• Published 25th Jun 2019
  • 1,304 Views, 79 Comments

Spitfire and Old Silver - The FraudulentBrit

Rainbow Dash and the other Wonderbolts meet Spitfire's estranged older brother

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The Raiders Strike

Spitfire and Old Silver

Part 5; the Raiders Strike

“Take ‘em!” Cutthroat barked to his gang. Within a few moments, Somers and Snipe Hunt had charged forward, with the latter taking a large club and smacking Perry across the head, knocking him to the ground. Another Raider, a red unicorn with a blond mane and beard, charged straight to Old Silver, only to be met with a hoof to the jaw.

Cutthroat himself waltzed forward, approaching Wyvern, only to use his own club to uppercut the old earth pony. Wyvern was sent backwards onto the grass, his nose bleeding from the blow. Silver dashed over to the elderly earth pony, only to be reacquainted with a certain Pegasus. “Hey there Stumpy.” Somers said, venom dripping from his sinister smile. He then pulled out his very large knife, leaving little room for imagination as to what he planned to do with it. “I’ve waited a long time for this.” The dastardly Pegasus said as he jabbed his knife forward. Silver figured the best way to deal with this snake was to use his wings to…. Then he remembered his scuffle with his sister.

Somers made a swipe against Silver, managing to leave a shallow but long scratch. Silver groaned in pain, but he knew he couldn’t afford to show any sign of weakness. After all, a bully’s favorite prey is weak ponies. Silver tried to place himself between Somers and Wyvern, but before he could, he felt some pony’s magic grab him by the mane and pull him back. He got a glimpse of Cutthroat, his horn glowing, before another of the raiders smacking him in the face.

Rainbow Dash was horrified with what she saw. On one hoof, she couldn’t just let Silver and his friends get beaten, but she knew she had to keep Scootaloo safe. “Scoots.” Rainbow said to her pseudo sister. She then grabbed her and quietly but firmly ordered, “Stay quiet.” Scootaloo silently nodded and wrapped her hooves tightly around Rainbow’s neck. Rainbow began to tiptoe towards the kitchen, hoping that the back door was out of the Raider’s sight.

As she continued, she heard a certain stallion’s voice. “What the hay is going on?” Soarin asked as he, Surprise, and Angel Wings walked in through the back door. “Yeah.” Angel Wings asked. “We heard shouting and thought something….” Rainbow Dash tried to silently communicate the trouble, only for Surprise to walk over to the window. “Hey, what are those guys Spitfire hired doing?”

She didn’t have long to wait. Cutthroat, having noticed Surprise in the window, barked, “There’s someone over there!” “I’ll take care of ‘em” Somers said as he knocked Old Silver down to the ground with a back-winged slap. Somers and several Raiders managed to move themselves out of the brawl and began to make their way to the mess hall.

Rainbow Dash pulled Surprise away from the window, but her heart sank when she heard Somers call out, “I saw Crashy over in the mess hall. Let’s go get her.” Rainbow Dash turned to Soarin and said, “Those guys are called the Raiders. They just started beating Silver and his friends.” Soarin asked, “Are you sure?” As he said this, Somers bashed the door down, the malicious expression on his face leaving little to imagine what he was planning to do. He turned to Rainbow Dash and coldly said, “I want the kid.” “You’ll have to go threw us.” Soarin said defiantly, with him, Surprise, and Angel Wings placing themselves between Somers and Rainbow Dash Scootaloo. “I wasn’t asking.” Somers replied, three Raiders walking up from behind him.

For a few moments, no pony moved. Then, Somers and the other Raiders charged forward. Soarin managed to hold his own against Somers, but Surprise and Angel Wings were pushed back, with Angel Wings getting a black eye from a blow to her face from a club. “Angel Wings!” Rainbow Dash shouted. As she began to charge towards the Raiders, Soarin shouted, “No! Get Scootaloo out of here!” Rainbow managed snap out of her adrenaline rush, and dashed out of the mess hall. Once she was gone, Soarin turned to Somers and said, “Alright. Let me show you how we do this in the Wonderbolts.”

