• Published 26th Nov 2019
  • 13,649 Views, 188 Comments

New Dragon In Town - Deltorix

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Chapter 13

I exit my portal and look around seeing no one is around and shrug before walking into town. As I walk down Main Street something falls from the sky in front of me and I look down to see a necklace with the head of Mewtwo on it. “Huh, must be a token.”

I reach down and pick it up to hear the message. “I am the Psychic demon, if you require my aid or wish for someone to talk, the say Psychic demon I require aid, then I will be there, but if you bring pain and misery to the innocent, then I’ll make you wish you never called me.”

I tile my head. “Psychic demon?” Then my eyes widen when I realize I made a mistake I quickly look around just as a portal opens.

Then the next thing I knew, there is someone crashing into the ground, creating a huge crater, I saw them getting up, whoever it is let out a shout of anger as they punched the ground, and shouted, “WHO DARES TO STOP ME FROM GETTING MY REVENGE!!”

“Whoa, calm down it was an accidental summoning. If you calm down I can send you home easily.” I tell the enraged Mewtwo.

He just turned to me with a glare, he then started to rise up into the sky until he was just above a Ponyville, the red aura started to glow brighter and started to look like flames. “YOU WILL PAY FOR ROBBING ME OF DELIVERING JUSTICE ONTO THE ONE WHO DARED INTRUDE ON MY HOME!! YOU AND EVERY LAST PONY HERE!!” the Mewtwo said, making the ground under me and several others launch us away from him as storm clouds appeared above the town.

'Ok this guy is seriously pissed off I need to find a way to calm him down and fast.’ I think to myself and frown then look at the Siren that came through the portal with him. “Hey, do you know a way to calm him down? If not, I want you to focus on defending the ponies of this town, got it?”

The siren just glared, “And why should I help the ponies?! All they ever did to me and my kind was shun us, let him kill them, I don’t care. They deserve it.” she said, flying away.

I groan and rub my face then take a deep breath and let out a thunderous roar while yelling. “Everyone stay out of the way, this guy is highly dangerous. I will handle it.” I then fly straight at the Mewtwo.

He flew back at me, with twice as much speed, grabbing me by the neck and slamming me to the ground, a dark ball of energy formed in his other hand, he prepared to hit me with until I used the force to push him away then stand up. My eyes widen when I see the shadow ball fly off and hit two houses before exploding.

“Damn it! I'm gonna get blamed for that, I just know it.” I say then turn to face him while summoning my magic staff to my hand.

“You should focus on the fight, you insolent worm!!” he said, summoning more Shadow Balls, and sent them all at me, well, most of them, the rest hit the buildings around me, and he keeps sending more, almost as if he’s fighting me and trying to destroy everything at the same time!

“Damn!” I fly up so he has to aim into the sky while using magic arrows to destroy his attacks before they can hit anything. “So you like to throw your power around huh well how about this!” I grab him with my esper telekinesis and throw him as far as I can away from the town, then fly after him to keep him out of the town.

He flew away until he stopped himself and turned to me with a murderous glare, his eyes glowing white while the red aura became bigger and brighter. He then pointed his finger at his head, a glow coming off of it, then he said. “SPECIAL BEAM CANNON!!” he pointed his finger at me while a ringed beam of Ki shot towards me.

“A pokemon with ki? Shit, death beam!” I fire a beam of ki and our boasts hit and explode between us. I focus on feeling his ki and feel him changing up another attack so I use bind on him quickly before pulling out my lantern ring. “Damn I was hoping I wouldn't need to use this much.” Then I slip on and am covered in orange flames as well as the orange lantern suit.

I heard him shout in rage as he broke free, and flew at me once again, his fist pulled back and once he got close, sent me flying with a punch to the jaw.

-100 damage

I grit my teeth and stop myself midair and glare at him and say. “I think you need to cool off!” then use my orange lantern powers to create an icebox with holes for air and trap him inside of it. 'I want him to stay!’ I think to myself to reinforce my construct.

I heard him punching and blasting the icebox, creating cracks in it, only for those cracks to disappear. “You think this will contain me?!?! I AM MEWTWO!! THE PSYCHIC DEMON!! THE SLAYER OF A HUNDRED SPECIES!! THE NIGHTMARE OF CELESTIA AND LUNA!! AND YOUR DOOM!!!” I hear him say, as more frequent attacks shook the icebox construct.

“You need to calm down. I won't let you out till you do.” I tell him as I continue to focus on keeping him contained. “I don't care what you do in your Equestria, but right now you're in mine, so you play by my rules.”

The attacks kept coming, followed by swearing, then after a while, the attacks started to slow down and become less frequent, until finally, nothing.

I raise an eyebrow and add a barred cage around the icebox before letting the icebox disappear. “Are you calmed down now?”

“Fuck you.” he said, panting. “Release me at once so that I can tear you limb from limb!” he demanded, striking the cage, but it was weaker than the rest which meant he was exhausted.

I sigh and rub my face. “Look I am sorry I summoned you, but it was an accident so if you promise not to kill anyone here I'll let you go and we can find your friend...hopefully she isn't hurting anyone.” I slowly lower us to the ground.

“And why should I do that, hmmm? Because you trapped me?” he said, definitely. “I take orders from no one!”

I give him a flat look and say. “Well you're in my world and I could easily just send you into the sun, as I said I don't care what you do in your Equestria but this world is my home and I don't want to be labeled a villain.” I look away and mutter. “Any more than Celestia already thinks I am anyway.”

“Celestia thinks you a villain as well?” Mewtwo said, raising a non-existent eyebrow. “Is it because of your power? Or simply because you are different than most?”

