• Published 25th Jun 2019
  • 1,304 Views, 79 Comments

Spitfire and Old Silver - The FraudulentBrit

Rainbow Dash and the other Wonderbolts meet Spitfire's estranged older brother

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Spitfire and Old Silver

Part 12; Crossroads

“You did WHAT?” Silver found himself exploding at Spitfire. She had just been returned by Wyvern, who found her sneaking off the ship an hour earlier, and followed her to a meeting with one of the Raiders.“I was just trying to rescue Scootaloo. Same as you guys.” Spitfire replied in defense. Wyvern then spoke up, “Even though you just gave us a sense of déjà vu?” “Huh?” Spitfire asked in confusion. Silver sighed and face palmed into his wings as he explained, “Taking something serious into your own hooves and going behind our backs.”

Silver then began to explain to his sister, “You listen to me Spitfire. You found out first-hoof that the Raiders can’nae be trusted. And you apparently found out how nasty Somers can be on his own.” `The mere mention of the “nightmare” Spitfire had about Silver and Somers sent a freezing chill down her spine. “Egh. Don’t remind me.” She said in response. Silver immediately slammed a wing on the table and shouted, “Then don’t tempt fate again you daft idiot!” Spitfire was taken aback by the fury that was coming from her brother’s voice.

Silver then straightened himself and sternly began, “Your actions have just jeopardized not only us, but Cap’n Flint and Scootaloo. Effective immediately you are to remain on the ship until I order otherwise.” This certainly annoyed Spitfire. “You can’t do that to me!” She said in angry response. “Do NOT make me confine you to the brig!” Silver immediately bellowed in response. Spitfire could tell from the tone of his voice he really wanted to, but was trying to give her the benefit of the doubt. “Am I clear, Ms. Spitfire?” he sternly asked. “Transparently.” Spitfire coldly replied.

Silver then let out a relieved sigh and said, “Now then, I think you should get some rest. You have a long day tomorrow.” “Wait.” Spitfire interjected. “You said I was to remain here.” “I did. But you, Angel Wings and Wyvern will make sure the ship is not only maintained, but ready for a swift departure should we need one.” Spitfire tried to say something in protest, unhappy about being reduced to some common laborer again, but Silver interrupted. “I remember telling you that out here, I’m in charge, am I right?” Spitfire knew he was telling the truth and simply nodded. “Very well then. Get some rest, Wyvern here will make sure you will be kept busy.”

Spitfire waited for a moment before Silver said, “That will be all, Ms. Spitfire.” Spitfire simply huffed and departed the cabin. Once she was gone, Silver turned to Wyvern and asked, “What are we going to do with her?” “I don’t know.” Wyvern replied. “To be honest maybe you should just keep her near you, make sure she doesn’t do something else stupid.” “Cap’n Flint and the kid are depending on us.” Silver replied. “We get them out of here, then I deal with her.” “As you wish.” Wyvern replied as he left the cabin to get some rest himself. Silver now found himself alone, hoping that he himself hadn’t made a terrible mistake.

The Hawkins, the next morning

Spitfire made a promise to herself, she would absolutely destroy the next mop she ever saw. Once the sun began to rise, Silver, Rainbow Dash, Soarin, the other Wonderbolts, Sharp Shot, and the other sailors, barring Wyvern, had departed the ship and headed into Botany Bay to look for more clues regarding where Scootaloo and Flint were being held or to find any more sympathetic ponies. Needless to say, just as Silver had said the night before, She, Wyvern, and Angel Wings were left behind aboard the Hawkins.

“Come on now Spitfire, the deck won’t mop itself.” Wyvern said to Spitfire from right behind her, making her jump into the air. As Wyvern struggled to hold in a giggle, Spitfire replied, “That wasn’t funny.” “It was a bit. Not extremely funny, but a little bit.” He then looked upward and found Angel Wings tying up on the sails, tying a knot so that the sails were rolled up so the wind (as well as the Raiders) couldn’t damage them. “Nice job Ms. Wings. Now double check them. Don’t want any coming down by accident.” Wyvern said to Angel Wings. “Aye aye sir.” She happily replied with a chipper smile on her face.

