• Published 25th Jun 2019
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Spitfire and Old Silver - The FraudulentBrit

Rainbow Dash and the other Wonderbolts meet Spitfire's estranged older brother

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Good Intentions

Spitfire and Old Silver

Part 3; good intentions

“Come on, you can do it.” Rainbow Dash said excitedly to her protégé. Three weeks had passed since the little incident on the way to Manehattan. Since then, Rainbow had made it her personal mission to help Scootaloo improve her flying. Scootaloo, on the other hoof, found herself sweating so much she wondered if she were just some giant water balloon. “Ok squirt, I think I’ve pushed you enough for today.” With that, Scootaloo collapsed onto the grassy field she and Rainbow had been practicing.

“Phew, thanks Rainbow. Didn’t know how long I could keep it up.” Scootaloo said very wheezily, making sure to take a massive gulp from her water bottle. Rainbow Dash cut in, remarking, “Come on, you’re getting pretty good. You seem to just have trouble with prolonged flight.” “I know,” replied the younger filly. “However…..” Scootaloo started, somewhat unsure of how to phrase what was on her mind. “Something wrong Scoots?” asked the older pony.

Taking a deep breath, Scootaloo asked, “Rainbow, What’s pushing you to help me on my flying now? I mean the last few weeks it seems like it’s all we’ve been doing.” Rainbow solemnly answered, “Look, I’m just worried about you. I mean when you got swept off the deck of that ship I had no idea if I’d ever find you again. I just figured if we worked on your flying then something like that won’t happen again.” Scootaloo then hugged her honorary big sister and answered, “Don’t worry. Besides, I don’t think I’ll ever be on the top deck of a ship during a storm again.”

Rainbow then asked, “That’s another thing, what were you doing on the deck during a storm?” Scootaloo, squirming away and looking down towards the grass, answered, “Well, Spitfire forgot her goggles, so she asked me to…..” Rainbow immediately put her hoof on her mouth and asked, “Spitfire sent you?” Scootaloo continued, “Well, She said she needed to get you guys together to go over your routine, and promised me she would….” Again, Rainbow put her hoof to Scootaloo’s lips and coldly said, “You don’t need to say anymore.” After taking her hoof away, Rainbow thought out loud, “Next time I see her I am gonna have a good long talk with her.”

Before either Pegasus could say anything else, they heard a familiar sound from behind them. Looking towards their flanks, both ponies noticed their cutie marks were now glowing. That could mean only one thing….

“The Map!” both ponies exclaimed excitedly. Rainbow lowered her wing and playfully saying, “All aboard the Rainbow Express!” Scootaloo happily climbed up and wrapped her hooves around her honorary sister and said, “All passengers accounted for.” Laughing at the little filly playing along, Rainbow said, “And away we go!” and took off towards Twilight’s castle.

Once the two pegasi arrived at the castle, they made their way towards the throne room, where the cutie map was located. Once they entered, they saw Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer were observing the map. “Hey guys.” Rainbow Dash asked. Twilight was the first to answer. “Well, looks like you and Scootaloo are up for a first.” Scootaloo asked, “What do you mean?” Both pegasi made their way to the map, only to be met with an awkward surprise.

Both of their cutie marks had indeed been called. However, they had been called to different locations. Rainbow cast a glance towards Starlight, who simply answered, “It wasn’t me. I swear it.” Rainbow, feeling that this instance wasn’t caused by one of Starlight’s tampering, took another look at the map. Her own cutie mark was circling above the Wonderbolt’s academy and base. Clearly something else was affecting the team. However, when she glanced at Scootaloo’s mark, it was floating over the air in the middle of nowhere, or rather what seemed to be within a day or two from Cloudsdale.

“Hey Twilight, can you zoom the map in a bit to where Scootaloo’s mark is pointing. Twilight did so, revealing that the cutie mark was floating over a three-masted sky ship. Rainbow stood there for a good few moments, almost wishing it wasn’t what it was clearly showing until Scootaloo blurted out, “Hey, isn’t that the Hawkins?” “The Hawkins?” asked Twilight. “Yeah, it’s the ship Old Silver serves on.” Starlight asked, “Wait, who’s Old Silver?” Rainbow answered, “He’s, uh, Spitfire’s brother.”

