• Published 26th Nov 2019
  • 13,647 Views, 188 Comments

New Dragon In Town - Deltorix

  • ...

Chapter 8

After I watch my new friends leave me and everypony else head home. I feel tired surprisingly so I decide to get some sleep. Heading down into the basement where my bed is, I lay down to sleep.

The following morning I woke up feeling strange. I look around and spot a mirror and see myself but I’m flat and look like a 8-bit version of myself. My eyes widened and I grumbled realizing the flowers I fell in were poison joke. I try to move around and see I truly am 2-dimensional.

I go upstairs to see twilight and all four of my guards with some relief I try to say something but it comes out jumbled but a box appears in front of me that spells out what I just said.

“!Siht ekil m’I won dna yadretsey ekoj nosiop ni llef I. pleh deen I syuG”

They look at me as if they couldn’t understand me and then they look down at the box. “What did he say?” Crimson asks while looking at Twilight.

“I’m not sure but I think he touched poison joke yesterday. Is that what happened?” She asked me, I sigh and try to nod but my head just moves up and down.

“I wish we could understand him.” Silver says.

“.gniyonna eb lliw sihT .syug uoy oot eM”

I say then Pinkie pops up out of a bookshelf and giggles. “You're reading it backwards sillies.” She then grabs the box and turns it around surprising me.

“Miss Pie; how did you do that?” Bronze asked shocked.

“She is Pinkie Pie. Don’t question it.”

I say then look at twilight, she nods and says. “Right I’ll go get the spa ready to cure you, you four get him to the spa as fast as you can.”

She then runs out the door and I try to follow but as before moving forward is slow then I get an idea and turn myself sideways and I start moving faster. The only problem is I can’t see where I’m going.

“Help I can’t see where I’m going! I need you four to Guide me to the spa.”

After reading my speech box the four of them surround me and guide me to the spa. It takes a few minutes and we make a few wrong turns.

After making it to the spa I see Twilight waiting for me along with two earth ponies. “Good you made it. Luckily they have enough for one bath.” She tells me and they help me into the tub and once under the water my body starts becoming three dimensional again. After almost a minute under water I surface and gasp for air.

“Man I’m thankful to be back to me.” I say with a smirk and get out of the tub, then I spot a spyglass. Tilting my head, I point to it. “Does that belong to anypony?”

The spa sisters look at it then shake their heads. “No we don’t know where it came from, but If you want it you can have it.” The blue one said. I nod and go over to it.

I pick it up and my eyes widen when I hear a message from it. "I am Gar, seek me if you require aid or counsel” I smirk and chuckle then put it into my inventory.

“Thank you, so Twilight. What is the plan for today?” I ask her as we walk back to the library with my guards in tow.

“Well today is Spike's birthday and we are gonna have a party for him at noon. Do you have any plans?” Twilight tells me then asks.

I rub my chin and think going through my mental list. ’let’s see I need to continue leveling up my forging skill, I can use clones for that. I also want to keep getting game related stuff but a single clone will do for that. Hmm if this is Spike's birthday episode then I may have to step in better have my clones work on getting force healing and ki healing too. Hmm oh I could give Spike Ed’s gift and start his training too for his birthday but I’ll need a good area to take him...ah I’ll have some clones make a obstacle course near the old castle. I should also look into any records of humans.’

I look to Twilight. “I have a few things but I have a way of multitasking, also we should talk before the party. I'll meet you at the library soon.” I wave her off as she continues and I stop.

“Before anything I want to know why you lied to us?” Crimson demands of me, I sigh and pull us into a I.D. Then make clones and they go off to do what I have planned, and some fly off to different parts of the country.

“I didn’t lie Crimson, I just didn’t tell you I used to be human. I didn’t do that because I didn't think it was important to say.” I then look at Lilly. “Lily I’m sorry for not helping you like I said I would, please go with my water bending clones to learn with them.”

Lilly looks unsure and then she flies after my clones. I look to Crimson as she glares at me. “Fine...I’ll believe you for now. But try anything and I’ll end you myself.” She threatens me before following her sister.

I let out a breath of annoyance and rub my neck. ’Ok. I handled that. Now to talk with Twilight.’ I leave the ID and head to the library.

When I enter the library I see Twilight reading a book, looking troubled. “What’s wrong Twilight?” I ask her.

She jumps and looks at me. “Huh? Oh...um I have been trying to research humans but everything I find is just legends of evil humans doing evil things. No facts at all.”

I sigh and sit down near her. “It’s called suppression of information. When the government does not like something they all make sure that there is no trace of information about that subject. Or at least no good information.” I tell her.

She looks down and sighs in frustration. “Why would Celestia do that?”

I think it over and say. “I don’t know Twilight; but how about I give you a new subject to learn?”

She looks up at me and I notice her ears stand up. “What kind of subject?”

I chuckle and smile. “Alchemy; the kind Edward and I use.” That seems to get her interest as she nods her head.

“Ok but there is something I need to show you as a warning before I give you any books on the subject.” I gesture to a pillow and she sits down, then I touch her forehead and use dream magic to make her fall asleep and form a dream.

In this dream we are in a wood house in a study of some kind. She looks around. “Where are we.” I hold up a finger to my lips and then point to the door. Just then; in comes two young boys both with blond hair. They are carrying a wash pan full of different things. They set it down in the middle of the room and start drawing a transmutation circle around it.

“Twilight; I’m about to show you the most unforgivable thing you can do with alchemy. And I hope by showing you this it will prevent you from even coming close to attempting it.” I inform her as the kids finish the circle and start mixing different ingredients in the wash pan.