Wyvern then turned to Spitfire and cheekily said, “You could learn a bit from her.” Spitfire gave a deadpan reply. “You mean how to slap on some happy face?” “How to take orders.” Wyvern answered. “You’ve spent a lot of your life bein’ a boss. Seems you haven’t had to worry about being some-pony’s subordinate in a very long time.” Spitfire found herself unable to come up with a comeback to this statement. “Touched a nerve, didn’t I?” Wyvern said as he nudged Spitfire. She simply shrugged as she continued to mop the deck, mumbling something to herself.

After a few more minutes, Wyvern asked, “So who was leader of the Wonderbolts when you joined?” Spitfire gave him a confused look. “You heard me, who was the pony you looked up to?” Spitfire hesitated for a moment before she meekly whispered, “Wind Rider.” “I’m sorry, what did you say?” Wyvern asked, unable to hear the response. “IT WAS WIND RIDER, ALRIGHT?” Spitfire bellowed before backing away, well aware of how loud she was. “Sorry about that.” She apologized. “It’s alright ma’am.” Wyvern replied.

Spitfire began to speak. “It’s just, for so many years he was the pony I looked up to. He found me and considered me his protégée. And he personified everything a Wonderbolt should be.” Wyvern let out a small giggle and replied, “No wonder you and Silver don’t get along. Wind Rider’s had a nasty reputation even before that little “misunderstanding” if I remember correctly.” Spitfire let out a sigh as she replied, “Yeah, I didn’t exactly like having to strip him of his status, even if he deserved it.”

Wyvern then said, “I heard he always had a massive ego problem.” Spitfire replied, “Yeah, he was the longest serving captain. Guess being in charge that long changed him over time.” Wyvern then said, “I hear when something like that happens, it’s not ‘cause they’ve changed. It’s them showing who they really are.” Spitfire now found herself starting to contemplate what she had just heard. Wyvern then added, “Best thing you can is be a better pony than him.” This statement irked Spitfire. “Hey, I am a better pony than him!” “I’m not too sure.” Wyvern replied, his voice lowering just enough for Spitfire to notice. “Going behind our backs twice, tolerating hazing, neglecting recruits, conspiring against your teammates…” Spitfire immediately interrupted him. “Sheesh. How do you guys know all that?” Wyvern, a cheeky smile growing on his face, replied, “You’re a public figure, ponies follow ponies like you. Also, Silver got a copy of that journal Princess Sparkle published. Your name came up a few times, and Silver was neither impressed nor surprised.”

Spitfire just grumbled as she continued to mop the deck. She promised herself that she would have a “little chat” with Rainbow Dash once she got back.

The Last Ditch, later that day

Rainbow Dash and Silver sat at a table at the Last Ditch. Both ponies had received a tip from Sharp Shot to meet him there. “Where is he?” Rainbow Dash whispered to Silver. “I’m not certain. He said he’d be here half an hour ago.” Both ponies were slowly nursing beverages, Rainbow an apple cider and Silver a root beer. As Silver took a sip of his, he noticed Sharp Shot and another pony wearing a massive trench coat and wide brimmed hat entered the tavern, both trying to be as non-conspicuous as possible.

Silver waved over to the two stallions. As soon as they noticed him and Rainbow Dash, the bartender stepped out from behind the bar and made his way to the door, changing the sign from “open” to “closed.” “Alright guys, head to the back.” The bartender said, pointing to the door leading to the back room. All four ponies made their way there.

Once the group was in, the bartender locked the door. As Rainbow Dash gasped in surprise, Sharp Shot reassured her, “Don’t worry ma’am, he’s on our side. He’s just making sure the Raiders can’t get in here.” The pony in the coat and hat quickly removed said articles, revealing a very thin yellow unicorn with a brown mane, tail, and mustache with a goatee, and a bull’s-eye cutie mark. Sharp Shot then introduced his friend, “Mates, this is Quigley. Best marks-pony in the land.” Quigley extended his hoof to Silver. “Quigley. Pleasure to meet you Captain Silver.”

