• Published 25th Jun 2019
  • 1,303 Views, 79 Comments

Spitfire and Old Silver - The FraudulentBrit

Rainbow Dash and the other Wonderbolts meet Spitfire's estranged older brother

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Master and Apprentice

Spitfire and Old Silver.

Part 13; Master and Apprentice

“Ugh.” Spitfire groaned to herself as she stumbled to her feet. “What happened?” She asked herself. She was interrupted from her train of thoughts by a familiar gruff and very unpleasant voice. “Sleep well?” Spitfire realized two things. One; Cutthroat was watching her, and two; she was now in a cage in the Raiders’ camp.

“You certainly looked like you needed your beauty sleep.” Cutthroat said as he let out a cocky laugh. Spitfire simply stared him in the eyes and bluntly asked, “What do you want?” Cutthroat let out another sinister laugh as he continued, “Boss wants to see you in a bit. Just making sure you’re alright.” He then began to inspect the cage and followed up with, “All things considered.” Spitfire then asked, “Where are my friends?”

Cutthroat replied, “I’d hardly call you guys “Friends.” Heard Rainbow Crash wasn’t too happy when she was lookin’ for you.” Spitfire just continued giving him her glare. Cutthroat eventually just sighed and said, “Boss says he’ll be ready in thirty minutes. Better freshen yourself up, eh?” He pointed to a bucket of water in Spitfire’s cage and walked away.

Spitfire made her way to the bucket and splashed her face with the water. It was warm and what little she could taste let her know the water was salty. ‘figures’ she thought as she shook her head, trying to get the taste out of her mouth. As she did, she heard some of the Raiders discussing something from one of the tents near her. “You hear about some of the Wonderbolts tried sneaking into those tunnels into the pit?” one of them asked the other. “Yeah. Turns out that Quigley boy used one to escape. Luckily the Wonderbolts pointed them all out to us.”

Spitfire took a little joy in the fact that her brother’s plan would have eventually failed. However, that thought quickly led to another. ‘Oh no. Hope Stumpy isn’t too mad.’ Spitfire had basically stolen the ransom, which she figured was more than just a few months’s pay. It hadn’t helped that she found out the hard way that the Raiders had set up a trap. But that still didn’t explain why. After all, why would the Raiders take them when they had already been given the ransom?

She was so busy thinking that she failed to notice another Raider, the same earth pony stallion her brother had fought a few days earlier. “Hey, fly girl!” Thick Hide called out, getting Spitfire’s attention. “He wants to see you.” Spitfire simply walked towards him, not saying a single word. As she approached him, he stuck out his hoof and, in a very intimidating tone, asked, “You won’t be giving us any trouble, will you?” he then popped his neck in a show of intimidation. “None whatsoever.” Spitfire replied.

As the two walked through the Raiders’ camp, Spitfire heard several stallions singing. “Oh, Wallflower, what do you have for me. For I come from Appaloosa with a banjo on my knee.” Spitfire couldn’t help but feel disgusted by the sound of their singing. After witnessing just a sliver of what the Raiders had done, she couldn’t even look at them without feeling even the tiniest bit nauseated.

After a few more minutes, the duo were at the doors to a large mansion. Thick Hide stepped forward and knocked on the door. When another minute passed, he slammed his hoof into the door with such force that Spitfire found herself wincing. When the door eventually opened, a pony in a butler’s outfit emerged, a very annoyed expression on his face. Thick Hide cheekily simply said, “Knock knock. I brought the esteemed guest.” The butler then gave Spitfire a curious look and said, “Follow me madam.”

The mansion was, much to Spitfire’s surprise, actually very well furnished. She had been expecting everything stripped and scavenged. Instead, the floor was polished to a sheen, there wasn’t a speck of dust anywhere, and in general, if she hadn’t known better, Spitfire would have forgiven herself for thinking the building wasn’t in the Raiders’ clutches. The butler led her to a grand stair way and directed her to a large red chair. “Please make yourself comfortable. I shall go fetch the master.”

Figuring that she wouldn’t have much of a chance if she tried to flee, Spitfire simply made her way to the chair. As the butler disappeared up the grand staircase, she noticed that next to the chair was a small table with a tray, two small glasses, and a fancy bottle filled with a liquid that resembled apple juice. Spitfire took the bottle, removed the cork, and took a sniff of the liquid. “Brandy?” she asked out loud when she realized what the beverage was.

“What can I say? I’ve always had expensive tastes.” A familiar voice said from the top of the stairwell. Spitfire was barely able to stop the bottle of brandy from falling to the ground due to her surprise. Setting the bottle back on the tray, she turned to the stairwell to find a pony she not only never thought she’d ever meet again, but one she never thought could ever think was capable of causing all this madness.

