• Published 26th Nov 2019
  • 13,647 Views, 188 Comments

New Dragon In Town - Deltorix

  • ...

Chapter 3

Twilight and the rest of the elements look at me like I'm crazy while Princess Luna keeps a neutral face and Spike doesn't seem to care as he reads a comic book then Twilight asks.
"Let me get this straight; you saved a filly's life but died then some powerful being decided to give you a new body and extra powers?"

I nod and have a halfhearted smirk. "Yeah that's the jest of it, and my powers are called the Gamer, basically I'm like a walking video game character. I have health points and can get stronger by getting XP or experience, I can also learn anything very easily if it is in a skill book like this one here." I pull the spell book from my inventory and make a light glare at Luna. "And I'm not giving this book up I earned it."

Princess Luna looks at the spell book and stiffens, grabbing the book out of my hand in her magic. "This is dream magic, how did you get such a book?" She glares at me and I grab the book out of her magical hold.

"I got it from a event dungeon I was forced into, I had to fight a fake Nightmare Moon and it was very hard so don't even think about taking my reward." I tell Luna then when Twilight starts glaring at me I put the book back in my inventory and say. "Look I don't mean any disrespect but imagine you work hard to defeat a bad guy and they drop a special gem that you need for something but then somebody comes over and takes it saying it's theirs."

They think over what I say then Twilight looks to applejack and asks. "Applejack; is he telling the truth?" Applejack sighs and nods as if she doesn't believe me but can tell I'm speaking truthfully.

"I have a hard time believing it but he hasn't lied to us yet. I have a question for you, why don't you look too broken up about losing your family?" Applejack asks with a suspicious glare.

"Well it's because of two reasons. First off; I didn't have any family left to miss me, and secondly; it’s because of one of my skills, it's called Gamer's Mind and it suppresses my emotions to the point I don't panic or get distracted. I still feel them it's just easier to focus on what I need to do." I answer to the best of my ability and they think it over.

Then Pinkie pie asks, "do you really like chocolate or was that a lie?" She looks at me suspiciously and gets very close.

I chuckle and gently push her back, "yes I do like chocolate but thanks to Gamer’s Body I don't need to eat or sleep."

Twilight seems to get a idea but before she can say anything Rainbow Dash asks, "How do we know you don't plan on taking over Equestria once your strong enough?" She crosses her forelegs as she hovers near her friends.

"Honestly I don't know what to tell you. Like I said earlier; my emotions don't have control of my decisions so the only reason I can see myself trying to take over Equestria is if Celestia, Luna and Cadence all disappear and the nobles are being stupid, but I can tell you I don't want to rule over anyone ruling may seem fun but it is a ton of work. Isn't that right; princess Luna?" I finish my little speech with a question for Luna.

Luna sigh a small sigh and nods. "Indeed he speaks truthfully. Ruling is not fun and games my friends." They seem to think things over then Rarity speaks up.

"Darling if you’re from another world; would you be willing to show me some designs from your people?" She asks while looking like a business mare.

"Hmm well I wasn't that into fashion but with my store ability I could buy you some dresses and suits and magazines showing some off and not just from my old world and please they aren't my people anymore I'm a dragon now and Equestria is my home." I finish with a kind smile she thinks it over and nods.

Next to everyone's surprise Fluttershy speaks up as much as she can while hiding behind Applejack, "Um mister dragon.. what were your people like.. I mean your old life sorry."

I chuckle softly and smile at her shyness then rub my neck, "Well the best way I can describe them is... Living harmony, both order and chaos at the same time." I am then interrupted by Twilight as she stands up.

"That doesn't make any sense how can something be both chaotic and harmonious?!" I see her mane start to go wild so I hold up my hands to calm her down and I notice the rest of the mane six confused but Luna seems interested.

"Easy Twilight I'll explain the best I can. Now I said that they are both orderly and chaotic; not harmonious and chaotic. You see the way I understand it; is harmony is the balance between order and chaos not too much of one or the other for example the Everfree's weather you see-" I'm cut off by Rainbow dash this time.

"Horse apples! The Everfree is completely chaotic!" She throws her hooves up into the air.

"As I was saying," glares at Rainbow then continues, "the weather may seem chaotic at first glance but if you watch it long enough you can see a pattern. The order within the chaos, it's how they are able to predict the weather to a extent, they study what effects the weather like temperature, humidity, and wind speed and probably more all those small things come together to make the weather, heat makes the water evaporate, then the water gas rises into the sky and comes together to form clouds once there is enough water in the cloud it starts to rain..." I scratch my cheek, "at least that's the simple version. I wasn't a Meteorologist."