I see that he is calmer and remove the cage as I sigh with a bit of annoyance but also sadness. “A bit of both but mostly it's because I used to be human and she hates humans. In this timeline, humans came to this world long ago something happened then Celestia killed them all.” I told him.

“I see. I did not realize other Displaced suffer the same fate as I.” I heard him say to himself, as he hovered above the ground a little.

Now seeing he is fully calmed down I remove my ring and sigh. “I don't know your story but there are some really fucked up ways displaced are treated in their worlds. So don't think you're alone in how they treated you.” I told him before pulling out a notebook.

“Say while you are here, you want to do some power trading? I have a list of skills I can give others. You can look it over while we look for your friend.” I offered the book to him.

He looked at the book suspiciously, before taking it from my hands and looking inside. “Aria, get out of the trees.” he said, I heard rustling as said siren flew out of a tree.

“Asshole.” she said to him, he just grunted in response, as if not caring.

I smile softly seeing she cares for him. Then I looked at her and said, “While he is looking over the book I would like to ask you something Aria.”

“What?” she asked, giving me a glare.

“Well, I plan on helping my version of you and your sisters when the portal opens. Would you mind telling me where I might find them?” I ask her and expand my ki sense to make sure no one surprises us.

“Most likely around fast food places, slowly gaining their power back.” she said,

“Noted, Thanks, hopefully I can convince them to come back and world with me.” I said then look over to Mewtwo.

“Whatever.” I heard her say.

“Shut up Aria. I’m trying to read, but can’t with all your complaining.” Mewtwo said, then looked at me. “I think Holy Tempest, this Amaterasu, Construction, and whatever these I.D abilities are, would be useful. And maybe Teach.” he said

“Sure, and I can help you train a bit if you want, and if your friend here wants I can give her some powers too.” I said as I held my hand towards Mewtwo. “Teach Mewtwo Holy Tempest, Amaterasu, Construction, I.D. create, I.D. escape and Teach.” my hands start to glow.

I blink and say. “Oh and this will most likely hurt like hell.” and just after I say that Mewtwo glows as the Information is poured into his head and new energy networks are created inside of his body.

“Motherfucker!!” he shouted out, eyes wide. “That hurt worse than hell!! Actually, scratch that, it hurt less than hell.”

I use my esper powers to float the book over to Aria then say. “Yesh that is how it is when you get a new energy network. With you being a psychic type I wouldn't think that the information being put in your head would hurt that much.”

“I only just woke a week ago. I’m still recovering from a failed attempt of Celestia trying to control me.” Mewtwo said, as I see Aria look through the pages with boredom.

“That sucks, the first time I've heard of a Celestia doing that to a displaced.” I said then look through my store and buy a pokepuff as well as recipes for all the Different types of medicine for Pokémon. “Here is a gift, And depending on your situation try and find a zebra in the Everfree forest named Zecora she can be a good ally.”

“Hmm, I’ve heard of her. I heard she makes a potion for anything correct?” Mewtwo asked.

“Yeah that is her, and she is smarter than the ponies and will hear your side of things before she acts, though she will be cautious if you have legends worldwide about you.”

“Trust me when I say, legends about rival legends of Faust herself.” Mewtwo said, “Even the monsters of Tartarus still fear me. Praying I don’t return to them with vengeance.”

“Damn sounds like you have had an extremely hard life.” I say as I float in the air like I'm sitting on something. “I died on earth and was reborn here and was given the power of the gamer. Not much has happened other than me busting a black market organ shop run by ponies.”

“Organ shop? Run by ponies?” Mewtwo asked me, as if not believing it. Then he sighed and said. “I’ve seen worse things from Caribou and demons.”

I flinch. “Ouch you're in a world with them, and yeah Blueblood was using them to find a way to make him an alicorn.” I shake my head. “But thankfully I had some strong help and we stopped him.”

“Blueblood? Sounds like an asshole and royal pain in the ass.” Mewtwo said,

“Oh yeah, in like 90% of the multiverse he is a royal asshole, but there are the few rare worlds where he is a good guy.” I tell him then chuckle. “He is also most of the time a huge coward that would rather run to his Aunt Celestia than deal with the problem himself.”

“Aria, put Blueblood down on my list of beings to brutally murder.” Mewtwo said to the siren, who somehow had a desk and an accountants hat while looking over a list,

“Sure boss, where do you want him? Under Celestia?” she asked in a bored tone.

“Somewhere in the fifties.”

I blink and rub my forehead. “Hey I don't mind what you do but at least put a little note on there saying to see if he is as bad as most Bluebloods, he could be a rare good one.” I told him.

“*cough*bullshit*cough*” Aria coughed.

I give her a flat look and explain. “Infinite worlds mean infinite possibilities, just because there's a small chance doesn't mean it's impossible. all I'm saying is don't assume he is an asshole before you actually meet him, But if he is an asshole then go ahead and kill him I don't care.”

“Hmm, you actually don’t care if I kill thousands of innocents, including Celestia and Luna, just for revenge?”

I look back to Mewtwo but have a small glare. “I don't care what you do in your world but I will have a problem with you if those innocents include children, Or if you try to start something in my world. the way I see it, your world your rules, my world my rules, but a word of advice. if you plan on killing Celestia make sure you have a way to keep the sun active and moving with her connection to it, in some worlds you kill Celestia the sun disappears.”

“Once I obtain ultimate power I will. Even I’m that vengeful as to let the world burn and freeze, otherwise I would die as well.” Mewtwo said, crossing his arms.