Outside, the situation had gotten worse for Silver and his friends. Both Perry and Wyvern were now out cold, leaving Silver and Nelson alone against nearly twenty armed thugs. “Silver, I have a bad feeling about this.” Nelson cried out as he managed to land another blow against one of the Raiders. “What else is new?” Silver replied, only to have Cutthroat grab him with his magic again and begin to throw him straight down towards the ground. “You know I love this part of my job.” Cutthroat said, venom dripping from his mouth as he said this. Nelson managed to slug Cutthroat, breaking his connection to Silver, only to find himself being pulled back by two Raider earth ponies. Cutthroat then walked over to the restrained sailor, and said, “This is gonna be fun.”

Cutthroat then used his magic to undo the straps attaching Nelson’s prosthetic limb to his body, and then yanked it off the old sailor. Silver could only watch in horror as the sadistic unicorn took the fake limb and smacked it over Nelson’s head, shattering the prosthetic. Silver tried to charge towards Cutthroat, only to feel something heavy smack on his back. Silver looked up to see Cutthroat looking down on him, a horrible smile stretched across his face. “You won’t get away with this you rat.” Silver said weakly. Cutthroat, however, knelt down to the sailor and cheekily answered, “I already have boy.” Silver couldn’t do much else as Cutthroat and the other Raiders began to punch, kick, and beat the living tar out of him.

The Locker Room.

Spitfire stood in the locker room, still trying to comprehend what had just happened. On one hoof, she wondered if what had gone on was some kind of dream, or rather a nightmare. But she knew it wasn’t a bad dream; it was an awful, awful reality. Rainbow Dash had stood up to her and gotten a six month probation. Soarin defended her and took the probation as well. Those other sailors had insulted her. Heck the old one had even called her a…. she shuddered as she remembered that word.

And then there was Old Silver. The argument, the shouting, she couldn’t get it out of her head. Then she remembered the moment she ripped his wings off. After all, he could always reattach them, right? However, that thought bled into the memory of her brother threatening to kill her, and them tussling on the floor of the locker room. Maybe she had been a bit harsh, but she didn’t feel as if she had done anything too harsh.

Spitfire was taken out of her train of thought when she heard someone barge into the locker room and immediately slam the door shut. She turned around to see Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo, the latter wrapped around the rainbow mained mare, shuddering with fear. “What’s going on Crash?” Asked Spitfire. Rainbow Dash, worn out and furious with her captain, shouted, “Those jerks you hired are storming the base. They’re beating up everyone and they’re coming after Scootaloo!” “Are you sure?” Spitfire asked, unable to comprehend what she heard.

“They went this way!” Spitfire and Rainbow Dash heard Somers bark out as hoof steps were heard running towards them. “We gotta get out of here!” Rainbow Dash said, her voice consumed by fear.

Spitfire cracked her wings, remarking, “I bet I can take these guys on.” However, as Somers and his thugs charged through the door, with Somers sporting his knife while his men wielding clubs, Spitfire (Still wearing a cocky smile) let out, “Maybe not.”

“Hand the kid over!” Somers demanded to Rainbow Dash. “Over my dead body” She replied, taking a defiant stance. Spitfire stood motionless, unable to comprehend what she was witnessing. Somers began to circle Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, and Spitfire, his face bearing an unreadable expression. But after a few moments, Somers, a wicked smile growing on his face, growled, “Just the way I like it.” He then swiftly charged forward towards Rainbow Dash, only to receive a back-winged smack to his face.

Rainbow Dash suddenly felt a sharp pain in her wing. It was at this moment that she saw a small amount of blood on Somers’s knife. She quickly glanced at the wing she slapped him with, and was horrified to see a small but clearly bleeding cut. Spitfire tried to charge towards Somers, only to receive a club to the face by one of the Raiders.

Somers charged towards Rainbow Dash again, this time managing momentarily to grab hold of Scootaloo before Spitfire leaped on top of him, pulling him away. Scootaloo ran back to Rainbow Dash, who dashed towards the doorway, kicking one of the Raiders on the way. Spitfire followed, and as soon as she was out of the locker room, she slammed the door shut, pulled a key out of her jacket pocket, and locking the door. “That should slow them down.” Spitfire said, letting out a sigh of relief.