They seem confused but both Rainbow Dash and Luna seem to understand, then Fluttershy speaks up again a bit more confident, "Oh that's nice b-but um could you tell us what they were like? If you don't mind that it is."

I smile then think for a minute then say, "Alright let's see well they are bipedal, they don't have fur at least not to the same exact as you ponies, they are omnivores, and they have no magic so they focus on science and technology."

Twilight seems to perk up at the mention of science but I decide to show them something, "I don't know about you but I would like something to eat so how about I show you something cool." I smirk and open my store and hope that what I want is there and grin when I see the list of SCP's for sale then I buy one and it materialized in a bunch of pixels.

"Um dude what's with the weird box?" Rainbow asks and she floats closer to it.

I chuckle and point to it. "This is SCP 458; also know as the Infinite Pizza Box. Just touch it and your favorite pizza will appear inside it." At the uncomprehending stares I smile and gesture at it. "It's food, just tap it and open the box."

They are a bit hesitant but it's actually Fluttershy who steps forward and touches the box then when she opens it there is a nice hot and fresh cheese pizza and everyone 'ooooh'ed Fluttershy smiles and tries it and smiles more. "It's good try some everyone."

They all take some, even Luna then I smile and while they eat I wait for them to finish but Twilight asks her questions. "Can you give somepony else your gamer powers? What kind of technology did your people have? Can I study your powers?"

I chuckle and smile at Twilight's energy then say. "Look; I'll try to show you my powers and when I get a new spell book I'll let you copy it before I use it for example." I take the dream magic spell out from my inventory.

New Skill Dream Magic
Dream Magic allow the user to control their own dreams perfectly and travel to other people's dreams or invite them into your own dreams
Costs 10 MP per minute to visit other dreams and host other's within your own, however it will cost 1000 MP per minute to force others to stay asleep while in their mind.
Do you wish to learn this skill?
Yes? No?

Making sure they are watching when I tap yes and the book turns to energy and flows into me. Twilight's eyes widen and she jumps over the table. "What did you do?!"

I gently hold her back, "I used the book. When I use one it becomes energy and I absorb it to learn the skills within it."

I sigh at Twilight's hurt look and say. "Look how about this from now on whenever I get a new spell book I let you read and copy it before I learn it."

Twilight thinks about that then nods smiling then she looks at the clock and gasps. "Princess, it's time for the foals to give you the candy! We have to go!"

I watch them leave but I stay in side and I groan and sit back. 'ugh that was stressful but at least they are satisfied for now... Now let's see what I can do to make sure I'm prepared for anything.'

I open my store and am happy to see its working again so I think to myself as I look through it. 'If I could be forced into a event dungeon at anytime I need to be ready for just about anything so let's see oh yes these skills will work wonderfully. '

I chuckle and buy a stack of books just as all four of my guards are walking in. "Where the buck did all those books come from?" Crimson asks in a demanding way.

"They came from my store ability. Now then if I'm lucky I can give you some abilities to help keep up with me." I then pick up the books.

New Skill: Death Beam
This technique was mastered by Freeza, the user shot a focused beam of Ki at a target from their finger. Needs a minimum of 100 ki to fire and can put in up to 500 ki to increase the damage.
Would you like to learn?
Yes? No?

New Skill: Earth Bending
Earth bending allows the user to control any form of rock and earth this skill does not need any energy to use so long as there is some form of earth near by. However the user can use MP to make earth if there is no bendable earth near by.
Would you like to learn?
Yes? No?

New Skill: Air Bending
Air bending allows the user to control any form of Air. this skill does not need any energy to use so long as there is some form of Air near by. However the user can use MP to make Air if there is no bendable Air near by.
Would you like to learn?
Yes? No?

New Skill: Fire Bending
Fire bending allows the user to control any form of fire. this skill does not need any energy to use so long as there is some form of Fire near by. However the user can use MP to make fire if there is no bendable fire near by.
Would you like to learn?
Yes? No?

New Skill: Water Bending
Water bending allows the user to control any form of water. this skill does not need any energy to use so long as there is some form of water near by. However the user can use MP to make water if there is no bendable water near by.
Would you like to learn?
Yes? No?