“Deltorix!” I heard a familiar voice call out. I Looked and saw Celestia and Luna. “We had seen storm clouds circling Ponyville from Canterlot, what happened?!”

“Shit.” I mutter then look to Mewtwo and growl out. “Remember my world, my rules!”

Then I turn to them and say. “Sorry about that, just a bit of an accident as I summoned my new friend here and he was in the middle of a fight and some of his power crossed over with him.” I then look at Luna and smile. “I see you enjoying the armor I made you Luna.”

“Yes, this armor is quite useful, thank you again Deltorix, but was your ‘friend’ responsible for most of the damage and fear in Ponyville as well?” she asked.

“That was actually both of us, see he was very pissed off and I used a loud roar to get all the ponies out of the way while I calmed him down.” I explain and look over and see Mewtwo is barely holding himself back. So I look back and add. “I'm sorry your highnesses but my friend here has had a lot of bad experiences with his Celestia and Luna, would you please either return to Canterlot or go to Ponyville? I'd rather not have to stop a fight between you three.”

“They can stay. Like you said, infinite worlds, infinite possibilities. As long as they don’t wish to kill me or try to make me their loyal dog, I have problems with them.” Mewtwo said, and I see that he was slowly calming down after saying that.

Both of them flinch back but whether it was from how he communicates or what he said I do not know. “I...see, well I believe I should calm my little ponies.” Celestia said before flying off to ponyville.

Luna watches her leave then walks up to us and she bows a bit to Mewtwo. “I know not what my other has done to you but I apologize for her and hope that you may find a way to find peace.”

I can see that Mewtwo was surprised by what Luna said as if he never heard of someone apologizing to him. “I cannot forgive her, at least not yet….But thank you.” he said as if the words were new to him.

Luna nods then flew after her sister. I turn to Mewtwo and say. “A few words of advice. Try to get through to your Luna. I don't know what she did to you but in most Equestria's when Celestia is being the aggressor the outsider can usually get through to Luna and have her on their side.” I said then smile and clap my hands. “So Aria picked out any powers?”

“Not yet.” she said, somehow making the desk disappear by placing a blanket over it, who knows where she got it and pulling it off to show it had disappeared. Mewtwo just stared blankly at her, holding the bridge of his nose in annoyance.

I blink for a moment then shrug and say. “Well as soon as she picks out some powers, if any, how about I help you get some experience using some of your less-used abilities so you can be ready to use them if you have to.” I then grin like a salesman. “And all I want in exchange is the loot that will be dropped by the monsters that you'll fight.”

“Fine.” was all Mewtwo said.

“Sweet, seeing as your level is so high I will only start slow then go to some of my really hard monsters.” I say then look over at Aria.

“Don’t look at me man. I may know how to fight, but even I know when not to. Besides, slow? What is he? A, what were those stupid fish that turns into a giant serpent called again?”

“A Magikarp. By far the weakest Pokemon, but makes up for it as Gyrados if people had time to train it.”

I chuckle and say. “Slow, is a debuff that slows down your target to half their speed and can be stacked up to three times.”

“So basically, you make me slow or something while I train.” Mewtwo said.

“I could but slow burns up a large amount of my mp and doesn't last that long, I was just explaining what the spell does to Aria.” I explain.

“Whatever. Just get on with the training, I want to see some action!” Aria said, punching her open palm.

I smirk and use the force to pull them both to me and as soon as I'm touching both I call out. “I.D. create!” and all the sounds from the town disappear and are replaced by the moans of zombie ponies of all three types. “Well...have fun!”

I then fly straight up and out of the line of fire.

3rd POV

“Child’s play.” Mewtwo said, using Psychic to rip off their heads.

Deltorix calls down from the sky. “Hey, this is supposed to be training for powers that you don't have much experience with so you can be ready to use them in a real-world situation, no cheating!”

“Damn.” Mewtwo said, “It was instinct.” then sent a small Ki blast to a group of zombies. He then used his tail and wrapped it around a zombie's throat and threw it at another, he then brought up his finger, which had a small glow, “Special Beam Cannon!” he shouted, sending the attack at a zombie's head, only for it to suddenly stop before it could even reach it. “Shit! Forgot my Ki just disappears at random!!”

“Well, that's not good.” Deltorix said as he came down his eyes different now blue and his Pupil is a six-pointed star. “Let me take a look.”

Deltorix looks over Mewtwo as Mewtwo holds off the zombies then Deltorix said. “Ah here’s the problem.” and jabs his fingers in five locations along Mewtwo's back, left arm, and stomach.

Suddenly Mewtwo felt a surge of ki inside him like was blocked up “What the hell?” Mewtwo asked, then smirked, and sent a Ki blast at a group of zombies, watching as it created a huge explosion. “And I barely put any effort into it.”

“As much as you may want to go full throttle and use as much ki as possible I would advise learning ki control so you can use as little ki as possible for each of your attacks so you can have as many attacks as possible.” Deltorix said then flies back up into the air pulling the bits and a book into the sky with him, unaware that Aria had sneakily grabbed a few bits.

“Heads up, here comes the boss!” Deltorix says as they all hear thundering footsteps coming and when they look they see a huge zombie alicorn.

“Good, I need some practice.” Mewtwo said, sending small Ki blasts at the boss, blasting off pieces.

It roars and blasts a beam of magic at Mewtwo. He tried to dodge, but still was hit by the beam, sending him crashing into a building, he got up, he watched as the alicorn sent another beam of magic at him.

Deltorix looked at Aria and said, “You could help him you know.”

“Why? In case you haven't noticed, he’s looking for weakness, and testing his durability at the same time, it’s been so long since he had a good fight. Besides, this is entertaining to watch.” she said.

