• Published 25th Jun 2019
  • 1,299 Views, 79 Comments

Spitfire and Old Silver - The FraudulentBrit

Rainbow Dash and the other Wonderbolts meet Spitfire's estranged older brother

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Spitfire and Old Silver

Part 6; Consequences

Spitfire sat at in the corner as her brother began to explain the nature of their attackers to members of Luna’s guard. “The Raiders are a nasty group of cutthroats and brigands.” Old Silver said to the guards. “They’ll whack you over the head and take anything and everything on you.” One of the bat-pony guards raised his hoof and asked, “Well, if you’re so familiar with them, how come you didn’t recognize them?” Silver answered, “We’ve been lucky until now to not have had this close of an encounter. The lads and I have dealt with a few of their ships, but we’ve never been this up close and personal.” He then glared at Spitfire as he continued, “Besides, lots of ponies wear blue.” Spitfire rolled her eyes at the not entirely subtle insult.

“Well, what else do you know about them?” another of the bat-pony guards asked. “I heard most of them were in the EUP, but were kicked out for everything from banditry to racketeering. Apparently most of them were sent to Nightmareville, but some pony sprung them out about a year ago.” The last statement startled the guards, as well as got Spitfire’s interest. “What’s Nightmareville?” One of the guards, their captain judging by the stripes on his armor, answered, “It’s a prison Princess Luna set up for the worst of the worst. Unless you’re so nefarious that Celestia decides to send you to Tartarus, then you get sent there.” “Wow, guess they really are that bad.” Spitfire said in shock.

“Oh really, what gave you that idea?” Silver said with mock surprise failing to mask his anger. “Was it the fact they beat the snot out of all of us, the fact they robbed your little base, or the fact they kidnapped Scootaloo and Cap’n Flint?!” Spitfire was about to say something in response, but she noticed the that the guards were watching her like hawks; If something broke out between her and Silver (which would almost be a certainty), then they would descend on them and break them up, possibly even arresting them. All Spitfire could say was a defeated, “Good point.” She then returned to her corner.

The Wonderbolts HQ infirmary

“Hold still Nelson.” Perry tried to reassure his friend as he placed another bag of ice over the wounded Pegasus. “We can’t just sit by idly, we have to….” Nelson managed to get out before he felt a horrible throbbing in his head as Perry sighed. “You won’t be able to help if you wear yourself past the breaking point.” From behind them, they heard Rainbow Dash ask, “Everything alright in here?” Perry answered, “Well, considering Nelson’s leg has been shattered, he has a concussion and the Raiders made off with the Cap’n as well as your friend, I’d say not too shabby.”

Though Rainbow Dash could tell there was a degree of annoyance in Perry’s tone, she knew that he wasn’t angry with her. It was Spitfire they were angry with, and honestly she was too. Nelson then angrily said, “Forgive me Miss Dash, but when I get my hooves on your Captain I swear that….” He managed to get out before his throbbing head silenced him again. “You aren’t the only one.” Rainbow Dash answered. “She put me and Soarin on probation because we called her out. She tries anything else and we’re leaving.” “Oh my.” Perry answered with genuine shock. “That’s uh…. More guts than I’d probably have. And to think, some pony as beautiful as her….” “Can it Perry.” Nelson managed to halt his friend’s rambling. Rainbow Dash sighed in amusement at the sight of the two bantering. At least they were able to have a little fun given the circumstances.

“So,” Rainbow Dash started. “You guys know where Old Silver is?” Perry answered, “He’s down at the crime scene talking to Luna’s guards. Spitfire should be with him by the way.” “Thanks. Anything I can do for you guys?” Rainbow Dash answered. “Yeah, you mind just making sure Wyvern is still breathing?” Rainbow turned to another bed in the infirmary to see the elderly earth pony lying there, incredibly still. Walking over to the older pony, Rainbow lowered her head towards his body to see if she could hear a heartbeat. Luckily, as she did this Wyvern quietly blurted out, “Take me back to the paradise city.” Perry then called out, “Never mind, he’s fine.” “You Sure?” Rainbow Dash asked. Wyvern suddenly, albeit rather weakly answered, “Don’t worry young lady. I hear I’m dang near indestructible.” Perry then added, “Yeah, remember that time we had to deal with the Storm King’s flotilla? We almost thought we lost you.”