“What do you mean? What are they going to do?” She asks me as she also watches them but gets closer.

I use my control of the dream to move her out of the circle and lock her in place so she can’t get closer. “They’re trying to bring their dead mother back to life.” I tell her putting as much seriousness and melancholy into my voice as I can.

She whips her head to me in shock. “They are what!?” I put a finger to my lips and point as the boys finish and cut their fingers adding their blood to the mixture then they move to the edge of the circle. Once at the edge they put their hands on it and it begins to glow and blue lightning sparks around the transmutation circle and ingredients in the wash pan.

Then suddenly the lightning turns red and they start experiencing an alchemic backlash. One boy loses his leg. The other boy however is completely broken down and disappears calling out for his brother. Before suddenly the one boy, Twilight and myself appear in an empty white void with only us and a huge stone door.

I clap my hands and end the dream waking up Twilight. “WHA!” She shoots up and looks around.

“That is the price you pay for dabbling in human transmutation. Never ever attempt it Twilight, you cannot find an alternative way of paying the price. You will lose body parts; you have no way of knowing what you will pay and it cannot be undone.” I tell her.

She looks scared and I know I did good to make sure she never tries it. “With that being said; I will give you some books on basic alchemy.” I then open my store and buy them and they appear in a flurry of pixels.

“That...that was horrible...b...but thank you Deltorix, I know the risks of doing that now.” She then takes the books and heads to her room.

I then get a pop up and read it and smirk. “Good, now to get a few more.”

New skill learned.
New skill: Construction
This skill allows the player to build any kind of building. Building time varies but using a blueprint will cut build time in half. No energy needed for this skill.

I rub my chin. ’Ok. Next I should level up some more and add all the points I’ve gotten through the last few days.’ I then go outside and enter a I.D. And start fighting zombies.

D-13 POV everfree castle

I look over at my fellow clones as we work on making the obstacle course for Spike and I also see it is almost finished. It loops around the castle with bending powered geysers in a minefield to keep Spike on his feet; a honey covered rock wall to improve his speed, and a boulder he needs to push to increase his strength. “Keep up the good work.”

I then walk inside the old castle to see two clones working fast with the help of some golems making a smithy. “Good work you guys keep it up.”

D-8 POV everfree forest empty I.D.

I watch as Lilly covers her hooves in water and they start glowing. “Good good now focus on cleaning out the cut and repairing the damage.” I tell her as she lowers her hooves onto her sister's cut and it starts to heal.

“I can’t believe I let you convince me to be your test dummy.” Crimson complains for the hundredth time.

“You are doing it because you're a good sister.” I tell her then smile as I see the cut close up and I clap. “Very good Lilly. You have learned water bending healing, keep practicing with it.” I tell her she smiles and even makes that squee sound.

I look over to see the clone practicing fire bending, keeping multiple fires around him lit. Then I look to see an earthbending clone have his eyes covered trying to learn seismic sense. And the last clone is floating in a bubble of air.

“Ok Lilly keep working at it.” I tell her and start waterbending myself so I can improve the skill.

Deltorix POV empty I.D. 5 hours later

I wipe my forehead and sigh as I finish collecting all my loot and enter my empty I.D. And open my stat screen and add the points.

titles: The Gamer
Occupation:Heavy lifter.
Level: 50
Next level:2%
HP: 55000/55000
MP: 55000/55000
STR: 56
DEX: 56
VIT: 55
INT: 55
WIS: 55
LUC: 55
Points: 0

Real Bits:0 Loot Bits:1,000,599,500,999.

I also pull out a spell book I got from the monsters I fought as well as the books I got from Edward and Asta, and read the description and grin as a tap yes.

New Skill
Skill: Slow.
This skill allows the caster to slow down their target to half their speed. This spell can also be stacked up to three times. It costs 500 MP to cast and lasts for one minute.
Do you wish to learn?

Yes? No?

New Skill.
Skill: Amaterasu.
Amaterasu produces black flames at the focal point of the user's vision. In most situations, this makes Amaterasu impossible to avoid. However, if the target can move fast enough to prevent being focused on, Amaterasu will miss them when it's cast. Once created, it can continue burning for seven days and seven nights. The flames cannot be extinguished with water or any other normal methods; only the user can put the flames out. Said to be "the fires from hell" and to burn as hot as the sun itself, Amaterasu burns any material ( other flames included ) until nothing but ash remains.
Costs 1000 chakra per second of flames.
Would you like to learn?

Yes? No?

New Skill.
Skill: Holy Tempest
A holy storm that encompasses a large area target all as it rains down holy lances upon entire armies. The attack combines the holy light spell Holy Piercing Lance with the raging storm spell Surging Tempest. It is especially effective against undead and dark opponents.
Costs 5000 mp
Would you like to learn?

Yes? No?

I absorb the book and smirk then return to the real world in time to see ponies walking to the library. ’Huh. Must be time for Spike’s party.’ I think to myself as I head inside as well and see everypony starting to hide as the lights go out.

Everyone waits in the dark till the door opens. In walks Spike and Twilight and then lights turn on and everyone yells surprise and happy birthday.

I smirk, happy for Spike as everyone is here to celebrate his birthday. I sit in the corner reading for most of the party and when everyone is giving him his presents I get up and walk over. “Hey Spike I have two gifts for you, but they will require hard work from you.”

“What kinda gift requires work from the one it’s given to?” Applejack asks.