“It’s just Mr. Silver.” Silver replied as he shook Quigley’s hoof. “As you wish.” He then turned to Rainbow Dash and extended his hoof. “Pleasure to meet you ma’am.” As Rainbow shook his hoof, she took notice that he didn’t have the accent that Sharp Shot and the other locals had. “You aren’t from around here are you?” Quigley, a smirk growing on his face, replied, “I came down after Sharpie here asked for help dealing with the new neighbors. I’ve been gathering information as well as sabotaging Raider ships and supplies.” Sharp Shot then added, “Quigley here took that photo of Wind Rider and the other leaders of the Raiders.”

Quigley then continued, “For that they threw me in the pit.” the mention of that location startled Silver. “The pit is here?” He asked. “You bet buddy.” Quigley answered. Rainbow Dash then asked, “What’s the pit?” Silver answered, “It’s a desolate patch of ground where the Raiders send their prisoners. Only a few have ever gotten out.” Quigley then added, “I was there when your friends arrived. I got good and bad news.” Rainbow Dash held her breath, waiting for what Quigley had to say.

“Scootaloo is alive. And from what I can tell Flint is as well.” Rainbow Dash let out a relieved sigh and felt a single tear crawl out of her eye. Silver then asked, “And the bad news?” Quigley sighed and continued, “Flint and I, as well as some others, were involved in a plan to dig a tunnel out of the pit. Long story short I was the only one to get out.” He then turned to face Rainbow and, taking a pained deep breath, said, “Last I saw her, Scootaloo was having some nasty coughing fits. Even saw her cough up blood once.”

Any relief Rainbow Dash had was replaced with fear. The Wonderbolts had taught her a fair bit about certain diseases, in the event she had to deal with some pony who needed help. The description Quigley had provided had her worried, as what information he provided terrified her. What Quigley said next cemented her fear. “Right before we made the break I heard rumors of a tuberculosis outbreak.”

Rainbow Dash began to tear up. She wasn’t too familiar with tuberculosis, but she knew that it was a terrifying disease that, as far as she knew, caused massive coughing fits, could easily and frequently cause the victim to cough up blood. Worst of all, if not treated, it could be fatal.

Quigley began speaking again, “But I do know how to get into the pit.” he pulled out a map from his discarded jacket. “We made several false tunnels throughout the pit.” he began pointing to several positions on the map, highlighted by Xs. “Here, here, here, and here. We can split up and tunnel our way into the different tunnels. This way we can both get into the pit as well as provide every pony with a chance to escape.” Silver nodded in confirmation and Sharp Shot replied, “Sounds like we’ve got a plan.”

Rainbow Dash, on the other hoof, was starting to break. True, they knew where Scootaloo and Flint were, and true, they now had a plan. But now it was very possible that Scootaloo was sick, and the clock, already ticking, was starting to ring.

It would be another hour of Silver, Sharp Shot, and Quigley struggling to calm Rainbow Dash down and chase away her tears.

The Hawkins

“I have to admit Spitfire….” Wyvern said as he began to observe the knot that she had been working on. She and Angel Wings were tasked with learning a few knots to keep them occupied. Spitfire observed the elder pony’s expression, hoping he would give some compliment.

“This has to be the sloppiest bowline I’ve seen.” Wyvern said as he let out a low laugh. From behind her, Spitfire could make out Angel Wings fail to contain her own laughter. “Stop that laughter right now!” Spitfire barked at her would-be subordinate. To her surprise, Angel Wings defiantly yet calmly replied, “Sorry ma’am, but out here it seems you’re the bottom of the pecking order.” Even witnessing Wyvern give Angel Wings a look that made it clear he wasn’t super happy about the young mare over stepping her bounds didn’t make Spitfire feel any better.

“Hard at work I see?” Nelson asked as he approached the group. “Pretty much. Miss Wings is a fast learner. Miss Spitfire not as much.” Wyvern replied. Nelson then continued, “That’s good. Silver has some good news. We have a way to rescue Scootaloo and Cap’n Flint.” Wyvern let out a sigh of relief.