“WHAT?” asked a startled Twilight. “I didn’t know Spitfire had a brother!” “Neither did the rest of us.” Rainbow replied, eying the Wonderbolts Academy. “Turns out their relationship is….. rocky.” Twilight then asked, “Wait, what happened between them?” Scootaloo answered with, “Apparently when they were young Spitfire caused Silver’s wings to be amputated. Turns out they’ve barely spoken since then.” Starlight then asked, “Wait, aren’t the Wonderbolts getting ready for their annual family day show?” Twilight realized how serious this mission was going to be. “Well, I know this one is gonna be tough, but I’m confident you two can do this.” However, Both Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo were just continuing to stare at the cutie map, knowing that saying this mission was more than just tough.

This would be one of the hardest friendship missions any of them would likely ever undertake.

Cloudsdale, the next day…

Cloudsdale’s docks didn’t exactly stand out as much as Manehattan’s, so it was actually pretty easy for Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash to find the Hawkins, nestled comfortably in a cloud dry-dock. “You ready Scoots?” Rainbow asked the younger filly. “Ready as I’ll ever be. You sure you can’t stay?” Scootaloo asked nervously. “Sorry. One, Twilight would throw a fit if I interfered here, at least now, and two, I gotta head to Wonderbolts HQ and get Spitfire buttered up to the idea.” Both pegasi knew they couldn’t go against the map’s wishes, which meant at least for the moment, Scootaloo was going to be on her own again.

Taking deep breath, Scootaloo decided to take the first step, and began to trot towards the Hawkins. Rainbow Called out, “See you in a bit Scoots.” With that, she took off towards the Wonderbolts HQ. Scootaloo then continued towards the ship. She noticed that the paint on the hull was actually starting to chip in a few places. Taking another deep breath, Scootaloo continued towards the vessel.

As Scootaloo moved up the ramp, eying several sailors moving large crates down to a series of trolleys, she noticed two familiar ponies in blue jackets. However, before she could speak up, a familiar elderly and raspy voice spoke up from right behind her. “Kid? What are you doing all the way out here?” Scootaloo jumped in surprise, only to notice a certain elderly earth pony. “Wyvern, for the love of Celestia, you have to stop terrifying every pony.” Called out a somewhat annoyed Nelson, before noticing who he had accidentally terrified. “Scootaloo? Is that you?”

As Scootaloo made her way onto the deck, she nervously answered, “Uh yes. Good to see you again, Perry was it?” Nelson let out a small chuckle before answering, “No I’m Nelson. This blockhead over here is Perry.” Perry then playfully cut in, “Hey, are you trying to say I’m an idiot?” Nelson cheekily answered, “Well you don’t exactly need any help from me.” Perry replied, “That’s right.” Before both ponies began laughing hysterically, with Scootaloo joining in before another, more familiar voice interrupted the small group. “Oi, what are you two bletherin’ about?”

Scootaloo turned to see a certain yellow Pegasus with a black leather jacket, a black and slightly battered tri-corner hat, and most importantly, two long metal wings. “Scootaloo? Ha ha. What are you doing all the way up here Bonnie Lass?” asked the elder Pegasus. Scootaloo had to admit it felt good when Old Silver came over and rustled her mane much like Rainbow Dash usually would. Scootaloo answered, “Well, actually, it has to do with you.” “Really?” Silver playfully asked. “You couldn’t get enough of little old me?” he then pointed one of his metal fingers towards himself. Perry cut in, “Hey maybe she couldn’t of me?” “I doubt it Perry. You’re a bit too old for the kid.”

Scootaloo then spoke up, “Uh, you see, the reason I’m here, well, it involves…..” Scootaloo didn’t know how to say the last bit. “Yes?” asked Silver. Taking a deep breath, Scootaloo quickly shouted out, “It involves your sister.”

The Hawkin’s galley, ten minutes later….

