• Published 25th Jun 2019
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Spitfire and Old Silver - The FraudulentBrit

Rainbow Dash and the other Wonderbolts meet Spitfire's estranged older brother

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Spitfire and Old Silver

Part 19; Attonement

Spitfire couldn’t remember a time where she had had a deeper sleep. It had been so deep that now she had trouble recognizing where she was. Only once she was able to shake the exhaustion away from her eyes was she able to recognize where she was; it was a hospital room. In fact, the puffiness of the walls and floor made it abundantly clear she was in Cloudsdale. She tried to sit up, only to receive a rude awakening in the form of a throbbing headache.

A doctor opened the door and stepped into the room. “Ah, sleep well ma’am?” The doctor asked as he made his way up to her. “I have a headache.” Spitfire replied. The doctor let out a gentle laugh as he replied, “I figured. You’ve been out for almost twenty four hours.” This certainly shocked Spitfire. “Really?” “Yes. You wore yourself out going after Wind Rider. By the time Princess Luna arrived and teleported you and your friends here, you ran out of adrenaline and collapsed.”

Spitfire then asked, “So, how is everyone else?” The doctor answered, “For the most part, they’re fine. Your brother had to have some minor surgery to remove the root of his broken canine, and young Scootaloo has uh…” At that moment, they heard the sound of a filly crying. “Oh dear. Seems they told her.” The doctor glumly remarked as he began to inspect the clipboard on the front of Spitfire’s bed. “What? What did they tell her?” Spitfire demanded.

The doctor sighed and answered, “Her tuberculosis has had enough time to damage her lungs. Long story short, that combined with other, already preexisting conditions will make it impossible for her to achieve flight.” Spitfire felt her heart sink. She already knew it was her fault Scootaloo had Tuberculosis, and she had heard from Rainbow Dash that despite everything, the young filly had always challenged herself to eventually achieve flight. But now, she had been told that not only could she not fly, but never would.

Spitfire then noticed that the doctor was now… laughing? “What’s so funny?” The doctor managed to regain his composure and answered, “You know, there’s something special about this room. You know what it is?” Spitfire pondered for a moment before she answered, “The princesses have stayed here?” The doctor then replied, “You see, around twenty years ago, I treated your brother in that very bed.” Spitfire was surprised to hear this revelation. The doctor continued, “Yes. I remember he snapped after you failed to give him a proper apology.”

The Spitfire of almost two weeks ago would have fought him tooth and nail over this accusation. However, this Spitfire simply sighed and answered, “I know.” The doctor then continued, “Luckily I’ve spoken with your brother, and he says he doesn’t hold anything against you, so I don’t either.” He then signed off on the form and finished, “There you are. You should be free to go by the end of the day.” Spitfire sank into her bed as the doctor remembered something, “Oh, I almost forgot, the other Wonderbolts said they would like to have a word with you. They’re in one of the private rooms.”

Spitfire figured she knew what they wanted to talk about. Knowing it was probably best to just get it over with, she got out of her bed and began to make her way towards the door. As she turned the knob, the doctor called out, “Good luck ma’am.” “Yeah.” Spitfire answered with a resigned sign.

As Spitfire made her way down the hall towards the elevator, she passed a seemingly unimpressive room. Peeking inside, Spitfire found Rainbow Dash and Sharp Shot comforting an emotionally spent Scootaloo. However, what really got her attention was Scootaloo. The young filly was still letting a few tears drip from her eyes, her hair was a mess, and her face betrayed the fact she hadn’t gotten much sleep. However, that wasn’t what horrified Spitfire.

The Filly was glaring daggers at her. Spitfire hadn’t felt this sort of anger directed at her in a long time. But she knew why she was angry, and she didn’t blame her. Spitfire simply turned away and continued her walk down the hall.

Cloudsdale Hospital, A Private Room

The whole team was there. Soarin, Fleet Foot, Surprise, High Winds, Blaze, Misty Fly, they were all waiting for her. Not only that, Angel Wings was also present, and though the mare wasn’t too furious, there was still a sense of disappointment radiating from her. “So…” Spitfire began before Soarin interrupted her. “Ma’am, please take a seat.” Spitfire simply nodded and made her way to an empty seat. Soarin then added, “We’ll begin when Rainbow Dash arrives.” Though his tone wasn’t the furious anger from earlier, there was still the impression that he was certainly not happy with what was going to happen.