Spitfire then asked, “Really? How so?” Nelson walked up to Spitfire and said, “It’s a need to know basis, and at least right now, you don’t need to know.” Spitfire angrily replied, “Hey, I’m captain of the Wonderbolts! I should be doing more than mopping up this row boat here!” Nelson stepped forward towards Spitfire, a serious scowl on his face, as he continued, “That attitude is what got us into this mess.” Spitfire simply growled and replied, “Yeah.” “That’s “Aye aye sir.” to you.” Nelson replied. He then left the room, unaware of the terrible thought that was starting to develop in Spitfire’s mind.

The Hawkins, the next night.

Spitfire found herself pressing her ears against the door to Silver’s cabin. Being kept in the dark was something that greatly angered her, and now she wasn’t going to stand for it. Darting her eyes back and forth, she kept watch for any of the sailors or other Wonderbolts were watching her, she then pressed her ear against the door. She heard Silver’s voice say, “Alright lads, it’s now or never. Sharp Shot and Quigley here have been able to organize our entry into the pit. we go in, find Cap’n Flint and Scootaloo, then get out.” Clearly Spitfire wasn’t considered important enough to be welcomed at this meeting, even if it was for something so seemingly simple.

Sharp Shot’s voice then spoke up, “Silver and I will take tunnel Alpha, Rainbow Dash and Quigley will take tunnel Beta, Soarin, Surprise, and Nelson will take tunnel Gamma, and Fleet Foot, Misty Fly, and Perry will take tunnel Delta.” Now it was confirmed she was not considered important enough to be involved, and Spitfire’s blood began to boil. Rainbow Dash spoke up, “What are we waiting for?” Silver replied, “This has to be done simultaneously. We move at day break.”

An unfamiliar voice then spoke up, “Anything else?” no one said anything. The voice then said, “Alright gentle-colts. And Rainbow Dash. Meeting adjourned.” A simple hoof step towards her general direction was enough to make Spitfire quietly tip toe out of sight, hiding behind a large crate. She could tell that Silver, Rainbow Dash, Nelson, Perry, Sharp Shot, and an unfamiliar yellow unicorn with a brown goatee as well as mane and tail. This unicorn turned to Rainbow Dash and said, “Ma’am, I’m entrusting you to brief the other Wonderbolts. They seem to hold you in high respect.”

Now Rainbow Dash was given responsibility over the Wonderbolts. Spitfire was thankful that she had other plans, because she was now struggling to keep herself from challenging these ponies’ authority. Rainbow Dash replied, “Will do, but what about Spitfire?” Silver then joined the conversation. “Not her. Wyvern caught her trying to negotiate with the Raiders. Right now we can’t trust her.” Rainbow Dash sighed and replied, “Figures.” She then asked, “So where is the Ransom anyway?” Silver replied, “The store room. Hidden in plain sight. That’s all you need to know.” “Can’t argue with that.” Rainbow Dash replied.

Spitfire felt a grin grow on her face. ‘Well, guess I know where to go next.’ She thought to herself as she slithered down the deck and towards the stairwell leading to the store room.

The Hawkins’s Store Room

“Hidden in plain sight” must have been some kind of a cruel joke. Spitfire had spent the last fifteen minutes turning the store room upside down looking for the ransom. She had been expecting a box or sack containing anything ranging from diamonds to bits to rare jewelry. Clearly, Silver must have been too clever for that. “Ugh. Where is it?” Spitfire angrily whispered to herself. No matter where she looked, she couldn’t find anything that seemed valuable, but all she found were food supplies, medicine, and crates of supplies that no one would use as makeshift currency, let alone a ransom.

Before she could give up, however, Spitfire noticed a small chest, similar to pirate treasure chests she heard about in pulp novels when she was young. ‘Better than nothing.’ Spitfire thought to herself as she approached the chest. Carefully opening chest, which suspiciously had not received a lock, she was amazed to see the chest was full of bit coins as well as rare gem stones. “Jackpot.” Spitfire whispered as she realized that this would easily buy Scootaloo and Flint’s safe passage from the Raiders. Besides, once they were safe, the EUP would storm the town afterwards, and Silver would eventually regain the ransom anyway.