“I’m not going!” Old Silver said, not quite shouting but leaving no room for misinterpretation. Scootaloo, Perry, Nelson, and Wyvern were also there, with the filly trying to change the stubborn Pegasus’s mind. “But Silver,” Scootaloo tried to reason with him. “I know you and Spitfire don’t exactly have the best relationship….” Silver Responded, “Gee, I wonder how you figured it out.” Whilst using his metal wings to make a pose implying he was pondering the filly’s plea. “Come on Silver. I’m sure you two can work things out.” Said Nelson. “I mean maybe she’s mellowed out over the years.” “Besides, she’s kinda cute.” Replied Perry, who received awkward stares from Scootaloo, Wyvern, and Nelson, as well as a very unpleasant glare from Silver. “Heh heh heh.” Perry let out whilst tip toeing towards the exit. “I’m going now.” He replied as he dashed out of the galley.

With Perry having vacated the galley, Silver continued, “I understand you want to help kid, but there are some things you can’nae fix.” As Silver walked over to the kitchen, Scootaloo asked, “Well, have you tried before?” As Silver pulled out a mug and began to pour what appeared to be ginger ale into it. “I have, I’m sorry to say.” Was Silver’s answer. “And I swear every time she just got more and more stubborn and all around nasty.” Nelson then added, “Unfortunately he does have a point. From what I heard Silver isn’t exactly entirely welcome at the Wonderbolts’ little compound.”

At that moment, all four ponies heard a new voice say, “Well, we’ve all survived a lot worse than that putz of a Pegasus.” The group turned around to see Cap’n Flint, a look of determination on his face. “There a problem Cap’n?” asked Silver. “There is indeed Mr. Silver.” Replied Flint. “It seems Princess Sparkle’s map felt it was important enough to fix what’s been broke between you and Spitfire that it sent Scootaloo here.” As he said this, he walked over to Old Silver and took his mug, remarking, “Must be a pretty big deal to get the kid here involved into this.”

Every Pony stood there for a moment before Flint, sporting a jolly smile, gave the order, “What are you standing around for Mr. Silver? You need to pack and ship out to the Wonderbolts’ base.” Scootaloo and the sailors stood there for a moment before Old Silver tried to counter the order. “Sir, if I may…” However, Flint cut him off. “Sorry Mr. Silver, but you may not. Not this time.” Realizing he wouldn’t be able to avoid the situation this time, Nelson spoke up, “Sir, if I may propose a compromise….”

The Wonderbolts’ HQ; a few hours later.….

For perhaps the second time in all her life, Rainbow Dash was unsure of whether or not she actually wanted to be heading to the Wonderbolts’ HQ. On one hoof, she knew she (as well as Scootaloo) had a mission to accomplish. She also took a great amount of pride in helping friends and even family come together. However, this time she would be going directly against her commanding officer. And if there was anything that Spitfire couldn’t stand (Other than being stuck with kids) it was any of the Wonderbolts challenging her authority.

Making her way to Spitfire’s office, Rainbow took a deep breath. She knew once it started, there would be no turning back. However, Rainbow also knew the map had called her and Scootaloo for a reason. And knowing how the map decided who was sent, she would at least find out soon enough.

Rainbow Dash knocked on the door to Spitfire’s office. From the other side, she heard her captain’s voice call out, “Come in.” Opening the door, Rainbow slowly walked in, observing her captain giving her hoof stamp to posters of the team, which had not too recently added Thunder Lane as a fully fledged member. Without even lifting her head from the stack, Spitfire asked, “All right Fast Clip, what do you want?” “Uh…” Rainbow said in confusion. “Actually it’s me ma’am.”

“Huh?” asked a now startled Spitfire, who raised her head to see Rainbow Dash standing before her. “Oh, what are you doing here Crash? I wasn’t expecting you or the others for another day or two.” “Heh heh heh. Yeah, about that….” Rainbow started, feeling somewhat nervous. “You remember that time the map called me and Twilight to help Sky Stinger and Vapor Trail?” “Yeah?” Spitfire answered skeptically. “Well, it called me here and it called Scootaloo to the Hawkins.” “The Hawkins? What’s that?” Spitfire asked. “The ship that rescued Scootaloo.” Rainbow answered. “The one your brother is on.”