Rainbow Dash groaned in pain, the cut on her wing stinging even more. She turned to Spitfire, unsure if she really trusted her enough anymore. However, she then she glanced behind her, seeing Scootaloo, who was quivering with fear. Taking a very deep breath, Rainbow turned to face Spitfire and said, “Ma’am, right now I wouldn’t even trust you tell a bedtime story, let alone the truth about anything.” Spitfire gave Rainbow Dash a nasty scowl, clearly unhappy at being insulted by the cyan mare. “However….,” Rainbow continued. “I don’t think I can fly safely with this cut.” She stretched out her wing, the cut continuing to bleed, though also starting to scab up a little bit.

“What do you need Crash?” Spitfire asked. Rainbow Dash’s face began to glow a light shade of crimson. “Get Scootaloo out of here.” Rainbow Dash said, a determination Spitfire had never seen on her face before. “Get to Cloudsdale, Ponyville, Canterlot, anywhere but here!” Rainbow Dash turned to Scootaloo and said, “Spitfire is gonna get you out of here. You’re gonna be just fine.” “You Promise?” Scootaloo asked, her eyes starting to water up. Rainbow Dash hesitated for a moment, before she turned to Spitfire, and ordered, “Promise her!” Spitfire walked over to Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash and said, “I promise.”

Rainbow Dash then gave Scootaloo one last hug before placing the filly on Spitfire’s back. “Get moving. I can hold these fellas off.” Spitfire nodded in affirmation before she began to head out of the building. Just as she left, the door to the locker room blasted open. Somers charged out, shouting, “Where’s the kid?” Rainbow Dash glared at the thug and defiantly responded, “Out of your reach you monster!” Somers let out a chilling giggle and simply said, “Guess I’ll just have to go through you first.” Rainbow Dash and Somers charged at each other, knowing that Scootaloo was at stake.

Outside the Compound

Spitfire felt as if she had fallen from the frying pan straight into the fire. There was now a large airship floating above the base. However, this ship wasn’t the Hawkins. It was a three masted brig, with propellers and engines. However, this ship possessed a dark red hull, and the sails were a tattered black, and the flag at the top of the mast was a black square with a golden horn placed right in the center. This horn was the same one Somers and the other Raiders were wearing on their uniforms.

Spitfire was so horrified by the sight of this massive vessel that she barely had time to react to one of the Raiders. It was a large gray earth pony in the same blue shirt as the other raiders, as well as a blue kepi and an orange neckerchief. “Where do you think you’re going?” the earth pony asked. Spitfire, knowing she had a passenger on her, shot straight up into the air, managing to avoid the earth pony’s attempt to leap on her. As she soared higher, she heard the earth pony call out, “Spitfire has the kid!”

Cutthroat, having taken a brief moment to regain his breath after dealing with Silver, heard his subordinate call out. “Alright boys,” Cutthroat said to his henchmen. “Five hundred bits to the one who gets that filly!” Spitfire knew that they wouldn’t stop until they had Scootaloo. As several pegasi Raiders began to take to the air towards Spitfire, the Wonderbolt managed to evade the flying thugs. Most of the Raiders couldn’t even get close to her, with those who could receiving a buck to the face, chest, or wings.

Suddenly, Spitfire felt a massive whack to her chest. She found that an orange Pegasus had smacked her in the chest with a club. The Pegasus remarked, “You look tired.” He then tried to reach for Scootaloo, only to receive a hoof to the jaw from Spitfire. Though she managed to drive Snipe hunt away, she was horrified to hear Scootaloo screaming.

Turning around, she found Scootaloo being pulled away by a light brown hue of magic. Before she could react, Spitfire felt some pony landing on her, forcing her onto the ground. “Well well well.” Cutthroat said gleefully, standing over Spitfire. He then turned over to one of his men, the gray earth pony from earlier, who was now holding Scootaloo in his front hooves. “I have to thank you for this little get together.” Cutthroat continued. As Spitfire began to rise to her hooves, Cutthroat used his magic to take a club and, in one quick motion, uppercut Spitfire. “If it weren’t for you trying to get rid of your brother, then there’s no way we would be here.”