Wyvern then turned to Rainbow Dash and said, “You better go check on Silver, make sure he hasn’t turned his sister into a bag of broken bones by now.” Rainbow Dash noticed the smirk on his face and couldn’t help but let out a sigh as she answered, “Ok. Don’t go dying on us.” She then left the infirmary as Perry playfully whined Wyvern, “Hey, I’m supposed to be the funny one.” Wyvern shot back, “Then humor me by focusing on Nelson.” Perry then noticed that Nelson had turned paler, and sighed to himself. “Me and my big mouth.”

The Wonderbolts HQ green

Rainbow Dash made her way to one of the tents that were now littered all over the green. Bat-pony guards patrolled all over the area, and she could even pick out a few of the Wonderbolts being interviewed. As she approached the central tent, Soarin called from behind her. “Hey Dash, you seen Silver?” Turning to her right, she saw Soarin, Surprise, and Angel Wings, the latter holding Silver’s metal wings. “I wanted to make sure that, uh, Silver got these back.” Angel Wings said nervously, failing to hide her blushing face. Rainbow let out a playful sigh and answered, “I think he’s in the central tent.”

Soarin then turned to Angel Wings and cheekily said, “Well, go on.” Angel Wings, blushing even more, silently made her way over to the tent with Rainbow Dash in tow. Rainbow turned to Angel Wings and asked, “So, do you like him?” Angel Wings answered, “Well, I mean he’s sweet, friendly, and from what I’ve seen, he likes to lead by example, not like Spitfire.” Once again, Rainbow found the mere mention of Spitfire to give her a very unpleasant feeling in her stomach. Angel Wings Continued, “I mean, ever since I joined the Academy, I’ve just been ordered around and shouted at, but with Silver, he’s at least doing what you do with you.” “Even if it’s just maintenance?” Rainbow Dash answered, somewhat serious but also being a bit playful. Angel Wings answered, “Well my dad always said that the way you treat a menial task reflects how you treat an important one.” Rainbow Dash had to admit that it was pretty good advice.

As Rainbow Dash and Angel Wings approached the main tent, both somewhat worried what they were going to see when they entered. Opening the flap, they noticed several bat-ponies gathered around Old Silver, with Spitfire in the far corner. “Miss Dash.” Silver said in surprise. Rainbow Dash answered, “I just wanted to make sure you were alright.” Silver let out a brief laugh before he replied, “Nah, I’m alright. Those guys weren’t as tough as you’d think.” Angel Wings then answered, “Then what’s that on your chest?” she then pointed to a massive bruise, barely concealed by his jacket. “Huh?” Silver said as he noticed the bruise.

It didn’t help that when one of the bat-pony poked the bruise, Silver cried out in intense pain. “Bloody Tartarus!” Silver cried out as the guard reeled back nervously as Angel Wings dashed forward. “Oh my goodness!” The pale pink Pegasus cried out as she began to hug him, only to stop and ask, “Wait, have you taken your coat off yet?” Silver hesitated for a moment before he removed his coat, revealing bruises all over his body. “Oi. Ok, maybe not.” He remarked as he noticed how injured he really was.

“Well, I hope these help.” Angel Wings said softly as she presented Silver’s metal wings to him. “Well, I’ll be a serpent’s sister. I’d have figured the Raiders made off with these!” Silver cried out in amazement, before he found himself wrapping his hooves around Angel Wings. “You’re welcome?” she answered somewhat confused before remarking, “You know I’m not returning your hug only because there’s a massive bruise on your back.” Silver looked towards his back and sheepishly said, “Oh yeah.”

Rainbow Dash then said, “If you guys are done, I need to have a word with Old Silver and Spitfire.” The guards simply nodded and left, with Angel Wings hesitating a moment before departing, leaving Silver’s wings on the table.