A few minutes later, Rainbow Dash joined the group. Spitfire could tell that she had also been crying a bit, probably just caught up in the moment with Scootaloo. Soarin then empathetically asked, “How is she?” Rainbow Dash answered, “She’s taking the news about as well as you’d expect.” Blaze then asked, “Wait, I know she was kidnapped by the Raiders, but what happened?” Rainbow Dash answered, “When the Raiders took her, they allowed her to contract Tuberculosis. She’ll live, but her lungs took enough damage to permanently cripple her ability to fly.”

Rainbow Dash then made her way towards Soarin and turned to face Spitfire. “So Spitfire, we all need to make a few things clear.” Spitfire sighed and prepared herself for what was about to happen.

Soarin was the first to speak. “After what you’ve done, you should be drilled out of the team.” Rainbow Dash was the next to speak. “However, we realized something. It was the environment Wind Rider created that allowed all this to happen. The toleration of hazing, the absolute authority in the captain, and just the example he set.” Soarin then continued, “Kicking you out wouldn’t change a thing. Besides, you showed us that despite everything, you can change.”

Rainbow Dash then stepped closer to Spitfire and said, “So long story short, the team has decided a few things. Firstly…” Rainbow Dash made a dramatic pause before she continued, “Yes, you are still on the team, and yes, you will still be captain.” Spitfire now felt a sense of relief, and yet dread. There had to be a string attached to this, a double edge to this sword.

That double edge was Rainbow Dash getting up to Spitfire’s face and, with a frown that struggled to hide a slight smirk, bluntly stated, “But you’re on probation for a month. Got a problem with that?” Spitfire knew what this was, a poetic call back to both her nightmare, and the aftermath of Rainbow Dash’s first show. Accepting the irony of this, Spitfire let out a small laugh as she answered, “No ma’am.” Rainbow Dash then took a more relaxed stance and said, “Sorry, but I’ve wanted to do that for a while.”

Soarin then added, “We’re also dropping our nicknames. All of us.” Spitfire noticed that all of the Wonderbolts were nodding in agreement. Soarin then began, “That means no Clipper…” Fleet Foot continued, “No Flatfoot…” Surprise was next, “No Slowpoke…” High winds added, “No Hoof in Mouth…” Rainbow Dash was the last one to speak, “And NO Rainbow Crash.” Spitfire let out a deep breath and added, “Good idea. Besides, I think it sets a bad example for the recruits like Angel Wings.”

Suddenly the whole room was deadly silent. Spitfire could swear she heard half of a pin drop on the other side of the hospital. It was at this moment that Angel Wings stepped forward and presented something to Spitfire. It was only when she took a step closer that Spitfire realized what it was; it was her wing pony’s badge. Angel Wings then sternly said, “I’m not coming back.” It took Spitfire a few moments for her to realize what was happening. Angel Wings was resigning from the Wonderbolts program. “But… You’ve made it so far!” Spitfire said in shock and confusion. “Heck, after everything you’ve made it to the top of the list. Why throw it all away?”

The other Wonderbolts were afraid Spitfire would ask a question like this. As they began to slink away, Angel Wings walked up to Spitfire and calmly yet angrily answered, “Because of you!” She then stormed out of the room. “Angel Wings! Wait!” Spitfire called out as she followed the younger Pegasus mare. “Look, I know I screwed up, but…” Spitfire began before Angel Wings turned around and, to everyone’s shock, started angrily shouting at her.

“Listen to me! Scootaloo will never fly because of what you did! You went out of your way to go behind all of our backs TWICE, and they still want you to lead them!” Now Angel Wings was starting to tear up. “I know that you’ve changed, but it was still you. And I don’t want to serve any pony who would do something like that.” Spitfire knew she was telling the truth. Even if she felt she had fixed everything, stopping Wind Rider, helping liberate Botany Bay, and finally fixing things with her brother, she knew most of it only happened AFTER she nearly jeopardized everything.

“Look, Angel Wings. If I can…” Spitfire began before Angel Wings interrupted her. “I’m sorry ma’am, but no.” She then turned around to walk away before Spitfire asked, “Silver said he forgave me, why can’t you?”

“I never said I forgave you.” Silver’s voice rang out from down the hallway. Spitfire turned to see her brother make his way towards the group. “I said I was willing to begin to rebuild what has been destroyed.” Spitfire was about to say something before she realize that, indeed, Silver hadn’t ever said he had forgiven her. “There’s a very good reason I never said I forgave you.” Spitfire felt her own eyes start to water up as she asked, “Why is that?” Silver walked up to his sister and said something no one expected.