“Fair enough popcorn?” he asks as he pulls a tub out of his Inventory.

“Sure.” she said, eating some as she watched Mewtwo jump under the zombie, a piece of metal in hand, he sent his arm forward while blasting the piece of metal with Ki, causing to rocket upwards into the zombie's chest, all the way up to its head. “See? Big things that walk on four legs are always susceptible to attacks from the under them.”

Deltorix nods as the huge zombie cracks and shatters like glass leaving behind lots of loot. “True very true, well time to crank up the difficulty all the way up to hydras!” he says with a grin and starts tapping at his screen that only he can see.

“What you sending this time?” Aria asked, eating up the popcorn.

Soon fog rolls in and hundreds of hydras come out of the fog hissing and some breathing toxic gas.

“This shouldn’t be too hard.” Mewtwo said, barely dodging one of the hydra's heads snapping at him, he grabbed onto it as it reeled its head back, trying to shake him off, he pried open the mouth and sent a Ki blast down its throat, causing its chest to explode.

Soon all the hydras gather and pile onto him trapping Mewtwo inside a mass of wiggling heads. “Well, this seems bad.” Deltorix says.

A bright glow could be seen from the pile, just as a large explosion caused the Hydras to be pushed back, Mewtwo sent Ki blast after Ki blast at the Hydras, causing them to step back from the assault. He ran at one, causing it to roar at him in anger, its heads reaching down to try and snap at him, he ran under it, causing it to flip over.

Deltorix laughs and smirks. “I love old tricks like that.”

Mewtwo jumped onto the Hydra’s chest, just as another hydra sent its head at him along with the one he was standing on, he jumped out of the way, causing their heads to collide and get tangled.

Deltorix laughs more accidentally getting the attention of a few of them.

They roared at him but a few Ki blasts got their attention as they turned to Mewtwo, he just sent a Special Beam Cannon through one's chest, while he slowly backed away from the remaining Hydras, eventually stopping at a cliff. He glared at the mocking screeches of the Hydras as they pounced, only for him to grab the cliff edge, and watched as the Hydras fell over the edge.

“Well done, want to keep going, or shall I end this battle?” Deltorix said as he came down and used his powers to collect all the loot.

“Hmph, I barely broke a sweat with them, zombies are brainless and slow, but hydras are just too easy to trick.” Mewtwo said.

Deltorix grins evilly and then starts tapping. “Well if that's how you feel, have fun fighting them.” then he floats back into the sky as a loud screech can be heard. Looking over Mewtwo sees dark Lugia, shadow Mewtwo, and Hoopa’s Shadow,

Mewtwo watched as the dark aspects charged at him, he jumped over Dark Lugia’s head, blasting it. He looked up at Deltorix. “As Thor would say, at least make it a challenge for me!!” he said, Hoopa’s Shadow roared at him and punched him into a building. “That’s more like it.” he said, sending Ki blast at Hoopa’s eye, causing it to grab its eye in pain. Mewtwo charged at Hoopa’s Shadow, and jumped up onto one of its arms, two Ki orbs in his hands, when Hoopa’s Shadow looked at him, he sent the twin Ki blasts straight through its head.

He looked at Shadow Lugia and Shadow Mewtwo, both of them roaring at him angrily. “Bring it.” he said, the three charged at each other. Mewtwo grabbed Shadow Mewtwo by the neck and slammed it into Dark Lugia's head. He then sent the Shadow Mewtwo away from a Ki blast, Shadow Lugia, who recovered from the blow had flown up into the sky, firing an Ice Beam at Mewtwo, who barely dodged it, he sent a few Ki blasts in return, which Shadow Lugia dodged them with ease. “Now this is a pain in the ass, I haven’t mastered flight with Ki yet.”

“That's the point Mewtwo, your training!” Deltorix said as he and Aria eat popcorn.

Mewtwo shook his head, trying to remember how Gohan taught Videl how to fly, remembering that one has to let the Ki flow one body and through their feet, he realized that he was hovering above the ground by a few inches, he smirked and focused again and rocketed towards Shadow Lugia. Slamming his shoulder into its gut, causing it to screech in pain and surprise, Mewtwo cupped his hands together as a ball of Ki formed in between them. Shadow Lugia glared at Mewtwo, a purple glow coming from its mouth, it reeled its head back, then the two sent their attacks at each other.

“Ooo a classic beam struggle think he can handle it?” Deltorix asks Aria.

“Hmmm, my bits on the bird/dragon.” she said,

Deltorix laughs and says. “It's a Lugia and I'd say Mewtwo will win.” Then he looks at Mewtwo and says. “He is important to you isn't he?”

Aria didn’t answer, just simply turned her head. “Why do you say that? He’s just a stupid demon.”

“If that were the case, you wouldn't be near him, you'd fear him.” Deltorix starts then turns back to watch the fight while adding.” He is going to people he can trust to keep him from making mistakes, so...keep an eye on him and be there when he needs you.”

Arai was silent, then said, “Me and my sisters stay with him cause he’s the only one who doesn't see us as monsters, we were afraid of him at first, but after a while of staying with him, we saw he is just like us.”

“People fear what they do not understand. Be there for him and make sure he doesn't lose the small bit of his humanity left, or your whole world will burn...every...single...being.” Deltorix said just as Mewtwo pushes hard enough for his beam to blast right through shadow Lugia's head.

