• Published 25th Jun 2019
  • 1,303 Views, 79 Comments

Spitfire and Old Silver - The FraudulentBrit

Rainbow Dash and the other Wonderbolts meet Spitfire's estranged older brother

  • ...

Blood Diamond

Spitfire and Old Silver

Part 16; Blood Diamond

“I’m Blood Diamond.” The red unicorn introduced himself to the group. Every pony was stunned by this surprise revelation. “I know I’m not exactly much of a looker.” Blood Diamond continued, a meek yet cheeky smile on his face. “However, Princess Luna didn’t hire my team and I because of our looks.” “Whoa, your team?” Rainbow Dash asked. “You see kid…” Blood Diamond began, only to be interrupted by the sudden appearance of another familiar, but far less pleasant voice.

“Where is he? Where’s Thick Hide?!” Cutthroat’s voice bellowed from the crowd of ponies in the distance. Scootaloo immediately found herself clinging tighter to Rainbow Dash as Silver and Flint adopted defensive stances. Within a few moments Cutthroat made his way over the group, flanked by two other Raiders. Silver stepped forward and jokingly asked, “What’s the matter, lost your errand boy?” Cutthroat stepped forward and angrily revealed, “One of my men has deserted. I wanna teach him a lesson.” Spitfire then sarcastically added, “Wow, one of your goons didn’t want to take orders from you? Who’d have guessed?”

Cutthroat stepped towards Spitfire, hoping to try and intimidate her. However, Silver stepped in between the two and cheekily remarked, “Better back off lad, or else I’ll let her loose on you.” Spitfire decided to play along, and began to stretch her wings, hoping she could pull off intimidating as well as her brother. Cutthroat didn’t continue, and simply said, “Well, if you find him, I’ll make it worth your while.” He then departed with his two hench-ponies. Silver and Spitfire turned to each other and couldn’t help but start giggling. “I’ve got to admit, that was pretty impressive.” Silver complimented his sister. “Thanks, but you did better.” Spitfire returned.

Blood Diamond and Gin Tonic made their way to the siblings, with Gin Tonic stating, “We don’t exactly have the time for that kind of fluff at the moment, so if everyone will come with me, we can make a battle plan.” Every pony then made their way to the Hospital Tent.

The Pit, Hospital Tent.

Silver, Spitfire, and the gang were gathered around Scootaloo’s bed (with the exception of Scootaloo, who was tucked into said bed after having another coughing fit), and overlooking a map of the Pit. “The Raiders found the tunnels and filled them up, so we can forget about trying to dig out of here.” Silver spoke up. Blood Diamond added, “If it’s any consolation, that incident provided me the opportunity to set up a few surprises all over this pigsty.” “What do you mean?” Flint asked? Blood Diamond continued, “My team was able to help me set up a few mild explosives near the gate and all over the walls. Once I can set them off, we can get every pony out of here.”

“Every pony?” Silver asked, having difficulty comprehending what he just heard. “Exactly.” Blood Diamond answered. Silver then asked, “But I take it there’s a problem?” “Wouldn’t be much of an adventure if everything went exactly to plan, would it?” Blood Diamond replied. “The Raiders broke the detonator. We have all the parts down here, but we may not have the time.”

Spitfire spoke up next. “Well, why don’t we try to rush them the next time the Raiders show their filthy hides down here?” The group was silent when she offered this radical idea. After a few moments, Silver added, “Spitfire, that idea is…” She immediately cut him off. “Reckless and stupid?” “Actually I was gonna say that idea is so simple it might just work.” Silver finished.

“What?” Spitfire asked, surprised by this response. “You mean that my idea is actually not horrible?” Silver took a step towards his sister and continued, “Right now we’re at the end of our rope. It’s now or never. Besides, it’s not your worst idea.” He said this last part whist giving Spitfire a cheeky smile, though this time there was a sense of warmth and confidence in his voice. “Thanks bro.” Spitfire replied as she gave her brother a playful nudge.

Blood Diamond spoke up. “Alright everyone, change of plan. Spitfire and Old Silver here will wait near the gate, take on the Raiders, and sneak into the mansion so they can cause a diversion. While the Raiders are distracted, I can set up the detonator and bring the walls down. Any questions?” No pony said anything. “Alright then. Miss Dash, you’re in charge of Scootaloo and Mr. Flint.” Rainbow Dash nodded in confirmation.