This last statement was met with a look of fear and shock on Spitfire’s face. “Please tell me you aren’t bringing Stumpy here.” Rainbow Dash, surprised her captain was showing such surprising callousness towards her brother, asked, “Ma’am, forgive me for this, But what the hay do you have against Old Silver anyway?” Spitfire immediately answered, “Did you even see him. He’s a great big grump and a sensitive little sissy. I mean, what kind of pony can’t tolerate a little nickname?” Once again, Rainbow Dash was shocked at what her captain and idol were saying. Sure, since the Wonderbolts’ Academy she knew Spitfire could be hard, loud, and at times very unpleasant. But to hear her come off as so uncaring and downright cruel just made her feel kind of sick.

However, Rainbow remembered something she and Scootaloo had planned earlier. “You know, I remember you complaining about how the maintenance crew was on vacation for a few weeks.” Rainbow said somewhat cheekily. “Yeah.” Spitfire responded skeptically. Rainbow continued. “And apparently this time a year some sailors find it hard to get steady work. And since we may need a few extra hooves….” Suddenly, Spitfire figured out exactly what her subordinate was implying. “I swear if you bring Stumpy here, you’ll be on probation for the rest of your life!” Rainbow shot back, “And what happens when the others find out about that?” Spitfire then slumped back in her chair, but her glair remained, and she barked out, “Get out of my office Crash.” Rainbow Dash hesitated for a moment, but figured it was wise to let Spitfire calm down and they could deal with the situation at a later hour. “Yes ma’am.” With that, Rainbow turned around and left Spitfire’s office and headed to the runway, where she would keep an eye out for two certain pegasi.

After a few minutes, Rainbow Dash heard flapping from behind her. “Hey Crash, how’s it hanging?” Turing around, Rainbow noticed Soarin and Surprise, both out of their flight suits and in their flight jackets. “Hey guys.” Rainbow called out to her teammates. Surprise asked, “What are you doing here so early? You’re usually the last one here.” Rainbow replied, “Yeah turns out the map called me and Scootaloo to help Spitfire and Old Silver get along.” While Soarin whistled in awkwardness, Surprise answered, “Wow. That’s gonna be tough.”

Rainbow noticed Soarin looking away and asked, “Something wrong Soarin?” The Pegasus stallion replied, “Yeah. I asked Spitfire about her brother a few times, but all she said was she didn’t want to talk about him.” “Sheesh” Replied Rainbow Dash. “I mean I told Spitfire about the map and she said she’d put me on probation if I brought him here.” Surprise then asked, “Wait, are you bringing him here?” “Well yeah.” Rainbow answered. “We can’t exactly get her away what with preparations for the family day show, so it’s easier to get him here. Scootaloo was sent to get him.”

Before either of the other Wonderbolts could say anything else, all three pegasi heard the sounds of creaking wood and propellers. Rainbow Dash noticed that from behind her friends emerged a yellow and black striped three masted sky ship making its way towards the outskirts of the base. “Whoa.” Soarin remarked on the vessel. “I thought you said only Silver and the kid were coming.” “So did I.” Rainbow replied.

Flying down to where the ship was now docking itself, Rainbow Dash and the other Wonderbolts made their way to the vessel. Rainbow herself was surprised to see the ship appeared to be surprisingly sparsely populated, with only three ponies on deck, none of them being Scootaloo or Old Silver. However, she did notice the pony behind the ship’s wheel; a red unicorn with a black mane and beard, as well as a black coat and bi-corner hat. “Ahoy there Miss Rainbow Dash.” Called out the pony, Cap’n Flint if she remembered. “Hey there. How’s it hanging?” Rainbow called to the old sailor.