He let out a shout of victory before a Dark Ball hit his back, he turned and saw Shadow Mewtwo with a bunch of debris floating next to him. Mewtwo charged at the dark copy, who just sent the debris at him in response. Mewtwo dodged most of it, the rest he either blasted or smashed through, the last debris he smashed through, he grabbed Shadow Mewtwos by the head and rocketed towards the ground.

“Looks like he has almost won.” Deltorix said then started floating down to the ground.

“Not yet I haven’t.” Mewtwo said, pointing a finger at Shadow Mewtwo, before he sent it through its chest, “Now I have. If this was training, I must say, it was child's play.”

“The training wasn't to push you to your limits, it was to help you learn control of your ki.” Deltorix said as he started to collect the loot but floated a few bottles of red and blue liquids to Mewtwo and Aria.

“Well, it did help.” Mewtwo said.

Deltorix nods and then puts his hands on Aria’s and Mewtwo's shoulders and says. “I.D. escape.” and the world cracks and brakes appear showing the busy streets of ponyville. “Well, Mewtwo that was the most training I will offer however from what I've heard from you about your Celestia I can offer you a weapon made out of a Special material that is lethal to gods.”

“And pray tell, what is this weapon?” Mewtwo asked, Aria seemed interested in the weapon as well.

Deltorix waves for them to follow as he explains. “It's a material called demon stone and it is extremely dangerous as any wound created with it is extremely hard to heal especially with magic as it absorbs the ambient magic.”

“Hmmm, a weapon like that would definitely help. But how about instead of a weapon, why just the material? It would give me a chance to practice, in case one of my armors breaks.”

“Alright, however, I will only give you this material on the condition that you swear you will only use it as a last resort. I understand you hate your world’s royal sisters, however, I ask you not to punish the children as they may not know of you yet and may not fear you.”

“I understand, I will try my best.” Mewtwo said, “But tell me, why are you helping me? You know nothing about me, and I tried to kill everyone here.”

Deltorix holds up three fingers as they enter the everfree forest. “First, I try to help all displaced if they are somewhat reasonable. Two, I may not know your whole story but I have seen and read of fates similar to your own and know that the royal sisters and ponies in general, can be quite aggressive to those who are different from themselves. And three, yes you were going on a rampage but from what I understand you were in the middle of a fight and I had accidentally summoned you away just before you could permanently finish off the threat that was in your own home. So you weren't exactly in your right state of mind.”

“You’re right on all three, I tried to deal with someone who invaded my home and tried to assassinate me, but ended up hurting one of my guests.” he said, causing Aria to snort in anger.

“I see. Well hopefully when I send you home, only a few moments have passed, you see when it comes to the different worlds each one runs on a different flow of time. One day here could be a second back in your world or a whole year you never know.” Deltorix says as they come to an old castle and once they go inside they see a smithy inside.

Along with several other Deltorixs, Mewtwo and Aria looked at them, then said, “Whatthefuck!!”

Deltorix chuckles and pats Mewtwo’s back. “They are my shadow clones, they let me multitask and all their memories go to me once they disappear.”

“Hmm, useful ability. So this is the place where we will forge the Demon Stone? Do you know how?” Mewtwo asked.

“My forging skill is at level 99 so I can forge just about any metals.” Deltorix said as he taps at his screens then in a flurry of pixels a pile of red-ish rocks appeared in the middle of the room and the clones all disappear in puffs of smoke.

Deltorix picks up one of the rocks and looks it over. “So want me to forge it or you want to try?”

“Hmmm, I was thinking we both could experiment with it a little, see how it reacts to other materials, or energies.”

“Alright, Aria if you want you can hang out with my gamer clone he is down the hall.” Deltorix said as he picks up some tools and starts gathering the rocks.

“Whatever.” Aria said, flying down the hall. Mewtwo shook his head.

“Alright, are you ready to begin?”

Deltorix nods and shows Mewtwo how to work the forge and then they melt the rocks down to a red hot liquid. Deltorix pulls out many different weapon molds and says. “Go ahead and pick whatever you want first. I'm using the rest to make daggers.”

Mewtwo looked at all the molds, but none seemed to suit him. He looked at Deltorix. “Think I can try and make a new mold?”

“Sure go ahead we got time before the melted demon stone starts to cool.” he said as he picked out dagger molds.

Mewtwo used his psychic powers to create a new mold, one that best suited him, the mold looked like a gauntlet with blades facing forward, with three long claws near the hands. “Perfect.”

“Nice, that fits you from what I've seen. Ready to pour?” Deltorix asks and he gets the tongs. Mewtwo nodded his head.

They then start pouring the liquid demon stone into the molds one by one. Once they are all filled, Deltorix then uses his airbending to help them cool down without damaging them. Once cooled Deltorix removes the pieces of the gauntlet and starts cleaning and polishing each piece once finished he assembles the gauntlet and presents it to Mewtwo.

“There we go, you now own a god killing weapon, care to name it?” he asked Mewtwo.

Mewtwo placed the gauntlets on his arms, “Demon Claws.” he said,

Deltorix nodded and then said. “Alright then, you have your training and a new weapon that can be used in case you have to but before I send you home, I have a few pieces of advice if you're willing to hear them.”

“What is your advice?” Mewtwo asked, taking a few swings with his gauntlets.

“First, find those you can trust. Don't underestimate the power of having friends. Second, find allies with the other races my first example would be depending on when you are in the timeline find Mount Eris, there you will find the hippogriffs I don't know if they were your enemies before but right now most likely they are under the rule of the storm king make a deal with them they side with you if you get rid of the storm king. Next would be the changelings they are seen as monsters by most other races if you can find a way to either give them a new energy source or tell them about the Crystal Empire that will be returning soon if not already then you may be able to get them on your side. Those are the two big races that I can think of that you could easily sway to your side.” deltorix explains.