“The first gift is a magic Lacrimosa that will give you Dragon slayer magic.” I tell Spike and some of the girls gasp. “Now despite the name it won’t hurt him, and the second gift is that I take you under my wing and train you till you're strong enough to handle the magic.” I tell everyone.

“I don’t know, it sounds dangerous.” Twilight said walking up to me.

“It will be fine, I got it from Ed and I trust him.” I tell her then pick up my book.

“Hey Spike the cakes have a surprise for you~” Pinkie sings songs while bouncing around him.

“Really!?” He says excitedly and then rushes out the door.

“Aww the party doesn’t have to end now!” She called out after him and everyone laughed.

I smile and go back to reading while checking on my construction projects.

Construction progress:

Obstacle course: 1 hours remaining.

Smithy: 2 hours remaining.

Work bench: 34 minutes remaining.

Mana obelisk: 20 hours remaining.

I rub my chin. ‘Hmmm progress is going along good.’ I think to myself then I see Twilight walking up to me.

“Hey Deltorix, do you think I could show you what I’ve learned about Alchemy?” Twilight asked me, seeming kind of nervous.

I shrug and smile, closing my windows. “Sure, I got time. What are you gonna do?”

She smiles and walks downstairs and I follow. “Well I think I’ll start simple by making a small statue out of wood.”

I nod. “Understandable, alchemy can be dangerous if you don’t know what you're doing.” I watch as Twilight makes a transmutation circle on the floor and then puts a hunk of wood in the center.

“Ok now let’s see, I need to picture what I made to my in my mind and touch the circle like this and..” she puts her hooves on the edge of the circle and it starts glowing then blue lightning sparks around the wood breaking it down and rebuilding it into a statue of Princess Celestia. “It worked!”

“Good work. Ed would be proud.” I smile at her then get an idea and pat her shoulder. “Hey I have an idea, would you mind if I used dream magic to invite you to my dream later?”

She looks at me and thinks about it tapping her chin. “I suppose I mean as long as Luna is there I wouldn’t mind. No offense.”

I shake my head. “None taken, and I’ll write Luna and see when she is free, for now keep practicing and maybe one day you’ll surpass Ed in alchemy.” I chuckle and smirk.

She laughs nervously and shakes her head. “Oh no I doubt I could be that good at this. It’s a bit different from magic.”

I pat her shoulder. “You have to believe in yourself more Twilight. And a bit of heads up, keep an eye on Spike today.”

She looks up at me. “Why? Is there something wrong?”

I tap my chin. “I don’t know yet, but I think I saw a spark of greed from him, anyway I need to work on a few things but I’ll be around if you need me.” I turn and start walking up the stairs.

“Could we maybe talk more later? I still want to learn more about you.” She called from behind me.

I nod and look behind me. “Sure, I’m sure we will have more time soon.” Then I head out of the library and look around seeing Spike not far away getting a hat from some mare.

I shake my head and sign. ’Seems it’s starting.’ I think to myself and walk off towards Music Maneia. I get a pop up along the way and read it as I walk.

New skill learned.
New Skill: Seismic sense:
A technique originally developed by the blind badgermoles, skilled earthbenders are able to sense vibrations through the ground, "seeing" by sensing their surroundings and making a mental image of it. It allows for a 360-degree field of "vision", outside of normal line-of-sight. To operate, the user needs direct contact with the ground, preferably without something like shoes in between. The technique is only usable on surfaces the user can bend. Being blind, Toph constantly used this technique to navigate the world; she described it as "kind of like seeing with my feet". Seismic sense is so acute that the user is capable of sensing even ants moving about, can identify people by the way they walked, and can almost always tell if someone was lying by sensing his or her physical reactions, such as breathing and heart rate.

Current ranger 10 feet.

No energy is required for this skill.

I get to the store and smile at Vinyl. “Hey boss, sorry I have been using clones for my work but I’ve been working on that thing I told you about.” I lean on the counter.

She waves a hoof. “It’s fine dude. As long as the work gets done, I don’t mind.” She then lights her horn and gives me a bag of bits. “Here is your pay for the week, and seeing as you're working on it, anything I should do?”

I think back to the blueprints I got and instructions then nod. “Yeah, I need a hair or something that has your DNA to link it with you too.”

She nods and walks over to the door that leads to the back. “Wait here. I’ll be right back.” Then she leaves into the back and I hear her go upstairs.

New Skill learned.
New skill: Ki healing
The ability to heal wounds. Uses the player’s ki to heal the target’s wounds, and is able to restore one's complete health and energy within seconds.

Minimum amount of ki needed 1000.

I look at the pop up in surprise and smirk. “Good, I need more healing techniques.” Then I’m surprised as I get another pop up shortly after.

New skill learned.
New skill: Force healing.
This is a power that used the Force to accelerate the natural healing process rapidly.
Costs 500 force points per second.

“Wow that was fast, they must have worked together.” I mumble out loud then I feel Vinyl’s ki come back downstairs and I turn around to face the door as she comes through it.

“Here you go, dude. Just don’t abuse my trust or I’ll have to kill you.” She said floating over a few hairs in a baggy. Nodding I take it and slip it into my inventory.

“Don’t worry vinyl I have no reason to trick you. Oh bit of a heads up there may be a dragon ‘attack’ today or tomorrow so be careful.” I give her the warning.

She nods with a serious look. “I understand, I’ll keep those close to me safe.”

I nod and turn to leave as I wave. “Good, see ya later.”