That line confused Spitfire a bit. She hadn’t told him about Silver. But she didn’t have too long to contemplate what she heard, because Cutthroat charged her, and began to pummel her face. After a few punches, he stood up, and said, “The boss wants you to see what happens next.” The boss? Were these crooks working for someone else? Cutthroat then stood tall and proud, a front hoof pinning Spitfire to the ground, and shouted, “Get everything they got boys!” The other Raiders began to run off towards the buildings of the base, with Cutthroat bending down and pulling several pieces of rope, and began to tie Spitfire’s limbs together. “Don’t take it personally. Just can’t have you get in our way.” Spitfire couldn’t ponder what he said anymore as she received a massive blow to the back of her head.

Rainbow Dash had managed to escape from Somers and his goons, only to come across the massive brig now hovering over the academy. “What the?” She found herself saying to no pony in particular. Quickly glancing all around her, Rainbow managed to notice several of the Raiders standing over some pony, each taking turns to kick whoever it was. Though her wing still hurt like Tartarus, and she had a few new scratches and bruises all over her body, she knew what she had to do. After all, with Scootaloo off the base by now, she didn’t need to worry about her getting hurt, right?

Leaping forward with all of her remaining strength, Rainbow Dash charged forward towards the group of thugs. She was so fast that they didn’t even notice that she was there until she managed to buck one of them in the face. She then continued to buck, kick, punch, and smack the indigo clad thugs, until they darted away if fear. “Cowards.” Rainbow said out loud, feeling somewhat proud of her success.

As Rainbow Dash approached the pony the Raiders had been assaulting, she noticed it appeared to be a yellow earth pony with a dark red mane and a black leather coat and tri-corner hat. “Silver?” Rainbow Dash asked the injured pony. “Egh. Miss Dash?” Silver said, desperately trying to fight off the mother of all headaches. “Where’s Scootaloo?” He asked, wondering where the little filly was. “I asked Spitfire to get her out of here.” Rainbow Dash answered. Old Silver shook his head in disappointment. “Oh no. That cannae end well.” The sailor said glumly. Rainbow Dash quickly replied, “I don’t think she could mess that up.”

Silver then noticed something in the corner of his eye. As his expression turned from annoyance to sheer terror, he pointed behind Rainbow Dash, asking, “You sure you could trust her?” Rainbow Dash turned to see something that she could easily say was the most horrifying sight in her life. Worse than the sight of a returned King Sombra, Worse than the invasion of Canterlot, even worse than Spitfire giving her probation.

She saw Cutthroat dragging Scootaloo with his magic. Worse still, he and several other of the Raiders, including Somers and Snipe Hunt, were walking towards the brig, which was now lowering itself towards the ground, each with a satchel filled with stolen loot. “I got some fella’s guitar.” Somers said with wicked glee. “Good for you little rascal. Good for you.” Cutthroat said to his lackey, before calling out, “Stick with Cutthroat boys. You’ll live like kings.” As he continued, Scootaloo tried to dash away, but he managed to forcefully pull the filly closer to him, pulling her up to him and coldly threatening, “You try anything and I’ll clip those pretty little wings of yours.” Scootaloo quickly nodded in fear, afraid he would go through with his threat.

“Scootaloo!” Rainbow Dash called out, she and Silver charging towards the Raiders. One of the thugs tried to get in between Rainbow Dash and Cutthroat, but quickly found himself being pushed aside, or rather, smacked straight into the ground. “Rainbow Dash!” Scootaloo cried out, only for Cutthroat to grab her with his hooves, and pull a knife of his own from his long green coat. “You take one more step the filly gets it!” he bellowed, pressing the knife towards Scootaloo’s neck. Scootaloo was so terrified that she didn’t even notice the warm, wet feeling on her lower body.