“Next as I said earlier, try and convince Luna that you are not evil and show her inconsistencies with Celestia but Celestia is the one making bad choices. And finally, be careful of which displaced you trust the ones that will help you against the sisters will most likely backstab you well the more powerful ones usually try to protect the sisters if you come across a displaced named Ed that's displaced as Edward Elrick from Fullmetal alchemist do not mention anything about trying to kill the sisters he will end you.” Deltorix finishes by pulling out all of his tokens and making copies with a spell.

There is a Chaoseater knife, Death Mask, Eye in a Ring, Strife’s Gun, a glass ball with a bright light shining from it, a black headband, a silver pocket watch, a red power ranger figure, and a gem with two rings around it in an X.

Mewtwo studied each Token, but the glowing orb and gem, which he saw was a lapis lazuli, with two black rings forming an x, caught his attention. “I’m guessing this Crimson Sage is this Ed person, but who are these two?” he asked, holding up the two Tokens.

“The orb is All Might's; he is a superhero if you summon him it's hard to say whose side he would choose, as you are seen as a villain but from what I know of him he would hear you out before anything. As for the gem, that is Rick’s and Angie's, he is a fusion of Pikachu and Sonic and she is a lapis lazuli gem, he is very strong and from what I saw he may help you just don't tell him about wanting to kill the sisters.” Deltorix explained.

“Hmmm, strange.” Mewtwo said, “Do you have something I can carry these in?”

Deltorix nods and pulls out a backpack. “Here you go.”

Mewtwo nodded in thanks, placing the Tokens in the bag. “Well, I am ready to go home now.”

“Alright, call your friend and I'll send you home.” Deltorix said as they left the smithy.

“Aria! Get over here we’re leaving!”

“Fuck you!” they heard her shout back,

“If you don’t get over here now, I won’t let you get information from the assassin.” After he said that, Aria was speeding towards them, managing to stop herself before she could ram into Mewtwo.

“What’s taking so long?!” she asked impatiently.

Deltorix chuckles and shakes his head then says. “Well this is goodbye, for now, good luck out there, our contract is complete.” and a portal opens behind Mewtwo and Aria.

Deltorix’s POV

Mewtwo nodded as he and Aria entered the portal. As Aria flies past me I use the omnibadge to scan her without either of them noticing.

I sigh and rub my chin. ‘I should try to get some more powers..and I just thought of a great way to get some.’ I smirk and rush back to my smithy and see Chibi Ed then rub my chin.

“Ok, I’ve decided to name you ‘Blaze’ as I’m not good with names.” I tell the parrot made of nanites. Then I pull out a huge world map. “Now for our next project I want to make dragon slayer lacrama, how do I or we, do that?”

"Thank you, frankly I was getting tired of being referred to as ‘Ed’ or ‘Chibi’," Blaze happily flapped his wings. "But you want to make Dragon Lacrima of a specific type or all types?"

“I plan on making every type possible.” I say smirking and looking at Blaze. “With my gamer powers I can absolutely get and use all of them, and spike will soon be ready for the one Ed gave me for him, I want to know the basics of how to use it before I give him the lacrima.”

"You will need several magics some extremely dangerous even in their basic concept and hard to obtain material," Blaze said as he flew to a nearby table and display a list. "First will need a location extremely rich with many types but mostly raw clear quartz. A limestone bed for growing the Lacrima. Extreme heat and pressure spells. Mineral-rich groundwater. A powerful growth spell for stone and very powerful but yet simple time displacement spell with a fast-moving time spell."

"Other than these you will also need basic seed material of whatever want the Lacrima's Element to be," Blaze explained then he starts to vibrate and his eye showed a warning sign.

I rub my chin and grumble a bit. “Well damn, the only time spell I know is slow. I could try using earth and fire bending or try to learn lava bending for the heat and pressure. I don’t know where we could do this.”

I look at Blaze and ask. This will not be easy, are you able to do most of these things?”

"I am a matter generator/converter and piece of magi-tech, not a wizard that can cast complex spells in conjunction to create an extremely powerful dragon-based artifact. Other than these you will also need basic seed material of whatever want the Lacrima's Element to be that much I can do," Blaze explained then he starts to vibrate and his eye showed a warning sign. "ALERT!"

I blink and expand my senses just in case. “What’s wrong?”

"Resetting," the bird froze for a moment then was back to normal. "It would seem that Dragon Lacrima creation is listed under Edward's Priority access list and I just sent an automatic message to my progenitor about access."

I groan and rub my face as I sit down in my work chair. “Damn well at least all my secret projects are hidden, for now, he will most likely either call through his token or come here himself from what little I know of Ed.” I then pull the watch token out of my inventory and set it on the table. 

The watch immediately began to vibrate then popped open. The hands started to spin rapidly as a holo-display popped up and soon the Alchemist's face came on. "Why the hell am I getting a red alert in the middle of the night?" He rubbed his eyes and looked at me and Blaze. "Oh, it's just you Del, what are you up to?"

I smile apologetically and tell him. “I was gonna start making some dragon slayer lacrima, but it seems Blaze here was programmed to tell you if I asked. Sorry about waking you.”  while I am talking I am unaware that Ed can see over my shoulder an incomplete golden gauntlet with six holes on the knuckles and back of the palm on it.