New Skill: Spirit Gun
This skill allows the user to shoot a focused beam of spirit energy that can damage spirit-like enemies. This skill takes 500 spirit energy points to fire and add but to 1000 spirit energy for max damage.
Would you like to learn?
Yes? No?

New Skill: Esper telekinesis
This skill is powered by esper energy. With it the user can lift and manipulate anything within range with their mind. Takes a minimum amount of 1 SP to lift one pound of weight.
Would you like to learn?
Yes? No?

After they all turn to energy and flow into me I get two more pop ups and I read them while listening to my guards. "What do you think he's going to give us?" Bronze asks.

New Energy Unlocked: energy Ki
Ki is determined by strength and recharges at a rate of 1% per minute for every ten points in strength.
Ki can be used for many skills and can be very destructive.

"How should I know but whatever he gives us better not kill us or I'll make sure he is locked away." That time was the voice of Crimson.

New Energy Unlocked: Esper power.
Esper powers are a form of psychic energy that has many forms. Esper points [ESP] are determined by Intelligence and recharge at a rate of 1% per minute for every ten points in wisdom.

"Maybe he isn't so bad, Crimson. I mean...he always comes back and he is giving us powers." I look up after I finish just as Lilly says that.

New Energy Unlocked: spiritual power
Spiritual power is the strength of the players soul. Spiritual power [SPI] is determined by wisdom and recharges on its own by a rate of 1% for every ten points in wisdom.

"Yeah; but he should take us with him whenever he disappears! I mean what if he is planning something behind our backs or if he gets hurt and we aren’t there to try to protect him!? It’s our jobs on the line!" Crimson yells at her sister.

Sub Skill Acquired: Spiritual pressure
This skill allows the player to release their spiritual energy out around them in a way that others can feel it pressing down on them slowing their movements, instilling fear, and knocking out weak enemies.

"Come on Crimson, give the guy a break. I mean yeah, he bucked up but from what we saw it was sudden for him and he may not have had time to get us or something." I hear Silver try to calm her down and once I read the last window I swipe it away and finally speak.

New Title Unlocked: Avatar
This title belongs only to those who have control over the four elements Earth, Water, Fire, and Air. When this title is equipped the holder may access the Avatar state in this state all bending power is doubled and it takes no energy to make the desired elements. There are two ways to tap into the avatar state, the first is to be in a life threatening situation, and the second way is through meditation. though this way has a time limit of 5 minutes.

"I honestly don't care why you seem to hate me Crimson but I keep my word. Now let's test if ponies can learn how to bend." I say grinning then hold out a hand. "Now one of you come forward and I'll give you a power."

They look at each other a bit nervous but Crimson is the first to walk up but glares at me daring me to hurt her.

I just smirk and move my hand over her head and say. "Teach fire bending to Crimson Moon." My hand glows and so does Crimson I watch as she takes a breath and her eyes widen then she backs up.

"I..I know how to fire bend now...the information on the basics were just put into my head! How did you do that?!"

"I used my teaching skill it lets me teach any skills I know to others." I tell her the wave over Lily and hold my hand over her.

"As for you, I'd say water bending. Teach Night Lilly water bending." Again my hand glows then so does she for a minute then she gasps.

I smile and both Bronze and Silver rush up smiling like kids in a candy store making me chuckle and hold both my hands out over them and say. "Teach Bronze Shield air bending and Silver Shield earth bending."

Again my hands glow and then my friends glow as they learn the skill. "Well with that out of the way why don't you for go into a I.D. To practice your new abilities while I do some meditation."

They look at each other and talk it over then Crimson and Lily come forward and sit down in the chairs. "Nice try. They can practice while we watch you."

I shrug and I sit down on the floor and close my eyes as I start to meditate and after hours of meditation I open my eyes and look around seeing both my guards asleep and a screen.

Quest complete
First part: Meet Princess Celestia, [Complete] rewards 500 XP and 50 bits
Second part: Meet the Mane Six, [Complete] rewards 600XP and 600 Bits
Third part: Make friends, [Complete] Rewards 1000 XP and 1000 bits for each friend [4]
Fourth part: Get a job, [Complete] Rewards 500 XP and 1000 bits
Fifth part: Get a home, [failed] Rewards ????

I sigh slightly then swipe the screen away then I check to see how much of my power as recharged. 'ok good I have enough chakra to make some clones.' I think to myself.
I make a few clones and have them all start reading different books from medical to historical and even some on magic while I set up my game system and TV then start playing Brutal Legend.