“Rather pleasant actually.” Cap’n Flint answered, tipping his hat to the mare. “Though I take you know why my crew and I are here.” Soarin then replied, “Yeah. I wouldn’t be surprised if by this time tomorrow all the other Wonderbolts found out.” At that moment, a new voice with an exotic accent emerged from the galley. “I bet. Makes me harder to ignore.” From the stairs that led to the galley, Old Silver emerged with Scootaloo in tow. “Hey Silver, Hey Scoots.” Rainbow called out to her friend and mission objective. “Rainbow!” Scootaloo called out. “I got Silver as well as some the other sailors.” Silver then replied, “Well, these lads here did’ne want me to face Spitfire all by my lonesome, so Perry, Nelson, and Wyvern here volunteered to help out around here as well.” Cap’n Flint then added, “And I’m here so the others don’t distract Mr. Silver here.”

The Sailor ponies then lowered a ramp and began to depart the docked vessel, with Silver naturally being the first to set hoof off of the Hawkins. “Ah, Feels good to feel something other than wood or stone for a change.” Surprise flew down to Silver and asked, “So, is it true about your wings?” Silver then displayed his right wing, splaying it out. “Ooh.” Surprise said as she examined his wing. “Aye. To be honest they feel more like a second pair of front hooves than wings. Guess I just got too used to having these hunks of hardware.” Soarin then came up and asked, “so how long have you had these prosthetics anyway?” “About a decade.” Old Silver answered. “They were a gift from the lads, a thank you for saving us all from a mutiny.” Rainbow asked, “What’s a mutiny?”

Before any of the sailors could answer, they heard a voice all out, “Hey, who’s bright idea was it to park that hunk of junk here?” Rainbow Dash, Soarin, and Surprise turned around to see Spitfire flying from the base, clearly appearing to be irritated. That irritation quickly disappeared as she noticed a very certain Pegasus with mechanical wings. “Stumpy.” Spitfire said as she landed in front of her brother. “Little sis.” Silver replied, giving his sister a smug grin, which she returned with a smug smile of her own. Both ponies stood there for a minute, with every pony around them standing around them, hoping neither would make a horrible mistake. Silver spoke first. “How’s mum?” “She’s pretty good. She’ll be here in a few days actually.” Silver then replied, “Well now, it will be good to see mum again.

Spitfire then asked, “What are you doing here Stumpy?” Old Silver took a deep breath, struggling to hold in his anger. “Turns out the Princess’s map called Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo here to help fix things up between you and I.” “Really?” Spitfire asked, Rainbow noticing she was trying to put on a friendly façade, one that at least she could see through. “Well now,” Spitfire continued. “Well I appreciate the gesture, but we’re kind of busy at the moment.” As Spitfire turned around to leave, Silver said, “I heard you’re in need of some maintenance ponies. Since me and the lads here are in need of work, I’m sure we can come to some sort of…” Spitfire then shot back to brother and asked, “You sure you can handle it? I run a, if you don’t mind, tight ship.” Silver simply replied, “Don’t worry, nothing you can throw at us that we can’t handle.

Rainbow Dash then walked up to the two siblings and wrapped her hooves around them, remarking, “Alright. Step one complete.” Spitfire, annoyed by the sudden hug, shouted, “Get your hooves off me Crash!” Rainbow Sheepishly complied, giving a nervous laugh. Silver then asked, “You know, I may be vaguely familiar with this joint, but I don’ne think the lads here know their way around. You mind giving a guided tour?” Spitfire sighed with annoyance and called out, “Crash, Slowpoke.” “Yes ma’am?” Rainbow replied. “Show stumpy and his friends here around the base would you? I’ve got some paperwork I gotta finish.” With that, Spitfire dashed off towards her office. Rainbow shook her head as she said, “Look, Sorry she’s in such a bad mood.” Silver replied, “Don’t worry about it Miss Dash. She’s always been like that. At least around me.” Silver then walked up to her and Surprise and asked, “Now, about that tour.”

“And this is where we sleep.” Rainbow Dash was now showing Old Silver and the other sailors the barracks at the Wonderbolts’ HQ. The only sailor who was absent was Cap’n Flint, who had retired to the Hawkins to let Silver “Get reacquainted.” “Rather Impressive, if I might add.” Silver remarked. He had to admit, the Wonderbolts certainly knew how to live in comfort. “Not bad accommodations.” Remarked Nelson. “For the most part we usually sleep on hammocks.” “Really?” asked Surprise. “Oh yeah.” Said Perry. “You see a normal bed takes too much space in the ship’s hull, as well as weighing too much. That can pull us all down to the ground and an unfortunate end.” “Sheesh.” Remarked Soarin. “I can’t imagining sleeping on a hammock for that long.” From behind him, Wyvern remarked, “Meh, you get used to it.” Naturally, the shock from this sent Soarin jumped forward a bit, making Surprise and Rainbow Dash giggle a bit.