“It’s because you’re no longer the pony who would go behind our backs or try to hide someone’s existence.” Spitfire was speechless as Silver continued, “You’ve shown that you can change, that you can be a better pony than the one you used to be. And that is the kind of pony I know my sister is.”

Spitfire couldn’t hold her emotions in anymore as she collapsed onto the ground as she let her tears flow. As she allowed her emotions to flow freely, Silver turned to Soarin and Rainbow Dash and asked, “Is it true she’ll never fly?” Both Wonderbolts nodded yes. Silver then turned to Angel Wings and asked, “Did I have anything to do with your decision to leave the Wonderbolts?” Angel Wings answered, “A bit. For the most part I just can’t allow myself to serve someone like her, but I won’t deny that I haven’t enjoyed sailing or being with you guys.” Silver then continued, “Well, We’ll be staying until after the family day show. After that we’ve been hired to transport some weather control machines to Ornithia. It’ll be a long voyage so we’re scouting for crew.” Silver then paused before he turned to Spitfire, turned back to Angel Wings and said, “We probably shouldn’t discuss this here.” Angel Wings nodded and answered, “Yeah. Good point.”

Silver then turned to Spitfire and the Wonderbolts and said, “Angel Wings and I need to discuss something. We’ll be right back.” Spitfire, who had managed to regain her composure, answered, “Yeah. I’ll be waiting.”

Cloudsdale Hospital Cafeteria

Silver hadn’t eaten hospital food in many, many years. Of course, the last time he ever spent any significant amount of time in a hospital, well, the food wasn’t what he had on his mind. “You ok?” Angel Wings asked as he simply stared into his bowl of soup. “Oh, sorry.” Silver answered as he realized he hadn’t touched anything. “Guess I’ve had more on me mind.” Angel Wings then asked, “So, you said something about Ornithia?”

Silver then straightened himself and continued, “Yup, the Ornithian government has bought some weather making machines, and we’ve been hired to transport the machines to them.” He then nervously paused before continuing, “And I remember the conversation we had after that little scuffle in Botany Bay.” Angel Wings then let out a nervous laugh and replied, “Yeah, that. I take it you guys won’t be expecting too many other fights.” Silver playfully answered, “Not too many, hopefully.”

Both ponies couldn’t help but start to giggle at the memories of the tussle they had at the Forum. As their laughter died down, Silver continued, “Since Ornithia is a fair distance away, we’re going to need a moderately large crew. This kind of distance is just too much for the small little group of us, and Flint is in no condition to sail.” Silver paused before Angel Wings noticed he was starting to sweat. “So I was wonderin’, if you’d like to join our merry little band?”

Angel Wings immediately and enthusiastically said, “Yes!” Silver then let out a relieved sigh and said, “To be honest, I’ve kinda been hoping you’d say yes.” Angel Wings then released her own sigh and said, “Well, I kinda need something to do.” Silver noticed that Angel Wings’ mood had dampened. He knew very well what she had done earlier; she had given up her dream of being a Wonderbolt. Silver then held his hoof under Angel Wings’ chin and held her head up as he said to her, “I can’t say what you did was the best choice, but it was yours. Remember that this is your life, and it’s what you make of it.”

Angel Wings then scooted her chair next to Silver and rested her head on his shoulder as she said, “You know, no one has ever said that to me. At least before you.” Silver smiled as he replied, “Well I’d be a hypocrite to say otherwise.” Angel Wings then whispered into his ear, “I just want to say you’re my favorite pony.” Silver cheekily whispered back, “I couldn’ tell.” Neither of them hesitated as they both moved forward and kissed each other. And it was at this moment that, at the exact same moment, both pegasi said to each other, “I love you.”

Cloudsdale Hospital, Scootaloo’s Room

Scootaloo made a promise to herself; once she was allowed to leave the hospital she would spend as much time out of bed as possible. She was mentally writing a list of everything she’d do once she was free of the confines of a hospital room and her tube… her whatever the doctor said she had. She’d take her scooter and power all the way from Ponyville to Canterlot and back. She’d run until her legs were sore. She’d work on her…

Then she remembered the chat the doctor had had with her. Of course, Scootaloo had always known, at least deep down, that she’d never be the best at flying. No one had ever really been able to figure out why; some said it was her small wings, others said there was something wrong with her inner magic (whatever that means). Of course, less than a few hours earlier she had been informed that her lungs had received, while not horrifying, still significant enough damage from her tuberculosis. This meant she wouldn’t be able to maintain enough of a steady heart rate for sustained flight. To be fair it was far more complicated than she could really grasp, but Scootaloo knew what it all meant.