Skibby darted into the Hospital Tent. “Silver, Several Raiders have barged into the place. I tink they’re lookin’ for trouble.” Realizing that this was their only chance, Silver and Spitfire rushed out of the tent and towards the gate. Skibby then noticed the unfamiliar unicorn standing before him. “Uh, Flint, who’s this fella?” Flint paused for a moment before backing away, saying, “Uh, how about you explain this Rainbow Dash?” “Oh boy.” Rainbow Dash sighed in resignation.

The Pit, the Gates.

“Well, where do you fellas want to start?” Bounty Jumper asked one of his subordinates. “I dunno. How about their little Hospital Tent?” the thug asked. “Sure.” Bounty Jumper replied. “Besides, maybe we can take some of their medicine and sell it on the black market.” As the group of Raiders began giggling at the prospect of striking the hospital, a familiar celtic voice said, “I can’nae let you dolts do that.” “Huh?” Bounty Jumper asked himself as Silver and Spitfire made walked up to the group.

As the gate began to close, Spitfire took to the air and dove towards the gate, placing herself in between the doors. “What the…” Bounty Jumper managed to speak before Silver took the moment of confusion to slug the Raider down to the ground. “Hey, we’re supposed to beat YOU guys.” One of the Raiders angrily growled. Silver managed to buck this particular Raider in the face as the others fled past the gate. “Sheesh, they aren’t supposed to put up a fight!” Bounty Jumper panicked and ran through the opened gate, realizing only too late that a very familiar yellow mare had used her body to hold it open.

“How’s it hanging?” Spitfire playfully asked as she used her hooves to repeatedly strike the now confused Bounty Jumper. Silver took the opportunity to run through the opening his sister had created. “You know it’s a stallion’s job to hold the door for a mare.” He jokingly added. “Hey, you know with me that’s kind of creepy.” Spitfire replied, giving her a gentle nudge. Silver then asked, “So, how do you think we should get past that?” Spitfire noticed that Silver was pointing towards yet another set of large doors.

“Oh…” Spitfire said somewhat defeatedly as she squeezed herself through the door, which slammed shut once she was clear. “Forgot about that.” She continued glumly. Silver, though, made his way up to the door and began knocking on it. “You really think that they’ll open for us?” Spitfire asked. “Not really. I’m trying to see if there’s a weak spot.” After a few more moments, Silver noticed that an area near where the doors met sounded noticeably more hollow than the rest of the doors. “Here we are.” Stepping back a fair bit, Silver turned to Spitfire and said, “You’re gonna want to stand out of the way for this.” “Silver, what are you up to?” Scratching his hooves and preparing to charge, Silver replied, “Something reckless.”

Silver then charged towards the door and, to Spitfire’s amazement, bashed straight through it with a well placed head butt. “Ugh, remind me not to do that again.” He said as he shook his head, struggling to shake off his newly acquired headache. Both siblings then made their way into the next room.

Now Silver and Spitfire were below the trap door. “So how are we gonna get up there and past the trap door?” Spitfire asked Silver. “I don’t think your head is thick enough to break through that.” “If I can get up to where the two sides meet, I might be able to push ‘em open.” Silver then cheekily asked, “So, you ever thought of being a taxi driver?” Spitfire gave Silver a confused look. “And I’m the thick headed one. You mind giving me a lift?” Silver continued. Spitfire rolled her eyes as she let out a friendly sigh. “All aboard.” She said as she lowered her wing, inviting her brother to hop on to her back. Silver did, though he jokingly quipped, “For the record, I’m a sailor, not a train conductor.”

As both siblings let out a brief giggle, Spitfire rose towards the trap door ceiling. “Careful, careful!” Silver called out as they got too close. “We’re here. You’re heavier than you look.” Spitfire snipped as she found herself struggling to maintain a steady wing beat. As Silver began to use his back to push the trap door ceiling open, he replied, “Lifetime of hearty meals and tiring labor. We’re all lucky I’m moderately smart.”

After a few seconds of intense struggling, Silver was able to push the trap doors open, or at least open enough he and Spitfire could get through. Eventually both siblings made it through the trap doors and out of the room, only to find themselves in a long and poorly lit hallway. “So, what now?” Spitfire asked her brother. “Right now…” Silver began as he took a moment to stretch his back. “We raise a little Tartarus. Give the Raiders something else to focus on while the others get out of the Pit.”