“What do you think your doin’?” Wyvern’s voice called out from behind Spitfire. For once, she didn’t jump up or even show shock at the older earth pony sneaking up behind her. Instead, Spitfire simply replied, “I’m going to rescue Scootaloo and your sailor buddy.” Wyvern slowly made his way to block Spitfire from the doorway. “I don’t know what you think you’re doing….” He began as a determined frown grew on his face. “…. But you’re making a horrible mistake.”

Spitfire replied, “If what you guys say is true, then this is all my fault. So why shouldn’t I be the one to fix it?” “Because you don’t care. You just want to be the hero!” Wyvern bellowed, his raspy voice terrifying Spitfire. From above them, she could hear Nelson and Perry talk to each other. “You hear that?” “Yeah that’s Wyvern.” “C’mon let’s go check it out.”

Time was now running out. Spitfire let out a deep breath and said, “Sorry old timer, but I have to do this.” She then quickly turned around and, with lightning fast reflexes, grabbed the chest and used it to smack Wyvern in the head. Though there wasn’t any cracking sounds, Spitfire hated that she had to resort to such actions, but she knew that it was now up to her to rescue everyone.

The Captain’s Quarters.

Silver sat on the bed that was nestled in the corner of the cabin, the same bed that, several weeks earlier, Scootaloo was nestled in after she was rescued by him and his friends. “How time flies sir.” He said to the Glengarry that he held in his metal wings. Captain Black Watch’s Glengarry. “Sir, I’m about to do something that, well, I don’t know if we’re gonna succeed at, and this time not only is Cap’n Flint in danger, but so is a kid.” He said to the hat, hoping that it would say something back.

“And I’m scared. I don’t want to fail her the way I failed you.” Were any of the rest of the crew there, they would try to convince him that it wasn’t his fault; that there was no way he could have known Somers was planning a mutiny. Silver disagreed. He had known for years that Somers hated Black Watch, and that he was always going against the Captain’s authority. Maybe he should have been more adamant about not trusting the sailors Somers had hired before that voyage. Maybe he should have given up on trying to befriend him earlier.

Maybe he should have given up on……. That moment, his mind raced back to Spitfire. He remembered the fight in the tavern, and how it seemed that for perhaps the first time in years, they had gotten along. Heck, he even apologized to her for doubting her. And yet, he also remembered that while he apologized, she still hadn’t. Silver looked at the hat in his metal wings again and said, “Sir, I really wish you were here. You were always there when Flint couldn’t be.”

A loud banging snapped him out of his trance. “What’s goin’ on?” Silver asked. Perry opened the door. He looked worried; his uniform was slightly unkempt and he was sweating. “Sir, it’s your sister! She’s gone!” “What?” Silver asked, worry and anger consuming his voice. “She took the ransom, bashed Wyvern, tossed me and Nelson around and disappeared into Botany Bay!”

A few ponies on a nightly stroll could hear the slam that came from Silver’s wing smashing into the side of the ship’s hull. “That arrogant, self centered TWAT!” Silver bellowed. “She’s gonna ruin everything! Perry, Which way did she go?” Perry answered, “Towards the Commons House.” Silver faced his friend and said, “Wake the others. We’ve just had a change of plans.” With that, Silver chased out after his sister, hoping she hadn’t made too horrible a mess.

Botany Bay, the Commons House

“Well well well.” Bounty Jumper said as Spitfire arrived with the chest. “A few minutes late but nothing to get worked up about.” Spitfire simply demanded, “My friends. Now.” “Not yet.” Bounty Jumper said as he strutted towards the chest. “Need to make sure everything here is in order.” Spitfire rolled her eyes as Bounty Jumper opened the chest and began to inspect the contents inside.

“Well?” Spitfire impatiently asked. “It’s all good and clean. Not to mention totally untraceable.” Bounty Jumper replied. “Your friends are behind the corner. Better hurry before I change my mind.” He not-so-sublty threatened. Spitfire immediately dashed down to the corner, hoping that the bribe would be enough to satisfy the Raider.