“It’s been a while Spitfire.” Wind Rider said as he strutted down the stairwell. He wore his blue double breasted tunic, peaked cap, and carried his baton under his wing. “Surprised to see me?”he asked, putting on a jovial face. All Spitfire could say was, “You look like you’ve gained weight.” Wind Rider let out a gentle and somewhat resigned laugh as he replied, “Yeah, a little bit. Not only has age caught up with me, but I’ve been a bit busy lately.” He then made his way over to his former protégé and extended his hoof. Spitfire didn’t return the gesture.

“Nice to see you again too kid.” Wind Rider said dejectedly. As he approached the brandy and began to pour himself a glass, he asked, “Are you still mad about that whole….” “You tricked me into flying halfway across Equestria right before a show and framed Rainbow Dash because you felt she would eventually surpass your record!” Spitfire sternly interrupted. Wind Rider rolled his eyes and sighed. “I’ll take that as a yes.” He then added, “For the record, it wasn’t personal. I just figured if it was you and not some pony like Blaze or Soarin then they would take it more seriously.”

“Well they did.” Spitfire replied. Wind Rider then filled both glasses and offered one to Spitfire. “However, I get the feeling that if you were in my position, you’d have done the same thing.” The implication made Spitfire’s blood boil. “Why would you think something like that?” “Because you and I are exactly the same.” Wind Rider replied as he offered one of the glasses to Spitfire. Spitfire furiously denied this statement. “You and I are nothing alike.”

“You sure about that?” Wind Rider asked, a small smile starting to grow on his face. As he began to circle Spitfire, Wind Rider began to explain, “You forget a few things kid. I was the one who established most of the modern Wonderbolt traditions. I was the one who made you the flier and leader you are today. Everything that makes you “you” comes from me.” The tone in his voice had suddenly become much more sinister. Spitfire got up from the chair and demanded, “This is a waste of time. Give me Scootaloo and the old sea salt now!”

Wind Rider stepped forward, gently intimidating Spitfire back into the chair. “We’ll deal with them soon enough. But first, I want to catch up with you.” He then asked, “You know, it’s taken me a while to get over you stripping me of my status and life’s work.” Spitfire groaned as she rolled her eyes. “That was your own fault. You betrayed every one of us with that little stunt.” To her mild shock, Wind Rider began to let out a sinister giggle. “You’re certainly one to talk. I wonder how Soarin would feel if he heard you say that.” “What are you getting at?” Spitfire impatiently asked. Wind Rider took a gulp from his glass and continued, “Cause not long before that you did exactly the same thing to him.”

Spitfire realized she knew exactly what event he was referring to. She began to protest, but Wind Rider cut her off. “I know you’re gonna say how it wasn’t as extreme, or it wasn’t official Wonderbolts business, but face it kid, you did the exact same kind of thing to him that I did.” His cocky smile slowly began to morph into a scowl and his voice suddenly took a more frustrated tone. “But instead of punishing you, I hear they just pretended like nothing happened.” Spitfire tried to think of a comeback, but couldn’t think of anything. Wind Rider then added, “Touched a nerve, didn’t I? I always knew how to put you in your place.”

The butler returned with a tray and presented it to his master. As Wind Rider took the tray, he continued, “You see, after you took everything from me, I started researching everything you’ve been up to after I retired and you took my post.” He lifted the tray to reveal, instead of a plate of food, was a single book. That book was a copy of the friendship journal. “Luckily I had a break. Rainbow Dash contributed to this lovely piece of tabloid trash, and she apparently mentions a few blunders of yours.”

Wind Rider turned to a page with a book mark. He was about to begin reading when he suddenly struck a dramatic pose. “But what fun would it be if we didn’t make this a “Family reunion” of sorts?” “What are you talking about?” Spitfire asked. Wind Rider walked past her and towards the door and called out, “Bring our other “esteemed guests” in. Wouldn’t want them to miss the fun, would we?” From the other side of the door, Spitfire could hear the laughter of Cutthroat, Somers, Snipe Hunt, Bounty Jumper, and a few other Raiders.

Before she could react, the Raiders barged into the room. Spitfire could tolerate their presence, but what she found truly infuriating was the two ponies they dragged in with them. Somers and Cutthroat were carrying Old Silver, his metal wings limp, his right eye blackened, his body covered in bruises, his coat rustled and scratched, and if what she could see was true, one of his canines was now missing. Next to them, Snipe Hunt and Bounty Jumper held Rainbow Dash, also bruised and beaten. Though she wasn’t as visibly injured, a few bruise marks around her neck made it clear she had been strangled, and she had a small stream of blood drooling from her mouth.