After a clone finishes the book he is reading he disappears and all that information goes into my head and I make a new clone to continue I keep doing this till I have almost beaten the game then I look up as the sun is starting to rise but after remembering that Princess Luna and Twilight already saw my clones I decide to continue.

Then I'm surprised when after I finish the game when a new screen pops up.

Congratulations for finishing [Brutal Legend]
By finishing this game you can sacrifice the saved data for that game for a reward
Would you like to sacrifice your saved data?
Yes? No?

I tap yes then jump back as a familiar battle axe appears in pixels then falls and slams into the ground waking everyone up.

"Where the buck did that come from?!" I hear Crimson yell then I look over to her and smile sheepishly.

"Um I kinda got it for beating a video game?" I explain but end in a questioningly way a little embarrassed.

I turn back and pull the axe out of the wooden floor and smile at it. It feels a bit heavy but I can handle it easily so I put it into my inventory then think to myself. 'if I can get rewards from beating video games then I should play more games. My clones should do for that but what games should I consider?'

I open a screen and look through the store for video games and buy more video games and systems then I make a few clones. "Ok men take this equipment into a I.D. And start playing as many games as possible. You know which ones first."

My clones salute then grab the TV and game systems and games then go into a instant dungeon and I turn to a gobsmacked Crimson.

I shrug and then look to Lilly. "You mind picking her up and help take her to my new job?" After she nods I smile then head to the music shop.

I walk through the town and look around as the ponies are setting up their market stands then I get to the music shop and see it is open so I go inside and wave at Vinyl. When I see her, she smiles and walks up to me but then slams me against the wall with her magic and pulls out a knife.

"Do you think I'm stupid? I saw you using your vampire powers out in public! Who are you really?!" She looks very serious and ready to kill me if I don't answer her.

I quickly peek at the door not seeing my guards and curse in my head then look back at her. "Whoa whoa whoa I'm not a vampire. I can explain everything but first; let's just put the blade away." I watch as she is inching the blade closer but I aim my finger at it and say quietly. "Death beam."

A small beam of energy fires out of my finger and breaks the knife shocking Vinyl long enough for me to break free of her grasp and get some distance.

"Ok now listen. I'm not a vampire. I don't know what powers you think I have but I don't have any vampiric skills so can we not try to kill each other?" I explain to her she gives me a hard look then takes her shades off and her eyes glow red.

"I order you to tell me the truth." She says but then steps back when I just rise a eyebrow.

"H-how did you resist my hypnosis? You shouldn't be able to resist unless your as old as me or older."

"Sorry to break it to you Vinyl but I'm not a vampire and my mind is protected from any mental influence." I walk up and pick up the broken knife and look it over before I open my store and look through it for a replacement.

"H-hey what are you doing with my knife?!" Vinyl steps back and lights her horn getting ready for anything.

"I'm getting a replacement I didn't mean to break it; just knock it out of your magic." I say then I smile when I find a good copy and buy it and it materializes in a bunch of pixels on the floor and Vinyl jumps back.

"What the buck? Where did that come from?" She says as she points at it but when I don't say anything just hold the blade out to her she sighs and picks both up in her magic and looks both over then gasps.

"Sweet Celestia is this pure silver?!" She looks up shocked.

I chuckle and smirk. "Yeah it wasn't that much and I owed you for breaking your knife."
Vinyl looks between me and her new knife then back to me and ends up sighing and puts them both away somewhere. "Damn...looks like I was wrong you’re no vampire. Sorry for attacking you."

I wave it off and smile. "It's no problem I'm guessing from your reaction that you are use to fighting other vampires so it's completely understandable."

Vinyl shrugs then sighs. "Yeah it's annoying but I mean what can you do right? Um...you don't mind keeping this to yourself right?"

I smirk and nod and hold out a hand. "Sure just don't threaten me without evidence of me doing something wrong next time."

We laugh and she shakes my hand then I look around and scratch my head, Vinyl notices and asks. "Hey what's up you look like something is bugging you."

"Yeah I have two guards with me but the one time my life is actually in danger and they are no where to be seen." I say but Vinyl starts giggling behind a hoof

when I look at her with a raised eyebrow she talks. "Ok ok calm down. They didn't abandon you big guy. They are just in the real world while we are in a illusionary barrier."