From the other end of the long hallway, a small group of Raiders led by Snipe Hunt entered and began to charge towards the two siblings. “They got out! Stop them!” Snipe Hunt bellowed. Spitfire turned to Silver and asked, “So, ready for round two?” Silver popped his neck and replied, “Always.”

Snipe Hunt charged forward towards Silver, but Spitfire stepped forward and back-winged him with one of her wings. Another Raider charged forward, this one sporting a club. He was met by Silver, who slugged the second Raider. Snipe Hunt managed to land a good hit on Spitfire, separating her from Silver. “I’ve been waiting for this chance.” He growled with furious glee. Spitfire simply met his threat with a swing of her hoof. Snipe Hunt, however, dodged the hoof and landed another blow on Spitfire.

Snipe Hunt struck blow after blow after blow. Spitfire now found herself down on the floor, receiving the continuous blows from the Raider. “I dunno about you, but I’m having a blast.” Snipe Hunt boasted, completely unaware that the rest of the hallway had gone silent.

“Excuse me boyo.” Silver cheekily said as he tapped Snipe Hunt’s shoulder. “Huh?” The Raider asked as he received a massive blow from Silver’s hoof, sending him straight to the ground. Silver then grabbed Snipe Hunt’s head and slammed it straight against the ground, knocking him out cold. “You alright there?” Silver asked Spitfire as he helped her up. “Meh, could be better.” Spitfire replied. She then noticed that the other Raiders were now out cold. “Did you take all of them down?” Spitfire asked. Silver simply shrugged as he nodded yes.

Wind Rider’s Mansion

“Come on, this way.” Silver motioned to Spitfire as they entered the mansion through a secret door in the cellar. “Not a bad idea to hide the entrance in a cellar.” Silver stated. “Certainly the last place I’d check.” Spitfire groaned and asked, “Come on, where should we start?” Silver pondered for a moment before he had an idea. “Let’s see if we can find he keeps his brandy or whiskey.” “What, you want a drink?” Spitfire asked, confused as to her brother’s idea. Silver continued, “Brandy and whiskey are alcoholic, and alcohol is flammable. We can burn this mansion down, forcing Wind Rider out in the open.”

Spitfire found the idea somewhat reckless, but also a perfect distraction. “Well, I do remember Wind Rider used to hide a few bottles in the kitchen back in the day.” Silver then asked, “Then let’s see what’s cooking?” A mischievous grin was now on his face. “So, is this what I’ve been missing for all these years?” Spitfire asked, a slight feeling of regret in her voice. Silver placed a hoof on her shoulder and replied, “There’s always a first time for everything.”

The kitchen was, much like the rest of the mansion, well maintained and provisioned. “I should have figured.” Silver remarked as he realized that most of these provisions were most likely stolen from supply ships or from the residents of Botany Bay. “Over here!” Spitfire called out. “What is it?” Silver asked. Spitfire pointed towards an upper cabinet. The cabinet was filled with extravagant glass bottles of a light brown liquid. “To be honest I could never stand this stuff.” Spitfire quipped. Silver then grabbed several bottles and began to leave the kitchen. “Grab every bottle you can and follow me.” He ordered. Spitfire grabbed several bottles and followed her brother out of the kitchen.

Spitfire and Silver began to roam the mansion with the bottles of whiskey. “What are we looking for?” Spitfire asked. “Large quantities of anything flammable.” Silver replied. Spitfire then noticed a room to her right with the door barely open. “What about in there?” Spitfire asked. Silver walked over to the room and peaked in. “Perfect choice.” He replied.

The room itself seemed to be a planning room of sorts, with a table covered in maps. Even better, at the end of the room was a roaring fireplace. Silver took one of the bottles and began to pour the liquor all over the maps. “You sure this will work?” Spitfire asked her brother. “I’m not too certain.” Silver replied as he began to pour another bottle on the now drenched maps. “At least we can hopefully give the Raiders something else to think about.” He then motioned to the fireplace and said, “Give me a log from the fire place. We should be able start an inferno.”