"Look kid," Ed rubbed his face, ""I'm not gonna tell you 'no' if that's what you think," He yawned, "I just went through hell, found out Tia is three months along in a massive battle, got the third love of my life back, helped both my brothers out and I still have a whole order of knights to oversee training for with morphers. I'm hella tired and am going to be overseeing a lot of duties to keep Tia from doing a lot for her and the baby's sake. I'm the last person that's going to give you shit on whatever you're personal projects are. Now what's got me up, even though I don't need sleep.""

“Well, according to blaze it was an automated message that called you,  but right now I’m faced with the problems of not having the spells or ingredients needed to create the lacrimas.” I inform him scratching my head.

"You have all the ingredients you need in the old gem quarry outside Ponyville," Edward waved his hand in the air. "But the reason I got the message is because the construction of a Lacrima generator is top secret. Mainly because of the Larima, but allows for the source of the mana needed."

I nod a bit and say. “Yeah, I can understand that. But you don’t have to worry about anybody learning it, just me and Blaze.” I lean back and blink my eyes before looking at the clock. “Huh seems our worlds have sunk up, it’s the middle of the night here too.”

"I'm not worried about that," Ed waved it off. "It a program all my chibis are installed with to notify me if something those who I leave them with are trying to access sensitive information is all. As for why the main reason is because of the heart of the generator."

“The heart? What do you mean?” I ask Ed as I lean forward.

"Dargon lacrima are crystalized dragon mana formed over the process of highly rich mana infused water leeching into the soil over a period of a hundred years," Ed stated. "to proceed one like that is extremely difficult in nature alone. To do it on a scale artificially with the generator you need a steady supply of mana to leech into the water which then runs of the element you used as seed material but the mana must remain constant supply like the flow of the water. Not just any mana will do either is has to be Dragon mana," Ed explained as he leaned back in his chair. "Unless it's in a mana-rich zone where a dragon has died or hibernated for over tens of years you won't find a natural Lacrima, even in the Dragonlands they'd be rare."

I groan and hit my desk. “Damn, I was hoping to save some money by making them myself.” I rub my face to try to relax and think.

"You also have another couple of problems," Ed pointed out. "The only mana-rich zone you have access to is the Evefree, more specifically the Tree of Harmony but no dragon has died or slept there in a very long time."

“Well, technically I’m early enough in the timeline that big green dragon may still be there.” I say while rubbing my chin in thought then shake my head. “But even if there was dragon magic there I wouldn’t take from the tree.”

"Has it been there for over ten years," Ed pointed out. "And your missing something very important young drake."

“No clue and what is that?” I ask as I dig through my drawer.

"You have a constant mana supplier I made for you!" Ed complained as he leaned to the display stretching out to meet my face.

I blink and slap my forehead. “Right, I forgot about it and it’s still in my inventory.”

"Right," Ed rolled his eye. "But it still wouldn't work as the mana heart. You need Dragon Mana, remember."

“Very true, plus it only gives me 80% of my MP per minute so if it uses my MP faster than I get it back I’ll burn out and just waste MP.” I groan and shake my head.

"My you are so dense sometimes," Blaze squawked.

I give a small glare at Blaze. “Yes I can be, but guess what I’m completely new to doing this.”

"Even a novice magi-tech user like yourself should be able to put to and to together," He pointed out. "What is the heart of the Lacrima Generator?"

“Lots and lots of dragon mana, which I can’t make on my own yet.” I shake my head.

The bird slammed his face onto the desk.

"You need a Dragon Sage Stone Del!" Ed slammed his hands on his desk with a loud thud.

Suddenly out of the right-field a pillow hit the back of his head, "Keep it down!"

"Sorry Amore," He called over his shoulder and then sat down in his chair again.

I blink for a moment then sigh and slam my head onto the table. “Yeah that makes sense...sorry Ed, I’m like a kid trying to be a scientist, I’m working on things I don’t fully understand, hell the only reason I have had any success is because I’ve been using my clones to do the experimenting which leaves a lot of craters....everywhere.”

"This is why I left the bird there," Ed pointed at the parrot. "He has all my knowledge, well, previous knowledge."

“Right, I’ll try to see if I can make one, thanks for the heads up, Ed.” I tell him and my eyes widen and I pull out my newest token. “Oh before I forget here is a new token, you should keep an eye on him, he will most likely end up killing his Celestia and Luna, and here is a knife made of a special material that is useful against people that have a fast healing factor.” I send them through the watch.

"Del," Blaze cut in. "Ed is the only living being who makes the Sage Stones. Even though his Twilight, princesses, and nieces can use alchemagic He kept the way to make Stones for himself."

I lean back and sigh. “True, Damn...” I look at Ed and ask. “What do you want for one?”

"First off," Ed leaned in. "How are things going over there? Has Twilight understood my gift and started to ask questions?"

I nod and say. “She has started to study alchemy but I did give her a harsh warning of what happens if you go too far with it. As for asking questions, I’m not sure...I really should start bonding with the main six.” I trail off lost in thought.

"Del," Ed's vision narrowed. "Celestia over there is hiding A LOT of things from everyone, but especially and more importantly, you, Luna, and Twilight. I know you don't want to get on her bad side more than we've already put you but maybe you should do some digging. Especially on those humans."

I nod and tap the side of my head. “Way ahead of you I’ve been sending my clones out across the planet looking for records and any trace of what happened to them, so far it’s the same story, but one of my latest trips across the sea did find something interesting there is a magical field miles wide in the middle of the ocean. my clone didn’t go through the field but I plan on going there eventually.” 

“I’ve even had clones going into Celestia’s bedroom looking for secret rooms and stuff maybe find a diary or something but all I found was a closet full of cake...” I shudder a bit.