My eyes widen and I start laughing while thinking. 'oh wow HE sent me to a world that is similar to the original gamer's universe ha ha.' I smile and look down at vinyl and say. "Let me guess your apart of the abyss?"

Her eyes widen enough that I can see the edges around her shades. "How the hay do you know about the abyss?!"

I chuckle and rub the back of my neck. "I know of it; but technically haven't stepped into it personally. Oh by the way, I have two guards that ware following me so you'll have to explain to them how and why I disappeared in front of them."

She sighs and rubs her face. "Ugh great, fine. Let’s get out of here and get this over with."
She lights her horn and the illusion barrier shatters around us bringing us back to the real world and my guards run up.

"What happened to you? You just disappeared out of nowhere." Lilly asked me and I sigh and clap my hands getting both Crimson and Lilly to look at me then watch Vinyl use her powers on them.

"You will not remember this dragon disappearing only him walking into the store and meeting me." she puts her shades on and the two mares in front of us blink and snap out of it.

"So this is where you are going to work huh?" Crimson asks me.

I nod and smirk as I walk over to vinyl. "So boss what is my first job?"

She rubs her chin then smirks and points to the back. "Why don't you use that dragon strength to move some of the bigger instruments to the display floor?"

I nod and wave my guards off and get to work starting with the harp and when I pick it up I grunt and slowly move to the display floor and set it down and continue working like this for the next few hours.

After I finish moving a piano with the help of my shadow clones I look over and see Vinyl reading something and looking annoyed, so I walk over and ask. "What's bugging you boss?"

"Huh?" She looks up and sighs rubbing her face. "Well I just got a note from my stocker saying to expect him at my next show in Manehattan."

She groans and sets the note down. I think and decide to act like I don't know her story. "You have a stocker? Aren't you just a store owner?"

She looks at me a bit shocked then shakes her head. "Right you’re from outside Equestria. I'm also a DJ dude a very popular one ....hmmm say do you have any plans for the next few days?"

"Well…not that I can think of. I have a few ideas of things I should do but they can be done later. Why; what's up?" I say to her while looking at her.

"Great then you can be my bodyguard for my next show!" She says and turns around to go back behind the counter.

"Wha-" I sputter surprised then finally say. "What?! Why do you need a bodyguard your..." I look around then grumble seeing a few ponies around the store. "You are you I'm sure you could handle anyone."

She looks back at me annoyed and says. "That may be true but I don't want to let my secret out you get me?"

I nod and sigh then say. "Alright I'll be here tomorrow. Mind if I go home early to get ready for anything?"

She shrugs and says. "Sure dude it's almost closing time anyway see you tomorrow at the train station at 5pm!" She then goes and helps the last customer and I rub my neck as I walk out seeing Crimson and Lilly at a restaurant I walk over and wave.

"Jobs done. Got plans for the next few days you two coming or are all four of you coming?” I ask them and they think about it for a minute.

"I think the two of us can watch you for a few days." Lilly says and I notice she is practicing her water bending with her glass of water.

"Alright. Well ladies, I'm going back to the tree house to get ready for the trip tomorrow see ya." I tell them then head to the library while thinking.

'I have the power to learn any skill. Is it possible that I can make my own?' I get to the library and step inside calling out but no one answers. 'good.'

I then sit in the middle of the tree and just as I'm about to try to make a powerful new skill I get a new pop up.

congratulations on completing [Star Wars the Force Unleashed] by completing this game you can sacrifice it's saved data for a reward would you like to sacrifice the saved data?
Yes? No?

I tap yes and the screen closes and in a shower of pixels a blue cube falls into my lap I pick it up and grin when I see it is a holocron that acts as a skill book.

New Skill: Force Push/ Grab/ Pull
This skill allows the player to use the force to push, grab, or pull other objects or even people.
Would you like to learn?
Yes? No?

I tap yes right away and the holocron opens up and light fills me before it is sucked inside me too and I read the next pop up.

New Energy Unlocked: the Force
The force is what gives a Jedi their power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds the galaxy together.
The force is determined by wisdom and has a automatic recharge rate of 2% for every 10 points in wisdom.

I smirk and then close my eyes finding each of the energies inside me and try moving them to my eyes while meditating.

P.O.V. Crimson moon

"I'm telling you Lilly he is dangerous. We should tell Luna everything he has shown us so far." I tell her as we start walking from the restaurant to the library.