After showing the sailors the Barracks, Rainbow Dash showed them the runway. “Remember, Always look both ways before crossing the runway. Take it from personal experience.” Soarin added, “Yeah, it’s why we call her Rainbow Crash.” Silver gave a confused look and asked, “I take it you liked your little nickname?” “As if.” Rainbow replied. “I hated it. I spent a few days trying to get everyone to stop calling me that. However, Spitfire and the others taught me to take it in pride.” Surprise added, “Well, that and a month on probation for sabotaging your first show.” Rainbow then gave a sheepish laugh.

However, Old Silver was just standing there, letting what he heard sink in. He then turned towards Soarin and asked, “So why did she call you “Clipper?”” Soarin replied, “Well, my first day on the team I clipped my wing on the flagpole.” Surprise then added, “And I’m Slowpoke cause on my first day I fell behind all the others.” Rainbow added, “Yeah it’s a Wonderbolts tradition, you get a nickname based on your first great failure.” Old Silver then took a deep breath and answered, “Do forgive me, but I find the idea of giving each other embarrassing nicknames a little…. barbaric.” Soarin cluelessly asked, “What do you mean?” As Nelson and Perry tried to silently tell the Wonderbolts to drop the subject as Silver took his metal wings and stretched them out, popping his metal hands. “No reason really.” Silver replied sarcastically.

Later that night, The Wonderbolts, the recruits, as well as the Sailors and Scootaloo were gathered in the mess hall, With every pony lining up to get their food, which was provided that night by High Winds. As Old Silver and the other Sailors got their trays of simple trays of daffodil soup, he received the feeling that he was being watched. Turning around, he found most of the recruits eyeing him, specifically his metal wings. Not entirely sure on what to do next, Silver did the only thing he could think of; he waved one of his metal hands to the recruits, making some of them back away in fear. Perry remarked, “I think they like you.” Silver shot back, “Really now, maybe we should sit at the kids table with ‘em.”

Of course, With Perry’s persistence, Silver found himself sitting at the so-called “kids table” with the Academy recruits. The pony next to him, a pink Pegasus with a red and pink striped mane and a big red bow. As Silver ate from his bowl of soup (Which he had to assume was prepared by an amateur), he found himself looking back towards this mystery Pegasus, who was trying to not seem like she was staring at his wings. “You don’ne need to worry, they don’t bite ponies.” He said to her, trying to be friendly. “Whoa.” The mystery Pegasus remarked. Silver then sarcastically remarked, “You do know it’s not exactly polite to stare.”

The Pegasus sheepishly remarked, “Sorry. I guess I’ve never seen any pony with wings like that before.” She then extended her own wing and introduced herself. “I’m Angel Wings.” “Old Silver” Silver replied, Shaking her wing with his own prosthetic one. Across the table, Two other recruits, Sky Stinger and Vapor Trail, were also staring at the mystery guest. “You ask him.” Sky Stinger asked his friend. “No, you ask him.” Vapor Trail replied. From behind them, an elderly and gravelly voice asked them, “Ask him what?” Both pegasi shot into the air in fear, only to look back to see a smiling and elderly yellow-green earth pony looking up at them. “Don’t worry young ones. My bark is worse than my bite.” Both pegasi returned to the ground as the earth pony introduced himself. “I’m Wyvern.”

