.

As the other Wonderbolts flew as well, Spitfire found herself stopped when Silver called out, “Oi, Sis!” As she turned around, she saw her brother come forward and say, “So you really haven’t told them about me? Guess you really don’t think that much of me after all.” Spitfire just glared and said, “Save it Stumpy.” Silver’s smirk faded into a furious frown as he angrily whispered, “Shove off.” The mare simply flew off, not even looking back, just as Silver expected. As Spitfire faded out of sight, Flint walked up and said, “You know I’ll be docking some of your next pay for disregarding my orders.” Silver simply answered, “I know sir.” “Why did you tell her?” inquired the captain. Silver simply replied, “Because she asked. Besides, it kinda felt good to talk about it again.” Flint just shook his head and let out a soft laugh, and soon both stallions returned to the pub to rejoin their crewmates.

Author's Note:

Next Time; The map calls, and the animosity truly begins.