She would never fly. Not “never be a strong flier,” but never fly. Of course her wings still functioned, and she was reassured she could still use them on her scooter, but it didn’t matter too much. It was at that moment that she finally had to accept something that, though she knew was a good possibility, was now a depressing certainty.

Scootaloo was taken out of her moping when she heard knocking on her door. “Come in.” She said to whoever it was. It was probably Sharp Shot or Rainbow Dash anyway.

However, she was surprised and slightly angered to see that it was Spitfire. “Oh, it’s you.” Scootaloo said as she rotated her body to the other side of the hospital bed. “Hey kid.” Spitfire glumly greeted the young filly. Scootaloo thought about giving Spitfire the silent treatment, but couldn’t will herself to, and she simply turned around and asked the older mare, “What do you want?” Spitfire simply lowered her head and said, “I am so very sorry.”

It hadn’t been the first time in the last two weeks that Scootaloo had seen or heard Spitfire apologize, but that still didn’t mean Scootaloo was too numb to the sight of seeing the Wonderbolts’ captain humble herself. Spitfire continued, “It’s my fault all this has happened to you, and if I could I’d give you my ability to fly.” Scootaloo could instinctively tell that Spitfire was telling the truth, though it didn’t exactly change anything.

Spitfire then did something that Scootaloo didn’t expect to see her do again; she started crying. “I let you down Scootaloo.” Scootaloo began, “Ma’am, I…” However, Spitfire continued, “Scootaloo, it was because of me that you were kidnapped. And it was because of me that you got sick and…” She struggled to keep her breathing in control as she finished. “I wish there was a way to take it all back, but there isn’t.” She may not have been as broken as she was in the pit, but it was still evident that Spitfire hated herself for what she had done.

There was another knock at the door. Spitfire heard the door open, but she couldn’t will herself to see who it was. Instead, she only found out who it was when she heard a familiar celtic voice ask, “Everythin’ alright?” Spitfire turned around to see Silver and Angel Wings, the latter was holding a card and some flowers. “Uh, these were from Scootaloo’s parents.” The pink mare said as she walked up to Scootaloo. Silver then asked, “So how you holdin’ up Scoots?” Scootaloo simply shrugged and replied, “Meh. About as well as you can for being told you can’t ever fly.” Silver let out a pained giggle and replied, “Guess you and I are on the same boat, eh?”

As Silver walked over to Scootaloo and wrapped his hoof around her, Spitfire asked, “Silver, I don’t know what to do.” “What do you mean?” Silver asked. Spitfire replied, “I’ve ticked off everyone. You, the Wonderbolts, probably even the Princesses.” She started to choke up as she asked her next question. “How do I earn every pony’s forgiveness?”

Silver got up and walked over to Spitfire and held a hoof under her chin as he asked, “Mind if we go for a walk?” Spitfire simply nodded yes. Silver turned to Angel Wings and asked, “Would you mind keepin’ an eye on the wee bonnie lass? Sis and I need a little alone time.” Angel Wings answered, “Of course.”

Cloudsdale Hospital Garden

“Looks like they’ve improved the garden since the last time I was here.” Silver said as he and Spitfire walked down the path in the Hospital’s garden. Most hospitals in Equestria had small gardens on their premises so that patients, or at least those that could move, could have at least a few minutes of peace and serenity to escape from the reality of their predicaments. Silver and Spitfire walked past a bed of dandelions as the former asked, “You wanted to know what you had to do to truly earn everyone’s forgiveness?”

Spitfire, staring at the dandelions, simply answered, “Yes.” Silver then answered, “Well from what I hear, right now there’s only one remedy.” “What’s that?” Spitfire asked in confusion. Silver turned his head and gave only one word as a response.


“Huh?” Spitfire asked in confusion. Was her brother suddenly speaking in riddles like some sort of mad sage. “Yeah, Time.” Silver replied. “Apparently the Wonderbolts are giving you a month to reflect, Angel Wings can’nae will herself to serve the Wonderbolts under you, And I…” Silver paused before he continued. “I was tellin’ the truth when I said I didn’t forgive you because you’re longer the pony who did everythin’. But that’s not the only reason.” Spitfire asked, “So what was the other reason?”