“What do you want?” Spitfire asked in confusion. Rainbow Dash faced her commander and asked, “Do you know what they did to Nelson?” Spitfire replied, “Uh, you mean the green guy?” Old Silver sighed in annoyance and said, “No, That’s Wyvern. Nelson had the prosthetic leg.” “Wait, he has a fake leg?” Spitfire asked in confusion. “Had one, ‘till Cutthroat bashed him over the head with it you dolt.” Silver replied. Spitfire could only let out a glum, “Oh.” Rainbow Dash then added, “Well, He’s doing decently, but he has I think he has a concussion.” “Considering what the beating he took I’m just happy he’s alive.” Silver replied, worry evident in his voice.

Spitfire felt another pang in her stomach. If Nelson was the one she was now thinking of, then she remembered that he was certainly…. advanced in years. And the green earth pony, Wyvern, could easily have been her grandfather. Now both of them were injured and in the infirmary, with Nelson not only having lost his leg, but now possibly had a concussion.

And it was all her fault.

“Excuse me.” A voice called out from behind the group. It was one of the lunar guards. “What do you need?” Silver asked the guard. “Princess Luna requests an audience with Spitfire.” Spitfire noticed that the tone of the guard was low and intimidating. Rainbow Dash turned to her and, in a very deadpan voice, said, “Well you heard him.” Spitfire sighed and asked, “Where is she?” “Your office.” The bat-pony answered. Spitfire gulped. She didn’t know how many times she had this thought this evening, but it crept into her mind all the same.

This wasn’t going to end well.

Spitfire’s Office

Spitfire couldn’t remember ever being summoned to her own office, even when Wind Rider was in charge. She had always been the model member of the team. Sure there was the name-calling and occasional hazing, but all the Wonderbolts did that. That didn’t help hide the fact that it wasn’t another Wonderbolt who had requested her presence. It was Princess Luna; one of the two rulers of Equestria, and if the stories she heard were true, the far less forgiving one.

Luna was as majestic as she was intimidating. Her flowing mane reminded the captain of one reason why she was known as “The mare in the moon.” The other reason was….. She didn’t want to bring it up right now. The Princess’s straightened posture and serious expression on her face made it clear that she was not happy. All in all, Spitfire felt like she could have easily peed herself in fear, but she needed to put on a brave face.

“Captain Spitfire.” Luna said, her voice monotone and serious. Spitfire gulped and began, “Your majesty, I would like to say…..” “Save it!” Luna shouted, making Spitfire step back a bit. “I am well aware of your actions these last few days. I take it Rainbow Dash and the rest of your team have made their feelings on the situation very clear, have they not?” “They have.” Spitfire answered, hanging her head low in shame. Luna continued, “Then you do not need me to say that you have proven yourself an incredible disappointment, not only as a captain and a friend….” Luna paused for a brief moment before she finished. “….But as a sister. And I think I know a thing or two about being a terrible sibling.”

To hear Luna, the former Nightmare Moon, compare her to her own checkered past hit Spitfire right in the heart. As the Pegasus began to choke back a few tears, Luna began to speak again, her tone shockingly softer. “So instead of chastising you further, I want to ask you one simple question.” “One question?” Spitfire asked, confused. “Indeed.” Luna answered. “One simple little question. But I want an honest and truthful answer. Am I clear?” Spitfire nodded fervently. “Very well then.” Luna said in response. She then spoke her question.

“Why do you treat your brother the way you do?” “Huh?” Spitfire asked, genuinely surprised by the princess’s choice of inquisition. “You heard me.” Luna replied, knocking Spitfire out of her train of thought. “You have apparently always treated Old Silver as if he were a lesser pony. I would like to know why.” “Sheesh. Why does every pony keep calling him that? That’s not his name.” Spitfire said, annoyance evident in her voice. Luna simply shot back, “Neither is Stumpy, if what I heard is correct.” Spitfire was about to reply with a comeback of her own, Luna spoke up again. “I have the power to see ponies’ dreams. And since Twilight informed me of this particular map mission, I decided to check on your brother’s dreams. And it seems from what I’ve heard around here, he hasn’t been lying to himself.”