Rainbow Dash never, ever had the feeling of wanting to actually hurt any pony, at least seriously. Sure, she would have gladly smacked Chrysalis, Sombra, the Storm King, and even Garble. But this was different. Cutthroat had Scootaloo, and he terrified her so much that she had peed herself in fear. If Rainbow Dash could have, she wouldn’t have beaten him up. She wouldn’t leave him a bloody mess. If she could, she would have happily killed him.

Unfortunately, she knew, by the horrifyingly gleeful grin on his face, that Cutthroat wasn’t bluffing. He would actually do it. He actually would try to kill Scootaloo if she got too close. As Rainbow sighed in resignation, she heard hoof steps from behind her. She turned around to see Soarin, Surprise, Nelson, and Perry. Nelson called out, “What in the name of?” “You put her down right now!” Soarin shouted.

Cutthroat, however, took a deep breath, the kind some pony does when they are enjoying themselves more than anything else. “Not quite yet.” Cutthroat replied, a grin growing on his face. “Don’t worry, you’ll see the runt here soon enough. That is, if you play along.” Cutthroat then used his magic to lift himself, Scootaloo, and his cronies up onto the vessel.

“RAINBOW DASH!” Scootaloo shouted at the top of her lungs. “SCOOTALOO!” Rainbow Dash cried out in response. She tried to fly up to the ship, but her wing hurt too much. She crashed down to the ground, kicking a good sized cloud of dust into the air. “Kid, are you alright?” Nelson asked, only to be shocked by Rainbow Dash trying to soar towards the ship again, which was now moving farther away from the ground. “I’ll save you!” Rainbow Dash cried out as she began to fall to the ground again. This time, however, Soarin flew up and managed to catch her.

Then, something happened that horrified every pony, both Wonderbolt and sailor. A bright light began to envelop the Raiders’ vessel, forcing everyone to look away. As it did, a great howl overcame every pony, with Surprise and Perry having to cover their ears. Soon enough, the light and the cry died down. But when Rainbow Dash managed to catch a glance at the source of the light, she was horrified.

The vessel was gone. It wasn’t off in the distance. It hadn’t shrunken down or blown up. It had just disappeared. “No.” Rainbow Dash said to herself, unable to comprehend what she had just witnessed. “No no no no no!” she continued, starting to break down. As Soarin gently descended to the ground, Rainbow Dash finally collapsed into a crying wreck, holding Soarin tighter than she had ever held any pony.

Old Silver walked up to Rainbow Dash and Soarin, silent for a moment. Soarin asked, “What do we do now?” Silver answered, “We wait for the authorities to arrive. They might be able to help us figure out where they ran off to.” Surprise then suggested, “I can go get Princess Twilight. She should be able to trace that teleportation spell.” Silver nodded, signaling for Surprise to go and send the message. He then turned to Nelson and Perry, and ordered, “Nelson, look after Wyvern. Perry, get back to the Hawkins and Find Cap’n Flint. We’re gonna need every pony we can get for this.” Finally, he turned to Rainbow Dash and Soarin, and said, “Now then, let’s get you a drink.”

A few minutes later, Old Silver and Soarin had gotten Rainbow Dash to the mess hall, the former was preparing a cup of cocoa, and the latter wrapped her in a blanket. “Here you go lass.” Silver said as he handed Rainbow Dash the mug of cocoa. “Thanks.” Rainbow Dash replied, devoid of emotion. “Don’t worry Dash. We’ll rescue her.” Soarin said, trying to reassure his teammate. However, the mere mention of Scootaloo caused Rainbow Dash to break down to tears again. Silver took a deep breath and said, “All due respect boyo, but that may not have been the best idea.”

Suddenly, hoof steps were heard behind the trio. Turning around, Silver and Soarin were not too shocked to see Spitfire, who was trying to shake off a nasty headache. “Well, the prodigal daughter returns.” Silver said, annoyance and anger clearly noticeable from his voice. “Stumpy, not now.” Spitfire shot back, also not hiding her contempt for her brother. Silver managed to hold his anger in and replied, “Spitfire, we can sit here and argue all night, but we both have more important issues to attend to. I have a crew to look after and you have your gang to take care of.”