I walk over heading to the forge and see Rarity. I head towards her and smile. “Hello miss Rarity, are you free right now?”

She smiles at me and nods. “Oh yes I have some time right now, why do you ask?”

I point at the forge with my thumb. “I am about to go see the smith, mind coming with me. I am ready to work on the armor for a bit.”

She seems to think it over before nodding. “Alright darling, let us get to work.” We then start walking to the smithy together.

Soon we open the door and see the old stallion inside as he is reading a book. He looks up surprised to see me again no doubt. “Ah, so you come back lad and ye brought a lass with ya too.”

I chuckle as I can see Rarity didn’t look too happy but I step forward. “Yeah I’m back and I want you two to work with these measurements.” I take a piece of paper and write down, Luna’s and Cadence’s measurements then worry for a moment and groan. “Damn I forgot to get Celestia’s measurements.”

Rarity gasps and hits me with a hoof just hard enough to show she is upset but not hurt me. “How rude to talk about a mare's measurements when they aren’t around.”

“Oh come on Rarity you know we need them to make armor for her too.” I tell her and she just huffs and looks away.

“It is still rude darling.”

The old stallion chuckles and smirks. “You be needing Sunbutt’s measurements aye? Well I just happen to know them, assuming she hasn’t gotten any bigger with all that cake she eats.” He said then starts laughing hard at the look of horror on Rarity’s face.

I shake my head a bit and smile. “Ok you two, easy with the getting on each other’s nerves.”

He nods then looks at Rarity. “Aye the drake as a point, you can talk me ears off after we finish, as for you lad.” He looks at me. “You don’t need ta be here for now, so go do whatever ya dragons do.” Then he shoo’s me off, I frown but sigh and leave the smithy after giving them my notebook filled with ideas for the armor.

I sigh and figured now is the best time to meet Cadence again. I summon the golden tiger claws onto my hand and make a portal to Canterlot just outside the castle and step through. Once on the other side I see guards aiming spears at me and rolling my eyes. “Just taking a short cut, I’m outside the castle don’t worry, though I would like to make an appointment with Princess Cadence if she is free.”

The guards look unsure for a moment but thankfully these guards are more sensible and one flies off and the others stand down. I close my eyes and test out my new skill feeling all around me getting a clear picture in my mind. ’This is kinda cool, with this it will be even harder to sneak up on me.’

I focus back on what’s in front of me and open my eyes as a pegasus comes out and lands. “Princess Mi Amore Cadenza will see you. Please follow me and do not stray.” He then turns and starts walking into the castle. I shrug and follow him. We make a few different turns but I can sense magic in the floors and walls so I make a mental note to look into that later.

After a few minutes we walk up to a door and he knocks, we hear a female voice call out. “Come in.” He steps to the side and nods to me.

I nod back and go inside and smile softly once I see Cadence and see she is still herself. “Hello Princess it’s good to see you again.” I say as I step into the room she smiles and waves a hoof at a couch so I take a seat.

“It’s nice to see you too, but I must ask why do you want to see me? Most who seek my advice usually are looking for love but...I don’t feel anything from you.” She asks me tilting her head slightly.

I make a mental note that she can feel out my emotions or lack thereof before responding. “Well your highness-“

She lifts a hoof and smiles. “Please call me Cadence.”

I nod. “Cadence, I came here to ask for two favors, the first is a few extra invitations for your wedding.” Her eyes widened. “And the second is that you give the guests I plan on giving the extra invites to a chance.”

She shakes her head. “How did you know about that? Me and my fiancé haven’t even picked out a day yet, and who would you be inviting on my behalf?”

I sigh softly then I activate my eyes and hope I’m a good liar. “My eyes allow me to see many things,” I lift my head so she can see them. “And I have seen many different timelines, none of which have me in them, but most have certain events that have to happen, key points in time if you will. Your wedding is one of these moments, however what happens at the wedding can change. I plan on inviting the queen of the changelings and a few of her guards for her own protection in order to stop her from ruining your wedding by trying to attack it. If ponies can create a peace treaty with the changelings there would be no need for them to invade.”

Her ears lift up and eyes widen even more. “So...the changelings were going to invade on my wedding day?” She started to frown.

I hold up a hand and speak firmly without trying to sound hostile. “Now listen here, in most timelines I’ve seen; they only do so because they are starving and are seen as monsters, and I can tell you don’t trust them from how you reacted to that one changeling we saved a few days ago.”

She thought about it and then lowered her head in shame. “You’re right..I...I let the stories of her kind cloud my opinion of her before I even met her. I...I will give you the invitations on one condition though.” She raises her head and takes a deep breath. “I want you to swear you will take responsibility if anything happens.”

I nod and smile. “That is acceptable to me, oh and ask Luna when she plans on visiting me, and ask to come along you’ll get a surprise.” I say with a chuckle.

She raises an eyebrow at me but smiles. “Alright, if I couldn’t feel the love connections between ponies I would say you're trying to hit on me.” She giggles softly.

I chuckle and smile. “Sorry Cadence but I have no interest in finding someone to spend my life with just yet.”

She gives me a playful pout then smiles. “That’s fine, you shouldn’t rush love, it will find you when you're ready.”

I nod as I agree with that. “Very true, would you like to ask me anything before I go? I'm sure you are busy.”

She sighs and rolls her eyes. “I just have to deal with nobles complaining, but seeing as you are offering,” she leans closer to me and whispers. “Can you see what my baby will look like?” She giggles after asking.