Once she arrived, she saw two ponies wearing brown cloaks. One of them, the smaller one, was shaking uncontrollably. “It’s ok Scootaloo.” Spitfire tried to reassure the pony before her. “I’ve got everything taken care of. Let’s get you home.” As she inched forward, the pony simply backed away and cowered. Clearly the Raiders were going to pay for what they had done. Spitfire reached her hoof out and gently reassured, “It’s me, Spitfire. I’m gonna save you.”

As she finished this last sentence, the smaller pony asked, “But who’s gonna save you?” in a male Appaloosan voice. Before she could react, the larger pony snuck behind Spitfire and used his magic to keep her restrained. “Good acting Little Rascal.” Cutthroat said as he removed his cloak. Spitfire was horrified to see him again. Somers removed his own cloak and replied, “Well it’s not like I had to fool the Canterlot Thespian Society.”

“YOU!” Spitfire managed to croak out. “You set this up didn’t you?” Cutthroat let out a terrifying chuckle as he answered, “I didn’t. You did.” From behind the corner Bounty Jumper emerged. “Bounty Jumper!” Spitfire called out. “They found out! Help me!” She was horrified and helpless as Bounty Jumper simply walked up to her and slugged her in the stomach. He then turned to Cutthroat and said, “She was just as gullible as you said she would be.” Somers then pulled out his knife and placed it against Spitfire’s throat. “Can I give her a shave now?” he asked. “Not yet.” Cutthroat replied. “The boss wants to have a word with her first.” He then stepped up to Spitfire, practically touching nose-to-nose. “There’s just a few things missing.”

He then slugged her in the face, knocking Spitfire out cold.

Streets of Botany Bay.

“I can’t believe she did that.” Rainbow Dash said out loud in frustration as she and Silver searched the streets of Botany Bay. “Believe it.” Silver replied in a deadpan voice. “But we find her first, then we deal with the why.” Rainbow Dash nodded as she flew higher, trying to get a better view of town.

“Spitfire!” Rainbow Dash cried out. “Spitfire, you are in so much trouble.” She continued. Remembering the last encounter she had with the Raiders, she soared over to the town forum. Of course, it was desolated. Being the dead of night, it wasn’t too surprising, but still infuriating. “Spitfire!” Rainbow Dash called out again. Still, there was nothing.

Then, she heard a few pounding sounds, followed by grunting. “What in the name of Celestia?” She followed the source of the sound, hoping it would lead to her missing captain.

Instead, she found Silver being ganged upon by several Raiders. “No!” Rainbow Dash cried out in shock. One of the Raiders, a red unicorn with a blonde mane and beard and blue uniform and cap, said, “That one is mine!” Before she could react, Rainbow Dash found herself restrained by the unicorn’s magic and pulled towards the Raiders. As she was drawn to the group, another Raider, Thick Hide, approached her. “What do you think you’re doing all the way from home little lady?” he asked.

“Let me go right now!” Rainbow Dash firmly demanded. Thick Hide gave a dramatic pause and looked down at Silver, who was now lying beaten and bloodied on the ground. “Nah.” Thick Hide said as he slapped Rainbow Dash on the cheek. “The boss wants to see you and your friend.” Rainbow Dash knew he was talking about Wind Rider. “He won’t get away with this.” Rainbow Dash defiantly replied.

Thick Hide motioned to his right, silently asking Rainbow Dash to see what he was pointing to. She was horrified to see Somers, Cutthroat, and another Raider, a blue unicorn with a gray mane, beard, and tail, blue coat, and red kepi. Worse still, Cutthroat was using his magic to hold a now unconscious Spitfire. Cutthroat simply replied, “We already have kid.”

Rainbow Dash was helpless as Thick Hide pressed his hooves around her neck, strangling her into unconsciousness.

Author's Note:

Next Time; Spitfire, Rainbow Dash, and Old Silver come face to face with Wind Rider.

Author's note; and so things escalate. While we aren't there yet, the ending draws nearer.