“No.” Spitfire found herself saying out loud. Wind Rider made his way to Rainbow Dash and asked, “How’s it hanging Crash?” At the mention of her nickname, Rainbow Dash turned her head to Spitfire and furiously asked, “Did you seriously tell him?” “Shut it!” Bounty Jumper shouted as he smacked the back of her head. Wind Rider shook his head and condescendingly said, “Bounty Jumper, how many times have I told you to be gentle with guests in my house?” Rainbow Dash managed to straighten herself up and said, “This isn’t your house. I heard you stole it.”

Wind Rider then, to every pony’s surprise, violently bellowed out, “DON’T YOU DARE TRY AND STAND UP TO ME!” Rainbow Dash immediately slunk back, her breathing increasing in speed. Wind Rider then continued. “To answer your question, she didn’t.” He then turned around and began to walk to the stairs as he began a monologue. “I’ve been paying off ponies to join the ranks of the Raiders here. At one point I approached a few acquaintances of yours in Cloudsdale, and they were more than willing to tell me all about you, Rainbow Crash.” He then took the book in his wing and said, “You didn’t say it exactly, but you did imply that they gave you a particularly nasty nickname.”

Wind Rider then turned to Spitfire and added, “And, if what was written in the journal is accurate, those same “acquaintances” heckled her with that very name right in front of you and the others later that day.” He then turned to Rainbow Dash and added, “But honestly, thinking that she’d remember to NOT call you Rainbow Crash was a dumb idea.” Spitfire angrily replied, “How could I remember something so trivial as a dumb nickname?”

“How could you remember something as trivial as supervising recruits?” Wind Rider countered. He turned to another page in the journal and began. “Seems that some pony is more concerned with signing autographs then making sure the next generation makes it out of training with their brains and bodies intact. Turns out that if Rainbow Crash here didn’t act so swiftly, we’d have lost almost all of the Elements of Harmony.” Spitfire suddenly remembered that the soon-to-be Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends were almost killed that day. She also remembered Rainbow Dash nearly quit the Academy over her poor handling of the situation.

“To be honest, I could spend all day pointing out every time you’ve been a bully or incompetent or just plain stupid.” Wind Rider said. “Instead, we’re going to deal with a tiny problem I have.” “What, the fact you haven’t been able to lay off the rocky road?” Rainbow Dash sarcastically asked. Wind Rider sighed and then began to approach her. “Tell me something kid. What happened to Spitfire after you called her out for her negligence?” “Uh….” Rainbow struggled to recall.

“Nothing!” Wind Rider furiously replied. “What happened to her after she lied to you and Soarin?” “Nothing?” Rainbow Dash asked nervously. “Nothing.” Wind Rider replied, much calmer but no less furiously. “And what happened after she forgot to mention a tiny little detail to you about nicknames?” “I made a dumb mistake?” Rainbow Dash. To every pony’s surprise, Silver was the next pony to speak next. “What do you mean “Forgot a detail?”” Wind Rider then turned to Spitfire and, a menacing smile on his face, he asked, “Why don’t you tell your favorite subordinate about “The call sign contingency?””

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Spitfire nervously replied. Both Silver and Rainbow Dash noticed the strained expression on her face and realized something neither wanted to admit but was abundantly clear; she was lying. “Oh you should remember. After all, I was the one who had to explain it to you when you took over.” Wind Rider answered as he pulled out a small booklet from his coat. Rainbow Dash and Spitfire recognized it as the Wonderbolts’ officer’s guide, a list of rules each captain of the team is required to memorize by heart. Wind Rider opened the booklet and began dramatically reading, “Captain’s task number 1919; the call sign contingency. Upon a new member of the Wonderbolts receiving their nickname, the captain is required to inform said recruit that such behavior is common place and each member of the team also possesses a similar nickname.”

Wind Rider closed the booklet and continued, “But from what I’ve heard, you didn’t do that, and only explained why AFTER crash-box here nearly commited suicide.” Rainbow Dash turned her head to face Spitfire and asked, “You mean to tell me that you were supposed to give me that whole speech about nicknames on my first day?” Spitfire began to protest, but Wind Rider interrupted, “And do you know how Spitfire was punished for her negligence of protocol?” Before any pony could say anything, Wind Rider turned to Spitfire and angrily answered, “Nothing.”