Elsewhere in the mess hall, Fleet Foot and High Winds were chatting with Nelson and Perry. Fleet Foot noticed Nelson’s Glove and asked, “Hey uh, Nelson. What’s with the long glove?” Nelson and Perry looked at each other for a moment, then Nelson answered, “You sure you want to see?” Both Wonderbolts nodded, and with that, Nelson removed his long glove. Both ponies were shocked to see that Nelson’s leg was a metal prosthetic, just like Silver’s wings. “Yes, the result of a nasty run in with a group of sea serpents. T’was because of them I had to resign from the Admiralty.” Perry added, “Yeah, Nelson here was a career officer in the EUP navy.” “Whoa. That’s pretty cool.” Fleet Foot remarked. “Yeah. It was.” Nelson replied whistfully. “Though these days I’ve found peace as a quartermaster.” High Winds asked, “What’s a quartermaster?”

After every pony had finished eating, Spitfire flew over to the end of the room and cleared her throat very loudly, signaling that she wanted everyone’s attention. “Alright every pony.” She said with authority. “We will be preparing for the family day show coming up in a few days. Both official Wonderbolts and academy fliers will each perform a routine.” The recruits oohed and awed at the prospect of performing. Spitfire then continued, “Also I would like to inform every pony,” she then eyed Silver and the recruits. “Especially the recruits that you are not to interact with the hired help.” “Hired help?” Asked Angel Wings. Silver whispered into her ear, “She means me and the lads.”

Spitfire then faced Old Silver and said, “Stumpy, you will be cleaning the entire compound tonight.” Before any pony could say anything else, Spitfire finished her speech. “Every pony should get some rest pretty soon. It will be a good long couple of days.” With that, Spitfire began to head back to her seat with Soarin and Rainbow Dash, but not before Silver cheekily called out, “Thanks sis.”

The whole mess hall went dead silent. For almost a full minute, no one said anything, until Angel Wings turned to Old Silver and asked, “Wait, is Spitfire your sister?” Silver replied, “Aye, she’s me younger sister by about ten months.” Before Angel Wings could marvel at the revelation, Spitfire flew over to her estranged brother and angrily said, “For that remark, you’ll be cleaning up the compound every night while you and your buddies are here.” Silver asked, “Isn’t that perhaps a wee bit harsh?” Nelson then continued, “Yeah, besides, having one pony clean this entire compound is practically asking for a sloppy performance.” Perry added, “If one of us has to clean, all four of us do.”

Spitfire found herself somewhat surprised at the sailors standing up for Silver, but was even more surprised when Angel Wings spoke up. “Yeah, and aren’t Wonderbolts supposed to stand up to each other?” Spitfire was stunned at the recruit standing up to her, only to remark, “In that case, Angel Wings can help Stumpy and his pirate friends.” Silver got up to go “Have a word with his sister, but he felt a hoof on his shoulder. Turning around, he found Wyvern shaking his head. “It’s been a long day Silver. We’ll start with her tomorrow.” Silver let out a deep breath and said out loud, “Alright lads, we’ve got a base to clean.”

As Old Silver, Angel Wings, and the other sailors left the mess hall, Silver turned to his sister and said very clearly, “For the record, My name is not Stumpy.” Once he left, (with him slamming the door on his way out) Rainbow Dash, who had been silently observing the ordeal with the other Wonderbolts and Scootaloo, realized that their mission was going probably going to be harder than she thought.

And it was already tough to begin with.

The Next Morning.

Rainbow Dash and the other Wonderbolts awoke to an odd sound, specifically the loud screech of a whistle. Before any pony could react, Nelson barged into the barracks, and shouted, “Look alive everyone! Get your flanks up you lollygaggers!” Most of the team awoke with the same shock of the others had, Rainbow woke up same as she normally would (Pinkie had a habit of surprising her friends during sleepovers). On the other hoof, Spitfire awoke with a different expression: annoyance. “Ugh, what’s going on?” Spitfire asked with annoyance. Nelson answered, “Ah, Captain Spitfire. Old Silver is waiting for you in the mess hall.” Spitfire shook her head and began to make her way towards the mess hall, whilst Nelson found himself being stared down by a group of rather unhappy pegasi.