Luna’s face then began to form a slight scowl. “But that still doesn’t answer my question.” Spitfire suddenly began to remember a distant memory, one she hadn’t thought of for years. She knew what it was, a memory she didn’t want any pony to know about. Clearly Luna was able to tell what she was thinking of. “I… I can’t.” Spitfire said dejectedly.” “I see.” Luna answered; unhappy Spitfire was unwilling to answer a simple question.

“Luckily, you don’t have to tell me.” Luna suddenly said. Spitfire was almost about to smile, but stopped herself when she noticed the princess’s horn beginning glow. “Since you won’t tell me, you shall simply show me.” The light from Luna’s horn enveloped the room, and Spitfire found herself doing something she never thought of ever doing again.

Reliving the aftermath of her first show as a Wonderbolt.

Cloudsdale, many years earlier….

“Well well well.” Wind Rider said as he inspected the stadium, with Spitfire, the newest Wonderbolt, in tow. “Not too bad. Hardly good, but certainly not bad.” It was almost midnight, and Spitfire had just finished cleaning the entire stadium after her first show, something that was, as Wind Rider had described, “An honorable tradition.” “Certainly got determination in your blood kid. Way to go.” The older Pegasus said.

Even though she was worn out and sore all over, Spitfire still couldn’t help but smile. “Thank you sir. I’m just happy to be a part of the team.” She answered happily. “Yeah yeah, whatever.” Wind Rider answered, barely paying any attention to the rookie next to him. “Now then, take your cleaning supplies back to the closet and lock the place up.” “What?” Spitfire answered, stunned by the order. Sure, she had to pay her dues and deal with the embarrassing tasks, but ultimately she was a Wonderbolt, not some blue collar laborer like her brother.
“But Sir, It’s already pretty late. I mean the others have already gone…..” her whining was interrupted when Wind Rider angrily said, “Listen here kid. You know the rules; the newbie always cleans up after their first show. So get to it Spitfire, or should I say….” “Don’t you dare!” Spitfire angrily interrupted her captain, not wanting him to refer to her by that stupid nickname.

Wind Rider wasn’t having any of it. “Then I suggest you get to it.” He then flew off, leaving Spitfire alone by herself.

Later that night…

Spitfire hadn’t ever known a time she was as worn out and exhausted as she was that moment. It was almost twelve thirty, and she was almost done for the evening. Sure, she had managed to lock up the stadium, but before she could return to the hotel with the other Wonderbolts, she had one final task; deliver a letter addressed to her brother to the post office. Though she didn’t want to since Super Marine, or rather Old Silver or whatever he called himself, since she remembered that day he ran away. However, her mother had insisted she at least inform him she had finally joined the Wonderbolts, so they compromised that she would send a letter when it finally happened.

So here she was, worn out and wandering Cloudsdale late at night, trying to remember where the post office was.

“Ugh, why couldn’t it just be near the hotel?” Spitfire found herself angrily muttering to herself. Before she could think of an answer, she heard music, specifically what sounded like a fiddle and accordion. “Huh?” Spitfire said to herself as she noticed there was what appeared to be a tavern of some kind to her right. Thinking of what to do next, she said to herself, “Might as well get myself something with a little caffeine. With that she made her way to the tavern.

As she approached the tavern, she heard an uncannily familiar voice speak up; a stallion’s voice with a rather Celtic accent. “And so, there we were, surrounded by what seemed like twenty of those furry monsters. I could swear I were seeing me whole life flashing before me eyes.” That voice made Spitfire stop and doubt her ears. It couldn’t possibly be him, could it?