"I know he is strange and is getting stronger but he hasn't made any trouble so far Crimson. And I know you don't like dragons after what happened to father;but still give him a chance please?" She says to me and I sigh and look down.

"Fine. But the moment he hurts a pony I'm getting the princess to banish him." We get to the library and see the dragon sitting on the floor with his legs crossed and eyes closed. I can see his magic focused on his eyes but I don't understand what he is doing.

We watch him and see different looking energy around his eyes then he suddenly gasp and grabs his head and starts screaming in pain and falls onto his side as we rush up to him.

"What the buck is happening?!" I ask him while trying to hold him down and look at his eyes seeing them slowly change from Amber gold to a deep blue.

"T-trying to m-make new power aaahh!" He says then yells as his pupils start changing growing into the shape of a six pointed star then once it stops he passes out.

I look at Lilly and then open one of his eyes to see it back to normal then sigh and say. "Write a report and add in a request for Princess Luna to check on his dreams. I'll put him in the bed."
I then pick him up onto my back and carry him to the bed downstairs and set him in it and sigh.

P.O.V. Deltorix

When I open my eyes I see a blue sky and sit up to see a grassy field in every direction I get confused and call out my stats and see that I am actually asleep, then I check my skills to see if I got a new skill.

Skill: Kamigami no sugata (active & passive)
Next level:0%
This skill is a ocular ability created by Deltorix, the user can see through solid objects up to 5 feet and the players field of vision is expanded to 240° in every direction.
Costs 500 points from all energies for the first minute then a additional 100 points for each minute after that.

I chuckle closing the window while I stand up and charge magic in my hand about to try something when I feel something trying to enter my mind. I look up as a moon appears and Luna enters.

"Hello Princess Luna good to see you again.” I say to her then I look at my hand debating with myself trying to decide if I should try my next experiment.

"It is good to see you well too young dragon, I am here because th-" she clears her throat. "Your guards have informed me that you were doing something and passed out after screaming in pain could you please inform me as to what happened?"

"Ah yes that was a experiment trying to combine my different energies in my eyes trying to give me a new ability and it worked, I'll explain a bit more later in a letter if you wish but right now I'm going to try to do something else that I can only do while asleep." I explain to Luna.

She is quiet and looks thoughtful but then she says. "Interesting young dragon. Pray tell what are you going to try to do now?"

I look at Luna then sigh softly. "I'm going to try to awaken a keyblade. If it works, I'll have a powerful weapon of light to help keep my home and friends safe. Now if you'll excuse me." I turn from her and lift my hand and close my eyes then snap my fingers putting thought and magic into action as the grassy field is replaced with a endless ocean then I lean backwards till I fall into the water and dive deep into the water. When I open my eyes it's pitch black except for a large round stain glass image of me asleep resting with pixels around me and smaller pictures of the ponies I call friends around the image's head.

I flip over and lean on my feet then look around smiling then hear a voice but forget what it sounds like after I hear it.

"Choose your destiny: the sword to strike down evil, the shield to protect the innocent or the wand to spread magic across the world." The three items named appear in order on pedestals.

I think then walk to the wand and grab it, it glows and the pedestal sinks into shadows then I hear the voice again.

"You have chosen the wand which will you give up?"

I look between them then tap the shield and then it and it's pedestal sinks into the shadows while the sword disappears and its pedestal sinks.

"What is all this?" I hear Luna's voice and turn around wide eyed.

"Princess? How are you here? This is my heart." She seems surprised by this then suddenly there is a light at the edge of the stained glass platform and it moves away forming a walk way out of more stained glass.

"It doesn't matter that you’re here now, Luna. I have to keep going stay or leave I don't care but don't interfere." I then start walking up the path and hear Luna's hoof steps behind me.

Once we make it to the next stained glass platform it is that of Spike showing images of Twilight, her friends and gems making me chuckle softly but I stop when I see small shadow heartless come up out of the floor then I get a pop up and read it quickly then grin.

New Skill Learned
New skill: Fire
Fire is the most basic of final fantasy black magic it launches a fire ball at the target and does burn damage.
Costs 10 MP for each fire ball.

I run towards the shadows and aim my wand at them. "Fire…fire…fire!" I cast fire over and over hitting one of the shadows over and over they start running at me but I keep my distance and make sure I'm their only target.