I smile softly and chuckle light heartedly. “Well I can tell you what I’ve seen but as I said I can’t see this timeline or any with me in them, as for your possible baby? Hmmm I’ve seen two different children, both fillies and both alicorns, though I can’t see much more than that.”

She squeals with happiness and actually jumps off the couch and dances on her hoof tips. “I’m gonna have a filly!”

I chuckle and get up and just as I’m about to leave she turns and asks. “Wait...um..could you tell me how often does my future husband...um...”

I see she is nervous or scared of the answer. “How often does he die before you?” I ask her bluntly, making her flinch and look down nodding weakly. I sigh and rub my eyes as they start to hurt. “I won’t say it’s impossible but in most timelines he stays a normal unicorn, but...”

She lifts her head and leans forward. “But?”

I smile softly. “I’ll offer him a deal to help him at least grow stronger so he can stay by your side for a long time.” She blinks then smiles and gives me a hug. I blush lightly and awkwardly pat her back.

“Thank you Deltorix, that means a lot to me, even without feeling your emotions, just from seeing how you treated those victims and the way you speak to me I can tell you're a good drake, but I have to ask why does my aunt Celestia hate you?” She asks me as she steps back, breaking the hug.

I blink in surprise as she is the first person in this world to actually say out loud I’m a good person, then I think about what she asked me. “Well, if I had to guess, it is most likely I used to be human in my past life.” She looks surprised then thoughtful.

“If that’s true I can somewhat understand her distrust but not out right hate, I’ll look into this for you.” She says with a determined smile.

I smile and nod. “Thank you, I should head back today is Spike's birthday and he hasn’t seen my gift yet.”

Her eyes widens and she starts shooing me out the door. “Hurry the day is almost over!”

I chuckle and smile, deactivating my eyes, then I leave the room and nod at the guard that is still outside the door. He starts leading me back out and the moment we get to a hallway that is just the two of us I make a clone that enters a I.D. Before the guard could turn around.

“What was that?” He asks.

I shrug and say. “Not sure.”

He sighs and mumbles something then continues to lead me out of the castle. Once outside I use the golden tiger claws to open a portal back to ponyville. Once I get back I stretch a bit then walk to the library and see an upset Spike heading to his room and Twilight sighing. “Trouble?”

Twilight jumps and looks over. “Oh Deltorix, yeah I caught Spike trying to make ponies give him gifts.” I nod a bit expecting it.

“I see, well hopefully you took care of it, I’m going to meditate, wake me if things get worse.” I sit down and start to meditate while planning out what to do next. While I am deep in thought time seems to pass much faster than I thought because soon I feel a hoof shaking me.

I open my eyes to see a panicking Twilight. “Deltorix please help me! Something is wrong with Spike he is growing and there’s orange flames coming off him and they are growing!”

I blink and stand up and crack my neck. “I’ll take care of it, but my way, just tell me where he is.”

She looks panicked as she points to a door. “I locked him in that room after I tried to take him to the doctors but-“ there is a loud bang and we go to the door and open it to see a hole to outside. “Oh no!”

“I’ll handle it Twilight but get your friends.” I tell her then feel something off like a buzz and open my inventory and see the picture of Ed’s token shaking. I pull it out and open it and it starts projecting an image of Asta.

"Hey Del!" Asta waved at me. "How have things been since me and Ed left?"

“Well apparently I landed in Poison Joke when Dash hit me with her Rainboom and I spent the whole morning the day after as a 8-bit version of myself, and I am finally good enough that I can start forging metals like Vibranium and adamantium so I’m gonna be working on armor soon.” I say while I walk outside through the hole in the wall.

"Ouch, and sweet," Asta nodded with a smirk. "Hey, I hate to bug you and I really have now idea how much time has passed there but here it was two week for one day there so I'm guessing it's only a day but I need a favor. Would you be willing to hear me out?"

“Sure and damn two weeks? Your mates must have been pissed!” I chuckle a bit looking at the burn marks on the ground and start tracking them.

"Not so much as pissed but worried as all HELL and they're my MAREFRIENDS you living flame thrower, not my mates," Asta insinuated while throwing off with a chuckle at his insult. "Good news is I've started on building my kingdom. My people have all started their self defense lessons and the Black Bulls are all on board and So are Celestia and Luna in the support department. But back to the main topic," He threw his hands up and waved them back and forth. "I'm starting up a special section of the Black Bulls called the Bending Corps. Each will be a squad of sixteen benders of one element each. They're going to be more or less the main defense force for the town here. But I have a BIG problem with getting them started. I can't simply teach them the right moves for the bending. I use my martial arts yes but I NEED ACTUAL bending scrolls and texts to be able to teach from while I'm not here. I plan on teaching four benders and then they teach four, and four, and etc. Do you have access to any scrolls or manuals in that shop of yours? And could you get them for me if you do? It would be a big help if you can."

“Hmmm I think I can spare some bits for something like that but keep in mind some of them may be able to learn the Advanced bending styles not all of them but some, while you can learn all of them, I’ll send you as many scrolls and books as I can.” I say as I tap at the store screen and in a few flashes off books and scrolls of all kinds appear on the ground.

"I plan on keeping it simple until I know they can handle more advanced stuff," Asta nodded as he crossed his arms. "I'm going to be more of a figure king than anything else but right now I'm getting things set up so I can still live in Equestria with Shy and Aj. Eventually I will have to move out here but I'm hoping that's a long ways off. Send if you need it. I can send you some."

“As much as I appreciate the thought I have made a choice not to spend any real bits on anything in my store as those bits are gone forever, and as for your future I wish you a happy boring life” I tell him with a smirk then nod.