Before Spitfire could offer a response, Perry shot into the mess hall, shouting, “They took him!” “What do you mean?” Soarin asked. Perry handed him a note that he was holding with his magic and said, “I found this in the brig. They have Cap’n Flint as well as Scootaloo.” Silver quickly took the note and began to read it over. After a few seconds, he dropped the note and slowly fell to the ground, consumed by anger and anguish. Spitfire asked, “Uh, everything alright.”

Silver began to shake with anger, his breathing growing heavier and louder. “Uh oh.” Perry said out loud. He continued, “Guys, we should probably leave Silver to vent.” Rainbow Dash, Soarin, Spitfire were put off for a moment, but as Silver actually started to shed a few tears, they realized that they needed to give him some room, and all four quickly vacated the mess hall.

The millisecond they were all out, Silver let out a terrifying cry of anguish. It terrified Soarin, Spitfire, and Rainbow Dash to hear this cry. Once it ended, they heard a series of loud crashes and smashes. Clearly, Silver was letting his anger out on anything he could, and the mess hall would not survive his meltdown. As Silver lost his anger, Rainbow Dash turned to Spitfire and angrily asked, “I told you to get Scootaloo out of here! What happened?” “Those Raider guys attacked me. They attacked me and took her.” Soarin then added, “If you hadn’t hired them, then none of this would have happened!”

Rainbow Dash turned to Perry and asked, “What did the note say?” Perry answered, “It was a ransom note.” He then sighed and continued. “Turns out the Raiders found out about Silver’s and Spitfire’s relationship. They used her to get inside the base.” Spitfire heard this and felt her heart sink. She had been used. The Raiders had made her a pawn, and she played the part perfectly.

Every pony was so preoccupied that they didn’t notice Silver’s meltdown had ceased. As such they were a bit Surprised when Silver emerged from the mess hall, his eyes watery and blood shot and his hooves swollen. “Feel any better?” Perry asked. Silver answered, “Aye, a bit.” He then turned to Rainbow Dash and said, “You need to read this.” He then gave Rainbow Dash the note, and remarked, “If I can help it, they won’t get away with this.” Rainbow Dash’s jaw dropped and her eyes widened at what the note said. Spitfire walked up to Rainbow Dash, who promptly gave her the note. As Spitfire read it, she was as worried as she was nervous.

Rainbow Dash, we have your sister. Spitfire, we have your dad. If you want to see them again, bring 5,000 bits to Botany Bay one week from today. If not, we cannot guarantee their safety.

Spitfire was baffled. ‘Do they mean that Flint guy? He’s not my dad.’ She thought to herself, but she wouldn’t get too long to ponder this.

As she finished her thought, several bat pony guards began to emerge from the direction of Canterlot. Then, a feminine voice called out, “Rainbow Dash!” Rainbow turned around to see Twilight Sparkle, who was running up to her. “Twilight!” She shouted as she dashed towards her friend and hugged her. “Surprise told me everything on the way here.” Twilight said, before giving Spitfire a very unhappy glare. Once the hug was done, Twilight walked up to Spitfire, who was starting to sweat a bit. “Is it true? About your brother?” Twilight asked. Spitfire let out a sigh and defeatedly answered, “Yes.”

Twilight then dropped another bombshell. “Since the attack happened during the night, Princess Luna has decided to personally oversee the investigation.” “You mean Princess Luna is coming here?” Old Silver asked. “She is.” Twilight answered. She then turned to Spitfire, her glare returning and continued. “And she wants to have a word with you captain.” Twilight said the final word, captain, with anger seeping through her mouth.

Clearly, everyone knew about Old Silver and Spitfire by now. And they were taking Silver’s side. Spitfire could only sigh as she realized she would be chewed out again. It was going to be a long night.

Author's Note:

Next Time, Spitfire has a little chat with Princess Luna, and Silver decides what has to be done.

Fun fact: The Raiders were based off the historical prison gang, The Andersonville Raiders. the major leaders of the gang are based on their depictions in the 1996 Andersonville TV movie.
Cutthroat is based on Collins
Somers is based on Munn, and named after the only US ship to undergo a mutiny (Supposedly)
Snipe Hunt is Curtis.
Thick Hide is Georgie.