Spitfire walked over to the fireplace, grabbed a spare piece of wood, tipped it into the fireplace, and removed it once the tip was burning. “Alright, one inferno coming up.” Spitfire said as she approached the now drenched table. She touched the burning side to the soaked maps, only to witness the maps give off a light brown magical glow.

“Always pays to play smart.” A very familiar threatened from the doorway. Spitfire and Silver turned to the doorway, only to meet Wind Rider, Cutthroat, and Somers. Wind Rider continued, “I had Cutthroat here cast a protection spell. If you want to get on my nerves, you’ll have to do something other than burning my house down.” Silver stepped forward and snarkily replied, “Of course we all know this isn’t your mansion.” Somers then replied, “Just like you aren’t a Pegasus?”

Spitfire stepped forward and, to everyone’s surprise, defended her brother. “He’s certainly more of a Pegasus than you.” Silver the then joined the conversation. “Really? I’m flattered.” Spitfire continued, “I just wish I realized if sooner.” Silver began to say something else before Wind Rider interrupted, “Ok, I’m not in the mood to deal with this sentimental fluff. Somers, Cutthroat, do something about these two, would you?” He then turned to depart, but stopped and added, “And do try to limit the damage to the house.” Somers pulled out his knife and made a slitting motion across his throat as Cutthroat popped his neck as he replied, “With pleasure.”

Somers and Cutthroat positioned themselves in between Spitfire, Silver, and the door. If there was a way out, it was through them. “So…” Spitfire began as she stretched her hooves. “You two think you can take us on in a fair fight?” Somers simply pulled out his knife and gleefully replied, “Good thing I play to win.” He then charged forward towards the siblings, right into the waiting hoof of Silver.

Before Spitfire or Cutthroat could do anything, a loud rumble began to shake the ground, followed by a series of explosions. “What’s going on?” Cutthroat demanded. Somers, panicking, replied, “I dunno!” Silver and Spitfire gave each other knowing looks and took the opportunity of the moment of confusion and simultaneously slugged Cutthroat and Somers, knocking them out. “That was anti-climactic.” Spitfire quipped. Silver let out a little giggle and motioned to the door.

Silver and Spitfire made their way out of the mansion and were stunned by the sight. Just near the Raiders’s camp, a massive hole had now engulfed the ground. A few pegasi were actually flying out, trying to get as far away as possible. “He did it.” Silver remarked to Spitfire.

From behind the duo, they heard a vaguely familiar and oddly calm voice. “Thanks for keeping him occupied.” Spitfire and Silver turned around to see Blood Diamond, followed by Gin Tonic and Cap’n Flint. Spitfire immediately asked, “Where’s Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo?” Blood Diamond answered, “They were the first ones out. With any luck…”

“Guys!!” another familiar voice called out. Sure enough, it was Rainbow Dash, and holding on to her for dear life was Scootaloo. “I can’t believe that worked.” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. Scootaloo then asked, “So, what now?” Silver immediately answered, “Miss Dash, you get Scootaloo out of here.” Rainbow Dash nodded and took to the air, flying as fast as possible for a pony carrying a sick filly.

Silver then turned to Blood Diamond and asked, “So what happens next?” Blood Diamond paused for a moment before he replied, “Now, we get you to your crews.”

Docks of Botany Bay, near the Hawkins

The trip back into the town was incredibly hectic. Ponies who had spent anywhere from the last few days to almost a year in the Pit were now running all over town. To make matters even worse, the Raiders were struggling (and failing) to keep order and round the escaped “prisoners” up. The sight of the chaos gave Spitfire a sense of both joy and fear. She, Silver, Cap’n Flint, Gin Tonic, and Blood Diamond were rushing down towards the docks. “You think we’ll be able to make it? It’s a nightmare out here!” Spitfire exclaimed. “We will!” Blood Diamond shouted over the shouting and fighting. “Your friends have been trying to get you guys out of here. My team has been helping them.”

Once the group made their way to the docks, they were greeted by an olive-khaki earth pony with a dark green mane. “Boss.” The earth pony greeted Blood Diamond, who replied, “How are the sailors and the Wonderbolts?” The earth pony answered, “Same as yesterday, fidgety, on edge, and worried.”