Sneaking up to the window, Spitfire’s jaw dropped when she snuck a glimpse into the tavern. There, near the other end of the room, surrounded by sailors and clad in a black leather coat and black tri-corner hat, was her brother, telling an incredible story. “The leader, some furry little bugger was going on and on about how we would “Suffer the consequences” should we turn him down. So you know what I did?” One of fascinated listeners, a blue Pegasus with a green mane and tail, asked, “You took them up on their terms?” “Hardly.” A white Pegasus with a blue mane, a blue double breasted tunic, and a long glove covering his front right hoof, answered. “If we had, we’d be wearing those ugly lightning bolts.”

“What I did….” Silver said, a cocky smile growing on his face. “….Was take his offer and shove it up his….” Silver made a motion with his wings and….. Then Spitfire remembered something; Silver didn’t have wings.

Instead, at the base of where each of his wings would be, were metal rods, two for each wing with a wheel joint acting as an elbow, and a hand with three fingers and a thumb. Spitfire didn’t catch her brother’s last word, but the whole tavern was now laughing, and ponies were lifting their glasses and mugs. Silver continued, “So the fuzzy wuzzy tried to pull out his sword, but Wyvern popped up behind him and bonked him on the head with a frying pan.” Spitfire noticed a green earth pony, one who was clearly a bit of an older pony, who was awkwardly nodding in affirmation.

At that moment, Spitfire noticed a pony in the crowd was now standing up, a red unicorn in with a black beard, mane, jacket, and fancy hat. “Sure, might not ‘ave been that fantastic, but in the heat of the moment my lad here took charge and chased those buggers off all the way to their hidin’ holes.” He then used his magic to raise his mug of cider. “Lads, three cheers for Old Silver!” the whole room chanted. “Hip hip, hoorah! Hip hip, hoorah! Hip hip, HOORAH!” Silver was clearly a bit overwhelmed, but certainly enjoying himself.

Spitfire felt something in her chest, a feeling she never thought she’d ever feel. She was suddenly feeling angry. All her life, she trained with blood, sweat and tears to be a Wonderbolt, and now that she finally had it, her team was treating her like some sort of servant. And here was stupid little Stumpy, the coward who ran away, being celebrated and given three cheers. Spitfire couldn’t help but think to herself ‘This isn’t fair. I’m the one who they should be celebrating.’

As the cheering died down, Silver turned his face to a group of musicians, nodding to them and signaling them to start playing. As the guitarist began to strum a simple melody, Silver took a deep breath and began to sing. “I thought this time, I’d stay in town, but once again, I’m sea-word bound. Me money went away, to me friends and hounds, off to sea once more.” The crowd silenced themselves, though Spitfire could tell that they were waiting for something to happen. Silver continued, “I thought this time, I’d smarter be, and learn from past, discrepancies, but her I be, heading back to sea. Bit-less, sick and sore…” the guitarist began to slow down, and Spitfire thought the song was just something depressingly short.

She was sorely mistaken.

The green pony, Wyvern if she remembered correctly, excitedly barked, “ONE TWO THREE FOUR!” in his raspy voice. As the full band began to play a high energy jig of some sort, Silver, Wyvern, the Pegasus in the blue uniform, a unicorn in a similar yet slightly different blue double breasted tunic, and a brown earth pony with what appeared to be a top hat, began to sing, “The girls and hounds, and pony rum, they have broke an’ they have me numb. A drunken sailor I become, whenever I’m on the shore.” The band continued the same melody, and now every pony was dancing and clapping to the tune.

The red unicorn began to sing, “The lassies are me heart’s delight, but I can’t be with them every night, and I must look a sorry sight when begging for ‘em to see me, and at the grayhound’s grussim grog, you never pick a winning dog. A sailor’s life is a hard old slog whenever he’s on his spree.” Silver and his friends then sang again, “For friends and hounds and navy rum, they have me broke and have me numb. A drunken sailor I become, whenever I’m on the shore.” Wyvern let out an excited laugh, as the band continued. Silver then stood on top of one of the tables and began a brief solo. “Perhaps it’s time to stop the strife, settle down and find a wife. But then again I love me life, whatever may ensue. So I’ll not fuss and I’ll not fret, for I got life within me yet. I’ll get drunk as I can get, as what we sailors do.”