Silver paused as he took a deep breath and answered, “Spitfire, I’ve spent so many years bein’ angry at you. There were days where I’d even say that I hated you.” He then turned to face his sister and gave her a pained look as he continued, “There was a point that I held you the same regard as Somers.” Now his face betrayed something Spitfire never thought she’d see her brother do.

He was mad at himself. “And now…” Silver began again. “I can let go of the hatred, but I just can’t let go of all the anger from all the years. Otherwise I’d be tempted to do something like forgive Somers and…” Silver now turned away and began to shake with anger. As he began to choke himself, he continued, “I don’t want to be angry at you anymore, but I can’nae just let all of it go.” Spitfire then did something she hadn’t done for most of her life.

She wrapped Silver in a warm embrace. “Silver, I know I’m not a perfect pony, or maybe even a good pony, but I want to show that I can be. And that I can be what you are.” As Silver managed to control his emotions, Spitfire continued, “I was telling the truth when I said you are everything the Wonderbolts should be. I spent so many years looking up to Wind Rider, I didn’t realize that though he was the greatest Wonderbolt, he was nothing like you. You care about your crew, you live everyday like it’s an adventure, and you have ponies looking up to you not for what you are, but who you are. And that’s something I’ve never been able to be.”

Silver then took Spitfire and said to her, “I know Nelson wouldn’t agree with me for saying this, but I learned something the day I left home.” “What is it?” Spitfire asked. Silver then returned the hug, and much tighter, as he said, “It’s never too early or too late to start over.” Both siblings soon found themselves alone in the garden, and simply enjoyed the chance to just enjoy being with each other.

After all, it had been nearly twenty years since the last time they did so.

Scootaloo’s Room

“Whoa, you used to be a dancer?” Scootaloo asked Angel Wings in amazement. “Yup.” The older mare answered with a simple smile. “Every now and then I still try to bust out a move or too. I’ve even started to incorporate a few dance techniques into my flying.” Of course, Angel Wings immediately realized what she had just said and apologized. “Oh, I’m sorry I said that.” Scootaloo reassured the older mare, “It’s alright. Guess I’ll have to get used to it eventually.”

Angel Wings then reassured the filly, “If you want, I can teach you a few moves before Silver and I leave.” This earned her a cheeky and knowing look from Scootaloo. “So you two are dating?” Angel Wings then started to sputter, “Well… I mean… we like each other… we’ve kissed a few times and…” she covered her mouth, feeling that she let out too much information.

“Ooh.” Scootaloo playfully teased Angel Wings. Angel Wings simply sighed and, in a playful show of defeat, sat down on the bed and playfully rustled the filly’s mane. “Well he did offer the chance to join the others on another journey.” Scootaloo then remarked, “I bet he just did it to spend time with you.” Angel Wings then added, “Well that and, other than the fighting, the trip was incredibly fun.” Scootaloo added, “Well Flint did keep me entertained with stories while we were in the Pit.”

“Did he tell you about the Storm King’s flotilla?” Silver said as he and Spitfire entered the hospital room. Scootaloo enthusiastically answered, “Yes! That one was my favorite!” Silver then asked, “I take it you know why I’d be careful around ships that don’t fly their colors?” Scootaloo shuddered as she remembered that part of the story.

Spitfire then added, “Actually Angel Wings, Silver and I were thinking and, we think we have an idea for the Family Day show.” Silver then added, “And Spitfire here says she wants your help.” Angel Wings gave Spitfire a confused look and asked, “What is it?” Spitfire walked up to the pink mare and whispered something into her ear.

Angel Wings’s eyes widened as she let the proposition sink in. “You think the other Wonderbolts would accept it? I mean you’re on probation.” Spitfire then added, “Which is why I won’t be flying in it. But if I am going to present this to the others, I would really appreciate it.” Silver then added, “Besides, she said she’d willingly take another few weeks of probation for this.” Angel Wings pondered what she had been offered.

After a minute of contemplating, Angel Wings answered, “I think I can help with that.” Spitfire immediately crushed her in a massive hug. “Uh, ma’am, you sure you aren’t actually Surprise in disguise?” Scootaloo asked, “What’s going on?” Silver then added, “Well kid, Spitfire has an idea for the Family Day show that involves the lads and I. You see…” Silver then began to explain the plan to the young filly.

Scootaloo felt that it would give every-pony the best show they’d ever seen, and one no one would ever forget.

Author's Note:

Next Time; We see what Spitfire proposed as we make it to the finale of Spitfire and Old Silver.