“Alright I got a good supply of scrolls and books on every bending art most wont fit in the watch so I’ll just use my power hold on.” I move the screen to show the books and scrolls then says. “Send to Asta.” And then in a flurry of pixels they disappear from my world.

"Thanks man," Asta gave a grateful nod. "Do you need anything while I have you on the line?"

“Hmmm not that I can think of unless... well, Hearth's Warming is gonna be coming eventually and seeing as you know Fluttershy well maybe you can tell me if she would like the gift idea I have for her, Vixen’s necklace.” I say while scratching my cheek.

Asta gave a wicked smirk. "Mine likes animals and being in nature, hence her Grimoire being Gaea magic. Ed told me most Fluttershy's really don't care for jewelry as they never really wear it. Seeing as it's animal themed she would like but if you really want to impress her do something for the local animal population, or just help her around her cottage. Spend time with her, maybe get her an unusual tea. My girl loves spearmint, rosemary, and clover tea in the afternoon with Honey biscuits."

I roll my eyes. “The gift is more than a nice Piece of jewelry, the Vixen necklace gives the Wearer the powers of the animal kingdom, it’s for her protection.”

"She would like it but if you want her to accept it completely be a little sweet and mysterious with the way you give it to her," Asta threw his hands up. "Leave it for her on her pillow at night before bed, or on her window seal. If you can get it around the little white demon try and have a bird give it to her."

I raise an eyebrow. “Um that sounds too romantic for my tastes I’m not interested in her that way I just want her to have a way to defend herself if trouble shows up.”

"Hey man I'm just spitballing here," Asta threw his hands up ."Put those ideas in a box for when you do find someone or someone's that you really care for. If it's just as a friend thing then a simple white gift box with a red silk ribbon should work just fine then. Be sure to be there when she opens it to explain what it does to her. She'll put it on right away and be all giddy as hell, maybe even hug you."

“Cool thanks now to come up with gift ideas for everyone else, meh I got time, well if that’s all I need to start working on-“ I am cut off by a loud boom and roar I look over across town and facepalm. “Sorry Asta I'm gonna go knock some sense into Spike.”

"Take it easy on the little guy, I know he can try and over do things when it comes to training," Asta waved. "And thanks again for the scrolls and manuals."

I roll my eyes and turn the watch to show a huge spike covered in orange flames roaring and taking things from everypony. “I think this calls for some tough love see ya Asta.” I then close the watch ending the call.

I run towards Spike then I hear screaming and my eyes widen when I see him lift Rarity with his tail. “That young idiot!” I summon my war hammer. I look up and my eyes widen as I see Rarity’s fur starting to burn off from the flames or heat. I quickly fly up and swing my hammer and slam it onto his tail making him drop her and make two clones who catch her and take her away from the fight. I look to spike and growl. “Spike! You little fool!”

He roars at me and tries to hit me with his fist but I fly out of the way. “You hurt Rarity because you didn’t control your greed!” I throw my hammer full force and it slams into Spike's stomach pushing him over to the nearby mountain.

Spike let out a roar as he tried grabbing me, but I kept flying away from his claws, I grabbed him with my esper telekinesis and used it to pin Spike to the mountain. “Spike I’m giving you one chance to calm down or I will hurt you!” I growl at him as I make the telekinesis field squeeze like hands on Spike’s shoulders.

Spike gave a roar in response, then released a torrent of green flames, destroying my concentration making me let go. I frown and fly around the flames then blast his chest hard enough to push him against the mountain, with the force and blow some of the flames out and just then the wonderbolts show up and fly around us. ’Idiots are getting in my way.’ I think to myself.

"Move it or lose it dragon!" Spitfire said, as she and the others dive bombed Spike, hitting his head and flying away before he could take a swipe at them, when they dive bombed him again, he grabbed them and punched the mountain, creating a tunnel then blocked the entrance with a boulder.

I shake my head and mutter. “Fools.” Then I focused on Spike and growled then used my intimidating roar letting out a loud thunderous roar so powerful that it formed cracks all around me in the ground and even stunned Spike for a moment. I take advantage of this moment and hit him hard with a ki blast, making him rub his jaw.

Spike growls and tries to grab me but I hit him with more force pushes on his head and legs, While Spike is off balance I fly straight at his head and summon my war hammer to my hand and swing it up into his jaw and there is a thunderous boom and sparks of lightning. “You’ve been a bad drake now I have to punish you!”

I pull back and swing my hammer hard and hit Spike across the face hard enough to knock a tooth out as well as knock Spike onto his side. “Spike want!” He roars trying to get back up.

I fall down and slam into his stomach knocking the air out of him and while he is wheezing I walk up his chest and once I’m by his head I swing the hammer again this time knocking Spike out cold and the flames go out and he starts shrinking to his normal size.

I sigh and put my hammer back into my inventory and use the force to grab the Boulder trapping the wonderbolts and lift it out of the way. As soon as the way was cleared they zoom out of there at top speed and look around only seeing me. Spitfire flies down to me and gets in my face. “Where is the big dragon?”

I look at her for a moment then turn away from her and land then start walking to Spike. “None of your business pony, go home.”

She gets in my face again. “It is my business when a monster threatens innocent-“ she doesn’t get to finish as I unleash my spiritual pressure directed at her. She slams into the ground and it’s taking all of her concentration just to keep breathing and from passing out.