Silver sighed and angrily said, “I get that you hate her as much as I do, but at this point you’re pretty much preaching to the choir.” This statement confused Spitfire. “You don’t hate me.” Spitfire stated me. Silver turned to his sister, a very unpleasant look on his face. “Right?” Spitfire meekly asked when she realized it was possible that he was being serious.

Wind Rider snapped his former protégé. “No matter how much you screw up or muck things up, you always get away with it. Everything always goes your way. Well not anymore.” He backed up and turned to his henchmen. “I’ve been planning on how to get my revenge for a while now. For that I needed funds. Luckily for me, I had information of a group of nasty and intimidating, yet disciplined enough stallions who were locked away in Nightmareville.” “You mean these blockheads?” Silver asked sarcastically, only to be met with a smack from the butt of Somers’s knife. “Exactly, my blue collar boil. I paid off enough guards to turn a blind eye so I could bust them out. I then used my remaining contacts to give them the time and places of shipping convoys and caravans. They provide me a fair cut and I keep supplying them information.”

Silver’s anger began to boil over. “You mean all the attacks on shipping, all the acts of piracy over the last year were because of YOU!?” Wind Rider let out a sinister giggle and replied, “Guilty as charged. Of course, having money wouldn’t get me my revenge. But as luck would have it, a few weeks ago, a skeleton popped out of Spitfire’s closet.” He then walked up to Silver, who was forced to the ground by Somers and Cutthroat. “A skeleton with metal wings.” Wind Rider continued. “I had Cutthroat and his friends here pose as out of work ponies, hoping that Spitfire would hire them to help with the Family Day preparations. Of course I didn’t expect you two to already be together. Originally I planned on them hunting your friend Flint down as well as Scootaloo, and black mail Spitfire here into getting involved by revealing to the world that she caused the little accident that took your wings Stumpy.”

He then turned to Spitfire, who was stunned speechless, and said, “Honestly kid, you’ve made this so easy I almost want to let you go. Almost though.” Both Rainbow Dash and Silver gave Spitfire furious glares that made it clear how furious they were with her.

Then Wind Rider said to Somers, “You know those wings are starting to annoy me. Somers, would you kindly do something about them?” Somers took his knife and gently placed his knife against the point where Silver’s left wing met his body. “With pleasure boss.” He gleefully replied. Silver tried to shake him off, but Cutthroat and Somers were too strong for him. Rainbow Dash couldn’t bear to look at what was about to happen and looked away.

Somers began to carve at the wings, slowly severing the prosthetic. Silver screamed in defiance as well as pain, but was practically helpless. Spitfire tried to look away, but Wind Rider grabbed her and held her head so it was directly facing her brother while he used his wings to keep her eyes open. “What’s the matter kid? Can’t stand the consequences of your actions?” he said mockingly. “It wasn’t my fault!” Spitfire cried out. As Somers finished the cutting and began to pull the prosthetic off, Silver was able to angrily call out, “It was your fault you twit!”

As Somers began to work on Silver’s other wing, Wind Rider began to whisper into Spitfire’s ear, “You see kid, you could have avoided this whole mess, but you just had to have things go your way.” He then gleefully said out loud, “You see, you really are just like me, a selfish, stubborn, right up jackass.” Cutthroat and the other Raiders began to mockingly laugh at Spitfire. She, however, suddenly remembered something she hoped she never had to again. “You’re a right up jackass, you know that?” Wyvern’s voice echoed in her head.

Somers finished his “carving” and threw the severed prosthetic limbs in front of Wind Rider. As Silver continued to cry out in pain and shock, the butler entered the room and picked up the metal wings. Wind Rider turned to the butler and said, “Take those ugly trinkets to the workshop, cut out anything of value, then take the rest to the smelters and melt them down for slag.” He then turned to Silver and Rainbow Dash and said, “I think you two could use a little rest.” Raising his head to Cutthroat, he ordered, “Take them to the pit.” Cutthroat let out a nasty laugh and answered, “Yes sir. Come on boys.” He and his companions then escorted the two restrained pegasi out of the room.

Spitfire couldn’t take it any longer. She tried to charge Wind Rider, but he was able to intercept her and restrain her. “Close, but no cigar.” He replied as he held her back. “I taught you everything I know. As such, I know your every move.” He then head butted her, sending her into the ground. Wind Rider then turned to his butler and ordered, “Tell some of the men to take Spitfire here to the pit, would you?” The butler nodded and departed.

Wind Rider approached his former protégé and mockingly said, “Nothing personal.” He then slammed his hoof into her face, sending Spitfire back into the world of unconsciousness.

Author's Note:

Next Time; brother and Sister have a heart to heart, and we reunite with Scootaloo and Cap'n Flint.