As Spitfire arrived at the mess hall, she was surprised to find that Silver was already awake, singing to himself as he was preparing something in a pot. Having noticed the sound of an opening door, Silver raised his head and found his sister. “Ah, how’s it going sis?” he asked with a smile on his face. “Sleep well?” Spitfire, ignoring her brother’s pleasantries, asked, “What do you want Stumpy?” Silver took a deep breath and answered, “One, I would really appreciate it if you would stop calling me that. And two, I just wanted to talk.” Surprised by this answer, Spitfire didn’t know how to respond. Silver added, “Why don’t you sit down? I’ll whip us up some burgoo.”

A few minutes later, Silver arrived at the table Spitfire with two bowls full of what appeared to be porridge with what appeared to be molasses in it. “Here you go Spitfire.” Silver said. “This ought to help wake you up.” “No thanks to your buddy.” Spitfire shot back at her brother. Silver calmly replied, “Ah, don’t blame Nelson. I asked him to get you.” “Did you tell him to wake my team like he was a drill instructor?” Spitfire asked in a deadpan manor. Silver let out a small laugh and said, “Of course, guess you can’t take the navy out of the sailor. I’ll make sure he doesn’t challenge your authority again.”

As Old Silver took a good sized bite from his bowl of burgoo, Spitfire asked, “So what did you want to talk about?” Silver answered, “Anything really. Figured if we have to mend things with each other, might as well start with small talk.” “Alright then,” Spitfire replied. “Uh…” Spitfire thought for a moment, before she figured on what to settle on. “What is this stuff anyway?” Silver answered, “It’s called burgoo. It’s a kind of porridge. I took the liberty to make enough for everyone here. Even for Scootaloo and the recruits.” “Really?” Spitfire asked. “Aye. Figured I might as well, given I’m a cook and, if you don’ne mind, I wasn’t thrilled with dinner last night.” Spitfire said, “Well we don’t have a set cook. Every Wonderbolt alternates cooking every day.” Silver replied, “Oi. Do forgive me for this but that sounds like a recipe for food poisoning.” Thought the sailor couldn’t contain his laughter, Spitfire just glared at her brother. Silver then replied, “Don’t worry. I think I can handle meals while the lads and I are here.”

“You aren’t gonna push yourself too much are ya?” from behind both pegasi, Cap’n Flint walked up to the two siblings. “Good to see you two being somewhat civil. Spitfire simply deadpanned, “Yeah.” Silver then added, “You better eat up. Don’t want your food to get cold do ya?” Spitfire, sighing, took her spoon and helped herself to some of her porridge, and was surprised that it was actually pretty good. “What do you think?” Silver asked. “Not too bad Stumpy, but a bit too sweet for my taste.” Spitfire replied. Old Silver took another deep breath and said, “Well I know what to do.” Curious, Spitfire leaned in closer, only for Silver to blurt out, “Add salt.” Needless to say, once Old Silver finished laughing, he noticed Cap’n Flint giving him a somewhat disappointed look. “Heh heh. Sorry about that.” He said to his sister.

Spitfire then said, “Look Stumpy, this has been nice and all, but I gotta make sure every pony is up and ready.” As Spitfire got up and began to exit the mess hall, Silver called out, “For the love of Celestia, could you please stop calling me Stumpy? At least while I’m here?” Spitfire calmly and coolly replied, “Hey, consider it your honorary Wonderbolt nickname.” With that, Spitfire left, but not before letting out a slightly cocky chuckle. Once she was out of ear shot, Silver slammed one of his wings onto the table in rage. “You arrogant, Slimy, Mangy Cur!”

However, Silver turned to see Cap’n Flint, who had cleared his throat. “Sorry sir.” Silver said to the Cap’n. “Guess I still have a few anger issues around that stupid nickname.” Flint simply remarked, “You should probably start getting some of the burgoo ready for the others. They should be here soon.” Silver gave a simple, “Aye aye sir.” With that, he left for the kitchen, leaving Cap’n Flint to ponder the encounter he had witnessed. Sure, Silver had put on a friendly face, but it seemed Spitfire hadn’t even tried to be cordial. Perhaps, the Cap’n thought, this may not have been the best idea in the world after all.

Author's Note:

Next Time; Spitfire takes matters into her own hooves, to disastrous results. Old Silver also begins to bond with Angel Wings

Happy 4th of July everyone.