I walk around her as her team lands beside her not knowing what is happening. I pick up Spike and shake my head before looking at them. “This is a dragon matter, and it has been taken care of.” And with that I fly off to ponyville and stop using spiritual pressure on Spitfire.

As I’m walking back to ponyville suddenly the wonderbolts show up again and I frown. “Hold it right there dragon, we have to take you in for rampaging!” The stallion among them said.

I roll my eyes and growl. “You know nothing about what happened, so I suggest you go home before you make a mistake that could cost you your job.”

“Is that a threat?” The other mare demands to know.

I sigh and summon my golden tiger claws. They see this and fly at me faster than I was expecting but I jump out of the way and make a portal and fly through it before they can circle around and the portal closes behind me. ’Damn ponies always jumping to conclusions.’

I take the unconscious Spike to Twilight’s library and when she sees me holding him under my arm she gasps. “What happened?! Is he hurt?” She rushes up to me.

I give her Spike and sigh. “You may want to write Celestia and tell her to call off the Wonderbolts, or they will try to arrest Spike.” She gasps and after using some magic to make sure Spike is ok then she goes and starts writing.

“What happened? Why did Spike get so big? Why is he missing a tooth? And have a cracked jaw?!” She asks me in a panicked state.

“In order of your questions, Spike lost control and gave into his emotional flame this time it was greed, and that makes him grow bigger the more his hoard grows. He is missing a tooth because I knocked it out of him, and his jaw is cracked because I hit him with a war hammer.” I answer her questions.

“What!? Why in Equestria would you do that to him!? Couldn’t you have just talked him down?” Twilight demands of me.

I sigh and shake my head. “Twilight, dragons aren’t like ponies, our emotions are linked with our magic. Spike lost control of his greed. When a dragon loses themselves to their emotions, colorful flames cover them and it gives them a boost in strength but ends up making them idiots.”

She looks at Spike worried. “Are you saying Spike will always go through this?”

I shake my head. “No, only if he loses control of his emotions. I plan on training him in one week.”

She looks up her eyes hard. “And what kind of training is that?”

“That is my business because if I told you, you would coddle him. Now we need to check on Rarity.” I tell her and start walking out the door.

Twilight runs in front of me and stands in my way. “What happened to Rarity?! Why are you being so cold?”

I sigh and use my telekinesis to pick her up and walk to the part of town I saw my clones take Rarity. “I’m being cold because this whole situation got out of hand because ponies don’t know anything about dragons, and I’m also a bit worried for Rarity.”

I walk around a corner and see Rarity in a water bubble with clones using all kinds of healing techniques. “This is not good.” I set Twilight down and look over Rarity seeing her burned skin and lack of fur in many spots. “Twilight please go get a doctor from the hospital please.”

I get out my notebook and write a message to Zecora before ripping out the page and using dragon mail to send it to her. ’I hope she can do something.’ I step up to my clones. “What is the damage?”

“Well she has second-degree burns across her body, and most of her fur has been burned off. That is the bad news, the good news is she is unconscious from our dream magic, our combined healing techniques seem to be repairing the burns but we don’t seem to be regrowing her fur.” One of my clones told me.

I sigh and shake my head. “Well hopefully Zecora will be able to help her with her coat.” I say and look over when I hear hooves and see Twilight along with three other ponies coming.

“What are you doing?!” one of them said, revealing themself to be a doctor while moving to Rarity, “We need to get her to the hospital immediately!”

My clones continue to work on her. “Right now we are the only thing keeping her from feeling the pain of being burned alive, I just need your medical expertise when it comes to unicorns to make sure that nothing I can't see is damaged.” I tell him as I watch the nurses I’m guessing, walk up next to the doctor.

“How do we know you are telling the truth?” the doctor asked, before one of the nurses spoke,

“Let’s just trust him. We got a pony who needs help.” she said,

I point to each of my clones. “Each of my clones is using different energies to repair the damage to her body, but if there is something my energies can't reach then I'll need your magic doctor, please scan her with your magic and...if possible get something to cover her. I am unable to help her fur grow back.”

They nodded their heads as they proceeded to do what I said, the doctor using his magic to scan Rarity while one of the nurses used her magic to summon a blanket. While this was happening, a bright flash appeared as Celestia and the Wonderbolts appeared.

’Oh great what does she want?’ I think to myself and cross my arms as Celestia looks at the situation before glaring at me.

“So you are responsible for the dragon attack, typical.” she said, just as Twilight walked up to her,

“Princess wait, you don’t understand. It wasn’t-” she said until Spitfire interrupted her,

“Are you trying to defend him?!” she asked the mare, then soon everyone started shouting loudly as I tried to speak, eventually, I got annoyed at this and did the only thing to shut them up, I let out a loud roar.

Thanks to my skill this makes everyone but my clones and Celestia flinch and freeze long enough for me to open my store and find the skill book I want using a small chunk of my bits making a book appear. I caught it and tapped yes on the box making it turn to light and be absorbed by me.

New skill
New skill: Illusion magic.
Illusion magic allows the user to create small magical illusions to fool the senses of the target. Current limitations of this skill are two dimensional images capable of movement but can not create auditory illusions.

Cost 1000 MP per minute of use.

Do you wish to learn?

Yes? no?

I look at them. “If you want to know what really happened, I'll show you my memories.” I hold up my hand and it starts to glow red as a flat screen appears at first blank then it shows what happened from my point of view, though it is silent.