Yet again, Silver and the same group as before sang the chorus. “For friends and hounds and navy rum, they have me broke and they have me numb. A drunken sailor I become whenever I’m on the shore.” Then, the whole tavern joined in, a wave of merriment and fun enveloping every pony with the exception of the very bitter Wonderbolt staring in from the darkness of the outside.

“Why?” Spitfire angrily asked herself. Why was he being celebrated, and why was he being treated like he was the princess? She was so lost in her thought that she didn’t notice that she had angrily stomped her hoof, smashing an empty barrel.

The band stopped playing almost immediately. “What was that?” asked the unicorn in the blue uniform. “I don’ know. Perry, Nelson, follow me.” Silver said as he signaled the other ponies to flank him. As he began to approach the entrance to the tavern, Spitfire panicked and quickly darted towards the sky. As she made her way to a nearby cloud, she realized that she had dropped the letter. Looking down, Spitfire noticed that Old Silver and his friends had found the letter, with her brother now reading it.

She was too high to make out any of what they were saying, but Spitfire was able to make out Silver lowering his head and his metal hands clenching into fists. The Pegasus wrapped a wing around him and said something into his ear, with the unicorn rambling about something, not exactly taking the situation very seriously. As Silver began to look up towards her general direction, Spitfire gulped and dashed away.

On one hoof, she had finally delivered her letter. On the other, As Spitfire reached a great enough height, she realized that she was over the eastern side of town, the farthest area possible in town from the hotel. Irritated, Spitfire huffed her way back to the hotel, hoping some of the other Wonderbolts would still be celebrating a well done show.

Spitfire’s Office, Present Day

“Oh my word.” Spitfire heard Luna say as she regained consciousness. “I didn’t think the Wonderbolts could be that cruel with each other.” As Spitfire stumbled to her feet, Luna cheekily asked, “Sleep well?” “No.” Spitfire angrily answered. “What did you do anyway?” she asked. Luna answered, “I forced both of us into the dream realm. Specifically your subconscious.” Spitfire then asked, “But I thought you could enter ponies’ dreams, not memories. How did you do that?”

“Memories aren’t that different from dreams.” Luna answered. “As such, it wasn’t that hard.” Luna’s cocky expression shifted to a scowl as she continued, “But honestly I don’t know what to say about what I just saw.” Spitfire, recollecting her memory, angrily asked, “What’s there to get? I spent my life training to become a Wonderbolt, and after my first show the team just shunted me aside. But for Stumpy, they were singing his praise. Why do they like him so much?” Luna then asked, “Do you refer to those other sailors, or your fellow teammates?” Spitfire was taken aback by what she said, and found herself stunned speechless.

Luna continued, “It seems to me that you are very close to making a horrible mistake, one I made many years ago.” Luna’s voice began to reflect the pain going on in her soul. “And it was only by the grace of Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and their friends that I was saved from my selfish jealousy.” She then pointed to Spitfire’s heart. “And I sense that that very darkness has taken root in your own heart.” Spitfire was horrified. Princess Luna was comparing her to Nightmare Moon.

“What do I do?” the frightened Pegasus asked. Luna then motioned to the window. Spitfire silently made her way to the window and looked out. She noticed the Hawkins was docked, but that several ponies were loading supplies on her. Luna then spoke up. “You need to rebuild the bridge while the support still stands. Otherwise…..” Spitfire looked back to Luna, and for a split second, Luna’s eyes quickly changed to blue draconian eyes. Spitfire then quickly glanced back towards the ship, and noticed one of the ponies loading had three legs.

She knew what she had to do.

The Hawkins’ medical room

Old Silver groaned in pain as Wyvern and Perry attached one of the Prosthetic wings back onto his stump. Rainbow Dash asked, “Couldn’t you wait until morning for this?” Silver, panting heavily, pulled out a new letter and handed it to Dash, saying, “Not exactly.” Rainbow Dash took the letter and began to read it.

If any of the following ponies/creatures try to intervene, we will terminate the filly and the old coot.