One jumps high trying to get on top of me but I blast him with the fire ball making it disappear in black smoke but while I was watching that one the rest flattened down into 2-dimensional shadows and moved fast around me.

"Damn I hate when they do this." I say then I hear Luna's wings flapping and look up.

"What are these things and why do they feel wrong?" She asks and starts to land but one of the shadows jumps out of the ground trying to claw her but I use fire again and burn it.

"They are called heartless. Think of them as living darkness that only want to spread that darkness." The rest come up and try to attack me together but I jump up and aim my wand down and cast fire over and over blasting them with so much fire they are all destroyed.

"So they are evil? We shall help thou vanquish them!" She says starting to light up her horn.

"No, Luna this is my test. I must pass it alone if I am to awaken my keyblade." I tell her and when no more shadows come I sigh softly and another pathway is made.

"Tell me young dragon why do you wish to have this...keyblade...you don't plan on using it for dark intensions do you?" She says getting between me and the pathway.

I rub my face annoyed at how paranoid ponies are. "No I'm not going to try to take over the world or anything. I'm just worried of powerful threats like Discord or..." I look at her then look away not wanting to hurt her feelings.

"Others.. Look Luna I promise I am not evil and I'll prove it, I cross my heart," I cross my chest with a finger. "Hope to fly," I flap my hands like wings. “Stick a cupcake in my eye." I then make a fist and go to place it over my eye but my eye is too slow closing and my fist was moving too fast and I poke my eye. "Ow."

-1 damage taken

"What...was that supposed to be?" She asks confused.

I grumble and rub my eye. "A Pinkie promise and you can brake a Pinkie promise, because braking a promise is the fastest way to lose a friend-" I'm cut off as Pinkie pops up out from behind one of my wings.

"foooooreeeeeeever." then she slowly sinks back behind my wing and disappears as I flap my wings and she is gone.

'Just don't think about it.' I think then look to Luna who looks a bit worried. "That was just Pinkie being Pinkie. Even I know not to question her, oh while I have you here mind if I ask for a favor?"

We both start walking up the pathway now and Luna snaps out of it and speaks. "I suppose so but I will not promise anything."

I nod and smile. "Smart policy, anyway I was hoping for two things, first I'd like to meet princess Cadence, and second if possible I'd like access to all the books you have on runes. It's a interesting subject that has peeked my interest."

She looks at me a bit worried. "Runes are a dangerous magic that is very hard to understand and one mistake could get you killed."

I nod softly. "I can understand the risk but I want to learn it...hmm tell you what how about a deal I work on special armor for your solar and lunar guards out of special metals."

She looks at me and asks. "You know how to forge armor? That is a hard skill to master young dragon."

"I know forging is difficult but I can do it. Just give me a few weeks and I should be able to have a few working models for you to inspect." I tell her making a plan then we get to the next stained glass platform.

"Hmmm it is a interesting deal. Very will; make these test models and if we are impressed we shall order more and give you access to the knowledge of runes." Just as Luna finished talking both our shadows start stretching forward to the middle of the platform.

"Crap! Looks like your part of the test now Luna!" I growl and grip the wand tighter.

Luna's shadow starts growing up out of the floor and turns into Nightmare Moon but her eyes are just glowing yellow and she has no mouth and her cutie mark is the heartless symbol.

And my shadow grows into a Darkside; a massive heartless with a huge heart shaped whole in its chest and glowing yellow eyes that are wrapped up in curly tentacle like hair.

"What is Nightmare Moon doing here?!" Luna says shocked and flaps her wings and gets into the air.

"That isn't the real one Luna! Just destroy it with magic while I fight the darkside!" I run at it and start firing fire magic at it.

I see the darkside lift its fist and swing it at me but I jump on top of its fist then run up its arm then once I get to it's head I start swinging the wand like a sword hitting it over and over.

I see its hand coming up to grab me so I jump off and use the fire spell hitting it over and over and I look over to check on Luna to see her on her side as her heartless is running at her horn aimed to stab her.

My eyes widen and I run over and get between them just in time. "I won't let you hurt her!"

I can see sparks of light sparking around my wand while I push against it's horn, then I roar as I push harder and knock it back and the wand shines brightly then it turns into a red keyblade with wings as the hand guard and a dragons claw reaching out and a dragon’s head forming the teeth, and finally the keychain is the head a dragon with flames coming from the mouth.

"Thank you young dragon. She is stronger then I thought." Luna says while standing up I nod then look between the darkside and the Nightmare Moon heartless.