The gathered ponies watched the screen, Celestia especially as she continued to give a glare, when it was over, she spoke, “I see.” she said,

I close the screen and turn my attention back to Rarity and the doctor. I clear my throat snapping him out of it as he gets back to work with my clones as the water ball is removed the nurses cover her with the blanket while the rest of my clones finish what they can and disappear in puffs of smoke, except for the clone that was using dream magic to keep Rarity asleep.

“Will she be alright?” Twilight asked me,

The doctor turns to face Twilight and clears his throat. “Well to be honest I’m surprised, yes she will even though her fur was completely burned off, her skin and internal organs are all perfectly fine in fact I would say that they are in the best condition I've ever seen in a pony of her age.” he turns to me and clears his throat. “How exactly did you accomplish this? You mentioned different energies can you elaborate?”

I shake my head. “Not yet doctor I have yet to find out if it is even safe for me to teach my techniques to a pony as it could cause problems, perhaps I shall conduct a test with you in the future but not right now.”

“I see, very well then.” the doctor said,

Celestia seems to be thinking as she looks over Rarity then she turns to me. “So, it wasn't enough that you came to our country with your chaotic ways, but now you have corrupted Spike.” she shakes her head. “I had hoped with him being raised by ponies he would not grow up to be a savage like the rest of his kind.”

I growl and turn to face her. “Dragons are not savages, they have their own history and culture. But I guess you don't care about any species except ponies.”

She glares at me and I can see heat waves starting to come from her. Thankfully Twilight gets between us. “Please Princess he didn't mean to lose control, it was my fault i didn't know-”

“I do not blame you Twilight, it is in their nature to lose control. I'm sorry for putting you in danger.” she looks to Spitfire. “Spitfire please go get Spike so we may send him to the dragon lands.”

My eyes widen and I unleash my spiritual pressure on Celestia and the wonder bolts keeping the wonder bolts in place and surprising Celestia. “No one is going to touch my student. He is under my protection from now on, and if any of you so much as look at him wrong I will do everything in my power to see you punished by the law.”

“You forget this is my land not yours.” Celestia said, glaring at me,

I glare at her and focus my spiritual pressure on her alone and notice her legs start to shake. “Yes this is your land, but even you have to follow the laws or is this a dictatorship?” I ask loud enough that all the ponies around us hear.

She continues to glare at but eventually turns and walks away, “Do not think this is over.” she said and in a flash of golden light, she was gone. I sigh and relax a bit, stopping my spiritual pressure completely. Then I am tackle hugged by Twilight.

“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You saved Spike. I don't know what I would have done if the princess sent him away.” she said and I awkwardly patted her back and looked to the nurses for help.

They just looked at me and shrugged, probably not knowing what to do. Sighing, I say. “Look, it was the right thing to do now if you let go of me I'll let you borrow a few books I have that covers dragon biology and culture.”

Twilight nodded as she let go, “Thanks, not about the books but for sticking up for Spike.” she said, smiling at me. I nod and give her a smile before pulling out three books and give them to her just as Zecora comes running up.

"I heard there be an emergency, for Miss Rarity I came with the utmost urgency,” Zecora said as she got to us.

I point to Rarity and say. “She is right here, but I have to warn you, her fur was burned off. I took care of healing everything I could, all that is left is the fur.” she nods and looks through her saddle bags and pulls out a few jars.

"I need some privacy, in order to keep her modesty.” she said as she stands over Rarity. I nod and use my new illusion magic to make five walls appear that just show a brick wall on all sides.

“Well, I’m going to go check on Spike.” Twilight said,

I nod and give her a thumbs up. “I'll keep you informed on Rarity, just don't tell Spike what he did.” Twilight nods before leaving and I watch over the illusion box waiting for Zecora to come out. Then I get two pop ups. I read it and tap yes.

Sub Skill Acquired.
Metalbending is a specialized sub-skill of earthbending that allows an earthbender to ferrokinetically bend processed metal in a similar fashion to bending regular earth.

Requires no energy to use.

Congratulations on completing [Super mario bros] by completing this game you can sacrifice it's saved data for a reward. Would you like to sacrifice the saved data?
Yes? No?

Then a red mushroom with white dots appears in a flurry of pixels. I catch it in my telekinesis and put it into my inventory. “neat, one of my clones must have figured it out.”

Just then, Zecora came out with Rarity, whose fur was back to normal, if not a bit unkempt.

I smile and drop the illusion and my last clone disappears and the two nurses smile then leave with the doctor. “I'm glad to see you are ok Rarity, and thank you Zecora.” Zecora smiles and nods before taking her leave heading to the market.

Rarity walked up to me, “Thank you Deltorix for saving me.” she said,

I nod and smile. “Can't let my friend be hurt now can I? Just do me a favor and don't tell Spike what happened, at least not till I say so.”

“Alright, but don’t wait too long.” Rarity said,

“I'll try, i'll see you later. Rarity I need to get to work on some stuff.” I say then wave as i leave and head for the library. After getting there I see Spike is still knocked out. “Twilight?”

“In here.” I heard her say as she came out of the kitchen, “Hey Del, what’s up?”

“Rarity is fully healed now, and I am gonna be busy working on something, keep Spike calm and I'll begin his training in time. I don't want him blaming himself for what happend, so don't tell him just yet.”

“Alright, I’ll be sure to keep quiet.” Twilight said, nodding her head, “And what are you gonna be working on?”

“Sorry Twilight, that is my business.” I say to her then call out to the upper floors. “Chibi Ed come on I need your help on a project.” Soon my nanite parrot comes flying down and lands on my shoulder. Then I head out the door and off to the old castle where my forge is.