" Mmmm..." Ed rubbed his chin. "I wonder...." He got up and walked off. I heard rummaging in the background and another moan from Amore. Soon Ed came back with a sun-themed key. "You're looking in the wrong castle altogether. You need the bedroom in her old castle. It has a secret passage behind her dresser. This key is a copy she made for me years ago. It should work for the one in your world if it's there."

He sent it through the watch. "It'll glow when you're close to any of her secret rooms in the old place, as for payment for the Stone," A ripple appeared above his hand, and out fell a large crystal ball. "I want you to summon me for any undertaking of something to do with these subjects. Stone or Human related," He held up the stone. "It doesn't look impressive but this stone is often referred to as the Tear of a Dragon King by the dragons themselves. I can set up the generator for you in your base. The spells for I won't teach, sorry."

“I will and I would appreciate that. I do understand wanting to keep some things a secret.” I look at the dragon stone and feel my emotional flame burn hotter and just being near it my chest glows.

I look to Ed and say. “Thank you for your help, Ed, how is Rava doing? You should have had a spike in the avatar state a few days ago.”

"Yea I didn't feel that," Ed shook his head. "Like I said, I had a bit of an issue a few days ago." he scratched the back of his head.

“To make a long story simple the version of Rava I gave you was incomplete after some meditating in another displaced’s world  I was able to fully link with the avatar cycle and now everyone who I’ve given the powers to and will give the powers to will be a full avatar meaning the Rava inside you should be at full strength soon.” I inform him.

"Hmmm..." Ed nodded. "Will, I really didn't notice as I was stuck under Malice's influence, though I did awaken my Bankai and Hollowfication."

I blink then rub my chin and think to myself. ’huh maybe I could get a soul reaper’s sword.’ then I shake my head and smile. “That’s cool so when will you have time to come over and set it..” I look north and my eyes widen. “No freaking way..”

"I should be able to come over in about a week or week and a half," Ed thought. "Things should quiet down enough after the announcement of Tia and the baby and Twilight's ascension that I'll leave most of the workload to Amore and Luna. Amore has more than enough power to raise the sun with some help from Luna," Ed stroked his chin, "What's up?"

I look back to Ed with my eyes wide. “One of my clones just found what seems to be the ancient home of the ponies.” 

"Rainbow Valley," Ed cracked his neck.

“Is that what it’s called?” I ask as I think back on what my clone saw then I lift up the map and point to where it is. “The clone was around here before he poofed himself.”

"Ah Dream Valley," Ed corrected himself. "Windigo ran then out and scattered them so much that they blame each other and fought for dominance until the Unification led by Platinum. Or so the stories goes."

I nod and then say. “Even now the whole place is frozen over, good news is I can use water bending to melt the ice. My clone already tested it. But moving on so I should expect you to come over somewhere around a week?”

"Make it a week and a half two at most," he held up two fingers. "Just to be on the safe side of things. I'll come via my own means though, no summon. I want to keep this a little on the discreet side. How is Greed fairing?"

“Honestly the last time I saw him was when I saw Celestia and Luna coming over to inspect the new guard armor I made for them.” I chuckle and smirk. “I surprised them big time with full armor sets for them at an alicorn set for Twi when she is ready. But back to greed, he was mostly just standing behind Celestia, I think they are making him guard her or maybe they found out he has a new power?” I tell him then start guessing.

"Hmmm..." Ed rubbed his chin. "We may need to check on him. The only power he should have are the ultimate shield, enhanced body, and rebirth, Are the curse still visible on him, or have they faded away?"

“I was speaking of those abilities and no the curse hasn’t faded.” I get an idea and walk behind the chair and grab the gauntlet and show it to Ed. “Hey, I’m working on something tricky any on metals that can channel a huge amount of magic that I can use to link the seven gems together?”

"Uru," Ed said immediately. "It's what helps my use magic through my arm and leg."

“Alright, thanks.” I set the gauntlet down and sit down. “So anything else we should talk about before you get back to snuggling with your wives?”

"Hmmm...Watch out for a cello token, or it may be Ichigo's first zanpakuto," Ed advised. "It belongs to Asta's old friend and he's displaced as Ichigo, but as a full soul reaper."

“Oh? Huh could be interesting, maybe he could help me get one of those swords.” I think out loud and rub my chin. “Oh speaking of new displaced, I recently had myself a little Power Rangers adventure.” Chuckling I continue. “The guy summoned me and a Charizard to help him on a rescue mission to help save a few old power rangers that were captured by villains.” 

"Oh so ya met Rodger," Ed leaned back in his chair.

“Yeah, he seems to be getting along with his universe’s royal sisters.” I smirk softly. “Lucky bastard.”

"He was forced here about a week ago and helped save the Empire from Malice with some help from Spike, Shin, and Pole," Ed rubbed the back of his head. "But enough of that. I need snuggles and rest. Later."

“Alright, enjoy your night Ed.” I wave as he ends the call and I sit back and rub my face. “Well damn, looks like I won’t have dragon slayer magic for a few more weeks at the most. Oh well, next project time.”

“And what would that be?” Blaze asks me.

I open my mouth then sigh. “I don’t know yet.” I then hear a pop up so I read it and shrug. “I may as well.”

You have been invited by [unknown displaced] would you like to go?
Yes? No?

I press yes then as the portal window appears and tell blaze. “If I’m gone for a while please tell my guards where I am, and also look around for some tokens I may have missed please.”

“Sure, be safe, don’t want Ed to come only to find out you died.” Blaze said before I chuckle and head through the door.

Author's Note:

This is a crossover with The psychic demon of Equestria

The displaced that called him is not posted yet so his adventure will not be shown here sorry.