· Any bearer of an element of harmony other than Rainbow Dash
· Any of the Princesses or Shining Armor
· Any member of the EUP or any guard unit

Rainbow Dash began to hyperventilate. The Raiders were willing to kill Scootaloo. She quickly found herself enveloped in Soarin’s wings. As the Pegasus stallion took the letter and read it, he crumpled it up and said, “If I have to I’ll get them back myself.”

“Not alone I take it.” Perry answered. “Cause Silver and the rest of us are going after her. I have a feeling Rainbow here is coming along, if I am correct?” Rainbow stood up and determinately answered, “You bet. I’m not gonna let those thugs get away with this.” Soarin then chimed in, “Mind if I tag along?” “Hey, the more the merrier.” Perry answered gleefully. “Nelson is already loading up.”

“Uh, Perry?” Silver asked, motioning to his other wing, still lying on a table. “Oh yeah. Heh heh.” The unicorn laughed as he approached the severed limb and playfully said, “Now you may feel some discomfort.” “When?” Silver cheekily answered. He then tensed himself as Perry and Wyvern took the wing and attached it. Silver screamed in pain as a few sparks began to fly out from his sizzling stump.

“Everything alright?” Surprise asked as she and Angel Wings entered the room. “Yeah, just putting these boys back on.” Silver answered, breathing heavily and even shedding a single tear. “You can see I don’t take them off that often.” Angel Wings asked, “Couldn’t you at least wait until morning?” Perry replied, “Can’t. We ship off in a few hours.” Both newer pegasi were shocked. Silver then continued, “We’re going after the Raiders. Any of the Wonderbolts who want to are welcome to come along.” The moment he finished, Angel Wings firmly stated, “I’m coming.”

“Not you.” Silver firmly answered. “You saw what the Raiders are capable of. I’m not letting them do that to you.” Angel Wings then sternly answered, “I’m not asking permission.” Silver’s firm frown quickly faded to a surprisingly warm smile as he continued, “In that case, welcome aboard Miss Wings.” Angel Wings then lept forwards and wrapped him in a hug, much to Silver’s annoyance and Rainbow Dash, Soarin, Surprise, and the other sailor’s delight.

A few minutes later, and the Hawkins set to launch. On top of the sailors and Rainbow Dash, Soarin, Surprise, Angel Wings, Fleet Foot, and Misty Fly had volunteered to join the crew. After all, they weren’t going to leave Rainbow Dash hanging.

“Any room for one more?” a somewhat familiar and raspy voice called out. Silver and Rainbow Dash were shock to see Spitfire, complete with a small duffle bag. “What the cuss do you think you’re doin’ you cur?” Silver angrily asked. “I’m gonna help get Scootaloo back.” Spitfire answered determinately. Silver let out a sigh and angrily replied, “I don’t need your help. You’ve done quite enough already.” “Princess Luna herself ordered me to come along.” Spitfire shot back. It wasn’t entirely true; Luna hadn’t actually ordered her, but rather strongly implied it without saying a word.

Rainbow Dash was surprised. Though she really didn’t want her to come along, it was a direct order from one of the princesses. Silver, feeling the same, asked, “Is that right?” “It is.” Spitfire answered. Silver then found a smile growing on his face, said, “Once we’re out there, you take orders from me. Am I clear?” Spitfire hesitated for a moment, unsure if she could tolerate being subordinate to her brother. But she quickly steeled her resolve and answered, “Yes sir.”

Silver then took one of Spitfire’s wings and shook it with his own. As Rainbow Dash smiled in the background, happy that it was possible for her mission to succeed after all, Silver said, “Welcome aboard Miss Spitfire.” Spitfire felt a sinking feeling in her stomach. This was going to be far tougher than she thought.

Author's Note:

Next Time; Spitfire faces the challenges of taking orders from her brother.

Author's note; This chapter uses altered lyrics to the song Whores and Hounds by the Irish Rovers. The inclusion is not meant for profit and is meant simply for story purposes.