"Want to switch partners?" I ask her and look back at her she nods and flies up to the darkside and I rush up to the heartless pony and cut it across its chest then kick it away and aim the tip at it and yells. "FIRE!" Sending a massive fire ball at it and destroying it.

I look over to see Luna busting the darkside with magic enough to knock it over so I rush over to it's head and stab it over and over till it is destroyed as well.

I sigh and look over at Luna as she lands and say. "Well done Princess. That was a new experience for me and it worked. I got my new keyblade now!" I say happily and show her the blade then the world starts shaking.

"We believe you are waking up." She says and a moon appears and she starts flying to it.

"Bye princess Luna. Please send me a letter if you accept my deal!" I yell up at her unsure if she even heard me as the whole world starts to brighten.

Then I yawn and wake up sitting up in a bed in the basement of the library.

I get up and stretch then hold out a hand and after a few seconds I summon a keyblade and grin then use observe on it.

Name: Dragon’s Fury
Information: Dragon’s Fury is a keyblade that focuses the welders magic into physical damage and it only chooses draconic welders.



I nod and smile looking at Dragons fury. "Thank you for choosing me Dragon’s Fury. I'll do my best to make you proud."

I then dismiss the keyblade and go upstairs to see all my guards asleep and spike in the kitchen. "Hey Spike, mind if I help?"

He jumps and looks back holding his chest. "Geez you scared me dude, and sure you can help."

"Sorry about scaring you and cool I'll make the food for my guards while you handle Twilight and yourself." I then start cooking and get a cooking skill and smile.

After a few minutes we both finish and set the table then I smirk and tap Spike and tell him to cover his ears then take a deep breath before letting out a loud roar waking everyone else up.

After a few minutes they all come into the kitchen and I chuckle while Spike laughs. "Breakfast is ready everyone. Eat up." They grumble and start eating while I move into the main library.

'Ok I have a keyblade now and the fire spell, although I know zero healing abilities. Time to fix that.' I then open my store seeing I don't have much money left and find medical ninjutsu buying it.

New skill: medical ninjutsu
This skill allows the user to heal others using their chakra to speed up the healing process. Costs 75 chakra per minute while active.
Would you like to learn?
Yes? No?

Then make twenty clones and have most start farming money and five practice water bending healing and another five focus on medical ninjutsu.

I leave them to do that getting the skills easily and just focus on leveling them up, and while they do that I then go into a I.D. and go outside then look at my hands. "Time to get some crowd control attacks."

I then hold out my hand and focus my ki into a ball once it is made I fire it and it hits town hall and explodes destroying half the building.

New Skill Learned
Skill: Ki ball.
This skill let's the user to fire a ball of Ki that explodes when it makes contact with anything other then other Ki attacks.
Costs 10 Ki at a minimum and 100 at maximum.

"Good a basic Ki skill now let's try something everyone tries at least once." I chuckle then cup my hands and move them to my side and slightly behind me and start sending Ki to my hands making a blue ball a Ki.

"KA, MA, HA, MA, HA!!" I fire it into the Everfree and carve a trench and laugh as I get the new skill.

New Skill Learned
Skill: Kamehameha wave.
The Kamehameha wave was made by Master Roshi and is a focused beam of Ki blasted through two hands.
Costs 100 Ki at a minimum and 500 at maximum.

I nod and then return to normal space and walk inside, seeing Twilight getting ready to go somewhere and my guards sitting around talking.

Sub-skill learned.
Sub-skill: Water bending healing.
This skill allows the player to heal others using water bending to speed up their healing.
Costs 100 MP per minute of use.

"Hey guys how are you four holding up?" Just before they answer I get a pop up and read it.

You have been invited by [unknown displaced] would you like to join?
Yes? No?

I look up and say. "Crimson, Lilly get up we are going out. Silver, Bronze; mind getting me a map with information on all the different shops around Ponyville, for me." I tap yes and the doorway screen opens and I open the door the two of them follow me quickly and the three of us leave closing the door.

P.O.V. 3rd person, golden oak library

"Awww I wanted to go with him so I could study wherever he goes." Silver says.

Bronze sighs and turns to the door. "Come on let's go get that map."

Author's Note:

Yes I had lots of pop ups in this chapter but it is because I needed him to get these skills as soon as possible. If you had his powers wouldn't you do the same thing?