As the group approached the docked Hawkins, yet another familiar voice rang out from the crow’s nest. “Spitfire? Silver?” Soarin asked out loud as he descended towards the group. From behind him, several other voices rang out as both Wonderbolts and Sailors began to pour out from the ship. Wyvern was the first, who, as he wrapped his hooves around Silver and said, “My goodness boy! I thought you were dead!” “They can’t kill either of us yet.” Flint’s voice rang out as the cheering died down.

“Is that…?” Wyvern began as he struggled to comprehend who was standing before him. As Nelson made his way forward, he called out, “By the gods. CAP’N!” Soon all the sailors were running up to Flint and embracing him. “Sir, your horn! It’s gone!” Wyvern said as he realized his captain was missing part of him. “No point worrying about it now. All we can do is get out of here.”

Spitfire was the next to speak up. “What about Wind Rider?” It was then that Perry asked, “Silver, where are you wings?” There was a moment of silence before Silver answered, “Somers cut them off. By now they’ve been melted down and scrapped.” Now Spitfire found herself receiving scowls from both Wonderbolts and sailors.

Silver stepped forward and said, “But right now, as Cap’n Flint said, that’s not important. Rainbow Dash took Scootaloo and headed north.” Surprise was the next one to speak. “That’s good. Maybe she’ll meet the cavalry as they come down here.” “Cavalry?” Silver asked in confusion.

Blood Diamond explained, “You remember how “Thick Hide” was in trouble for deserting? Well, after you lot were captured, I came down here and let them in on everything.” Soarin continued, “The other Wonderbolts and I took a vote as to who should fly out of here and alert the Princesses, but Angel Wings heard us and took off before we could decide.” Silver was so surprised by this that he didn’t notice Spitfire closing his gaping jaw. He managed to let out a stunned, “That’s, uh, some determination.” Blood Diamond added, “Knowing standard Royal Guard protocol, they’ll have a legion down here by morning. Besides, we’ve gotten Scootaloo and Flint out of the Pit, so I’d say your job is done.”

After a few more seconds, the group heard the sound of mass teleportation. Sure enough, hundreds of Royal Guards were charging from the north to take the town. “And right on time.” Blood Diamond said with a satisfied smile on his face. Flint then turned to Silver and asked, “So what now?” “You’re the captain, I should be asking you.” Silver asked. Flint then took the younger Pegasus and said, “These ponies followed you down here, not me. Seems we get out of here the same way; under your command.”

Silver hesitated for a few seconds before he straightened his hat, turned to the group, and with a fiery determination in his eyes, commanded to the group, “Alright everyone. Loosen the mooring line and weigh anchor, we’re getting out of here.” Spitfire was the first to reply with an immediate “Aye aye sir.” As she flew towards the ship, Perry trotted up to Silver and asked, “What side of who’s bed did she wake up on?”

Silver just let out a relieved sigh and ordered, “To your post Mr. Perry.” Soon enough the group returned to the vessel and began to work to get the vessel moving. Before the Hawkins could launch, however, yet another voice called out to the crew. “Hey guys.” Looking up, the crew saw three pegasi who were descending to the ship’s deck. Two of them were Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo. “What are you two doing back here?” Silver asked, confused at the sight before him. The third Pegasus, an incredibly exhausted Angel Wings, explained, “The Guards are setting up an exclusion zone to keep the Raiders contained. They won’t let them out but they will let the ship out.”

Spitfire and Silver made their way to Angel Wings. She was ragged, had circles under her eyes, was incredibly out of breath, and her mane and bow were unkempt. Silver began to ask, “So did you…” but was interrupted with her immediately wrapping her hooves around his neck and planting a massive kiss on his lips. “I was so scared for you I flew to the nearest garrison and informed them.” Silver managed to regain his composure and asked, “I take it you missed me?”

Angel Wings’s attention was immediately taken by the appearance of Spitfire. Without thinking, she immediately made her way to the Wonderbolt captain and slugged her in the face. “That’s for Silver.” She angrily said as she was restrained by Nelson and Perry.

Silver began to approach Angel Wings until Soarin asked, “Uh, Silver?” Silver turned to the Wonderbolt, and was horrified at the sight that beset the crew.

The massive black frigate from before, the one that attacked the Wonderbolts base, had emerged from nowhere. And it was now approaching them. Silver took a deep breath and bellowed, “Alright everyone, we’ve got to get out of here now!”

Author's Note:

Next Time; a classic ship battle as the finale begins.